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Postby . violet » Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:59 am

Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places...

The year is 1965, and you're the average teen, living a somewhat average life. You live in a simple town with two parts; The East side and the West side. The East side is filled with rowdy hoodlums, and the west is filled with rich, spoiled people. The West side's teens formed a gang called the 'Socials', only for people like them. They didn't accept people that weren't rich and perfect-seeming like them. The East side's teens, formed a gang as well. They were called "Greasers". Why? They were unclean, greasy-looking kids that were poor. The two gangs eventually formed a rivalry with each other, and since then they've been at each others throats. Everyone in town could tell whether you were a Greaser or a Social, just by the way you acted. If you were rowdy and loud, people could tell immediately that you were a Greaser, and if you were classy and drove around in mustangs and such, people could tell that you were a Social.

So, what are you? Are you a rough and tough Greaser, or a classy and rich Social?

You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel...

The Social Guys:
-The Social guys are typically cold hearted and don't show much emotion. They dress in the best clothes, have the best hairstyles, and typically keep up with the latest trends.

The Social Girls:
-The Social girls are just like the guys. Although, they mainly don't fight as much as the guys, and are a lot calmer and accepting. Depending on their personalities, they're sometimes snobs to the lower class people.

Imagine meeting someone who could understand you completely, even the simplest feelings.

The Greaser Guys:
-Most of the male Greasers are laid back and cool. They always have each others backs, and never leave another friend hanging. Not all of them do this, but some of them typically grease their hair back to represent what they are. Although they're laid back and calm most of the times, they do enjoy getting in trouble.

The Greaser Girls:
-The Greaser girls are just like the greaser guys. They aren't very girl-y and don't care what they look like most of the time. Unlike the Social girls, they could care less what they looked like, no matter what the occasion is.
Last edited by . violet on Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Kingsley, and

Postby . violet » Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:55 am

The Gang Ranks
the leader of the gang....
These guys supply all the things the gang needs. For example, they get all the needed items that the leader tells them to get.
These are the 'spies' of the gang. They spy on the enemies when needed, then report the important info to the leader.
There can only be one enforcer in each gang. These guys are the assistants to the leaders, basically.
There can only be two of these guys in each gang. These guys make sure that the other gang doesn't cross territory, and also make sure that each gang is seperated from each other when needed.
These guys really don't have big parts in the gangs. They just kinda roam, I guess.
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby . violet » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:38 pm

Greaser Ranks:
Leader of the Greasers: Darrel Curtis
Suppliers: Ponyboy Curtis, Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews
Informants so far: Johnny Cade, Laraina Matthews
Greaser Enforcer: Sodapop Curtis
Loners: Tim Shepard, Sandy, Lydia Cade, Steve Randle
Hitmen: Raine Shepard and Dallas Winston

Social Ranks:
Leader of the Socials: Robert "Bob" Sheldon
Informants so far: Cherry Valance, Marcia
Suppliers: Edward Singlaressea and Paul Holden
Enforcer: Randy Anderson
Loners: Winry Summers and Mary-Anne Singleton
Hitmen: None O_o
Last edited by . violet on Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and

Postby . violet » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:41 pm


    { {.Name.} }
    Johnny Cade

    { {.Nickname.} }
    "W-Well, my friends call me Johnnycake sometimes..."

    { {.Age.} }

    { {.Gender.} }
    "Uh...I'm a boy..."

    { {.Siblings.} }
    "I've got a big sister...Her name is Lydia."

    { {.Rank.} }

    { {.Family.} }
    "Both of my parents are alive...My father is an alcoholic, though, and my mother is just plain evil."


    { {.Personality.} }
    Johnny is a very shy and skiddish guy. He doesn't talk much and prefers to be that way. He is sometimes considered a coward, but it doesn't seem to bother him. When you get to know him, though, he's very kind-hearted. And after befriending him, Johnny will usually stick to you and follow you like a lost puppy. He's very caring towards the people that he gets to know.

    { {.Greaser or Social?.} }

    { {.Sexual Orientation.} }
    "I'm straight...Other guys really don't interest me."

    { {.Likes.} }
    -Peace & Quiet
    -Being read to
    -Calm people
    -People who seem to understand him

    { {.Dislikes.} }
    -Mean/Loud/Rowdy people
    -Intimidating people

    { {.Crush.} }
    "I don't think I could really like anyone in that way..."

    { {.Anything else?.} }
    Nope :3



    { {.N a m e.} }
    Dallas Winston
    { {.N i c k n a m e (s).} }
    "Some people call me Dally, or Dal. It doesn't matter what you call me, really."
    { {.A g e.} }
    "I'm seventeen years young~"
    { {.G e n d e r.} }
    "Do you really need to ask that? I think it's obvious that I'm a guy."
    { {.R a n k.} }
    { {.G r e a s e r or S o c i a l ?.} }

    { {.S i b l i n g s.} }
    "Don't have any, and I don't really care to have any. They seem to just get in the way."

