Fish Lovers 3.0 [new poll]

Share your real pet photos and stories, tell us about your fav species, promote wildlife causes, or discuss animal welfare

The members list is getting long. Should I change the way it's set up?

Yes, only list people's usernames
Yes, only list people's usernames and the species of fish they own
No, I like it the way it is
Other (PM me with your idea)
Total votes : 502

Fish Lovers 3.0 [new poll]

Postby PeachFuzz » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:56 am

Main Post (x) Member's List Fish Info Centre
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Code: Select all

Hello and welcome everybody the Fish Lovers chat! If you love fish you're in the right place!

We hope you enjoy your time here and have fun talking with other fish lovers! If you have any questions feel free to ask them. This thread is a great place to come for chatter and advice c:
We have a list of experts that have had success with caring, and even breeding, specific fish!

If you have other aquatic animals in your tanks, such as crayfish or snails, feel free to discuss them here too.

Have some amphibians as well? There's a thread here for talking about them~

Salt Water Fish ~ Chalyeo
Amphibians/Invertebrates ~
General Helper ~ jellybaloo
Guppies ~ flyteck
Cichlids ~ Livvy'sMommy
Goldfish ~ Dakotak
Bettas ~ toboelover, Livvy'sMommy, Keletheryl
Corys ~ Dia.
Angel Fish ~
Axolotls ~ boston
Barbs ~ Chalyeo

*If you would like to apply for a job as one of our experts please message me*
(if you choose to apply make sure you can post at least weekly and are willing to be helpful. If experts become inactive or are seen giving false/incorrect advice the will be removed. Also, if you're an expert on a fish species not listed above, message me and I can add you ^^)

Expert's aren't the only people here allowed to answer questions! If you know your stuff you're free to offer advice c: Please make sure you do your research though, giving people bad advice can be tragic for their fish.

Forum Rules and Guidelines

><((((º> When posting, try to write at least a sentence or two. No two word posts.
><((((º> Be polite. If you disagree with someone feel free to tell them, but do so in a helpful, constructive way.
><((((º> No double posting. If you want to add on to your message just edit your post~
><((((º> When asking for and offering help, try to be clear and thorough in your explanation.
><((((º> Have fun of course! We're all here because we love our fish. We all love seeing photos and hearing updates!

Is your fish sick?

Everybody here would love to try and help. If you have sick fish, please fill out the form below when you ask for help.

Code: Select all
[b]How many gallons is your tank?:[/b]
[b]Number and Type of fish in tank:[/b]
[b]How long has it been running?:[/b]
[b]Did you cycle it?:[/b]
[b]If possible what are the ammonia nitrite and nitrate levels?:[/b]
[b]Does it have a heater?[/b]
[b]If it has a thermometer, what is the water temperature?[/b]
[b]What is the issue or question?:[/b]
[b]Any other information?:[/b]

If you have any photos, please post them. Photos help a lot for diagnosis.
Last edited by PeachFuzz on Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:03 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Members List

Postby PeachFuzz » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:57 am

Welcome! Here you can see the info of all our members, and grab a form to become one yourself! Once you post you're instantly accepted, no need to wait for me to say so.

[b]><((((O> Want to Become a Member? <O))))><

Code: Select all
[b]Username:[/b] [url=account link]username goes here[/url]
[b]How many fish tanks do you have:[/b]
[b]Types of fish that you have:[/b]
[b]Your fishs' names:[/b]
[b]How long have you had fish: (do not share your age!)[/b]

Also if you have pictures of you fish we would love to see them! If you have a tank with a lot of fish you are welcome to just put a picture of your tank. If the images are large or you have a lot please post links.

><((((O> Current Members of our Fishy Family <O))))><

Username: Yes,I'mTheDisneyGirl
How many fish tanks do you have:
1. It's a 20 gal.
Types of fish that you have:
1 Mollies (Female. 1 recently died from old age)
3 Guppies (All Male )
2 Platys (Male and Female )
3 Neon Tetras (I don't know their gender )
2 Glofish Tetras (I don't like these fish. Their my brother's)
Your fishs' names:
Bianca (The Mollie)
Sunrise (Sunrise Tequila Delta Guppie)
Stripe (Lyretail Guppie)
Splotch (Supposedly a Lyretail. He looks more like a Delta though )
Mustache (Male Platy)
Red (Female Platy)
Lightning (Neon )
Tornado (Neon)
Orange (Glofish Tetras )
Apple (Glofish Tetras)
How long have you had fish:
Uh... all my life I guess.

