My character and her companion by 8catpaws

Artist 8catpaws [gallery]
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My character and her companion

Postby 8catpaws » Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:41 am

This is Kitra my character. She is a kind-hearted girl and always puts others before herself and has a high pain threshold. She is the queen of a country i made up called Hollandia. She was the third in line for the throne. Hollandia is a country filled with all sorts of magical beings! She never stays in the castle and is always among her people. They call her the Peacock Princess because she has a tail she made out of her pet peacock's feathers. She is a master swordsman and is known all over her world because of that. Kitra is what the people call a 'song'. In her world, there have only been and are 5. The fifth has yet to come to light in this part of the story. There is a prophecy about the fifth. It reads, "The fifth song shall come to light when he or she is confronted by another song, who is their true love." When Kitra found out she was a song, she recieved a gift of a locket with a picture of her true love. All songs recieve a locket and even if they do not know the person yet, it shows their true love. This is where the true story begins.

Next to Hollandia is the country of Biraz (made it up for my story). The king is gone and the first born prince is dead. The only two royals left are Prince Orchello and Prince Belca. The council elders killed the crown prince and the king. Now we go into the present day. Belca is wandering around the city walls like usual. Kitra is on her way into the city to go to the castle to talk to Orchello about an alliance with Hollandia. The only things she brought were her cloack, her jacket, her tail, a bag of food and water, her sword, and her beloved wolf puppy, Chimaru. She was going the back way when she saw someone surrounded by five men with their swords drawn. They were going to kill that person! The person had black hair, royal clothes, and the primrose whcih showed he was in line for the thrown. It was Belca! She slipped off her boots, jacket, and cloak, then drew her sword. She leaped and shoved Belca out of the way. Three of the men had already made a slash at Belca, but instead, they hit Kitra. One hit her in the arm, another across her whole leg, and the other across her stomach. Kitra stumbled for a moment and then regained her balance. One of the men said, "How cute! The little girl thinks she can beat us and save the prince!" He then laughed adn so did the others. Kitra smerked and said with a funny tone to her voice, "I'm not a little girl. I am Kirta Kitarunaki, Queen of Hollandia and I shall save this boy's life!" THe men stopped laughing when they realized who she was. There was a slight paused then Kitra leaped up and hooked her foot on one of the men's sword's hilts and pulled it toward her, while shoving the man with the other foot. She then grabbed the hilt of the man's sword and stabbed him. Two of the other men advanced and she leaped aside while they ended up stabbing each other. The last two fought her until she shoved one down then tripped the other, allowing him to fall on his commrad's sword. The last man passed out and Kitra went ahead and stabbed him. She then got up and walked over to Belca.

Apparently when she wasn't looking, one of the men had stabbed him in the shoulder. He said, "Ahhhh! My shoulder hurts! But, who are you? And why did you save me?" Kitra smiled and replied, "My name is Kitra Kitarunaki, Queen of Hollandia. And the reason i saved you was because all people deserve to live. And I also need you alive not dead!" Kitra laughed at herself then called out, "Chimaru! Chimaru! CHIMARU!? Where are you!?" Belca stared and Kitra then asked, "Who is Chimaru?" Kitra heard a noise in the bushes and replied to Belca while walking to the bush, "This is Chimaru. My Beloved wolf puppy." She bet into the bushes and picked up Chimaru and held him up. Belca smiled and laughed when Chimaru wiggled out of Kitra's arms. He ran straight into Belca and started licking him. Belca cheered up a bit and said, "Well there is a hospital room at the Palace. Let's head over there and can you help me up?" Kitra smiled again and said, "Sure, but first, can you pass me my boots? They are on your left." Belca laughed and tossed her her boots. Kitra shifted to Belca's right so that he wouldn't have to use his bad shoulder. Belca suddenly remembered, "Kitra! You almost forgot you jacket and cloak!" He walked over to where they were and bent over to pick them up. He then tossed them to Kitra and she put on the jacket. SHe then walked back over to Belca and handed him the cloak saying, "My jacket and tail cover up all my wounds. You better put on this so we don't draw too much attention." When Belca looked at the cloak, he opened his mouth to protest, but Kitra then caught him and said, "It is not a Ladies' cloak. My older brother gave it to me before he passed away. It was one of his traveling cloaks." Belca then slides on the cloak, takes Kitra's hand and says, "Come on! Let's go already!" Belca then notices that when he was holding Kitra's hand, her locket glowed red. Belca didn't say anything but instead, he put a rope around Chimaru. Kitra looked at him with a puzzled expression then asked, "What is that for?" Belca smiled and replied, "In Biraz, all pets must be kept on a leash or halter while in the market place and village." Kitra rolled her eyes and took the leash.

