The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

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The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

Postby Zoella » Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:35 am


the Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

"The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with." - Marty Feldman


Welcome, literate roleplayers! This is a club where advanced, literate writers can congregate together to discuss roleplaying, share tips/ideas, and create roleplay plots together! We are a group of writers who focus entirely on the overall quality of our content (not on the appearances of our posts!), and value the same in those with whom we write with. Being an advanced, literate writer means an overall excellence level: good grammar, spelling, quality, and quantity. Be warned that this club is not for everyone, as we are very strict about these levels, and all potential members must meet our requirements.
Please note that we do not value the coding/appearances of RP posts or forms, and we are not even impressed by coding abilities at all. What matters to us is the writing quality. So if coding is what your specialty is, this club may not be for you!

    Your average posts should have an overall quality level that includes good grammar, spelling, and relatively interesting content. Your writing must have a certain maturity to it, and the ideas you incorporate must be relatively inspiring to those reading/replying to it. The characters you create must be interesting, and have at least some realistic flaws. No one likes Mary/Gary Sues!

    While it may vary between posts depending on what one is replying to, the overall minimum posting size we expect for entry to this club is about 5-7+ paragraphs per post. Each paragraph must be full, and well-developed.

This club is co-owned by the entire RP mod team, and applications are voted on and discussed by all of us together.
Captain Kaycee,

There will be an acceptance post at least once a month, or earlier depending on our availability to discuss the applicants. Those who are not accepted will be able to PM any of the co-owners to discuss their application, and to be given tips on how they might improve. However, the user must have the initiative to ask, or we will not go out of our way to give out suggestions to those who do not want them.

And finally, the application form.

Code: Select all
[i]I want to join![/i]
Roleplaying samples: (Please include three.)
Any literate group roleplays you currently have: 

Please post your form here on the thread!

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Members, Founders, & Blacklist

Postby Captain Kaycee » Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:55 am

Captain Kaycee

Captain Greenleaf

Blacklist (oh no!)
None. Let's keep it that way c:
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Postby Jadeghost » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:02 am

    1. Be courteous to your peers and those around you. Everyone is in this group to enjoy it. Making fun of users with lower literacy levels is not acceptable, and any member caught doing so will be removed from the club. No one appreciates unpleasant gossip, and this thread will not tolerate it.
    2. When critiquing someone's work, make sure to be friendly and polite. Also, do not critique someone's writing if they have not specifically asked you to do so.
    3. This is a literate role-play club. Please only advertise literate role-plays here, not semi-lit or lower.
    4. None of us bite, so feel free to shoot us a note if you ever have any questions!
    5. Don't get angry if your application is not accepted. We will be happy to tell you why you were denied, so take it upon yourself to improve and try again.
    6. Please only advertise role-plays on here if you are a member of the club.
    7. Please don't include images or fancy coding in your applications. As stated previously, we do not value post appearances, and it will not give any extra points towards acceptance.
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Current Group Roleplays

Postby reynard » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:02 am

Current Group Roleplays
Literate roleplays made by our members

Human Roleplays




Animal Roleplays



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Current Status for Applications

Postby Zoella » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:07 am

Current Status for Applications:

Open - currently accepting new applications!

...Applications for this month start on page: 6

Next acceptance post will be on.... June 1st, 2014. *

We will be accepting applications until that day!

* Disclaimer: Should we be available to judge applications earlier than the one-month time span, we will let everyone know!
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Human resources

Postby Pandle » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:33 am

Welcome to the human resources department!

Send your completed form/s to any of the Roleplay moderators with the title "ALRC: human resources"
so we can reply to you asap.

      If your form was declined and you want some help in improving (either in general, or to be accepted at a later date) please use the following form to get in contact with us:

      Code: Select all
      [b]Date you applied:[/b] (Just put a rough estimate if you can't remember)
      [b]Copy of the examples sent:[/b] (Can't remember your three examples? Send us some new ones!)
      [b]Reason you were declined:[/b]
      [b]Anything you feel you want us to know:[/b] (e.g. want to improve on one thing particularly?)
      [b]Preference in who gives you feedback:[/b] (check "human resources" to see who specialises in what)

      If your form was declined and you disagree with the decision you're welcome to appeal: we decide by majority and are happy to re-discuss any application submitted if you feel you've been unfairly declined. To do so fill in the below:

      Code: Select all
      [b]Copy of your complete form:[/b]
      [b]Reason you were declined:[/b]
      [b]Reason you feel this was unfair:[/b]

      If you have any queries, concerns or questions we're here to help. As we grow, frequently asked questions will be answered but if you can't see what you're looking for don't hesitate to drop in on us and ask.

