Re: Ice Rune

Postby Vespur » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:50 am

Dropped out~
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Re: Ice Rune

Postby Charchar2 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:55 pm

Owner Name:



Let me tell you, I had a lot of trouble with this.
At first, I wasn't sure exactly what kind of name would be right for this proud, beautiful Rune.
For a while, I was thinking perhaps a word in another language with a meaning that fit him; proud, king, wind, ice...
But I realized, they just weren't quite right. His name needed to be more unique than that, not just something I got
from Google Translate.

I've finally decided.
The perfect name for him, is, in my opinion;
It sounds so royal and dignified, proud yet kind at heart, just like him.
And, it rolls off the tongue just right, easy to say but at the same time commanding a certain amount of respect.


Oh, male. Certainly, no doubt about it.
How am I so sure? The first thing I thought when I saw him;
king of the ice.
He looks proud, and bold, and sure of himself;
so kingly, I couldn't imagine him as female.


((please note that I'm not the girl in the story; I'd never abandon Fargo! D:))

Might be easier to read here. <3

I’m sorry. The girl whispered softly to the icy dragon cupped in her hands. I’m just trying to do what’s best for you. I can’t take of you anymore, Fargo.
She carefully, ever so carefully, brought her hands towards an evergreen tree. It was a deep, rich green, with sparkling flakes of snow. Any other time, Fargo would have admired its beauty, but his thoughts were in such a raging turmoil he hardly even noticed it.
The girl lowered her hands over one of the sparkling branches and slowly pulled them away, leaving Fargo sitting in the tree. Before he could resist, do something, do anything, she got into her car. She...she...
she left.
Fargo tucked his chin into his feathered chest, hoping to smother the line of icy tears running freely down his cheeks. It didn’t work. He stared desolately downwards, watching the droplets fall into the snow. They froze within minutes.
What was best for him? How could any life without her be anything but horrible?
It had been so long since he was out in the snow, alone. It may have been his element, but at the moment, it felt like it was anything but that. He closed his eyes against the stinging snowflakes landing upon his head. Each one hurt like a tiny dagger, jabbing memories at him...memories of playing with her in snowflakes just like these. He shuddered. He needed to get away from them, to run from the memories.
He spread his broad, beautiful wings, stopping just for a second to admire them. Anything to take his mind off of this. They shone in the moon’s light, the icy tips glinting in a million dazzling shades of blue. His yellow eyes glowed with approval, and he almost smiled. Then he sighed and flapped his wings, leaping off the tree branch.
and he fell.
He hit the ground hard. It knocked the wind out of him. What happened? he wondered anxiously. What sort of Rune couldn’t fly? He gulped back his worries, and managed to pull himself to his feet. Cautiously, he flapped his wings...and nothing happened. He shuddered nervously, wondering what had happened.
Maybe I should call it a night. he thought to himself, not wanting to admit defeat. He dug out a hole in the thick snow covering the ground and curled up in it, feeling undignified but knowing it would be nice and warm. He carefully covered himself back up. It soon grew toasty warm inside, and despite how upset he was, he felt his eyelids drooping. He soon drifted off into sleep, a sleep plagued by nightmares that caused him to twitch and shift in his makeshift den.

Fargo had a rather rude awakening, that first day on his own. Still, it would lead to better things. He was still asleep, although thankfully the nightmares had left, leaving him in a comfortable, dreamless doze.
He was still asleep when he was pounced on. He squealed in, to tell the truth, a rather undignified fashion and leapt out from under his attacker’s claws. He hissed and puffed up his chest, sizing up this strange creature.
He stared at it for a second before realizing what it was. A husky! Well, what was it doing here?!
Fargo had gone from scared to outraged. He glared venomously at the husky. “What are you doing here in my territory, you sad excuse of a mutt?!” He declared vehemently, in a voice that he hoped was intimidating.
I’m afraid to say that some of this ‘intimidating-ness’ was sorely affected by the fact that he was only about the size of a hawk, and had to look upwards to see the husky, a fact that was not lost on her.
She simply laughed, a tinkling laughter like a thousand tiny bells, and lowered her head to his level in a rather degrading manner. “I have a name, you know, young man.” She said, smiling. “It’s Tania. And, why I’m here, well, quite the same reason as you. I was abandoned.” On her last sentence, a little bit of the smile seemed to droop.
Fargo glared at her. “For your information, Tania, I was NOT abandoned! I’m” Here he stopped, seeing Tania’s sympathetic smile. “...well...” he continued in a smaller, quieter voice. “...I was.”
Tania smiled kindly and walked up next to him, placing her muzzle on his back.
“It’s all right.” she said quietly. “I know how you feel. It will get better, trust me.”
With that, he felt a warmth within him. Had he made a new friend? He felt a bit of the ice covering his wings melt off.
“Let’s go find some food!” called Tania. “I know the perfect bush for berries!”
With that, she trotted off. Fargo stared after her awkwardly. How would he explain that he couldn’t fly. He sighed. Maybe if he just tried, she would hear him fall and realize? It was the best idea he could come up with.
He flapped his wings, and...shot upwards! He could fly! He stared in delight at his wings and realized it was because they were no longer entirely covered in ice, just the tips. He flapped them happily, soaring through the icy morning sky.
He called out to Tania, and she looked up at him and smiled, then ushered to him to come down. He carefully descending, landing next to her.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, trying to read her expression.
“There’s something I want to show you.” she said, smiling. She turned and walked in a different direction. He followed her, mystified.
She took several more turns, and suddenly they burst out of the forest and onto a cliff ledge. Fargo gasped as Tania settled down by his side.
The sun was just peeking over the mountains in the distance, making a dramatic silhouette. It’s pale yellow rays spilled over the white-blue sky, chasing away the last of the stars.
It was simply beautiful. As they watched the sun rise, Fargo suddenly realized he didn’t seem to mind the snowflakes as much. They held a new memory for him; this one.


