~Soldier In The Mist ◘ Collaboration/Community Story

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~Soldier In The Mist ◘ Collaboration/Community Story

Postby watermelon. » Sun May 31, 2015 11:38 am


so you're probably here
because it's a community
story! If not, then I'll quickly
explain it a little bit. So
basically everyone who wants
to can contribute a chapter
to this story! (look below
for rules and restrictions)

I'm really excited for this
story, so lets hope it goes

Huge credit to shade. for
creating most of this plot for
us, and letting me make this


                            Once upon a time, in a land unlike any other there lived two kingdoms. These kingdoms, named the kingdom of the shade and the kingdom of the light were at a sort of tentative peace. They had fought for eons over territory, livestock, and even small misunderstandings. This may have been because the stark contrast between their landscapes, for one lived in an eternal light and one in an eternal dark. Whether this conflict was for one reason or another it was very very real. The current peace between them, they knew, would be short lasted. But both kingdoms knew that if casualties continued to grow higher, both sides would be quickly wiped out. In such a medieval world, it was getting to the point where woman highly outnumbered men and feared for their very existence. And such, the third Princess of the light was to be married to the first Prince of the shade. Mind you, this didn't go over well with the princess, and the day before the wedding, she was gone and presumed to be dead. She was also presumed to be killed my the Kingdom of the Shade and before the day was gone, the world again erupted in war. And the princess was only one solider in the mist.

                            -written by shade.
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Postby watermelon. » Sun May 31, 2015 11:38 am



•Comment on the story! Tell writers how they're doing!
•Continue the story with a DECENT SIZED CHAPTER!
•Use the correct coding!
•Stick to the story line!
•Plot Twists, as long as they work
•Use correct grammar and terms for the story

•No mean comments. It's a great way to ruin someone's day, and their confidence.
•Do not post whenever you want, please reserve your chapter if you want it!
•Don't post a super short chapter
•Kill off characters (UNLESS it was clearly coming)
•Invent random characters like crazy (one is fine, if it really adds to the story
•Change the plot too much.
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Posting Instructions

Postby watermelon. » Sun May 31, 2015 11:38 am

If you wish to post a chapter of this, please use this to reserve your spot, and then you can fill it out when you're done.

      Code: Select all

      [list][list][list][list][size=85] I shall reserve this
      and I will type my story right here
      right in this spot.
      and I won't change this form,
      because I know that it's bad
      to change it. Got it
      yep got it

      [size=85][left]previous chapter[/left][right]next chapter[/right][/size]
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Re: No Title Here Yet - WIPPPP

Postby watermelon. » Sun May 31, 2015 12:57 pm

I lied
oneeee more
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chapter 1

Postby watermelon. » Sun May 31, 2015 3:21 pm


          A girl, a young woman perhaps, twirled her long blonde hair, as she sat on her bed. She was waiting. Waiting for big news, as she was told. Her loyal servant, Keyonn, told her to sit and wait there. Her father would walk in that door any second now, and now she was stuck wondering what he might have to say to her that was so important. Everyone else seemed to know about it, by the way they spoke about it behind her back.

          She always noticed when people did that. They thought they were being sneaky about it, but she wasn’t oblivious. The whispers, the pointing. Both her older sister and brother knew what was going on. The girl knew she was the only one who didn’t have a clue.

          The waiting became tedious, as she was growing to learn that a long wait could never mean anything good. Usually they were debating a good way to break something bad to her, was her theory. Although it was long, her hair couldn’t keep her attention for as long as it needed to in this situation. She was starting to get more nervous, and she let go of the small chunk of hair. She flatted out her dress, which was poofing out a little bit.

          She decided that it was taking a long time because of the size of the castle. Her father could be anywhere in there, although he did prefer his throne, he might have wondered off to do something else. It was a big home they had, and it was easy to lose track of someone in it.

          “Ah, there’s my dearest daughter, Lilias!” her father burst into the door, with a smile. His arms were up, motioning to her. She jumped a little bit, as she wasn’t expecting so sudden of an arrival.

          “Hello, father.” Lilias said, keeping her professionalism there.

          “I have come here to tell you something.” his voice boomed throughout the room.

          Lilias nodded her head slightly, and kept eye contact with him as he moved the arm chair from the corner of her room to sit in front of her.

          “As you know, the Shade Kingdom has not been getting along with us, the Light Kingdom, for almost as far as time goes back.”

          “Yes…” Lilias nodded again. She didn’t understand the history lesson he was giving, but she didn’t object.

          “So to regain our unity with them, we have arranged for you to marry the first prince of the Shade Kingdom. Prince Niles.” the king said, in a completely calm voice.

