Meeting With a Stray Dog

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Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:48 pm

Anyone who wants a lesson on how to deal with stray dogs is welcome to read this! :)

Last thursday there was a stray dog at my new school in Panama. There are plenty of strays here, so it´s nothing unusual. Apparently, nobody could touch her because she was so terrified.

All I saw when I walked out was this skinny, terrified, little dog being chased around by a bunch of humans ten times her size. They soon gave up and went back to doing whatever they had been doing before the dog appeared. Because I am the way I am, and because my own animals are still in South Africa (I am currently suffering from pet deprivation), I stayed close to the dog, but I still respected her personal space and stayed a few meters away. Eventually, she had calmed down enough to lie down.

This is when I started using my dog whisperer skillz. Once she lay down, I moved a few steps closer. When she looked at me, I made brief eye contact and then looked away again. I didn´t want her to think I was trying to stare her down, but I also wanted to let her know that I had noticed her. She continued watching me. I am a realist and know that the only reason she was watching me was because she wanted to make sure I didn´t get too close. Once more I made brief eye contact, then I crouched down and waited for her to understand that I was not going to act as crazy as the other humans who had chased her before. Once I was sure she understood, I put out my hands, not being overly timid, but also not being pushy about it. While I did so, I made eye contact again. (This is getting boring to read, isn´t it?) In this way, I told her that I just wanted to pat her, but that it was still her choice. In dog language, I asked her to allow me to be her friend. She got up and came over (with a slightly wagging tail) to sniff my outstretched hand. I still did not dare touch her. She lowered her head (her tail was already lowered to start with) and avoided eye contact. This is called being submissive. I carefully raised my hand to the height of the top of her head. I still did not touch her, I just wanted to see what her reaction would be. She did not flinch, so I softly tried to touch her. This time, she did flinch, but only a little bit and I was able to continue touching her. Only very gently!

Pattiing a dog who is on edge means that you have to be on edge too, and in my opinion, it doesn´t help either side. I didn´t want to create that kind of atmosphere for the two of us, so I did not stay still at any point. Instead, I kept making small movements. I have found that, contrary to popular belief, doing this is much more affective in getting an animal to lower their guard than keeping completely still. (It also worked on my feral rabbit.) After a while, I thought it was time to move closer, otherwise we would be frozen in this (kind of uncomfortable) position for ever. So I slowly shuffled closer (still in a crouching position).

Eventually, I was sitting right next to her with my arm wrapped around her. Another student came out and asked me if it was my dog, I told him no. Unlike the people before, he was reasonable enough to be carefull in trying to touch her. The dog allowed him to touch her, though she did get tense again. The other student then walked away. After a while, another crowd of students came by (although it may also have been the same one). They saw a little dog calmly sitting next to me, so they decided to cuddle her too. The dog got up and fled. They asked me how I managed to touch the dog when no one else had been able to. Because I didn´t want to tell them everything I just wrote, and also because they probably would not be intereted in it, I simply told them that I speak dog. (It is true, in a way! :roll: )

What I was thinking as I said that:

"How would you feel if some stranger, who is ten times your size, randomly came up to you and started trying to touch you? Is it really that surprising that she got scared?"

Anyway, I had to get up and follow at a distance, waiting for her to calm back down. Then I asked her to come to me again (in dog language, described above). This time, she came immediately because she now trusted me. After a while, she actually put her head on my lap! This is when I named her (only in my head, I haven´t told anybody about this). The name just popped up in my head without me wanting it to do so. For obvious reasons, I don´t like naming strays. After a while, a couple of younger children, who were playing some kind of game, ran by and spooked the little doggy. When she ran under the gate (which she was only able to do because she is so underweight), I thought I had seen the last of her. I was quite dissappointed, but I hadn´t really expected it to go any other way. (I did consider taking her home since we don´t have any pets here yet, but are planning to get another dog as a companion for my dog when we bring her here. Our other dog is already ten years old, so I think putting her on an 11 hour flight to Germany, and then another 11 hour flight to the USA, and then another 2 hour flight to Panama is just senseless cruelty. (As I said, I am a realist.)

