Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

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There will be a big battle and Someone almost dies...but who? (list of all active rpers right now)

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Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:43 am

-My character(s)-
{Characters so far}

In a kingdom was born two brothers a year apart. Together they stuck together in everything. They had a very very close bond to eachother. Years and years had passed and the brothers aged to teens. Their father told them that he would soon have to choose a successor and only one of the boys would be king. That day a cold rivalry was formed between the two and their bond was broken. The brothers had different ideas on how to rule. The eldest wanted peace and free-will while the youngest wanted obedience. When the time came, the king choose the eldest. Furious, the youngest brother ran away. More years past and the youngest watched as his brother built the kingdom. He believed that his brother was destroying the kingdom and cried out to the gods for help. No god appeared but a demon did, a very powerful demon. The brother begged the demon to help him and that he would do anything. The demon responded," Hahaha! Anything you say? Ok, boy. Let's make a deal. I will help you as long as you give me souls, innocent souls." When the brother nodded the demon continued. "I will give you a wife and with that wife you will have 7 children. I will bless those children with the power of sin. There will be-
Glottony~He/she will devour and destroy all who stand against you.
Lust~He/she will seduce people into following you
Envy~His/her jelousy will strive them to become greater, he/she will be your eyes and ears
Greed~He/she will be your right hand man for he/she will be one of your greatest ally and enemy and will help you rule
Sloth~Though lazy, he/she will be your strongest and very loyal
Wrath~He/she will maintain order and discipline, they will be your most loyal
Pride~He/she will strike fear in all and will command your army
These children will be granted with imortalitly, great healing, and each will have a certain power. You will also have this. You and yor children will also have demons and creatures to serve you. Every fullmoon I will come for my souls." With that, the demon was gone.
A angel figured out what had happened. She had overheard the conversation and a mixture of fear and panick filled within her.She ran to the eldest brother. She told him and warned him of the danger. In a panic, the eldest son fell on his knees and begged the angel for help. The angel looked at the brother in pity then said. "I will help you my child.To oppose his children you and your wife will have 7 children. These children will be blessed by the holy virtues. You will have-
Chastity~He/she will help guide you through, His/her wisdom and purity will serve you well. He/she will oppose Lust.
Temperance~His/her justice and self control will mantain peace, he/she is your strongest. He/she will oppose Gluttony.
Charity~He/she will be your most loyal and serve you as your fight hand man. He/she will oppose Greed.
Diligence~He/she will help build your kingdom and keep it well. He/she will oppose Sloth.
Patience~He/she will be mercyfull and help anyone in need and not show any kind of anger. He/she will oppose Wrath.
Kindness~His/her generosity and love with nurse this city and heal it. He/she will oppose Envy.
Humility~He/she will show humanity towards others and make sure everyone is treated right. He/she will oppose Pride.
They will be as great warriors as your brothers children. They will have imortalitl, great healing, and have a specific power.I will grant you companions to help you and your children. Angels, spirits, and all the holy creatures will serve you and your children. I wish you luck my dear child." The angel then dissapeared.
Soon, the children were born and a full out war was coming.
It was a time of war....
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Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:44 am


1) This is a semi literal rp. Please have somewhat good grammer and understandable writing. This also means atleast have 4-5 sentences per post. WB is understandable.
I am not and will never be a grammar nazi. That also means you do not be a grammar nazi. No one wants someone screaming at them 'THAT ISN'T CORRECT!!!!! A COMMA GOES THERE!!!!' I hate that with a burning passion. Honestly, I am not perfect with grammar. My spelling is good but my computer keys are messed up so that messes up my spelling and grammar here and there.
2)No perfect or invinsable characters!
That means no 'She is perfect at everything.' I will give warnings!
3) Keep this rp PG-13
Do not have inapropriate scenes!!!! This will also mean you will get a warning!
4)I will allow cursing ONLY if you star out the vowls and/or the words after the first letter.
Damn, hell, and crap are ok. If any other words please do this- A**, Sh**, F***, B****, and so on. Do not break this rule
5) Use brakets for OOC
I love to chat ssssooooo XD
6)If you will be gone, tell me or my mini-mode
No one wants to have to wait for someone for a long time. If you are grounded, try to tell us. If you will be gone, tell us.
7)Be kind to others!!!!!
Enough said. You break this then you will get a warning.
8) Have as much characters as you can handle
Enough said.
9) You don't have to have a girl and a boy
I am not a fan of rping girls so yah. If there are too many girls then I will ask for only boy forms. Visa Versa.
10)No being your own lover.
That makes this rp boring -.-
11) Anyone can join
No need to ask to join!
12) HAVE FUN!!!!
Might add more rules. It depends.

