SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:19 pm

¢нαρтєя ѕιχ

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Meeting Stone!" Firestar climbed up the large stone next to his den. Cats padded out of their dens and sat in the clearing.
"Ravenpaw, please step up," Firestar meowed. Ravenpaw stood up and walked to a spot under the Meeting Stone. He had a feeling he knew why he had been called up.
"I, Firestar, leader of SilverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.
Ravenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Ravenpaw blinked, showing slight surprise. "I do," he finally meowed.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Ravenpaw, from this moment you will be known as Ravenwing. StarClan honors your intelligence and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SilverClan," Firestar finished. He leaped down from the Meeting Stone and padded up to Ravenwing. Firestar rest his muzzle on Ravenwing's head, and the black and white tom licked Firestar's shoulder. Firestar stepped back and dipped his head to Ravenwing in respect.
Ravenwing looked at the ground nervously. "Um... I know being named a warrior is an extreme honor, but I have kind of gotten used to being called Ravenpaw... I know I am really Ravenwing deep down, but can I be called Ravenpaw?" he asked quietly.
Firestar thought and then responded. "Alright," he meowed. "But don't act like you're still an apprentice!" the leader joked. "Clan dismissed!"
Ravenwing laughed a little. "Thanks. You're a good friend." Ravenwing turned around to get some fresh-kill while he had the time. He'd have to sit vigil for the whole night.
"No problem. You're a good friend, too," Firestar replied. He looked over at Lionheart. "Can you gather a hunting patrol? The fresh-kill pile is looking a little small at the moment."
Lionheart nodded and made a patrol of Snowtuft, Honeyfern, Graypool, and Loudbelly. They padded through the gorse entrance and into the rest of the territory to hunt.

Ravenwing sat in the center of the camp, looking around warily.
Suddenly, a twig cracked and Ravenwing whipped around. He gasped as he realized who he saw. It was a Dark Forest cat! Mapleshade!
Breaking the rule about silence during the vigil, Ravenwing meowed, "Why are you here! Go away! You belong in the Dark Forest! You have no redemption like Snowtuft!"
Mapleshade hissed. "StarClan shall be no more without a leader or deputy!" she growled, adjusting how she was standing. Mapleshade then ran to Firestar's den.
Ravenwing stood up. "No! I vowed to protect this Clan with my life!" He ran after the tortoiseshell and white she-cat to Firestar's den.
Mapleshade dissapeared into Firestar's den, but Ravenwing followed her. Mapleshade raised a paw to claw the sleeping Firestar's throat.
"Firestar! Wake up!" Ravenwing yelped. Suddenly Mapleshade was thrown off-balance by Firestar. Firestar pinned her to the ground of the leader's den.
"Why are you here? How are you here?" the leader hissed, looking into Mapleshade's amber eyes.
Mapleshade struggled but couldn't escape Firestar's grip. "To kill your Clan," she growled. "I somehow got out of one cat's dream and came here. You see, the Dark Forest knows where this... StarClan is."
"You can't just get out of some cat's dream! That's impossible!" Firestar pointed out, lashing his ginger tail.
"On extreme occasions, you can. Now, it's time for you to lose a life." Mapleshade slipped her left paw out from Firestar's grip and thrust up, claws unsheathed.
Suddenly, Ravenwing pushed Firestar away and let Mapleshade's claws slice his leg. "You can't and won't kill any of us," he meowed.
"Get out of this camp!" Firestar growled, pushing Mapleshade up and herding her out of the SilverClan camp. "And don't come back!" Firestar added.
Firestar turned to Ravenwing. "Let's get you to the medicine den. That scratch looks like it needs some healing," Firestar meowed, walking with the new warrior to the medicine den.

