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my characters

Postby basic, » Tue May 20, 2014 11:25 am

G a l a x i e s wrote:
|| Kaedlynn Sageden Delilah Thompson || Female || 16 ||

T h e B a s i c s :

N a m e : Kaedlynn Sageden Delilah Thompson. Kaedlynn's the name! I hate it. My mother gave me that name thinking it would be cool to have a daughter with a unique name no one else has. So I like to go by Kaed (Pronounced Kade). My brothers call me Sage and Delilah. I know it's weird that I have two middle names but my pants couldn't agree on just one. I got the name Sagedon from my father. It was his fathers name. My mother gave me the middle name Delilah, it was hers before she was adopted. And Thompson is my fathers last name.

A g e : Seventeen. I am proud to say that I am 17 years old and a Junior in high school.

B i r t h d a y : September eleventh. I was born on the windy day of September 11 at 11:52 pm. Almost September 12.

P a r e n t s : Kate Thompson & Tim Thompson. My mothers name is Katelyn Diere Thompson. Diere was her last name when she was adopted and when she got married to my father she legally change here middle t Diere. My fathers name is Timothy Daw Thompson. Nothing special about his name I guess..

S i b l i n g s : 5 brothers and one sister. I have a larger family. I have 5 brother, 3 older and 2 younger. I also have one younger sister. My brothers names from oldest to youngest are Damion, Tyler, Nate, Raymond, and last but not the least Timothy Jr. My sisters name is Kathryn. I love them all to death but they can all get on my nerves sometimes.

S e x u a l i t y : Female & Straight. Erm, last time I checked I was a female. And sorry girls but I'm straight.

O r i g i n a l i t y : British, Irish, Australian. Okay this is going to sound really confusing...okay so my mom is Irish and my father is British so we had a mixed up accent and we lived in Australia for a while before moving to the United States and now I have an extremely messed up accent but my mom tells me it's cute.

O n T h e O u t s i d e

A p p e a r e n c e : I have long dirty blonde-brown hair that reaches my lower back. I quite skinny but no I'm not anorexic or bolimic. I'm very short and I hate my height almost as much as I hate my stomach. I dye my hair sometimes but I normally ask for peoples opinions before I do anything like that. I used to have braces and got them of just before my freshman year in highschool and now I have perfectly straight teeth.

W e i g h t : I weigh only 98 pounds but before you ask, no I'm not anorexic. My mom was and I would never do that to myself. I'm just very active and have a normally skinny and small body.

H e i g h t : My height is a staggering 5 feet and 1 inch. I'm tall huh? Yeah I know!!

C l o t h i n g C h o i c e : I wouldn't consider my clothing choice as a girls girl type of thing but I do enjoy making myself look pretty for guys. I wear mostly baggy shirts in fear of attracting too much attention to myself. I hate being in the center of attention. I wear skinny jeans mostly and occasionally I wear shorts. I love swimming but only go swimming when no ones around.

O n T h e I n s i d e

P e r s o n a l i t y : Shy. I'm a very shy person when you first meet me and I prefer to listen rather than talk, I hate being in the center of attention. Mainly I try to avoid interacting with new people, but if someone comes up to me I will happily engage in a conversation.
Funny. Although I may be the quiet kid that doesn't talk much, once go get t know me Im the complete opposite. I'll scream and laugh and try my best t make jokes. No, I'm not the funniest person but normally me failed attempts at pick up lines or a joke end up making people laugh more than the actual joke.
Honest & Trustworthy. I grew up being taught that if you wanted people to be your true friend then you had to be trustworthy and honest. I grew up telling the truth and never anything but that. Ive probably told two lives in my whole life. Crazy huh?

H i s t o r y : WIP

O t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n

R e l a s t i o n s h i p S t a t u s : Singleee. I'm a single pringle!! I'm still looking for that one guy..

B o y f r i e n d : None. Oh how I wish I had one.

