1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

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1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:08 pm

not us? Don't post.
You can read along though

In the valley, there lives a lot of people. Maru lives with her parents. Alex lives with his grandparents. He also has his best friend, Rusty, a dog. There are a farmer and her helper. There's a baker/cafe owner. He lives and works beside the tavern. Another boy works part time. He is part of a reading group with dogs. He also has a fox rescue. The farm is by the ocean. The fox rescue is by the river.

There have been rumors of a ghost also haunting the town at dusk. These six will band together as a group to try and solve the mystery.

Male OC
Female OC

Male OC
Female OC

Maru x my female OC
Alex x cronch's female OC
Male OC x male OC

(extra info: the cafe owner/baker has his bakery, then his living space is above that.
The fox rescue boy, the group has therapy dogs and is for helping kids learn to read.
The farmer and Jessie are childhood friends.
Jessie helps mostly with the horses and goats)
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:11 pm



𝕃𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕒 "𝕃𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕖" 𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕟


Age; 21
Zodiac sign; Taurus
Height; 5'8
Profession; Farmer
Pet; Orange cat Sphynx


Background; After Lottie's grandfather died, she inherited a large farm which was lovingly named "Bluebell farm" after the most prominent flower in the field. She came from a day to day 9-5 job for a large corporation which burned her out rather quickly, so she jumped at the opportunity to restart her life when given the chance. She wakes up early and works hard to make her grandfather proud every day of her life.
Personality; Lottie is a rather soft spoken woman, only heading into the town to go to the caves, run errands, or fish in the river. She is a very loving creature, and has a soft spot for any and every animal. When it comes to humans she can be rather untrusting, which creates whispers about her around town, but she doesn't mind. She tends to keep to herself, unless her best friend is around of course, but typically will go out exploring on her own.
Likes; Animals, fruit, exploring, rainy days, and tending to her farm.
Dislikes; Those who think they are better than her, big corporations, and days without rain.


𝕁𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕤


Age; 21
Zodiac sign; Cancer
Height; 6'0
Profession; Baker
Pet; German Shephard Brutus


Background; Jordan was raised in a very loving home far away from Stardew Valley. However when one day disaster struck and his loving family was taken away from him in an accident, he ran far away from his hometown and found peace in Stardew.
Personality; Jordan is a very sweet person, almost as sweet as his desserts. He is very kind to all of his fellow townspeople, even Linus who he gives his extra dough to every night to save him from digging in the trashcans. Because of this he secretly feels like people only like him for his favors, which is something he is deeply insecure about.
Likes; Baking, sugary treats, and the smiles on his customers faces.
Dislikes; People who dislike his baking, arrogance, and making mistakes.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:50 pm

With Dusty/Rusty

Jessie Rose Robbins
Cancer; and dog
5' 4"
helps on Lottie's farm
white and gray kitty named Stormy
Also has a Shepadoodle service dog Rion
Pretty girl but doesn't think she's pretty. She has nice enough lips and nails and lashes. She has big brown eyes. She has red, gingery, colored hair. She tends to put it in hair bands. She'll part it on two sides. She seems fond of wearing it that way. She pulls one part over each shoulder and secures it. I call these down tails. They're like twin ponytails but not. Since they go down instead of up. Anyway! She also has a purple shirt and jeans. As well as Jean shorts. Then a variety of socks and such. Plus her tennis shoes to wear. She also has riding boots.

Animals, fruit (most of it), exploring, books, drawing, writing, mist, the sound of rain (when its not like a heavy rain or a thunderstorm)
Bees...bullies, jerks, thunder, wind, having anxiety...seeing animals hurt, oranges and limes and lemons, being sick, being in pain, sudden movements
Jessie is sweet, soft, silly, and sensible. However, she can be stubborn, strong willed, sensitive, and is shy. She's kind, caring, loyal, as well as loving. However, she bottles things up, can become withdrawn, doesn't always listen, and if someone annoys or angers her she can get fiery. She can get loud if angered as well. Despite this, she has a good heart and a sweet soul, and likes to help people and animals or try to. She's a book lover, animal lover, art lover and has proven nurturing. She also is nervous, headshy, has anxiety and a phobia of bees.
Jessie was born to and raised by parents who did well enough by her. She grew up with Lottie, seeing as they are childhood friends. She has two older siblings as well as two younger ones, and a friend named Qwin too. He actually may or may not be seeing Sebastian. Anyway! She grew up and got a job as a volunteer at a dog rescue. However, when she found out Lottie was inheriting the farm, she went with her. She now helps out on the Bluebell farm. She also has began to develop feelings for Maru (and she has panic attacks and hates it...)

