❝ people live, people die

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❝ people live, people die

Postby solyn » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:07 pm

() XXXX people laugh - people die
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❝ atticus bellafonte

Postby solyn » Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:57 pm

atticus jude bellafonte - twenty-seven - cis
male - asexual biromantic - american euro
pean - birthdate of january 10th - pisces

atticus jude bellafonte, more comm
only known to the world as 'atti' was
america's perfect son. he was suffici
ently intelligent, polite, humble, ge
ntle and kind, and looked set to ent
er into the realm of professional bas
eball straight out of highschool, unti
l at the age of 19, he was caught in
a car accident that destroyed his rig
ht leg beyond repair, and landed him
with an expensive, but well-function
ing prosthetic.
left to discover he had no other outst
anding skills, atticus immersed himse
lf in the sport of rowing, refusing to l
et the possibility of a career in profes
sional sports be ripped out from under
the outbreak of the virus was a traum
atizing experience for atticus, and he
spent the first few months holed awa
y, but is now embracing the wicked s
wing left over from baseball days.
known as 'atti' by
loved ones. suffer
s from ptsd whic
h is triggered by
loud noises
, espe
cially crashes. h
as a phobia of ca
and refuses to
get in one. his w
is a metal
baseball bat
. pla
ys the role of the
future cr
ush on harley.

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❝ paleo - for tak attack

Postby solyn » Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:39 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by takura-nokinu @deviantart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
username - takura // name - paleo // gender - cis male [
he/his pronouns]
// owned plumies - #394, "kodiak" // ke
eeping prior personality
- yes, with some changes.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
paleo is rather enthusiastic, and can get rather loud when
he's talking about his interests. oftentimes he's known to

move his paws while talking, to emphasize his point. he's
known to be
rambunctious and energetic. paleo's bright,
energetic personality can
sometimes put others off, and o
ftentimes people will ask him to quiet down.

Image Image


Image Image
paleo is about 27 years old, living in san francisco, califo
. he wants to go to college to study marine life, and t
o hopefully get a job as a
marine biologist. he also has ex
pressed an
interest in basic mechanics, and built his fake
wings himself as a practice thing. paleo is
determined to
get into school
to pursue his passion.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
he does not like those who treat him wrong or call him ch
ildish for his interests
, as well as those who are generally
rude for no reason
. he has a strong dislike for sour candies
as well, and spicy things. paleo is deathly afraid of tornad
, as well as wasps and hornets.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by takura-nokinu @deviantart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

paleo has a lovely wife as well as three kids, and he adores them so. he enjo
ys spending quality family time with the four of them, and enjoys building th
ings for his children- including a fake set of wings for varen! He's managed to
build several small toys and such for his lovely kids.

kodiak - paleo has only spoken to kodiak a few times, and seems to enjoy his
presence. however, the two of them don't see each other as good friends, rat
her, as acquaintances.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
coding © solyn

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❝ shepho

Postby solyn » Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:04 am


shepho - of israeli origin; meaning 'desert'
age - three thousand and five years old
gender - a male volk
username - solyn
likes - quiet, travelling, discovering new things
dislikes - loud noises, crowds, being idle for an
extended period of time.

gentle - wise - patient
detached - brooding - worrisome

shepho reminds me of egypt; great empi
res, set in the sand, strong in their belie
fs and rich in knowledge the modern wo
rld could never obtain. he reminds me o
f a worn-down & weary traveler; just lo
ooking for a place to rest his tired paws
he remimds me of a kindred and elderly
spirit, ripe with wisdom borne only of g
reat experience.

shepho is a wise traveler; a benevolent s
pirit lacking a mean streak, a pacifist at
heart. full of patience, and a gentle atti
tude, wise shepho is always ready to sha
re his stories. he has a tendency to be d
etached, lacking the need for companio
nship, and is oftentimes found brooding.
he is notoriously worrisome for his loved
ones, though he fears nothing else but t
heir demise.
as a young volk, the world emp
assioned shepho, who had not s
een much of it and yearned to
explore and to learn. at a relat
ively young age, shepho set off
in order to learn more about th
e world in which he lived, settl
ing into a life time's worth of t
ravelling. as it appeared, he ha
d rather a knack for exploratio
n and discovery of priceless art
ifacts that explained the ancie
nt culture of his kind. the worl
d has not ceased to amaze she
pho, and the curiosity of his y
outh remains.

