Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby jormungandr » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:05 pm

Owner Name:
Sakira is a little creative one, always coming up with was to have more fun then ever. She might coe p with the most craziest thing because of how creative she is.

Great imagination
Sakira has an excellent imagination, she can turn a feather into a dragon in her mind. She can have the best time of her life if she uses her imagination.

Sakira is very quirky in a good way. Her friends enjoy her being unusual and different, it sets her apart from others, makes her unique. Quirky is her best trait, because its the one thing that sets her apart.

Bold or Courageous
Sakira isnt afraid to stand up and face her fears. She will not give up easily to whoever faces her, but she doesnt like to fight all the time.

Why do you wish to have him/her:
Frost :3 I recently moved from a cold place to a very warm place, and this frost rune reminded me do much of home! I would also love to own a rune dragon, though, sadly I haven't got one yet :3
Where will you keep him/her:
Signiture and my character thread. Sakira would have a lovely home in both.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
I am very, very picky! So only if I think the runes would be great together :3
Any Quirks:
Sakira loves to fly into the freezer when it is open. She will just fly in and sit there, enjoying the cold.
How or why this Rune left its tree:
Her tree was close to human house, a house with a outdoor bar sort of area. Now, Sakira was a very curious one, and she often sat and watched the humans open and close fridges, which appeared to be doors with lights inside them to her. She would always watch, and ask her self If she knew what they were. Then one day was her day, she flew down, and swooped into the freezer, looking around. The humans laughed and pulled her out, patting her head, smiling. This is how Sakira left, and how she came to us.
Last edited by jormungandr on Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby Coexist » Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:47 am

Owner Name:
very curious and sometimes spastic, Evergreen enjoys the pines he resembles. Hes a sweet little fellow if a bit to eager to make you happy.
Why do you wish to have him/her:
This rune reminds me of days gone by, good times I once had, smiles that cross my lips.
A lot of my childhood was made up of spending time on a farm in Iowa, needless to say it was easy to get bored, but with a nice sized imagination and a willingness to believe in the impossible.... One could go very far. My favorite area when it wasn't freezing or boiling hot was a small corpse of pines, all huddled together like they had something to talk each other about. One had a limb, almost touching the ground, perfect for climbing. Among the boughs of the ever greens magic took place. I remember this well and the rune makes my heart want for those long ago years.

Where will you keep him/her:
My siggy at first then my character thread to be showered with art. [size]
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
[size=85] yes

Any Quirks:
(Quirks are funny habits or odd things the dragon may do.)
this rune is different then most of the other ones like it, instead of going with winter it stays.
How or why this Rune left its tree:
curiousity Evergreen is the curious sort and couldnt help but wonder about the other rune. it didnt look like him or the others must look must meet must talk
Evergreen was not your normal First Frost Rune. After frosting the pines like all the other of his kind instead of not coming around till the next year, He stayed. He was drawn to the snow melts and purely by accident his first year was left behind. He loved it so much he decided to do it every year. One of the wonders he had uncovered was his beloved pine cones , He found if they got very hot the seeds inside came out. He wondered how many of his fellow runes knew this, of course he reminded himself he never did pay attention in class. He had not wanted to loose where the other runes had gone the first time he was left behind, so for many months had not gone far. Then he realized the pines all looked different to him, just in case he pulled out one of his shimmering hairs and planted it in the tree making the tree instantly frost. He knew this was something only He and other Frost Runes could see. This his second year exploring he felt the need for a companion, he didn't know why. He had seen humans come and go and none had even remotely looked interesting. Frost Runes hardly ever looked for human companions because of the going away thing. He started to think of what he would want in a companion, A lover of nature and pines was all he could think of at the moment, mainly because right across the way from him he saw someone tending there land. This early in the year?? he thought surprised. He went to check it out, A woman hoeing a small space with lots of weeds. He approached her, instead of freeking out she smiled huge, "hello you must be my reason to take a break" She said smiling. Evergreen smiled back, he liked her already. She put down her garden tool and sat on a dry towel she had brought for that purpose, "what do I owe to the honor of the occasion" she asked looking at him. It had been a long time scence Evergreen talked, in fact he was not quite sure he could. So he flew over and landed on her tool making a very curious face. The woman was not stupid, "you want to know why I'm using that?" Evergreen's eyebrows raised, it was close enough. The woman looked at him, "well, after the frost is all done the ground is soft a perfect time for weeding." she said looking at him with a half smile, she hated that chore. Evergreen about died, he went back over to her and pronounced his name the way the trees did which she seemed to understand because she replied "I'm Coexist." He wondered was this his companion?