Surprisingly though, this story is not over yet! On Tuesday that same dog came to the school again, and when I walked out (school was already over but my dad wanted to discuss something with the principal,) she actually recognized me and greeted me with a wagging tail. I greeted her too, and then I went to sit in the shade of the next best tree. She followed me and we cuddled for a while until my dad came out. (Her eyes, which had been cloudy and watery last time, now looked better, but there was something, that might have been blood, on her leg.) When the principal, who also helps at an organization aimed at helping the strays, saw me with the dog, she told me that it was up for adoption, and that I could take her home if I wanted to. So I tried picking the dog up, which, surprisingly, she allowed me to do.

Then I carried her over to our rental car, where my dad was waiting, and told him that we could take her home. Being the cold, heartless person that he is, he refused. (Not that I really expected anything else.) He said that there was nobody who would look after the dog when we went back home to Germany, even though there actually is a girl who said that she would be willing to look after our animals while we were away. Another reason his argument is useless is that, whatever we do when we leave, it´s unlikely that she would be worse off than she is now! Even if we were to just kick her back on the street, (which wouldn´t happen anyway) it would at least mean that she was happy at some point in her life.

Once we have a place where we can permanently stay, and once we know who will take care of her when we are in Germany, and if I am lucky enough to run into her again once we have all those things sorted out, we might actually be able to keep her.
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:01 am

Yesterday the dog was at school again. I was really excited to see her, so I rushed up to cuddle her (after all, this means that she´s a regular visitor, and once my dad allows me to take her home, I don´t have to worry about finding her).

I think my enthusiansm scared her a bit. She got really tense and crouched down, but at least she didn´t run away, which means that she does trust me at least to some extent. After a while though, I got her to completely relax. I managed to make her lie down (yes, make her) and then I pushed her over to lie on her side, without her resisting. This is a show of trust. Had I tried to do that to her when we first met, she would have pushed against me with all her strength and struggled to get away, then she would have run off and never trusted me again. As it is though, I was patient enough to wait until she trusted me enough.

I take this as a major achievement, because once she was lying on her side, she gradually became very relaxed. After a while she even put her head on the ground and closed her eyes. This means she trusts me enough to lower her guard that much, she was completely confident that I would keep a look out for danger (evil humans who might kick her, or other strays). When a bunch of noisy children came too close though, she got back up, looking very tense. When they came even closer, she started backing up and growling. (This does not mean that she is aggressive! It was simply an attempt at self defence.) I was able to continue touching her even while she was growling, and I think this helped to reasure her that they were not going to do anything to her. This is called ignoring unwanted behavior. (I wouldn´t recommend touching a growling dog unless you really know what you are doing. Even if it is your own dog, when it´s growling, that means it´s stressed out and could snap at the next best thing. Obviously, playful growls are a different story, but if you´re not sure, it´s best not to risk it.) She calmed down pretty quickly, even though the children were still standing there. Just to make sure, I asked her to come closer to me again - because she had backed up so far, I had to really stretch to reach her, but I didn´t want to get up because I don´t want her to think that I am the one running after her (even if that is the case :? ).

After a while some more people came up and startled her, so she ran off. I let her go because I don´t like to force any animal to do anything, especially not in a case like this.

After a while, I saw her running away from something with her tail between her legs, but I didn´t see what she was running from. I just assumed that she had been spooked by some people again. Anyways, she hid under a truck/car thingy, so I went up to her and lured her out again. After a while, I remembered that I still had a piece of sandwich left over from my lunch, and I decided to feed it to her, since she was so skinny. So I went over to my bag to get it.

When she saw me feeding the dog, the school principal told me that I shouldn´t feed the dogs unless I am going to take them home afterwards. (I am assuming that she said that because she doesn´t want to have strays running all over her school.) I told her that I was going to take her home, eventually. I tore off lots of tiny pieces from the leftovers of the sandwich because it was still my food, and I wanted her to know it. So I forced her to stay with me while eating, let´s just call it pre-hometaking-training (training that I do before I finally take her home). Another way to say it would be bonding, or building up trust and teaching her to eat out of my hands.

