【//where a story may emerge】(posting welcome)

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【//where a story may emerge】(posting welcome)

Postby imakilljoywannabe » Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:23 pm


    Okay, so I saw all of these writing challenges, and I've been needing a written outlet (that isn't roleplaying, since it's easier for me to write at my own pace and when I have the inspiration), so I figured: why not? This is where all my little tidbits will go. Feel free to comment on any writing right here on the thread, or you can PM it to me if you wish! Thanks for dropping in, have a great day! c:
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Postby imakilljoywannabe » Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:28 pm


Ultimate wrote:Image
person switch
no dialogue
just dialogue
one character
alternate reality
alternate ending
personality break
20 random things wrote:Image
inspired by a favorite song
a fan fiction of a book you like
a fantasy
a realistic fiction
as if it was a journal entry
an action story
a drama
a mystery
a horror
a crime
a romance
something suspenseful
best friends
best friends
awkward situation
Characters wrote:Image
[1.] Lys - F

[2.] Dove - F

[3.] Kal - M

[4.] Ezra - M

[5.] Rufio -M

[6.] Kel - F

[7.] Rey - F

[8.] Clement - M

[9.] Hannah - F

[10.] Noir - M
100 scene wrote:Image
“Little by little, day by day, okay?” // “Get. Off. Right now.” // “... That’s it.”
// “So, uh, we should… probably run now.” // “You’re insane! I love it.”
“Hey, I offered to help you.” // “Who’s laughing now?” // “Would you please just be quiet?”
“Whoa, buttercup, whoa.” // "I can’t believe you talked me into this." // “Marry me?”
“Hey! I was gonna drink that!” // “You did all of this for me?” // “This isn’t over.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” // “Well, this is awkward.” // “It was you who was standing there.”
“That is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”// “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
“Uh, she’s gunna punch you, man.” // “BAHAHAHA- ahem.”// “I think I am concussed.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” // “This ain’t that kind of movie.” // “Is it… dead?”
“I’ll just sit here and wait for you to be finished.” // “You wound me.” // “Trust you? PAH.”
“I don’t know who you are.” // “It’s okay. I promise. I’m here.” // “Oh, this is going to be good.”
“Well, I finally got your attention.” // “Like a hole in the head.”// “I'm... okay.”
“Well, are you coming?” // “Where are your pants!?” // “Help me push it.”
“It’s almost midnight, no way!” // “Positively smashing.” // “Don’t let go, okay?”
“You can’t leave me like this.” // “Say that to my mother.” // “Sing me a lullaby, please?”
“This hurts worse than I thought it would.” // “Hah! - oh, wait, you’re serious?”
“As much as I’d enjoy that…” // -gasp- “The plague!” “No!” “YES.” // “I won’t let you do this.”
“I’ve still got it.” // “I can’t do it. I just can’t.” // "Don’t you ever do that again!"
“I thought I lost you.” // "Teach me?" // "Don’t you dare throw that snowball-"
"It could be worse." // "We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"
"I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice." // "What are you so afraid of?”
“How did you get that scar?” // “You said WHAT?” // “Can you stop bringing that up?”
“Wait for me!” // “We’ll be dead by morning.” // “STOP TALKING.” // “I do.”
“I don’t want to.” // “What did I ever do to you?!” // “Follow me.”
-SIGH- “I can’t reach it.” // “What are you waiting for?” // “WAIT NO THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT-”
“I don’t need you.” // “You deserve better.” // “If you love something, let it go.”
“Why do I have to wear this?” // “Here goes nothing.” // “Where the heck were you?!”
“I don’t need help.” // “We’re gonna be parents…” // “I didn’t think you knew.”
“I thought those were poisonous.” // “Don’t make me go alone.” // “I’m sorry… I didn’t know.”
“I’d be lost without you.” // “Just leave me!” // “I dare you to…” // “Run!”
“How did you manage that?” // “Liar!” // “I don’t even want to be here.”
“Oh crap, we fell asleep!” // “Is this the life you wanted?” // “GIVE ME THAT.”
“Get back here!” // “Let go of me!” // “I’ll just follow you.” // “YOU DON’T SAY.”
“And yet, you love me anyway.” // “I just thought I’d have a swim.” // “Don’t cry.”
Character wrote:Image
`☆ 3 & 5 have a heart to heart
`☆ 6, 2, & 10 get lost
`☆ 5 & 10 have to rescue 4
`☆ 9, 3, 6, & 5 think the world is going to end.
`☆ 8 & 1 are left in a room by themselves.
`☆ 9 & 10 find a puppy
`☆ 4, 5, and 6 and ramen
`☆ 8 vs. 4
`☆ 6. 4, & 8 and the world "reckless"
`☆ 4 & 2 & heavy metal
`☆ 1, 5, & 7 and a graveyard.
`☆ 5 & 1 and a disagreeance
`☆ 9 & 3 and the song "Titanium, by Sia"
`☆ 2 & 10 and "... you're stupid."
`☆ 6 & 7 and "houston we have a problem"
`☆ 8 and 4 and salsa dancing
`☆ 1 vs. 10
`☆ 6 and 2 and "Just pull it out!"
`☆ 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 and whatever you please.
`☆ 7 and 9 and the color maroon.
`☆ 3 & 7 and a fire
`☆ 8 asks 5 on a date (joingly, or.. for real?)
`☆ 1 and 6 and a bad piece of cheese.
`☆ 4 & 7 and "... Rude."
`☆ 6 and 7 and "I think we killed it."
Rainbow wrote:Image
The Basics:
i. Red
ii. Orange
iii. Yellow
iv. Green
v. Blue
vi. Purple
vii. Pink