C r u s h : Noneee. I've seen some veery attractive guys though.

L i k e s : WIP

D i s l i k e s : WIP

E x t r a : WIP
Last edited by basic, on Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:30 am

§ α∂∂ιѕση ωαℓтєя ωιηѕнιρ §
∞ тнє ραятιєя ∞



››What's your name?‹‹
Hey there my wonderful little people! The name's Addison! Addison Walters Winship. I absolutely despise my first name and my middle name makes it 10 times worse. Winship is alright I guess. Wait, nevermind scratch that. I hate my name.

››Have any nicknames?‹‹
Ayeeeeeeee call me Addie!! Or Adds. Either one works for me! If you can think of any more than tell me and maybeeeee It'll stick.

››How old are you? When's you're birthday?‹‹
Hey sloooooow dooooown! I was born on the wonderful day of September 11 in the year of 1997. That makes me....what? 17? Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!

››How tall are you?‹‹
Guess! Ill give you a hint...I'm short. I'm 5'2". I hate being short. It's annoying. I can never reach anything on the top shelf!!

››How much do you weigh?‹‹
Personally you should never ever EVER ask a girl her weight, but honestly I could care less what people think about me. I weigh 98 pounds which is light for my age but I'm short and small so..

Im a dude! Sup bro! Just kidding last time a checked I was a girl but if you still dont believe me then you could check yourself...Just kidding about that too.

∂ιggιηg ∂σωη ∂єєρєя

››What are you like?‹‹

Meet me to find out!! I'm not scary and I promise I don't bite.

››What is you're past like?‹‹

I don't like to talk about it.

ѕσ¢ιαℓ / ℓσνє ℓιƒє

››Any friends?‹‹
Yes I have friends! Plenty. But I loooooooooove making new friends!!

››Awe do you like him?‹‹
I don't like anyone as of right now soooooo.

››You two dating yet?‹‹
Yes my pillow and I are very happy together thanks for asking!!

››Play any sports?‹‹
Uhm...I play soccer and softball.

››What do you like?‹‹
Guys. Guys alllllll the way man. Especially football, baseball, and soccer players. They hot.
Music. It's a way to get my mind off of things.
This is going to sound cheesy. But dancing in the rain. I absolutely love it.
Abs. Simply put.
Surfing. I love surfing. The water on my face...its just amazing!
Watching the sun set and rise. Its beautiful.

››What do you dislike?‹‹
School. More specifically math. I'm never going to use it ever!
Rude, mean, and self centered people.
Bossy people they may run the school but they are terrible people.
Being tickled. Im like no. Just no.

››Anything else you would like to express?‹‹
Uhm. Yes. Can I have a sandwich and some strawberry milk please?

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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:37 am



Full Name?
My name is Lucas Trii Roy. Trii is pronounced like try okay? JUst making sure you know..

I go by Luke mainly but if you can think of something else go ahead and call me that.

I'm 18 year of age!!

I was born on December 12th 1995 at Whilton Hospital.

Eye Color?
My eyes are really boring compared to my sisters. My eyes are just a plain grey with no shine in them unless I'm around Jack or Mike.

Hair Color?
My hair is a chocolate brown unlike Jack's.

Im straight. And a male.

I'm 6'4" and I tower over a lot of people.

I have a wonderful and amazing little sister named Jacklynne and she is one of the best things in my life besides my younger brother Mike.

ØΩ †h∑ îΩ§î∂∑

Unlike my sister, Im not the loudest person ever. I tend to keep to myself and don't tell people my problems. I prefer to listen rather than talk about things. I love being around people, because being alone leaves me with my thoughts and my thoughts and I don't get along very well. I'm kind of a flirt and I enjoy the company of girls. I'm also kind of a player but I'm sure that when the perfect girl comes along she can change me.