They walked for about 30 minutes before they reached the castle. The guards stopped them until they noticed that it was Belca. The two walked inside and met up with Orchello. He said, "Hello brother, and who did you bring with you?" Belca laughed and said, "This is Kitra Kitarunaki, Queen of Hollandia, and the person who just saved my life." Orchello's eyes wided when he heard this. He then said, "Come with me." Kitra and Belca Followed Orchello into his room. He made Belca sit across from him. Orchello then said, "What happened?" Belca and Kitra explained the whole story and showed him their wounds and Kitra felt something weird in her chest so when she looked down at the wound on her stomach she was in for a surprise. She whispered in a very shakey voice, "They stabbed me in the chest." The sword was just in front of her rib cage so only muscles were hurt. She then fainted to the ground. Orchello then said, "Grab her! We need to get her to the hospital fast! She's losing a lot of blood!" Belca picked up Kitra, even though his shoulder was hurt, and then he ran for the hospital room of the castle. When they got there, Orchello said, "Belca, Take off her tail and put her in the pool of water over there, so we can was off everything and to be able to see how to get the sword out." Belca carefully took off Kitra's tail and lowered her into the water. He Noticed he locket was glowing again. This time he desided to ask Orchello about it. Belca looked Orchello straight in the eyes and asked, "Every time I touch her, Her locket begins to glow. I don't know why, but do you have any ideas?" Orchello noticed it too then answered Belca, "According to Hollandian legends, There are 5 people who posse the ability to control the world around them with their singing. The people call them 'songs'. They receive a locket when they found out that they were songs. The fifth though, has not found out yet. There is a prophecy that the fifth song will arise when another song meets their true love. And aparently, you are the fifth song. You are Kitra's true love."

Belca was a little stunned but when he thought about it, he realized that it must be true. He then reached for Kitra's locket and opened it. When he did, he saw an image of himself right there in it. He asked Orchello, "Is that a mirror?" Orchello looked at him with a serious face and said, "No, This is magic. It can only show you at any place and time." Belca then started to hum a song he remembered Kitra humming. Kitra's locket started to glow again. Belca then pulled her out of the water. Orchello positioned himself and told Belca to hold still. Orchello pulled the sword out and cleaned it off. Belca wrapped up the rest of her wounds. Kitra started to come to when he was starting to wrap up her leg. He was still humming when she said, "Can you get me a flower out of the garden Orchello?" Orchello then said, "All of the flowers are dead." Kitra said, "Well, then get me a dead flower." When he had left, she turned to Belca and said, "I want ou to hum that song again when I give you the flower ok?" Belca gave her a puzzled look, but then agreed. When Orchello got back, Kitra told him to give it to Belca. Belca hummed again and the flower came back to full bloom! Kitra laughed and said, "The prophecy has been fulfilled." Belca then saw the red glowing light fall into his hands and it formed a locket. When he opened it, he saw Kitra smiling back at him.

He was a little stunned but smiled back at her. Kitra laughed and said, "Belca, can you help me back to my room?" Belca then laughed and said, "Of course! I was just about to anyways, but I should also tell you that you shouldn't walk o much for a while ok? Its mostly because you are very weak right now and the fact that you have an injured leg." Orchello offered to help, but Kitra told him just to go back to his room because it was getting late. Belca stood up after Orchello left and then lifted Kitra up. She flinched a bit when she had to take her first step, and soon after was just grunting a bit. When they arrived at Kitra's room, Belca sat her down on the bed. He then grabbed a chair and sat down. He then looked at kitra and said, "Thanks for saving me today. I would have most certainly have died today, if it wasn't for you. I'll be back in the mourning with breackfast and to change your bandages." Kitra relaxed a bit and said, "All right, Belca. See you in the mourning." Belca stood up and walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "Love you." and then kissed her before leaving. Kitra flopped over on the bed and fell straight into a dreamy sleep. The next mourning, Belca was back, like he said. When she acknowledged his presence, he said, "Mournig Kitra, glad to see you awake." Kitra laughed and tried to sit up. She realized that it was extremely painful for her to try to sit up. Belca walked over to her and helped her up. She told him thanks and he turned around. Belca grabbed her breakfast tray and put it in front of her. He said, "I made sure they gave you extra bacon." Kitra laughed and ate it all. Belca then pulled out a bag and dragged a chair over. He then said, "In order to change your bandages, I'm gonna have to move you into this chair." Kitra grunted and allowed him to gently pick her up and place her in the chair. He finished rewrapping her wounds in about five minutes. After he was done, Belca stood up and said to Kitra, "I'm going to leave you alone for a little bit. Is that ok?" Kitra smiled and said yes. About 30 seconds after he left, she passed out again. Belca heard a thud and went running to Kitra's room. He found her unconscious on the floor.

