Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

chaotic creativity's replies | 070 | may 13, 2024

Postby chaotic creativity » Tue May 14, 2024 4:33 am


    WEATHER !!

      NEWLEAF || The sun begins to peek through the leaves as the dark and heavy clouds of Leafbare roll away. Birds begin to trill earlier in the morning, and the hibernating rodents stir from their slumber as they seek out meals to fill their aching bellies. Prey will be easier to catch, and kittings will grow easier on mothers. Cats are less desperate for homes and will be friendlier to patrols. However, with warmer weather comes more danger. Predators are no longer hungry and vicious, but they have full bellies and growing muscle. They lay unseen, waiting to attack. Twolegs sightings grow more common as well, though cats do not know why the strange creatures seem to prefer warmer weather.


      Hello! I am chaotic creativity, but many of you know me as sharpie. i am very excited to be your mod, so don't be afraid to message me with any questions or concerns. feel free to pm me on here, or you can reach out to me on discord at chaoticallycreative.

    CLANS !!

      TruffleClan || littleminicooper || 04/07/2024
      TidalClan || librarycat || 03/10/2024
      OakClan || Luaii || 07/18/2023
      LilyClan || LilyHorse || 01/01/2024
      KeyClan || obnixious || 04/07/2024
      ReefClan || epilogue || 05/13/2024
      Archangel's Tomb || selkirks || 12/11/2023
      Sanctum of the Tar-Eaters || Corinnander || 05/13/2024



      • Days passed after Cavernstar's request to StarClan had been lifted up to the sky, and his hopes of their reply were waning. Just as he was on the verge of believing they were not to honor his request, a lone adult cat wandered into camp. They were bedraggled and haggard, obviously having taken a long journey. "I'm so sorry for how long it took me to find you after those cats with stars for fur told me what to do. I was much farther from here than I was originally led to believe," the cat meowed, quickly erasing any doubts and fears Cavernstar might have had about his ancestors.

    Hunting Patrol:
      • Cavernstar's patrol seems to relish in the warmer days, gossiping amongst each other that the sun was setting later and later. It would be a long time before frost graced their territory with its presence once more. However, the prey seemed to not have discovered this for themselves quite yet, for they were sparse. Eventually, the patrol returned with 1 big fish to add to the fresh-kill pile, the disappointment on their faces quite apparent.

    Border Patrol:
      • Shellwing and Gingerflight had barely reached the border before two adult cats launched themselves at the unsuspecting ReefClan warriors. After a short, yet vicious, battle, Shellwing and Gingerflight stood victoriously over the still-hissing rogues. "You two have the makings of great warriors," Shellwing commented. She could see the anger in their gazes flash with curiosity, so she stepped back to allow them to rise. It took only a few words for the two rogues to be convinced to meet with Cavernstar and ask to join ReefClan.

      • Pebbleflight spent many hours out in the territory, relishing in the smell of freshly-bloomed herbs. Their sprouts and shoots were just now breaking through the ground. They knew they should leave some to grow for later in the year, so they only took a few leaves of each bundle they found. They happily returned to camp at dusk, carrying 1 borage, 1 burnet, 1 elder leaves, and 1 rosemary.


    Hunting Patrol:
      • White Pine's patrol discovered that the prey was running exceptionally well for so early in newleaf. The patrol was delighted to chase and hunt for all day, returning to camp proudly displaying 1 shrike, 1 small stray dog, and 1 young badger that were to be added to the fresh-kill pile. There would surely be a feast tonight to celebrate their good fortune.

    Camp Safety:
      • The camp remains safe from attack this moon.

      • Snow Fever is happy to begin traversing the territory with hope for helpful herbs in her heart. Gone were the brittle cold days of leafbare, and with it were the disheartening moments of hope soon dashed by sorrow every time she thought she had found healthy herbs in the snow. She returned to camp with 1 stick, 1 stinging nettle, 1 sweet-sedge, and 1 birch sap, marching slowly with camp to display her own happiness with the arrival of warmer moons.

      • Mountain Fog's kitting goes smoothly, with two healthy kits being born. By the time the sun rose the next morning, their mewls could be heard throughout the camp as they fought with each other for a better place at their mother's belly. So young, and already displaying signs that they would forever be in brotherly competition with each other.
        Kit One Phenotype: Mediumhaired blue silver broken classic tabby tom with a shortened, kinked tail and polydactyly
        Kit One Genotype: Ll / BB / XoY / dd / Aa / mcmc / Spsp / Ii / Ccs / Jbjb / Pdpd / ww

        Kit Two Phenotype: Mediumhaired blue silver broken mackerel tabby tom with a shortened, kinked tail and polydactyly
        Kit Two Genotype: Ll / BB / XoY / dd / Aa / Mcmc / Spsp / Ii / Ccs / Jbjb / Pdpd / ww

        Note: The kits' references are in progress! They will be delivered to you once they are complete

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[ clan replies - 167 ] [ newleaf !! ]

Postby deimido » Tue May 14, 2024 6:48 am


leaf-bare has come to a close and snow has begun to melt. rain is more common which may lead to
floods in water-based or low-lying territories. prey is only just beginning to return, kittings will run
smoother, and the chances of kitting-related deaths will start to drop. loners, too, are beginning to
explore clan territories, which makes the odds of finding new clanmates higher than it otherwise
would be. - Simonpet

echoclan, hazeclan, seaclan, shenthais, hazelclan, chaosclan, caveclan, sun spire outlaws, highgarden

last replies linked - 5.9.24

main page - cac store - fanclub - roleplay thread

HAZELCLANsharklord ████████████████████████

      HazelClan's ancestors heed Rosestar's request and send a warrior to find and join her Clan.
      xx↳ [ pheno: longhaired ginger ticked tabby with moderate white and green eyes. ]
      xx↳ [ geno: ll / bb / XO- / Dd / Aa / Mcmc / Tata / Ccb / Wsw ]
      xx↳ [ color: @Kazin | lines: @Grey_Hoodie ]

      Dr. Ducky gathered +1 elder leaves, +1 broom, +1 lungwort, and +1 borage.
      xxRiverdancer added +1 dandelion.
      xxRowancry added +1 horsetail.
      xxTawnyfeather added +1 lovage.
      xxDraconisflight added +1 dock.
      xxOwlpaw added +1 thyme.

      Rosestar's patrol caught +2 voles, +1 lizard, +1 bird, +1 snake, and +1 mouse.
      xxMaplebounce tried to persuade Rosestar that she was healthy enough to continue hunting, but the leader was unconvinced as she took in the sight of the sniffling warrior with rheumy eyes and a runny nose. Refraining the urge to roll her eyes, Rosestar ordered Maplebounce to go home to get her allergies tended to. | Requires one moon of rest.
      xxWildwind watched as Maplebounce dejectedly padded away, her tail tip twitching anxiously - were her symptoms as obvious as her denmate? She woke up with a sore throat, but figured that if she talked as little as possible, she wouldn't be found out. Unbeknownst to Wildwind, her leader was watching her every movement with an experience eye, and the color point nearly jumped out of her skin when Rosestar asked if anything was wrong. Wildwind finally decided to give up the ghost and with a raspy, sickly voice, asked Rosestar if she could follow Maplebounce home. | Requires x1 lungwort.

      Dapperbird's patrol caught +1 small fish, +1 vole, +1 hare, +1 lizard, +1 snake, and +1 mouse.

      Orvomask's patrol caught +1 rabbit, +2 lizards, +1 mouse, +1 snake, and +1 vole.
      xxOrvomask knew it was impossible to effectively lead a patrol while he was so sick; allergies making it hard for him to focus. Calling Lionmane over, Orvomask gave the young warrior permission to lead the rest of the patrol in his stead, as he was going home early. | Requires one moon of rest.

      Sootcloud's patrol caught and gathered +1 big fish, +1 ermine, +2 mice, and +2 lizards.

      Cardinalflight's patrol caught +1 big fish, +1 hare, +1 rabbit, +2 lizards, and +1 snake.

      Kazuto's patrol caught +1 vole, +2 rabbits, +1 bird, +1 lizard, +1 snake, and +1 vole.