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby ghostlyhamlet » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:26 pm

Tracking..... luv it!!
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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:28 am

{Sorry I've been inactive on this, I'm just trying to think of a 'plotline' for the next chapter!}

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:24 am

¢нαρтєя ѕєνєη

The day after Mapleshade's appearance, everything in the SilverClan camp seemed fine. Or to Spottedpaw, at least. He was hunting with his mentor, Oakheart. They were in the 'WindClan area'. All warriors of SilverClan were trained on how to hunt in each area, but they still were best in their own 'territories'. Neither Spottedpaw, previously a ShadowClan apprentice, or Oakheart, previously a RiverClan deputy, were from WindClan, but that didn't mean Oakheart couldn't train Spottedpaw in hunting on the moors.
"There's a rabbit over there," Oakheart whispered to his apprentice. "Do you think you can catch it?" The dark brown warrior looked at Spottedpaw.
"Of course! Can I do it without you shouting instructions to me this time?" Spottedpaw asked.
"Sure. But just remember how fast rabbits are." Oakheart turned to look at the black and white rabbit, nibbling on a patch of wildflowers.
Spottedpaw nodded and dropped into a hunting crouch. Oakheart sighed. Spottedpaw wouldn't catch a rabbit like a cat would catch a mouse! Spottedpaw continued to slowly move towards the rabbit, avoiding the few small twigs here and there.
Suddenly, a huge red-tailed hawk flew into sight, extending it's talons and gripping the rabbit. The rabbit struggled, but the hawk crushed it's neck and flew off with it.
"Mouse dung!" Spottedpaw hissed. "I would've caught it!" Spottedpaw stood straight up again and clawed at the ground, then looking at Oakheart. "Can I try again?"
"Fine. But that hawk was probably there to say you did something wrong," Oakheart meowed. His apprentice had done something wrong by being in a hunting crouch while hunting a rabbit, but the hawk was probably there just because of a coincidence, and Oakheart knew that.
"I'm going to go find another rabbit." Spottedpaw turned around and ran up a small hill, scanning the area for any rabbits. There's one! The brown tom moved down the hill and dropped into a hunting crouch once more. Oakheart watched Spottedpaw from atop the small hill. Spottedpaw continued to move forward, and once he was only a few tail-lengths away from the rabbit, it saw Spottedpaw and broke into a run. Spottedpaw attempted to follow the rabbit, but the rabbit had too much of a head start.
"Why can't I just catch a rabbit?" Spottedpaw growled. He lashed his tail and climbed the small hill, standing next to his mentor.
"Well, you didnt want me to tell you what you did wrong. But, you've been crouching instead of running straight to the rabbit! I'll show you how it actually works. Luckily this place is plentiful with rabbits." Oakheart looked around, spotted a rabbit, and dashed down the hill. The rabbit started running, but Oakheart had an advantage due to the rabbit didn't have a head start like it did with Spottedpaw. Oakheart ran up to the rabbit and clawed it, making the rabbit tumble. Oakheart swiftly bit the rabbit's neck, killing it.
"How's that?" Oakheart looked up the hill, but Spottedpaw wasn't there. Oakheart's eyes widened. "Spottedpaw? Spottedpaw? Where are you?" he called out. Oakheart put down his rabbit and climbed the hill, looking around for Spottedpaw. I hope I wasn't to strict or anything... The former RiverClan deputy leapt down the small hill, running over to the 'ShadowClan area'. Spottedpaw had been in ShadowClan before he died, so Oakheart figured he had gone there to catch something like a frog himself.
Oakheart padded into the pine forest, looking around. "Spottedpaw?" he called again.
I guess I should get the Clan... Oakheart whipped around and began to run to the SilverClan.

Oakheart pushed through the gorse entrance. "Spottedpaw is missing!" he yowled. Cats stopped in their tracks and looked at Oakheart.
"Really?" a cat gasped. "When? Why?" other cats meowed. Firestar padded out of the leader's den and looked at the gathered cats, then at the dark brown tom at the gorse entrance.
"He- he just... left. I was doing a hunting lesson with him about rabbits and he kept crouching instead of running and then I told him, then I showed his a demonstration but when I turned around he had gone." Oakheart glanced at the ground.
"Send a search party. A few search parties. Spottedpaw needs to come back soon," Firestar meowed calmly. "Loudbelly, Talltail, and Swiftfoot, search the 'WindClan area'. Lionheart, Dappletail, Sunfall, search the 'ThunderClan area'. Raggedpelt, Cinderfur, Flintfang, search the 'ShadowClan area'. Leopardfur, Birchclaw, Silverstream, search the 'RiverClan area'. And Skywatcher, Honeyleaf, and Petalfall, search the 'SkyClan area'. Everyone else resume to normal duties."
The cats called filed out of the camp, going to their assigned places to search for Spottedpaw.
I hope he's alright, Oakheart though sadly. He looked at Firestar. "Are you sure he's even in the SilverClan territory? Or has he left the boundaries.
"We will only know when we find him," Firestar simply responded.

