โŠฐ โœง โ”€ ๐„๐ฉ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐„๐œ๐ก๐จ๐ž๐ฌ: ๐ฐ๐œ ๐ซ๐ฉ (๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง)

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

โŠฐ โœง โ”€ 001

Postby Echoflame17 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:13 am

    [ โ™š ]xxxโ›โ› S T O R M W E A V E R ! ! โœโœ
        โ”โ”(xrank:xrogue / air x waterx)xx(xgender/age:x20ms mollyx)xx(xcrush:lopenx)xโ”โ”
        โ”โ”(xmentionsx---x)x(xtags:lprophecy catsx)xโ”โ”
        The Enchanted Forest lay beneath a quilt of stars, and Stormweaver, nestled in the embrace of her makeshift den under a towering tree, slept soundly. Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting a gentle glow upon her stormy-coloured fur. As the world around her settled into a nocturnal hush, Stormweaver's dreams began to weave a tapestry of ethereal visions.

        In the dream realm, a misty meadow unfolded before her, bathed in a soft, celestial light, each blade of grass sparkling as if was a mini constellation. A figure materialized in the distance, a silhouette that seemed to carry the grace of wind and the fluidity of water. As the figure drew nearer, gliding towards her with the grace of a breeze dancing through a field of wildflowers, Stormweaver's eyes widened with recognitionโ€”it was her mother, Breezesong, but with an otherworldly luminance that marked her as a messenger from StarClan. Her fur, now an ethereal mix of moonlit silver and wisps of cloud, billowed as it perpetually caressed by unseen zephyrs. The markings on her fur mirrored the patterns of wind currents, creating an illusion of perpetual movement.
        โ€œMother?โ€ Stormweaver's voice echoed through the dream meadow, a blend of hope and uncertainty. As Breezesong drew nearer, the meadow seemed to sawy in harmony with her presense. Her eyes, like the open horizon at dawn, held the vastness of the skies and their warmth enveloped Stormweaver in a comforting embrace.
        "My dear Stormweaver, you pad in the realm of dreams. The stars have guided me to you." Her mothers voice, a melody woven into the whispers of the wind, resonated through the dream realm, filling it with a symphony of maternal love.

        Stormweaverโ€™s heart swelled with joy at the sight of her mother, even in this ethereal form. The bond they had shared transcended the boundaries of the mortal world, the dream meadow itself seemed to echo the harmonious connection. She always felt like her mother was near, watching over every step she made, keeping her safe, and letting her know she was never alone.
        โ€œMotherโ€ Stormweaver whispered, her voice a soft breeze โ€œIโ€™ve missed you so much, more than words can describe.โ€
        Her motherโ€™s gaze held a profound understanding, as if the vast expanse of the cosmos had granted her insight into the depths of her only daughtersโ€™ emotions โ€œAnd I, my dear, have never truly left you.โ€ She meowed reassuringly, gently nuzzling her daughterโ€™s cheek, a gesture both tender and familiar. The touch carried the warmth of countless moments spent together under the sheltering boughs of their former home. Stormweaverโ€™s eyes reflected the amber hues of her motherโ€™s gaze, glittered with a mixture of love and grief.

        The meadow seemed to ripple, and Breezesong motioned for Stormweaver to follow. As they traversed the dream realm, Breezesong spoke with a voice that echoed through the cosmos."Stormweaver, my precious one, you are part of a prophecy. In the shroud of the darkest shadows, six paws shall emerge, destined to unveil mysteries untold. Fire, water, earth, and air, their identities veiled, united they stand, mending the balance. Amidst them, the anonymous ones, born of unique ties, will play a vital role in unravelling the destiny foretoldโ€.
        Stormweaver's eyes widened at the mention of the prophecy. "Prophecy? What do you mean, Mother? What role do I play in this?"
        Breezesong's form shimmered, as if touched by the wisps of the dream itself. "You are one of the anonymous ones, born of unique ties. Your connection to both water and air is a thread woven into the destiny foretold. Tonight, you shall meet others with similar gifts to you. Companions. And the only hope to save our home.โ€

        Stormweaverโ€™s heart dropped, she had been witness to the disasters that had befallen the clans recently. WaterClan's territories had begn to flood, unusual for this time of year, FireClan has also started battling small but frequent wildfires, and AirClan struggled against storms that had begun tearing through their skies. EarthClan, known for fertile soil, now struggled to keep sections of their food alive. Witnessing these small disasters from afar, Stormweaver's heart ached to lend her unique abilities in aid, yet the haunting memories of her expulsion, a result of her dual control over water and air, kept her in the shadows. Fearful of exacerbating their plight and weighed down by the scars of rejection, she remained a silent observer, carrying the burden of a silent witness torn between the desire to mend and the shadows of her own past. Her mother, sensing her mood, draped her tail over her daughtersโ€™ shoulders reassuringly, as they came to a bright gathering place. "You will gather in this place, a meeting ground between the realms," Breezesong continued. "The time has come for the anonymous ones to unravel the threads of destiny and mend the balance. Share the prophecy among yourselves, for your strengths combined will illuminate the path ahead." As Breezesong's words resonated in the dream meadow, Stormweaver felt a mixture of confusion, awe, and determination. The significance of her role in the prophecy weighed upon her, and the dream meadow flickered with the anticipation of destinies intertwining.

        The stars overhead seemed to shimmer with approval as Breezesong gestured toward the gathering place. "Go, my dear Stormweaver. The path awaits, and the threads of fate are in your paws. Starclan will speak once all are here." With those words, Breezesong's luminous form faded, and Stormweaver stood alone in the dream meadow, her heart breaking all over again, but excitement itching in her paws. She waited patiently glancing around her surroundings until she heard the faint sounds of paw steps heading her way. Excitement bubbled in her quest, who could this be?