          Lilias was only able to take in a small gasp, and then stare into her father’s eyes. They were blue, just like hers. She personally thought that hers were brighter, but she never told anyone about that. When she realized she was staring at him, her eyes quickly darted away to focus on one of the floor beams. She thought he must be joking. But he never joked, and he wouldn’t joke about such a thing. Now would definitely not be a good time to joke either.

          “But…” she managed to finally muster out of herself, biting back the tears. She wasn’t a person to usually cry, but getting married? To someone she had never met, and known as an enemy? She couldn’t take it, but she wasn’t going to cry in front of anyone. Especially not her father. Looking weak in front of him was a fear of hers, but she didn’t ever know why. Crying in front of such a special figure didn’t seem appealing to her, so she avoided it as much as she possibly could.

          “Ah ah ah- No buts. You are to be married in two weeks.” he said, and stood up. He left, without saying a goodbye, or moving the chair back to the original place.

          Lilias stayed seated where she was, as she looked to the floor. Of course, she was the youngest, the last chance to make some sort of union to the Shade Kingdom, but why now? It all confused her. Was her father this desperate to stop a war? So desperate that he would send his youngest daughter, being only 17 years old, off to marry someone on the enemy side?

          It didn’t seem right to the young princess. Using her for his own good. Yes, she wanted to be loyal to her own country, but it crossed a line when it involved her personal love life. She had always known that she was less patriotic than the rest of her family, and maybe their whole kingdom, so it was always hard to defend her country in ways more than just being part of it.

          She always imagined that she would go to war, and fight, but she couldn’t. For one, she was a princess. Royalty didn’t fight- they told the army where to go and who to attack. Next- she was a woman. Only men were allowed to fight. The woman were to stay at home and cook. This was one of the most ridiculous things Lilias had ever heard, but she couldn’t change it. At first it was just men over the age of 18, but as the war went on, they started to lose so many men, that they opened it up to all ages.

          The loss was devastating, but there wasn’t a way to magically stop the fighting. Although everyone wished there was. Every dispute caused a problem, and now it was like they were fighting for the fun of it. If you could even consider dying and shooting men as fun.

          Now, thinking about all of this, Lilias laid back in her bed. Maybe there was a way out of this. Some sort of loophole that somebody forgot about. Almost anything would be better than marrying Prince Niles.

          Her mind got into deeper thought, and she became more tired. She was tired before this, and now all she wanted to do was sleep. But it was still day time, and her room was still bright. Sleeping without complete darkness was hard, even when she had her curtains closed.

          Giving up on hopes of sleeping, she sat up and opened up her curtains just slightly, letting enough light into the room that she could see pretty decently. She had no idea what she was going to do, but she needed to get her mind off of all that had happened.

          She sat on the floor, and leaned up against the wall. Just a few seconds later, her door opened again, without any warning.

          “Lilias! I’ve come to help you design your wedding dress, now that you know. I presume you’ll want a nice one, so we better start now.” It was her older sister, Cassandra.

          “Um, Cass…?” Lilias said, using her nickname. “I don’t really want to design a dress. I am not looking forward to being married, anyway.” sometimes the young princess wondered if her sister was actually younger than her. She always acted so immature about things, and Lilias almost couldn’t take it.

          Cassandra frowned, “I know you might not be loving it now, but when you meet your prince, and restore love to the kingdom, it will be great!” she said, ending her sentence on a smile.

          Lilias shook her head, “No, I won’t. I don’t want to spend loads of your time designing a dress that I’m not going to wear.”

          “You’ll have to wear it eventually, whether you like it or not. You know father isn’t going to let this pass.”

          “Okay. I’ll help you design it, but only for a little bit. And don’t count on seeing it on me.” she said, standing up from her spot against the wall, and walking out into the middle of the room, where there was lots of floor space.

          “Do you want lace? Maybe we can embroider something? No, no that would take too long… Hmm.” Cassandra began to talk to herself.

          Lilias rolled her eyes and sat down in the middle of her room, pulling her sister down with her. This was going to be a long discussion. She knew that her sister took fashion very seriously, and that she wouldn’t pass without it being the perfect dress. Sighing, she prepared herself for the next hours to be filled with terms she didn’t understand, and lots of pointing and arranging.

          In two weeks she would be married. Or in an unknown location. She had a whole two weeks to decide which it would be, so she was going to use it wisely.

previous chapter
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Re: ~Soldier In The Mist ◘ Collaboration/Community Story

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Sun May 31, 2015 4:34 pm


          After being poked and prodded for a hour by her sister, Lilias escaped to her favourite place in the castle. Ignoring her dress, she climed the tree. High above the grounds, she could see level to her bedroom window.
          I bet I could climb out that window if I must, she thought, looking in it. Cassandra was leaving, a bundle of clothes in her hands.
          Lilias sighed, staring up at the sky. I'm getting married, she thought. But I don't what to get married. At least not to someone I don't know, and certainly not to the prince of shade. Safely hidden in the tree, she allowed a tear to fall.

