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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby rifle » Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:05 pm

    Apologies for the silence everyone, last week was more tiring than I expected, but I'm starting to write my characters' first posts now! I'll hopefully have them up by tonight, and if not, then tomorrow. :]
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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby senna_ » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:24 am

    yay, super excited! i'll have more time to reach out to people within the next few days so I'll make sure to do that as soon as I can. and anyone is welcome to tag Kenna if y'all get around to writing before I do!!
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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby rifle » Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:39 am

    Managed to post for Carsus and Kate, and I'll get Josie up tomorrow! Feel free to post in the meantime if you get the chance, though. :]

    edit; Josie's posted now as well!! I look forward to reading all of your posts, and please do tag any of my characters if you'd like!
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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby senna_ » Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:30 pm

    just to keep you in the loop, i am hoping to post on thursday after my exam! iโ€™m crammed with essays and exam studying up until then :โ€™)
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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby wonderous » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:36 pm

      ahh, sorry, i've been out of town since friday then had
      work today ... i've decided that soda shall shift into a
      black bear but yet to scrounge up a picture i like ---
      anyways, feel free to throw a pm my way for any
      relations as i play catch up!

      also down for discord
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Re: ๐š‚ ๐™พ ๐šƒ ๐™ด ๐š ๐™ธ ๐™ฐ, discussion & forms

Postby rifle » Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:03 pm

    Looks like a lot of you would be in for a discord, so if there's anyone who would be unable to join, please let me know soon! You can also pm me about this, if you'd prefer.

    I'll try to finally get around to sending relationship pms as well. This week is a little busy for me, but hopefully I'll find the time, and if not, then on the weekend. :]
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collie grey

Postby chase. » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:26 am

f.c ryan gosling

Collie is 6โ€™2 and mottled with faint scars from both his
time in the army and his time as a stupid teenager. His
facial hair is rarely neat and changes between simple
stubble to a pathetic excuse for a beard given his mood.

Heโ€™s naturally a light brunette, but he has large streaks
of sun-bleached highlights that he credits to his time
spent under the sun as a bird. Is that really the case?
Who knows. His eyes are hazel, and his skin is
typically tanned.

Heโ€™s on the larger end for Golden Eagles, his wingspan
capping out at over 7ft, from crown to talons heโ€™s
somewhere around the 2.6ft mark, although he refuses
to sit still long enough to get measured.






โ€œ all of my life, all of my days given to you, cast awayโ€
โ€œ hereโ€™s to the war, hereโ€™s to the night, all of my love sacrificedโ€

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx โ™›
xxxxโ€collieโ€ grey โ—‹ m โ—‹ bi [m lean] โ—‹ 29 โ—‹ english โ—‹ golden eagle

[ stubborn ] [ sarcastic ] [ resilient ] [ resourceful ] [ pessimistic ] [ good-natured ]

__________________________________basic info______________________________________
Collie was born in a rather dull area of England, with absolutely nothing spectacular about his life.
His parents were never on the scene; it was either an accident or they just chose another life - Collie
was once told, but to a boy who never knew his parents he didnโ€™t much care to remember the details.

Collie grew up to be a bit of a delinquent - following the older kidโ€™s behaviours in group homes and
kicked up a ruckus. Between enabling his klepto โ€œfriendsโ€ or keying his initials into a fancy car, he
wasnโ€™t on track to do anything meaningful with his life. At fifteen his childish behaviour finally came
to a tipping point, when the owner of the expensive Audi his group has been vandalising caught him in
the action and scruffed him before he had a chance to bolt. Collie watched with utter betrayal as the
other kids ran, yelling โ€œevery man for himselfโ€ between fits of giggles. So much for pack loyalty.

As fate would have it, the brats leaving Collie to stick the blame was probably the best thing that couldโ€™ve
happened to him. The owner of the car turned out to also be the owner of a small dealership. He took
pity on Collie after watching his friends abandon him without hesitation and seeing the dejected look on
the young boyโ€™s face, and decided against pressing charges. Instead Collie had to work for him; doing
boring grunt work like clearing up oil spills in the mechanicโ€™s bays or doing coffee runs. After a few months
the owner grew a fondness for the feral child, and let him shadow the mechanics - seeing his infatuation
with their job.

By eighteen he was a full-time worker for the dealership, and whilst he was beyond grateful for the
turnaround in his life, he found himself longing for more. Collie couldnโ€™t make sense of it, a primal
desire to leave; go and explore more of the world. He felt trapped - cooped up and caged and after
seeing one recruitment ad for the British military, he packed his bags and left for training camp the
following fortnight.