    [ โ™ž ]xxxโ›โ› E M B E R S T R I K E ! ! โœโœ
        โ”โ”(xrank:xfireclan deputyx)xx(xgender/age:x50ms tomx)xx(xcrush:lopenx)xโ”โ”
        โ”โ”(xappxsparrowpawx)x(xtags:lnone just chillingx)x(xmentionsx---x) โ”โ”
        The Fireclan camp lay shrouded in the quiet hush of predawn, nestled within the heart of the Enchanted Forest. Atop the Gathering Emberstone, Emberstrike, the stalwart deputy, sat with his fiery coat reflecting the subtle light of the dawn. The morning air carried a crisp freshness, a blend of pine needles and the quiet anticipation of a new day. The night had relinquished its hold on the world, and the first rays of sunlight began to paint the sky with hues of soft pinks and oranges. The camp, surrounded by the forest's embrace, was a haven of tranquillity before the daily rhythm of clan life commenced.

        Emberstrike's amber eyes gazed up at the sky, where stars still lingered, sharing tales of the night's mysteries. The occasional rustle of leaves hinted at the gentle breeze, a precursor to the day's awakening. It was a moment of serene contemplation for the deputy, perched upon the Emberstone. In recent times, Fireclan had faced unexpected challenges in the form of small wildfires sparked by the whims of nature. The bright orange tom's strategic mind had been put to the test as they battled these unforeseen blazes, ensuring the safety of the clan's territory. The scent of distant smoke lingered in the air, a reminder of the trials they faced beyond the camp's boundaries.

        As the first light of dawn kissed the treetops, Emberstrike's thoughts shifted between the responsibilities he bore and the subtle camaraderie that bound the clan-mates together. His paw traced the Emberstone, a silent acknowledgment of the grounded reality beneath him. The cool touch of the stone served as a connection to the earth, a reminder of the delicate equilibrium they sought to maintain. The rising sun heralded not only a new day but also the promise of resilience, unity, and the quiet strength that defined FireClan under the watchful gaze of their steadfast deputy and leader. The stars above whispered tales of challenges met, and the approaching day held the potential for new triumphs. In these moments of quiet contemplation, Emberstrike stood not just as a vigilant deputy, but as a cat who embraced the ebb and flow of clan life, poised between duty and the introspective warmth of dawn.

    [ โ›ฒ๏ธŽ ]xxxโ›โ› T I D A L P O O L ! ! โœโœ
        โ”โ”(xrank:xwaterclan warriorx)xx(xgender/age:x60ms mollyx)xx(xcrush:lopenx)xโ”โ”
        โ”โ”(xappxsparrowpawx)x(xtags:lnone just chillingx)x(xmentionsx---x) โ”โ”
        Under the silver glow of the crescent moon, the tranquil camp of waterclan stirred in harmony with the gentle lull of the night. The clan's territory was veiled in the serenity of a quiet slumber, where the moonlit reflections danced upon the surface of the water like ethereal whispers. Among the warriors nestled in their nests, one figure stood out in the midst of dreams, peacefully lost in the realm of her own subconscious. As the moon's tender glow kissed the sleek, patchy coat of Tidalsong, she lay fast asleep, immersed in the dreams that wove through her subconscious mind. Her eyes, the colour of serene lake waters, were closed, and the wisdom within them manifested in the subtle twitches of her whiskers. The tranquil scent of fresh rain and moss enveloped her, creating an aura of calm that embraced her slumbering form.

        In her dreams, Tidalsong wandered through the familiar landscapes of her memories, the echoes of water's melodies resonating in the background. The moonlit reflections she so adored came to life, casting a mesmerizing glow on the dreamscapes around her. In this ephemeral world, she was free to explore the delicate balance between strength and fluidity, mirroring the essence of her own intricate personality. The dream scene echoed with the distant murmur of water, a symphony of the clan's existence that intertwined with the contours of Tidalsong's thoughts. It was a realm where her introspective nature danced with the dreams of moonlit reflections, creating a canvas of emotions that ebbed and flowed like the tides she held dear. In this moment, Tidalsong was the weaver of dreams, crafting melodies with her gentle purrs that harmonized with the ethereal surroundings. The world of dreams embraced her, and she, in turn, embraced the profound philosophy that guided her through waking hours โ€“ a philosophy that encouraged the clan to embrace the beauty in the delicate balance between strength and fluidity.

    [ โœฟ ]xxxโ›โ› L I L A C P A W ! ! โœโœ
        โ”โ”(xrank:xeartclan appx)xx(xgender/age:x10ms mollyx)xx(xcrush:lopenx)xโ”โ”
        โ”โ”(xappxopenx)x(xtags:llambpaw & lavenderx)x(xmentionsx---x) โ”โ”
        As the pale light of dawn filtered through the dense canopy of the forest, Lilacpaw slowly stirred from her slumber. Her soft fur, reminiscent of the delicate hue of lilacs, glimmered in the faint light as she shifted slightly beside her sleeping brother, Lambpaw. He lay peacefully beside her, his rhythmic breathing a comforting melody in the quiet of the early morning.

        With a gentle stretch, Lilacpaw blinked her strikingly pale blue eyes, taking in the familiar scents of the EarthClan camp that surrounded them. The mix of woodland aromas and the faint fragrance of her own lilac scent enveloped her, grounding her in the safety of her home. As she watched her brother sleep, a wave of protective affection washed over her. Despite the challenges they faced as outsiders in the clan, she was determined to ensure their place among their fellow warriors. She vowed silently to herself, her determination shining in her gaze, that she would do whatever it took to see her brother succeed, to prove their worth to their clanmates, and make their mother, Lavender proud.