{I promise you, all cats I use may not be in the main books, but maybe in books like Code of the Clans, Enter the Clans, etc.}

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:21 pm

¢нαρтєя єιgнт

Redscar was sorting herbs in the medicine den while many of the other medicine cats were out gathering herbs, as they didn't have much to do. He dropped some goldenrod into the small pile of goldenrod close to the corner of the medicine den.
Suddenly, Hollyleaf burst into the medicine den. "Cats are dying! Fast! Lots of them are dying at once!" Hollyleaf looked at the medicine cats in the medicine den.
Redscar dropped the watermint in his mouth onto the floor. "Where?" he asked.
"Wherever! Mostly the warriors den. Come on. I think Lakestorm and Vinetail are already dead," Hollyleaf meowed, turning and beginning to trot to the warriors den. Redscar, Cinderpelt, and Brambleberry followed the black she-cat.
The four cats entered the warriors den. Hollyleaf was right. Cats were dying. But mostly the older cats, like Vinetail and Rainsplash and Blackbee. Then Redscar realized what was happening. "They're fading," he meowed.
"What? But we aren't exactly StarClan cats anymore! We're living, normal cats," Longtail pointed out, looking at the reddish-brown medicine cat.
"We are. We're just living in different ways. There is no way we can save the fading cats. They will be reincarnated," Redscar replied.
"Does that mean all of us will eventually fade? Like Firestar will?" Sorreltail asked, sitting down on her haunches.
"That depends. If cats pass on their memory of him with stories and many other things he will live in memory and most likely not fade. But cats like Wind Runner, also called Windstar and River Ripple, also called Riverstar, were not really told about in stories. So they didn't live on and therefore faded." Redscar glanced at the dead bodies of the cats that were fading and faded. "We need to bury them soon," he meowed sadly.
"Yeah," Hollyleaf meowed. "But why aren't they all dying off one at a time instead of this, where they're all dying at once?" Hollyleaf flicked her black tail and glanced at the dead and dying cats again.
Redscar shrugged. "Who knows. Now let's get these cats out into the clearing." The reddish-brown medicine cat picked up Vinetail's body by his scruff and dragged him into the clearing in the center of the camp. Hollyleaf followed him with Ryewhisker, Cinderpelt followed with Cloudberry, and Brambleberry followed the two with Blackbee. Sorreltail had followed them too, carrying the body of Mudpuddle.
Firestar trotted out of his den and looked at the bodies and realized the cats were faded before Redscar could even tell him. "They're fading," the leader muttered to himself. "We will grieve tonight. Medicine cats, once all of the bodies are out can you prepare the cats for burial?"
Cinderpelt, Brambleberry, and Redscar nodded. They headed back into the warriors den and took Rainsplash, Stonetail, Hawkfur, and Aspentail into the clearing.
"Let's get them prepared for burial tonight," Brambleberry suggested. The medicine cats gathered mint, rosemary, and a few other herbs for the burial ceremony for the fading cats.
Milkfur, one of the SilverClan medicine cats, looked at the other medicine cats. He gathered herbs with them, seeing that they must be preparing for some burials. Suddenly he collapsed and lay on the ground, gasping for air. "H-hel-lp," he spluttered. Redscar's eyes widened and he padded up to Milkfur, but then stopped when he was a tail-length away from the old medicine cat. Redscar closed his eyes.
"Milkfur is dying too. These cats certainly die in one large group." The reddish-brown medicine cat sounded sad. "I'll take him to the clearing, and you guys can start putting the herbs on the deceased." Redscar grabbed Milkfur's body by the scruff and dragged him into the SilverClan camp clearing. He walked back into the medicine and picked up a group of burial herbs prepared by Milkfur and spread them around the dead medicine cat.
"We will grieve very much tonight. I hope these cats will be reincarnated soon, and we wish them luck," Redscar heard Cinderpelt murmur.
The medicine cats who had been gathering herbs arrived in the camp, and most of them were caught by surprise when they saw all the dead cats lying in the clearing. "What happened? Why are they all dead!" one of the medicine cats wailed.
"They faded. Remember, we're just StarClan cats really," Brambleberry meowed as she was spreading some burial herbs on and around Lakestorm's lifeless body.
Redscar looked at the other medicine cats. Loudly, he then meowed, "Though it is very sad, we should save the grieving part for tonight."
Last edited by montmorency on Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby ~DarkVixen~ » Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:39 pm