Joining the army was a truly humbling experience; levels of self-discipline Collie had never known
was drilled into him. He was taught how to both function in a group but also independently. It
took awhile for him to trust his teammates to have his back after his experiences, but once it
clicked he was unshakeable from their side.

Collie was a bit of a late bloomer, it wasnโ€™t until he was 20 did he first show his ability to shift. Heโ€™d
been out with the paratroop regime; learning how to parachute from insane altitudes. Something
changed once he jumped out of the plane. The wind rushed past his ears, and he went into free-fall
and whilst the other soldiers pulled their cords prematurely; too nervous to test their parachutes any
closer to the ground, Collie desperately didnโ€™t want to slow his descent. Obviously, reluctant to fall
to his death he opened his parachute and landed safely - braving a severe scolding from his Captain
and jeers and shoulder-bumps from his brothers.

He went out by himself the next day, determined to chase the high of being in the air again, and
he, against his better judgment, followed his instincts to jump off a cliff that hung over the ocean.

For years he kept the secret to himself, half the time spent believing heโ€™d just finally gone mad. He
threw himself hard into his career, moving through regiments and eventually landing in the special air
service; boosted by his lack of public records. At 27 his Chinook was shot out of the sky whilst on a
evac mission. The helicopter crashed into the side of a mountain; with everyone aside from Collie in it.
With no way of explaining his survival, Collie retired himself from the military and left for the Americas,
simply being presumed KIA with his teammates.
[ nov. scorpio ] [ cedarwood and wood smoke ] [ ironically pescatarian ]
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dumb bird

Postby chase. » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:27 am

i. why is my coding down here kinda fixed it hell yeah
ii. went on a deep dive researching spat about golden eagles and birds
in general after finding out about his, condition, second fastest
bird in the world? Hell yeah! Sucks he couldnโ€™t be a falcon though.
iii. prefers being high-up, rooves work okay but he much prefers
hanging out at the very top of trees. iv. very much a dog person over cats,
he says itโ€™s genetic. v. hasnโ€™t quite mastered the art of sorting out his own
feathers so his eagle form can look a bit bedraggled. vi. dark humour all day
every day, will also poke fun at people and jest during dire times. vii. Heโ€™s
supposed to be diurnal but years of only flying at night has made him a night owl.
viii. isnโ€™t the best with giving heartfelt talks but hell always be a shoulder to
cry on. ix. big cuddler, will always hug and kiss the homies goodnight. x. if
someone offers to let him sit on their shoulder, he will. even though heโ€™s
not exactly parrot sized. xi. heโ€™ll race anyone if they let him, he also has
a bad habit of dive-bombing near people for giggles. xii. He enjoys hand-to-hand
combat and sparring, it reminds him of the military xiii. takes everything one day
at a time, and he doesnโ€™t like to appear stressed infront of others - humour all
day everyday baby! xiv. will punch first, ask questions later - out of impulse, not malice. Riddled with adhd. xv. Is hopeless at cooking and actually rather fussy with food - no spices, no seasonings just plain. Will eat raw broccoli. xvi. secretly a bit lost about losing his soldier status, and is viewing his time at fox island as a temporary retreat - not fully set on it being permanent. xvii. Cheats at monopoly. Shamelessly. And will gaslight you about it. xviii. Has zero online/social media presence - only carries a burner/flip phone.

    [ โ™› - respects ] [ โ˜† - pos. ] [ โœฎ - neu. ][ โ˜… - neg. ] [ โฅ - possible interest ] xxxxxxxxxx โ™›

    the animals !!

    'kitty has claws!'
    josie - [ โ™› โ˜† โœฎ ] - Firstly, Collie has the utmost respect for her. She created a safe haven for shifters out of her own home and from one hard worker to another, he admires her for that. However, beneath the admiration Collie has an itch to annoy the hell out of her. One fast dive at her resulted in him being damn near knocked clear from the sky by a terrifying black paw - and since that incident, heโ€™s decided that he has to prove himself in any way that he can, annoying the living hell out of the poor woman. Dogs are better anyways. They have friendly days and rivalry days; more often than not dictated by Collieโ€™s mood. Would he push her into the lake, given a chance? Of course. Would he also be there to help her get back out? Yes sir.