        With a gentle nudge, Lilacpaw nudged her brother awake, her touch soft yet persistent. "Lambpaw," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, "it's time to wake up." Lambpaw stirred, blinking sleepily as he roused from his dreams. His eyes met Lilacpaw's, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he realized it was time to begin another day. With a shared glance filled with silent understanding, Lilacpaw and Lambpaw rose from their nests, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Side by side, they ventured into the new day to find their mum, their bond as siblings and warriors stronger than ever.

    [ โฅ ]xxxโ›โ› L A M B P A W ! ! โœโœ
        โ”โ”(xrank:xeartclan appx)xx(xgender/age:x10ms tomx)xx(xcrush:lopenx)xโ”โ”
        โ”โ”(xappxopenx)x(xtags:llilacpaw & lavenderx)x(xmentionsx---x) โ”โ”
        As the moon weaved its silver threads through the night sky, casting a gentle glow over the sleeping camp, whilst it battled the pale light of dawn for dominance of the sky, Lambpaw, the sweet and spirited apprentice, was lost in his dreams. His long limbs tucked snugly against his cream and lilac-pointed fur, his whiskers twitching slightly with each breath. A soft nudge interrupts his slumber. Stirring from his dreams, Lambpaw blinks his strikingly large, pale blue eyes open to find his sister, Lilacpaw, gently nudging him awake. With a sleepy yawn, Lambpaw stretches, his right ear remaining folded and floppy atop his head, a charming quirk that adds to his endearing appearance. With a contented sigh, Lambpaw rises from his nest, his upbeat personality already shining through as he greets the new day with optimism and warmth. Despite the drowsiness lingering in his eyes, his gentle soul radiates promise of another day filled with joy and boundless energy, ready to spread warmth and positivity to all those he encounters. His eyes scan the empty clan, looking for the familiar coat of his best friend (other than lilac!), his dearest mother, lavender.
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Re: โŠฐ โœง โ”€ โ„™๐• ๐•ค๐•ฅ ๐•Ÿ๐• . ๐Ÿ™

Postby Cosmic_Mmouse » Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:47 am

| rank/element: rogue/fire x earth | gender/age: tom/32 moons | mentions: Stormweaver

The silver tomcat lay curled up underneath the vast night sky. He was huddling with dry, half-rotten leaves and branches, his only sleeping companions for as long as he could remember. Nights in the season of leaf bare were cruel and unforgiving. Unless he found a shelter, he would suffer an excruciatingly long nighttime, sleepless and dreamless. Even now, hiding in an upturn hollow tree trunk, Silverscorch shivered subconsciously and clenched his paws around the leaves.

His dreams were a jumbled mess. All those negative emotions he had been feeling in the waking world projected themselves into his dreaming. Anxiety, longing, dejection, hopelessness. Oh, how his soul ached, how he wished to be truly happy again. How he wished he would just stop caringโ€ฆ about everything. The freezing gales hounding every poor living being made his heart colder day by day, feeding on his strength, tearing him apart.

They said dreams were supposed to be an escape from reality, but was it really true? Silverscorch tottered around, stumbled over snowdrifts, disoriented by the endless whiteness. Bits of frozen snow ceaselessly hit his face, leaving minuscule cuts behind. Where am I? What is this godforsaken place? The tomcat thought between gasping for air. He tried to look around, but all he saw wasโ€ฆ snow. Not a single tree or bush. He looked up. Everything around him was bleached, stripped of colour. He felt so belittled. The place weighed down on him, making it hard to think straight and to continue looking forโ€ฆ for what? Way out? Salvation? Was he even moving? Or was he just standing in place under the impression that he was walking? Time seemed to stop. How long had he been there? Let me go. Let me out. Please. The snowflakes were like deer keds, eating away at his sanity. โ€œJust end this!โ€ He called out, his cry full of pain. However, his voice was drowned out in the tempest, nowhere to be heard. โ€œJust end thisโ€ฆโ€ The cat fell to the ground, sobbing but not being able to shed tears. How could a dream be so cruel? Did it have to remind him that there was no place to welcome him warmly? That all that could guard him from the coldness of the world was his own fur?

โ€œDonโ€™t cry, child.โ€ A calm voice suddenly penetrated the chilling wind. Silverscorchโ€™s eyes shot up, just to meet the intense gaze of a robust tomcat. His coat was fiery orange, flickering in the wind, as if he was truly made out of pure fire. With every step, he melted the snow under his paws, leaving the earth uncovered. A small blue flower appeared beside him. โ€œDonโ€™t call him child. He is no kitten.โ€ The blazing tom was followed by another, a brown tabby. He brought life. The two transformed the harsh wasteland with merely a single flick of a tail. โ€œMy name is Oakleaf.โ€ โ€œAnd I am Wolftail. We are the messengers of StarClan.โ€ โ€œYou donโ€™t need to be scared anymore, Silverscorch.โ€ Did a StarClan warrior just called him by his unofficial warriorโ€™s name? What was happening? The silver tom gaped at the two cats in front of him, then at the suddenly blooming meadow, then back at the two. โ€œWhatโ€ฆ What? S-starClan? Whyโ€ฆ?โ€ His voice was trembling. Surely, they didnโ€™t expect him to stop being terrified with just a single sentence. โ€œDonโ€™t be discouraged by your current circumstances. You were born to achieve great deeds. You were born into a prophecy.โ€ โ€œIn the shroud of the darkest shadows, six paws shall emerge, destined to unveil mysteries untold. Fire, water, earth, and air, their identities veiled, united they stand, mending the balance. Amidst them, the anonymous ones, born of unique ties, will play a vital role in unravelling the destiny foretold.โ€ The StarClan messengers spoke with great might, their words resonating within Silverscorchโ€™s skull. But he couldnโ€™t understand. What were they talking about? What prophecy? โ€œCould youโ€ฆ Could you maybe repeat that?โ€ He scrambled up to his feet in an attempt to look the warriors in their eyes. They didnโ€™t heed his request. Quite the contrary, Wolftail smiled and continued. โ€œWarrior, you are one of the anonymous. Your connection to fireโ€ฆโ€ โ€œAnd earth.โ€ โ€œโ€ฆwill bring safety and hope to all on the journey that lies ahead.โ€ โ€œThe StarClan will always watch over you.โ€ Once the two said everything they needed, a flurry of radiant flower petals obstructed Silverscorchโ€™s vision. A sudden sense of urgency filled his mind. โ€œWait! Please!โ€ Just a moment! He still had questions. He still needed to understand. He jumped unthinkingly through the petals.

