I'm not normal... [ open and accepting! please join! ]

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

I'm not normal... [ open and accepting! please join! ]

Postby Emmi537942 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:10 pm



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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:12 pm



    _____I feel things and see things. I can do things I shouldn’t, like touching a burning stove unscathed or hearing the conversations of people yards away as if I’m standing right next to them. But why, why is this happening to me? What is happening to me? I see images of this building, surrounded by silent black woods. I could be at school or home or anywhere in between, and its there, in the picture on the wall or the house on the corner of the street. Only for a moment, a blink and it’s gone. I’m afraid I’m being followed, but I don’t know who by. I just see a flash of black in the corner of my eye, or just get that eerie feeling that someone’s watching me. Am I going crazy? No, no. It’s just a dream right?

    _____It’s been a week. Everywhere I turn I see him more and more. The black suite, the dark glasses, and a dark car. I run from him, but he’s starting to haunt me. I can’t tell reality from dreams anymore, if he’s there or not. At school in the middle of the hall, or standing in the street, he no longer hides from me. And no matter what I do I can’t seem to hide from him. It’s like the man knows my every move, my every thought. Walking home today, I saw him. He appeared in front of me in an instant. His body loomed over mine, but not a single word escaped his lips. The last thing I remember was letting out a blood hurtling scream, and then I went black...

    _____When I woke up, I was there. The building is real. It’s a school for people like me, whatever that is. They promise that they’re only here to help us, that they will show us how to use our special abilities. All my things are here, and all my needed belongings. Down to the very last pillow on my new bed, everything's here. I don't know if I can trust them... Where are we…?

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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:19 am


    _____This isn’t your everyday school; this is a place for people like you. You’re not mental, or insane, and this is not an asylum. This is an academy for humans who have special gifts, ones inhuman and seemingly impossible. It’s like there’s magic running through your blood, and the instructors are here to help you manage you abilities. Some can control items with their mind, or shape-shift into another whole being. The school is made up of three large buildings. The main building you will be spending your time in is the North Building. It is the largest on campus, containing the classrooms for most of your classes, all of the teacher housing and offices, the cafeteria and formal restaurant, and the gym. Each level contains a different subject, including both the needed core classes you took back at home and ones to work on your skill. The other two buildings on campus are student housing. The one to the left of the North Building is the girl’s dorms, on the right the men's dorms. Each room holds two students with their own private bathroom, and the main floor has a lounge and small recreation room. Your personal items have already been moved to your rooms, and hopefully decorated to your likings. The rest of campus is surrounded by woods, and however, there is a large wall enclosing campus. We here do not want our students slipping away. Your parents have in trusted you in our care, so the wall and dome surrounding the school is for your safety. The rules for the school are as follows:

Curfew – 11:30 pm
You must be to class on time
Be respectful to yourself, teachers, and peers
All homework must be completed by the due date, no late work accepted
No revealing clothing
No using you your abilities to harm other students
No cursing
Dorms are to be checked for cleanliness every week, if not found satisfactory, your curfew will be changed to 7:00 pm for the week.
No alcohol or drugs are permitted on campus.


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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:36 am



I know everybody hates rules, but they're an unavoidable hurdle we all have to deal with. So please, just take the few extra seconds to read through these as I'm going to try my best to reinforce them.

o n e . Obey Tess. If you haven't read her rules, then your not welcome here, ok?

t w o . ~RedPanda~ is my Mod, please treat her as you would me.

t h r e e. Characters & Forums. With this, all I ask is that your forum is nice, pretty, and fully filled out. Please make your own. I'm tired of seeing ugly forum and forums that are pretty much all 'wip.' If your forum is not completely filled out when you post it to this thread, I will give you 24 hours to finish it off. The clocks starts ticking from the forums post time. Make sure to mention what your powers are and if you choose to be a shape-shifter, please include a picture. Now on to characters. As of right now, I will only allow you to have 2 characters max. That is, one girl and one boy. You don't have to have both a boy and a girl, but yeah, you get the point. Also, I would like all of the characters in this role play to be straight. Know don't get me wrong, I don't have a thing against them, but I just don't feel they fit into the story line. Please try to include everyone. Most of the other role plays I've made eventually turned into 1x1. I would like to try and avoid this. I understand if nobody else is on, or if the group parts ways, just try not and have it be like that all the time.