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❝ arin redford

Postby solyn » Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:06 am

name - arin leonine redford-hayes / arin redford
nickname - ari / age - eighteen years old [senior]
d.o.b - 8th may [taurus] / s.o - closeted homo.
nationality - american european / height - 5'9"

arin redford comes from a white-collar subur
ban household with rich parents and a social
stigma to live up to. he's lived his life insertin
g and retracting himself from the friend circl
e of the most popular kid at school; growing t
o be renowned for being a socialite when nee
ded, before retreating back into a reclusive sh
ell. arin is known to be friendly, albeit critical
and somewhat cynical, a stick in the mud who
cares just a bit too much about not getting into
trouble. he is a black belt in judo and takes kic
k boxing lessons, and is the school's champion w
restler, though he has recently taken up an inte
rest in mma fighting. he's a household name aro
und these parts, having medalled silver in the la
st youth olympics in the judo division. arin is stil
l struggling to come to terms with his sexuality,
afraid of the reaction of his friends and family sh
ould he 'come out.'

fc - henry cavill
clothes - x x x x x
crush - smol one o
n reid (he won't ev
er own up probs)

partner - none
pets - a boxer nam
ed boscoe, a japan
ese spitz named sn
owbell, a husky na
med balto and an e
gyptian mau named

other - had a really
embarrassing emo p
hase and is also obs
essed with teenage
mutant ninja turtles
though he won't tell
anyone this. (his fav
is leonardo)

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❝ siberius kurayakin

Postby solyn » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:35 pm

siberius yuri kurayakin - known as 'sib' or
- twenty years of age - born on jan
uary third as a capricorn
- bisexual - dae
mon is
ketan - no crush - no partner - ma
in trait is loyal.

benevolent - loyal - brave - gentle
headstrong - irritable - detached


siberius kurayakin is a frightening man.
he's tall, well muscled, and perpetually
scowling, oblivious to cold, and follow
ed around by a snow leopard. having gr
own up in the snowy mountains, siberi
us is no stranger to cold climates, and
rising to the occasion of facing difficul
t challenges. he is brave and calculatin
g, and is always ready with a plan. how
ever, he can be short tempered and mo
ody, and tends to avoid people where h
e can. his daemon, ketan, is his softer
side, gently guiding him toward helping
people when the situation doesn't benefi
t him in any way.

siberius yuri kurayakin is the son of
a simple villager- sergei kurayakin-
and glamorous history scholar katar
ina kurayakin. he grew up on an ic
y mountain, working to earn his ke
ep with his father, chopping ice an
d firewood and spending what little
free time he had playing with ketan
who began to settle when he was ju
st thirteen. he has attended the inst
itute since he was fifteen years old,
with settled ketan by his side.

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❝ jacqueline rainer - for wildflowers.

Postby solyn » Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:08 pm

full name - words words words words words words
nickname(s) - words words words words words word
age - word words words words words words words w
sexuality - words words words words words words w
hair & eyes - words words words words words words
gender - words words words words words words wor

words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.
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❝ sorena

Postby solyn » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:40 am

username - solyn // name - sorena // name meaning -
'tribal leader' // name origin - africa // ball python m
- axanthic pinstripe // gender - male [he/his pro
nouns] // sexuality - asexual biromantic // age - 22



sorena is a very caring young plumerian. he is the son of
the chief of the oorleiers. as the only son and heir apparent
he was thrust into leadership at a very young age. he values
loyalty and integrity above all else, and believes in always t
elling the truth and doing the right thing. he has a lot of lov
e in his heart and forgives easily, believing in second and te
nth chances for everyone. however, this isn't to say he's a pu
shover- no! sorena is smarter than he appears and, when pus
hed too far, can be quite acidic. he is primarily a diplomat,
but is fiercely protective of his loved ones. he would do anyt
hing to protect them, but is very curious about life outside t
he tribe. he thinks he would quite like to explore what is be
yond the rainforest, but is aware that his duties as the heir a
re far more important than fanciful daydreams.

the symbol on his shoulder represents a leader; placed on the body part in question to symbolize the weight of bearing the concerns of the tribe and his own concerns as one; balancing them on his sturdy shoulders. the circle represents unity; a ring, a continuum, unbroken, to represent the togetherness of the tribe, and yet, the dots represent the isolation a leader feels. the dot in the middle of the circle is the leader, and the dots surrounding it are the tribe, looking to one person to lead them.