Fargo is extremely proud, and hates to be embarrassed or 'undignified'.
He is a bit conceited and stuck up, at times at least, to tell the truth.
He certainly acts like a king, and he can be very bossy.

Fargo huffed irritably at Tania. “Haven’t you gotten me breakfast yet?” he asked.
“Well no, of course not.” Tania said, smiling. “We’ll go together.”
Fargo frowned. “GO GET ME BREAKFAST NOW!” Thankfully, Tania knows how to handle his outbursts. She smiled again at Fargo. “Oh, c’mon. You’re not a baby; you don’t need someone else to get breakfast for you.”
Fargo’s face turned bright red. “No I’m NOT! I can get breakfast all on my own, thank you very much!”
He flapped his wings angrily and rose out of his burrow, shaking the snow off as he swiftly ascended, then flew off into the distance, towards the berry bush.
Tania waited until he was out of hearing range to start laughing.

Fargo is very bold, very sure of himself.
He hates to be outdone, he wants to be better than everyone else.
His self-confidence can get him in a lot of trouble.

“I can do this!” Fargo yelled excitably. Tania came up to stand beside him, looking down the icy mountain side. She was unsure about the safety of Fargo’s newest idea. “Are you...sure?”
“Of course I am!” He cried, grinning. She frowned. “Aren’t you scared?”
Fargo laughed, as if the simple idea was ridiculous. “Nope! Are you?” He challenged.
“Well yes, of course I am!” Tania cried irritably. “I don’t think it’s safe. You shouldn’t go.”
“Pff! What’s the fun if it’s perfectly safe?” And with that, Fargo leapt off the ledge and went racing down the icy mountainside.

Fargo is truly rather child-like; a child with great power.
He throws temper tantrums, is over-enthusiastic, and hates bedtime and baths.

“Alright Fargo, it’s night time already! Time to go to bed.”
“No!” Fargo yelled stubbornly. “I won’t!”
Tania sighed. They had these battles every night. Fargo just didn’t seem to understand that he’d have to sleep eventually.
“Fargo, every night we go to bed.” She said, hoping that he’d understand.
He didn’t. “Exactly! So why tonight? Why should we always do the same old thing?”
Tania shook her head. “We always do the same thing because we need to sleep, Fargo!” She snapped.
Fargo frowned and huffed and narrowed his eyes. Tania sat down to wait. She knew what was coming, and she sick of dealing with it.
Fargo threw a temper tantrum; Ice rune style. He curled up in a ball and rolled around on the ground, sending ice and snow whirling around him. Tania watched as the ice blocked her view, then sighed. How was she ever going to get Fargo to bed?
Finally, the ice cleared, revealing Fargo...asleep at last! It must have tired him out.
Tania smiled. One night down...who knew how many to go.

Fargo is ridiculously protective, something one might not expect.
He's rather embarrassed by the fact, really.
He refuses to let Tania go dangerous places alone, and he would give his life for her in an instant.

Tania looked over at Fargo, sleeping peacefully. It was his birthday, and she wanted to do something special for him. Hmmm...then she smiled. She had the perfect idea! She would get some of the berries he loved, from the special bush! It was pretty far, but if she started now, she could get back in time. He liked sleeping late.
And so, she set off. She trekked through heavy snow before the sun had risen. She was about halfway to the bush when she saw the truck. She didn’t think much of it at the time; just a large truck on it’s side, reading ‘Reptiles’. She simply shrugged. Probably caught in a blizzard. What a shame. She continued.
A little further, she stopped abruptly. She heard a hissing sound. Was it Fargo? was a bit too quiet. She frowned. What could be making that noise?
Then she looked down and gasped.
At her feet lay a snake, hissing, pulling itself up, just watching her. She gulped. It must have come from the van.
What could she do? If she moved, the snake would strike...but if she didn’t, it probably would anyway. Just then, a louder hissing filled the air. The snake turned away and looked upwards.
And down came Fargo, screeching, straight at the snake. Tania called out to him to stop; what if the snake hurt him?
But Fargo flew all the way back to the van before dropping the snake. Then he came back to Tania. “Tania, you need to get home. There could be more snakes.” He said, worry in his eyes.
Tania looked at him sadly. “...I’m sorry Fargo. I wanted to get you something special for your birthday.”
He flew up to her eye level and hovered, looking at her seriously.
“Tania, you’re the best birthday present I’ve ever had.”

Any Quirks:

Fargo loveloveloves to slide around on the ice. Yes, that's right.
He loves to sort of 'ice skate', slipping around on his feathers.
Tania thinks it's quite dangerous, but he loves it anyway.

Fargo loves feathers.
He found a hollow in a tree and uses it to store his collection.
Whenever he sheds his feathers, or finds them, he puts them in there.
He thinks they're quite pretty, and whenever he needs comforting, he can just sit
in the hollow, surrounded by their warmth.

Fargo doesn't quite understand reflections or mirrors.
It totally freaks him out to see his face upon the ice.
He's only seen a mirror once, but he shattered it out of terror.