Silverscorchโ€™s large paws landed on the silky grass. His heart was pounding like it wanted to beat its way out of his chest and a soft meow escaped his mouth. โ€œWhereโ€ฆโ€ His voice trailed off. The meadow looked exactly like before, but it was, in fact, not the same meadow. The tomcat started trembling once again. I donโ€™t want this. I donโ€™t want any of this. All this prophecy stuff, how could they just say all that and then disappear? He took a few steps back, frantically looking around. His hauntingly dilated pupils stopped at the only other cat there. It was a young molly, seemingly excited and awaiting what would happen next. But only horror oozed out of the silver marbleโ€™s eyes.
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Re: โŠฐ โœง โ”€ ๐„๐ฉ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐„๐œ๐ก๐จ๐ž๐ฌ: ๐ฐ๐œ ๐ซ๐ฉ (๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง)

Postby TaffyYellow » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:31 pm

rank: apprentice; water prophecy cat || age; 9 moons || gender; tom

Creekpaw stretched out his paws over his moss bedding, ready for rest. He had been training for what felt like all day with Moonfish, and knew he was going to train even harder tomorrow. Ever since the floods started happening, all warriors and apprentices needed to work extra hard to ensure the safety of the other Waterclan cats. And while Creekpaw knew he was doing something good for his clan, it didn't make him any less exhausted at the end of every day. Soon, though, Creekpaw slowly drifted off to sleep, his last thoughts being of what Moonfish would teach him tomorrow.

Creekpaw then opened his eyes. He could tell immediately that he was in a dream, as his familiar Waterclan surroundings were now replaced with a misty looking field. Creekpaw gazed around the new area in wonder. His dreams never looked like this, and never felt so... real. Creekpaw hoped that he would remember this dream, instead of waking up and only vaguely knowing the rush of water against his fur.

After some time, Creekpaw noticed a figure walking towards him from the mist. Creekpaw's mind told him the cat was safe, but he still put on his best "I'm a danger, don't get too close" pose. That very quickly went away when the cat got close to him and began talking.

The cat's fur looked like it was made of the stars, yet still had a distinct pattern to it. It looked incredibly similar to Creekpaw's own, actually. Their eyes were also warm and... motherly? But, Thistlethroat's looked different to his. Then, Creekpaw came to a realization.

"Are- are you one of my ancestors? Mom told me stories about you!" The calico-starred cat smiled, then nodded their head.

"Yes, I am, kitten. Brooktail. But, unfortunately, our meeting has to be short. You are destined for great things, young Creekpaw, and I can't keep you from them." Then, while Creekpaw was still staring in awe at Brooktail, they told him of a prophecy, "In the shroud of the darkest shadows, six paws shall emerge, destined to unveil mysteries untold. Fire, water, earth, and air, their identities veiled, united they stand, mending the balance. Amidst them, the anonymous ones, born of unique ties, will play a vital role in unravelling the destiny foretold."

Creekpaw took in the information the best that he could. Mystery was a big word. Destiny even bigger. And anonymous ones? What did that mean? Brooktail kept speaking to him, explaining the best they could in the limited time.

"You, as you probably can guess, are the water cat. Your gifts will help save all the clans. I cannot speak any longer. You must meet with the others, before you wake. Just know I'll be watching you from the stars." And, licking Creekpaw's head lovingly, Brooktail turned away, walking into the mist.

Creekpaw realized just how important this was. He was going to save the clans? But nobody ever listened to him! He was just an apprentice! How was he supposed to do that? Supposedly with the other 5 cats, but what if they didn't listen to him? What if they were all big, strong warriors who thought he was just a cat picked because they needed someone from Waterclan? Well, if they tried to ignore him, Creekpaw would persevere. He would show those cats how he was just as important as them.

During Creekpaw's thought session, the mist had vanished enough for Creekpaw to see two cats in the distance. They were probably some of the other prophecy cats, since their fur didn't have the same star-like look to them like Brooktail had. But they looked much bigger than Creekpaw. Hesitantly, Creekpaw walked towards them, trying to fake confidence and look more prepared each step he took.
Last edited by TaffyYellow on Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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โŠฐ โœง โ”€ ๐„.๐„๐œ๐ก๐จ๐ž๐ฌ: 001