Last edited by Coexist on Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
I would like to appoligize to everyone for my behavior. Apparently one of my meds needed adjusted. I decided to stay but I will soon start a thread about High Functioning Autisum so that maybe a few people can better understand when I do slip. Love you all!
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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby theymightbetod » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:14 am

Owner Name:

Teeganm Or Teeg 4 Short

Meaning Cool In Latin


Fun Lovin'

Why do you wish to have him:
Omg, So many reasons.
I Hugged my computer when I saw this guy, An I will Probably cry If I let him slip out of my hands.

Where will you keep him:
Everywhere I can practically put him!

Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
Spread The Love Of The Frost!

Any Quirks:
Well, There is one quirk of this guy's...
When ever I tend to go out shopping, just when I close my door,
Alsus scurries into the kitchen, grabs the Peanut butter, and sits on the couch with the peanut butter,
Then, when I get home, I normally have a P n J Sandwich... But... The Peanut Butter is Practically frozen.

How or why this Rune left its tree:
Alsus felt warm and safe in his tree, Looking down from above at all the people walking on the foot paths.
But he was disturbed from his peace by a crow, far bigger than himself.
The crow pecked, clawed and nipped Alsus... And tried to get him out of the wedge in the tree.
The frost on Alsus didn't bother the crow, but in fact, the Pine-Cone armor did...
The crow twisted and turned, and than, got the Rune out.
The crow put Alsus in it's beak, and dropped it into my back yard... Or more like... on the foot path.
I found Alsus, and Looked after him, and made sure he never came in contact with the crow again.

Wip- Art
Last edited by theymightbetod on Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
previous usernames here have been deep space; &

im not really active on cs anymore, but if you want to check out updates and art then id reccommend going over to my deviantart

deviantart account - jbds - My characters-

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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby mulder » Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:08 pm

Eep, I don't think I'll be able to make this form live up to what I wanted it to be D:
I simply don't have the time, not to mention art and writer's block ;n;
Last edited by mulder on Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:10 am, edited 4 times in total.
i'm not active here anymore
and no i'm not giving away any of my characters, don't ask
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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby Wileyfangs » Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:36 pm

This is SO W.I.P!

Owner Name:
She's a female alright but I think she'd be a bit offended that you thought otherwise.

Swillow is many things, but one thing she isn't is lazy. In fact this is one of the most active Rune Dragons you'll ever find. She loves just zipping around when it's chilly and can spend her time out there for hours! Honestly it'll be a little tough to keep up with her, but I'll do my best!She enjoys hikes and long walks around the forest by our home when it's colder too, and sometimes even when its not so cold. For Swillow though being outside is enough, simply because its great to be able to stretch her wings and just take off. I usually end up watching her with my notebook and pen in hand and I try to sketch her while she's in motion. Sometimes my sketches turn out pretty good, and sometimes not so good, but when it all comes down to it Swillow is the best and could never be duplicated not even on paper.


Besides being a rather active flyer, Swillow tends to also be somewhat of a copycat. What I mean is she'll hear a sound, like the crunching of snow or perhaps the call of a bird, and try to imitate it. She loves to listen to carols and try her best to sing along as well. Though it may come out as a racket, she puts effort into it and you can tell she's trying. She's also one of the best alarm clocks to have when its time to go to school and often I find my ears ringing just from the sounds alone. But that's just who Swillow is, and no matter how loud she is I can't help but think it's better than the quiet sometimes. And sometimes I'll even join in with her carols.

* Festive *

She loves, adores and worships the holidays because she knows that when the holidays start comin' everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, shows up and she enjoys the family time. Much more than I do, but that's okay because I'd rather she did, than be as anti-social as me. She loves to help the adults in anyway that she can and sometimes let me tell you, if she wasn't the size of an owl and was human, I'm pretty she'd be draggin me off too. But I can't help but think it's thanks to her I'm closer to my family. And strangely enough...I'm okay with that too. She's probably the greatest at making wreathes and will sometimes get a little angry if someone tries to take her prized one, the one she pretends is her nest. She's always changing them every season though and whenever she's finished making one she'll give the old one to whoever wanted it. All clean and fresh I assure you. When she isn't helping out with adults, or making wreaths she'll usually be with me by the fireplace, either curled up in my lap, or burying her face into my neck, but either way you'll find us over there drinking hot cocoa and just relaxing. It's one of my favorite times.