Then I saw what had frightened her into hiding under the car/truck. It was another stray, one who had obviously had puppies recently (if you know what I´m talking about ;) ) but it definately didn´t seem like she was still nursing them. I think they were probably culled. It´s sad, but that´s what happens in real life.

You can´t call me heartless for saying that, of course I don´t like it, but there´s no point in crying over something that is too late to change. The best thing we can do is try to get as many of the strays off the streets as we can, or at least have them spayed or neutered. (There is an organization called "Spay the Strays" and for every donation that is made, someone else (whose name I do not know) will double it. However, this is not a permanent arrangement and it will not go on forever, but I don´t know when it will end. So anyways, if you want to help make a difference - donate now! The money you donate will be doubled. ... 2936624937

This is a non-profit organization, and, unlike soooo many other organizations, 100% of the donations really go to helping the strays. The volenteers don´t earn one cent!

(Wow, I´m advertising for this and I´m not even a member. I guess it´s my way of trying to make a difference.)

Anyways, back to the story:

This dog... That was the first time I ever growled at a stray dog. Normally I just feel way too sorry for them and don´t want to make their lives harder than they already are. (Cesar Milan followers would know that saying that feeling sorry for the dogs doesn´t help them, but I just can´t help myself.) Anyways, she was obviously higher up in the pecking order, because my little doggy started to retreat when she approached. At first I tried to chase her away in human language (moving my hand in a shoo-ing motion), but, just like my little doggy she didn´t seem to understand human language at all. (Standing up and shouting would probably have worked, but that would have scared the other one too.) So I turned to growling. Very softly (because growling loudly would not have made a difference, and I didn´t want everybody staring at me thinking I had gone crazy). Nobody heard, except me and the two dogs. While I was growling, I was also staring her down. After a while, she admitted that I had defeated her in the staring contest and backed away. I would have fed her too, except that I didn´t have enough for two dogs, and that, if I had fed both, I would probably have gotten in trouble with the principal because we both know that I´m only going to take that one dog home, not both. I managed to get my little doggy out from under the car again, and I continued feeding her. The other bitch (female dog) came back too, and we had another staring contest (with me growling). This time, she got the message, and I could totally see the other one relax.

I just hope that I won´t regret having fed her. I don´t want her to start expecting food from me.
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:18 am

Ok, so I finally managed to get some pictures of her.
Yesterday I saw some of the high schoolers patting her (one of them was also amongst those who had chased her on the first day I saw her). Though she was not as relaxed as she was with me, at least she allowed them to touch her. Now, I would like to think that it was because of me, and that I was the one who taught her to be a little more trusting toward humans. However, being a realist, I think that it is much more likely that it was them who changed their approach. I doubt that they did it conciously, but they probably noticed the difference in how I approached her and how they had approached her.

The fact that she allowed them to touch her convinces me even more that she would make an awesome pet. Even though she is really shy, she obviously craves human contact. Now just imagine how outgoing she will be once she gets over that fear and realizes that we aren´t going to hurt her! Also, the dogs that are really shy at first are usually the ones that end up being the most loyal dogs ever.

After school was over and I went outside, she was still there. This time I didn´t even need to call her, she came straight to me on her own. It took her some time though because she walked in a half circle to get to me in order to avoid the crowd of other students. (Once I take her home I will have a lot of socialization to do with her.) But the point is that she walked without stopping, with me as her destination.

Sadly, I didn´t have much time for her because I was going home with someone else, and I couldn´t let them wait. So I only gave my little doggy a short cuddle while we were waiting for my brother to come. When we started walkin towards the car, she actually followed me a few steps, then she realized that I wasn´t going to stop for her and she went back to foraging for food. I feel kind of bad for her because this was the first time she actually came to me on her own, and I didn´t even give her a proper cuddle for it. :?
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♠ Value the present moment, for it is all you will ever have. ♠
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby houndoom » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:27 am

Amazing story.Little Cesar♥
I never thought there was someone else as nuts as i am to growl at another dog.Very similar to my strays' stories♥
Good luck with this sweetie♥

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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby cass. » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:58 am

Wow, that's amazing! You obviously have a real gift with animals. Good luck with the taking-home thing! She and you both deserve it, 100 percent.
For me, there's a trouble with the photos...:C
Again, good luck!