f o u r. In this role play, all of your characters can have a maximum of 2 powers. These can be anything you want from the I've made below, or one you've come up with yourself. Out of the two, one of them can be a major power, and the other a minor. On the list I have created below, it has the key to help you figure out which is which. Please don't try and get two majors from me, I know the power list quite well. [Example of powers: Water Bending - major __ Flying - minor ]If you think of one I haven't made, please describe it in your forum of send a description to me over pm. I'll help you (or agree with you c:) decide whether its a minor power or a major, and add it as soon as I can. One other thing, in the description of the powers, each one should say how much energy it takes to use it. This is kind of like a time limit, so if your character is using its powers all day with little rest, they will pass out. As they progress and get better at using them, the amount of time they can use their abilities will increase. The last thing I want to mention in this section is that on the first day, a lot of the students should barely be able to do anything with their abilities. Shape shifters can maybe gain some of the characteristics of their chosen animals, but not the entire animal form. For bender, they should only be able to move and manipulate their element the size of a baseball. What I'm getting at it that they can't be totally amazing the first day. It can even be news to some of them that they have powers, and spend a while trying to figure out what they are!

f i v e. Literacy & activity. This is probability the rule I will enforce the most. You absolutely 100% have to be active. I understand if your going away or something like that, but you have to tell me before you disappear, or else I may give your spot away. I want everyone who joins to post the minimum of every 2 days, if not everyday or more. If you don't post for 4 days, I'll give you a warning, but if you don't post within 2 days after that, I'm opening up your spot. Literacy, this thread is semi-lit. My definition of semi-lit is at least 5-7 sentences (about 5 lines). With writers block, 3-4 sentences. If you cannot write that much, with proper grammar and readable spelling, then please do not join. I would love it if you guys would write more, but this is the minimum I'll accept. Also, please do not use writers block as an excuse every single time you post. Try to only use it once a day at most. On normal posts, I would like it if you made them
pretty, but its not a have to. I know some people just can't
because they're on their phones, but if it's possible, please do. But, don't include a giant picture of your character in every post, just a little formatting and text coloring would be nice (Please don't use super bright unreadable colors though!)

s i x. No anime. I don't like it when people use them for there perons picture because there is no real way to fully grasp what they would look like in real life. If you draw your people, and are good at drawing realistic characters, then all the power to ya. But no animated drawings or anime will be accepted. If you really want to, no picture is necessary, but you have to have a very detailed paragraph describing them in expicit detail. Like, I'm thinking a 7-10 sentence pararaph.

I may add more in the future!
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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:47 pm



    This is the power list I, and the help of my friends, have made for you guys to use. If you have ideas for us, please just shoot me a pm, and we'll talk. Some of the abilities listed below are more rare than others, mainly meaning that I'm only going to let of few of you have it. After a while, I may end up crossing out some of the powers because there is a multitude of them. If one is crossed out, please do not choose it! Also, all minor powers are in the right column, the majors in the left. Major powers are also marked with a *.

*Compression -

- An ability to compress air and other similar
substances to a state were it can hold great
amounts of weight using a medium amount of
energy. Can be used to compress liquids but
at a large energy drain

*Illusion Manipulation -

- A slightly rare gift, which allows you to give
one or more person the illusion of seeing
something that isn't there. The range is limited
to 20 feet away and can only last for up to 2
minutes, using up a lot of energy in the
process(it takes about an hour to recharge).
Though the subject can see the illusion they
can still feel the world around them, as it
only effects the sight of a person and leaves
the user tired and disorientated after. Your
amount of time available for casting an illusion
and amount of energy used gets longer over
time and practice.

*Compulsion -

- This is a rare power. It gives you the ability
to convince others to do what you want
them to do. It also comes with the ability to
heal people animals and plants, but the more
you heal things the less life you have. its kind
of like giving your life for them. You must ask
for this power!