Belca puffed a bit and then picked her up and put her back in bed. He sat in the chair and held Kitra's hand until she came to again. She said, "Belca, can you take me up to the castle roof?" Belca said in reply, "Sure, as long as you use a stick for support when we are up there instead of using me." Kitra laughed and agreed. Belca slid her off the bed and handed her a walking stick he had made smooth for her that mourning. When they got up there, Kitra walked over to the edge and looked down. Belca stayed where he was and let her be alone. Orchello came up to ask his brother for help. Belca shouted to Kitra, "Orchello needs something so ill be back in a moment." Kitra said, "All right, i'll be here when you get back." Orchello and Belca left and Kitra stayed on the roof. As she turned to move, an angry man came up and stabbed her in the leg, then said, "You killed my brother! I shall avenge him!" He then shoved a knife into her stomach the same way the sword had been, but in a different place. He then grabbed her and tied her hands behind her. As she attempted to resist, he stabbed a dagger into her shoulder causing her to stop. Kitra then screamed, "Belca!" and the man had grabbed her and said, "Calling for your little friend won't help you now!" He raised a sword to her head. Belca had heard her cry for help and came running with his sword drawn. When he got to the roof, he saw the man and just before the man stabbed Kitra, he killed the man. When the man died, he dropped the knife and cut Kitra across her right eye. The man dropped to the floor and accidently shoved Kitra into the egde of the roof, and she began to start to fall off the roof. Belca saw her before she dropped and was able to grab her arm. Kitra looked up and said weakly, "Belca...." Belca yelled at the top of his lungs, "Hold on! Hold on my love! Hold on! Orchello! Help me!" Orchello came up and helped Belca pull Kitra back onto the roof. When they got her up, they saw she was in a pool of blood, but they couldn't see where the wounds were. Belca didn't care because all he knew was that his love was attacked and was bleeding badly. Belca just grabbed Kitra and ran for the hospital, knocking everything out of his way including the guards.

The guards were annoyed by this and yelled, "What's all the rush for!?" Belca just shouted back, "It's an emergency!" He finally got there after about three floors of sprinting and shoving. He pulled of Kitra's tail and put her in the water. The water turned an eerie shade of red. Belca then pulled Kitra out and saw what had happened. He was amazed that she was not screaming with pain. Belca looked over her and started to clean out her wounds. Kitra said, "Thank you Belca. Now you are the one who saved my life." Belca smiled and said, "You know, I am still in debt to you. You made me reealize what it was like to truely love someone." He then kissed he on the cheek. Kitra smiled at him saying, "I wasn't trying to show you anything. The only reason i was coming here was because my country wanted an allied ship with Biraz and they don't see a Queen alone fit to rule so i was hopeing to come here then move on to some other kingdoms to look for someone fit to help me rule. I guess I never really had to go far." Belca laughed and said, "I'm glad that you didn't go any further. Also, can you shift to your left for a second?" Kitra moved and Belca saw the wound in her shoulder. He wrapped it up like all the others then turned to face Kitra. He said, "Well, you should rest now, so i'll take you back to your room." Kitra smiled and said, "Please don't leave me though." Belca smiled and whispered to her, "Never again." He picked up Kitra and carried her back to her room. The guards watched Belca to see what kind of emergency he ment. When they saw him carrying Kitra, they realized that he was trying to save her from dying. Belca came to Kitra's room and put her in bed and said, "Go to sleep, you need the rest." Kitra smiled and dozed off. When she woke up, she saw five men that were not Belca. They were the council elders.