    { {.P e r s o n a l i t y.} }
    Dallas is a rough and tough guy, to put it simply. He has a bad reputation of stealing, getting into fights, and cheating. Surprising or not, he is very proud of the horrible reputation he has. Normally, he is rather laid back, but he has a temper at times. It is very easy to get Dallas confused, which ends up in him usually becoming very frustrated. He is normally stubborn and hard-headed. This is one reason why he seems to get into so much trouble. This, and the fact that he doesn't keep his mouth shut. Dallas speaks before he thinks most of the time, and when he says things, it's normally not nice. He also has a habit of finding it fun to tease women. He finds it entertaining to annoy them, especially if they're ones that he may like. You can tell when Dallas finds an attraction to a girl, because he usually embarrasses himself on purpose and acts a fool. And when that fails, he'll usually start to tease or harass the girl he might like, just to get a laugh or two.

    { {.Likes.} }

    -Getting into trouble
    -Driving too fast
    -Ocassionally, girls.

    { {.Dislikes.} }

    -Little kids
    -Annoying people
    -People who act too kind

    { {.Crush.} }
    "Impress me, and I'll see~"

    { {.Anything else.} }
    Nope :3



    { {.Name.} }
    "Ponyboy Curtis. My dad wanted to be original when he named me."

    { {.Nickname.} }
    "People occasionally call me Pony."

    { {.Age.} }

    { {.Gender.} }

    { {.Rank.} }

    { {.Siblings.} }
    "I have two older brothers. Their names are Sodapop and Darry. My dad wanted to be original with Sodapop's name, too...."

    { {.Personality.} }
    RP out ^_^;;

    { {.Likes.} }

    -Ocasionally, school.

    { {.Dislikes.} }

    -Mean people

    { {.Greaser or Social?.} }

    { {.Crush.} }


Name: Winry Summers
Age: 17
Gender: "Did you really just ask that...?"
Greaser or Social? "I'm a Social, but don't worry, I'm not mean like the others."
Personality: Winry is very laid-back and calm. She acts like a guy at times and prefers to hang out with the guys. She doesn't like very much drama, and hates snobs. All in all, she's a pretty mellow and cool girl. Winry also loves trying new things, and is sometimes a daredevil.
Crush: None
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Mary Anne Singleton
Age: 18
Gender: "I'm a girl, morons!"
Greaser or Social?: "I'm a Social..."
Personality: Mary is a very rude and smart-mouthed girl. She is a snob at times and can be hot-headed. She hates people like Greasers; The ones who are loud and rowdy. She finds them very obnoxious. Mary is also self-centered at times and greedy. She typically doesn't get along with very many people, but that doesn't seem to bother her.
Crush: Nope
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Lydia Cade
Age: 18
Greaser or Social?: Greaser
Siblings: Johnny Cade
Crush: None
Personality: Lydia is a very out-going and carefree girl. She giggles a lot and has a good sense of humor most of the time. Unlike her brother, Johnny, she is very loud and speaks her mind. She can be a flirt to guys sometimes, but fears actually settling down in a relationship. Towards her friends, Lydia is very warm-hearted and kind. Towards her enemies, she's very brisk and rude.
Other: Nope :3

Name: Keith Matthews
Nickname: "Everyone just knows me as Two-Bit!"
Greaser or Social?: Greaser
Personality: RP out
Crush: None
Anything else?: He's Laraina's older brother :3

Name: Steve Randle
Nickname: "You really can't get much shorter than Steve..."
Greaser or Social?: Greaser
Personality: RP out
Crush: None
Anything else?: Nope :3

Name: Robert Sheldon
Nickname: "Everyone calls me Bob. And when I say everyone, I really do mean everyone."
Greaser or Social?: Social
Rank: Leader of Socials
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Marcia
Nickname: Nope
Greaser or Social?: Social
Rank: Informant
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Tim Shepherd
Greaser or Social?: "Neither, but I help the Greasers. They're pretty cool, I guess."
Rank: N/A
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Sandy
Nicknames: None
Greaser or Social?: Greaser
Rank: Loner
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Darrel Curtis
Nickname: Darry, Superman
Greaser or Social?: Greaser
Rank: Leader of the Greasers
Anything else?: Nope

"The name's Curly, and yeah, it's my real name. So what?"
Age: "I'm fifteen, and free to do whatever I want."
Gender: "Yeah, I'm definitely a girl. Whatever..."
Personality: "Just your average guy, that's all~"
Curly is a very mean and smart-mouthed boy. He doesn't care what people think of him and does what he pleases. He can be a brat at times, and always forces his way into getting the things that he wants. He's been in several boot camps and reformatory schools because of his wild and bad behavior, but it doesn't phase him one bit. Curly is also a daredevil and will do anything you dare him to do as long as it's dangerous. He's very loud and wild, and enjoys things like jumping little kids, stealing, and high-jacking cars.
Siblings: "Tim's my older brother, and Raine's my older sister."
History: "I ain't tellin' you guys nothing about my personal life!"
Greaser or Social?: "Neither. If Tim ain't either of 'em, I ain't gonna be either of 'em. I'd rather be a Greaser, though. I've never really talked to them, though. The only ones I know are Ponyboy and Dallas, and Ponyboy's a weird kid. Dally's Tim's buddy, though, so I gotta hang around him. And not to mention, my sister, Raine, has a big 'ol crush on him. Am I talkin' too much?"
Crush: "Ha! You're funny!"
Other: Nope :3