Shiroi Kurama
Pisces; also a dog
5' 6" (short cute baby)
Part of a group with therapy dogs that helps kids read
Also a fox rescue
collie Mika (cream brown and white)
Cute and pretty for a boy, he's also shorter and slender. He has long lashes and full lips. His eyes are a reddish color. His hair is white in color. His hair is straight and to his shoulders. He has a part instead of bangs. He has golden tan skin. However its a very pale kind. He was born without pigment to the skin. Therefore, he's a very pale complexion. He has a variety of clothes. He seems to favor reds and blues. He also likes purple and pink. He has some stockings and fingerless gloves. He has a cross pendant. He also has a blue jewel one.

Food, dogs, cats, horses, foxes especially, helping kids, helping animals and caring for them, being around others, seeing others smile
Bullies, jerks, seeing others hurt, seeing animals hurt, being alone too long although he values alone time, being scared, being sick, being hurt, feeling useless and helpless
Shiroi is a kind and caring, sweet and soft type. He's gentle as well as loving, loyal, and will listen. If someone needs a person to let them rant or anything, he's your guy. He's an animal lover, book lover, adores children and is playful as well. However, he's shy, headshy, nervous and sometimes anxious. He seems to bottle things up a lot. He tends to become withdrawn at times, especially if upset. He doesn't always listen, can become loud at times, can be stubborn as well as strong willed as both of his parents are this way.
Shiroi was born to parents Junn and Kuroka, both of whom have dark hair and brown eyes. He has one older sister and two younger siblings. Their names are Iria (the older one), Una and Vee (younger sister and brother.) he has a good upbringing, but ended up coming here. There's more room here and everything, so he came here. He started a fox rescue and has a couple others living there and helping.

(If you need visual confirmation, I have random OCs I could show you. Just so you could get a grasp of how my two OCs look (since a lot of my female OCs end up similar...eh heh)
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:16 pm

Maru rubbed her eyes sleepily as light began to stream into her room, however she was not just waking up. No, she had been up all night working on her latest invention. It was her pride and joy, a little cleaning robot that scurried around her room picking up shards of iron, wires, and other items that had cluttered up her floor. However she wasn't quite happy with the mechanisms of the robot quite yet, it moved a little bit more clunky than she had hoped. She stretched out her back as she slowly stood up, her joints cracking as they were rather tired after being kept so stagnant for quite some time. She gently packed up her tools back into her purple toolbox, eager to get into bed and take a nap before her step-mother found out that she had been up all night, which was something that got on her nerves. She understood why of course, but night was when everyone was quite and she could focus on her robot which she had only one month before the science convention to get ready. Time was precious and she would rather not sleep than have a less than perfect robot to show for all of her work. She giggled softly as she tidied up her room, remembering that this was just the reason she had wanted to create this robot. Besides it would create more time for her to work on other creations. Soon the girl climbed into bed to rest her eyes for a little, knowing that she would only have three hours before she was awakened by the rest of her family she quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

Loretta woke up bright and early to take care of her animals and water all of her plants. She yawned as she stumbled to her kitchen where she brewed a pot of hot coffee to kickstart her day. As the coffee was brewing the farmer took a quick peek out of her window to oversee the beautiful crops that she was growing. As it was fall her farm was littered with pumpkins, corn, and eggplant as they were the most profitable of the season and simply her favorites to crow. The way the sunlight hit them warmed her soul like nothing else did. Soon the coffeepot went off, signaling that her coffee was ready. With a smile on her face she picked up her favorite coffee cup and poured the black coffee into the pot, only adding a little bit of milk to even it out. She stepped out onto her porch and drank the coffee as she looked out upon her field, her animals grazing in the back of the field. Soon her coffee was drank and it was now time to begin watering her plants as she hadn't quite made enough money to afford all of the sprinklers to water them all. However she didn't mind, taking care of her plants and animals was her life and it brought her peace.