Would you like to breed him/her in the future:

Hmm...well, I suppose I might.
But it would have to be girl who was just perfect for him, in looks and personality.
I'd be very picky. <3

Why do you wish to have him:

Oh, my. Where to start...
Well, first off, how about the species?
I've been watching Rune Dragons for a long time.
They're just so amazing and unique, and I've always wanted one.
But, I never got up the nerve to try for one...until now.

When I first saw the Ice Rune, I was blown away.
His gentle shades of blue, ranging from icey to shadowed, are breathtaking.
His eyes; so piercing with their bright yellow colour and strange pupils, seem to look straight through you, to your very soul.
But what truly pulled me in was his ice. His ice, creating a battle helmet, sparkling wing tips, winding around his tail.
It just made me wonder, what he thought of it? Did he appreciate it? Did it ever melt?

Then, I started writing about him...imagining his personality, royal on the outside, but with a deeply caring heart.
I imagined a tough history, a new unlikely friendship...
Let's just say, as soon as I started writing, I was a goner.
I knew I just had to try for him, had to do my best to bring this amazing boy home with me.

Where will you keep him/her:

If I was lucky enough to win Fargo, I'd make a thread for him, and any future Rune Dragons.
He'd also be displayed in my signature, although I can't promise he'd be there forever; I'm working on a new siggy box.
But, what would I do with him?
Well, I'd definitely draw him. A lot. He'd get plenty of art, that's for sure.
I'd also try to get some art from other people, too. A bit of variety is good.
I think I'd write more about him; expand upon his relationship with Tania, or go more in-depth on his personality.
I might see if I could find the perfect girl for him, too.
But do you know what I'd do most of all?


by me~

...I'm just going to say, I'm not the best at drawing Rune Dragons, I know. But, I hope, even if they aren't amazing, that you realize I put love and effort into them. <3

not so proud of this. >.<

Fargo, that is NOT what I meant by 'king of the ice.'

On the alert! <3

A fun little watercolor. C:
Aw, the little guy looks so nervous! <3

I. Cannot. Do. Lineless.

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Re: Ice Rune

Postby Jendalie » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:03 pm

Please remove any images found on the internet from forms.
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Re: Ice Rune

Postby vav. » Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:19 pm

Owner Name:
Hiemo Lux
"Freeze (the) day"
( Hiem, Lux, Yseult)

I can't see this rune as anything else but a male!
He's pretty cold and uncaring, much like his element. He has to not care what he is freezing up because it has to be done. He is very loyal in what he does. He is a hard working rune, and dispite his looks he is very sociable. Very serious at his work, he really could care less about tricks and jokes, as that part of him withered away adied along time ago. He doesn't like being bossed around and will creech and attack you for it. he is pretty bold and unafraid. He likes to be calm and well mannered.
Why do you wish to have him/her:
I love winter- it's the best time of the year. It's full of snow and other wonderful things. I guess i just love newly fallen, untouched snow more than I like bright green grass and flowers.This rune emodies what I love abount Winter the most. He's also beautiful. I love his colors, and how his eyes are striking eyes, that so perfecly complementes his image. Those eyes are...perfect, the fact that they're bright and they look like they are about to be covered in ice. His rune bright, shining, perfect. I just really love this rune!
Where will you keep him/her:
Everywhere I can of course! he cant be neglected. He will certianly be part of a lot of art I will do.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
Any Quirks:
He might accidentaly hiccup and make things freeze, and then he'll stand in the way so you cant see what happened! he will only eat things cold, and will freeze anything on his plate that is hot. When he sees a child that cries, he will try to help them, he just cant help it. He will do anything for his favorite tea, lavander and mint, it's the only thing he likes warm.
Our chance meeting
The clouds covered the sky, letting a dark shadow fall over the city, but unlike a dreaded darkless, it feels as if it was welcoming, but what it was welcoming was unknown. The trees around the house were bare for a long time before, their green leves changing into the bright, warm colors and fell, and it felt so long ago that that happened. Today was not a day for errands and such things, it was a time to stay comfortable in your house, comforted by the familiarity and warmth it brought. I stayed inside, in my most comfortable clothes, drinking warm tea, looking outside frequently while preparing some food. Everytime i looked out of that window, i looked at it longer and longer than before. I felt entranced at the heather grey sky, watching the clouds slowly float by, exchanging peices of each other with their neighbors. Sipping my tea, I picked up my pencil and started my studies, god knows i'm horrible at this. Five, ten, twenty, thirty minutes passed before I notaced that snow was falling, and had already made a small layer, covering the dark grass outside.

After taking a long, hot bath and changing into warmer clothes, i went outside, careful to step on snow-free areas or places around my home. I loved how snow looks when untouched, it had a slight calming feeling to it. I stared at the groung, watching as the snow built up, a a snowball hit my head.
"Ah!" I exclaimed, holding my head and turning around, my face meeting with another snowball. Wiping the snow off my face, I stood up quickly, preparing to yell straight up. I was angry, that was for sure.
"Hey! What was that fo-"
"Chirp!" I stopped in the middle of my yell, on the branch from where the snowball came from was a blue shape that seemed to be covered with ice. Did it just...chirp? It whizzed past me, right to my house, frosting up the roof and covering the window with ice. Onece it had circled around my house, it flew quickly into my house, heading for the stove where I made my tea earlyer. i still have some left in the pot I boiled it in. It sat on the counter nearest to my tea, it was an old time favorite of mine, lavender with mint and a touch of honey. Honey was a much better sweetener than sugar, in my opinion. It tilted it's head so it was able to drink the tea and lapped it up. soon enough, it was all gone! It flew around after it finished the tea, it seemed to be looking for more.I chuckled at it's antics and grabbed more of the tea from my cabinets. Brewing the tea rather strong, i added the honey to the pot and presented it in a cup for him. Another certian rune dragon moved sluggishly torwards us, she seemed to have just awoken. i smiled and made her favorite fruit salad enough for two. be fore eating it, the blue rune dragon froze his part, even thought the food was already cold. I raised an eyebrow as he wolfed it down.