The Advanced:
i. Crimson
ii. Aqua
iii. Emerald
iv. Mint
v. Juniper
vi. Periwinkle
vii. Lavender
viii. Violet
ix. Turquoise

The Scales:
i. Grey Scale
ii. Blue Scale
iii. Purple Scale
iv. Pink Scale
v. Red Scale

The Patterns:
i. Stripes
ii. Spots
iii. Checked
100 one shots wrote:Image
Art of Conversation
Take your Best Shot
Puzzling Words
Just Say It
Last Words
Cast Away
Curl Up
Look Again
Stop Fussing
Either Or
Tell Me a Story
Who Am I?
Just Try
For Me?
Your Choice! (You got to 50!)
Stay With Me
How Much is too Much?
Try Again
The First Time
Tread Carefully
One False Step
It Can't Be
In Due Time
Around the Bend
Well Traveled
Found Not Lost
I Could Have
Build Up
Inch by Inch
Blue Sky
Credits wrote:Image

Song wrote:Image
There are too many to choose from ;u;
Non-Challenge Related wrote:Image
Anything that doesn't have to do with a challenge will be put here.

Last edited by imakilljoywannabe on Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby imakilljoywannabe » Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:29 pm


[Lys and Noir]

      xxxxxAnother day. Lys’s eyes fluttered open, revealing nothing except the darkness around her. A different black to the one that carried her to sleep, but uninteresting nonetheless. She sat up, unable to even feel her hair as the long white-blonde tendrils settled gracefully against her back. She was out of bed, starting her routine for a new day of school in the unending cycle of her daily life, using the translucence of her skin to light her path. Her morning was rehearsed, and devoid of enthusiasm, life, or light. Breakfast was no better. The shuffling of her father’s newspaper was the loudest sound to greet her, the soft hum of the refrigerator preventing silence from entirely enveloping the room. A plate awaited her, set with fruit with a washed-out pallor that matched her own. The usual. When she had finished, there was yet to be any light or interactions. Normal.

      The quiet followed her to school. Nobody called out to her. A brief nod from some old, estranged acquaintance, perhaps. A smile from her friends that would never reach their eyes. Standard. Lys slid into her seat, her thin frame dwarfed even further by the boy next to her. He was stronger than most, so far. Residue from his time in the light. Lys shook her head imperceptibly, staring forward with unseeing eyes, her mind blank but still wandering. An announcement. Strange. Lys looked up, the circles beneath her eyes growing darker as the sound of her own name reached her hollow ears. Still silent, her eyes gazed downward, her entire being deaf to the world around her as she walked. Calmly, with a purpose. She was needed in the office.

      Her eyes were drawn to window, to the unending black that blotted out the sky. At least the world remained stagnant. The door squeaked on its unoiled hinges, and Lys cringed at the attention it brought to her. She approached the main desk, her eyes cast down and to the side.

      “L-y-s.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her throat felt scratchy from the unwelcome and unusual exertion, and with a nod towards the principal’s office from the secretary she entered the room. Papers were stacked neatly, large towers on the desk with very little as a discernable pattern. Several books were also “scattered” throughout; all carefully arranged, of course. The blinds were closed to prevent the little light of the lamp on the desk from escaping into the void of black nothingness outside.
      The principal’s gaze never strayed from his screen; the glow Lys exerted was enough for him to know she was there. There was no danger that she was the wrong person. He hadn’t seen a face he hadn’t called for in months. A pale finger pointed towards a single paper in its own area, crisp and fresh off the printer. Delicate fingers ran across the page, the bony extremities lifting the thin sheet and looking over its contents. A soft sigh could be heard, and the principal gave a brief gesture to keep the paper. Her time was done.
      There was no celebration over the news Lys brought home with her. Her mother and father had momentarily looked over the sheet and shrugged, handing it back to her. With an ever-present lack of motivation Lys went to pack her bags. She was headed to the light.


      Lys frowned, her nose wrinkling from the stench of those she passed, bumping elbows and other body parts as she jostled with the other passengers. She heard the roar of a jet engine and looked outside, watching an airplane taking off from the runway, and another coming in to take its place. Lys glanced over at the service counter, noting the man yelling at the attendant for an overbooking, more than a few crying children, and a creepy old man two seats over staring greedily in her direction. Her face scrunched up once again, and she decided to stand instead. Just as she had taken her place near the doors, they opened, revealing a stream of passengers rushing out. Or perhaps a brook. Or a trickle. Not many people came from the light to the dark without good reason. Despite the meager numbers, Lys’s luck held out, causing her to be bowled over by someone else.