✈ Travel Savy ✈

She has to migrate though when it does get warmer so I save up money every year to go with her simply because I'd be too worried without her around. The thoughts of where she is, is she okay, is she hurt always plague my mind when I can't go so in order to appease my fearing thoughts, I end up working double shifts at my job, saving money for our trip during the summer months, to visit one of my relatives that live in colder countries. It's hard work, but we manage pretty well. It's actually pretty fun and like I said she tends to bring me closer to my family. All over the globe too. When we reach our destination (Switzerland, Russia, Germany just to name a few) we tend to spend a little while just relaxing in whatever house or inn we happen to be staying in just to get the popping in our ears to stop. She hates that about airplanes and thinks that they're stupid and I hate airplanes simply because I don't like the idea of having no where to go but up for over 24 hours. So when 24 hours is up I'm ready to get out of there, but sadly these flights usually last longer than that, but we both suck it up and put on our brave faces, though I honestly think mine drops whenever the airplane starts getting higher.

Why do you wish to have him/her:
Well truth be told I was just surfin the net at an ungodly time of hour when I decided to check the Rune Dragons in my Bookmarks (Yes I have you guys there. I was just too scared before to actually say anything) and I was just looking (and or stalking) when I caught sight of this girly. Now because of my sleepy induced brain first thing I thought was, Oh cool they made a turkey based one," And I was about to just dismiss it as that. But for some reason, I couldn't help but think that was wrong so upon taking a closer look I discovered that it was pine cone based. After a derp moment there I decided to check it out.
Where will you keep him/her:
I'll find a spot on my siggy for her, that way she'll always be seen and I'll put her in my charrie thread too. Or perhaps I'll make a separate one for her. I'm still debating on that, but I'm leaning more towards her having her own thread.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
Well...Maybe later. I don't want to breed her too soon because for one, I'd rather get the time to actually see and explore her interests (that I'm still thinking through) and if I did win her, I wouldn't want to breed her right away with just anyone. (I'm naturally protective that way sorry :3)
Any Quirks:
Well Swillow tends to enjoy making Wreaths and she has a talent for imitating sounds she hears.
How or why this Rune left its tree:
Well it certainly wasn't choice, that much I can tell you. You see, Swillow had to give up her tree due to a terrible thing called mining. You see there was a company that wanted the mineral underneath the grand tree that Swillow lived in, and so they'd cut it down. The tree had fallen and Swillow had toppled out of it injured and confused. She'd called in Runie to her friends and family but unfortunately they hadn't been able to hear her due to the noise or they were simply to scared. It wasn't long before the miners had taken the minerals they'd wanted as well as her tree. Swillow was practically hopping mad when she watched them leave and she promised the next human she saw was going to get it!

Well that's where I come in.

You see, I'm not exactly the most social, or the the party-girl in the bunch so I tend to shy away from others and at the time our teacher was taking us on a field trip to the mine site, so I ended up getting separated from the group. Well Swillow had seen us, how couldn't she with our loudness and stomping feet. In fact we'd gained the attention of the whole forest, but hadn't really cared much about it. Or at least majority of my class hadn't. I however did, and I guess that's how I ended up taking a "short cut" through the forest. I wanted to know what was there after all. The whole time, Swillow followed me and I began to get a little nervous because I knew something was watching me, I just didn't know what. Now normally a sane person would go back to the group right?


Must explain a lot with me then huh?

Anyway I didn't want to look like a wimp -which I totally did look like anyway so no difference there- so I kept going and of course Swillow being Swillow followed after me. Thinking she was going to get her revenge she'd probably have followed me to the ends of the earth! Thankfully though that didn't happen.

What did happen though is I ended up lost in a forest I'd never been in before and I ended up getting paranoid. But as it turned out I had every right t be, especially when out of nowhere Swillow charged me right out of the blue. I didn't even see her as she nipped and gripped at my clothes. All I saw was a blur of green and brown that seemed to be making the worse bird-calls I'd ever heard! I tried batting her away but that only made her even more angry and upset and she ended up nipping my fingers.

And boy did that HURT! To any Rune Dragon owners you know what it feels like to have your Rune nip you playfully right? Well this was painful and the worst part was, she wouldn't let go! She was like a snapping turtle and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to get her off. It was the worst, and battered and tired as I was, not even wanting to be in that stupid forest anymore I remember crying. Somehow I'd ended up on the ground too. Yeah, Violet the Crybaby right here. Well I can't say why Swillow let go then, maybe she felt bad she'd made me cry, or maybe she was tired of the taste of blood in her mouth, but she did let go. And cradling my finger to my chest to make sure she wouldn't bite at it anymore I inspected her.

