Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Tiny paws » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:52 am

Well I have this friend, and I love to play with her, but she loves animals so much and she always wants to hold my hamsters but when she does she always shakes him, but she's 13. :|
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Burrito Bunny » Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:12 am

IMG_0051_Fotor.jpg (99.68 KiB) Viewed 234 times

That is my dog Bandit and that is a very bad picture of him. (Sorry, it was the only picture of him on this computer.) Bandit has had a bad past. I am his eighth known owner and his forever home. I think I've owned him for seven years, but I'm not sure, anyway, I've had him for a while and he's not going anywhere. Bandit was abused as a puppy and now he is nervous around new people. So when people come up to Bandit while I am walking him and say "Oh, isn't he so cute. Watcha whatcha whatcha!" (Seriously, that is the noise they make.) And start reaching over his head to pat him, I have to tell them that he might not take well to people. But before I get the chance to tell them that they are already crowding him and hammering on his head. Bandit is trying to scrabble his way behind me, tail tucked between his legs, trying to escape the onslaught of hands. My dog is clearly not enjoying what these people are doing to him, and I'm afraid that one day he might be so scared he will bite them out of fear. It is very annoying, and inconsiderate.

Always ask the dog's owner if it ok to pet their dog before you do so, some dogs are scared by people or just simply don't want to be pet.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Stars. » Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:44 am

~wolf~spirit~ wrote:Awwww.....Koda! ♥ I want a Koda!! ♥
....wait....I came to write something about my dog...oh yeah! When people come to my house my dog, all the time (I don't think he likes the doorbell...) and people look at me like "control your dog"....Excuse me? Is he not meant to protect my house and family? Is he not meant to protect his territory? But then I find this is an easy problem to solve; don't like the way my dog acts? DON'T COME TO MY HOUSE! Leo is really more than dog...he's my baby :) And a member of my family ♥♥♥♥♥

Barking when the doorbell rings or when someone enters the house is one thing, yes dogs are "supposed" to do that to an extent. But honestly it's really inconsiderate if you let your dog just keep barking/being loud and going wild every time someone comes over. If youre going to have guests at your house it's your responsibility as a dog owner to control your dog. As soon as you realize it's your friend/guest at the door, you should be quieting your dog. If you do nothing and let your dog keep barking incessantly than your being extremely inconsiderate not only to your "guest," but to your neighbors and anyone else around as well. There's probably a reason that people look at you like "control your dog," usually people will understand if it's just the normal couple seconds of barking that comes from a door knock.
Some people are naturally uncomfortable around dogs and I know a lot of people who get uneasy and frightened if my dog is barking in their face when they're trying to enter my house as my guest. For some people I even have to put my dog in the other room because some of my guests are afraid of dogs, and I'm not going to let my dog terrify them lol. And that doesnt make my dog any less of a family member or friend. It makes me a responsible pet owner who is looking out for the safety of my friends AND my dog.
How would you feel if your dog overreacted and bit someone because you're not controlling him well enough? And then they have to put the dog down because it's a "danger." I'd be a more responsible pet owner before it gets to that point because it doesnt sound like you have any control now as it is, and you seem to respect his desires more than your guests potential safety. Controlling your dog is not a punishment, it's good for your dog. Dogs need to have rules, just like children. If you don't chastise your children when they do something wrong, you're being a bad parent.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby WolfRuthie » Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:20 pm

My dogs bark a lot, and I mean a lot. But I love on a farm and it has cows on it and many people coming in and out. I understand why they bark because my border collie was about two when we moved here, and my jackrussel x foxy was oneish they aren't very used to it. Though when a friend of mine used to come over she would always complain about it, then when we went outside she would pet them and claim they love her more. It really made me angry because she was calling them names earlier on.

