I wrote a story for this picture by Night_opal

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I wrote a story for this picture

Postby ~Blue.dragonfly~ » Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:15 am

It is really long and has not been edited. Then ending is was rushed

There once was a young wolf called Prince Neon. He was not a prince at all, his real name was Princakileha but no one could say it so they just called him Prince. Neon, of course, was his family name and he came from a line of kind and gentle Neon’s. Prince was not kind nor gentle. He would bully young pups, harass the elders and worst of all, he would tease the girls and say that they were to stupid and dumb, though he was the dumb one himself. His grandma, Smiley Neon, was the kindest person you had ever known. Unfortunately she could not believe that her princely baby could bully puppies, harass elders, or tease the girls. She never punished Prince so he got away with everything.
One day, Prince was at the lake. He was admiring himself in the crystal clear lake water. Silas, one of the girls he would tease, was walking by the edge of the lake, watching him. He called out to her, "Am I not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?"
"No, for the mountains glory and the rivers gleam leave you leagues behind!" She yelled to him, chuckling. Then she stalked of, her yellow coat catching sun beams as it swished.
"How to I become glorious and how can I gleam?" He thought out loud. He suddenly had an Idea. His Ideas were rare and when they occurred, horrible things happen for others. "I could go to the large roaring monster and ask for some of their hide, because they cannot refuse a charming and handsome fellow like me!" So he trotted off into the direction of the monsters homes, kicking water at wolfs where ever he went.

As prince was walking down the path beside the monsters tracks, he heard a yelp. He went closer then he heard these words, "HELP! HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! I WANT TO GO HOME AND SEE MY LOVE PRINCE AGAIN, JUST ONE MORE TIME!" then there was a growl and a chuckle and some whimpering. Prince pricked up his ears when he heard this. A girl . . . loved him? He was so confused, happy and puzzled that he did not notice that a pair of eyes were watching him. He quietly creep forward to the whimpers.
He brushed some leaves aside and saw on the ground two pups, both about his age. One was a black and pink wolf and he immediately recognized her as the chiefs daughter. The second one was farther away from him and he could barely make out her brownish purple coat with green spots. Very colourful, he thought, now which one called my name?
The chiefs pup called out again, "Prince, Prince, oh please come and save me!" and the browny one whimpered something inaudible.

Prince smiled and started to inch forward, lost in thought and not paying any attention to the task at hand. He was thinking about how if he save the chiefs pup from the attacker then he might be made into the chiefs heir and then he would be in charge of everyone and everything. He was so distracted that he did not even notice the trip wire. As soon as he tripped the trip wire, he was scooped in a big net! Prince started to twist and scratch at the net. Below him he heard laughter. Soon he realized that the more he struggled, the more pollen fell on his face from a flower above him. Some pollen had fallen on his nose and the more he breathed in, the more sleepy he got. In just one minute he was sleeping like the dead.

When Prince awoke the moon was shining through the cracks in the net and he squinted in its light. Oh my oh my I am going to be stuck here forever and I will die because I will be so hungry and thirsty, he thought whimpering at his hunger. As he started to regain his senses, he smelled some meat. He sat up and saw a piece of fish. It was only a little one but he gobbled it up. He also found some water in a leaf. Then he looked down and almost barfed up his fish. He was, what seemed to him, hundreds of tail lengths of the ground. Prince curled up in a ball, he wanted to go home, he wanted to apologize to the elders and the pups, but most of all, he wanted his mother which was very sad for him because he did not have a mom.