      “Oh, shoot, I’m sorry! Are you okay? Here, let me help you up.” A boy, not much older than herself, stood above her, offering his bronzed hand. She squinted up at him with a slight grimace, but after a moment daintily took his hand, avoiding the small dark spots on his skin. They didn’t look infectious, but better safe than sorry. She couldn’t be too careful with things associated with the sun. He held on to her with a strong grip, easily lifting her to her feet.

      “Woah, you’re really light! I guess it’s no wonder I knocked you over. Sorry about that again.” The teenager picked a strand of his shaggy black hair off of her shirt sleeve, tossing it aside. “By the way, my name is Noir. What’s your name?” Lys frowned, stepping back a bit. She didn’t like giving out personal information, especially to strangers.
      Noir waited for a minute, but when she didn’t answer he figured it out. “Oh, not much of a talker. I see. Well, sorry for running into you, one more time. Cheers!” And with that, the boy was gone.


      The family greeted Lys with more enthusiasm than she had experienced in a long time. The mother had made a feast, the children prepared their rooms, the father ensured her safe her arrival. It wasn’t perfect; not by any means. The house was loud, messy, and almost entirely overwhelming. Lys had never seen such chaos before. Books and toys were strewn about the floor, half-finished drawings and old newspapers littering the living room. Food stains and powder from unidentifiable dry ingredients coated the kitchen countertops. The dining table fared the same. Dinner was a frenzy, a tangle of limbs reaching for different articles of food. Lys barely managed to eat anything, and despite her usual lack of appetite she even remained hungry. Still… The family was kind. They meant no harm. In a way, they almost reminded her of Noir.

      When she went to bed, the darkness still reigned outside.


      Lys was not prepared when the light came to greet her. It burned her flesh, and her pale blue eyes seemed to scream in agony. She could not bear its touch, and all that surrounded her now was a blinding white. The family didn’t understand. How could she writhe in pain at something so beautiful, something so graceful? The sun could not hurt her, not when they lived under its gaze so harmlessly. And yet, there was no mistaking the cries of anguish from beneath the blanket. They let her stay home that day. It was for the best.


      Lys was used to the light the next day. True, the burning still hurt her skin every time the light managed to touch it, but that was solved by one of the family’s oversized hoodies. A large-brimmed hat, some sunglasses. It kept away most of the pain. They still didn’t understand.


      By the end of the week, something had changed. Lys no longer feared the light. In fact, she relished it. There was a peculiar, primal pull towards the warmth and light of the sun. She didn’t understand it, but at the same time… it no longer scared her. It surprised her more than anyone else when she came to the realization. She had lived her entire life in darkness, and yet, there was still a familiarity in the sun. A familiarity that she didn’t want to lose. She knew her flight was scheduled for the next day, but what she had originally looked forward to had become an increasingly intense harborer of dread.

      The thought that dawned on her made her emotions all the more complicated. She missed home, it was true. But at the same time, she never wanted to leave.


      Lys was quiet on the ride to the airport. It wasn’t in her nature to beg and plead or anything of the sort. She simply picked up her things, allowing herself the tiniest of impersonal waves, and headed inside. At least, she almost did.

      A reminder of her previous flight struck her as she was once again knocked to ground.

      “Oh! Sorry!” There was a pause, and before she even looked up she knew exactly who it was, and for a fact that they were grinning. His voice rang out again, echoing in her hollow ears. “We really have to stop running into each other this way.”

      Lys’s eyes drifted upwards, settling first on the cheshire grin, the tousled black hair that framed his face, and at last his amber eyes that were staring right back at her. Lys was still disinclined to speak to the boy, Noir, but an idea sparked in her head. Noir chattered away about something or other, while Lys scribbled on a piece of paper, shoving it at Noir mid-sentence before leaving without even a second glance.


      A few faded posters sat peeling off the walls, the old paper marred by the fresh sticker slapped in bold across its face.


      That was all the sticker said, blocking most of the worn away text from view. Still, a few knew. No more students would be heading to the light. It was quiet. A silent footstep, a stealthy slip out of a door. Another girl, gone. One of the students selected for the program. She was suspected to be the third by the student population. Only the principal knew she was the seventh. The program had to be shut down. They couldn’t afford to lose students, with everything in the budget stretched as taut as it was.

      She wasn’t dead, that much they knew. Or at least believed. Supposedly she had been sighted. A glimpse of limp hair, whisking around a corner. The shine off of someone’s far too pale skin. There was no hard evidence, to be sure. But they knew. She had been seen with a boy, the opposite of herself. It was believed she may have taken residence with his family. They didn’t know, and to be frank, they didn’t care.

      Nobody cared that she had vanished with little trace. Nobody cared that the program was being shut down. Nobody cared about any of it. And they never would.
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