Kitra sat bolt upright even though it was painful and saw three guards outside her room restraining Belca. He was putting up a good fight, though. One of the men stepped forward and said, "Kitra Kitarunaki, we believe that you are setting a bad example for the prince and that you should no longer be around him. You are now banished from ever coming back to Biraz and the royal castle. You have one hour to collect your things and say good bye." The men then walked out and the guards released the screaming Belca. He ran into the room and just embrassed Kitra and began to cry. Kitra did the same. Belca then said, "I had no idea they would ever do this! I still would have thought they would have at least let you regain some of your strength!" Kitra replyed, "They want me Dead, end of story. They believe that dropping me off so hurt in the forest to find my way back to Hollandia will kill me and allow them to take over the kingdom. Belca, I love you and I can not stand to hold it back any longer. I want you to hold on to Chimaru. I might die in the forest and i want him taken care of." Belca held her tightly and said, "I will pack you some supplies that should help you. The elders are also allowing me to give you one of the horses. I'm going to give you Angus our clysdale. He is used to forest terrain." Kitra said, "Ok. Help me up so i can get my things." Belca said, "No. I already got them. I loaded them on Angus so all you have to do once our hour is up, is to get into the carrige they prepard for you to take out into the forest, then have one of the guards help you onto Angus." Kitra kissed Belca and they sat embrassing one another for the rest of the time. When the hour was up, one of the guards came in and said, "It is time to leave." Belca picked up kitra and carried her all the way to carrige. The windows were blackened so she couldn't see anything. Once Belca placed her in the carrige and shut the door, on of the guards came up to him. He said, "You really do love her?" Belca nodded and walked back into the castle an ran straight to his room and locked the door. He stared out the window, holding Chimaru, and watching as his true love was being taken away to die.

When the guards and Kitra arrived at their destination, the guard that talked to Belca got off the carriage and walked Angus over to where Kitra was going to get out. He said to Kitra, "Right now I really hate my job, and I know that you really love Belca so here, take this shield and blanket for protection and warmth. I will tell Belca you love him when I get back." Kitra said, "Thank you. Can you help me up on to Angus, I can not do it myself." The guard smiled and lifted her up onto Angus and said, "Fair well, Queen of Hollandia!" Kitra handed him a small peacock feather and said, "Fair well, kind knight, because of your kindness to me, this feather shall bring you luck." He said thank you and rode off back to the castle.

He arrived back at dawn and went straight up to Belca's room. He knocked on the door and Belca said to come in quietly. When he came in, He saw Belca in a chair staring out the window with Chimaru. The guard began, "I gave Kitra my shield and a blanket. She also wanted me to tell you that she sends her love and at 4:00am to look at your locket." Belca nodded and the guard left him. It was 4:00am so he looked at his locket, He saw Kitra smiling at him so he whispered, "I Love you, Kitra." SHe smiled back and said, "Love you too, Belca. The forest is eerie at night and im really scared right now. My chest is in more pain than ever and i can bearly stand it any more." Belca said, "There is some pain killer in your bag." Kitra frowned and said, "I found it and its not seeming to work. I'm really worn out right now." Belca said, "Well, then I don't know. Better get some sleep. I'll talk to you again same time tomorrow." Kitra smiled and said, "Alright." Belca closed his locket and began to cry again. Orchello lowered himslef down to the landing where Belca's window was, and pushed his window open. Belca moved out of the way as he landed on the floor. Orchello stood up and whispered, "Brother, I saw Kitra being taken out of the castle in the prisoner carrige. What happened?"

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Last edited by 8catpaws on Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:10 am, edited 11 times in total.


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Re: My character and her companion

Postby Always looking in 1D » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:30 pm

I love it! So detailed!
I have no time for chicken smoothie, I'm sorry. All my pets will go to Dreamcloud, where your wish comes true. I will be quitting my roleplays, and Brooke123wolf will be taking over my RP if she wants to, Thanks.
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Re: My character and her companion

Postby 8catpaws » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:32 pm

***Dream*** wrote:I love it! So detailed!

thanks you're the first to read it. Its actually my fantasy land i desided to finally write down XD


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Re: My character and her companion

Postby Sapphirescript » Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:26 am

The best piece of advice I can give you is space out your writing, Every paragraph push enter.

Because then it is SO much easier to read, because this is such a big story not spacing makes it seem like a wall of text and deters people.
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Re: My character and her companion

Postby 8catpaws » Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:31 pm

Tasha999 wrote:The best piece of advice I can give you is space out your writing, Every paragraph push enter.

Because then it is SO much easier to read, because this is such a big story not spacing makes it seem like a wall of text and deters people.

doing that now


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