Name: Paul Holden
Age: 18
Greaser or Social?: Social
Crush: None
Anything else?: Nope

Name: Edward Singlaressea
Age: 17
Greaser or Social?: Social
Crush: None
Anything else?: Nope
Last edited by . violet on Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:44 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby Seether~ » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:47 pm


    Sodapop Curtis
    Ponyboy Curtis and Darry Curtis
    Greaser or Social?:
    Previous relationships:
    My best buddy's Steve Randle


    Laraina Matthews
    Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews
    Greaser or Social?:
    Previous realationship:
    No way


    Raine Shepherd
    Tim Shepherd
    Greaser or Social?:
    Previous Relationships:
    No , but I do have a crush on Dallas Winston



Name: Just Randy
Age: 17
siblings: Nope
Greaser or Social: Social
Rank: Enforcer
Previous relationship?: I am currently dating Marcia
other: NAH


Name: Cherry
Age: 15
Sibling: None
Greaser or Social: Social
Rank: informant
Previous Relationships: Well i'm dating Bob but i'm inlove with Dally.
Last edited by Seether~ on Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby Zoe-Underland » Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:34 pm

(I will make more~ just on my iPod)

{ {.Name.} }
Zoe Rose Shade

{ {.Nickname.} }
My nick name is ether Shadow or carver

{ {.Age.} }
13 1/2

{ {.Gender.} }

{ {.Rank.} }

{ {.Siblings.} }
I have five brothers. Alexander, Damian, Ace, Lucious and Dino. All in there twenties. All living together.

{ {.Personality.} }
Truly. Meet her. Despite her being a social. SHe is a lot different to them

{ {.Likes.} }

-speaking French or German.

{ {Dislikes.} }

- most of the socials.
-colour pink
-ano and other things.

{ {.Greaser or Social?.} }

{ {.Crush.} }
I tend to send gifts to my bestie Elementstar and use both hers and my pets to order art :)
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby . violet » Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:52 pm

{}Yay! We can start!{}

Johnny walked around, his hands in his pockets. He sighed, looking around. "What to do, what to do..." He mumbled to himself.

Dallas let out a huff of boredom as he roamed the streets. Today was a rather quiet day. He hadn't ran into any trouble, which was very unusual.

Two-Bit looked around, watching the cars pass the down the roads. "I wonder what it'd be like to jump off the hood of a car..." He said in thought, "Wait, I'd probably break my back doing that...But wait...That's the point!" He exclaimed to himself.

{}Yeah, I didn't know what to post for most of my characters e_e I'll add others in later.{}
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby Zoe-Underland » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:50 pm

(Lol. Hi all)

Zoe sighed. She looked upwards "..Alexander I miss you brother" she said leaning against a wall. She looked at her bike. "Hmm. Should I?" She questioned herself.
I tend to send gifts to my bestie Elementstar and use both hers and my pets to order art :)
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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby Seether~ » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:20 am


Rains had just finish giving a man a tattoo and was very annoyed "he said he wanted a fried chicken tatto...." She muttered to herself "fried chicken?"


laraina woke up that morning feeling alittle wierd. I mean she had pink hair so it was natural to feel wierd. But today was just plain out awkward. So she decided to go find Ponyboy. "Maybe he wants to go see a movie..." She muttered walking down the street.


Sodapop was working at the gas station. Steve wastage and he was covering for him. He had also managed to get two-bit a job there and was waiting for him.

< YAY sorry about how long it took me to post I just can't post with all my characters right now...>

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Re: 1x1x1 between me, Crazy4SodaPop, and ~Fenris~

Postby . violet » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:48 am

{}Lol, it's OK. I didn't know what to do on the first post either. That's one reason why I didn't make my posts all fancy and stuff n__n{}

{ {Johnny Cade} } • { {sixteen} } • { {Greaser} }
Johnny stopped walking, looking around once more. Today was quiet, which he liked. He continued walking, hoping to find something to do, or at the very least someone to talk to. He soon saw a girl, leaning against a wall, a bike next to her. Johnny wasn't sure if she was a Social, or just a bystander. He knew for sure she wasn't a Greaser, though. He went over to her, his hands still slumped in his pocket. "Um..." He stood there, staring blankly for a second, "H-Hi." He finally said in a quiet voice.

{ {Ponyboy Curtis} } • { { Fourteen } } • { { Greaser} }
Ponyboy had been walking home from school, his books in his hand. He sighed, hoping not to run into any trouble any time soon. He stopped, seeing Laraina, another fellow Greaser. "Hey, Laraina," He said, smiling softly.

{ { Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews } } • { { Eighteen } } • { { Greaser } }
Two-Bit continued walking, looking around aimlessly. Soon, something dawned on him; He was supposed to go to the gas station and help Sodapop out. He quickly made his way to the gas station. When he had got there, he opened the door to the inside and went over to Sodapop. "Hey there, Soda..." He said slowly, "Sorry I'm late..."
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