My past was rough. I grew up in Kentucky with my 3 brothers and my sister, all of them but one brother are younger than me. Being the second oldest child was a challenge as well as a blessing. I got to help raise two younger brothers and my younger sister and that is something I would never change. My family and I lived on a farm with horses and animals everywhere. My brothers, sister, and I had to help maintain the farm while our parents were away. I loved doing that. My mother was often away on business trips and my father, being a soldier in the United States Army was gone on tours in Afghanistan and Iraq often. His heart belonged over there not over here. I didn't understand how he could leave and not bother about his children back home. "He was doing this for our freedom" He always said. When I was thirteen my older brother Duke was killed in a tragic eight car accident. I was devastated by loosing my brother. When I was sixteen my youngest brother grew very ill and later died of cancer. My mom soon came home and tried to fix things that had happened in her absence but you can't bring back the dead and I knew that as well as she did. She got me a dog and, Jack, my sister, and dog as well and Mike, my younger brother, a cat, to try and fill the empty space that had been created. As most people who find out about my past think of it as a tragedy, I think of it as a way to grow stronger. My brothers' deaths are a tragic and terrible incident in my life as well as my father leaving, but to me, they have made me increasingly stronger and more tough. I thank them for their roles in my life and for making me a stronger person. I won't ever forget them.

Mø®∑ Âßøü† M∑

∞ Girls
∞ Football
∞ People
∞ Surfing
∞ Ice Cream
∞ Soccer

∞ Bossy People
∞ School
∞ Reading
∞ Winter

∞ Dying alone
∞ Everyone hating him

No one right now.

I wish.

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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:42 am



Full Name?
My full name is Jacklynne Elizabeth Roy. Jacklynne because my mother always loved that name growing up, Elizabeth because thats my mother's maiden name, and Roy…Well I guess that part is pretty self explanatory.

I have many nicknames. The most common one would be Jack, given to me by my father. But I also go by Jackie, Lynne, Eliza, Liz, Beth, and Roy. If you have any nicknames for me feel free to add them to the list!

I was born 17 years ago, and each year was spectacular and just as wonderful as the last.

I was born on September 11, 1996 in Whilton Hospital.

Eye Color?
My eyes….hmm…they have to be one of my favorite things about myself. They change color frequently. According to my mood. If I'm sad they a light blue, happy they are the usual hazel brown, if I'm exercising they are a bright copper yellow color. They are green if I have been crying and a dark chocolate brown if I'm confused, nervous, or angry.

Hair Color?
Look. I'm blonde. DUH! I like being a blonde. I occasionally will dye my hair or dip dye it but nothing too out of the ordinary like pink. That scares me. *shivers*

I'm a female and as straight as a non-bendable ruler.

I'm 5'4". I'm short I know.

I have two siblings. A 15 year old brother named Mike and an 18 year old brother named Luke

ØΩ †h∑ îΩ§î∂∑

I have many different personality and sides to me. Im very easy to talk to. I understand when people are shy or nervous about talking to new people and I try my hardest to make them feel comfortable around me.
I will most likely be that one person that you would see in the mall or anywhere that would be loud, happy, screaming, and running around talking to random people.
I know when it is an okay time to be goofy and a total dork as well as when I should be serious and calm.
I also take into consideration how others would feel by my actions and treat others the way I would like to be treated.
I often over-anaylize things. I can be quite random. I LOVE PEOPLE. I love being around people but like anyone, I like to be alone sometimes, but rarely.