          "Lilias! Where are you! It's time for lunch!" a call sounded from below. Looking down, Lilias saw her old governess, Matilda, below. "Lilias, I know you're in that tree!" she called, looking up with her hands on her hips.

          "You know me too well," Lilias said, swinging to a lower branch. Matilda held her hands to her face.

          "Lilias! You'll fall!" she cried.

          "'Matilda, I'll be fine. And do I have to come to lunch?" Lilias asked, sitting on a branch above Matilda.

          "Yes, you have to come. Now come down, and for heavens sake, don't rip that dress!"
          Lilias sighed, and climbed down. As she walked inside, Matilda brushed twigs and leave from her hair.

          "Lilias, you need to stop climbing that tree! You're nearly eighteen now," she scolded. Lilias sighed.

          "Yeah, and I'm going to be married soon," she muttered. Matilda stopped.

          "You are? Have you found the one?" she asked, looking excited.

          "No, father wants to make peace with the land of Shade. And he's using me."
          Mitilda sighed, and gathered Lilias in a hug.

          "You know your father wants what's best for all of us. Lil," she said, using Lilias' pet name.

          "I know! But, I don't want to be sold for peace! I want to live my own life!" Lilias said, shaking Matilda's arm off her. She marched ahead into the dining room.

          Later in the day, after lunch, Lilias returned to her room. Flopping on her bed, she grabbed a book and began to read. About half an hour later, she was interrupted but a scratching in the window. Looking out, she saw the branches of the tree were shaking wildly in no wind. She frowned, walking to the window and opening it. A hand suddenly appeared, followed by a head. The head was covered in grubby brown hair.
          The boy belonging to the head looked up, seeing Lilias. He gasped, letting go of the branch. Acting fast, she grabbed his arm, saving him from the long fall down.

          "Are you okay?" Lilias asked, as he regained his footing.

          "Yeah, I'm fine," he said, his blue eyes sparkling. Lilias nodded.

          "Why are you climbing my tree?" she asked.

          "Your tree? I don't see your name on it," he replied, pretending to look for a name in the tree. "If you must know, I like trees, not that you'd care."

          "Is that how you speak to a princess?" Lilias asked.

          "Nope. But it's how a speak to a girl younger then me."
          Lilias glared at him, and he grinned back.

          "Anyway, I'll start again. You caught me, then asked is I was okay, then I answer, 'I'm fine,'" he said, bowing. "Thank you for saving me, I am Ralph."

          "Um, okay," Lilias said, a little taken aback by his change in manner.

          "I work in the stables," he said.

          "Really?" Lilias asked, intrested now. She loved horses. "What's it like?"

          "Eh, you know, feeding horses, cleaning horses, taking away poop, watching people ride. Boring really," Ralph answered. "If you must know, come and see for yourself."
          Lilias nodded, about to go down and go to the stables when she remembered her problem. She was getting married.
          She sighed, maybe a ride would help her with the problem.

          "Okay, I'll come down now," she said to Ralph.

          "Cool. Oh, and you might want to change. There is horse poo there," he said, and climbed down the tree.
          Lilias stepped away from the window, and changed into an old brown dress. In ten minutes she was walking down the stairs and towards the stables.

Last edited by Woogwoo Wren on Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ~Soldier In The Mist ◘ Collaboration/Community Story

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Sun May 31, 2015 6:12 pm

I hope that's fine, and I didn't introduse to many characters. :D
"An eye for an eye
Hello! I'm Wren! I'm in my mid-teens and live
in New Zealand. I enjoy writing, reading, watching videos,
cosplaying, and drawing occasionally! I'm a Christian,
and always up to meeting new friends!

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Chapter the Third

Postby Piefan » Sun May 31, 2015 7:03 pm


          The loud sounds of neighs and the terrible scent of dung overtook her senses the moment she entered the stables. Lilias was unable to stop herself from pinching her nose - she had visited a few times before, yet always briefly. She adored horses, but the stables? Not so much.

          "I knew you wouldn't be able to stand this," said Ralph. "Princesses are always like that." Although she was annoyed, Lilias chose not to argue. It was clear that he meant no disrespect; he genuinely believed that royalty, or at least female royalty, could not handle the stench of so much faeces - and who could blame him?

          Not seeming to sense her annoyance, he walked to the end of the stables. Although she was unable to locate the source of each neigh and whinny, she thought she was heading for the one of the more silent stalls.

          Ralph did not protest as she trailed along behind him, which she took to be a sign of consent, and she looked around as she walked. Horses' heads stuck out of each stall, of several colours and sizes, though she held the urge to stroke them. She had heard somewhere that they did not enjoy such a thing; besides, this was not her stable. Who knew if they were aggressive?