And it was then that I saw how small, and how strange she was. For one she was green, definitely and seemed to have...pinecones for wings. In the back darker, I'd assumed them to be feathers, sprouted upwards in the back and the feelers on her head were tipped with...frost? Yup they were definitely tipped with frost, like snow frost. The kind only JackFrost was supposed to have, but apparently this gal hadn't gotten the memo. Gazing at me with suspicious blue eyes it gave a slow 'cree' and out of fear that she'd attack again I'd clutched my hand closer to me, self-preservation at best.

Only she didn't attack. Instead she hopped onto my knee and then gave another 'cree' sound before she looked at my finger. It was pretty bloody, I'll admit that and it hurt worse than it looked. But then that's when her feelers started to glow faintly. Freaked out but afraid to harm her I'd remained as still as could be.

Last edited by Wileyfangs on Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:17 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby ραяαησямαℓ єηтιтιєѕ » Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:33 am



Owner: ~
Gender: ~
Breedable: ~
Type: First Frost Rune

"The Runes who Welcome Winter"

It was one of those mornings where a small part of me wanted to remain inside, sipping at my cup of coffee, but the beckoning light of the rising sun was impossible to resist. Everyone was asleep except for little Ammolitia, who insisted on accompanying me on my wanderings as long as she could cuddle within the wrapping of my scarf and inside my hood. After bundling up, I walked out into fresh air that was so crisp, you could snap it like a bar of chocolate. It was delicious to breathe and sent little frissons of elemental delight across my warm skin. Every exhalation resulted in a wispy cloud of steam that wreathed around my face and wafted off into the breeze to vanish silently. A few birds still sung, but their songs were half-hearted, as if duty called but they wanted to remain huddled within the warmth of their feathers. The leaves on the trees clung but just barely - it was apparent that one good gust would send them a-whirling down onto the ground with the rest of the cousins. It was beautiful, but the frosting on the cake was literally that: it looked like Mother Nature had elected to delicately decorate every surface with a thin layer of ice. Sunlight winked and twinkled, turning the land around us into a field of diamond-encrusted silence.

The leaves crunched beneath my boots and Ammolitia chattered away lightly about how the bugs were easier to catch when they were slow with cold. It took me a moment to realize that what I had originally thought were trapped leaves touched by the breeze in a nearby pine tree were actually small flying creatures, about the size of Ammolitia - no bigger than a rat. We both paused, eyes wide, as one of the brave little creatures alighted upon the edge of a branch and looked at us with eerily-pale eyes set in dark socks. It was a new species of Rune! Even as I watched, the little Rune gave a soft peep before brushing the ends of the pine needles with its evergreen-dark feathers. Frost grew on every surface that it touched and I realized that these Runes were responsible for the beautiful lacings of ice on the leaves, trees and grass. I was more amazed when the brave Rune dropped down and fluttered before me, tilting its head left and right. When I offered an outstretched finger, it landed with all the weight of a pine cone and I watched as little crystals spread over the outside of my wool gloves. Ammolitia exchanged Runie words with the wild Rune and it gave a human-like nod as well as a little bow. I was so charmed that it broke my heart when it finally left, joining its brethren to continue their morning duty of brushing the world with frost.

It turns out that these Runes are most active in the early mornings, between 4am and 9am, before the sun rises and after the sun sets until midnight. I've also only seen them during the late autumn and into winter. I guess they must migrate to follow the cold, since I've never seen them during the summer. They can control their ability to deposit frost, but they don't like to. It's as if too much energy gets stored up within their bodies and they must release it somehow. They remind me of the wild bird species, the Chickadee, with how friendly and courageous they are. They seem almost fool-hardy sometimes. I also noticed that those little whiskers on its face help it find food on the surfaces of the trees they love. I haven't quite figured out how those whiskers work, so if you do, let me know!

Anyways, this one Rune seemed to take a liking to me and Ammolitia. Maybe it'll take a liking to you too!

so you want to know about me, do you? Well here i go.. My username is ραяαησямαℓ єηтєтιєѕ, but my real name is taylor treeswift. (rune bearer name) I have dark green eyes and brown hair, and love rune dragons.. Even i dont have one of my own yet, i work as a rune tamer. Taming rabid runes and animals into domestic pets.