      Mothgoose's patrol recruited an adult cat and their kitten-aged nibling, the adult reveals that they became the sole provider of the kit ever since they lost the rest of their family during the last leaf-bare.
      xx↳ [ pheno & geno (adult): longhaired black ticked tabby with low white and dark yellow eyes. | ll / Bb / Xo- / Dd / Aa / Mcmc / Tata / CC / Wsw ]
      xx↳ [ pheno & geno (kitten): black longhair with low white and green eyes. (growth) | ll, Xo-, BB, Dd, aa, mcmc, Ccs, Wsw ]
      xx↳ [ colors: @Kazin (adult) & @amethyst14 (kitten) | liness: @H155/@Grey_Hoodie (adult) & @Grey_Hoodie (kitten) ]

      Fenneleye's patrol took in a pregnant cat! Their litter is due in two moons.
      xx↳ [ pheno: shorthair seal lynx sepia point with blue eyes. (not pregnant) ]
      xx↳ [ geno: LL / BB / XoXo / DD / AA / Mcmc / Tata / cbcb / ww ]
      xx↳ [ color: @Simonpet | lines: @H155 (pregnant) & @Grey_Hoodie (not pregnant) ]

      Iolantha's patrol recruited an adult cat! They are... slightly intimidated by their size, is this really an average cat? Or perhaps a descendant of the Great Clans of old?
      xx↳ [ pheno: cinnamon spotted savannah with green eyes. ]
      xx↳ [ geno: LL, Xo-, blbl, DD, AA, McMc, SpSp, CC, ww ]
      xx↳ [ color: @Lokisaurus | lines: @Grey_Hoodie ]

      Milo's patrol scented a fox in the area! They can either meet it in battle, poison it using one 3 serving prey and x1 poison, or risk leaving it alone.

      Featherdusk's patrol was uneventful, aside from everyone trying to calm down the patrol leader as he kept openly wondering how Adiran's kitting was going.

      Adiran gave birth to a healthy, single kitten! The nursery was filled with purrs as Iolantha and Featherdusk cuddled close to their mate and their newborn kit, taking advantage of the empty space to spend as much time as possible with the new addition to their family.
      xx↳ [ pheno: longhaired solid black bicolor with yellow eyes. ]
      xx↳ [ geno: ll, Xo-, Bb, Dd, aa, Ccb, WsWs ]
      xx↳ [ color: @deimido | lines: @Grey_Hoodie ]

      Orangeblossom and Steelsweep's first attempt to start a family was successful! Orangeblossom's kits are due in two moons.

      Two apprentices passed their final assessments this moon! Emberpounce and Marshmallow are celebrated by HazelClan.
      xxHootpaw and Downpaw failed this moon's attempt, but can try again next moon.

      Amanitapaw learned hiding!

      Antpaw, Minnowpaw, Forestpaw, and Wintergreenpaw learned swimming this moon!
      xxWildpaw failed this moon's attempt, but can try again next moon.

      Lightningpaw, Campionpaw, Laurelpaw, Sedgepaw, and Chillpaw learned climbing!
      xxCampionpaw's heart sunk when the rock wall she clung to began crumbling under her weight, wincing as tiny pebbles clattered onto her head from above. She tried to use the dodging maneuvers Melloricall taught her, but there wasn't enough time before the rock wall collapsed and sent the tortoiseshell apprentice crashing down along with it... She awoke much later, transported back to the healers' den, though Campionpaw swore she still heard the rocks tumbling in her ears. Skyleaf was in her nest nearby, eyes wide with worry as she asked Campionpaw if she felt okay. The apprentice groaned back in response, in too much pain to even lift her head, and fell back asleep as Skyleaf called for a healer. | Requires x1 poppy seeds, x1 broom, and three moons of rest. She was left with no permanent injuries.
      xxSilentpaw failed when the young she-cat struggled to find where to put her paws (as her view was partially hidden due to her large ears) and ended up tumbling onto a small ledge with a spiky thorn bush growing on it, and as luck would have it, Silentpaw fell right on top of said bush. She was helped down thanks to Kestrelcall's help, and didn't take kindly to the tom's attempt to lighten the mood by saying she resembled a hedgehog more than a cat. | Requires x1 daisy leaves and one moon of rest.

      Jaggedpaw and Midnightpaw learned stalking!

THE COURT OF GARDENSArtMajor ████████████████

    ─── ⊰ FOUNDING
      The Court of Gardens has been founded! Your mod will be @Katrione
      xx↳ [ pheno: black classic shorthair with white paws, and a white locket. ]
      xx↳ [ geno: LL, Xo-, Bb, DD, AA, mcmc, Ccs, Wsw ]

      You have three posts/moons to begin stockpiling prey.
      You can add 20 pebbles in your first post, and then add +5 per post afterward.
      For your first five posts, you will be given free-to-use images as your clan's faceclaims rather than lineart. Once those five are over, then you may ask to have your clan transferred if you wish. To be eligible for lineart, you must agree to CAC's terms of service as can be found on the front page.

Last edited by deimido on Tue May 14, 2024 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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❀ [ The Court of Gardens - 001 ] ❀

Postby ArtMajor » Tue May 14, 2024 12:15 pm

court members: 01 ❀
❀ blossom court request: 2 posts ❀
❀ pebbles: 020 ❀
mod: Katrione ❀
floris font
❀ illustrations: me ❀

They say the world is full of spirits. Benevolent creatures that laugh and play as they grant their blessings to the
mortal realm. But sometimes those spirits are not quite so kind. Sometimes they bring famine, rot, and plague.
And someday, far into the future, these spirits of disease will attempt to overthrow the world of the living.

That was the warning that Promisedrose received one fateful night. The stars had been dim, compared to the pale
green light shone by the god. Their name was Evos the Eternal, god of all that had been and all that would come.
It was...daunting, facing the spirit as they spoke of a bleak future. But their words had ended with a promise...

A promise that there would be a group of cats so in-tune with the powers of nature they would be able to not
only stand up to the forces of rot, but they would able to channel the very power of the spirits, returning the
rest of the nature gods to the world. Although the world had long been abandoned by most of the gods, there
was a hope that they would return if they found a Court awaiting them. A Court that would be able to channel
their power and fight against the rot.

Promisedrose's claws scraped the earth as she paced, glancing up at the night sky. Although it had been nearly
a moon since she had last seen Evos, she wondered if he was listening, even now. She worried, nearly constantly
that she wouldn't be able to direct the court, that although they might listen to her out of respect, what if her
choices led them to the very ruin she was tasked with preventing? She wanted- she needed a cat that was
more familiar with the ways of the wild than some former housecat. She needed someone who would be able to
direct the clan.

Promisedrose's pacing was interrupted by a low growl in her stomach. Sighing, she looked back up at the stars.
Dawn would be breaking soon, although she hadn't gotten much sleep some food might ease her stress a bit.

❀ Promisedrose asks the Court of Blossoms for a Lord/Lady of the Court
❀ Promisedrose hunts ❀

❀ I'd like to enable flings ❀
❀ Random death will always be ok for any member of the court ❀


Court Officials

❋ Lord/Lady of the Thorn ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
ꕥ Lord/Lady of the Fields ꕥ
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
✽ Lord/Lady of the Court ✽
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
❀ The Crown Rose ❀
promisedrose • 38m • female •
➺ title: the blooming rose
➺ lives: ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀


xxxxxxxxxx❊ Squire of the Fields ❊
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title
❊ Roots of the Court ❊xxxxxxxxxx

name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty



❋ Sprouts ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
❋ Squires ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
❋ Knights of the Petal ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
❋ Knights of the Thorn ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:



❀ Interclan relations ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
❀ Borders ❀
north • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
east • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
south • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
west • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
❀ Deceased ❀
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ cause of death:
❀ Families ❀
name • name
➺ kits


xxxxxxxxxxꕥ Medicinal Supplies ꕥ

name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
❋ Food Stores ❋xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

rabbits • two servings • 00 • ❀
squirrels • two servings • 00 • ❀
birds • three servings • 00 • ❀
snakes • one serving • 00 • ❀
songbirds • one serving • 00 • ❀
hedgehogs • two servings • 00 • ❀

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Re: Create a Clan - LilyClan 37

Postby LilyHorse » Wed May 15, 2024 4:04 am

Number of Cats: 60 | Next Request: now | Pebbles: 306 | Mod: chaotic creativity
Last Replies | Last Post
Servings: 10 (next at 62)
5 patrols, 7 cats per patrol (Next at 76)

Please do not kill: *
Flings on: ^

Mod notes: please do not kill any cats unless I ask you to
(except for leaders are allowed to lose lives)
please do not give kits or pregnant cats this moon

track season almost over and ap tests wrapping up.. finally I will write about sad cats

happenings wrote:- Welcome Shadedrop!
- Oh no, Spicespook died.
- Congrats Boxpaw!
- Mentors have now been assigned to the youngest apprentices.
- story writing offsite if anyone is interested (right now only in the form of a very rough draft)

action queue wrote:-- training
- Stormpaw trains in fishing.
- Rabbitpaw trains in transmittable illnesses.
- Lilacpaw trains in climbing.
- Sunpaw trains in swimming.
- Jaypaw trains in swimming.
- Rootpaw trains in battle.
- Boxpaw trains in hunting.