His naming
Watching him eating the salad made me laugh at the way his face look as he took a bite from the sour fruits.he looked at me as if I was crazy. The door bell rang, I stood up instantly and walked to the door. Opening the door, I saw my friend at the door looking inside the house with a smile. It's been forever since I saw him.
"You look really stupid with that look on your face," I quipped giggling inside. It seemed like a day to laugh.He smiled wider, with that joking face of his. He needed no invitation to be inside my house. He's usually there so often, that this is his second house now.His own home was in the city, a large-ish flat that he shares with his friend. He followed me torwards the kitchen, holding on to my shoulders. He froze dramatically as we got in view of the two runes staring at each other on the kitchen table.
"What?" I stopped in the middle of my rummaging to look at him. he stared at the rune dragons, why though? he's seen Iridesent before, so why..oh.
"Oh, that's a random rune dragon that randomly got into my house." i said, getting back to my rummaging.
You know it's one of those winter runes, right? Those ones that help the Winter Ancient?"he continued staring at them
" Really? Wow." I replied, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, of course I knew, it was kinda obvious.
" And it seems like he's staying. So what should we name him?"
" why not just Winter or Ess? He suggested while stroking his chin
"No, it doesnt fit him why not Hiemo?" Studying my latin for a very long time i knew it means Freeze.
" no, still does't fit why not Hiemo...Lux?" he was my classmate in that class, that's how we met, so i know he knew latin too.
"Hiemo lux, yeah, that fits him perfecly! Hiemo lux!'
" Good job us! I giggled.
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Re: Ice Rune

Postby Lady Tuesday » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:37 pm

Owner Name:!Pink!
(Your Username goes here)
Name:Cimmerian blight
(MEANS-dark disease)
(Dragon's Name goes here)
(Male or Female?)
Personality:his name may tell all to how he acts-selfish, rude, and bossy-but he is actually quite fair
(What is the dragon's personality like?)
Why do you wish to have him/her:he is beautiful and i have always wanted a rune, i hope he becomes my first!
(State what drew you to the dragon or why you would want it.)
Where will you keep him/her:he wille a story about him. go in my sig and i am hoping to writ
(Will you keep it in your sig, character thread, etc...)
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:of course! he would make such cute babies!!!!
(This is just general info for me to use. State if you would like to breed it later on or not)
Any Quirks:he loves to read and lay on peoples heads
(Quirks are funny habits or odd things the dragon may do.)
Owner Name:
(Your Username goes here)
(Dragon's Name goes here)
(Male or Female?)
(What is the dragon's personality like?)
Why do you wish to have him/her:
(State what drew you to the dragon or why you would want it.)
Where will you keep him/her:
(Will you keep it in your sig, character thread, etc...)
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
(This is just general info for me to use. State if you would like to breed it later on or not)
Any Quirks:
(Quirks are funny habits or odd things the dragon may do.)
Other:Cimmerian, or Simmer for short, was always cold no matter where they put him in the infirmary. He grew up in a seperate infirmary because of his condition. When he was found, they wondered why it was that there was a Blue and black egg in a nest with all of the other chicken eggs. They took him to the abandoned infirmary and left him there. A witch by the name of Nore broke in, hoping to find a nest full of chicken eggs. but when she saw him by hiself, she couldnt help but to notice what a beautiful dragon it would turn into. For the rest of their days they stayed together as friends. IF I WIN HIM I WILL FINISH MY STORY! I'M ALSO GOING TO POST A PICTURE I DREW FREEHAND!
(Writing a small story or showing artwork may give you a better chance!)

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Re: Ice Rune

Postby momoply45 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:09 pm

Owner Name:

Equinal | E-qu-in-nal


Stubborn but Sweet
To my studies and research this Rune Dragon is quite stubborn and finds most things as a, well, no. If I want to do something she would suggest something else, like if I wanted to eat this food she would refuse, but after I let her get my way in return she is always creating little bead things that she gives to me as a present. She is very sweet after the argument of her being stubborn it's like she wants her way but then she feels bad for it, and yet she can't control herself and continues.

When I took Equinal back home, she was not very well meeting to Zeuis, t first there was the stage of territorial, then came sharing, then came fighting, then came trash messes, then came slight friendship, and lastly, partnership. Of course a mess this brought and now I know to take meeting new Rune Dragons seriously for I do not wish to tidy anymore after that.

Happy as a rain drop
I find Equinal quite happy most of the time as if every things perfect in every way. I can't understand. One time there was a theft by my cottage and when I came in the room she was trotting right past the theft, skipping and playing about, of course my actions were quick as I reached for the frying pan but I was quite annoyed and flattered.