Postby .*aurelia*. » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:35 am

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผญ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผด๏ผฌ๏ผฅ๏ผค๏ผญ๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผณ๏ผฅ ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 18 moons | | pronouns: she/her | | rank: earthclan warrior | | tags: thundersky (mention) |
          The slender calico she-cat known as Mottledmouse lay beside her sister Thundersky, deep in her dreams. She found herself transported back to that fateful day, the memory vivid and raw as though it happened only moments ago. She stands at the edge of Earthclan territory, the scent of unfamiliar herbs and distant prey teasing her senses. Amberkit, her dear friend and companion, frolics beside her, her laughter a melodic symphony in the warm breeze. It happened so quickly...Mottledmouse watches in horror as Amberkit's playful antics lead her dangerously close to the edge of a hidden nest, concealed by shadows cast by the dense undergrowth. Before Mottledmouse can react, the venomous strike of an adder cuts through the air, its lethal fangs finding the unsuspecting target. Time slows to a crawl as Mottledmouse rushes to her friend's side, her heart hammering in her chest. Desperate cries echo through the forest as Mottledmouse's world shatters around her, the weight of guilt and sorrow bearing down upon her like an unyielding burden. Even now, as she sleeps beneath the safety of Earthclan's protective canopy, the echoes of that tragic day reverberate through her subconscious, a relentless reminder of her loss. And though she longs for solace in the embrace of dreams, Mottledmouse knows that the specter of Amberkit's fate will continue to haunt her until she finds peace within herself.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผฒ๏ผฏ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผฒ ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 68 moons | | pronouns: he / him | | rank: earthclan leader | | tags: mushroomdapple |
          As dawn broke over his beloved territory, Rootstar stood sentinel at the entrance of the leader's den, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the first lights of day began to chase away the remnants of night. The cool morning air carried the gentle stirrings of the clan as they began to wake from their slumber, and the last few stars twinkled above like precious gems before fading into the embrace of daylight.

          Rootstar's pale green eyes reflect the quiet pride and contentment he feels as he watches over his clan, a sense of calm settling over him like a familiar cloak. Despite the challenges and trials that may lie ahead, he finds solace in the knowledge that his clanmates are safe and sound within the shelter of their home. As the first rays of sunlight filter through the trees, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow across the camp, Rootstar's thoughts turn to the day ahead. There are patrols to organise, prey to hunt, and apprentices to mentor, but for now, he allows himself a moment of quiet reflection, savouring the peace and tranquility of the early morning hours. With a soft sigh of contentment, Rootstar takes one last look at the fading stars before turning his attention to the slowly awakening clan, hoping to spot the familiar pelt of his deputy so they can discuss patrols. Another day dawns in our clan, filled with promise and possibility, and Rootstar stands ready to lead his clanmates into whatever challenges may come their way.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผญ๏ผต๏ผค๏ผณ๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผค๏ผฅ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 34 moons | | pronouns: he / him | | rank: earthclan warrior | | tags: open |
          In a cozy den nestled beneath the sheltering branches, Mudshade began to rouse from his slumber, a soft yawn escaping his lips as he stretched languidly, feeling the warmth of the nest and the comforting embrace of the earth beneath him. As he blinked sleepily, his pale brown eyes adjusted to the gentle glow of the early morning light filtering through the leaves overhead, casting dappled patterns on the walls of his den. With a contented sigh, Mudshade pushed himself up onto his paws, relishing the sensation of the cool earth beneath his fur. With each movement, he felt a sense of renewed energy coursing through his limbs, invigorating him for the day ahead. With a sense of purpose, Mudshade rose to his full height, his muscles flexing as he prepared to embrace the new day. As he padded towards the entrance of the den, Mudshade couldn't help but wonder who among his Clanmates was already awake. Perhaps they would share a bite of fresh prey or engage in some early morning banter. With a flick of his tail, Mudshade padded out of the warrior den and into the crisp morning air, the scent of pine and fresh earth filling his nostrils, awakening his senses to the beauty of the world around him.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผฃ๏ผฒ๏ผฏ๏ผท๏ผฐ๏ผฌ๏ผต๏ผญ๏ผฅ ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 42 moons | | pronouns: he / him | | rank: fireclan warrior | | tags: emberstrike |
          As the first light of dawn filtered through the dense canopy, Crowplume emerged from the shadowy confines of the warriors' den, his glossy black fur (already preistine!) shimmering with a subtle sheen in the early morning light. With silent grace, he padded across the moss-covered ground, his amber eyes scanning the familiar surroundings of his home. A flicker of movement caught his attention, and Crowplume's gaze locked onto Emberstrike, the fiery ginger tom who sat atop the Emberstone, his form radiating authority as the deputy of fireclan. Despite their differences, Emberstrike was one of the few cats who seemed to understand Crowplume, offering a level of respect that was rare among his interactions with clanmates, they all seemed to leave him alone.
          The two's unlikely friendship had blossomed slowly over time, born from shared experiences and a mutual understanding. Though Emberstrike held a position of authority within the clan, he treated Crowplume as an equal, recognising the strength and wisdom that lay within the sleek black warrior. Observing that the deputy had no freshkill before him, Crowplume decided to rectify the situation. With a smooth, silent stride, Crowplume approached the prey pile and selected a catch. He approached Emberstrike with a respectful nod, presenting the prey as a silent offering. Crowplume then awaited a gesture from the deputy, indicating whether he could join him and share the meal together.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผณ๏ผฏ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผฐ๏ผก๏ผท ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 11 moons | | pronouns: he / him | | rank: fireclan app mentored by nectarmoon | | tags: berylpaw |
          With the first light of dawn painting the sky in hues of gold and pink, Sootpaw, the fearless tom with amber eyes ablaze, embarked on a solo hunting expedition deep within the heart of Fireclan territory. Eager to progress his skills in the art of tracking and stalking prey, he prowled through the undergrowth with the grace of a shadow, his senses alert to every rustle and movement in the wilderness. Though renowned for his prowess in combat, Sootpaw's determination to excel in all aspects of warrior life led him to embrace the challenge of becoming a master hunter, despite it really not being his best ability, he was always too heavy footed. Despite his heavy steps occasionally sending prey fleeing in fear, he persisted, silently stalking his prey, his amber eyes gleaming with anticipation in the soft morning light.