Tracking, in love with warriors for a few years now <3

Beautiful story, btw.
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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Tue May 26, 2015 5:00 am

{Sorry for the long delay! D: }
¢нαρтєя ηιηє

A cold breeze drifted through the SilverClan camp. Mosspaw shuddered. It reminded her of her first - and last - leaf-bare. She had froze to death and was buried, and her mother barely had time to grieve. Mosspaw looked across the camp at Bluefur and Snowfur. Bluefur was her mother, and Snowfur was her mother's sister who had cared for Mosspaw in StarClan. Mosspaw looked back at Badgerpaw. "What did you say?"
Badgerpaw rolled his eyes. "How did you not hear that, Mosspaw? I said we should play a game of leader-and-badger, like we did as kits!" Badgerpaw meowed, seeming to be very content with his idea.
"Fine," Mosspaw responded, "But why a game for kits? We're apprentices!"
"I don't know... It sounded fun. I saw Larchkit and Hollykit playing it, and it brought back so many memories of us two as kits in StarClan! And, well, a little bit in SilverClan, too. But let's start! I call being leader!" Badgerpaw crouched down in a battle position.
Mosspaw sighed. "Roar, I'm a stinky old badger," she meowed without any enthusiasm at all. The gray-and-white she-cat walked towards Badgerpaw in a clumsy way.
Badgerpaw smiled and moved away, hitting Mosspaw softly with his claws sheathed. "I won't let you get into my camp, badger!" he growled, but not in a mean or intimidating way.
Mosspaw straightened up and began to turn away. "I don't really like that game. It's too boring. Why don't you play it with Larchkit and Hollykit? They'll like it. You can be the badger, plus your name is even badger!"
Badgerpaw looked crestfallen. "O-okay..," he whispered, turning away and trotting to the two kits being carefully watched by their mother, Ferncloud.
"Sorry, Badgerpaw!" Mosspaw padded over to the log that divided the apprentice den from the nursery. Mosspaw bunched her haunches and leapt onto the log. She curled her tail around her paws as she sat down on the edge of the log. Why does Badgerpaw act like such a kit? The stupid furball.
"What's up, Mosspaw?" A voice behind Mosspaw startled her and she instantly stopped thinking what she had been thinking.
Mosspaw turned around. "Oh, hey Sweetpaw!" she purred. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day!" Mosspaw fluffed up her fur when she felt another cold breeze.
Sweetpaw jumped onto the log and sat next to Mosspaw. "Dappletail took me on a patrol around most of the territory. It's crazy that our territory really has no boundaries, we just patrol the most used places!"
"Yeah. We should explore! But maybe leave a trail of rocks, so we don't get lost," Mosspaw meowed. "It would be cool. But we'd have to ask our mentors and Firestar. And probably Lionheart and the medicine cats! A lot of cats to ask just to explore!"
The older apprentice laughed. "Yeah. Do you want to hunt? I don't wait to change anyone's bedding for the rest of this moon!" Sweetpaw glanced at Rosetail, sadness washing over her like a wave. She quickly shook the feeling off.
"Sure. I'm sure no one will mind. Let's go!" The two she-cats leapt off the log and ran out of the gorse barrier, keeping pace with each other.
"I bet I'll catch the fattest thrush!" Sweetpaw teased.
"No, I will! Race you to that oak tree over there!" Mosspaw put on a burst of extra speed as she dashed over to the tree, but Sweetpaw got there a second before her. "Come on!" Mosspaw purred quietly, swishing her tail.
Sweetpaw slightly looked up. "What can you say? I'm almost a warrior! I've been even before I died!"
Suddenly, Sweetpaw and Mosspaw both smelled the same scent. "Fox!" they gasped in unison. "Climb a tree!" Sweetpaw hissed, eyes wide. Sweetpaw jumped up and disappeared, covered by leaves.
Mosspaw watched Sweetpaw, but then saw a flash of a ginger pelt. Mosspaw leapt up onto the trunk of an ash tree and began to climb up, feeling some of the tree bark tear away under her paws. She boosted herself up onto a branch where the fox wouldn't be able to reach her. Mosspaw laid down, shivering in fear and at the cold wind. She curled her tail over her pink nose.
The fox bounded up to Mosspaw's tree and barked up at it, clawing the bark. Mosspaw could clearly see that it was starving, even though there was an abundance of prey everywhere.
"Fox!" A yowl startled Mosspaw. Mosspaw looked at the forest floor and saw the RiverClan patrol, which had been sent out almost a moon ago to find Spottedpaw and had never returned, was facing off with the fox! Mosspaw scanned the ground for Spottedpaw. She saw a brown tail with a ginger spot on it. Spottedpaw!
Mosspaw gathered her courage and jumped off her branch and fell onto the fox's back. She was momentarily stunned, but she then started tearing at the fur on the fox's back. The fox bucked and knocked Mosspaw into the tree Sweetpaw had been hiding in. Sweetpaw ran up to Mosspaw. "Are you alright?" When Mosspaw nodded, Sweetpaw helped Mosspaw get up.