Shy like a bug
Equinal is shy at times in big crowds for some reason. It's not what I expected her to be like but what did I expect at the sudden time we met, I was freezing my face off so it was kinda hard to picture it's emotions but when we settled her in at home it's been three months now and it seems she is a mystery to both of us, me and Zeuis.

Why do you wish to have him/her:
As some might know, I love Ice, Frost, Snow, all the cold elements really, why? It's my thing, no blanket at night, laying in the snow, not having a jacket on windy and cold days, it's kinda gotten to me, and of course I love Rune Dragons, every shape, color, and size. I just seem to cling to every cold thing I can get my hands on, and a Rune Dragon would be awesome. This is mostly why I want this Rune Dragon but there is other things too, I have a strange feeling when I look at it, the ice sculpture hanging from it's tail and head just makes it fascinating. It's hard to explain but I always seem to have a small connection with each and every Rune Dragon, but some more then others. This one is one of those Rune Dragons, and if I win this Rune Dragon I'd be truly honored.

Where will you keep him/her:
Recently as I have always planned I created my own Rune Dragon collection site where I put all my Rune Dragons and stack all my artwork of them in. I am quite enjoying it and there is plenty of room for even more Rune Dragons and I'd be happy to except more in if I get the chance, I also will probably put one or two in my signature for there is room. I would simply enjoy owning this Rune Dragon, and the best of luck to all who try for it.

Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
Well certainly but I have to warn you, she has bad relationships at first and most of the time sticks with the Rune Dragons that can stand the bit of fighting and wait till it's over.

Any Quirks:
Well of course as you have heard her happiness gets a little to much attention and takes over her normally around cases like the theft who was hit hardly with a frying pan. It's a good thing but it's also a bad thing.
She is also very funny when it comes to fighting, it seems almost like your hearing something crazy like a hen, mouse, cat, dog, or whatever all in one noise that is very faint, this also brings along funny actions that seem different every time.


Cold winds,
night bends,
waking up hungry.

wake up in the morning.

trying to get out.

cold air,
trying to make it through.

Sleep my little frozen monster
(Equinal's lullaby)

When the willow sways good night,
and the birds tunes slowly fade,
your sleepiness will engulf you,
in a silent and peaceful grace.
When the winds are lightly blowing,
and the clouds will part for stars,
and the moon will shine so brightly,
and the sun will fade beyond.
When your eyes flow shut in sleep,
don't wake up and go to sleep,
where the birds in there nests,
and the squirrel in there homes,
go to sleep like a small little swallow.


It was a cold night and it was close to christmas and I was outside, far outside, I had went to go traveling down town but I ended up caught up in a small blizzard of snow. I was stuck in the woods snow all around me and the air so foggy and misty I couldn't see my path. It was like a nightmare without my Rune Dragon but I knew he was shivering inside his bed in his sleep because of me. I was freezing, even through my black cotton jacket I brought with me. My pants were very thick and uncomfortable and my gloves were covered in freezing snow.
I had tried a few times creating a fire and failing, my activities were occasionally writing in my journal about my adventure wondering if I'd make it and hoping someone would find it if I didn't make it out, and hopefully for someone to help Zeuis from his pain of loosing me, if they can help him, I had a feeling I might not make it if I continued on with no guidance. The only smart enough creature to do that was a Rune Dragon, but Zeuis didn't come along.
I had been waiting here inside these three rocks waiting out the blizzard but it seemed endless and using the rocks as my only protection from the cold winds was hard to hold off, even though the three rocks created a thick cave it still wasn't enough to close of the slips of wind blowing through.
I was finishing off my small apple but found it so hard and stiff to bite through and a endless frozen shell that could make me loose a tooth if I kept trying. I was quite hungry and could only make through that ice to receive one bite but a bite was not enough for my endless hunger but it was better then nothing in a blizzard like this, if only I could keep traveling and find a proper cave but each time I looked outside the white wall of snow and mist kept growing tighter closing in on me each minute I look. It was hard to even look outside with the mass of wind and coldness but luck came through me for I could stand the cold longer then most for I didn't mind it as much as everyone else but this was hard enough to make me shiver and my toes to turn pink and I'd have to lay in the extra blankets brought and my sleeping bag for hours to keep warm, it was a nightmare it was like being caught in a thunderstorm in your car and there was no escaping the thundering clouds above.

Hours had past now and the blizzard was still roaring outside. I had been asleep for who know long but I could tell it was noon. I almost thought my hearing would go quite and I'd start to loose my vision but I had made it this far and I had to get home to Zeuis who was probably shivering to death.
I had to get food but my food was all frozen and the lids to the containers were all frozen shut and I was hungry, the only thing I'd be able to eat was berries but with the cold winds and snow it was almost impossible to reach them in time before you stand out there so long you freeze, this was the worst position I had ever been in and so I had to wait it out slowly waiting as hunger reached my dry throat and I lay there so tired.
About an hour later I heard a scratch, it was like something scraping on a rock, but what could it be wondering out here, all the animals by now had surely run off before the blizzard grew to it's worst. I struggled to get closer as I peered out of the rocks and looked around cold winds almost freezing my face. I then saw a figure it seemed fairly big like a full sized fat rat or something but it was closed in my snow as it seemed to be a ice creature of some kind. I pulled it inside the rocks and quickly took out a cloth and wiped off all the snow looking at the object as it slowly seemed to uncurl and identify itself as a Rune Dragon.
I looked into it's yellow eyes as it looked at me with full on shock. I simply smiled and warmed it up slowly rubbing off all the ice, some of it seemed to not melt off like it had a shield of heat. I studied the Rune Dragons blue cold skin, of course! It was some sort of Ice Rune Dragon. No wonder it was out here in the freezing blizzard, maybe it had lost it's small home in the forest or something since it wasn't supposed to be here, and most of the time Rune Dragons like these are in the north pole or anywhere that would freeze you in seconds without a tuff suit so why was it here when this was not nearly as cold as those places and besides this was a blizzard and this place was not a winter all the time place so it came very suspicious to me.