Jordan was up at around six in the morning, kneading dough to make a fresh batch of bagels for his morning customers and to make loaves of bread to sell to them as well. He had music playing in the background as he worked, humming to himself as he worked sometimes singing in between. After a while he had three different types of bagels laid out and it was time for him to open. He walked over to the door, flipping around the open sign with an eager smile on his face, ready to start the day. He headed back to his counter where he whisked up some icing for the cupcakes he was going to start to make in the later part of the day. The baker greeted every customer with a large smile on his face, happy to have such a supportive town that took care of him.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:52 pm

Alex was used to getting up early, to see his dog as well as to toss his football around. His grandparents didn't get up quite as early as he did. Of course, they didn't get up late either, by any means. They definitely got up in the morning, just not quite as early as he'd do. He peeked in on them, seeing the two were of course still sleeping. He smiled fondly, they were his grandparents after all. With a small hum of happiness, one that he quickly silenced though, he backed up. He walked to the kitchen, to get something to drink. He then got something to eat as well, before grabbing something for Dusty/Rusty. He brought the tasty food to the little fenced in area. The dog barked happily, though he hushed him as others were still sleeping. He gave him the food, patting and petting the dog happily.

Jessie hummed in her sleep, really humming because she was starting to wake. She never woke quite as early as Little did. However, for some reason her body was waking earlier than usual today. Shivering a bit, she sighed as she opened her eyes and coughed a bit. Despite having an allergy to cats, she had a white and gray one. Said cat, Stormy, mewed and jumped off her bed now. She shook her head a bit as she watched the cat run to the bowls. Stormy's bowl, as well as Rion's, were side by side as the two didn't fight. They also shared a water dish for the exact same reason. She smiled as she looked at Rion, whom was sitting and watching her. She smiled as she patted him, then looked to the cat. Stormy mewed loudly, pawing and nosing at both of the dishes now. She coughed again and sighed, then said "I'm comin." She went and put cat food in one bowl, dog food in the other, and watched them eat. She then looked out the window, at Loretta's own house. She smiled as she saw her on the porch, drinking coffee. She waited for Rion to finish, then put his harness and leash on. She headed over to the other girl, saying "Good morning," before coughing again...

Shiroi hummed and brushed his snow white hair, then looked at himself in his mirror. Reddish eyes stared back, and he shook his head a couple times. He then went to check on the bottle babies he had. He had two border collie pups someone had found and brought here on the bus. Despite being a fox rescue, he wasn't going to turn away puppies. He glanced to Mika, his cream and brown and white collie. He smiled at the dog, whom had taken to the pups. Mika already loved the two week old pups, whom had just opened their ears and eyes. Shiroi fed the pups dutifully, then left Mika with them. He went to check on the foxes now, as he needed to. Not only did he have these two pups, but he'd rescued two pregnant female foxes. One had been close to having the babies, so he needed to check on her.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:12 pm

Maru continued sleeping for a few more hours before Robin woke her up for breakfast. With a groan the female fumbled around for her glasses that she had set on her nightstand, as she couldn't see good without them. Finally she laid hands on them and put them on her face as she got up out of bed, stretching out her limbs before heading out to breakfast. She let out a small sigh as she sat down at the breakfast table, frustrated to see that Robin hadn't woken her own son up, but yoba forbid that she wanted to sleep in. If she was woken up early for her days at Harvey's clinic, but today was even her day off! She shook her head as she ate her food, trying her best to not dwell in the unfairness of her step-mother as she truly didn't believe the other had ill intent towards her. However after a while of thinking, the female decided since she was up early she would head into Harvey's and see if he did need some help, the training would be good for her anyways.

"Good morning!" Lottie chirped as she looked up at her childhood friend. "Truly they need to find away to protect you against your cat allergies." The farmer said, chuckling slightly at her struggling friend. The way Jessie still adored her pets even though she was allergic, warmed the farmers heart in a way not much else did. "I believe I have some cough syrup in the cabinet, if that will help." She told the other, doing her best to lessen her friends ailment. "But I do have to go into town at some point to gather some groceries if you would like for me to grab you something from the store?" She offered as she continued to walk around her land, carefully watering her crops. After the last plant was watered the farmer let out a sigh of relief and stood up fully to crack her aching back, the days on the farm did a number on her joints.

Jordan served his customers in between running to the kitchen to make more batches of his sweet pastries and cupcake goodies. He sighed happily as one of his favorite customers came in, Caroline was one of the first to branch out and try his freshly baked goods and ever since then the two had become rather close. He was even allowed to come over for dinner on Sunday nights, which was a great compliment to him. "The usual?" He questioned, a goofy smile on his face as he did so.