How I look at my past is different than how other would look at it. My past was rough. I grew up in Kentucky with my 4 brothers. 2 older and 2 younger. Being the middle child was a challenge as well as a blessing. I got to help raise my two younger brothers and that is something I would never change. My family and I lived on a farm with beautiful horses and animals everywhere. My brothers and I had to help maintain the farm while our parents were away. I loved that job. My mother was often away on business trips and my father, being a soldier in the United States Army was gone on tours in Afghanistan and Iraq often. His heart belonged over there not over here. I understood that. He was doing this for our freedom. He wrote us a lot though. When I was twelve my eldest brother Duke was killed in a tragic eight car accident along with three of my friends. I was devastated by loosing one brother and three close friends but I had jobs to do. When I was fifteen my youngest brother grew very ill and later died of cancer. My mom soon came home and tried to fix things that had happened in her absence but you can't bring back the dead and I knew that as well as she did. She got me a dog and, Luke, my older brother, and dog as well and Mike, my younger brother, a cat, to try and fill the empty space that had been created. As most people who find out about my past think of it as a tragedy, I think of it as a way to grow stronger. My brothers' deaths are a tragic and terrible incident in my life as well as my father leaving, but to me, they have made me increasingly stronger and more tough. I thank them for their roles in my life and for making me a stronger person. I won't ever forget them.

Mø®∑ Âßøü† M∑

∞Football and Baseball players

∞Bossy people
∞Boyfriend stealers
∞Animal abusers

∞I'm claustrophobic

There are many cute guys I will admit...

I wish! I would really love a guy that would be silly with me and cuddle up and watch movies with me....But no. I'm single.

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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:06 am

τhε bruηεττε

η α m ε : "My name? Behrlynee Renee Ryan. I know you are probably thinking 'What the heck is up with her name?!?!' "

η ι c κ η α m ε : "Because my name is so hard to remember you can just call me Behr. It's pronounced Bear."

α g ε : "I'm a proud 16 years old."

b ι r τ h d α γ : "I was born on the 11th day of September."

g ε η d ε r : "Im pretty sure I'm a female.."

ω ι ε g h t : "I weigh 98 pounds."

h ε ι g h τ : "I'm and a very tall person. Im 5 feet and an amazing 2 inches tall."

ρ ε r ς ο η α l ι τ γ : ]"Uhm, well, I'm a generally happy person and I enjoy the company of other people although I do enjoy alone time every once in a while. I'm normally quiet when you first meet me but once you get to know me I am quite the opposite. I'm can mean and snippy sometimes but I try to keep calm most of the time."

h ι ς τ ο r γ : "My history? Well. My 5 brothers and I grew up in a small town in Kentucky. We grew up on a farm and were around animals our whole life. Our ranch had cows, horses, dogs, cats, and many other animals. The horses were my favorite until one day in October where I was riding my horse and it flipped me off and stepped on my arm, breaking it. Ever since then I've been deathly afraid of horses. Two years later my youngest brother died when he drowned in the neighbors pool after falling in. My four brothers, mom, and dad, could no longer live in the place where our brother had died and we moved here. We were home-schooled until last year so it took some getting used to in a public school. My dad and mom own a large business and I guess you could consider us rich, but I'm not the snobby rich kid that lives next door I promise."

ρ ε τ ( ς ) : "I have two wonderful dogs and and two adorable little kittens. My first dog, I got for my 12th birthday is a white golden retriever named Rylan. She's a sweetheart. My second dog, I got for my 14th birthday, is a Giberian Shepsky named Wyatt. He's my cuddle buddy. And last but certainly not the least is my adorable little kittens I got this year named Aspin & Tucker. Aspin is the multicolored one and Tucker is the black and white one. They are both my baby boys.

f ε α r ς : "Uhm...the dark, horses, spiders, lady bugs, small spaces, and heights."

r ε l α τ ι ο η ς h ι ρ ς τ α τ υ ς : "Im a single pringle and proud of it! I dont need a guy in my life! Not saying I wouldn't want one...."

c r υ ς h : "I don't like anyone at the moment but maybe that could change.."

ω h α τ d ο γ ο υ ω α η τ ι η α b ο γ : "I would want someone that likes me for me and doesn't want me to change..I know I can't get everything I want in a guy but I think funny guys are the cutest. I want someone that will go outside and run around in a sprinkler with me or cuddle on the couch and watch movies while it rains. It sounds cheesy I know but thats me!"