Mosspaw, Sweetpaw, Spottedpaw, and the RiverClan patrol pushed through the gorse entrance. Firestar looked up from the mouse he was sharing with Lionheart, and his green eyes widened. "The RiverClan patrol that we sent almost a moon ago has returned, with none other than Spottedpaw!"
Last edited by montmorency on Wed May 27, 2015 8:57 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby BlondeChick » Wed May 27, 2015 8:26 am

Loving this so far <3
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Re: SilverClan | ωιℓℓ уσυ נσιη тнє яαηкѕ σƒ ѕтαя¢ℓαη?

Postby montmorency » Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:44 am

¢нαρтєя тєη

Pebbles fell to the ground as Firestar began to climb to the top of the Meeting Rock. "Let all cats old enough to catch prey gather under the Meeting Rock," he yowled.
Cats pooled into the center of the clearing. "The RiverClan patrol was returned with Spottedpaw!" Cheers rang through the camp. "But they have important news to share. Leopardfur, would you care to tell the Clan what you've discovered?"
"It's my honor," Leopardfur replied quietly. She padded up to the Meeting Rock and sat under it's shadow. "We have discovered a route to the lake territory, where all of the living Clans live now." Gaps filled the clearing. "It's a dangerous route, but because of Spottedpaw we have discovered it."
"Thank you, Leopardfur. We will send a patrol to the lake. Any volunteers?" Meows of "Me!" began to drown out the wind rustling the leaves.
"Okay, quiet down now. Lionheart, you can lead the patrol and choose the cats you want in it. But you have to remember to not let the living cats see you, unless you make it to the Moonpool. Lionheart, choose at least one cat originally from each Clan. Meeting dismissed." Firestar leapt onto the ground while chatter filled the camp.
Lionheart looked at the cats and slowly chose a patrol. He had chosen Moonflower from ThunderClan, Silverflame and Badgerpaw of ShadowClan, Fallensnow and Fawnstep of SkyClan, Crookedjaw of RiverClan, and Aspenfall of WindClan.


Last bumped by montmorency on Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:44 am.

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