"Of course dear, why would I divert from it?" Caroline replied, giggling as she spoke to him.

"Coming right up!" The baker chirped as he took her typical blueberry pastry out of the oven, as he had already prepared it for her. Now all that was left was to make her caramel latte to go with it. As he made the drink he chatted happily with her, catching up on all of the gossip that was going on in Pelican Town.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:32 pm

Alex smiled as he patted and pet the dog for an hour straight. Then again, he did take breaks, but he truly loved to be around his dog. He then went back to the house, and went to one of the trees nearby. He stood under it, tossing and twirling his football as he tended to do. He did this for awhile, then decided he should check on his grandparents. He went inside to find Evelyn, smiling as he looked at her. She smiled back at him, saying a cheerful "Good morning." He smiled kindly back, saying "Good morning, grandma." He then looked around for his grandfather, and tilted his head a bit. When grandma pointed to the sitting room, he nodded and went over there. He found his grandfather watching the television. The old man really loved that thing, which he supposed made sense. The man was confined to a wheelchair, after all, there wasn't a lot he could do. He said "Good morning grandpa," and received a hand wave in return.

Jessie giggled at the cheerful chirp of the other's voice, and nodded. "Good morning," she said, though now she sneezed as well. She shook her head, saying "Cough syrup would definitely be good. I feel like this isn't just an allergy though...like I may be coming down with a cold. I'm going to help with the goats and horses though. If it gets worse, I can always go to Harvey's clinic." She had a look on her face that said she wasn't going to be argued with. She was already up, so she might as well help with the animals as usual. She looked at the other, saying "Peaches and some juice would be nice. Unless you meant medicine, in which case...yeah. I should probably have you grab cough syrup for my place. I can't always be taking things from you, you'll probably need that cough syrup at some point."

Shiroi smiled sweetly as he stopped a moment to look back at the dog and pups. She'd tried to nurse the pups, but just...nothing had happened. Probably because she'd never had pups before, and wasn't currently pregnant. Still, he loved seeing how devoted she was to the pups. He finally went out the door, shutting it carefully behind him. He hummed a small sound as he then headed for the shelter, the building. There was a building, a shelter, for the foxes. A large fenced in area was connected to it, where he'd let them out to play.

Of course, some of them were so tame he'd take them out and bring them by the river. They never tried to run away, and he knew he'd have to keep these ones. He could release some of them back into the wild. Not the ones that were becoming much like pets, though. Those ones could never be released, as they'd try to approach people. Shaking his head, he headed in and found the one red fox with four tiny newborns.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:50 pm

After Maru finished her breakfast she headed up to her room and packed up her clinic backpack, stuffing her uniform inside to change into only if Harvey had an opening for her today. She hurried back into the kitchen where she informed her father of her plans before scurrying out the house to head down to the clinic. It wasn't a long walk, but it was one she enjoyed quite a bit. Although her specialty was machines, it didn't mean that she couldn't take time and enjoy nature. Soon she reached the doorstep of the clinic and entered in to find Harvey working alone with quite a few samples to go through, meaning he would in fact have work to do. As soon as she got the okay to work she hurried into the bathroom before changing into her nursing clothes, eager to examine the samples he had given her to label and sort. She dutifully did so, waiting patiently for someone to enter into the clinic for an exam as those were her favorite.

"Well, don't overwork yourself if you need to go I can take care of the rest of the animals!" Lottie offered as she wiped the dirt off of her clothes. "Peaches, juice, and cough medicine. Got it! I can grab all of those for you, whatever soothes your soul my dear." She said, smiling sweetly at her friend. "I'm going to go out and grab those items and other groceries! If you do end up going just leave a little note so I know where you left off with the animals!" The farmer said as she collected her reusable grocery bags. She waved goodbye to her friend as she began the walk to Pierre's for fresh peaches and other food as she was a proud Joja hater. She would rather pay more for locally sourced goods than those the big corporation provided. The farmer mumbled polite hello's as she entered into the store, quietly gathering her laundry list of food ingredients.