Username: HorseLover!
How many fish tanks do you have: just the one for now
Types of fish that you have: Comet Goldfish
Your fishs' names: Ollie
How long have you had your fish?: On and off for the full of my life

Username: Lonin
How many fish tanks do you have: 1 15 gallon
Types of fish that you have: 1 guppy and some rummynose tetra
Your fishs' names: They don't have names
How long have you had fish: Properly for around 2 years

how many fish tanks do you have:
3 tanks; one 55 gallon, one 20 gallon, one 3 gallon.
types of fish that you have:
-in the 55 gallon-
9 neon tetras (regan, ronald, rango, relish, and others that start with 'r')
3 mollies (lulu, rock salt, and o'reily)
2 angelfish (fluke and san deigo, two of my three favorites of the tank)
2 spotted cory catfish (buggles and otter)
1 golden wonder killie (kelpie, one of my three favorites if the tank)
1 emerald cory catfish (squidward)
1 albino cory catfish (rosemary)
1 huge normal pleco (sucker (we never named him, so he became known as 'sucker'))
-in the 20 gallon-
1 normal calico goldfish (finn)
1 normal white goldfish with an orange tail and 1 orange eye (pearl)
1 telescope goldfish with one telescope eye and one flat (bubble)
-in the 3 gallon-
one male delta tail betta fish (hercules)
how long have you had fish:
since i was young i had goldfish, rainbow and rusty. they bred to produce sunny and orange. rainbow lived 4 years, rusty lived 6 years, sunny lived a very short 1 year, and orange lived a good 8 or 9 years. after orange died, we began getting different kinds of fish other than goldfish.

Username: Wild.One
How many fish tanks do you have: 3 tanks, a 20 gallon, a ten gallon, and a 3 gallon
Types of fish that you have:
20 gal: 1 fantail goldfish, 1 Ryukin goldfish
10 gal: 3 guppies, 5 neon tetras, and a bristlenose pleco
3 gal: Male betta
Your fishs' names:
Fantail goldfish- Red
Ryukin goldfish- Cecile
Betta- Jaylet Grincy
Guppies- Taf, Chika, and buttercup (my little sister named that one..)
How long have you had fish:
3 years but my dad has had fish all my life so I've always been very familiar with fish. c:

Username: TerrificTeddyGuineas
How many fish tanks do you have: 5
Types of fish that you have:
4 Cory's (2 Juli, 2 Albino), 2 female guppies, 4 baby guppies, 3 Otos, 2 Male Betta (1 Veiltail, 1 Halfmoon), 4 Neon Tetra
Your fishs' names:
Cory's: Cyle, Cat, Ghost, Spirit
Female Guppies: Bertha, Panther
Baby Guppies: Timmy, Ying, Yang, Peeta
Otos: Oto, Eto, Jeto
Veiltail Betta: Wolverine
Half Moon Betta: Moon
Unnamed Neon Tetras
How long have you had fish: As long as I can remember !

Username: Blood Storm
How many fish tanks do you have:I have 8 or nine, but only two have fish in them, two others have snakes, one has water but nothing else, and the others are empty and in storage
Types of fish that you have: one Oscar, one bichir, and one pleco
Your fishs' names: our fish lack names because I am horrid with naming stuff so we call them "Oscar", "plecostomus", and "bichir"...collectively we call them "the fish" lol
How long have you had fish:I have had fish ever since was young, but recently I have become more engrossed with the large exotics group(bichirs, arowanas, gars, clown kinifes, lungfish, the works).

Username: Hime
How many fish tanks do you have: 1 running 128 liter(33.8gal) +1 empty 86 liter(22.7gal)(which I'm planning to make walstad style and cold water maybe)
Types of fish that you have: 33 blue neon tetras(out of which maybe 2-3 are regular neons), 6 bandit corries, 5 ottos
Your fishs' names: They don't really have names, nor do I really plan on naming them... One otto I call Piggy and one corry is called Blackie(she has almost black eyes).
How long have you had fish: Little over 6 months now I think.
My tank currently

Username: Mnemosyne
How many fish tanks do you have: One
Types of fish that you have: 1 betta, 1 nerite snail
Your fishs' names: Betta: Augustus; Nerite snail: Marc Antony
How long have you had fish: I had a few when I was young, but I've had Augustus since May!

Username: ~SilkyMoth~
How many fish tanks do you have: 1 tank, 1 pond.
Types of fish that you have: tank: 2 zebra fish, about...3 nanos, 1 male guppy, a aquatic frog (I can't remember the specific name), we used to have a shrimp and betta but they died :c
Your fishs' names: they don't have any.
How long have you had fish: since I was very young.