*Super-strength -

- Enhanced strength and durability. There is
a weight limit of about three-thousand pounds;
any more and your powers are strained and
useless for up to day. The smaller, the less
energy it takes.

*Telekinesis ~

- You can control objects with your mind.
There is a weight limit of about five-hundred
pounds; any more and your powers are strained
and useless for tow hours. The smaller, the less
energy it takes.

*Fire ~

- You can control fire. Creating fire out of the
palm of your hand is easy only if you are in a hot
area or near fire, however. You are also resistant
to fire and cannot be burned. You can draw fire
from any source, even if the flame is only a
candle. This makes it much easier.

*Water ~

- You can control water. One of the features of
this is being able to breathe underwater.
Although you CAN create water with only the
power of your mind, it is quite difficult unless
you are in a humid or wet area. It is much easier
to draw it from a source, even if it's only a sink.

*Earth ~

- You can control earth. This means dirt, rocks,
plants/trees, etc. It IS possible to create
plants and dirt, but the others cannot be
created. You can help them grow or whatever,
though. It takes more energy for this one than
it does for the others, but it is an exceptionally
strong power if used correctly.

*Shape-shifting ~

- You can shape-shift into two different animals.
However, one of them is the dominant animal
and the easiest to shift into, while the others
take a little more work. Often times you will
have some traits of the dominant animal, though
not things like cat ears or tails.(Two animals MAX)

*****Power borrowing ~

- This is one of the rarest powers. You can
borrow someone else's power for as long as
wished, though you can only have one at a time.
Borrowing a new power takes a lot of energy.
Borrowing does not affect the person the
power is borrowed from. You must ask to have
this power. The first to request it MAY get it,
after that I'll probably say no until I deem it
okay for another to have it. NO MINOR WITH

*Music Controlling ~

- You are able to control people with music.
It has very big setbacks, such as being
extremely tired and weak afterwards, and
you can only control one person for 10
minutes. After that you can't use it for
another hour. After a long time of practice,
you can hypnotize people for a while longer,
but it takes many years. This is one of the
rarest powers.
Voice of a siren -

- the voice of a siren, a minor power,that has
the possibility to become a major with the
right training and person who uses it, it is
strong with people who have softer natural
voices. the power that lets you mimic the
voice of a another person,tho the longer you
use the voice the longer your own voice is
strained, and if you are a person with the
stronger form of 'the voice of a siren' if you
sing people become frozen and instanced,
they don't do what you say,but they will stop
what every they are doing to listen. Though in
doing so, you can easily tire your self out.


- Ability to pass through solid objects such as
walls and doors. The thicker, solid and less
dense the material is, the more energy is
required to pass through.

Sonic Voice Waves-

- Ability to produce very loud sound waves when
talking. The louder you get the more energy you
take. It also strains your voice.

Air ~

- You can control air. This is one of the easiest
elements to control as there's almost always
air surrounding you. This allows you to simply
draw if from the air and eliminates the problem
of needing to be near a source. It's even better
if you are surrounded by wind or at least a
breeze, though.

Flight ~

- You can fly. The method of this is either with
or without wings, whichever you want.
Wingspans never go above twelve feet. The more
you practice flying the better your endurance,
therefore the longer you can fly. If wings,
they can be folded into the back and,
although the skin is bumpy and imperfect,
it becomes hard to see unless they are looked
for. Think Superman or Maximum Ride for this

Invisibility ~

- You can turn invisible. You can turn completely
invisible or simply transparent if wished.
Disappearing completely takes more energy than
just going transparent. However, sound is not
eliminated and you can be heard even if not seen.

Light ~

- You can control light. You have the ability to
create 'flashlights' with your palms, and blind
people with light. You can also see as clearly in
the dark as if it were daylight.


- You can control darkness. This includes stealth
and allows you to hide in shadows easily, and
although you can make a room dark you cannot
blind a person. You can see clearly in darkness,
though daylight seems dark to you as well.

