∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby Stars Hollow » Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:58 pm

Many moons ago, our leader Sparrowstar was exiled from his former clan, determined to be treasonous for his radical belief
system, including the support of interclan relationships and the adoption of outsiders into the clan. Labeled to be a danger
to the clan's way of life, Sparrowstar was exiled, chased out of the territory and left to fend for himself However, his ideas
made an impact on some of his former clanmates, and a small handful secretly fled during the night to follow the banished

For a season, they wandered aimlessly, occasionally picking up loners, rogues and kittypets who believed in their cause and
wished to leave their old lives behind. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, they came upon a clearing in an
uninhabited part of the forest, sheltered from the rest of the world and plentiful in prey. It was here the rebels decided to
make their home, and under the leadership of Sparrowstar, StoneClan was born.
Last edited by Stars Hollow on Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby Stars Hollow » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:32 pm

Roleplay Rules
001. Follow all preestablished Chicken Smoothie rules, first and foremost. This rule is non-negotiable.
002. Only one HIGH rank (leader, deputy, medicine cat, and medicine cat's apprentice) per user. This is
on a first come, first serve basis.
003. No foul language or graphic content. If something intense needs to happen for plot reasons, make
sure to fade to black.
004. Please write at least one good paragraph (six sentences minimum) per post. Also, please remain a
fairly active player if you decide to join; this means posting at least once a week. If you know that you
are going to be gone for an extended period, please let me know in advance.

Clan Rules
Defend your clan, even with your life.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Do not hunt or trespass on another clan’s territory without permission.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.xxxx
A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The deputy will become the clan leader when the current clan leader dies or retires.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Territory boundaries must be checked and marked daily.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or in danger, even if that kit is from a different clan.xxxxxxxxxxx
An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby Stars Hollow » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:35 pm



Medicine Cat

Medicine Cat's Apprentice






Outsiders (Loners, Rogues, & Kittypets)

Mentors & Apprentices
Sparrowstar is the mentor of Hickorypaw.
Wölfin is the mentor of ___________________.
Breezesong is the mentor of ___________________.
Foggyblur is the mentor of Applepaw.
Quietmouse is the mentor of ___________________.
Last edited by Stars Hollow on Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:12 am, edited 18 times in total.
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∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby Stars Hollow » Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:44 pm

Open / Closed
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∟ 001 ㄱ

Postby Stars Hollow » Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:30 pm

      thirty-six moons tom leader of stoneclan location: outside the leader's den, stoneclan camp tags: open

    Sparrowstar yawned, amber eyes blinking as a soft stream of sunlight hit them, seeping in from the entrance of his den. The tom rolled onto his side, taking a moment to stretch, feeling his muscles pop before easing into sweet release. He had not slept well the previous night, too plagued by worries to hope for any good dreams. StoneClan was still fairly new, only a handful of litters being born since its founding, and much still needed to be done if they had any hope of surviving through the winter. If the chill in the air was any indication, autumn would soon be upon them, and prey would become more scarce as squirrels, mice and voles burrowed into their den's for their winter long rests. Sparrowstar sat up, letting out a soft sigh. Yes, there was much to be done. Still, he did not want to worry his clanmates just yet, many of whom were still adjusting to clan life as a whole, having spent the better part of their existences as loners or kittypets. Adding onto their worries would only cause panic, and Sparrowstar knew well how powerful such an emotion could be. The golden furred tom rose, padding to the entrance of his den and looking out over the camp. A few warriors sat outside the warrior's den, chatting amongst themselves, a few apprentices bickered over a particular vole in the fresh kill pole. All in all, the world was well, and Sparrowstar was not going to be the one to shake the fragile foundations of peace StoneClan had to stand on for the time being.

    ❦ — — 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖
      ten moons molly stoneclan apprentice location: fresh kill pile, stoneclan camp tags: open

    Applepaw rolled her eyes at her fellow apprentices, ear twitching as they fought over who had claimed the vole first. Honestly, there was plenty of prey to go around, and she didn't see the point in arguing over it like a bunch of kits. The molly's tail flicked back and forth as she ate her own breakfast, a small but juicy squirrel, her mind turning to more exciting things. The previous day, Sparrowstar had announced that an apprentice or two would be joining his patrol for the day, a prospect that made her heart race. The apprentices were rarely allowed to leave the camp, only permitted to do so when hunting or training, and even then they had to be accompanied by at least one warrior. Perhaps this would be the first step towards independence? Towards cementing her status as a warrior? Sure, she was still a few moons too young for the rank, but who knew? Maybe she would get lucky and Sparrowstar would see her potential!
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Re: ∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby DriedGrape » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:04 pm

    27 moons 🔹 tom 🔹 warrior
    apprentice; open 🔹 location;; ×× 🔹 tags;; open

    OOC;; I'm not usually good with starting posts so hopefully this is okay lol.

    IC;; Droopy grey eyes slowly opened as the early rays of sunlight shone through the trees into the camp clearing, glancing around the makeshift den the tom noticed that most of his den mates, though not all, had already left the warmth of their nests which now sat empty and cold; pushing himself into a sitting position the reddish/brown tabby began to groom his thick pelt, making sure to get every snag and knot out of his soft coat before drawing a white paw over his face. Once satisfied with his appearance Quietmouse rose to his paws with a stretch before carefully picking his way through the den and slipping out, nodding his head to a few clan mates as he passed by on his way to the fresh kill pile, careful to avoid the bickering apprentices he picked through the pile until he selected a small bird before looking for a spot to settle down and eat his prey.