Username: MacGyver
How many fish tanks do you have: 5 Gallon and a 10 Gallon
Types of fish that you have: Bettas and guppies
Your fish's' names: Sousuke and Gallifrey
How long have you had fish: I honestly can't remember. It's been some years. I was young when I got my first betta??

Username: onyx`
How many fish tanks do you have: Four. Two are 2.5 gallons and the other two are 3 gallons.
Types of fish that you have: Bettas, but I want some swordtails or angelfish.
Your fishs' names: Magi, Neptune, Zed, and Maze. R.I.P Jupiter.
How long have you had fish: I grew up around fish all my life but have only been caring for my own for about 4 years.
Pictures: Magi - 1 2 | Zed - 1 2 | Neptune - 1 2 | Maze - 1 2 | Jupiter - 1 2

Username: Jellybaloo
How many fish tanks do you have: 2
Types of fish that you have: goldfish and betta
Your fishs' names: Matilda, Bagheera and Baloo unnamed Betta
How long have you had fish: 10+ years

Username: sugar pixel .
How many fish tanks do you have: 1
Types of fish that you have: A Blue Veiltail Betta
Your fish's names: Cerulean Hue
How long have you had fish: 2 years

Username: fruity99
How many fish tanks do you have: 3
Types of fish that you have: angel fish, mollies, rainbow shark, sword tail, coolies?, tetras, beta, Mickey mouse molly?, ect
Your fishs' names: my, that would take forever, my Cavs are my shark, Baracuda, and Angel fish PC
How long have you had fish: my whole life XD

Username: Nerdy Owl
How many fish tanks do you have: I have three. Two 10 gallons and a 3-4 gallon.
Types of fish that you have: In the first 10 gallon set up in our living room, my little sister has two Glofish and two apple snails. In the other 10 gallon, I have my male crowntail betta. And in the 3-4 gallon I have my female betta who I just got today. ^^
Your fishs' names: Glofish- Goldie and Rosie {my little sister named them x3}
Apple snails- Lily and Penny {my little sister named Lily}
Male crowntail betta- Phoenix
Female betta- unnamed right now
How long have you had fish: Off and on for about 8 years. c:
I don't have any pictures of the Glofish or the snails yet, but...
Here's Phoenix
And here is my new unnamed betta

Username: Starfalling
How many fish tanks do you have: 3, but only one has fish in it. The others need cleaned up and cycled again before I use them.
Types of fish that you have: Goldfish
Your fishes names: Billy (Goldfish)
How long have you had fish: As long as I can remember.

Username: Sybael (used to be WolfParadise
How many fish tanks do you have: Two, one is about 70 gallons, and the other I forgot, but it's smaller than the other, and a small pond
Types of fish that you have:
-Koi's (pond)
-Goldfishes (pond)
-Guppies (Small Tank)
-Silver Dollars (Big tank)
-Discuses (Big tank)
-One Yoyo Loach (Big tank)
-Rosy Barbs (Big tank)
-Red finned Shark (Big tank)
-Parrotfish (Big Tank)
-Pearl Catfish (Pond)
Your fishs' names:
Not all of them have names, but here are some:
Spottyfin (Yoyo Loach), Tribal (Discus), Melon (Discus), Omen (Parrotfish), Skeleton (Discus), Bobby Bob (Goldfish)
How long have you had fish:
Since I was younger

Username: Dia.
How many fish tanks do you have: 2
Types of fish that you have: bettas, cory catfish, a bristlenose pleco
Your fishs' names: Soy, Feesh, Thing 1&2, Horace
How long have you had fish: My first fishtank was more than ten years ago. Although my current obsession began three years ago.

Username: bramble- claw
How many fish tanks do you have:2
Types of fish that you have:9 types, and corals.and if you count the ones that we used to have ( that passed away ; - ; ) about 12-13.
Your fishs' names:they don't really have names but - our jawfish is nicknamed paranoid- since he always is looking paranoid, or mad at us lol.
How long have you had fish:2 -3 years.
its hard to take photos of my fish- since my flash activates every time x.x
I am a pretty decent person with saltwater- so I can answer a few small questions on salt water and such- ( I am not good with like tank engineering, lighting, or treatment that well though x.x )

Username: Check the PO Box
How many fish tanks do you have: 2
Types of fish that you have: 1 Betta and in the other tank I have a few lamp eyed Tetras
Your fishs' names: The betta is named 'Other Betta' (not kidding, and not because I was too lazy to come up with a real name xD) and the Tetras all look the exact same so I just call them 'My Tetras'
How long have you had fish: 6-7 years maybe longer

Username: Perocore
How many fish tanks do you have: 7
Types of fish that you have: Bettas, guppies, fancy goldfish, koi, shrimp, lobster, and mystery snails.
Your fishs' names: I'll just do my personal fish XD
Betta: Axle
Koi: Gabriel, Zuko
Guppies: Da Vinci, Galileo, and Picasso
Lobster: Captain Albert Alexander
Snails: They have a lot of nicknames, but I mostly call them all my squishies.
How long have you had fish: Over 10 years

Axle (old) :: Gabe (very old) :: Al :: Guppies
No Zuko or snail photos, sorry!