    'youโ€™ll probably hate me by the end of this, but itโ€™ll be worth it'
    kate - [ โ™› โฅ โ˜† ] - Collie didnโ€™t need a birdโ€™s eyesight to see what was going on with Kate. Whatโ€™s the saying? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, itโ€™s probably a duck? Kateโ€™s a fellow soldier - although itโ€™s obvious to Collie that sheโ€™s walked away with more scars than he did, at-least in the emotional sense. Collieโ€™s only been at fox island for six months, and he spent the first few in shock that other shifters were even a thing, so confronting Kate hasnโ€™t exactly been on the forefront of his mind until now. He gave her some time to see if sheโ€™d open up naturally, but after months of nothing Collieโ€™s finally decided itโ€™s time to take things into his own hands - whether she wants to tolerate him or not. Oh. He also hasnโ€™t the faintest clue that sheโ€™s gay.

    'come help me break apart some firewood, would ya?'
    carsus - [ โ˜† ] - gym bro vibes. Collie enjoys the simplicity of Carsusโ€™ friendship. Heโ€™s a good fitness buddy; they run together, lift weights together, motivate each other. Collie trusts this man to spot him like no one else on the island, and whilst they donโ€™t really have any deep conversations, he thoroughly enjoys his time around him. Carsus seems the most, detached from his shift out of everyone on the island. Collie doesnโ€™t know why, but heโ€™ll be there if Carsus ever wants a hand.

    'quote goes here'
    soda - [ โ˜† โ˜†? ] - wip/in discussion

    'quote goes here'
    elijah - [ also wip ] - wip/in discussion

    'dude, youโ€™re like, so handsome today'
    toby - [ โ™› โ˜† โ˜† ] - bromance of the century. Bonded like fire and gasoline. Toby brings out the silliest side in Collie, in the best way possible. They can often be found launching themselves at one another, - and theyโ€™ll always catch each other without fail. Although Collie isnโ€™t nearly as smooth with it as Toby. Are Collieโ€™s blond highlights natural, or did Toby offer up his barber services? Thatโ€™s between him and his bro. You couldnโ€™t waterboard the information out of the bird. Collie will always have his back, without fail - thereโ€™s nothing you could do to get the bros to turn on eachother.

    'you absolutely could NOT beat me in a fight-'
    kenna - [ โ˜† ] - chaotic adhd duo. Mentally Kenna gives him the best run for his money; taking most chances she gets to knock his ego down a peg or two. Logically he knows she couldnโ€™t best him in a fight, far from it in her shifted form especially - but the comment still earns her a scrunched nose and tight, faux smile. Neither of them can sit still for very long, and they often bicker back-and-forth in a brother-sister type of way.

    'you laugh exactly like a hyena! It sounds like- '
    vivette - [ โ˜† ] - Collie gets on well with Viv. Sheโ€™s like a younger sister to him, Collie has zero idea how Instagram works, or why she enjoys taking so many selfies for it - but heโ€™s more than happy to partake if itโ€™ll make her happy. Even if it means sitting as a bird. Her shift is one of his favourites, and his favourite activity is to to try make her laugh like a hyena - and when she claims she doesnโ€™t, heโ€™ll try do an impression of it until theyโ€™re both crying.

    'Your accent..youโ€™re from someplace fancy arenโ€™t you?'
    vic - [ โ˜† โœฎ ] - Collie hasnโ€™t spent much time with Vic, but the added bonus of her canine companion Hank definitely gave her some brownie points. The pair do have their shared love for hanging out in high spaces; namely trees. Theyโ€™re somewhat quiet together, with Collie occasionally asking her about different shifter-related folklore and such, and Vic sometimes lending him her dog as a running companion. Heโ€™s not overly close with her, but the time they do spend together is peaceful and devoid of conflict. Sheโ€™s by far his favourite of the feline-shifters, and his fingers itch to touch her fur.

    'youโ€™re rather quiet for the king of the jungle'
    maddox - [ โœฎ ] - Collie hasnโ€™t had the chance to speak to Maddox much. The man is reserved and quiet, and Collie has been preoccupied with others so hasnโ€™t had the chance to talk his ear off yet. For a man that turns into a lion, heโ€™s surprisingly unsure and closed off; and Collie isnโ€™t sure on what to make from that. Out of all the big cats, Maddox should in theory be the most sociable but somehow heโ€™s nowhere close. When Collie gets a chance, heโ€™ll make the first move and see what the deal with him is.