-- patrols
- Pipersong and Salamipath hunt for herbs.
- Olivebird, Siennaslip, Shadedrop, Clayshine, Ebonyspine, Copperburr, and Dawnpetal go to explore the predator scent.
- Ambushflutter, Eveningpaw, Bluetstalk, Seedfeather, Cavewhisper, Creekspots, and Jürgen go hunting.
- Dustbee, Burrowpaw, Firefall, Acorntuft, Leafshudder, Flurryshade, and Cascadepetal go on a border patrol.
- Pennyswallow, Lionstrider, Thrushclimb, Wisteriaflicker, Mothbillow, Espressobranch, and Cinnamonbeam go on a border patrol.

-- consumption
- The clan consumes 3 big fish and a chipmunk.

-- request
- Goldenstar requests an adult cat.

nursery and medicine den wrote:
- Goldenstar rests for 3/3 moons.
- Songpaw rests for 1/3 moons. He is given a cobweb, celandine, and dock by Salamipath.

      Goldenstar | 83 | she/they afab | X ^*
      Lives: 7/9 ★★★★★★★

      Pipersong | 76 | she/her & cro/crocus afab | X
      Salamipath | 28 | he/him amab | X *
      Rabbitpaw | 32 | she/they afab | X

      Sootfreckle | 62 | he/him amab | X *

      Seedfeather | 76 | he/him amab | X *
      Mothbillow | 73 | he/him nb | X *
      Acorntuft | 70 | they/them amab | X *
      Scorpionblaze | 70 | she/her afab | X *
      Cascadepetal | 66 | he/him amab | X
      Siennaslip | 63 | she/her afab | X *
      Moonweb | 61 | they/she/ze afab | X
      Jürgen | 59 | he/him amab | X
      Bluetstalk | 58 | she/her afab | X *
      Cavewhisper | 54 | he/ze amab | X
      Walleyestrike | 52 | she/her afab | X *
      Snowfin | 51 | he/him amab | X *
      Ambushflutter| 50 | she/her afab | X *^
      Snaildapple | 48 | he/him afab | X *
      Dustbee | 48 | she/her afab | X *
      Clayshine | 45 | she/he afab | X *
      Ebonyspine | 43 | he/they/ze amab | X *
      Skysparrow| 41 | she/her afab | X
      Wisteriaflicker | 41 | no prns | X *
      Lionstrider | 40 | he/him amab | X *
      Firefall | 38 | he/him | X
      Creekspots | 37 | he/him | X
      Turtleglow | 37 | she/her afab | X
      Dawnpetal | 35 | she/her afab | X *
      Onyxflight | 35 | she/her | X
      Leafshudder | 34 | she/her afab | X ^
      Shadedrop | 30 | she/her | X
      Espressobranch | 28 | he/him amab | X *
      Pennyswallow | 28 | she/her afab | X *
      Duskpine | 29 | he/him amab | X
      Olivebird | 29 | she/they afab | X
      Asterripple | 28 | they/he afab | X
      Copperburr | 26 | he/it/mischief amab | X *
      Charliewhiskers | 25 | he/she afab | X *
      Cinnamonbeam | 24 | she/her afab | X *
      Flurryshade | 20 | he/him amab | X *
      Thrushclimb | 23 | she/her afab | X

      Stormpaw | 15 | he/him | X
      Eveningpaw | 9 | she/her | X *
      Burrowpaw | 9 | she/her | X
      Lilacpaw | 8 | she/her afab | X
      Sunpaw | 8 | she/her afab | X
      Jaypaw | 8 | he/him amab | X
      Rootpaw | 7 | she/her afab | X *
      Songpaw | 7 | he/him amab | X
      Boxpaw | 6 | he/him amab |X

      Sprucecinder | 55 | she/her afab | X ^
      ↳ Specklekit | 4 | she | X
      ↳ Scorchkit | 4 | he | X
      ↳ Saltkit | 4 | she | X
      ↳ Loonkit | 4 | he | X
      Honeypuff | 53 | she/they/it afab | X ^
      ↳ Oakkit | 3 | afab | X
      ↳ Agatekit | 3 | afab | X

      Badgersun | 114 | he/him amab | X

      Deceased Cats:
      Tamerackpaw | wolf attack
      Goldenstar's 1st life ★ | fox
      Bronzerabbit | pair of foxes
      Owlpaw | same wolf as Tamerackpaw, moons
      Paintsplotch | bolted by lightning during a
      Shadowpool | buried by a blizzard
      Goldenstar's 2nd life ★ | snake
      Riverbreeze | heat induced heart failure
      Rosettefinder | fell off a cliff
      Antpuddle | head injury
      Sunseeker | shot by twoleg
      Bloombroom | fox
      Spicespook | bear

North | Lake, then twoleg dens
Southeast | A thundering waterfall
South | Short cliff, rocks
Southwest | A thundering waterfall
West | LichenClan | meadovv

Medicine Store:
Alder Bark | x3
Bindweed | x1
Blackberry Leaf | x2
Borage Leaf | x4
Bright-eye | x1
Broom | x1
Burdock Root | x1
Burnet | x1
Chamomile | x3
Celandine | x3
Chickweed | x2
Chervil | x1
Cobweb | x2
Coltsfoot | x1
Daisy Leaf | x1
Dandelion | x1
Deadly Nightshade | x1
Death Berry | x5

Dock | x0
Elder Leaf | x2
Fennel | x1
Feverfew | x4

Foxglove | x1
Goatweed | x1
Holly Berry | x1
Honey | x2
Horsetail | x2
Ivy Leaf | x1
Lamb's Ear | x1
Lovage | x4
Mallow | x1
Marigold | x5
Meadow Saffron | x3
Mouse Bile | x2
Moss | x3
Oak Leaf | x2
Parsley | x1
Poppy Seeds | x1
Ragwort Leaf | x1
Ragweed | x3
Raspberry Leaf | x2
Rush | x1
Thyme | x2
Tormentil | x2
Sorrel | x6
Stick | x4
Stinging Nettle | x3
Watermint | x1
Wild Garlic | x1
Willow Bark | x3
Willow Leaves | x2
Wintergreen | x4
Wood Sorrel | x1
Yarrow | x3

Special Items:
Pride Eyes | x2
Locus Locator | 1lak

Food Storage:
Chipmunk | x6 | 1 serving
Mice | x7 | 1 serving
Songbird | x5 | 1 serving
Squirrel | x7 | 2 servings
Small Fish | x7 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x6 | 3 servings

Rosettefinder Scorpionblaze | Stormpaw
↳ 4/5 1/2
Salamipath | Rabbitpaw
↳ 1/5 0/2
Ambushflutter | Eveningpaw
↳ 3/5 0/2
Dustbee | Burrowpaw
↳ 3/5 0/2
Charliewhiskers | Jaypaw
↳ 2/5 0/2
Pennyswallow | Sunpaw
↳ 2/5 0/2
Cascadepetal | Lilacpaw
↳ 2/5 0/2
Asterripple | Rootpaw
↳ 0/5 0/2
Olivebird | Songpaw
↳ 0/5 0/2
Lionstrider | Boxpaw
↳ 0/5 0/2
Mentor | Apprentice
↳ skills patrols assessments

fishing, hunting, swimming, climbing, and battle.
herb identification, transmittable illnesses, chronic illnesses,
mental illnesses and kitting.

Scorpionblaze | Espressobranch, Salamipath, Pennyswallow,
Asterripple, Owlpaw, Tamerackpaw, Copperburr
Acorntuft and Mothbillow | Flurryshade, Rootpaw, Songpaw
Badgersun | Turtleglow
Sprucecinder (all kits are adopted) | Copperburr, Flurryshade,
Stormpaw, Boxpaw
Turtleglow and Dawnpetal | Lilacpaw, Sunpaw, Jaypaw
Shadowpool and Rosettefinder and Scorpionblaze | Swiftpaw
Ebonyspine and Bluetstalk |
Onyxflight | Eveningpaw
Sootfreckle and Seacoal | Specklekit, Scorchkit, Saltkit, Loonkit

LilyClan is 80pt
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broken sub replies

Postby selkirks » Wed May 15, 2024 8:02 am

last replies linked
✶ arroyoclan ✶ logclan ✶
✶ nosferatu ✶ gladeclan ✶
✶ rouge rogues ✶ firclan ✶
✶ cloverclan ✶ beamclan ✶
✶ whisperclan ✶ kingdom of felines ✶
✶ canaryclan ✶
if i have messed anything up, please
send me a DM (on here or discord).
also, all images are ftu from various
websites (unsplash, pixabay, etc).
leaf-bare; chances of illness/injury increase.
cats are less likely to catch prey.
cats are likely to find fewer cats.