      A breakdown of our staff specialities:

      Although we're all happy to help with anything, if you're looking for something in particular you might be better of speaking with the person who feels more confident with that area.

      antebellum -emotions and setting a scene with detail.

      Captain Kaycee -grammar and fantasy-based characters.

      Cloudsong -character development and realism.



      Pandle -sub-plots.


      (Developing complex characters, plot twists etc is subjective; we're not claiming what we say is the only way to go about anything, but it's how we've developed).
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (NO POSTING YET

Postby Lacuna » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:29 am

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nine.'s application

Postby Tremayne » Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:06 am

I want to join!
Username: nine.

Roleplaying samples: It has been quite a while since I have been in a fully literate roleplay, or have been required to write lengthy posts which you require to be a member of this club. The lengthy posts that I do have are on another site, called Advanced Scribes, and the content of some of them are not appropriate. I am going to use examples from there, so if you see a lapse in writing I probably took inappropriate words or phrases out. If I am to get in this club, I hope some literate roleplays begin to pop up more frequently, so I don't have to resort to another website to satisfy my literate needs. c:
In a shifter roleplay I created I wrote:Delicate hands, untouched by the outside world, fumbled nimbly with the vials filled with crimson liquid. Blood. Years and years of blood samples were stacked high in the fridge, each tube labeled with a name and date. Rhian was searching for a specific one, one she had never seen before, one that was collected before she even knew what blood was. The medics in Jeshi had been collecting and studying shifter blood for decades, wanting to learn more about their species. Rhian had quickly picked up on this study, becoming more than just fascinated with blood. Her small hands rarely fumbled, they never shook, but now they were damp with sweat, dancing ungracefully through the delicate vials dated from years ago. The blood had gone bad, seeing as a vial of it only stayed fresh for about six weeks after being drawn if stored in the right temperatures. But she needed to see it, she needed to know if it was actually true. This fridge was full of secrets that the rest of the pack were not allowed to see. Not that most of them would begin to understand what they were looking at. But Rhian knew. She had grown up learning the ways of a medic, following her mentor's footsteps and then some.

The blood on these back shelves, deep in the fridge, had been long degraded. The blood had crusted and stuck to the sides of the vial, becoming a deeper red that flaked off if messed with. Rhian was trying her hardest to be careful, just wanting to find the name. Her father had never spoken of her grandparents, and she just wanted to know. Curiosity always got the best of Rhian.

There it was.

Riordan, Fiona.

That's all she wanted. She was not going to pull the vial out; she wasn't looking to play with the generation-old blood. She just desired confirmation, wanting to know if her grandmother was a shifter. She knew her grandfather was, as she had known him in the first few years of her life. But, she didn't remember anyone speaking of their grandmother, thinking she had suffered the same fate as her own mother. But, no. Fiona Riordan was just as much a shifter as Rhian. This would be a good addition to the family tree she was making. The tree on her father's side was beginning to fill, but on her mother's side there was only one name. She would have to look hard to finish it, seeing as she had no access to the human records in the lines of shifters, but that was a challenge for another day.

The warmth of the room felt nice after she closed the fridge door behind her. She rushed over to her Mac that was sitting on one of the beds, adding the newly-found information to the data she had collected so far.

A sudden sound at the door startled Rhian, but she didn't show it. She was so focused on her work that she hadn't noticed Dimitri walk in, and was instead notified by his not-so-gentle knock. "We're going on a job. Jetta thought it might be a good idea to alert you," he said, keeping his description short and brief. Rhian wanted to ask what they were doing and where they were going and who was going, but she safely assumed that it would be the Force members, Axel and Asher. Rhian knew her sister had been working furiously, chasing after an unknown murderer. Rhian noted that she should go check on her sister later to make sure exhaustion was not making her unhealthy.

A long sigh escaped her bright red lips, and she nodded at Dimitri. "Thanks for letting me know," she said, and then turned around to prepare some things. Usually, the medical room was spotless, no items laying around and absolutely nothing on the counters. When members of the pack went on jobs, however, Rhian would pull out basic medical supplies: band-aids, gauze, tape, stitching supplies, medicine, and a few other things. She had little baskets designated for these things, seeing as Rhian kept things extremely organized as well as clean. A basket of basic supplies, a tub of items for breaks and sprains, and a whole floor-to-ceiling cabinet full of surgical items. Rhian has never had to do a full-blown surgery, but if the situation were to arise she would be prepared for it. When she is not playing with blood or tampering with her history, she is reading surgical and medical books, wanting to keep her mind constantly fresh and prepared for the inevitable.

After she had the necessary supplies laid out on one of the tables, she looked back at Dimitri. "Tell them to be safe, because I am not in the mood to stitch anyone up today."