    'I beg you, give me a reason to knock you out of the sky-'
    evelyn - [ โ˜… โ˜… ] - Collie and Evelyn get on like oil and water. Considering Collieโ€™s good nature, he absolutely can not stand Evelyn. Thereโ€™s a variety of reasons, part of him wants to blame an eagleโ€™s incredibly territorial nature; a species of bird infamous for their intolerance of one another - territorial spats usually ending in serious injuries. Though truthfully, their personalities are just wholly incompatible. Evelyn is cautious, vindictive, sensitive and organised, Collie lacks self-preservation and seeks thrills, heโ€™s petty, incredibly disorganised and very much insensitive. Theyโ€™re both stubborn, and theyโ€™re both pretty competitive which just add fuel to a raging fire. If he sees her, heโ€™ll try avoid her by straight up ducking out the room and disappearing, muttering choice words under his breath. Unfortunately their shifts are rather evenly matched. Heโ€™s significantly faster, sheโ€™s significantly stronger - he has a bigger wingspan, she has talons the size of bear claws for godโ€™s sake. At the end of the day, sheโ€™s been at Fox Island for longer, so he begrudgingly takes leave first. If sheโ€™s in the sky, heโ€™ll find a spot elsewhere. If she enters a room, heโ€™ll head out. Itโ€™s petty and juvenile but they will not find common ground.

    'a snake huh? checks out.'
    avery - [ โœฎ โ˜… ] - To put it plainly, Collie doesnโ€™t trust Avery. Sheโ€™s emotionally intelligent, and she knows how to work people - and thatโ€™s something that rattles Collie. Neither of them are shy with their opinions, and the weird tension between her and Josie makes for some awkward situations - although Collie doesnโ€™t care to get involved in that mess. Their personalities clash, simply put, and it just makes them imcompatible company. Avery isnโ€™t nervous around Collie by any means, in fact they make an effort to try and ward him off - and so far itโ€™s only really served to make him just that much more wary/suspicious of them.

    'quote goes here'
    name here - [ symbols ] - placeholder

    [feel free to msg me if thereโ€™s any relations or ideas youโ€™d like to discuss <3 ]

    useful info for relations
    - open about his soldier background
    - open about all his background actually lmao
    - been at fox island for six months - works as a on/off mechanic/general labourer/security work - whatever he can get really
    - didnโ€™t know other shifters existed until he heard rumours of fox island like, 8 months ago
    - introverted but like, just barely
    - boomer w/ technology
    - loyal to an absolute fault
    - massive golden retriever but can be a nasty sarcastic if he gets off vibes
    - v. protective


Last edited by chase. on Wed May 01, 2024 8:12 am, edited 47 times in total.
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Evelyn Legare

Postby Nyverria » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:09 am


xxName: Evelyn Rhea Legare
xxNickname: Eve, Lyn
xxAge: Twenty-Eight
xxStatus: Member (Harpy Eagle)
xxSexuality: Bi, Demiromantic
xxGender: Female (she/her)
xxOrigin: Born January 15th, Capricorn
xxHeight: Five Foot Seven Inches
xxPhysique: Lean, Muscular
xxHair: Dark Brown
xxEyes: Bright Blue
xxTraits +: Analytical, Meticulous,
xxObservant, Persuasive, Cautious,
xxIntroverted, Determined, Conventional
xxHardworking, Ambitious, Organized,
xxSensitive, Loyal
xxTraits -: Abrasive, Indecisive,
xxJealous, Paranoid, Perfectionist,
xxVindictive, Materialistic, Stubborn
xxSerious, Critical, Depressed,
xxUnforgiving, Suspicious
xxMother: Ana Ortiz
xxFather: Oliver Legare
xxSibling(s): Hayle & Jaydenโ€โ€โ€Ž
xxFace Claim: Jessica Stroup

Evelyn was the first born in rural Texas on a ranch with vast fields and a large home big enough for a family. She grew up learning the ways of life on a ranch along with riding horses, hunting and keeping an eye on cattle, along with many other chores. However Evelyn felt as if this was not the place for her to be the rest of her life, nor did she have much of a desire to really help with anything when it came to helping around the ranch. The only things she really did enjoy was hunting with a bow and riding her very own horse, in a way made her feel free. Around the age of thirteen, Evelyn had lost her mother to a losing fight with cancer leaving her and her father in this world.

Oliver had started forcing Evelyn to help around the house and eventually help the ranch hands from time to time. Eventually he married once more and eventually her step-mother had a son and daughter. Over time as her siblings grew older, her step-mother became more confident in ordering Evelyn around, bringing down her confidence and self esteem. Before too long, Evelyn ended up practically taking care of her two younger siblings and did everything her step-mother told her to, whether it be drawing her a bath or making her a drink. Every chance Evelyn could possibly get, she'd either end up hiding in her room or taking her horse out on a run.