V.Vulpes. wrote:
None. The prairie is quiet.
Grasshopper and Coaldust
hunt in the mines

Harestride and Steelfang
hunt on the prairie
Arlene and Talonfall patrol
Breezestorm gathers herbs.
Breezestorm treats Orestar with x1 goldenrod.
Tanglepaw is trained in Advanced Fighting by Grasshopper.
Dawnpaw is trained in Fighting by Arlene.

patrolling results
↪arlene's patrol recruited a cat by the name of blizzardstep

hunting results
↪grasshopper's patrol caught x1 shrew
↪harestride's patrol caught x1 hare and x1 mouse. harestride pulled a muscle and will need two moons of rest and x1 poppy seed

herb gathering results
↪breezestorm returns having gathered x1 wood sorrel, x1 broom, x1 ivy leaf, and x1 mouse bile

training results
↪tanglepaw advanced fighting
↪dawnpaw failed to learn fighting this moon and ended up with numerous scrapes. they will need x1 moon of rest or x1 cobweb

death ❘ n/a
mod notes ❘ n/a
my name is sel
i use she + neos
mod for sfa + cac
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Kat's Replies • V.XV.MMXXIV | 05.15.2024

Postby Katrione » Thu May 16, 2024 10:23 am



    newleaf -- leaf-bare has come to a close and snow has begun to melt. rain is more common which may lead to floods in water-based or low-lying territories. prey is only just beginning to return, kittings will run smoother, and the chances of kitting-related deaths will start to drop. loners, too, are beginning to explore clan territories, which makes the odds of finding new clanmates higher than it otherwise would be
    [ weather descriptor - simonpet ]


    • if you would like to join our discord, please pm katrione or one of the mods for an invite link.

    • a member suggested to use this thread for more herb options. if a herb you don't recognize from the official herb list is given to you, please go here or message me for help!

    • all real images linked are from unsplash, pixabay, and many other f2u image sites.if you have a image font for your clan name, please link the specific font used to credit the site. all lineart belongs to cac.

────────── ( 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ──────────
pineclan -- lr: 07-16-2022
swiftclan -- lr: 03-05-2023
forestclan -- lr: 10-11-2022
gustclan -- lr: 12-29-2020
spruceclan -- lr: 01-29-2023
nanimo's clan-- lr: 02-28-2024
court of gardens-- lr: today
    ───────── ( 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ─────────
    wheatclan -- lr: 07-06-2023
    outback runners -- lr: 11-02-2023
    twilightclan -- lr: 03-18-2024
───────── ( 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ─────────
pyrithian-- lr: 01-26-2024
weyrcats -- lr: 05-07-2024

ArtMajor wrote:

❀ Promisedrose asks the Court of Blossoms for a Lord/Lady of the Court
❀ Promisedrose hunts ❀

❀ I'd like to enable flings ❀
❀ Random death will always be ok for any member of the court ❀

      ↳↳↳ The Court of Blossoms silently fulfill Promisedrose's request, nudging the promised cat in the direction of Promisedrose's court. Before the day comes to an end, a new member of the court crosses into the Crown Rose's path.

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ Promisedrose tucks her white paws beneath her chest, her ears perking forward as she narrowed in on her prey. The patrol had passed extremely well so far, with the she-cat already bringing down x2 squirrels. The classic tabby lunged forward, a frustrated growl escaping her clenched teeth as her paws landed short of her prey. The rabbit shot off with an alarmed squeal. The squeal was cut short when a set of large red paws landed square in the middle of its back. Promisedrose jerked to attention, the fur along her spine bristling. The large red rogue raised their green gaze, which narrowed slightly at the she-cat. "That was my catch." Promisedrose mewed bluntly.
      The strange's whiskers twitched in amusement before they deposited the x1 rabbit at their paws. "I didn't see much catching happening," They retorted. "However, I might be willing to share in exchange for a place to sleep for a few days."
      The black tabby flicked her tail, sighing to herself before replying. "I guess that will be fine." She turned her back on the red cat, retrieved her previous kills, and lead the way back to camp.

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ The written description for the ancestor request is: a shorthair cream mackerel tabby with amber eyes [ Geno: LL / XO- / B- / dd / Aa / McMc / CC / ww ]
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the patrol cat is: a large red mediumhair mackerel tabby with green eyes [ Geno: Ll / XO- / B- / Dd / AA / Mcmc / CC / ww ]
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HazelClan [63]

Postby sharklord » Sat May 18, 2024 2:50 pm

❖❖ font credit ❖❖
❖❖ STATS ❖❖
mod; deimos | pebbles; 149 | request; next post | population; 208 (♂100/♀103/⚧5) | servings; 30
due dates; orangeblossom (2 posts), sapphirestone (2 posts)

- wip


▏rosestar makes no request

the feast
▏hazelclan consumes x10 lizards, x6 mice, x6 snakes & x8 voles

healer duties
▏dr ducky, riverdancer & rowancry look for herbs
▏tawnyfeather, draconisflight & owlpaw look for herbs
▏wildwind is treated with x1 lungwort
▏campionpaw is treated with x1 poppy seeds & x1 broom
▏silentpaw is treated with x1 daisy leaves
▏saberpaw rests (1/2)
▏orvomask rests (0/1)
▏maplebounce rests (0/1)
▏campionpaw rests (0/3)
▏silentpaw rests (0/1)

hunting patrols
▏rosestar, meadownose, toadstoolslip, icee, froghop, harenose, hopspatch,
▏barleysun, batears, snowsight, delilahflick, mistyfur & crowface hunt
▏dapperbird, niko, ioannes, snowdrift, wispfire, alfred, tuxedofrost, cloverfall,
▏lilybell, memphisblaze, brightdew, snapdragon & coffeefroth hunt
▏sootcloud, sunripple, lionmane, sammy, talebeam, huckleberryfoot, javachip,
▏lightwing, duckysplash, peachwhisker, ravencrown, cloud & dayhopper hunt
▏cardinalflight, stormcloud, mintwave, fogface, wolfsong, wintercry, pinenose,
▏rainwhisper, dragonflywhisper, wildwind, koi, copperspark & morelcomb hunt
▏kazuto, marigoldflare, cloudsilk, glasstumble, hani, willowdrift, newtcloud,
▏badgerstomp, finnegan, myrtlespark, ghostseeker, patchedpelt & finchleaf hunt
▏mothgoose, ivyspot, fillia, tempestblink, foxstride, inkcloud, chestnutcall,
▏thrushwhisker, melloricall, softwing, pikefin, dapplesong & hurricanewind hunt

border patrols
▏fenneleye, ribbontwirl, bearbreeze, dolph, otterdawn, tony, baybee, ciderbloom,
▏steelsweep, nightspots, gingerface, hesperos & cindersnap patrol
▏iolantha, coralchase, aoife, leoponpad, cherryberry, sycamorenose, shadeheart,
▏daisypetal, vegas, fadedgaze, pelagia, cottonbreeze & alderbranch patrol
▏milo, chance, creamfall, dustythorn, honey, melody, bumblesting, solarheart,
▏legendflash, alpinesneak, marshmallow, oliveblossom & guardianwish patrol
▏featherdusk, chivemouse, swallowswirl, gooseberrypie, peachtea, milkweedgaze,
▏marblerush, lunarfur, cemanimoon, spidertuft, cowrunner, aspendash & emberpounce patrol
▏sparrowstripe, greythorn, frost, claywhisker, shellclaw, rubbleblaze, beetleleap,
▏tulipbow, nettlefleck, kelpwhisker, kindleglow, fayoumifeather & ripplebriar
▏go to drive away the fox
▏hazelclan welcomes sparkmist
▏hazelclan welcomes barleysun & cricketkit
▏hazelclan welcomes sapphirestone
▏hazelclan welcomes hani
▏hazelclan welcomes adiran's kit, basilius
▏emberpaw passed her assessment! her new name is emberpounce!
▏marshpaw passed her assessment! her new name is marshmallow!

family affairsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

▏hootpaw takes his assessment! his name will be hootecho if he passes.
▏amanitapaw takes her assessment! her name will be amanitafluff if she passes.
▏downpaw takes her assessment! her name will be downfeather if she passes.