          "Would you mind telling me about these stables?" she asked in a casual tone, only slightly muffled by her blocked nose.

          He shrugged as he grabbed a pitchfork. "Pretty ordinary, actually. We provide some of the horses for the kingdom's cavalry, though for the most part, many aren't really bred for that. More transportation and such."

          Lilias nodded in acknowledgement, then a sudden thought occurred to her. She had for a few moments forgotten her original purpose in coming. "May I ride a horse, in that case?" she asked. She was well-aware of the strange phrasing of her inquiry, but she cared little, only hoping that his answer would be a yes - and it was, of course. He nodded in agreement, walking towards her. She had been standing a few feet away, the pitchfork somehow reminding her that he did have work, and that he might not want her disturbing him.

          "I guess we do have a couple gentler horses you could easily handle," he said, opening the door to a nearby stall. A white mare stood inside, seeming asleep. How anyone, even an animal, could sleep in such noise was incomprehensible to her, but then again, what else could they do? "Stay here while I go to the tack storage; try and talk to the horse, if you'd like. She's disciplined, so she won't run off."

          With a start, she realised that the horse was fully awake, staring dully at her. Lilias stared blankly back, having nothing to say. Idle conversation had never been her thing - she far preferred action, or if nothing else then an actually useful debate or discussion. She contented herself with simply waiting until Ralph returned, grasping all the necessary riding materials.

          'You've never ridden a horse, have you?" he asked as he placed the saddle upon the equine, adjusting it until it was snug upon its back. Once he had done so, he began with the other pieces of tack, before eventually leading the mare outside, into a large, open field.

          The field was empty from customers or workers, to her surprise, though she was glad for it. The presence of royalty might startle people - her face was easily recognisable to most of the kingdom's inhabitants - which could in turn result in a few crashes, if they were galloping. And that would be wrong.

          "I have, actually," she replied, in answer to his earlier question. "When I was younger, my father allowed me to do so, long before the war began, and I remember most of the experience."

          The mare was short, thank goodness, so Lilias did not need help mounting it. The leather saddle seemed almost slippery under her dress, but by tightly gripping the reins, she managed to keep her balance. Although she was accustomed to riding side-saddle (her father insisted that was what ladies did), she chose this time to go astride, though her newfound friend paid no mind.

          To her surprise, she found her positioning more comfortable than her past ones. She had been expecting, from what she had been told, that it would be practically unbearable. Just another lie, she mused silently, digging her heels - soft though they were - into the mare's side. It began at a slow walk, with Ralph watching in the background.

          The ride was peaceful for several minutes, and she enjoyed it thoroughly. The mare was peaceful, as he had said; she could lead it with barely any effort.

          Then, somewhere in the distance, a gunshot rang out.

          Alarmed, the mare reared, nearly throwing off Lilias. Immediately regretting her decision to take a ride, she yanked with all her might at the reins, but this did not stop it. The horse began to gallop around the field, and she resisted the urge to scream, glad for her firm grip. She nearly fell off, but she managed, and Ralph quickly scurried rowards them.

          She pulled the reins once again, with as much force as she could muster, trying to soothe the horse by talking softly, but the latter did not seem to work. The former, however, did. As he reached them, placing a hand on the horse's head, he gestured for her to get off. "I'm so sorry about that. Please don't tell my boss, I think he'll kill me or something."

          Dizzy, she dismounted. "Aye... I mean, I will not. It was not your fault, was it?" She grasped his arm as the world spun around her, before she regained her balance and released him. The mare besiide her was now grazing, not seeming to notice her. Blasted horse... Nearly killing her, then acting like nothing had happened.

          Ralph seemed anxious. "You're fine, right? Didn't hurt yourself or anything?"

          "Yes, yes..." She waved a hand dismissively. "I'll live." Glancing up at the sky, she noticed that it was already late afternoon. Time ro return to the castle, most likely. "Now, I think I must leave."

          He laughed nervously as he led her out, seeming to be trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, I guess you should. You were really good there, Lilias. Most people probably would have fallen off the horse like that, or just screamed until it stopped."

          At this point, she could barely bother listening to him, until he said something that caught her ear: "You could probably join the cavalry or something. Even if not, you really kept your cool. You could join any part of the army. Too bad you're a princess, right?"

          And though she knew he was just joking, the thought stuck with her as she walked.

next chapter

((omg I'm so sorry this was so boring... like, I swear only two things happen that could be in any way related to the rest of the story.))
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Postby watermelon. » Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:43 am

      I loved that! It was a nice way to fill in the chapter, you know?
      I'm really excited to see who gets to make her escape..

      It was really good, so yeah. Keep it up guys :3
      This could turn out to be really great...
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Re: ~Soldier In The Mist ◘ Collaboration/Community Story

Postby i quit. » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:47 am

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