Unfortunately horseback riding lead to her step-mother complaining and eventually her father sold her horse along with taking away her bow. Evelyn felt like a bird stuck in a cage with no way out. Over time things between her and her new mother started to get physical ever so slowly over the years until finally it happened. It was a late evening while Evelyn was sleeping when she was around the age of seventeen, her step-mother came barging into her room and started accusing her of stealing a few of her belongings. This false accusation lead to her receiving a beating, left with a few bruises and a busted lip.

Evelyn felt nothing but rage after being beat for no absolute reason. She had put up with her step-mother's demands for years and it was time she was to stand up for herself. In a blind rage, Evelyn blacked out with her first shift as she leapt after her mother. When Evelyn finally regained consciousness, she had been laying out in one of the ranch's fields with a few feathers laying around her. What actually happened? There was red stains in her clothes but they were not coming from herself. Soon she returned home to see her father sitting on the porch with a shotgun and a backpack leaning against his leg.

As Evelyn approached he stood up slowly and picked up the backpack, flinging it at her. Evelyn's siblings peaked through the window with a horrified expressions stretched across their faces while her step-mother stepped out of the house with bandages wrapped around her arms and a long scratch going across the left side of her cheek. Did she do that? Oliver raised his gun as Evelyn stepped a little closer and told her to leave and never come back. "Monsters are not welcome here." Those words would forever haunt her dreams.

A heavy heart, the teenager took the backpack and left her only home but at the same time she finally felt free after so many years. The little bird had finally been released from its prison. Fortunate enough, Evelyn's grandparents allowed her to stay with them until she finished her senior year of high school. During her time here she asked if there was anything that she should know that she hasn't been told before. Her grandparents told her of the lineage of the harpy eagle and how her mother's ancestors originated in South America along with a place called Fox Island.

It made more sense since there are no such eagles that live around the rural parts of Texas or even in North America in general. Soon after Evelyn graduated, her grandparents gave her what little money they could spare to get her half way where she needed to be. Evelyn made her way to this place called Fox Island but she only had enough money to make it to the next state about which was Oklahoma. Here is where she spent the next several years working as a farm hand to raise enough money to make it to her final destination.

It took another nine years before Evelyn could get the money she needed along with extra cash to sustain herself the whole trip to Fox Island. There she met Josie and other members and has now lived on the island for a little over a year now.

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Evelyn's Relations

Postby Nyverria » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:10 am

1. Thunderstorms? Rainfall? You'll find Evelyn outside enjoying the beauty of such occasions and sometimes sometimes talks a walk.. or even flight in the rain. It's refreshing in her eyes.
2. Cries when she's angry. She hates it.
3. Researched
4. Jealous of those whom still has some sort of contact with their families. Secretly wishes she had the same relationships.
5. Claustrophobic, she starts to panic in tight spaces.
6. Loyal to a fault with her friends however has a hard time maintaining said friendships.
7. Prefers to be outside in the treetops and flying around. Loves the feeling of freedom.
8. Did research on the harpy eagle learning different things about her shift. The most interesting thing she thinks about her shift are the rear talons being as long as grizzly bear claws and being larger than male harpies.
9. Physical tough is her love language. Absolutely adores cuddles and can sometimes be a little too clingy.
10. While doing research on her family history, she learned the meaning of her last name 'the troubled abandoned lost'. How ironic.


โœ“ positive โ”€ โ—‡ neutral โ”€โœ— negative โ— unknown โ”€ โ˜… best friend โ—† โ”€ respect โš” enemies โ”€ โฅ romantic interest โ”€ โ™ฅ partner

Carsus Howell - [ symbols ] - Here

Kate Avedon - [ symbols ] - Here

Josie Hawthorne - [ symbols ] - Here

Elijah King - [ symbols ] - Here

Cook - [ symbols ] - Here

Sorcha Flannagรกn - [ symbols ] - Here

Kenna Caballero - [ symbols ] - Here

ufoparty's character - [ symbols ] - Here

Toby Aremu - [ symbols ] - Here

Victoria Langston - [ symbols ] - Here

Maddox Kang - [ symbols ] - Here

Soda Banas - [ symbols ] - Here

Vivette Stoker - [ symbols ] - Here

Collie Grey - [ symbols ] - Here

name here - [ symbols ] - Here
Last edited by Nyverria on Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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