It was the afternoon now, probably at least since I couldn't tell and my watch was frozen and broken. I had been laying there with the Ice Rune Dragon sleeping since we were both tired. Once we were ready we were gonna set out for a cave since now I had a partner for guidance, and that was ll I need to find a safe place to stay while the blizzard flows by. I was finishing packing my stuff as I let the Ice Rune Dragon rest a bit longer. I put all my blankets together and lifted the Rune Dragon onto my shoulder and waited till it had a strong grip. I looked at it for a second and realized it was probably a girl by the way it was acting.
I continued on outside as the Ice Rune Dragon flew into the air and guided me, I expected it to stay on my shoulder but flying was ok too. I simply followed through the pushing winds of cold walls that went almost to the tip-top of the trees. It was surely serious weather that I was standing in and I was worried about Zeuis, I hope he can stand me being gone a little longer, though I know it wouldn't be a little longer, it would be just plain longer.

I was about to faint when I set my hand down and blinked, it was solid. I looked at it and rubbed off the snow, it was rock! I searched around trying to find any source of cave.

Last edited by momoply45 on Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ice Rune

Postby Rekhyt » Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:49 am



G E N E R A L . I N F O

O w n e r . N a m e

N a m e
1.(= vent) gust, flurry
[Puis le vent se met à souffler, comme une rafale]
Then the wind started blowing, like a flurry

2. burst
[La brusque rafale m'a fait canard]
The quick burst made me duck

I'm using this name in the sense of Flurry. I think this name suits her perfectly, as snowflurry seemed too long, and flurry fits her looks. And I think that Rafale fits her personality, too. It just works. One thing I noticed was that Rafale was a feminie noun. This is another reason why I used it, as I completely picture this dragon as a female. Most, I think, would picture it male, but she looks female to me.

G e n d e r

Like I said above, this fits her. I thought that's a tough girl when I first found her, and now I am in love.


C h a r a c t e r i s t i c t s

Rafale will always act bigger, tougher, and better than she actually is. Maybe it's because she was raised that way. Who knows.
When she went back to the shore to toss it out for the fifth time she slammed into something hard and cold. Rafale groaned inwardly. "Whatcha doin'?" The voice was teasing, mean almost."Go away, Yord." Rafale's voice was as cold and hard as the Ice she'd been skidding on. "Awww, the wittle baby wants me to yeeve." "Shut up Yord." "Says who?" Rafale was getting annoyed. This was the same conversation that they had every time. "Says who?" Yord said, a bit impatiently, and pushed her out into the center of the lake. "Says me." Rafale said, digging her talons into his skin. "Stop!" Rafale gritted her beak and held on. "Stop!" The voice was getting more insistent now. "Not until you say that you won't bother me again. "I won't bother you again!" "You promise?" "Yes, let me go!" When she didn't he started slapping her hard with his wings. She held on until a whack to her face promised a black eye. "You promised, don't forget."

Rafale will always keep her pain to herself. This is because she doesn't want to be yelled at for being a baby. But this can be good or bad.
The next day, there were eggs for breakfast. Normally Rafale would've loved this, but today it hurt to chew. Yord's blow made it hard to blink, let alone chew. The meal was almost painful. Rafale doubted that Yord would ever stop bothering her, but that would at least hold him off for a little. The satisfaction gained from watching him painfully make his was across the room was at least worth the bruises that she had gotten. "You okay?" Her mother asked. "You seem to be eating slower than usual. You eat usually with the intent of a hungry wolf." Rafale was not ever going to tell her mother what had happened. Yord would never leave her alone then. "No, I'm fine, mother." Yord gave a satisfied grin and Rafale stuck out her lower jaw. I'll get you back. she mouthed. Yord, of course, ignored her. He makes me so mad. Just so mad. Rafale could see that the lake hadn't solved anything.

Rafale has almost no friends, mostly because all of her siblings were older than her. Because of this she spends most of her time alone.
Heading down toward the frozen-over-lake, Rafale thought about what she would do about her two brothers. They made her so angry, sometimes! Why couldn't they just leave her alone? Her two younger brothers were fine. They just got scared when she told them that they weren't her brothers, that they were adopted and nobody liked them. (That was partially true, as nobody did like them.) She kicked a pebble out into the lake, retrieving it on wings. Finding this fun, she did it again and again. This was how she usually spent her free time, alone at the lake. It was her favorite place. Especially in the winter. That was one of her favorite pastimes, being alone at the lake playing the pebble game. The pebble game. It needed a name. "Halitose? No. Jaredbal?" Naa, how about Kopscotch." She tested the word in her mouth. "Kopscotch. I like it." Throwing the stones back and forth a few more times, she repeated the word. Kopscotch. Kopscotch. Kopscotch.

