Guess the Spanish!

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Guess the Spanish!

Postby -QUITTING CS- » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:04 pm

It's really quite simple. For example, if someone above me said "Luchador", and I said "Wrestler", I would be correct. However, if, for some odd reason, I said "That stupid computer", I wouldn't be able to say a Spanish phrase until I got something right.

If you use a translator, that's fine, but technically it's cheating. If it says it in a jumbled way, put "original", doing the text un-edited, and then do "normal", wher ethe words are supposed to be.

I shall start.
Mientras nosotros estemos cruzando esta tormenta lluviosa

Cerramos nuestros corazones y esperamos ver el mañana

En este mundo cruel que conocemos como vida

Cierra los ojos, corre hacia abajo, y pisa atravez

Nunca te dejes caer

Tu sabes que es tiempo a ponerse de pie y luchar

Y luego, corre a través de lo desconocido

Como si tu vida nunca terminaría!

Corre lejos, Weed

Deja que el coraje de tu corazón valiente brille a través!

Aulla en alto, Weed!

Corta atraves de la oscuridad y las estrellas

Huelga y el miedo en el interior del corazón

Colmillo Plateado Weed!!
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