I befriended a stray cat who had travelled across a mega-busy main road. We gave her milk and softly talked. She was our pet for years until she passed away last April. :C Another cat has appeared and we are trying to look out for her as well, I hope she'll accept us!
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:04 am

Ivee♥ wrote:I never thought there was someone else as nuts as i am to growl at another dog.

Yeah, I don´t really understand why people think it´s so weird to growl at a dog. It´s just how they communicate so why shouldn´t we also try to do it if it´s necessary.

Banjo2345 wrote:You obviously have a real gift with animals.
For me, there's a trouble with the photos...:C
Again, good luck!

I don´t actually have a gift with animals, I just put in the effort to watch and learn how they communicate. Then I just did what I saw them do.
And what exactly is wrong with the pictures? Do you think it would help if I uploaded them at a different website?
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♠ The world is round, it has no point. ♠
♠ Value the present moment, for it is all you will ever have. ♠
♠ Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. ♠

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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:00 am

A lot of things happened lately, but the most important is that she is lying next to me in my room right now. Our (awesome) school principal talked my dad into allowing me to take her home.
The car ride is always stressful for a dog who´s not used to it, but this was much worse than it had to be:
1. She had never been inside a car before.
2. My dad and brother were sending anger and stress signals towards her (which is what they always do), while I had to be the one trying to keep calm in order to keep her calm. This was pretty difficult, because my dad´s "aura" is very powerful and I already get stressed when I´m around him under normal circumstances. Having a shaking dog sitting beside me did not make it easier.
3. My dad wanted to take her to the vet first, so we drove around for quite some time until he finally admitted that he had no clue where he was going and that we were lost.
4. She was about to puke in the car, so we had to stop quickly to take her out so that she wouldn´t puke in the car (which my dad wants to return today). I picked her up and practically jumped out of the car. Then I set her down on some grass. We didn´t have anything we could use to clean it up afterwards, which made my dad´s mood even worse (if that is even possible).