▏fallowpaw trains in hiding
▏baypaw trains in fighting
▏antpaw trains in fighting
▏minnowpaw trains in fighting
▏forestpaw trains in fighting
▏wintergreenpaw trains in fighting
▏wildpaw trains in swimming
▏orchidpaw trains in swimming
▏lightningpaw trains in swimming
▏laurelpaw trains in swimming
▏sedgepaw trains in swimming
▏chillpaw trains in swimming
▏jaggedpaw trains in climbing
▏midnightpaw trains in climbing

▏please target cats with a ★ for death rolls
▏please protect cats with a ❂ from death rolls
▏injuries are okay for all

head roster

▏rosestar - ♀ | 82 |
▏5 lives left, mate; n/a
▏dapperbird - ♂ | 71 |
▏worried about the future, mate; n/a
▏orvomask - ♂ | 88 |
▏with skyleaf, mate; skyleaf
▏sootcloud - ♀ | 88 |
▏standing guard, mate; n/a

head healerxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
▏dr ducky - ♂ | 101 |
▏the skies are dark, mate; n/a
▏riverdancer - ♀ | 79 |
▏corncerned, mate; n/a
▏tawnyfeather - ♂ | 66 |
▏even prouder dad, mate; dustbunny
▏draconisflight - ♂ | 59 |
▏quiet, mate; peregrineswoop

healer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
healer's apprenticexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
▏rowancry - ♂ | 39 |
▏begging for answers, mate; batears
healer's apprentice
▏owlgrowl - ♂ | 17 |
▏watching sedgekit


▏cardinalflight | ♀ | 93 |
▏kazuto | ♂ | 85 |
▏mothgoose | ♀ | 84 |
▏fenneleye | ♂ | 83 |
▏iolantha | ♀ | 83 |
▏milo | ♂ | 83 |
▏featherdusk | ♂ | 82 |
▏sparrowstripe | ♀ | 82 |
▏daisypetal | ♀ | 80 |
▏tony | ♂ | 80 |
▏finnegan | ♂ | 79 |
▏oliveblossom | ♀ | 79 |
▏gingerface | ♂ | 77 |
▏mintwave | ♂ | 76 |
▏*skyleaf | ♀ | 76 |
▏cloudsilk | ♀ | 75 |
▏snowsight | ♀ | 75 |
▏stormcloud | ♂ | 74 |
▏amberdrop | ♀ | 73 |
▏shadedstag | ♂ | 71 |
▏whitefox | ♂ | 70 |
▏inkcloud | ♂ (afab) | 69 |
▏softwing | ♀ | 69 |
▏sunripple| ♂ (afab) | 68 |
▏hurricanewind | ♂ | 66 |
▏otterdawn | ♀ | 66 |
▏solarheart | ♂ | 66 |
▏tulipbow | ♀ | 66 |
▏dapplesong | ♀ | 63 |
▏okapisun | ♀ | 62 |
▏ribbontwirl | ♀ | 61 |
▏tempestblink | ♀ | 61 |
▏greythorn | ♀ | 60 |
▏rubbleblaze | ♂ | 60 |
▏kelpwhisker | ♂ | 59 |
▏koi | ♀ | 59 |
▏rainwhisper | ♂ | 59 |
▏creamfall | ♀ | 58 |
▏pinenose | ♂ | 58 |
▏custarddrop | ♂ | 58 |
▏nettlefleck | ♂ | 58 |
▏patchedpelt | ⚧ | 58 |
▏oakripple | ♀ | 57 |
▏crowface | ♂ | 55 |
▏ravencrown | ♀ | 55 |
▏marblerush | ♀ | 55 |
▏sammy | ♂ | 55 |
▏alderbranch | ♀ | 54 |
▏icee | ♂ | 54 |
▏frost | ♀ | 53 |
▏wolfsong | ♀ | 53 |
▏baybee | ♀ | 52 |
▏cloverfall | ♀ | 52 |
▏spidertuft | ♂ | 52 |
▏loudwater | ♂ | 51 |
▏valleynose | ♂ | 51 |
▏cemanimoon | ⚧ | 51 |
▏claywhisker | ♀ | 51 |
▏aoife | ♀ | 47 |
▏isidra | ♀ | 47 |
▏milkweedgaze | ♀ | 47 |
▏newtcloud | ♀ | 47 |
▏runningpool | ♂ | 47 |
▏badgerstomp | ♂ | 46 |
▏fogface | ♀ | 46 |
▏dolph | ♂ | 45 |
▏ghostseeker | ♂ | 45 |
▏kestrelcall | ♂ | 45 |
▏lightwing | ♀ | 45 |
▏ripplebriar | ♀ | 45 |
▏peachtea | ♀ | 45 |
▏alekos | ♂ | 44 |
▏fillia | ♀ | 44 |
▏hesperos | ♂ | 44 |
▏ioannes | ♂ | 44 |
▏pelagia | ♀ | 44 |
▏zachaios | ♂ | 44 |
▏cowrunner | ♂ | 44 |
▏glasstumble | ♀ | 44 |
▏niko | ♂ | 44 |
▏chestnutcall | ♂ | 43 |
▏mallowclaw | ♂ | 43 |
▏maplebounce | ♀ | 43 |
▏shellclaw | ♀ | 43 |
▏cottonbreeze | ♀ | 42 |
▏memphisblaze | ♂ | 42 |
▏vegas | ♂ | 42 |
▏anemonebreeze | ♀ | 41 |
▏dragonflywhisper | ♂ | 41 |
▏nightspots | ♂ | 41 |
▏bearbreeze | ♀ | 40 |
▏brightdew | ♀ | 40 |
▏duckysplash | ♂ | 40 |
▏gooseberrypie | ♀ | 40 |
▏serpentcrawl | ♂ | 40 |
▏harenose | ♂ | 40 |
▏melody | ♀ | 40 |
▏ciderbloom | ♀ | 39 |
▏huckleberryfoot | ♂ | 39 |
▏beetleleap | ♂ | 39 |
▏wintercry | ♀ | 39 |
▏chance | ♂ | 38 |
▏mistyfur | ♀ | 38 |
▏shadeheart | ♂ | 38 |
▏wispfire | ♂ | 38 |
▏cloud | ♀ | 38 |
▏honey | ♀ (amab) | 38 |
▏snapdragon | ⚧ | 38 |
▏finchleaf | ♂ | 38 |
▏swiftwater | ♀ | 38 |
▏chivemouse | ♂ | 37 |
▏bumblesting |⚧ | 36 |
▏steelsweep | ♂ | 36 |
▏cherryberry | ♀ | 35 |
▏copperspark | ♂ | 35 |
▏meadownose | ♀ | 35 |
▏peachwhisker | ♀ | 35 |
▏rustglaze | ♂ | 35 |
▏springsong | ♀ | 35 |
▏foxstride | ♂ | 35 |
▏wildwind | ♀ | 35 |
▏lionmane | ♂ | 35 |
▏batears | ♀ | 34 |
▏lunarfur | ♂ | 34 |
▏cindersnap | ♀ | 34 |
▏fadedgaze | ♀ | 34 |
▏kindleglow | ♀ | 34 |
▏hyacinthbloom | ♂ | 34 |
▏tuxedofrost | ♀ | 33 |
▏melloricall | ♀ | 33 |
▏barleysun | ♂ | 31 |
▏dustythorn | ♂ | 31 |
▏froghop | ⚧ | 30 |
▏aspendash | ♂ | 27 |
▏fernfrog | ♀ | 27 |
▏ivyspot | ♀ | 27 |
▏myrtlespark | ♀ | 27 |
▏sycamorenose | ♂ | 27 |
▏willowdrift | ♀ | 27 |
▏alpinesneak | ♀ | 26 |
▏coffeefroth | ♀ | 26 |
▏dayhopper | ♂ | 26 |
▏pandapounce | ♀ | 26 |
▏sparkmist | ♂ | 26 |
▏thrushwhisker | ♂ | 26 |
▏swallowswirl | ♀ | 26 |
▏bamboosprout | ♀ | 24 |
▏fayoumifeather | ♂ | 24 |
▏javachip | ♂ | 24 |
▏swissmiss | ♂ | 24 |
▏guardianwish | ♂ | 23 |
▏legendflash | ♂ | 23 |
▏talebeam | ♀ | 23 |
▏toadstoolslip | ♀ | 23 |
▏delilahflick | ♀ | 21 |
▏marigoldflare | ♂ | 21 |
▏jagliontooth | ♂ | 21 |
▏leoponpad | ♀ | 21 |
▏hani | ♀ | 19 |
▏alfred | ♂ | 18 |
▏aloespots | ♀ | 18 |
▏coralchase | ♂ | 18 |
▏lilybell | ♀ | 18 |
▏silvertuft | ♀ | 18|
▏marshmallow | ♀ | 17 |
▏hopspatch | ♂ | 17 |
▏snowdrift | ♀ | 15 |
▏morelcomb | ♂ | 14 |
▏pikefin | ♂ | 14 |
▏emberpounce | ♀ | 13 |

▏fallowpaw | ♂ | 17 |
▏hootpaw | ♂ | 16 |
▏baypaw | ♂ | 15 |
▏amanitapaw | ♀ | 14 |
▏antpaw | ♂ | 14 |
▏downpaw | ♀ | 13 |
▏minnowpaw | ♀ | 13 |
▏forestpaw | ♂ | 9 |
▏orchidpaw | ♀ | 9 |
▏wintergreenpaw | ♀ | 9 |
▏wildpaw | ♀ | 9 |
▏lightningpaw | ♂ | 8 |
▏campionpaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏laurelpaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏sedgepaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏chillpaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏silentpaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏jaggedpaw | ♀ | 8 |
▏midnightpaw | ♂ | 8 |
▏saberpaw | ♂ | 8 |