Another post from Jeshi I wrote:Soft brown eyes only watched as the Pili smirked, awkwardly standing in the doorway. He seemed to be deep in thought, and Rhian couldn't help but feel as if she was being analyzed. She squirmed under his gaze and looked away, wanting him to leave her to her own devices. Her hands busied themselves with her braid, feeling for any stray hairs. Of course, almost every hair was astray from the main braid, as Rhian preferred to wear her braid messy. She huffed under her breath, but when she turned back to look at Dimitri the doorway was empty, as if he hadn't even been there in the first place.

A soft sigh escaped her ruby red lips, and she went back to work on her family tree. It was something to do in her spare time, and she busied herself with it quite frequently. Rhian didn't think it would be so challenging to complete a family tree, but when you are born to a human mother and werewolf father, things can get quite difficult.

After furiously digging through masses of old files and websites and anything else she could find, Rhian grew bored of the tedious work and stood from her sitting position. Her arms stretched far above her head, and she couldn't help but sigh after the loosening stretch. She stepped out of the medical room, gently closing the door behind her with a soft click. Her hand released the cold metal handle, and she stood in the hallway, sorting through her options of what to do. She obviously couldn't go far if Axel and Asher were going to go on a job, because if they were to run into an emergency they would need her promptly.

As if to make the decision for her, Rhian's stomach growled hungrily. She paused, trying to remember the last time she ate. Was it yesterday? This morning? She laughed at herself, knowing it was probably time to fill her hungry stomach and save herself from starving. Her feet carried her out the front door and into the crisp afternoon air, the sun barely peeking through the trees. Rhian loved living in the forest, fascinated by the way the sun danced through the trees, only lighting up the parts of the forest it could reach. It was strange to her, how the sun was millions of miles away, but it chose to grace her skin and deliver a warming touch.

With a warm grin on her face, Rhian made it into the storage room within moments. She opened the door and was greeted with the arousal of bumps on her bare skin, the chill of the room taking her warmth away. Stepping in, she closed the door behind her and stared at her options. She was no where near hungry enough to devour the leg of a deer, and her gaze settled on the carcass of a hare. The small prey had been frequenting these parts of the forest lately, and Jeshi stockpiled them while they could. Hares were a small delicacy that could just fill any grumbling stomach, or even serve as a snack between a few members.

Rhian would be eating this one alone.

There was a station in the storage room, built for skinning the animals if desired. However, Rhian wanted to enjoy this meal to her full potential, and she placed the carcass in front of herself. Girl became wolf within moments, and the small black wolf ravenously dug into the meat she had lain before herself. Meat was much more enjoyable to the shifters when they were in their wolf form, as they got all of the senses a wolf would: the heightened scent was key in making the boring flesh delectable.

When she was finished, Rhian quickly went from wolf to girl again. Now she had nothing to do but to wait for Axel and Asher to return, if they had even left yet. Rhian made her way back inside, taking her time outside between the storage and the door to the house. Outside was her second favorite place to be, and she savored the moments she had in the fresh air. Once she closed the door behind her, she made her way back up to the medical room, busying herself with making things look tidy and organized.

In a post-apocalyptic dog roleplay I created I wrote:"Come here, boy! Come on!"

Kieran glowered at the two humans. Goodness, did they not know how to avoid getting killed? First off, they were being way too loud, and zombies should be popping up any moment now. Secondly, did they think Kieran was going to gladly run to their side? Um, no. Kieran had his own life to protect, and he wasn't about to be this couples' guard dog. If they wanted a guard dog, they should have bought a dog before all of this messed up ****happened, because now barely any dogs survived. Kieran had seen his fair share of body parts, such as paws and tails, strewn about the streets. Humans only ever cared about themselves, and would throw their dogs as a sacrifice to save their own *****.

Kieran would know.

That's what happened to him.

Luckily, however, Kieran was able to mangle the creature which had intended to dismember him. Not without a few scratches, that is. Blood was pouring from every wound the zombie had inflicted upon him, and Kieran watched as his humans ran off without him. They were the main reason Kieran had grown to loathe anything that walked on two legs.

One thing that had come out of that encounter, however, was Kieran meeting other dogs. A couple of them had come up to him and offered to help, which he readily accepted. He would have died without them, as they were the ones to take him to safety and help to stop the bleeding. Now, Kieran led them and many others. In the group of around fourteen dogs, he had risen to leadership and was trusted by most of the dogs. They had all found each other through many encounters. Whether it be while scavenging for food, or saving the other from a hungry zombie, they all found each other and helped each other to survive. Kieran's goal was to find more dogs, and help them to learn a life of survival rather than fear, and take them to a place where they didn't have to fear for their lives. Where exactly that was, Kieran had absolutely no idea. He would find it, though.