Force-fields ~

- You can create force fields. The bigger they are
the more energy they take; the same is with level
of endurance and time they are held. Training
allows bigger force fields. They typically have
a bluish tint to them and wave, looking almost
like a thin layer of water.

Senses ~

- All of your senses are amplified. This includes
agility and such. You can see farther and more
clearly than others, hear better and farther,
your touch is more sensitive, taste is stronger,
etc. You can run faster and lift more weight.
You are typically very good at sports and all
of those things.

Speed ~

- You can run at high speeds, faster than some
cars. With this you can resist high force winds
and high presser. After practicing, you can get
to high enough speed that you can walk on
water. Maximum is 200 mph, but you can risk
passing out when reached.

Elasticity -

- You are the human sling shot. Your entire body
can stretch and bend up to 20 ft its normal length.
If stretched further, you can cause damage to your
body. Think Elastigirl for this ability.

Seer ~

- You can see the future, tell whether or not
someone is telling the truth, and read minds. At fist
things will only come in a flash, just a second or two.
They come at random times, only capable of making them
occur after much practice. Seeing the future can also
happen in your dreams, and if the vision is to long, you can
pass out immediately after it leaves you. However, they are
not always reliable. Things can change, and your mind is
more active then some. You tend to hallucinate.

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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:52 pm

N a m e. _____ A g e. _____ P o w e r s. _____ G e n d e r. _____ P l a y e d__B y.

Girls Dorm Room #113
J o e y__R o s e _____ 1 7 _____ Fire / Seer _____ F e m a l e _____ Emmi537942
C a s s i a__C a v e r l y _____ 1 7 _____Illusion Manipulation / Darkness_____F e m a l e_____~RedPanda~

Girls Dorm Room #116
A r t i e_____W i n s t o n_____ 1 7 _____ Water / Phasing _____ F e m a l e_____ Shadowwhisker
A n n a b e l l e__G o u l d i n g _____ 1 6 _____ Power Borrowing _____ F e m a l e _____ ~Mystique~

Girls Dorm Room #121
C h a r i t y__G r a c e_____ 1 6 _____ Shape Shifter (3) _____ F e m a l e _____ Allyssia_banter
L a u r a_____J o n e s_____ 1 7 ½ _____ Water / Phasing _____ F e m a l e_____ hot!chocolate!

Girls Dorm Room #120
K e g a n_____R o s e_____ 1 7 _____ Shape-shifter / Voice of a Siren _____ F e m a l e_____ V for Kiyoshi

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Guy's Dorm Room #90
L u k e__J o n e s _____ 1 7 _____ Music Controlling / Voice of a Siren _____ M a l e _____ hot!chocolate!

[ if you have a preference as to who your characters room mate is, please pm me and i'll change up real quick c: ]
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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:52 pm


1st Hour: Martial Arts

3rd Hour: Gym

5th Hour: Chemistry
2nd Hour: History

4th Hour: English

6th Hour: Math

~ Lunch ~
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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:53 pm


Open and Accepting! You can now post! Please Join!

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Re: I'm not normal...

Postby Emmi537942 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:42 pm


Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. ~ Plato ____ Silence speaks when words can't ~ Unknown ____ There will be an answer, let it be! ~ Beatles ____ At the end of the day you can either focus on what's tearing you apart or what's keeping you together. ~ Unknown ____ I want you to be my "teenage dream" not "the one that got away." ~ Unknown ____ She wanted something else, something different, something more. Passion and romance perhaps, or or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms, or perhaps... something as simple as not being second. ~ The Notebook ____ I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin but I'm not the devil. I'm good, but I'm not an angel. ~ Marilyn Monroe ____ We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~ Unknown ____ Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss ____ You're never fully dressed without a smile! ~ Peter Marshall ____ One good thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain. ~ Bob Marley ____ You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. ~ Ricky Nelson ____ Don't let your past steal your future. Move on. ~ Unknown ____ To infinity and beyond! ~ Buzz Lightyear ____ Music speaks the words we're afraid to say out loud. ~ Unknown