ο τ h ε r : Well there's my house, and my car.
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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:29 am

τhε ςurfεr

η α m ε : " The name's Tyler! Tyler Andrew Ryan. Three names I know it sounds funny, but hey! Its me! "

η ι c κ η α m ε : " "

α g ε : " "

b ι r τ h d α γ : " "

g ε η d ε r : " "

ω ι ε g h t : " "

h ε ι g h τ : " "

ρ ε r ς ο η α l ι τ γ : " "

h ι ς τ ο r γ : " "

ρ ε τ ( ς ) : " "

f ε α r ς : " "

r ε l α τ ι ο η ς h ι ρ ς τ α τ υ ς : " "

c r υ ς h : " "

ω h α τ d ο γ ο υ ω α η τ ι η α g ι r l : " "

ο τ h ε r : " "
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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:34 pm

→ βεεr • Pσηg ←

" Life isn't about
waiting for
the storm to end,
It's about learning
to dance in the rain. "

¿ what's your name ? ←
" Hey! The nam's Riley! Riley Rye Ross. Weird name right? Ever wondered what you're name really meant? Me too. Buuuuuuut my name has absolutely no meaning to it and were just random things thrown together. Lets move on now shall we? "

¿ nicknames ? ←
" I have a couple. Riley is what people mainly call me but my family calls me Riley Rye and Triple R but if you can find any other nicknames for me feel free to share them! "

¿ hold old are you ? ¿ when's your birthday ? ←
" I was born on January 9th, 1997. I've never been super great at math but correct me if I'm wrong, I would be 17 now? "

¿ nationality ? ←
" Well. I'm not quite sure. I'm almost 100% positive that I'm Australian but there's a slight chance I'm part British as well. They world may never know... *laughs* see what I did there? No? Okay never mind then. "

¿ gender ? ←
" I was a surprise. I was originally supposed to be a boy, with the name Walter, but I came out a girl. Hence the reason for my weird name. It wasn't planned like that. "
" God doesn't give you the people you want,
he gives you the people you need.
To help you, to hurt you,
to leave you, to love you,
and to make you the person you are

¿ family ? ←
" I was adopted at a young age so I never really knew my biological parents. But I consider my adoptive family my real one. I have two brothers and a sister. Logan, Haley, and Mike. My adoptive parents are Lacey and John. "

¿ best feature ? ←
" I would think that my best feature are my eyes. They are a bright yellow green color, and with just the right amount of makeup they pop. I've been told by my parents and siblings that they are a really beautiful color. "

¿ height ? ←
" I'm not the shortest person you'll ever meet but I'm still considered short I guess. I five foot four inches. I consider that tall, I guess my biological parents were somewhat short.. "

¿ weight ? ←
" I personally don't think it's very polite to ask a girls weight because it shouldn't be about weight. But I don't mind as much. I'm a gymnast, a swimmer, and I play sports so I don't weigh much. I weigh about 104 pounds? Sounds right. "

¿ looks ? ←
" I have long silky brown hair that reaches my lower back close to my butt. I"m fairly skinny and have naturally tanned skin. I have freckles that cross over my nose. There isn't much left to say. "

¿ body modifications ? ←
" I have my ears pierced all the way up. I also have my belly button pierced. I have to small tattoos as well. One on my wrist of an anchor and infinity sign and a henna tattoo on my hip of an flower. "
" Don't cry over the past,
it's gone.
Don't stress about the future,
it hasn't arrived.
Live in the present,
and make it
beautiful. "

¿ personality ? ←
" WIP "

¿ history ? ←
" I don't really know much about my biological family because they gave me up for adoption when I was around 3. I quickly got adopted though and grew up with a wonderful family. I'm glad they consider me a part of their family and not some charity case. We lived in Texas for a while before moving to London for John's work. But then we moved back to the U.S. and to ______________ , ____________. I love it here though. It's perfect. "