My Mini-Mode(s)
~Soul of the Abyss~
iva wolf

Warnings 1
Warning 2

Kicked out
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Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:45 am


You can use your own form if you'd like

Code: Select all
[center][b]-Name Here-[/b]
-Image Here-
Full name-
Power(2-3 sentences)-
What side are you on?-
His/her servant(sin)/companion(virtue): his/her master(creature):
What species are they?-(ex. Sin, demon, angel, ect.)
Description-(4-5 sentences)
Personality-(4-5 sentences)
Fears-(2-3 sentences)
Strenghts-(2-3 sentences)
Weakness-(Have to have.(2-3 sentences)
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My Character

Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:46 am


[/b]Full name-
Shay or Greed
Power(2-3 sentences)-
The ability to cloak himself in an indestructable metal. It sheilds him from any blow of any sorts, he doesn't use it to cover large amount of areas on his body unless needed. His senses are hightened greatly as the rest too. When he fully coats himself, he almost resembles a demon.
What side are you on?-
Obiously the younger brothers side
What species are they?-(ex. Sin, demon, angel, ect.):
(Since my picture was removed, think of Awesome pictures of Kirito from sword art online -.-)
His hair is pitch black but has a slight red-brown shine to it. Greed has deep purple eyes that turn red when he uses his powers. His height is about 5'9. When Greed is at his home, he usually wears a button up white shirt and black pants. When Greed is out he wears what you see in the pictures.
Greed is ,of course, greedy. He wants EVERYTHING. You can say he is a hoarder. If he finds something he likes, he keeps it. He is extremly organized with his personal belongings. Greed is rude and only thinks about himself. He doesn't care about anything unless it has to do with him. He may seem loyal and trustworthy but don't be surprised if he suddenly stabs you in the back. Greed has a very calm and neat composure. He doen't show much emotion. He is very intellegent, always thinking about what to do, always planning. He hates having nothing to do and likes to multitask. when he has freetime he spends his time in trees either reading or thinking. Even though Greed seems cruel and harsh, he has a surprisingly warm heart for those he cherishes. He IS greed and loves what he has. He has a big heart towards his mother, willing to do whatever she wants. She is very important to him. He LIKES his father, even looks up to him, Greed want the throne however. He will let his father live and stay with them. It is hard for Greed to like and trust someone though so he cares for a small amount of people/creatures. He favors some of his siblings, OK with some, and dislikes some. Greed is very persistant and will usually go for something till the end. Greed is the twin of Envy. You could say they are identical but they have their differences. Greed's hair is slightly longer. He is taller than Envy. Eye color is different. Their personalities are about completly different too. He is OK with Envy. Greed treats his twin better than his other siblings but pays little attention to his twin. He does that with the rest so it doesn't really matter. He has his own problems and ambitions to worry about, too much stuff than to really have tie to spend with his siblings.
Greed was born and raised a sin. Nothing much to say. He doesn't really speak about his past. If you want to know his deep dark secrets you will have to ask him. Good luck.
Greed fears little, making his fears big. One thing he fears is he will loose everything. He fears that one day he will just be left alone. A strange fear of his is that he will fall in love. If he does, he fears that in the end he will be hurt and weak. A main reason why he trust so little.
Greed's defense is the highest of his siblings. He is also one of the quickest. His strength is greater than some but weaker than others. He uses his defense and his speed to his advantage. he is a analyzer and pays very close attention to details, another advantage in his fighting.
Greed has ,as said before, little to no trust in alot. His multi-tasking can lead him to be easily distracted. He recovers quick from that though. Greed isn't as strong as many so in a battle of strenth, he struggles greatly. Sometimes he thinks a little too much. Greed also tends to over estimate too. Another weakness is when he cares for something, if it's threatened or hurt he panics. I wouldn't advise on threatening on what he cares for though because once he comes for it or to protect it he can be very very deadly.
Greed has a silver dagger that he keeps in a hidden slot in his shoe. Greed also keeps a red and black twin blades with him at his sides. He calls the red one Kurien and the black one Equix. When he coats his arms in his metal, his hands are sharp claws.
I tend do alter, change, and add to characters during rp's sooooooo
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The Characters

Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:49 am

'Side of the Youngest'

The younger brother-open
The wife-open

The sins

Greed: Shay-16-male-pg. 1- ~Sasuke Uchiha~
His servant : Yumi-female-demon-page 5-emo_love

Lust: Delilah-18-female-page one- Makani Black
Her servant : Rylan-male-fallen Angel-page 4-Tainted.

Envy: Samir-16-male-page 3-iva wolf
His servant: open

His/her servant: open

Wrath: open
His/her servant: open

His/Her servant: Vega-male-demon-page 3-iva wolf

Sloth: Roza-17-female-page 3- lynettetan1
Her servant: Eureyla-female-fallen angel-page 3- lynettatan1

-The eldest side-

The eldest brother-open
The wife-open
-The Virtues-

Humility: Azarel-10-male- page 3- Iva Wolf
His companion: open

Kindness: open
His/Her companion: open

Chastity: open
His/her companion: open

Temperance: open
His/her companion: open

Charity: open
His/ Her companion: open

Diligence: Ivy-15-female-page 1- ~Soul of the Abyss~
Her companion: Tackle-cat-page 1- ~Soul of the Abyss~

Patience: open
His/her companion: open

Who likes who-[/color]
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Re: Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby deletethisaccount145 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:08 pm

(Will join in the morning)
Yo this account is dead and if a mod sees this I would very much like it to be deleted since I honestly hate my memories from here and don't like knowing that I am still here in a way.
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Re: Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby Ariana Black » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:45 pm

-Delilah Lust-
Full name- Delilah Lust
Nickname- Deli
Gender- Female
Age- 18
Power(2-3 sentences)- Delilah can control people by singing. When they hear her sing two things can happen. The first things is that they fell under her spell and does as she commands. The second thing is is that they don't fall for it and instead attack her or other bad things.
What side are you on?- The youngest brother of course.
His/her servant(sin)/companion(virtue): his/her master(creature):Master
What species are they?-(ex. Sin, demon, angel, ect.) sin/demon
Description-(4-5 sentences) Delilah is a young irl. Her appearance is slightly demonic. She has dark brown horns and a dark brown tail which she can hide anytime she likes. She has snow white hair and amber eyes. She has a tattoo on her back and earrings.
Personality-(4-5 sentences) Delilah is a feisty spontaneous girl. She loves to have a good time. She is also very protective of her family. If you mess with them you had better hope you move fast.
History-(optional) She rather not say.
BF/GF- Open
Crush- Open
Fears-(2-3 sentences) Delilah is a deathly afraid of snakes, spiders, and scorpions. If she sees one scream like a banshee. If one tuches her she stand there for hours paralyzed with fear until it is removed.
Strenghts-(2-3 sentences) Delilah quite a few strengths. Her strengths are bravery, courage, honesty, and the ability to know when someone is lying to her.
Weakness-(Have to have.(2-3 sentences) Delilah's number one weakness is fire. After an accident that happened during her childhood she won't go near it.
Weapons-(optional) She has two sais one in each boot.
Other- Tattoo: Image

sais: Image
Profile Picture was made by @TheNightwishmaster on Deviantart. Commissioned by me
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Re: Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:46 pm

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Re: Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby ~Soul of the Abyss~ » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:54 pm

Full name::
Ivy (Diligence)




Ivy has the ability to manipulate time to her liking, often creating separate dimensions from the live time stream. In these dimensions, she can stay hidden for hours without others being able to detect her presence or movement. She can even pull people from the frozen world to converse with her if she wishes. From these time freezes, Ivy can fast forward and rewind time in in certain intervals ranging from a couple of seconds to a day. These intervals limit her abilities from overpowering those of her siblings and cousins.

