Bring It On|1D RP|Not Accepting!|

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Bring It On|1D RP|Not Accepting!|

Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:51 am

You are the tied as the 2 most popular bands in the world right now! but there is only 1 thing stopping you from being the best... and thats the other band.


ImageYou guys have worked so hard and you still aren't number 1, and it's all that other girl band.... ugh you can't even say there name! but here it goes.... their name is Little Secret... You guys think they are so snobby and just plan out horrible! Anyway you guys decided to take sometime off before starting to write more music((And because they invited you to a red carpet premire to a new movie)), so you guys decide to go to Los Angeles California.. the only bad thing about this is that the girls of Little Secret live in Los Angeles California.. you guys hope you dont bump into them anywhere. But you boys have a secret... a secret only you know about, that secret is that you have a crush on one of the girls from Little Secret, but you have to make sure the rest of the boys dont find out because if they do..... then that wouldn't be good.


ImageYou girls are living the dream and having the best time of your life! there is just 1 thing stopping you from being the best of the best.... and thats One Direction....UGH! you girls can't even stand them! you ladies think they are horrible and have no taste in music, you never ever want to meet them at all! Anyway you guys are enjoying your wonderfull life in Los Angeles California! and you guys are so excited for the red carpet premire of a movie coming out, it was such an honor to get invited to that. Anyway but you ladies have a big secret that NO ONE knows about.. your secret it that you have a crush on one of the boys from one direction... but you cannot let the rest of the girls find out! because if they did then they would probably kill you!



ImagePlayed by: ♪ t r e b l e ♪

ImagePlayed by: strawberry.

ImagePlayed by: ᴸ ᴬ ᵁ ᴳ ᴴ -

ImagePlayed by: -stormy days.

ImagePlayed by: ᴸ ᴬ ᵁ ᴳ ᴴ -


Image Played by: T R O U B L E - Crush on Harry Styles - Lead Singer

Image Played by: ⚓aquaman;- Crush on Louis Tomlinson - Drum player

Image Played by: -stormy days. - Crush on Liam Payne - 2nd lead singer

Image Played by: strawberry. - Crush on Niall Horan - Guitar player

Image played by: toothless; - Crush on Zayn Malik - Bass player

Sentences:okay I DO NOT want one liners! They are boring and hard to reply to! The minimum will be 3 good sentences! Try to have good grammar and star out cussing!
Drama/romance:Yes I want some drama, but don't go over board where they are cutting themselves or trying to commit suicide. For the romance, well of course there is going to be romance! It's pretty much a romance rp! If your characters get to the point where they are going to do 'it' please put fade to black or go to PM! We don't want to know what happens!
Activeness: I cannot stress this one enough, but if you are going to join then PLEASE be active! When people aren't active it makes the RP die! If you are going to be gone with no internet access then please PM me telling me you are going to be gone with no or few internet access! If you are gone for a long time without notifying me I will send you a warning and if it happens again you are out of this RP.
Forms:I want to see nice pretty forms!(: the girls need a good form and for the lads...well they don't need a form but if you choose to make one for them then it doesn't have to be as detailed as the girls since we are all directioners and know our lads!
Listening:I expect you guys to listen to me, if I say something like I am going to sleep don't go 4 pages until I'm back then I expect you guys not to go further than 4 pages
Codeword: I'm not a big fan of code words but I want to know that people read my rules, so at the top of your form in bold put the word 'Mistletoe'. Of you do not have it then I will tell you that you are missing something and you will have to fix it.
On the form: on the form you MUST HAVE PICTURES!
Reservations:I will reserve spots,but you only have 2 hours after you reserve to post your form. If you don't by that time then you lose your spot. Also if you reserve a spot, but someone else post their form before you for that spot then they get the spot
One More Thing: I just want everyone to have a good time rping this rp! And as long as you follow the rules then it will be good!

Girls house:

Guys house:
Last edited by cth; on Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:34 pm, edited 13 times in total.







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Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:17 pm


Age: 19
Birthday!: November 20
Personality:sweet,Funny, Sporty, kind, sill
Hair color?: Brown
Eye color?: Brown
Height: 5'2
Body Type: Skinny,but had a good curvy body.