___t h e__b a s i c s
    Hi there! My name is Joey. Oh, sorry! You wanted my full name? That would be Joey Lola Rose. Kinda weird, I know. Joey in my case stands for absolutely nothing more, than Joey. It isn't a nickname, and yes, it really is my first name. I was named after my birth father, Joey Douglas Rose. My mom, no matter how hard she tries to deny it, wanted a boy for her first child. No decent parent would tell their child that they didn't exactly want you, but the way she looks tells all. You would think that it would bother me, but to be honest, I don't really have a problem with it. The meaning of Joey, doesn't describe me at all. Joey means 'He will enlarge' and is also the term for a baby kangaroo. Definitely nothing about a teenage girl in there, but I still like it. Shall we move on to my middle name? Lola was given to me by the decency of my mom. Grandma wanted it to be Georgia after her mother, but mom put her foot down on that. But again, Lola has nothing to do with me, except this time it kind of describes my mom. The name means 'sorrows' and 'moving to and fro.' We move around a lot because of mom... Anyways, last name. This one is easy. I received my last name from my birth father. I don't understand why I can't change it to my moms last name, Perkins. I get it that I'm his child too, but still. I've never met the guy, and from what I hear, I'm glad. Apparently he's rich, but wanted nothing to do with me and mom when he heard she was pregnant. So they settled it in court 18 years ago, and that was it... Oops! I got off on a bit of a tangent there. I assume the last thing you'd want to know is my age. As of the passed May 21st, I am still, a teenager. I di get my license though, so that's good. I'm 17 years young.
_i n__t h e__m i r r o r

    When I look in the mirror, I see me silly! Ok, ok, I'll be a little more serious... Lets start with hair. My hair is naturally light blond in color. Right now I'm letting it be because the last time I died it, my hair kind of fried. Let me tell you, it was bad. I had an Afro for weeks, and my hair as always been super wiry. With the use of a enough product it finally straightened out, but I don't want to disturb the beast. Also with my hair, its really very short. I have a pixie cut that I absolutely love. I got is shortened to a bob in the last state me and mom were in, but when I got here, I decided to have it almost all chopped off. Eyes next! My eyes are the one thing about my appearance that I truly love. I love their long lashes that curl up just so, and how they seem to stand out from the rest of my face. My eyes are a brilliant blue color, with flakes of green and gold at different times. In different lighting's they appear to change color, sometimes they look an almost teal color and at others the darkest blue. My height is another situation... I am short. Its the truth, I am always going to be a very small petite person. I'm about 5'0, have long legs, mediocre arms, and little upper body strength. For most of elementary school i was the tallest person in my grade. I think in 4th grade, I quit growing. I mean seriously, I hit 5'0 and stayed. My mom, and apparently dad, are short too so I guess I couldn't have expected much, but still. A girl can hope can't she? Anyways, lets move on to weight. I'm not one of those super superficial girls who won't say, I could care less. I weighed 90 pounds the last time I checked, and yes I know I'm underweight. That's just how I've always been. I run a low average body temperature, low on the height scale, and low on the amount I eat. On my arms and back I have a couple tattoos. I have a paper plane on my left arm. The other arm has a bird near my wrist, a music note on it, and a feather by my collar bone. My back only has one, and its a small tribal design on my right shoulder blade. Along with my tattoos I have a nose ring, a lip ring that I almost never wear, and ear piercings. Lastly, to wrap this section up, my clothing style. I would describe myself as a a vintage hipster. I know this my be a bit of a shock to you as I am rambling on and on, but I like to try and fade away into the background. I dress a little out there sometimes, but nothing crazy. I like the way vintage clothing gives me that little quirk, that's all...