Rafale has always been small for her age, even if she doesn't at like it. She doesn't act small, so most people don't notice. That's one of the things that drive her crazy, when people notice.
Dinner that evening was somewhat better. Rafale's mouth got better, and so did she. She felt a lot better, at least. Today was the day that her family went out to a friend's house for dinner. Great. Rafale hated dinner there. The kids were nice, at least nice to her, but they served dinner so you had to get into a line. Rafale was always last. She was the quickest, so she'd get there first, but then all of her brothers would push her away. She would leave the line disoriented and then one of her brothers would nonchalantly trip her. It worked out perfectly for them, and that's what she hated about it. Her father seemed to notice exactly what she was thinking about. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Why did her parents have to keep doing this? It only made her annoyed, and didn't solve anything. However, when was a time that she wasn't annoyed? I wish I wasn't so small. Rafale thought to herself.

L i k e s
-Looking tough-
-Kopscotch (The pebble game)-
-The frozen lake-
-looking innocent-
-Lies (Only if she tells them)-

D i s l i k e s
-The summer-
-her siblings-
-The awkward silence at the end of a conversation-
-water that isn't frozen over-
-getting caught-

H i s t o r y

A n y . Q u i r k s
Rafale doesn't like water. She has always been afraid of it, and her nightmares always involve an ocean of some sort.
Rafale likes watching the rain. It helps her think.
Rafale sleeps curled up in a ball, not on her stomach like her family does.

S T U F F . A B O U T . M E

W h y . d o . y o u . w i s h . t o . h a v e . h e r
First off, I want a Rune dragon. I have been silently stalking this thread for a while, hoping that one I liked a lot would come up. And here she is.
What drew me to her? In the beginning, her colors. When I first saw her in small, I though, those are some nice colors! But when I saw her bigger, I realized that she looked kind of... Evil. I then went back to the main Rune page, and found the flowery rune. I started filing out a form for her, but then I kept being drawn back to Rafale. I quit going for the other and started this form for Rafale.

W h e r e . w i l l . y o u . k e e p . h e r
She would be kept in my signature, and my character thread, and a story which I just had the idea for. (Talk about random)Of course, in my mind it wouldn't be a 'thread'. It would be my house, where I keep all of my pets. As you can see it's quite bare right now and so I'd like Rafale to keep my others company.

W o u l d . y o u . l i k e . t o . b r e e d . h e r . i n . t h e . f u t u r e
I'm not sure at the moment. I might if I get another Rune, but probably not. So let's just say maybenoish.

A . S T O R Y

A . L i t t l e . B i t . O f . L o v e

Heading down toward the frozen-over-lake, Rafale thought about what she would do about her two brothers. They made her so angry, sometimes! Why couldn't they just leave her alone? Her two younger brothers were fine. They just got scared when she told them that they weren't her brothers, that they were adopted and nobody liked them. (That was partially true, as nobody did like them.) She kicked a pebble out into the lake, retrieving it on wings. Finding this fun, she did it again and again. This was how she usually spent her free time, alone at the lake. It was her favorite place. Especially in the winter. That was one of her favorite pastimes, being alone at the lake playing the pebble game. The pebble game. It needed a name. "Halitose? No. Jaredbal?" Naa, how about Kopscotch." She tested the word in her mouth. "Kopscotch. I like it." Throwing the stones back and forth a few more times, she repeated the word. Kopscotch. Kopscotch. Kopscotch.
When she went back to the shore to toss it out for the fifth time she slammed into something hard and cold. Rafale groaned inwardly. "Whatcha doin'?" The voice was teasing, mean almost."Go away, Yord." Rafale's voice was as cold and hard as the Ice she'd been skidding on. "Awww, the wittle baby wants me to yeeve." "Shut up Yord." "Says who?" Rafale was getting annoyed. This was the same conversation that they had every time. "Says who?" Yord said, a bit impatiently, and pushed her out into the center of the lake. "Says me." Rafale said, digging her talons into his skin. "Stop!" Rafale gritted her beak and held on. "Stop!" The voice was getting more insistent now. "Not until you say that you won't bother me again. "I won't bother you again!" "You promise?" "Yes, let me go!" When she didn't he started slapping her hard with his wings. She held on until a whack to her face promised a black eye. "You promised, don't forget."


The next day, there were eggs for breakfast. Normally Rafale would've loved this, but today it hurt to chew. Yord's blow made it hard to blink, let alone chew. The meal was almost painful. Rafale doubted that Yord would ever stop bothering her, but that would at least hold him off for a little. The satisfaction gained from watching him painfully make his was across the room was at least worth the bruises that she had gotten. "You okay?" Her mother asked. "You seem to be eating slower than usual. You eat usually with the intent of a hungry wolf." Rafale was not ever going to tell her mother what had happened. Yord would never leave her alone then. "No, I'm fine, mother." Yord gave a satisfied grin and Rafale stuck out her lower jaw. I'll get you back. she mouthed. Yord, of course, ignored her. He makes me so mad. Just so mad. Rafale could see that the lake hadn't solved anything. Oh well. Since when did life solve anything for her?
Dinner that evening was somewhat better. Rafale's mouth got better, and so did she. She felt a lot better, at least. Today was the day that her family went out to a friend's house for dinner. Great. Rafale hated dinner there. The kids were nice, at least nice to her, but they served dinner so you had to get into a line. Rafale was always last. She was the quickest, so she'd get there first, but then all of her brothers would push her away. She would leave the line disoriented and then one of her brothers would nonchalantly trip her. It worked out perfectly for them, and that's what she hated about it. Her father seemed to notice exactly what she was thinking about. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Why did her parents have to keep doing this? It only made her annoyed, and didn't solve anything. However, when was a time that she wasn't annoyed? I wish I wasn't so small. Rafale thought to herself.