▏adiran | ♂ | 81 |
▏orangeblossom | ♀ | 36 |
▏sapphirestone | ♀ | 27 |

▏cricketkit | ♂ | 3 |
▏basilius | ♂ | 0 |
▏name | ♂/♀ | 0 | [url=x]☆[/url]

▏rudi | ♂ | 174 |
▏bellstripe | ♀ | 168 |
▏rubblesting | ♂ | 138 |


▏orvomask + skyleaf
▏milo + sparrowstripe
▏iolantha + featherdusk + adiran
▏oliveblossom + mintwave
▏gingerface + cloudsilk
▏stormcloud + amberdrop
▏shadedstag + softwing
▏kelpwhisker + ravencrown
▏pinenose + cloverfall
▏spidertuft + isidra
▏cemanimoon + claywhisker
▏dolph + niko
▏ghostseeker + wintercry
▏vegas + cottonbreeze
▏rowancry + batears
▏bumblesting + cherryberry + wildwind
▏steelsweep + orangeblossom
▏foxstride + hyacinthbloom

▏inkcloud | hootpaw | completed
▏kazuto | downpaw | completed
▏huckleberryfoot | amanitapaw | completed
▏fadedgaze | fallowpaw | 4
▏ribbontwirl | baypaw | 3
fighting, hiding
▏cardinalflight | antpaw | 3
fighting, hiding
▏milo | minnowpaw | 3
fighting, hiding
▏stormcloud | forestpaw | 3
fighting, hiding
▏sunripple | wintergreenpaw | 3
fighting, hiding
▏tempestblink | wildpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏okapisun | orchidpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏runningpool | lightningpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏melloricall | campionpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏crowface | laurelpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏bearbreeze | sedgepaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏anemonebreeze | chillpaw | 2
swimming, fighting, hiding
▏kestrelcall | silentpaw | 1
climbing, swimming, fighting, hiding
▏springsong | jaggedpaw | 1
climbing, swimming, fighting, hiding
▏mallowclaw | mignightpaw | 1
climbing, swimming, fighting, hiding
▏ravencrown | saberpaw | 0
stalking, climbing, swimming, fighting, hiding
▏name | name | 0
stalking, climbing, swimming, fighting, hiding
prey storage
▏lizards | x16 | 1 servings (16 servings)
▏mice | x16 | 1 servings (16 servings)
▏snakes | x16 | 1 servings (16 servings)
▏vole | x15 | 1 servings (15 servings)
▏ermines | x6 | 2 servings (12 servings)
▏rabbit | x9 | 2 servings (18 servings)
▏small fish | x6 | 2 servings (12 servings)
▏squirrels | x5 | 2 servings (10 servings)
▏big fish | x5 | 3 servings (15 servings)
▏birds | x5 | 3 servings (15 servings)
▏deer scraps | x3 | 3 servings (9 servings)
▏hare | x5 | 3 servings (15 servings)

herb storage
▏x02 alder bark - x02 beech - x01 bindweed
▏x00 blackberry leaves - x04 borage - x04 bright eye
▏x01 broom - x00 burdock root - x02 burnet
▏x01 catchweed - x10 catmint - x00 celandine
▏x00 chamomile - x04 chervil - x00 chickweed
▏x00 cobnuts - x00 cobwebs - x01 coltsfoot
▏x00 comfrey root - x01 daisy leaves - x01 dandelion
▏x01 dock leaves - x01 elder leaves - x04 fennel
▏x00 feverfew - x01 goatweed - x00 goldenrod
▏x03 hawkweed - x00 heather nectar - x02 honey
▏x02 horsetail - x01 ivy leaves - x00 juniper berries
▏x00 lamb's ear - x00 laurel leaves - x00 lavender
▏x01 lovage - x01 lungwort - x00 mallow leaves
▏x00 marigold - x03 mint - x03 moss
▏x01 mouse-bile - x00 oak leaves - x00 parsley
▏x00 poppy seeds - x03 ragwort leaves - x00 ragweed
▏x00 raspberry leaves - x00 rosemary - x01 rush
▏x00 sorrel - x02 sticks - x06 stinging nettle
▏x00 sweet-sedge - x02 tansy - x03 thyme
▏x00 tormentil - x02 tree sap - x02 watermint
▏x01 wild garlic - x02 willow bark - x01 willow leaves
▏x02 wintergreen - x00 wood sorrel - x00 yarrow
▏x00 deadly nightshade - x01 deathberries
▏x01 foxglove seeds - x01 holly berries
▏x01 meadow saffron - x01 water hemlock
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ChaosClan 144

Postby Kazin » Sun May 19, 2024 3:32 am

Font credit
Number of cats: 133 | 58 ♂, 58 ♀, 17 other
Servings Needed: 21, next at 140 | Next Request: anytime | Mod: deimos
Can have: 8 patrols, 10 cats per patrol, 10 prey types next at 151
Writing Archive | Herb/Pebble Storage | Mates/Families | Deceased Cats


      [url=x]Link to Chapter[/url]
      --catching up soon...


        New Members... Deaths;;
        ➸ The two new kits are named Stonekit and Nightkit. The new adult is named Mothdust.
        ➸ no deaths this moon.

        ➸ Charcoalbite, Perchstone, Sarsaparillamask, Sunsetpond, Dandelionpath, Stormbranch, Walnutshell, Vireoflight, Rabbitfoot, and Orbweaver hunt.
        ➸ Redfox, Rainspark, Cinnamonspike, Nymphburn, Ginsengfoot, Chickadeechirp, Swiftrain, Typhoonsting, Lavenderthorn, and Acaciashine hunt.
        ➸ Partridgeheart, Marshecho, Eveningmist, Elmbranch, Meadowsong, Songbirdecho, Mothdust, Fudgetuft, Twilightflower, and Lightningscratch hunt.
        ➸ Petalbreeze, Barleymask, Karakaleaf, Laurelbreeze, Midgestorm, Limetail, Malkohablaze, Salmonbubble, Cocoaheart, and Bitternclaw hunt.

        ➸ Wrenwhistle, Ratwhisper, Frogpond, Sugarsnap, Finchflame, Hedgehogspark, Kestrelsong, Bramblingcall, Shrikemist, and Saffronember patrol the borders.
        ➸ Rosefoot, Ploverwing, Dragonbreath, Frostpuddle, Tempestsplash, Elkbreeze, Coyotefrost, Siskinecho, Sagespike, and Gilavenom patrol the borders.
        ➸ Moonbelly, Sweetchirp, Stratusbird, Wolfhowl, Zephyrbranch, Tanglepath, Lunawish, Goldfishglow, Heatherdust, and Troutheart patrol the borders.
        ➸ Squirrelheart, Lichendust, Lakefeather, Wind-dash, Pelicanfeather, Walruspath, Fleabite, Asterskip, Marbleskip, and Saltshimmer patrol the borders.

        ➸ Banandance, Winterglow, Foxglovesnap, and Ripplepaw gather herbs.
        ➸ Pinebreeze administers herbs.
        ➸ The following are resting for one moon: Ravenmask, Fireflicker
        ➸ The following are resting for two moons: Raccoonpelt, Mistypaw [2/2], Waspstrike [1/2]
        ➸ The following are resting for three moons: Mousetuft [1/3]

        ➸ Fireflicker & Skyfrost are due in 2 moons.
        Genetics: cat: x

        Rank Changes;;
        ➸ no new apprentices this moon
        ➸ Assessments: Applepaw. Timberpaw, Nimbuspaw, and Pebblepaw attempt their assessments [Applebreeze, Timberwhisker, Nimbusglare, Pebblecreek]

        ➸ Hunting training: Harvestpaw
        ➸ Tracking training: Robinpaw, Cobwebpaw, Raspberrypaw, Centipedepaw, Lorispaw
        ➸ Fighting training: Crabpaw, Lynxpaw, Kangaroopaw, Eucalyptuspaw, Jacarandapaw, Koapaw
        ➸ Stealth training: Tarantulapaw, Zebrapaw
        ➸ Climbing training: Galaxypaw, Basilpaw, Juniperpaw
        ➸ Medical training: Ripplepaw [illnesses]

        ➸ n/a

        ➸ ChaosClan consumes 11 shrews, 10 minnows


        Notes: Please spare those marked ✧ from death rolls; those marked ✦ can be rolled for death. Any injuries for any cat is fine!
        ➸ Lineart or descriptions for my clan please ^_^ Would like genotypes as well.