¿ what do you like ? ¿ what about love ? ←
" I like/love • Sports; basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball, field hockey, lacrosse, swimming, gymnastics, and cheering • Gymnastics; I've been doing it since I can remember • Swimming; John and Stacey gave me swimming lessons when I was younger and now I love it • Boys; they drive me crazy • Pizza; you can bribe me with pizza to do pretty much anything, no joke • "

¿ what do you dislike ? ¿ what about hate ? ¿ fears ? ←
" I dislike/hate/am scared of • Acrophobia; the fear of heights • Arachnephobia; fear of spiders • Claustrophobia; fear of small spaces • Coulrophobia; fear of clowns • I don't like most vegetables • I don't like tickling; make me freak out and then cry from laughing • I don't like my laugh either • "

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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:38 am


E l i j a h

M i c a e l

W o o d


>> Full Name?
>> Meaning?

" My name is Elijah Michael Wood Jr. I was named after my father Elijah Michael Wood, That's the reason for the Jr."

>> Nicknames?

" Most of my family calls me Eli and so does my best friends Tobi and Behr. My dad calls me Jr. but he's the only person that can call me that. I absolutely hate the name Jr. but it makes him happy to call me it so I'll let him. "

>> Age?
>> Birthday?

" I was born on April 23rd in 1998. I've been a math genius but I'm pretty sure that that makes me 17 years of age. "

>> Sexuality?
>> Gender?

" You're funny. Can't you tell I'm a male? If it was obvious then now you know. And by the way I am as straights a non-bendable ruler. Sorry boys. "

>> Nationality?
>> Where are you from?

" I'm British and grew up in London. No, I don't have an accent, I dropped it. "

>> Tattoos?
>> Piercings?

" Sí. I have my left ear pierced but thats it. Im nothing special.


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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:04 pm

x o x o

⥽ couple name ⥼
❅ partners in crime ❅
⥽ name ⥼
❅ reagan haley tilman ❅
⥽ nickname[s] ⥼
❅ reagan, hales, haley, tilly, or tilman ❅
⥽ age ⥼
❅ seventeen years of age ❅
⥽ gender ⥼
❅ female ❅
⥽ sexuality ⥼
❅ straight ❅
⥽ nationality ⥼
❅ irish ❅
⥽ body modifications ⥼
❅ she has her ears pierced all the way up ❅
⥽ family ⥼
❅ she has two brother, Elijah and Lucas, both older,
and a younger sister named Mirah, her moms name
is Marie and her father is Tony ❅
⥽ history ⥼
❅ wip ❅
⥽ personality ⥼
❅ wip ❅
⥽ likes ⥼
⥽ dislikes ⥼
⥽ fears ⥼
⥽ relationship status ⥼
❅ single at the moment ❅
⥽ [best] friends ⥼
❅ _________ ❅
⥽ boyfriend/girlfriend ⥼
❅ n/a ❅
⥽ crush ⥼
❅ n/a ❅
⥽ what do you want in a relationship ⥼
❅ wip ❅
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Re: G a l a x i e s characters

Postby basic, » Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:45 am



    Dawson Black is sixteen years of
    pure fun and enjoyment. She was
    born into a wonderful and lively
    family filled with laughs and
    hilarious moments. Dawson has
    three younger sisters ;; Bre {{ 14 }}
    Sarah {{ 11}} , and Anna {{ 7 }}.
    She also has two brothers both
    younger named Elijah {{ 15 }} ,
    and Tommy {{ 9 }}.
    Dawson is quite popular in school
    and definitely knows how to make
    a scene. She isn't necessarily a
    rebel but she also isn't
    considered a teacher's pet either.
    She is not a big fan on being
    told what to do but won't often
    act on it. She is a very sweet and
    caring person and is a great person
    to have as your friend.
    Dawson loves photography, hanging
    out with her friends, surfing, sports,
    and skateboarding. She does not like
    however, people that are rude,
    school, or being alone.
    So if you're ever in need for a laugh,
    or just someone to talk to then feel
    free to give Dawson a call because
    she's your girl.

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