Still a WIP!
Last edited by Rekhyt on Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:06 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Twisty's form

Postby Twisted_Swallow » Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:13 pm

Owner Name:
Torrian is a boy's name and is a variant of Torin (Gaelic).
The meaning of Torrian is "chief".

Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
People who are ready to face and endure danger or pain.
Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear: "we had to brave the heat".
adjective. courageous - gallant - valiant - bold - plucky - valorous
verb. defy - dare - challenge - face - beard

The brave hearted little rune stood facing me with eyes wide and wings spread out protectively, a small growl escaped him and i felt him breathing keeping calm, being brave.
Brave hearted beauty
with blue eyes aglow
brave hearted beauty
your the one, I know.

Reflecting a preoccupation with pleasant thoughts that distract one from one's present surroundings.
(of a person) Not practical; given to daydreaming: "a dreamy boy who grew up absorbed in poetry".

The little room sat eyes closed blowing small crystals into the sky, telling tales of ancients unknown and bearers fighting for the hearts of runes, travellers climbing mountain peeks and forests singing in the wind.
Dreamy little soldier
with your head held high
follow me home
and together we will fly.

Full of life and energy; active and outgoing: "a lively team of reporters".
(of a place or atmosphere) Full of activity and excitement: "Barcelona's many lively bars".
vivacious - brisk - sprightly - live - alive - vivid

The little rune played in the snow he created filing the sky with snowflakes and catching them with his wide spread wings only to through them back up into the sky, this isn't his only activity, he seems to be a very lively rune.
Lively snowflake builder
who plays in in the cold
a busy little bee
forever true and bold.

Definition for faithful:
Web definitions:
any loyal and steadfast following.

After bonding to the rune I had the terrible task of showing Azreth the new family member, since the ancient of summer hated the cold it was terribly dangerous and i smiled and opening my jacket covered arms to the little rune "trust me" I said pulling him towards my chest and walking towards my ancient, faithful the little rune jumped from my arms and looked up at Azreth trusting me and the ancient i loved.
Faithful little brother
with heart as pure as gold
one look into your icy gaze
and my heart was completely sold...

Why do you wish to have him/her:
Well to be completely honest, I wasn't going to try for him, I really like him but found that this cold guy might not fit in with the ancient of summer and its summoner but I found myself returning back, watching its progress and the intense beauty of its crystal like boddy and the fullness of his personality, before I could stop myself I was sitting in the shaddows with my notebook, drawing this guy over and over again and realized that maybe opposites really might atract. I found myself falling inlove even when I decided I didn't want to.
Where will you keep him/her:
This guy will share my signiture with Azreth and inhabbet a snowy cave in my character thread aswell as dance around the fan club and all over the okaki boards.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
yes, I would love to breed him, but I will be verry picky
Any Quirks:
As an active little rune he has tons of interesting quirks but the cutest and most often seen quirk is his pillow of snow, Torrain can't sleep unless its on a pillow of snow and always sleeps near me and Azreth which makes sleeping hard but i would never change a thing.


fireflies flitting along
snow sprinkled skies
as shades of blue whispers
through loving blue eyes

Ice cold body but
a heart warm and pure
beauty from inside
a soul like mines lure

then our hearts collide
and eyes meet eyes
and my love for this rune
fill the skies....

Brave hearted beauty
with blue eyes aglow
brave hearted beauty
your the one, I know.

Dreamy little soldier
with your head held high
follow me home
and together we will fly.

Lively snowflake builder
who plays in in the cold
a busy little bee
forever true and bold.

Faithful little brother
with heart as pure as gold
one look into your icy gaze
and my heart was completely sold...

Last edited by Twisted_Swallow on Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ice Rune

Postby н σ я ѕ є » Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:42 am

You May Be King of the Hill,
But I Shall Rule the Ice and Snow

Owner Name:
Ever has natural love for the cool. And, when she feells threatened will often burry herself under a layer of snow. She loves anything that glitters. Which, explains why she can often be found trying to remove gems from necklaces and bracelets. Ever hates the warmth of the indoors and would prefer to spend her time outside. Resulting to her having little fear of the creatures that rome the land. Yet, she will hide whenever something is coming until she is certain it is safe. She general avoids fighting the best she can. Though, she can be very persistant and determined when it comes to things she loves. (Others usually just call it her being annoying.))
Why do you wish to have him/her:
I have always had a natural draw to ice and water. And, generally the natural. I enjoy the way ice and snow glitters. And, the cold seems very sercure. Indeed, any form of water will get my attention faster than any metal or gem. Frozen or not. There is just something about it. Something to remarkable for me to fully explain.
Where will you keep him/her:
I plain to write a novel. Or, I have already started it. And, it is based wholey around a dream world where dragons and many other imaginatatory creatures live. I was hoping to have Ever in my book.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
At the moment I don't plan on it. It would take a very sparkely, yet natural rune to impress her.
Any Quirks:
Because of Ever's natural draw to water, ice and anything that looks like it, she will steal gems. She doesn't mean to steal, and often doesn't get away with it. As, she usually tries to get jewels off of jewelery.
(Writing a small story or showing artwork may give you a better chance!)
Last edited by н σ я ѕ є on Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ice Rune

Postby rosesgreedy » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:42 am

Reserved ~ I might start doodling as the teachers bore me :T
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