          As the sun began to cast its gentle rays upon the forest, Sootpaw's perseverance was rewarded as he finally spotted a sleek rabbit darting through the underbrush. With focused determination, he launched himself into action, his muscles coiling like springs as he closed in on his prey, not the best aim, but he was close enough to reach out to it. With a swift and decisive strike, he emerged victorious, the thrill of the hunt coursing through his veins as he claimed his prize. Returning to camp, Sootpaw's heart swelled with pride at his hard-earned success. He glanced around the camp looking for his sisters familiar coat and michevious twinkle in her eyes.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผฆ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผด ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 120 moons | | pronouns: he/him | | rank: fireclan elder | | tags: open |
          In the quiet of dawn, beneath the vast expanse of the sky, Flintheart, the fartherly elder of FireClan, embarked on his daily pilgrimage to witness the grandeur of the rising sun. Despite the stiffness that often accompanied his advanced age, Flintheart's spirit burned with an unquenchable fire, ignited by the beauty of each new day. With each step, Flintheart's joints groaned in protest, a testament to the countless seasons he had witnessed come and go. Yet, undeterred by the discomfort, he pressed forward, his fluffy grey coat catching the faint whispers of the morning breeze.

          Nestled atop a weathered outcrop near the training hollow, Flintheart found his sanctuary โ€“ a vantage point that offered an uninterrupted view of the horizon ablaze with the promise of dawn. Settling onto his haunches, he closed his eyes, allowing his senses to drink in the symphony of nature unfolding around him. The rustle of leaves, the chorus of birdsong, and the rhythmic pulse of life echoed in Flintheart's ears, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things. With a deep breath, he opened his eyes, greeted by the kaleidoscope of colors painting the sky in hues of lavender and gold. He loved climbing up here, the memory of countless morning sat up here with his two daughters and his loving mate tugged on his heartstrings every day. But he kept doing this, as he swore that each day he could feel to bodies pressed against him, joining silently. And so, as the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm embrace upon the land, Flintheart closed his eyes once more, basking in the serenity of the moment. For in the quiet majesty of the sunrise, he found solace, strength, and the enduring promise of a new day.

    โ€” โ›โ› ๏ผณ๏ผซ๏ผน๏ผฅ๏ผท๏ผจ๏ผฉ๏ผณ๏ผฐ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ ! ! โœโœ
        | age: 30 moons | | pronouns: she/her | | rank: med cat for airclan | | tags: jaycry & honeypaw |
          Skyewhisper gently padded through the lush greenery of the medicine den, the first rays of morning light filtering through the canopy above. With each step, she moved with a grace reminiscent of the gentle breezes that danced across the treetops. The air was crisp, carrying with it the scent of dew-kissed leaves and the promise of a new day. In the quiet stillness of the early morning, the fluffy white molly diligently checked through the herbs meticulously arranged on the shelves. Her cerulean eyes, bright with the energy of dawn, scanned each bundle with practiced precision. With a soft sigh of satisfaction, she noted the inventory, ensuring that the clan's medicinal supplies were well-stocked and ready for any need that may arise.

          As she worked, Skyewhisper's companions, Jaycry and Honeypaw, slumbered peacefully nearby, their rhythmic breathing a comforting backdrop to her morning tasks. She spared a fond glance in their direction, grateful for their steadfast companionship and understanding of the importance of their duties. With the herbs tended to and the den in order, Skyewhisper paused to bask in the serene beauty of the early morning sky visible through the den's entrance. The colours of dawn painted the horizon in soft pastels, casting a tranquil glow over the world below. It was moments like these, in the quiet embrace of nature's majesty, that Skyewhisper found solace and renewed purpose.
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i. witedleaf : when the stars call, you answer

Postby cicardia » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:37 pm

โ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–ˆ
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[ TAGS ] stormweaver, silverscorch, prophecy cats gathered in dream [ role ] earthclan prophecy cat

      In a nest made of feathers and moss, Wiltedleaf felt as though she slept on a bed of nettle and thorns. Tucked away in the farthest corner of Earthclan's warrior's den, the tabby decimated the meticulous care she'd taken to reassemble her nest after a night of tossing, turning, burning. Leaf-bare had settled into the marrow of her bones. Thistle and rocky shards snagged her pet, burrowing deep to her tender skin. There came relief in poppy seeds, but the molly loathed the sluggishness that stupefied her thoughts and made her paws slip and tumble over thin air. Each remedy she'd been offered embodied the cruelty of a trickster - hope was a sublime actress: the herbs stopped working, the medicine cat had begun to run out of ideas. This was her mantra, this was how she was to live her life: in an affair with pain, fatigue, and the stubborn determination to find reasons to endure. Wiltedleaf's spirit outshone starlight, but she'd begun to feel a little less like a red giant and more akin to a collapsing supernova. Nonetheless, a dying star was the brightest of them all, was it not?

      Light had begun to bleed in lilac and robin's egg into the underbelies of puffy clouds when Wiltedleaf finally succumbed to exhaustion. Overhead, static stars danced before her olive, bleary gaze. The roof of the warrior's den rippled until it swirled into a whirlpool that took her down in a dizzied spiral. Eyes rolling, the tabby's eyes finally drooped shut - and with her as she fell into the nothingness in the back of her mind, the stars joined her in free fall. Wiltedleaf felt flush, a queasy clench gripped her stomach as she slipped into slumber. Her last conscious thought before darkness ecipsed all lingered on the bitter thought that she'd likely begin her morning stooped over in the medicine cat's den, chewing on mint while her poor, fretful brother held a sodden ball of moss to her forehead.

      In the clutches of REM, Wiltedleaf had a blessing - a body unbroken, free of the chains that wakefulness bound her paws by. Here, she could pad without pebbles in her paws. Her muscles were spared from the flames that coursed through her, as if she were a fallen log wasting away beneath an open fire. The molly drew in a chest swelling breath, her jade glance fluttered open to find the static had rearranged itself into jovial constellations playing amidst the indigo sea of Silverpelt. The grinned upon her, whispering its hellos in silver, warm plumes that caressed her pelt. Lazily, she lifted a paw out toward the sky, as if she might be able to cup the very horizon in her gentle embrace. Whiskers aquiver, the warrior rolled onto her belly and stood as easily as a young warrior such as herself should be able to. One limb at a time, the sienna tabby stretched her limbs, setting them free of the anguish that enslaved them. The she-cat couldn't help a cheerful chirp as she took her first few airy pounces through the downy blades of grass that begged to brush her ivory underbelly.