None of my family mind the barking, although we do tell them not to bark of the they are. It just really annoyed me. :x

But I love my dogs just the way they are :P :D
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby catcher. » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:20 pm

I hate it when people just let their dogs waltz over to Tally (my Jack Russell)
Tally is VERY protective and will bark and snarl at some dogs (yet she likes others, it's not even a certain breed or size of dog she hates, she just hates some and likes others)
Then they get mad when my dog growls at theirs >.<
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Karma. » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:41 am

The thing that really annoys me? My family undoing all the training on my dog. My parents have been divorced for most my life, and I stay with my mum all week and visit my dad every other weekend. I own a 9 month old Cocker Spaniel and he is a sweetheart (yet also very dopey!) When I visit my dad, I have to leave my dog at home because the landlord doesn't like pets. However I come back to a misbehaving dog because my family (which includes a 5 year old brother and two other siblings) let him get away with everything. For a long time, I had him walking well on a lead. When I get back, he pulls harder than ever before and doesn't come back when he is called off-lead, whereas he usually comes back instantly. Also, I've been trying to not let him jump up at people who come to our house, but that seems to have disappeared.

I know he's only young, but it's frustrating when you know he can do something but others have let him get away with it.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby interestingword » Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:22 am

when people pet my cat without my go-ahead.
now, normally I would be just fine with this, but my cat is territorial and dislikes being petted by anyone except me, and even then my special treatment only goes so far before she bites my hand. Many times, she has bitten/scratched the hands of my cousins because they decided that a wonderful idea would be to stroke my the head of my hissing cat.
look, I understand you wanting to pet Arwyn, but I think when her ears are pinned back and she's growling that you should reconsider your plan of action.

and don't even get me started on people handling my crested gecko...I get so nervous when anyone else picks him up...

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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Imzadi83 » Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:01 am

I was annoyed when it got back to me that my aunt thought my dog was funny looking. Especially since my dog was better behaved then visiting her house then her grandchildren were visiting mine.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby косатка » Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:54 am

      i absolutely HATE it when people put bettas and goldfish in small bowls and vases... i mean how would they like it if i threw them in a closet their whole life. they wouldn't like that. but i'd give them food, water, and all their other critical needs so what's the problem? -_-

      some people say that they prefer small bowls but that is all myth! i've talked to people about my bettas and they say what they are living in is awful because "it's to large and that can stress them out" and that "the heater will make it too hot in there." there are so many myths on these fish, it's ridiculous! someone once said, "i think a bowl labeled 'betta' should be perfectly fine for a betta." NO! pet stores spread myths so people can buy that junk! so then they get money and can continue making and selling such awful products! no fish, or any animal actually, should live in a 1 gallon or smaller. bettas need a 2.5-10 gallon and ONE goldfish needs at least a 10 gallon. i am not too sure about the the minimal tank size for a goldfish but i know that it is definitely not smaller than ten gallons and i do know they do best in ponds. and bettas need a heater since they are tropical fish! if someone is believing these foolish myths, i direct them to this site here.


      i hate it when people tell me to bathe my cats. cats can clean themselves just fine and their skin is more sensitive than a dog's. the only time you should give a cat a bath is if they has feces or some harmful chemical on them. bathing cats shouldn't be a regular thing like dogs.

      i also hate it when people declaw their cat. maybe people have suggested me to do so because i get scratched by them a lot. what if the cat got out somehow? it has no chance of survival. can't climb a tree, can't fight, can't hunt. my aunt had a declawed outside cat that got attacked by a coyote and died. i know that even with claws, she wouldn't have survived. but that is just sad that she had NO way of defending herself...

      another thing... people call me a horrible cat owner for letting my cats outside! they say i don't care about them, but i let them outside because i DO care about them. i don't want them to live their life trapped in a house. if they get killed because of being outside, it'll make me happy knowing they had a good, free, and independent life.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Keletheryl » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:56 pm

My friend will tap my dog on the muzzle and my dog gets excited and starts to bite her, we are trying to not encourage biting, so I'd prefer her not to do that (just playful biting)

Or, if I'm trying to get my dog to come with me if say, shes trying to go say hi to somebody and i'm standing there with the leash like "Piper, come on, come back!" and my friend will grab her leash and tug my dog really hard, which is even worse when she is wearing her gentle leader because it could hurt her neck.

And when my aunt brushes her cats teeth or gives them a bath. Or puts TAPE ON THE FURNITURE because she's worried the cat will scratch it.

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