"Lets see..where to start of first? Well i'll tell you my age, I a currently 19 and my Birthday is November 20th. I am 5"2', yes im short! i know that already! i think i may have gotten that from my birth mother, but im not sure. Well if you can't see the obvious,but i have dark and light brown eyes, they usually change from dark to light. I have brown hair, i usually straighten it but when im lazy it will stay my natural hair which is wavy. I have a skinny body, but i have good curves as well, i stay like this because in High School i was a cheerleader and plus now i still work out when i can. Now, last but not least my personality!I'm not the type of person that will make drama and be a gossip type of girl, im more of a 'lets have fun' type of girl, i have a very good sporty and romantic side of me that only a few people get to see..well most people see the sporty side, but only a few see the romantic side"

History:Well its a bit long...
Siblings?:have an older brother
Birthplace:Los Angeles Californis!
"Okay lets get this history, well my original parents gave me for adoption when i was born because 'they weren't ready for a kid', anyway i dont exactly know where i was born all i know it was somewhere in California, she as raised in Los Angeles California with her adopted parents, so i just say i was born in Los Angeles
my adoptive parents are just amazing, they treat me as if i was their actual full blood biological daughter, i have a brother. He is from my adoptive parents, he is only 21 which is 2 years older than me, but thats fine cause he and i get alone perfectly! I dont really have alot of friends i have my girls in my band!"
Intrest in a guy:Its not about how they look like,
Its about their personality
Crush?: well.... i kinda sorta like Harry from 1D
Perfect date idea: A moonlight walk in the park or beach....
or! just watching movie in pur pajamas and cuddleing
Relationship Status:Single
"Now my love life time!, well right now i am Single...i dont really have time for a boyfriend since im so busy with the band and stuff.... okay i have a deep dark secret..... i sorta like someone who is in one direction..... its Harry styles.... but SHHH!!!! dont tell the girls! they will kill me if they find out!"
Likes:Being with her friends&Family,
and her girls,having a fun time,laughing,sports
dislikes:people that are mean,
people who cheat!
Phone?:i have a white IPhone 4s
Play Anything?:The Piano and guitar and i am the leader singer"
"Things that i like are:➬Modeling! ➬Being with family&Friends! ➬ Penguins and koalas! ➬Music! ➬Startbucks!. I have played the piano and guitar and sing since i was a little girl, i love playing them..i feel like i can express the way i feel better than words. I dont really dislike alot if things i try not to look at the negitive things and life, but i cant lie and say i dont dislike anything, but trust me there are only a few things i dislike"


I have alot of favorite music, what ever mood i am in i will listen to music, for me music is a way to express how you feel as well


Favorite Quotes:"Love can sometimes be magic.
But magic can sometimes...just be an illusion." "Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." "For it was not into
my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."

"I like reading quotes and making up my own quotes. usually after listening to music or playing one of my instruments then i write quotes or i just write. i like to write it lets me be very creative and i must say...its really fun"








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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:29 pm








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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby khaleesi, » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:40 pm

(Zayn's girl.)


                              ➷ . any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.


                  this strong girl is worth getting to know;

                  "Hello world! It's Me, Renesmee Eleanor Cullen. Very unique name indeed. Well, I am aware that Renesmee is from twilight, but I inherited it from my great, great, great, GREAT, grandmother Renesmee. I really don't know her last name, but my middle name, Eleanor, comes from, well I don't really know. It's pretty awesome though. My last name is Cullen. My great, great, great, great, grandfather came from Ireland over to America and was forced to change their last name. Why? I have no clue what so ever. So I have many nicknames coming from my real names. You may call me Chachi, Ness, Nessie, Renee, or make one up. I was born in Mulingar, Ireland on December 25th. Woo Hoo! Christmas Baby! I am also 18 years young. I am not to thrilled with that though. Want to know why? Well, I get all my presents at once instead of during the middle of the year. It really stinks. But you know, consider me lucky to be alive. Now that is done. Wait, I forgot one very important detail. I am female. A woman. Lady. Ya you get the pic."


                  she'll catch your eye for sure;

                  "Well, you just seem to get enough of me. If you really wanted to know more, why didn't ya say so? I am 5'7. No I am not short, nor am I tall. I guess it's an average height for a dancer like me. You are being kind of rude when you want to know my weight, since you really care, I weigh about 123, 124. No I am not fat. I have long, brunette, hair that I like to leave down. It is rare if you see it in a braid, but when I am playing guitar I like to have down. Speaking of color. I have a blue, piercing blue eye color. It is pretty, I think it is anyway. My skin is fair. I am not to tan nor am I to pale. I do have a few tattoos and piercings. I have a nose stud. Not to severe and my ears are pierce. Two on each ear. I just keep normal ear studs in though. My tattoos on the other hand are quite attractive. I call the one in my ear you got the music in me. I would say this is my favorite tattoo of all time. Then you have infinity and beyond. I don't have a lot of tattoos, but I love these little ones. It's the little things that count, right?


                  so, you'd better cherish your memories;