Username: PeachFuzz
How many fish tanks do you have: One 120g pond, one 75g, one 30g pond, one 20g, five 10g, one 6g, two 5g, two 3g, two 2.5g, three 1g
Types of fish that you have: Betta splendens, neon tetras, albino cories, African clawed frog, platys, shrimp, snails
Your fishs' names: Too many to name
How long have you had fish: Just over five years properly

Username: ~Sunburst~
How many fish tanks do you have:
55 gal. saltwater, 13 gal. freshwater, 2.5 gal. freshwater, 2.5 gal. freshwater, 2.5 gal. freshwater, 3 gal. freshwater
Types of fish that you have:
1 panda cory, 1 albino cory, 1 green/blue half-moon beta, 2 light blue/green crowntail betas, 1 glass fish, 2 female guppies, 1 black skirt tetra,
1 pajama cardinal, 1 blue damsel fish, 1 ruby red dragonet, 1 scopas tang
Your fishs' names:
Oh my, umm...let me see. Ying Yang, Creamer, Windex, Periwinkle, Emerald, Diamond, Boodles, Squishy Two-Fins, None-Eye, Ken, Surge, Mushu, and Oink.
How long have you had fish:
My WHOLE life.

Username: wolfdragon89
How many fish tanks do you have: 4
Types of fish that you have: I have 2 bettas, a guppy, and a mosquito fish.
Your fishs' names: Gallifrey(Betta) Colbalt(Betta) Doctor(Guppy) Sarah Jane(Musquito fish)
How long have you had fish: About 1 year

Username: Fish out of Water
How many fish tanks do you have: Previously 4 now one.
Types of fish that you have: I have had one beta, and all the rest goldfish.
Your fishs' names: Azure (Beta, Female), Ham and Cheese (Goldfish, both male, decieced), Speedy (Goldfish, Male, Decieced), Pebbles (Goldfish, Male, lived 7 years), Bubbles (Goldifsh, female, decieced), Bessy (Goldfish, Female, 10 years old, alive and well, she is blind in both eyes, but is assisted by Wall-e). Wall-e (Goldfish, Female, alive and well, helps out Bessy by bumping under her head once we feed them, and they both swim to the top to eat. They naturaly taught themselves to do that.)
How long have you had fish: every year of my life! I have never lived a year without them.

Username: Potatobob
How many fish tanks do you have: 4 running, 1 down
Types of fish that you have: African Cichlids (mainly peacocks) Guppies, Jewel Cichlid, Convict Cichlid, Tiger Barbs, Red Tailed Shark, Clown Pleco, African Featherfin catfish, black widow skirt, cherry barbs, platies, and swordtails.
Your fishs' names: All of them are named, I have too many to put here. XD
How long have you had fish: 3 years

Username: .:FarmGirlAtHeart:.
How many fish tanks do you have: 9 tanks, and a pond
Types of fish that you have: Goldfish, Koi, Guppies, Corydoras, a Pleco, Bettas, a Cichlid, and a Crayfish
Your fishs' names: (Goldfish: Mable, Shark, Mikey, Molly, and Zombert (Koi: Peaches N Cream, Chocolate Chip, Banana Split, Birdy, Bubbles, Mr. Miyagi, and Skely (Guppies: Tina, and Rachel, the rest are unnamed (Corys: Robin and Lucah (Pleco: Nanny (Bettas: Hazell, Aladdin, Fezz, Tiffany, and Annabelle (Cichlid: Omari (Crayfish: Tony
How long have you had fish: All of my life, really.
Skely (He was indoor at one point in time with Zombert and Molly)

Username: Widowlaen
How many fish tanks do you have: One, its a 55 gallon.
Types of fish that you have: All goldfish, i believe 1 comet and the others i'm not sure.
Your fishs' names: Donut and Pickles. I originally had a fourth one named Tiny, and Mutant passed away today.
How long have you had fish: Most of my life. I had betas, i had goldfish, i loved them all.