Jordan bid his friend goodbye as Caroline had to attend to her other duties of the day. He let out a sigh as he returned to his baking, now was more preparing for the next day as it was the slow part of the day. It was the time where he got a little lonely, and wishing he had a partner to work with or simply speak with as time would begin to run a little slow.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:50 am

Alex smiled at his grandpa, nodding to George and looking at the tv. The old man was watching some kind of rerun, since often there were only reruns or weather. There was also a news channel. He thought there was a gardening or plants one too, he'd seen Evelyn watching it before. He watched the tv for a bit himself, then shook his head. He headed out of the sitting room once more. He went to Evelyn again, and asked if she needed anything from the store. She nodded and gave him a list, so he took it with a smile. "Be right back," he said, after kissing her on the cheek. She was his grandmother, he could do that kind of thing. If it were his mother instead, he'd still kiss her on the cheek. Shaking his head, he wandered out of the house and to the store, Pierre's store. He saw a very pretty girl there, amongst all the others. He thought this must be the one that had inherited Bluebell, so he politely said "Hello."

Jessie nodded and said "Okay...okay," then smiled at the other girl. She sneezed again instead of coughing this time, thankfully, though it was equally as annoying. Now her nose was going to be running...She sighed and pulled out a tissue, glad she'd thought to grab some. "At least I still have tissues," she joked, then shook her head once more. She then nodded at Lottie once more, and looked down at Rion. "Okay, ill leave a note if I do have to go to the clinic." She said this, then watched as the other began the walk up to town. She waved goodbye when the other did, then she went to care for the animals. There were white goats, brown ones, one black one and one cream. They were all so unique and different, since the tan ones had different markings. She smiled as she fed them and played with them a bit. She then moved on to the horses, there were three or four of them. One was hers, one was Lottie's, and there was an extra one or two. This helped, as horses could get worn out or sick. She was in there fifteen or twenty minutes when she began to feel worse...

She sighed and decided she'd definitely better go to the clinic, then. Maybe deciding to work on the animals really hadn't been a good idea. She wrote a note and left it where Lottie could find it; it said 'Fed and played with goats. Got the horses hay but couldn't get to doing water. I did brush them out though.' and she set it down. She headed for the clinic, bringing Rion with her of course, and finding Maru there.

Shiroi smiled as he looked at the fox, whom he'd named Ladybug as she was red, black and white. He was pretty sure they're normally red, brown and white. She had black instead of brown though. He looked at the four tiny ones, then looked to the other pregnant fox. She wasn't due for another week or two, and he smiled at the white and black fox. Humans had bred foxes to be patterns like that...White with colored patches, spots, areas, anything. He smiled at Nightsnow, as he'd named her, then began to realize he was hungry.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:33 am

Lottie searched through the peaches, looking for the most ripe one out of the bunch as she believed Jessie deserved the best out of all of them. Finally her eyes landed on a plump pink peach and she snatched it up quickly, carefully bagging it into the clear bags provided for the fresh goods. As she was looking through the selection of juices she heard a voice behind her and jumped a little, not quite expecting someone to approach her as not many did. She hadn't quite had time or the energy to make friends with any of them yet. She looked up at the handsome stranger, looking up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. "H-hello," the farmer managed to stumble out, a hot blush flushing into her cheeks as she shyly shifted her gaze away from his soft brown eyes. "May I help you?" She questioned, sheepishly tucking a piece of hair behind her ears as she spoke.

Maru was looking through her samples, eagerly waiting for a patient to step through the clinic doors. The girl looked up as the small golden bell rang out, signaling that a visitor had walked through the door. The intelligent female smoothed out her uniform and smiled at the woman that had just walked in. "Good morning ma'am!" She said politely, doing her best to not stumble over her words as she got rather sidetracked at times whenever someone attractive came in for a check up. "How may I help you?" She questioned kindly as she visually examined the female. She noted the cough and redness in her face, making an initial diagnosis of the common cold, but that was the doctor's job not hers. As the female explained what was going on, she nodded as she intently listened and jotted down some notes to relay to doctor Harvey. "Alright my dear, please just fill out these forms for me while I go prep the exam room," she said after the other was finished explaining. She then excused herself to go clean and sterilize the exam room before the forms were filled out.

Jordan continued baking until his trusty dog Brutus came down the stairs, whining to be taken out for a walk. The baker chuckled slightly as he leashed his dog, ready to go for a small walk in the middle of his day. He quickly flipped the open sign around as he exited the bakery. The walk would be quick of course as he had work to attend to, but who was he to tell the dog no to a nice walk.
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