                  "I guess you can consider me a hyped up, dancer, that always has her head in the clouds. I am considered the 'Dreamer' at school. I have no idea why I earned that. I just have a huge imagination. When I was born, my mother said when I was born that I looked like I was dancing. I have no idea how she saw that, but I grew up to be an amazing dancer. I have been offered many scholarships for my dancing skills. When I was just about 4 I started to dance. I was in ballet for awhile, but then I grew up. I was about 12 when I left ballet and became a very good hip hop dancer. I tried to start my own dance crew, but they just left me. So I went solo. I have danced at very large arenas. I have also danced for some big people. lmao, America's Got Talent, I even did a dance for One Direction! That was like when they were in the beginning of their career. I love dancing and if anyone tries to take that away, they will wish they were dead already. Speaking of which. That reminds me of my rebel side. I have done some baddish things in my life. I have been in prison for a night because I tried to sneak into a 21+ years old club. I had to much to drink and I was legally drunk. So I went to the slammer for the night. Then my parents came and got me. They were not to happy. I met a nice guy there. He was named like Alex or something. I never did call him back, but that's not the point. I do have a protective side as well. If you hurt any of my friends or you prefer a cushioned coffin? Yes, so the fact that I seem very unlikable, I am really not. I can be quite a loving girl once you get past that stubborn shell I have grown. I do love the feeling of being wanted. I have had enough experiences to know who to trust and not trust. So if you try to play me, I will come down on you. I will make you wish you were never born. Oh that is kind of harsh. There is one last important thing you should know......I love to give hugs!"

                  "I was born and raised on Mulingar, Ireland. That means I am Irish. Which also means I have a Irish accent. I don't mind it. I think boys like it. But anyways, back to my history. As I said I was born and raised in Mulingar, Ireland. I have a beautiful mum named, Elizabeth. My father is named Christopher. I call him Toph cause it bugs him. I also have a little sister named Ann-Marie. She is, I think six possibly. I also have a brother, Jackson. He is 21. I don't like him that much. But that's sibling love for you. Anyways. I also have two dogs. One is a female husky named Denny and a male St. Bernard named Bear. I love those two, but Bear slobbers EVERYWHERE. No joke. I know fish don't mean much to you, but I have a beta fish named Jeffry. Yes. I love my Jeff. Oh! And Tony. My fat, indoor cat. I was raised with music and art. Mom is a music teacher, dad is an art teacher. I love both. When I was about seven I found a love for guitar. I am still doing it today and I believe I am very good at it. It's one of my hobbies. That is not much of a history,but I don't like talking about what else has happened. It's rather....sad.

                  "Welcome once again! Now we shall talk about hobbies, likes, dislikes, and fears. One of my most favorite hobbies is guitar. Mainly acoustic. Always is, always will be. Can't you just see me in a nursing home writing music? I know I crack myself up too. I also have a fond passion for music, piano, writing music, and so on. I just love playing my feelings and sll that sweet stuff. I have a lot of likes which can be put into my hobby category. I do like cats, dogs, and movies. I love Disney movies. I love Tangled. Like a lot. I don't want to reel you into my obsessions though. Then my dislikes come along. Blood, darkness, squirrels, jerks, preps, self absorbed people, and those kind of people. One of my largest fears is, Blood. I can't stand it. Just talking about it makes me dizzy and light headed. SO needless to say I have a weak stomach. Now that you have become a complete stalker I assume you want to know more. Geez. People these days."


                  don't let her down;

                  "Love? It honestly......stinks. Ya I am not to fond of ucky, blucky love stuff. Why? You want to know why? Well why don't you go ask John, Jake, Ethan, Dane, or Nathan. They should know. Ya. Those are my exes. Got a problem? Needless to say from my past love history, I am straight. Very, very straight. I have nothing against Bisexuals or anyone like that. I find them to be great and likable people though. As you can see this topic rather irritates me. I honestly don't know why.....I find it a rather terrible thing to love someone who doesn't love you. Just like those five idiots above. They didn't love me. They used me. Jerks. If I ever wanted to get into a relationship again, I look for guys who are trustworthy, not full of themselves, love me for me, don't cheat, and can stand me and actually want to be with me. I just don't like this subject. Thank you for reading my whole life. I am sure you have enough information to stalk me now, so be gone!"


faceclaim is Chachi Gonzales.
credit; for the characters goes to me, toothless;.
credit; for the pictures goes to their original owners; I take no ownership.
credit; for the formatting goes to the user, change;
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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:42 pm








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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby Just One Yesterday » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:44 pm

May I reserve the drummer of the girl band and Harry? Oh, and my pics dont work....))
'And I'm in love with you, and all
your little things'