the symbol on his forehead is for foresight and inner knowing. the larger circle on his forehead shows that he is a thinker, and the smaller circle inside shows that he is wise and prophetic; able to coherently understand and arrange his thoughts and think about them in depth. the following dotted line that traces the length of his face is to symbolise that he thinks with his head, rather than with his heart. as the lines are travelling both ways from the circle, this shows that he uses knowledge and understanding to rule his actions. the dots around his eye are to symbolise selflessness; a mark that means he sees the needs of others before his own.

the rings around his leg are the symbol of the tribe, for identification. his tribe; the oorleiers all share this same symbol around one of their legs. it is a symbol for where they live; as they are proud of their home. the thickest band represents the densest expanse of forest, and as they thin out, it represents the forest thinning out to become part of the modern world. the ring of dots again represents the tribe and their unity, as it is in a circle formation. it shows that they live in the densest part of the forest, cut off from others, surviving on their own and by their own terms. it a symbol of pride for their heritage, and helps the tribe to distinguish it's own members from that of other tribes.

as for the colour? red has always been a colour that showcases military strength; and this is still the case inside his tribe, which is renowned for it's ferocity in war. they have always been formidable opponents; a perfect mixture of calm and collected tacticians and fierce balls of fearless fury. however, red also has a deeper meaning, depending on the shade. if the shade is darker, it is akin to anger, or hatred, or a war-like persona, as this is the colour of blood. a lighter red, a... happier red, if you will, tends to me more akin to a compassionate and loving soul; as is sorena. the colour of his markings shows that he is a gentle and kind plumie, full of generosity and love for his tribe.
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❝ rocco-santino di mercurio

Postby solyn » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:38 am

name - rocco-santino guiseppe di mercurio
aliases - "rocky" or "rocco"
age - eighteen years, leo [august 9th]
gender - cis male [he/him pronouns]
sexuality - homosexual homoromantic
nationality - italian american
species - werewolf
romantic interests - none yet c:
relationship status - single pringle

Image Image

the simplest way to describe rocco-santino is an oddball. he's loud, proud and always out for a good time. armed with a
charming smile and a contagious laugh, rocky- as he is more commonly known- is a stand-out among his friends as the j
oker. he's a supportive friend, and despite his typically rambunctious nature, he can always be counted on to be the list
ening ear, and gives solid advice, though he tends to be a bit hard-headed, and will definitely not soften the blow; he's b
lunt and straight to the point. telling it like it is is definitely his cup of tea! he can be a bit of a diva and is very vain- he
loves to talk about himself and he is always fussing over his hair and clothing. he is a bundle of energy- never without hi
s trademark zest for life and tireless abundance of enthusiasm for whatever the day- and his group of friends- bring. roc
co's family is from italy, and he was born there, in milan, the fashion central. his parents were both fairly wealthy, and
they bought a holiday home in the USA, but fell in love with it and moved there instead. as an only child, he is used to b
eing very spoiled, and is often shocked when he doesn't get what he wants. he speaks fluent english and italian, and love
s to cook. he is openly homosexual and enjoys debating about whether or not he deserves basic human rights.

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❝ raymond versailles

Postby solyn » Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:50 pm


raymond versailles is hard to describe. he's a listener,
always living on the sidelines. he used to be the go-t
o to learn everyone's business because he just knew.
generally quiet, ray has a mysterious intrigue to him
that charmed women and men alike in his youth. he
hasn't lost that charm over the years, retaining a qui
ck way with words, but a low tolerance for other hu
mans unless he's bedding him. notoriously cantanker
ous; no one is surprised ray hasn't settled down yet.
it's unlikely he ever will. he's still as suave as ever, a
nd very set in his opinionated ways; the political cir
cle best be ready for raymond, because he's coming
for it with a vehemence!


name - raymod a. versailles
aliases - ray, ray-ray
age - 25 years
d.o.b - nov. 1st (scorpio)
orientation - bisex. demiro
gender - cis male
pronouns - he/him
+ traits - good listener, suav
e, quick-thinking
- traits - argumentative, irri
table, detached, libidinous
crush - none
significant other - none

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