        Cats to be grown/transferred [please take as much time as you need!! this is really for my own tracking]:
        Needs lineart:
        Needs growth: contacted artist: Malkohablaze, (eagle,) -- Mapleflower, Reedtooth (Chamrosh) -- Limetail, Marbleskip (deimos) -- Willowpounce (bugbelly) -- Typhoonsting (selkirks)
        artist not contacted:

High Ranks

    Silverstar | ♂ | 74 moons | ★
    Quartzstar | ♂ | 75 moons | ★★★
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    Hunting Captain
    Rainspark | ♀ | 39 moons


    Fudgetuft | ♂ | 86 moons
    Dandelionpath | ♂ | 86 moons
    Rabbitfoot | ♂ [afab] | 76 moons
    Lavenderthorn | nb [afab] | 66 moons
    Stormbranch | ♂ | 65 moons
    Meadowsong | nb [afab] | 63 moons
    Salmonbubble | ♀ | 60 moons
    Acaciashine | ♀ | 56 moons
    Songbirdecho | ♀ | 48 moons
    Laurelbreeze | nb [amab] | 47 moons
    Midgestorm | ♀ | 46 moons
    Malkohablaze | ♂ | 43 moons
    Limetail | ♀ | 40 moons
    Cocoaheart | ♀ | 39 moons
    Reedtooth | ♂ | 39 moons
    Willowpounce | ♂ | 39 moons
    Orbweaver | nb [afab] | 39 moons
    Sunsetpond | ♂ | 38 moons
    Cinnamonspike | ♀ | 37 moons
    Bitternclaw | nb [afab] | 35 moons
    Nymphburn | ♀ | 34 moons
    Walnutshell | ♂ | 34 moons
    Vireoflight | ♂ | 32 moons
    Ginsengfoot | ♀ | 32 moons
    Perchstone | ♀ | 32 moons
    Sarsaparillamask | ♀ | 32 moons
    Typhoonsting | ♀ | 31 moons
    Lightningscratch | ♂ [afab] | 31 moons
    Mothdust | nb [amab] | 29 moons
    Marshecho | ♂ | 26 moons
    Waspstrike | ♀ | 26 moons
    Eveningmist | ♂ | 22 moons
    Elmbranch | ♀ | 22 moons
    Twilightflower | ♀ | 22 moons
    Chickadeechirp | ♀ | 22 moons
    Swiftrain | nb [amab] | 20 moons
    Ravenmask | ♀ | 19 moons
    Chestnutclaw | nb [amab] | 18 moons
    Karakaleaf | ♂ | 17 moons
    Partridgeheart | ♀ | 17 moons
    Redfox | ♂ | 16 moons
    Charcoalbite | ♂ | 16 moons
    Mousetuft | ♂ | 16 moons
    Barleymask | ♂ | 13 moons
    Petalbreeze | ♀ | 12 moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Bananadance | ♂ | 55 moons
Winterglow | ♀ | 52 moons
Pinebreeze | ♂ | 38 moons
Foxglovesnap | ♀ | 26 moons
Ripplepaw | ♂ | 10 moons


Robinpaw | ♀ | 14 moons
Applepaw | ♀ | 13 moons
Basilpaw | ♂ | 13 moons
Galaxypaw | ♀ | 12 moons
Timberpaw | ♂ | 12 moons
Juniperpaw | ♀ | 11 moons
Mistypaw | ♀ | 11 moons
Nimbuspaw | ♂ | 11 moons
Pebblepaw | ♀ | 11 moons
Crabpaw | ♂ | 9 moons
Tarantulapaw | ♂ | 9 moons
Lynxpaw | ♀ | 9 moons
Cobwebpaw | ♂ | 9 moons
Zebrapaw | ♂ | 9 moons
Harvestpaw | ♂ | 9 moons
Raspberrypaw | ♀ | 8 moons
Kangaroopaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Eucalyptuspaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Jacarandapaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Koapaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Lorispaw | ♀ | 8 moons
Centipedepaw | ♂ | 8 moons

-- Azaleasong | ♀ | 30 moons
Kits: Wisteriakit | ♀ | 5 moons
Flamekit | ♂ | 5 moons
Cinderkit | ♀ | 5 moons
Phloxkit | ♀ | 5 moons
Stonekit | ♂ | 5 moons
-- Skyfrost | ♀ | 65 moons
Kits: expecting
-- Fireflicker | nb [afab] | 45 moons
Kits: Nightkit | ♂ | 0 moons

Quicksilver | agender [amab] | 138 moons
Lionrumble | ♂ | 134 moons
Cyclonespark | ♀ | 104 moons
Blizzardbird | ♂ | 104 moons
Cirruspatch | ♂ [afab] | 103 moons
Thundercloud | ♂ | 100 moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Lichendust | agender [amab] | 68 moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons

Scouting Captain
Squirrelheart | ♂ | 28 moons


Hemlockflame | ♀ | 97 moons
Heatherdust | ♀ | 67 moons
Dragonbreath | ♂ | 65 moons
Frostpuddle | nb [amab] | 52 moons
Sweetchirp | ♀ | 52 moons
Stratusbird | ♀ | 52 moons
Pelicanfeather | ♂ [afab] | 51 moons
Walruspath | ♂ | 50 moons
Fleabite | ♂ | 44 moons
Sagespike | ♂ | 41 moons
Asterskip | ♀ | 39 moons
Zephyrbranch | ♀ | 39 moons
Tanglepath | ♂ | 39 moons
Lunawish | ♀ | 38 moons
Goldfishglow | nb [afab] | 33 moons
Gilavenom | nb [afab] | 33 moons
Troutheart | ♂ | 32 moons
Lakefeather | ♂ | 32 moons
Wind-dash | ♀ | 31 moons
Tempestsplash | ♀ | 31 moons
Elkbreeze | agender [amab] | 30 moons
Pearlwhisper | ♀ | 29 moons
Raccoonpelt | ♂ | 27 moons
Frogpond | ♂ | 27 moons
Sugarsnap | ♀ | 27 moons
Saltshimmer | ♀ [amab] | 27 moons
Ploverwing | ♀ | 26 moons
Ratwhisper | ♂ | 26 moons
Wolfhowl | ♀ | 26 moons
Coyotefrost | nb [amab] | 24 moons
Siskinecho| nb [afab] | 23 moons
Finchflame | nb [amab] | 23 moons
Hedgehogspark | ♂ | 22 moons
Marbleskip | ♀ | 22 moons
Kestrelsong | ♀ | 22 moons
Bramblingcall | ♀ | 22 moons
Shrikemist | ♀ | 20 moons
Wrenwhistle | ♀ | 17 moons
Rosefoot | ♀ | 16 moons
Icefreckle | ♀ | 16 moons
Saffronember | ♂ | 13 moons
Moonbelly | ♂ | 12 moons


    Ally/Enemy Clans
    Name | Username | relationship
    Name | Username | relationship

    Border Clans
    North | Clan | User
    East | Twistedclan | jazz.
    South | Name | Username
    West | Name | Username
    Southwest | Scarabclan | broken*

    Cat Notes
    Perchstone's hind legs are paralyzed.

    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 serving | x18
    Squirrel | 2 servings | x11
    Hare | 3 servings | x6
    Shrew | 1 servings | x24 [-11]
    Rat | 2 servings | x9
    Pigeon | 3 servings | x11
    Stoat | 2 servings | x10
    Minnow | 1 servings | x23 [-10]
    Trout | 3 servings | x8
    Frog | 1 servings | x24
    Snake | 2 servings | x10
    Jay | 3 servings | x8
    Apprentice | Mentor | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Ripplepaw | Pinebreeze | Herbs(adv.), Illness(adv.), Wounds(adv.), Poisons, Admin.
    Mousepaw | Sunsetpond | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Applepaw | Wolfhowl | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Basilpaw | Songbirdecho | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Galaxypaw | Cocoaheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Timberpaw | Frostpuddle | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Petalpaw | Malkohablaze | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Moonpaw | Pelicanfeather | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Juniperpaw | Sarsaparillamask | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Mistypaw | Squirrelheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Nimbuspaw | Walnutshell | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Pebblepaw | Laurelbreeze | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Robinpaw | Goldfishglow | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Crabpaw | Elkbreeze | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Tarantulapaw | Ginsengfoot | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Lynxpaw | Cocoaheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Cobwebpaw | Midgestorm | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Zebrapaw | Hedgehogspark | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Harvestpaw | Finchflame | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Raspberrypaw | Waspstrike | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Kangaroopaw | Fleabite | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Eucalyptuspaw | Swiftrain | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Jacarandapaw | Eveningmist | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Koapaw | Meadowsong | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Centipedepaw | Tanglepath | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Lorispaw | Ratwhisper | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
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Re: ❀ [ The Court of Gardens - 002 ] ❀

Postby ArtMajor » Sun May 19, 2024 3:04 pm

court members: 03 ❀
❀ blossom court request: 1 posts ❀
❀ pebbles: 025 ❀
mod: Katrione ❀
floris font
❀ illustrations: me ❀

"It's...nice, having cats to talk to again" Promisedrose said, smiling as she walked alongside Peonystem. The tom
laughed, tail curling upwards as he spoke "And it is nice to have a home again, it's been...far too long." His left
ear flicked, and Promisedrose nodded. He hadn't told her his whole story, but he had shared enough to know the
important parts. "For what its worth," she said, glancing up at the ivy-covered silver brances of the twoleg-made
arch they had walked to. "I am glad to have you, your expertise is greatly appreciated."