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Breeze〚1〛-- Hickory〚1〛

Postby Fortune's Fool » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:52 pm

    ღ Breezesong
    Tom -- 30 moons -- Warrior, apprentice: none-- Tags: open
    Breezesong had woken early. A habit he'd had since he was a kit in his twoleg's home -- being up before the sun to catch some time with them before they left for the day, wherever they had always gone. Even now he hadn't broken the consistency with which he did so. And so by the time many of the other cats had emerged from their respective dens he was already lounging off to the side of camp, half-humming a cheerful little song to himself as worked at a little burr caught in the fur between his paw pad. It wasn't big enough or worked deep enough to hurt much unless he was really moving, but he could feel it and refused to leave it be until he was free from its irritating presence. Still his ears flicked this way and that, catching fragments of conversation from the other cats around him as curiosity got the better of him even while focused on his task.

    ⚜ Hickorypaw
    Molly -- 10 moons -- Apprentice, mentor: Sparrowstar -- Tags: open
    The sunlight filtering down onto her face and ragging her from dreams was a source of confusion for Hickorypaw at first, light so rarely entered the hollows and abandoned dens the tortoiseshell often took shelter in during the nights. Awareness crept in slowly as the warped memories of her dreams faded to remind her of where she was and what she was doing there. Amber eyes stared at the entrance to the den she slept in, ears pressed back slightly as she took in the glimpses of the cats outside she could see from the nest she slept in. She couldn't quite think of it as her nest, the concept of it didn't seem real. None of this did.
    When she finally moved from her nest, almost creeping out of the den and into the sunlight, a few stray bits of moss still clung to her thick, currently slightly unkempt, fur. Surely she'd be needed for... something, she didn't have time to make herself presentable. Surely that barely mattered? Surely-- the thought trailed off, expression passive despite the thoughts whirling in her head as her eyes flickered past the couple of cats she knew were apprentices to land on the pile of prey near them. The one she didn't quite dare to just approach and take something from yet. She'd hardly done anything today, after all.
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∟ 002 ㄱ

Postby Stars Hollow » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:41 pm

      thirty-six moons tom leader of stoneclan location: fresh kill pile, stoneclan camp tags: hickorypaw

    Sparrowstar watched as more cats began to immerge from their dens, taking in their little morning routines and habits before his eyes landed on Hickorypaw, who had just immerged from the apprentices' den. The leader's face immediately split into a smile; his apprentice. In his old clan, he had never had the honor of having one, deemed to reckless to be responsible for the next generation. He had tried to offer guidance, when the opportunity presented itself, but the other warriors had always shooed him off the instant they noticed him hanging around. It felt nice to finally have someone under his care, even if she was arguably MORE responsible than Sparrowstar in some regards. The golden coated tom padded over to the apprentices, purring softly as he approached Hickorypaw specifically. "Good morning! I trust you slept well? Some of our warriors went out and found fresh moss for the dens last night." He greeted, tail flicking black and forth. "Its not much, I know, but if we can find some clover to help pad out the nests, things should be a bit more comfortable for you tonight." Sparrowstar glanced over at the fresh kill pile, then at Hickorypaw. "Aren't you going to eat anything? You'll need your strength."

    ❦ — — 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖
      ten moons molly stoneclan apprentice location: fresh kill pile, stoneclan camp tags: open

    Applepaw rolled her eyes at her fellow apprentices, ear twitching as they fought over who had claimed the vole first. Honestly, there was plenty of prey to go around, and she didn't see the point in arguing over it like a bunch of kits. The molly's tail flicked back and forth as she ate her own breakfast, a small but juicy squirrel, her mind turning to more exciting things. The previous day, Sparrowstar had announced that an apprentice or two would be joining his patrol for the day, a prospect that made her heart race. The apprentices were rarely allowed to leave the camp, only permitted to do so when hunting or training, and even then they had to be accompanied by at least one warrior. Perhaps this would be the first step towards independence? Towards cementing her status as a warrior? Sure, she was still a few moons too young for the rank, but who knew? Maybe she would get lucky and Sparrowstar would see her potential!
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Re: ∟ Broken Oaths ㄱ A Warrior Cats Roleplay

Postby Hawk WillowWatcher » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:49 pm

15 moons old - She-cat - currently a loner - location: near the DeadRiver (highway) at the border - Tags: open

Wölfin had felt the signs of the WhiteStorms approaching, herbs were dying and prey hid, these were the reasons to find them while you can. Wölfin opened her jaws and tasted the air, “Thyme. Catmint and—“ she was cut off by the roaring of the Monsters, as she jumped backwards away from the DeadRiver, she realized there was no time to lose. She ran as fast as she possibly could, but it wasn’t enough… as a navy blue Monster ran towards her. She knew it was too late. She let out a yowl as everything went black and agony struck her like lightning. The last thing she remembered was visions of stars swarmed around her.
Last edited by Hawk WillowWatcher on Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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