'My kiss could mend
your broken heart'

'They dont know about
the I love you's'

'You light up my world
like nobody else'

[i was dreams come true and one d. do not use those names]

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this signature was made by westy for dreams come true.
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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby Just One Yesterday » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:47 pm

red with green eyes.jpg
red with green eyes.jpg (5.21 KiB) Viewed 647 times

Name: "My name is Katherine Blake Jones"
Age:"Im 21 and going strong"
Gender:"Yea,im such a guy"

My name is Katherine Blake Jones
If you cant tell, my name is Katherine Blake Jones.
Its kinda dull and old sounding, mainly because it is! I got my first
name from my great grandmother, Katherine N. Jones. I got my
middle name from my father, Blake Micheal Jones. I got my last
name fom my ancestors that were given the last name Jones. I
love my name because it means wild and different
red car.jpg
red car.jpg (9.22 KiB) Viewed 629 times

Im 20 years young!
"Yep, its not that difficult. Im 21 years of age, old enough to drive,
nd old enough to drink. Yea, I know. Drinking,wow! That must be
amazing but I only drink when I get really mad and maybe once a
week. With age comes great responsibilty!! Yea, im funny like that.

Im such a girl
"Yea, im not a guy. If you think so, you might be blind. I know looks
can be decieveing but Im a girl! Please dont call me a guy to annoy me,
it really hurts when people call me a guy because I dont like guys. Sorry

Personality:Just to summon it up. I am a full out wild child with nothing on my mind
History: My life has been pretty normal, compared to most people.
Looks:I have red hair, large green eyes, tan skin, a muscular body and cute clothes!

What Im Like?
I am very wild and crazy. I love to stand out and be differnent. I
hate how people love acting different because they want to fit in,
well not fitting in fits for me. I am the life of a party and I am a full
out rebel. I love to party and have fun but I know where the line is
when it comes to having fun.

Whats happened to me?
I was born in Lexington, South Carolina on December 25th. I had a twin
sister but she passed at birth. My brother is still here and so is my mother.
My father passed while I ws 4 and I grew up with my mother and my brother.
I joined Little Secrets a few years back, and its been the best choice ever!

What I look Like?
I am 20 years of age. My birthday is on Christmas so my friends
sometimes call me Santa Baby, which I hate. I have hot red hair.
No, it has not been dyed. It has very springy natural curls in it. My
left is is a very pale grey color because I am blind in it and my right
eyes is an aqua green color. I weigh probably 115 pounds, and I do
have a six pack becae I play a lot of sports and work out alot. I am
about 5 feet and 7 inches. I wear a size 8 in shoes. I normally wear
very tomboyish and comfortable cloths.

Likes: I like alot of things, nature, animals, music, my besties
Dislikes:I hate needles,love,one direction, heights, and spiders

treble clef.jpg
treble clef.jpg (3.02 KiB) Viewed 629 times

What do I Like?
Lets see.... I love music, animals, drawing, writing, my pets, and
the arts. I love music because you can express yourself in so many
ways. I love animals because they are natures little gifts. I love drawing
and writing because it also a good way to express my feelings. And last
but not least, I love my pets. I have a pet red fox named Sky and a husky
named Snow. I am also currently in the back Little Secret. I am usually the
one to wear the black dress and the jean jacket. Yep, thats me!

What Do I Hate?
Eww, there ae so many things I hate but I will take it down to 5. I
hate needles, they make my skin crawl when I have to get shots. I
hate heights, I would never be able to ride in a plane, I can barely
get on roller coasters. I hate spiders, they are gross and sometimes
deadly. I hate cats, I'm allergic and there terrible, and last and least,
I hate love.
Last edited by Just One Yesterday on Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
'And I'm in love with you, and all
your little things'

'My kiss could mend
your broken heart'

'They dont know about
the I love you's'

'You light up my world
like nobody else'

[i was dreams come true and one d. do not use those names]

signature shop||our little things

this signature was made by westy for dreams come true.
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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:48 pm

-sorry but you need pictures, it says it in the rules... if you cant have picture then you can't join....sorry-







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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby Just One Yesterday » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:51 pm

Boom! I got it to work!!
'And I'm in love with you, and all
your little things'

'My kiss could mend
your broken heart'

'They dont know about
the I love you's'

'You light up my world
like nobody else'

[i was dreams come true and one d. do not use those names]

signature shop||our little things

this signature was made by westy for dreams come true.
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Re: Bring It On|1D RP|Open!|Accepting|

Postby cth; » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:53 pm

-Okay, but now could you make it a bit more creative? it's kinda boring compared to Mine and toothless; -







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