      On the coatails of starshine and flora, Wiltedleaf chased her wish within her dreams. Squirrels dusted with the shimmers of midnight took flight as she raced over the roots of towering cedar and oaks, scuttling from branch to branch. She said hello to the night at the top of the tallest oak she could find, huddling there as she allowed herself a few moments of ardor for the radiance that showered its confidence in her resilience like a gentle pitter-patter of rain. It was there, as she talked with the unknown, that a starry vision joined Wiltedleaf in her vigil.

      The tabby's heart skipped a squeezing beat as she heard the rustle of leaves from below. Eyes widening, the she-cat couldn't bring herself to investigate with a glance, for the faint scent that drifted to her nose filled her with delight and agony. Lavender, the faintest hint of smoke - Littlelight, her love, her everything, the loss that Wiltedleaf named her own personal Armaggedon. Throat clenching, mouth cotton-dry, Wiltedleaf bowed her head as she felt the branch she perched upon sink further with the weight of another feline. Broad enough to allow for the dark grey molly to slip in right beside her, the tabby warrior's flanks heaved with the shallow breaths that ignited a wildfire within her chest. Finally, she turned her head, finding herself bewitched by the set of cerulean and mercury pools that paralyzed her, just as they always had.

      "Wiltedleaf, my darling petal - I hope you've heard the whispers I've muttered to you. When the stars say hello, so do I." Littlelight purred - her voice still sang the orchestra that Wiltedleaf had begun to mishear. Time stole more than the body - it took faces, voices, fond conversations whose words became jumbled by slipping memory. She clung to the wisps of Littlelight; she was dove's song, she was morning's light. The love of her life now. The love of her life when she moved to a different vessel. Bound by the stars, they were, of that, Wiltedleaf had no doubt.

      "I hear you, Littlelight, my little star. The wishes I send to Silverpelt are for you. Oh, I miss you, Littlelight. I miss you so much. I am so ready to join you in the sky. So tired. So lonely," WIltedleaf hoarsely strained, leaning her head forward to connect their temples. Mouth parting with a rasped huff, the tabby gave a shudder. "I feel myself floating closer to the clouds. Perhaps we will be together soon. Wouldn't that be interstellar"? Wouldn't that be perfect."

      "I promise you, Flower, we will run across the face of the moon - but you are destined for legends. You have only just begun. Your heart aches for me, as mine for you, but there waits a time where you will find greater peace in sunlight, than in darkness. Starclan has sent me to you tonight with a message. You possess the power to rewrite the stars, Wiltedleaf."

      Brows furrowing, Wiltedleaf pulled away to peer at the fluffy ashen she-cat. The star-kissed molly looked back at the warrior with such pride, such faith, that denial hadn't the chance to ignite. Wiltedleaf gave an inaudible laugh: Littlelight harnessed the greatest power of all. The ability to make another cat believe in themselves.

      "Let me tell you what the stars have in store for you, Wiltedleaf."

      Parting towering blades of flourishing flowers and brush, Wiltedleaf stumbled upon a small group of cats from the four clans. Her ears perked atop her round head, her emerald eyes alight with excitement. Among the cluster of cats, she recognized Silverpaw and Stormweaver, both formidable warriors. Her gaze lingered on the marble pelt of a tom whose name was only uttered in a whisper: he possessed power that left most shaken, but piqued the molly's intrigue. A pang of sympathy sobered the tremors raking her pelt. The poor tom had been exiled for things well out of his control. She'd been against the decision their leader had made, but Wiltedleaf's voice hadn't been enough to change his fate.

      Standing tall, Wiltedleaf strode into the clearing with a cheerful twitch of her tail tip. To the gathered cats, she meowed a greeting. "Hello! It's so nice to see you Silverpaw. I've wondered how you've been. You as well Stormweaver, a pleasure. Hello to all of you. My name is Wiltedleaf. I was told by someone special to me that I am part of a prophecy. Might that be why you're all here?"

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Postby rey skywalker » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:31 pm

    โ™ข | ๐’๐‚๐Ž๐‘๐‚๐‡๐’๐“๐€๐‘ โž )
    xxxxxxxxx gender. ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ clan. ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐œ๐ฅ๐š๐ง rank. ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ age. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ— ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ apprentice. open location. ๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ž tags. emberstrike, crowplume, flintheart

      dawn bled as vividly as the dying flames that were silenced beneath scorchstar's claws. dragging her paw across what were now ash and remaining forest debris beneath her touch, the dark ash pelted molly raised her eyes to the awakening of the sun that flushed the night away to the edges of the forest, where only small glimpses of the stars and constellations flickered in the distance. all around the molly, scorch marks had risen along the towering evergreen. the cool air, nippy along her coat, was infused with the fresh scent of ash and complimented only by the smell of the forest. her paw pads tingled with the burn that slowly festered. bestowed her powers, the fire would leave no marks and the prickle of embers would pale with time.

      the molly eventually made her way back to the clan, but had decided on a longer path than the simple cut across the small river in their territory to reunite herself to the camp site. she listened intently to her surrounding, determining that prey was a distant fantasy for her walk, and that taking a dip in the water was irresponsible for a cat of her rank. what would emberstrike thing if he caught her indulging in the ways of a kit? fireclan needed the brushing of equilibrium to trace their territory, ending the need to snuff out growing fires. but no such luck came. day, by day, the dependable warriors of the clan were scouting the terrain for the familiar amber hues of open flames, quick to rush to the affected area and cover it with dirt, other materials or summon the powers they possessed.