Well, i decided to name my first dragon IceBrisk. She feels fine to go by a nickname, though. I decided to give this rune its name becuase of the frost on its back and the evergreen looking fur, and color, IceBrisk is a truly beautiful name for a truly beautiful rune like herself.

she is obviously a female! What, does little icy look the slightest bit like a male?! That's what I thought.

Well, to start off of what to say about IceBrisk.. Is that she is a artist. She loves to draw.. Well, she has pretty much of a built-in pencil. She loves to draw, and do paintings.. Especially with her frost. Art is her hobby. IceBrisk is adventurous , and always happy for a new one. She is also mischevous and enjoys pranking other runes, and people. Ice is very sweet, and friendly to virtually evreyone.. But she doesnt trust other runes alike her, mostly the ones with snow on them. IceBrisk thinks they might evaporate all the frost out of her, and she will never be able to cast her art out into the world.. Or even use it for the other things she enjoys in life.. Probably without it, she would die from the heat.. Anyway.. She can be agressive whenever someone challenges her.. Or picks on her, or her friends. She is strong, and corageous. Ice is occasoinailly derpy.. and random, too.

IceBrisk lovs to paint and do thins of the sort.. And loves to inspire people. Icy can go through a sketchpad in one day, she loves it so much. IceBrisk is a true artist.

icy loves adventure, and is always eager to find places to go to. She loves to explore new areas, and find new things, but for some reason she can act strange about climbing huge mountian peaks, becuase she has a slight fear of hights.

IceBrisk makes a great friend and is always kind to you, maybe even a little flattering, and she always stands up for the ones she loves, and her friends alike. She can accually still be very agressive to people.. But that will be explained in the next thingy.

Ice is very brave, and can bite your finger off if you get her mad, witch it is a bit hard to do.. When someone is picking on her friend or family, she will most likley attack them, and say it was a reflex.
IceBrisk very much enjoys a prank or two, and ambushing people in frost. She finds it fun to drag the toilet paper all over the house, ding- dong ditch all the nighbors.. And egg thier houses. typicail Ice. She also has the tendancy to fib, or lie about things she has done to get out of the trouble.

well, this is pretty obvois.. she can be derpy, and random.. yeeeppppp..

I am in love ith this rune. Evrey time i look at her the more i want her. You people make some pretty beautiful runes, but this one is unique. And she reminds me of nature, wich i love. I have yet to get my first rune. But she is my favriote one yet.. I hate watching people writing large, incinscere Paragraphs to try and win the rune.. Thats why i always like to keep it small.. So in a nutshell.. I am inlove with this dragon and will do anything to win her. I would even give up all my pets for her.

anywhere she can fit. i am even making a webpage for her once i learn how to submit it! (if that's okay witn you.)

If she ever finds a rune she loves, and i will be very picky about the one she does choose. I think she would make beautiful babies.

well,, of course. And they are-
Scared of frost-sucking manics?
As i said, Icy has a strange fear of other frost-related runes sucking the frost out of her. This is becuase when we went on ipa missoin on a huge snowy mountian, we met a tundra dragon who threatened to do so. Well, that just petrified her.. And we had to leave the missoin..

Popsicle fond!

Take your art to the extreme?
We all know that Icy is a artist.. Right? Well, somtimes.. When it gets cold out she accually uses her frost for accessories, and clothes.. She seems to always make a certian laace-like collar on her neck.

IceBrisk's story wrote:
"But.. Tyrabithyia!!" IceBrisk squeaked. "No buts!" The dominaint rune roared. "But- im sorry! I really am sorry"
Ice cried. "NO! You stole my treausure and now you have to pay for it."

"It was just one piece!" It was no help reasoning with the one she shared a nest with. Tyrabithyia was always so bossy, and so mean to her.. If she had somwhere else to stay she would move nests in a heartbeat. Tyrabithyia swung her wing in Ice's direction.. She even caught prey for tyrabithyia.. And nothing but a cramped place to live in return. Not to metion it smelled terrible. Tyrabithyia took one lunge for her side and made her topple over the tree. "And dont even think about coming back!" She barked.