At the moment, however, he was alone, walking away from the two ignorant humans who were about to get their innards torn out. They had yet to notice the three zombies exiting the nearby store and coming straight for them, mouths agape for the meal they were about to devour. Kieran smirked to himself, then ducked away into the temporary home his pack had settled in for the day. They couldn't stay in one place for more than a day or two before being discovered by the zombies, and would have to move yet again. Kieran was getting sick and tired of going from sleeping on a couch to sleeping on a cold tile floor to sleeping on carpet, and so on and so forth. He wanted to settle somewhere, and make a home in this life that no one seemed to survive in.

He stepped into the building and looked around, making sure the dogs were all still alive and no zombies were trying to eat them.

They would have to move soon.

In a post-apocalyptic roleplay I joined I wrote:Carson stared blankly at the monstrosity in front of her. The cat had just caught a mouse, and was eating it. "Are you KIDDING ME. You stupid cat. Make yourself useful and catch something for me. I'm hungry too, ya know," she mumbled, watching enviously as the cat ate the last few bites of it's dinner. Speaking of which, she did have a bag of beef top ramen in her backpack. But, she was trying to save it for when she had more water and a way to heat it up, so she could eat just as she had when she was younger: hot and soupy.

So, now what she really needed to find something else to eat. Her stomach was rumbling in protest while watching the cat eat it's prey, and now Carson was hungrier than ever before. Her food options were really down to a minimum. She absolutely hated fruit, so whenever she saw berries growing on plants, she never bothered to pick them. She always had to find things in abandoned stores, most of which was all completely gone from people that had ventured through it before her.

Carson was in the middle of no where. Trees surrounded her, and a small road was about fifty yards to her right. Well, she had no where better to be so she decided to take a little break. Her butt was on the ground before she knew it, and a long exasperated sigh escaped her lips. She was concealed, with her dark wash jeans and camouflage tank top, as she leaned against a large tree trunk. The cat climbed up to the lowest branch on the tree and lay down there. Carson pulled the backpack off of her shoulders, and placed it in front of her. She unzipped the smaller of the larger pockets, which is where she kept her food items. There, beneath the top ramen, was her water bottle. She pulled it out and untwisted the cap, bringing the opening to her lips. She took nimble sips, trying to savor the refreshing smoothness of the water, and not to drink all that she had left. Once she was satisfied, she twisted the cap back on and placed the plastic bottle back in it's place, then zipped the pocket back up.

After almost ten minutes, Carson stood up again. The cat immediately followed suit and landed beside Carson's feet. The cat really was one of the biggest cats she had ever seen. If she had ever studied up on cats, she would know that the male standing beside her was a Savannah Cat, and it was normal that he was so large. But, she actually had no idea as to what this cat was.

Silently, she stared at it for a moment. "Alright cat, your new name is Jax. Don't die on me, because you're the only friend I have alive at the moment," she said after her pause.

Gray eyes then lifted from the feline, and looked out in front of her. That's when she noticed it. How didn't she see it earlier? Was she blind? No. She just wasn't paying attention. But now she watched just in time to see a human figure slip off the top of a truck, and then to somewhere she couldn't see. Her feet immediately tore into a fast walk, for she wanted to get to the human as soon as she could, but not move too quickly so as to startle him or her. When she finally got to about ten feet away from the truck, she saw where the person had ventured off to.

Now, she saw him cooing a horse at the bank of a creek, with a dog in the water behind him. Carson cautiously walked towards the guy, Jax close on her heels. "I haven't seen a healthy horse since this apocalypse started. Lucky you."

Any literate group roleplays you currently have: My friends and I just came up with a post-apocalyptic wolf roleplay. The link is here. We are all literate roleplayers, but have not been able to find good, literate roleplays that are to our liking on CS in quite a while. We made the posting requirement less than literate so we can hopefully attract more people to the roleplay, rather than let it die before it even starts.

Thank you very much for taking your time and reading this, and possibly considering me to join this group. c:
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Reese's Application

Postby ~*Reeses*~ » Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:36 am

    I want to join!
    Username: ~*Reeses*~
    Roleplaying samples: x x x
    Any literate group roleplays you currently have: I am currently apart of a few. However, they have yet to start.
    I created this one and this one was made by antebellum.

    Thanks for considering to let me join your guys's group!~
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Captain Greenleaf's application

Postby Greenleaf » Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:15 am

    I want to join!
    Username: Captain Greenleaf
    Roleplaying samples: Here, here, and here. The latter two are from the same roleplay.
    Any literate group roleplays you currently have: None, currently.
Thank you for reading my application. :3
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