Once again Prince woke up, this time to bumps and bangs. He sat up then was flipped over sideways. "What is going on out there?" He growled.
The a voice whispered, "Hang on bud, I'm busting you out!" It was Toben, Princes almost friend who followed him everywhere and complemented him on everything. Suddenly from below there was a deep growl and in the dark, Prince could see six figures. The largest tried to run up the trunk and bite Toben but failed and slid down the trunk.
The second largest one spoke to Toben in a strangely calm voice, "You have intruded on our territory, get out and we will not harm you."
"I won't leave my best bud!" Toben cried and clung to the branch he was on even tighter. "I will never leave him to you savages!" He said spiting and growling.
"Fine then. Juniper, get that poison berry mush that you made yesterday, I want to shove it down this one’s throat unless he leaves this instant!" Prince had never seen a pup scurry down and away as fast a Toben did that moment. "What a faithful friend you have, Mr. Neon Are you wondering why you are here?" She asked Prince, smirking while she spoke.
"I wanna know why you gave me fish and not deer for food!" He demanded not thinking about all the other questions he wanted answered. As soon as the word deer left his mouth, the smallest, the one he thought they called Juniper, gave a sniff and a gasp and a wale so loud for hours after, it rung in Princes ears. The second smallest glared at him, then went to comfort the smallest one.
The largest spoke this time, "Well my dear and stupid idiot, we only eat fish and herbs that Juniper finds us. They are filling and nutrsional. One or two or three of us will sometimes go out for meat but we will usually just eat fish. Have you ever tried flatfish, it is to die for. Aysel here" she pointed to the wolf comforting Juniper,"is our best fisher. So we are all acquainted, Mr. Princakileha Neon, I am Lavi, you already know Juniper and Aysel. The one in the middle of our height ranges is Namir, above is Kya, and our leader is Raisa though she is a leader with many advisors and we mostly work together."
Raisa stepped forward, "Any other idiotic questions?" she asked
"Ya," he rudely said, "why am I here?"
"Well that’s easy!" said both Namir and Kya at the same time, "You go first" said them both again. "Okay." yet again together.
"They always say the same thing at the same time," piped Juniper, "Lavi and Raisa are like our leaders, together! The reason you are here is that you are mhuff mmhuff!" Aysel stuck out her paw and cover her mouth and looked at Raisa for permission to let her go. Raisa looked at Lavi and Lavi nodded to Aysel. They sat, staring and glaring at Juniper for a few seconds then finally Raisa spoke up.
"Aysel, take Juniper back to camp, Lavi, you are going to be first to guard Neon then Namir and Kya then Iwill have the last watch. Lavi, make birds fly when it is my turn. Oh and yes Prince Pickle, you will be feed in the morning. I hope you enjoy lemon rosemary salmon!"
"Why don't I get a watch? Why do I have to take Juniper back to camp?" whined Aysel
"Because you need energy to hunt and you fell asleep on your test." said Namir and Kya together. They then looked at each other and burst into giggles.
"Come on girls, let’s go to bed." sigh Raisi as she picked up Juniper by the scruff and carried her back to camp
Prince had to admit that Lavi was a good watch. She would not talk to him and she never dozed off for a micro-second. Prince fell asleep and slept a sleep filled with nightmares. One of them was the worst one he had ever dreamt. He was with his mother in a field full of flowers. Suddenly his mother started fading away. Prince tried to stop her but he could not. Soon his mother was gone and in its place the was a bowl of water. He looked in it and as soon as he saw his refection, a net sprang out of it and tangle him in a tight ball. Then he was under a waterfall, getting pounded by heavy water, ever so often, a human monster or a plant would be in there. A potted plant would hit him right on the nose and then he would wake up. Over and over again this dream repeated itself and each time the potted plant would hit harder and harder until, when it became morning and he woke up, he had the worst headache ever!

"How is our sleepy headed princess?" teased a voice from below, "we hope that the lighting storm last night did not bother you and that those drips coming from the net are not urine."
"What!?" Cried Prince bolting upright. It was early morning and he was able to make out Raisa grey coat with the pale red spots. A thought races though his head. Can those be blood marks? He thought then he shook his head. Who would SHE kill? Me, he thought meekly.
"Do want breakfast?" She yelled up. Prince suddenly realized how hungry he was. He nodded his head, sticking it out of the net. A giant fish thwacked him in the face!
"Bon appetite!" hollered up Lavi, who had join Raisi at the bottom of the tree
They lay down at the bottom of the tree and started to talk. Prince stared at this weird pink thing that had whacked him in the face. It smelt like the sea and human homes and spine plant all at once. Prince turned away in disgust. then he threw it down so that it landed on Lavi's head. "I don’t want this dumb fish!" he howled at them.
"Then go hungry for all we care!" yelled Raisi
"Hrmuf," grunted Prince. He sat down and glared at them. They took no notice what so ever. It was now long past sunrise and Prince looked at Raisi more clearly now.
The red patch were more of a burgundy colour. When he looked at Lavi he saw a light brown/blonde coloured pelt with a short brown mane around her neck. Juniper came trotting in. She had a browny almost purple pelt. It reminded him of something but her forget what. Then behind her ran Namir and Kya. Namirs coat was a pale orange with dark coloured stripes. Kya's was the exact opposite, she was little black ink but she had some white spots on her. "Why are you all here so early?" asked Lavi.
"Aysel got a thorn stuck in her pad and she would not let Juniper help out!" said Namir and Kya
"Where is Aysel?" asked Raisi
"By the river. She is stuck on one end because to is way too afraid to cross while limping! If she would let me help ..." said Juniper grumpily
"I will go with Juniper and get her here." volunteered Lavi, "sometime Aysel overreacts to much." she muttered
"Can you take these to with you though, I wanna have a talk with Prince Pickle here ok?"
"Ok, fine with us!" Said Namir and Kya before they ran off, with Lavi and Juniper following.