What side are you on?::
Even though she is bound to her father's side by fate, her loyalty is uncertain. This uncertainty makes her somewhat of the outcast of her family.

Her Companion::
Ivy owns a male, gray cat with turquoise eyes that she has named Tackle. As a holy creature, Tackle is immortal and is able to speak telepathically with his master. Tackle always joins Ivy in her many misadventures, playing as her protector and conscience, guiding her to follow her father's will. Ivy, however, does not generally listen to his wisdom and rather follows her oven beliefs and choices, to Tackles dismay.


Ivy has short, amber hair with light golden highlights which falls to the top of her shoulders. Her hair is slightly wavy and is cut in various layers. She often keeps her hair down, with only two barrettes on her left side to keep the shorter strands of her hair away from her face. Ivy as emerald green eyes and pale freckles on her pale skin. Her round facial structure and small build resembles that of a child, having her often viewed much younger then her true age. Her height lies only around 4'8" and her weight is only around 95 pounds. Her slim body allows her to slip through the tiniest of openings and alleyways in her daily scrimmages around the town.
Her daily attire consist of pale white, flannel dress which falls above her knees and is embroidered with lace at the ends. On top of this she wears a shorter, sleeveless green dress with thick golden lining and a corset that runs the length of her chest. Her corset is strung together with golden string, which matches the golden bands sown on her white dress just below her shoulders. Her wears her dagger pouch tied around her waist and a pair of brown and gold laced boots which cut-off under her knees. Ivy does not enjoy wearing big, fancy dresses, and is more apt to choose more comfortable, free-moving clothing when she has the chance.

Ivy is a sharp girl with a knack for adventure and trouble, despite her fate. She enjoys sneaking away to the village square and pick pocketing stands and their customers for fun, rarely being caught. As trickster, she can be very foolish and devilish at times. She loves to joke with others, never being seen without a bright smile on her face. In the face of danger, she is sure to laugh, but is really found fighting against it. Ivy can get very lonely quickly and often tries to surround herself with friends and family. When she finds time when she does, however, prefer to be alone, she can often be found in her father's garden or in one of her created time dimensions with Tackle by her side. Due to her wavering loyalty, she is not easily accepted by her fellow siblings, leaving her to wander on the side of her sinful cousins. Behind her bright eyes, Ivy holds a deep fear of her future and prophesied fate, wondering if there was a way to change it by herself, much like she is able to do with time.

A middle child of her seven other brothers and sisters, Ivy grew-up as a outcast from her direct family,enver truely accepted by either her mother or her father. This lead her to be raised my a series of nannies and nurses with Tackle as her only friend.


None at the moment

Ivy doesn't have many fears, other then the fear of being able to control her own fated destiny. Ever since she has been a child, Ivy has also been deathly afraid of the dark, for reasons unexplained, and will never go outside at night without a companion and some sort of light.

Ivy is extremely flexible and athletic, famous for jumping across the rooftops of building in her daily outings to and from the village. A fast-thinker, she proves to be very cunning in battle, that is if she ever finds herself in one. Ivy is also extremely brave and is willing to stand up to anyone of anything to protect the ones she loves.

Just as the prophecy foretold, Ivy shows occasional diligence. It fear of it becoming a weakness to her devilish ways, she tries her best to hide it from her family and peers. This virtue causes her to become a perfectionist at times, which causes her to stall for certain periods of time during her day to day actives. Having a big heart, Ivy can become heavily broken hearted if someone dear to her was to betray her.

Ivy has never been one for violence, but she can be quite handy with her small dagger that she kinds in a pouch clasped around her waist.

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Re: Time for war. Semi-lit. Accepting

Postby ~:Stitch:~ » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:14 pm

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