__p e r s o n a l i t y
    Personality huh? I thought you would have some what of an idea by now, but oh well! I am really very silly and bubbly. I love joking around and being on sugar highs. Some people think I'm a little crazy for how much energy I seem have, but I find it fun. Crashing afterwards however, is not fun at all. As you probably guessed by now, I love to talk. My mouth and mind never seem to slow down, and if I actually stop talking, I am most certainly doing something else. I could be dancing, bouncing, singing. Anything. Now as much as I love to be crazy, I do have a serious side. I am constantly going over assignments and responsibilities in my head. Even though I might not act like it all the time, you can count on me for anything. I just put in my ear buds, slip off into my own little world, and get things done. Occasionally I have unorthodox methods, but by the end of the day all my work is accounted for. One other part of me not a lot of people get to see. I try really hard not to stress out or get mad in public, it takes a lot to push my buttons. Some days the world crashes in and I can't help it, but the most you'll usually ever get out of me is a snarky comment or a stern tone to my voice. Crying in public though, never happens. That I don't do. Everything has to be going extremely and horribly wrong for me to shed a tear. At home in to my pillow is more like it. In the comfort of my room with the door closed, that's when I crumble. Exhaustion and emotion over takes me and I crash.
______h i s t o r y

    My history isn't all bad. I have had a pretty normal childhood. As I said earlier, I have never met my birth father. Its been just me and mom for a long time now, but that's okay. We have a lot of fun together. My mom, Cecilia Perkins, doesn't really like to stay in one place for too long. She dates a guy, they break up after a month or so, and we move on to a 'new adventure.' It wasn't always like this though... when I was little, I think we lived in Michigan. Mom married my step dad Leon Perkins, her long term boyfriend, and we had the whole big happy family thing for a while. He was dad to me. Leon had filled the void, and had been around since I was born. I actually though he was my birth father until I was like six or seven. Somebody explained it to me, how he's my step dad and all, and I got pretty upset. I can't remember exactly why, but I wanna say I felt like my life was a lie. I started questioning other things after that, but it slowly drifted away. We found out Leon was sick when I was ten. He'd been having some lung problems, but always dismissed it until one day he just couldn't breath. The three of us were in the living room joking around and playing monopoly when he started wheezing. His face turned purple and he passed out in a matter of minutes. After that, everything's kind of a blur to me. An ambulance came and rushed him over. He never came home. The doctors found a stage 4 tumor in his lungs that night, and it was too far gone to treat. He made it a week before slipping away. A week after his funeral, mom packed us up and moved, and from there started the ever going adventures. In the last eight years, we've lived in what seems to be almost all 48 contiguous states. I've been the new kid more times than I can count, and we have moving down to a science. Most of the west coast we haven't hit, and I don't now that we're going to. I don't know if I'm going to. This school has so many open ended questions, so many weird aspects. I don't even know if I'm imagining all this.
l i k e s & d i s l i k e s
_____________✔ Outdoors
_____________✔ Baseball
_____________✔ Dogs
_____________✔ Music
_____________✔ Dancing
_____________✔ Internet
_____________✔ My Ipod
_____________✔ Disney
_____________✔ Pop
_____________✔ Laughing
_____________✔ Singing
_____________✔ Piano
_____________✔ Sour Patch Kids
_____________✔ Cuddling
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_________l o v e

    O r e n a t i o n: I am straight. I always have been and always will be. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a thing against it, I've just never felt that way about a girl.

    C r u s h: I don't crush, or really and truthfully do the 'love' thing either. People are not to be trusted with something like that when I'm just gonna get up and move at any time.

    B o y f r i e n d: Single Pringle Power! I swear, valentines day should really be called single awareness day, because as sad as it is true, I've never been in a relationship during valentines day. To be truthful, I've only dated like two guys. So yeah...

    P o w e r s: Fire and Seer

    O t h e r: Well, I have a one year old male terrier mix at home named Franklin. He's a big and floppy goofball that i love to pieces. I picked him up at a shelter in the last state we were in. We've been practically inseparable ever since! Driving wise? My car is a piece of junk. Its an old Volkswagen Beetle with a chronically jammed door, a missing rear view mirror, and hand crank windows. Oh, and I almost forgot the worst part! Its doesn't have air conditioning or heating, so let me say, it was a great car for all weather. NOT. But, I guess I should focus on the good stuff right? The bug's radio isn't broken and its a nice light blue color and...um... that's all I got. Anyways, well... I think that's it!

Last edited by Emmi537942 on Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:44 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: I'm not normal... [ wip ]

Postby redpanda. » Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:11 am

Ah yes, reserved c:
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