When she´s at home, she´s pretty calm. Of course she wasn´t at first, but she did calm down pretty fast (a few hours,) once she was alone with me in my room. The problem was that, before we took her with us, another guy put a lot of dry food on the ground and she ate it all. It was way more than a dog of her size should eat in a day. When we got her home, she refused to drink, and she became scared whenever I moved the water bowl in her direction to show her that there was water in it. I´m pretty sure she had never drunk water out of a bowl before. Somehow, she´s still alive though, so I´m assuming that she did drink something when I just wasn´t looking.
In the beginning, she also followed me around whenever I left my room, but I think she is now getting more confident to freely walk around our apartment.
The next problem was taking her out to do her business, because right now, we don´t have a garden. This means that I had to put her on a leash. Turns out, she is scared of the leash.
At first she just stood there, frozen with her tail between her legs. Then she started cowering. After a while, she relaxed and lay down, but she still hadn´t walked a single step. I waited, and waited, and waited.
After a while I decided to try to get her to walk, so I gave a little tug on the leash. She still didn´t get up, so I tried again. Then I tried gently poking her in the side, which only had the effect that she lay down in a different position. Next I tried picking her up and setting her down, so that she was at least standing. I thought that, maybe, if she was standing, I might be able to get her to walk. Instead, she started cowering again. I tried tugging on the leash again, with no effect. She was just ignoring the tugs.
Then she suddenly freaked out and threw a tandrum. (She was standing on her hind legs, howling and trying to slip out of the collar.) This caused the collar to break open (I´m pretty sure the collar is for cats, it also had a bell attached to it). I had to chase after her to catch her. If this had been the area where she was used to running around, it wouldn´t have been such a problem. I would probably have just let her run until she got tired of it. But because she isn´t used to this area, I knew that she would be in trouble if she got lost. So I chased her down and wrapped the lead around her. She started throwing tantrums again, and I decided that the only thing I could do was wait for her to calm down and try to act as unaffected as I could (Cesar style). This is much harder than it seems when you have a screaming dog next to you. (I checked, and there was no way it was tight enough to hurt her, it was just pure panic.)
Acting unaffected eventually payed off. She wasn´t exactly calm, but at least she wasn´t screaming anymore or standing on her hind legs. Instead, she took to running (she was trying to run away from the leash because she didn´t understand that it was attached to her). This would have been ideal, except that the leash was too short. If it had been a longer leash, I would have let her run and followed at a steady pace. This wasn´t possible though, so I had to run after her. At first, this freaked her out even more (it must have seemed like I was trying to run her down).
Eventually, she slowed to a trot, which was just what I had been hoping/waiting for. She was finally moving with her own four legs (instead of being carried by me), without being frantic. She still wasn´t walking on a leash like a well trained dog, but at least she was walking, so I just followed her wherever she went. Normally, this would have been a problem, but somehow, the people around here seem to have the habit of staying inside all day, which means that there were no cars and that we could randomly walk all over the place without the risk of being hit by a car.
This morning when I took her out, we left of where we had been yesterday. She skipped the standing frozen and cowering part, and went straight to the nervous pacing. This nervous pacing then turned to normal walking, and it felt almost like a normal walk with a normal dog. Except for the part where we were randomly walking all over the place without sticking to any particular path.
Then my dad told me that he was going to be busy during the day and didn´t want to leave the dog at home alone. His brilliant plan: take her back to school, let her loose, and hope that she would be there again by the time school ended.
We were in luck, and when school ended, she was just down the road, and she came when I called her. So this is why she is sleeping in my room right now. I´m pretty sure that we are going to keep her now, but she still has much to learn. While I am a huge Cesar fan, I don´t think I will use the Cesar way on her for now. I will just do whatever my instincts tell me to do. (Which is what I have always done with my other dogs, and this is the first dog that I got after learning of Cesar Milan)
My instincts tell me that the thing she needs right now is time to gain more self confidence.
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby MoonfallTheFox » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:55 pm

Cesar knows nothing. Run the other way, now.

She looks like a sweetheart, and you're not the only one who uses dog body language and vocal cues to communicate with dogs. I do it at work all the time, and elsewhere. I do it with horses, as well, birds, and all the other animals I have contact with. In my opinion, it is the only proper way to do anything.
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby animalobsessed1 » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:08 am

MoonfallTheFox wrote:Cesar knows nothing. Run the other way, now.

She looks like a sweetheart, and you're not the only one who uses dog body language and vocal cues to communicate with dogs. I do it at work all the time, and elsewhere. I do it with horses, as well, birds, and all the other animals I have contact with. In my opinion, it is the only proper way to do anything.

Though I´m not one of those mindless zombies who think that Cesar knows everything and will do anything he says (they do exist, I have seen them with my own eyes :roll: ), I also think that saying that he knows nothing is an exaggeration. It is true that he does some things that I do not agree with, but he also does a lot of good things too. I have yet to learn of a dog trainer who is perfect.
I´m glad to hear that there are other people out there who understand the importance of learning dog communication instead of expecting them to learn to understand our language. Sadly I see more people who don´t understand this than I see people who do, and it upsets me every time.
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Read my true story about a stray dog: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=797402&p=20143783#p20143783
And here´s my fictional rat story: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=889005&p=22810405#p22810405
I´m giving away free pets. Read my trade rules to find out the details.

Favorite Quotes:
♠ The world is round, it has no point. ♠
♠ Value the present moment, for it is all you will ever have. ♠
♠ Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. ♠

I learned an awesome new word! Defeatism - I am a defeatist. :D
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Re: Meeting With a Stray Dog

Postby badkitten » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:16 pm

awww im so happy for you and im so happy for the doggy i hope you all do well :)
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