Peonystem nodded, pausing underneath the arch and kneading the ground. "I'd like to spend more time teaching
you," he said, looking down at the earth. "But this court is so new, most of my lessons would be more a hinderance
than anything else. But once we've got our paws underneath us, I'll be able to devote more time with you."

Promisedrose smiled, stretching her paws out in front of her as she spoke. "It's quite alright, I appreciate what
lessons you can give now, and having more to teach in the future should help the Court grow strong. You said I
ought to walk along the borders today, right?"

Peonystem nodded. "Having strong borders is the first step for any clowder, it tells others that you're here, and
will either encourage them to stay away or draw the curious ones in." Promisedrose bobbed her head, tail curling
as she repeated his words from the day prior. "And it will tell predators we are here too, that we are strong enough
to fight them, so that they'll want to stay away."

Peonystem shrugged. "That's the hope," he said, "although, predators will come anyways. It's...inevitable. Though it
is more dangerous now while there's only the three of us. Cordylineblade is strong, and I've had some battle training
though...." he trailed off, whiskers twitching at the sheepish expression on the Crown Rose's muzzle. "Maybe we'll
ask Cordy to help us with that, even if you never need to, a leader should be able to fight, whether in defense of
her court, or...well, hopefully it'll never come to that but if ever you are challenged for your throne."

Promisedrose's head turned sharply, eyes wide. "That could happen?"

Peonystem nodded gravely. "It happened to The Empire, once. It was before I was born but...the effects were still
present. It's...not a pretty change in leadership." He turned back to the Crown Rose, and upon seeing her trembling
paws, quickly continued. "However, if you're able to lead with kindness towards your Court, even though there will
come a time when your duties keep you from interacting with them face to face, as long as they know of your love
for them, there will be no want to replace you. Simply...be a good leader."

"It sounds so easy," Promisedrose said, a soft chuckle lacing her words. "But this is all so...so much, you know'?"

Peonystem nodded. "I do. But...it will get better, over time. You just have to have faith. That's what brought
you out here, isn't it?"

Promisedrose smiled lightly, nodding.

"Then you have nothing to worry about." Peonystem said. "Now come, the sun continues to climb and we both
have tasks to attend to."


"You talk wit' Promisedrose?" the large red female padded alongside the much smaller male, her eyes half on the
path in front of them and half on her partner.

"I spoke with the Crown Rose, yes." Peonystem responded, tail sweeping just above the dirt as he walked with his
nose lifted to check for prey. "She is happy at our reception, and hopes to see more growth in the moons to come."

Cordylineblade snorted slightly. "Meaning," she translated "That she ain't in her head no more and is out walkin' the
garden to check for any other locals?"

Peonystem sighed, dropping his head. He had of course interacted with many types of clans in his thirteen moons
of wandering, but being a part of a court again had made him forget that most cats weren't used to the sort of
structure that the Court of Gardens would one day uphold. But...for now, when it was just the three of them,
well...he supposed it wouldn't do any harm. Besides, Cordylineblade was a captain, and would likely be promoted
to Knight of the Thorn as soon as she had a bit more experience with Court life, if she didn't make the jump directly
to Lady of the Thorn. Though...Peonystem suspected that Promisedrose wanted her first court to be assembled of
cats chosen directly by the Court of Blossoms, not yet trusting her own decisions. It would come with time, and
experience, but for now well...

Cordylineblade cleared her throat, still waiting for his answer.

"Yes, she has regrounded and is patrolling the Court's borders."

"That weren't so hard now, was it?" Cordylineblade nodded. "Now come along Mr. Court Lord, we've got prey to find."

❀ Promisedrose patrols the border ❀
❀ Cordylineblade and Peonystem hunt ❀

❀ Flings are enabled ❀
❀ Random death will always be ok for any member of the court ❀


Court Officials

❋ Lord/Lady of the Thorn ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
ꕥ Lord/Lady of the Fields ꕥ
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
✽ Lord/Lady of the Court ✽
peonystem • 31m • male •
➺ title: the organized lord
➺ squire:
❀ The Crown Rose ❀
promisedrose • 39m • female •
➺ title: the blooming rose
➺ lives: ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀


xxxxxxxxxx❊ Squire of the Fields ❊
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title
❊ Roots of the Court ❊xxxxxxxxxx

name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title • specialty



❋ Sprouts ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ guardian:
❋ Squires ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ mentor:
❋ Knights of the Petal ❋
cordylineblade • 63m • female •
➺ title: Captain
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
❋ Knights of the Thorn ❋
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ squire:



❀ Interclan relations ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
name • ally/enemy • ❀
❀ Borders ❀
north • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
east • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
south • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
west • clan • ally/enemy/neutral • ❀
❀ Deceased ❀
name • age • gender • ❀
➺ title:
➺ cause of death:
❀ Families ❀
name • name
➺ kits


xxxxxxxxxxꕥ Medicinal Supplies ꕥ

name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
name • use • quantity • ❀
❋ Food Stores ❋xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

rabbits • two servings • 01 • ❀
squirrels • two servings • 02 • ❀
birds • three servings • 00 • ❀
snakes • one serving • 00 • ❀
songbirds • one serving • 00 • ❀
hedgehogs • two servings • 00 • ❀

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chaotic creativity's replies | 071 | may 19, 2024

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon May 20, 2024 11:09 am


    WEATHER !!

      NEWLEAF || The sun begins to peek through the leaves as the dark and heavy clouds of Leafbare roll away. Birds begin to trill earlier in the morning, and the hibernating rodents stir from their slumber as they seek out meals to fill their aching bellies. Prey will be easier to catch, and kittings will grow easier on mothers. Cats are less desperate for homes and will be friendlier to patrols. However, with warmer weather comes more danger. Predators are no longer hungry and vicious, but they have full bellies and growing muscle. They lay unseen, waiting to attack. Twolegs sightings grow more common as well, though cats do not know why the strange creatures seem to prefer warmer weather.


      Hello! I am chaotic creativity, but many of you know me as sharpie. i am very excited to be your mod, so don't be afraid to message me with any questions or concerns. feel free to pm me on here, or you can reach out to me on discord at chaoticallycreative.

    CLANS !!



      • Stormpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Rabbitpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Lilacpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Sunpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Jaypaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Rootpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Boxpaw succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.

      • Pipersong and Salamipath return with 1 tormentil, 1 dandelion, 1 birch sap, 1 rush, and 1 comfrey root.

    Border Patrols:
      • Olivebird's patrol spends mere minutes tracking the predator's scent before they discover it has left the territory. They decide to be extra thorough, checking the entire border to ensure it had not reentered. By the time they return to camp, they are glad to report that all evidence suggests the predator is gone.
      • Dustbee's patrol finds a young kit (growth) on the border. They spend quite a while searching for the poor thing's mother before coming to the conclusion that she has gone, probably due to thinking her kit would live a better life while in LilyClan as opposed to with her.
        Phenotype: Chocolate broken mackerel mediumhair with copper eyes and curled ears
        Genotype: Ll / bb / Xo- / Dd / AA / McMc / Spsp / CC / ww / Acac
        Artists: Ponz (Color) & Grey_Hoodie (Kit Lines) & Deimos (Adult Lines)
      • Pennyswallow's patrol returns with 5 pebbles. Goldenstar isn't quite sure why her warriors keep bringing back rocks, but they just add them to the ever-growing pile.

    Hunting Patrol:
      • Ambushflutter's patrol returns, jaws overflowing with prey. They add 1 squirrel, 1 chipmunk, 1 big fish, and 2 songbirds to the fresh-kill pile.

      • Goldenstar's request has been granted!
        Phenotype: Black silver chinchilla mediumhair with blue-green eyes
        Genotype: Ll / BB / Xo- / DD / Aa / McMc / TaTa / II / WbWb / CC / ww
        Artists: Kazin (Color) & H155 (Lines)

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chaotic creativity
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