"Prince, I want to talk to you about something important. Can you listen and not interrupt or speak rudely because if you do, I will keep you in that net for all eternity. We have other nets and other wolf and we don't need you anymore. You understand?"
"Sure, whatever." Prince muttered not really listening.
"Okay then, I will start. Prince, you are a spoiled, rotten to the core, no good jerk! Your misery is your own fault. You are mean to others, you physical and mentally hurt people and that is why no one likes you. You may think that they don’t like you just because they are jealous but that is wrong. That is the wrongest thing about this horrible world. You are a big silly bully, a cry baby, a sissy. You go running back to your grandma every time someone insults you or tells the truth about you. You play with the other boys and pretend that you are the king and the chiefs sun by wearing all those fancy getups. But really Prince you are not fooling anyone. I know, we know that you are like a clam, hard on the outside and soft on the inside. We try to be nice but really it is hard when you respond to our kindness with a tease or an insult because you want to be cool around your friends. Face it, you are the biggest bully around." Raisi sighed
Prince looked at her, tears rolling down his face, "Do you know what it is like to lose a mother? Do you know how hard it is to fit in? How can I be myself when everyone if pressuring me to be the greatest fighter ever, like my dad? Do you know how you feel when your father turns away from you when you lose a fight or how it feels when you dad dies and there is no one but a crazy old grandmother to look after you? You wanna know how it feels? It feels like you are hollow, like you are just a bag of skin and fur, it makes you want to barf that feeling?"
"You know what? half the wolves in you camp have no parents. Take the healer or the chief or the nursery worker perchance, they are all orphans. You really think you deserve special treatment when they don’t? No, no you don't. From the way you have acted you deserve not sympathy but pity. Pity because you are so pitiful and vain and you have not one good emotion in you. Just vanity, jealousness, anger, fear, and arrogance. You think that you can boss everyone around and wolves will have any thoughts of joy when you enter a den. You are a . . . "
"Wolf who wants friends but thinks that the way to make friends is by being the boss of them?" asked Prince
"Pretty much. Prince, do you know what it feels like to go to your home and find that you have 5 new sisters? Do you know how it feels to be replaced Do you know how hard it is to run away?"
"Prince," Raisi looked up, tears in her eyes, " I . . ."
"WE ARE BACK! Hope you didn't kill each other!" said Lavi, entering the clearing. She looked at them both, "oh, it seems that it is much the opposite. Did you . . ." she said, looking at Raisi
"Oh. Does that mean that we can let him down?"
"Okay, Namir, Kya, lower Prince down." Nimar ran over and simply sliced the rope and Prince tumbled to the ground. "I said gently!" Lavi snickered. No one noticed that Prince was rushing at Juniper, fangs bard.
"JUNIPER! Look out! Duck and run over here!" yelled Aysel as she scooped up Juniper and put her down at the tree trunk. "This was not in the DEAL!" she roared leaping at him. He easily slashed her away.
"I dont do deals." he snarled the start to stalk towards Juniper, whom was huddled in fear.
"NOW!" Yelled Namir and Kya as the leaped on his back and started scratching. He tossed them off and ran full speed toward Juniper. Lavi and Raisi jumped in his way they clawed his eyes and nose and mouth but their efforts did no good. Lavi was bitten in the shoulder and had a broken leg and the same for Raisi. All but Juniper were knocked out cold.
When Prince reached juniper he sat down and picked her up with his mouth. He open his mouth to swallow her up. Just before Prince swallowed her whole. Juniper tossed 10 holly berries down his throat. He suddenly stopped and started gagging. He fell to the ground and said in a raspy voice, "You win little one, but not next time." then he drew a final breath and closed his eyes for the last time. Juniper got up and looked around, "Well, I do know a thing or two about herbs." she said smiling then got to work.
Ok, I am sorry but I will hardly be able to get on now(we moved to France!!!) and please exxcuseme bad spelling. I am working on a frenchkeyboard!

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Re: I wrote a story for this picture

Postby Stonefly » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:00 am

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"I always feel like I am fighting, but I never know what"

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Re: I wrote a story for this picture

Postby ~Blue.dragonfly~ » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:06 am

I know . . . it sucks
Ok, I am sorry but I will hardly be able to get on now(we moved to France!!!) and please exxcuseme bad spelling. I am working on a frenchkeyboard!

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