How many fish tanks do you have:
Six. 150gallon, 75gallon, 55gallon, 25gallon, 25gallon, 2gallon.
Types of fish that you have:
10 variety cichlids in the 150gallon.
One Red belly piranha in the 55gallon.
Twenty five feeder fish (different variety goldfish/mollies/minnows) in the 25gallon.
King betta in the 2gallon.
Your fishs' names:
Red belly piranha is Mr. Chomper.
Feeder fish named food, two year old named them.
Betta named fishie. Haven't really given him a name.
Cichlids; Ernie, Red, Bob, Lilly, Mable, Fable, Tom, Lane, Jax, Wolfie.
How long have you had fish:
I've been into aquariums for a little over ten years. Never really branched out aside from my piranha's and cichlids but looking to fill up the 75 and another 25 not sure with just what yet. I'm thinking I want to try saltwater but I have no idea where to even start with those x3

Username: tracer,
How many fish tanks do you have:
Types of fish that you have:
Betta, just a Betta
Your fishs' names:
How long have you had fish:
1/2 yeras
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Fish Information Centre

Postby PeachFuzz » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:57 am

Informative Websites for Fish Care

The Nitrogen Cycle and Starting a New Aquarium
New to fish keeping? Want to set up an aquarium? Along with asking questions here, you can read up on how to do it right on the websites listed below.

The Basics of Setting up a Tank:
Wiki How Tutorial (Covers Almost Everything), Another lovely tutorial

The nitrogen cycle and how to cycle a tank:
The Nitrogen Cycle, Info on Fishless Cycling

Help with Stocking:

Caring for Your Fish
Interested in learning about a specific species? Need to know more about the fish you have and how to care for them? The websites below will help!

Betta Care:
A very helpful forum

Fish Food and Dietary Needs:
Ingredients in commercial fish food, DIY goldfish food

General Info
Have more questions? Just love reading all you can about fish and aquariums? Check out the following sites and articles!

Tons of articles, including lots of science stuff, Guide to Algae

still very wip; compiling websites that have good info ovo
also: have a suggestion? A site that should be up here? Please PM me!
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby boston » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:16 am

Hello, am I able to apply to be an expert for axolotls? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ask here or PM. Thank you.
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby flyteck » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:25 am

Can you pm me? Just so I can get some info on your experience and stuff.

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I'm still on here, but I don't post much.
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby deletedaccplsignore » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:41 am

Username: Hawkfeather22
How many fish tanks do you have:
1. It's a 20 gal.
Types of fish that you have:
1 Mollies (Female. 1 recently died from old age)
3 Guppies (All Male )
2 Platys (Male and Female )
3 Neon Tetras (I don't know their gender )
2 Glofish Tetras (I don't like these fish. Their my brother's)
Your fishs' names:
Bianca (The Mollie)
Sunrise (Sunrise Tequila Delta Guppie)
Stripe (Lyretail Guppie)
Splotch (Supposedly a Lyretail. He looks more like a Delta though )
Mustache (Male Platy)
Red (Female Platy)
Lightning (Neon )
Tornado (Neon)
Orange (Glofish Tetras )
Apple (Glofish Tetras)
How long have you had fish:
Uh... all my life I guess. So 12+ years.
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby HorseLover! » Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:34 am

Username: HorseLover!
How many fish tanks do you have: just the one for now
Types of fish that you have: Comet Goldfish
Your fishs' names: Ollie
How long have you had your fish?: On and off for the full of my life - Removed -
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby Lonin » Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:36 am

Username: Lonin
How many fish tanks do you have: 1 15 gallon
Types of fish that you have: 1 guppy and some rummynose tetra
Your fishs' names: They don't have names
How long have you had fish: Properly for around 2 years
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby Kalrine » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:05 am

    outdated info
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Re: Fish Lovers 3.0

Postby Wild.One » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:57 am

Username: Wild.One
How many fish tanks do you have: 3 tanks, a 20 gallon, a ten gallon, and a 3 gallon
Types of fish that you have:
20 gal:
1 fantail goldfish
1 Ryukin goldfish

10 gal:
3 guppies, 5 neon tetras, and a bristlenose pleco

3 gal:
Male betta
Your fishs' names:
Fantail goldfish- Red
Ryukin goldfish- Cecile
Betta- Jaylet Grincy
Guppies- Taf, Chika, and buttercup (my little sister named that one..)
How long have you had fish:
3 years but my dad has had fish all my life so I've always been very familiar with fish. c:
call me wild c:
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