As she plummeted to the ground, she worried about where she would stay, what she would do.. She got stuck head first in the snow, when she lifted her head from the white dust, she looked up at the tree and found tyrabithyia looking down at her. She scoffed at IceBrisk " And if you even try to come back up here.. I'll rip the shreds out of your poor little body." She then sat back in her nest, now her own.. Closely guarding it, poised to strike, knowing IceBrisks mischievous manner. "Don't worry, I don't think you will be able to do that." She murmered, flying up to the tree, ready to fight for dominance. "Well, I thought you had less nerve than to come and challenge me like that.." Tyriabithyia growled. "yes, i do,Your majesty" IceBrisk said. As she flew back up to the tree, she was ready to commence the battle for dominance. IceBrisk aimed for tyribithyia's neck, but was batted off. She growled in annoyance. tyrabithyia screamed, and lunged for her, setting IceBrisk into the air. She caught herself before falling, but twisted out of balance, hitting the tree. She had fell once again. "Ha! You really are as weak was you look!" tyrabithyia menaced. IceBrisk walked off, leaving a trail of swirls in her path. Then she looked up, there was a whole new world, and it was her canvas.

she is so dedicated to her art, she has her own studio.. and pretty much uses it all day. We got her this studio for 2 reasons, accually.. The dedicated thing, and we wanted her to stop writing, and drawing on the walls. but, really.. She is a true artist.


ice's favroite things are..

her studio

yes, you do look like your'e lying..
the world is your canvas ... 1353181825
she is a spy! ... 1353182591
well, thats panthurus, my adoptable.. and i turned it into Ice!
random thoughts..
another 'mischief picture' of ice.
its on.
dont ask >.<

It was thanksgiving day. "Hey Steamboat!" IceBrisk shouted to her scorching hot friend. "What, what is it? AND STOP CALLING ME THAT." spat Kasai "Okay, okay im sorry. Im just really bored, want to go in the attic with me? There might be something intresting there!" IceBrisk looked up at the attic. "Soo.. want to come with me?" She asked kasai. "Sure.. How creepy can it be?" She groaned. "About as creepy as cobwebs and dust. Now, stop stalling! come on!" They raced up to the creaky attic. evrey step they took it felt like they were going to fall. "Theres got to be something.." Ice spoke. "What's that? You see that thing, gleaming in the darkness?" Kasai asked. "I don't know, we could find out, though.." As IceBrisk lifted the drape covering the strange item it revealed a peculiar - looking clock. "Wied" IceBRisk said poking at it. Suddenly a eerie tune started. Then it grew to a song.

tick tock. around the clock..
plick plock. the cycle doesnt stop.
tick tock.. freeing the darkness
click clock. from its cell..
of eternity.

"Wierd song.." Icy said. "Wierd? it was beyond creepy.." Kasia shuddered. "I-Ice.. I think you should see this.." SHe peeped. "What, steamboat?!" Ice said turning around, to seedark sillhouettes and spirits emerging from the clock-like intrstument."Oh." IceBrisk replied, petrified in place."So, h-how do we fight it?" She said, a bit frightened. "FIGHT? are you kidding? do you want to get killed?! honestly, DO you?!" Kasai screeched. "No, no.. but i know all ghosts and things have a weak spot.." Was the reply. "NO! THEYRE IMMORTAL, ARE YOU KIDDING?!" Kasia shuddered.
"Well, they say fire&ice have powery stuff.. so lets try that.."
"Stop, your'e hypervenalating.. now, just shoot."
They both shot thier ice and fire to the monsters, seeming to agictate them, and drive them away. "Its working! keep going!" Ice shouted to Kasai. They continued to do so untuill they had shrunk back into the strange looking clock. "Uh, well, im scarred for life.. what should we do about this thing?!" Ice shuddered. "B-Burn it" Was the reply. "Good idea." she stared at the object, and a chill ran up her spine.
" im never going back into your atic again."
"me niether."

i might put the second chapter of the story on here..

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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby maluruloki » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:11 am

Hello, Runie fans and participants!!!
Approximately two more days left and things are looking great so far. I can't wait to see the finished forms!

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Re: First Frost Rune - UP FOR ADOPTION

Postby maluruloki » Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:20 am

Entries are now closed and edits are no longer allowed. WIPs will be ignored unless otherwise necessary (lack of completed forms).
I should have a decision for you all within the next two days, considering that today is a holiday. Enjoy yourselves in the meanwhile! :)

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Re: First Frost Rune - JUDGING

Postby Sphye » Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:08 am

Good luck to everyone!
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Re: First Frost Rune - JUDGING

Postby theymightbetod » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:34 am

Good Luck!
previous usernames here have been deep space; &

im not really active on cs anymore, but if you want to check out updates and art then id reccommend going over to my deviantart

deviantart account - jbds - My characters-

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