      as scorchstar adventured over secret trails, she gazed into the distance that separated the ensnaring trees, her thoughts drifting to galestar of airclan. in secret, the pair would leave, their absence filled by their deputies emberstrike and the cat who scorchstar couldn't recall. in the dark of night, when the clans slumbered with the slim moments of peace stretching along the land, scorchstar embraced galestar with head buts, licks along his face, a tail brushed along his muzzle with affection. in their secrecy, scorchstar admitted herself to galestar and galestar to her. she possessed more lives than him, and it caused her chest to tighten at the thought of one day finding him in starclan, no longer waiting for her at the edge of the territories in the cover of night.

      something crackled to life beside scorchstar, and she quickly reacted with a yowl as flames caught under her paws. another small fire? thinking swiftly, the ash colored molly bit at the flame. her powers, able to harness flames and redirect them both through her fangs and claws, proved her capable of handling fires on her own. the flame tasted warm along her tongue, but once scorchstar lifted her maw to the air, the flame disappeared to a thread of obsidian smoke trailing from where her fangs flashed over her lips.

      preferring the company of her camp site, scorchstar cut her travel short and took the route quickest home to inform emberstrike of the moment that tasted of ash. a swipe at the killpile, she buried her fangs into the meat and ate without grace. traces of the meal still present along her maw, she approached emberstrike along the emberstone with crowplume, the pair sharing a meal.
      "emberstrike," she called to her deputy, "please send some patrols out soon after you've eaten and meet with your apprentice for their training. i was at the edge of the territory when a fire sparked under my paws." she revealed, "i extinguished it quickly, but the unpredictable nature of these open flames are concerning." aware of crowplume, scorchstar bid the warrior a swift dip of her head towards the onyx pelted tom. she had known the tom growing up, and knew few found his company appealing, but when her back was against the wall, and fires were burning through the forest, crowplume was the second cat she trusted to keep fireclan from harm. "morning crowplume."

      in the distance, scorchstar sighted flintheart in piercing emerald-golden orbs, atop a den to witness the rising blaze of the sun. the oldest cat she had gotten to know, had out lived at least two leaders in their life time. perhaps flintheart, and all their moons, had some knowledge of what was happening, why the fires never seemed to quit.

      dipping her head to the pair of emebrflight and crowplume, scorchstar excused herself to pursue a spot beside the elder. "some say you're the oldest cat in the clan, flintheart." scorchstar remarked with a rough voice, "but they don't believe like i do, that you are older than the sun. that's why you come up here every morning, isn't it? to greet the fire in the sky that is younger than you." the tease was delivered softly, a gentle joke for the older tom."with all your moons, maybe you can tell me why the forest remains in the shadow of blazes? everytime i turn my tail, there's another."

    โ™ข | ๐‹๐€๐•๐„๐๐ƒ๐„๐‘ โž )
    xxxxxxxxx gender. ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ clan. ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ก๐œ๐ฅ๐š๐ง rank. ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ซ age. ๐Ÿ‘0 ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ location. ๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ž tags. lilacpaw, lambpaw

      blades of golden light that flickered in tones of honey, swept across the warrior's den. the reach of the sun swept over lavender's ear, causing her to mew softly and shift on a bed of moss. along her back, a piece of fallen bark that was wet with the humidity in the den, kept her warm and centered to the beautiful cavern of her new home. as something skittered across the roots of the oak tree that was the den, lavender woke with sleep blinks. no longer, was she kept up late at night tending over lilac and lamb. now, lavender could sleep comfortably having been inducted into the heart of earthclan, warriors would watch the camp at night and make sure dark, unpredictable nights were a thought of the past for the former loner.

      when lavender had arrived, huddled in a rain storm and found at the edge of their territory, the white she cat could never have envisioned the life graced upon her kits. for a long time, the wilds of the forest were all lavender knew after a life provided by loving two-legs. where they scratched along her ear, under her throat and along her chin, lavender would purr and bat her pretty eyes up at them. they cooed and cared for her. until one day they didn't anymore. lavender could have died from the broken heart of being unwanted, but it was how they forced her innocent kits out into the wild with only lavender's love for them, providing protection from the elements. lavender was thankful that a patrol from earthclan had found them when they did.

      roused away by the light flitting across her eyes, lavender rose to her paws and stretched. she stole a long glance at the den. it was beautiful, and smelled exactly of the tree it was made from, the roots providing a haven from the rain that belonged to the forest. lavender withdrew from the den, the scent of pitchor burned through the air at the edges of the forest,where dew gathered on the thin needles of the trees around them. she breathed the scent in deeply.if anyone asked lavender how she felt with her life being uprooted over night, she would say she was just grateful for mushroomdapple's patrol and the leader for coming to her aid.

      she needed to provide a good life for lilac and lamb. thinking of them, seemed to cause them to appear. a smile curled at her lips when lambpaw embraced her, very much the more affectionate one. lilac, lilac was different. the hardships lavender faced being thrown out of the house, were more impactful on her. when they arrived to earthclan, lavender witnessed her daughter size up the strangely named forest cats, and planted her claws in the ground, chasing after them. lavender could only take lilacpaw's desperation to be accepted, as a result of being abandoned, but lavender never imagined it would have caused her to become defensive, less affectionate and determined to prove herself.

      how long till lilacpaw saw she was every bit of a cat that lavender loved? there was no need to prove herself. her mother loved lilacpaw for who she was. perhaps having to adopt the way of the warrior name had an influence on her shifted personality. lavender tried not to dwell on it long. the image of lilacpaw and lambpaw approaching with a kick in his step caused the thoughts to be banished.

      "good morning lambpaw." lavender purred as she intercepted her son. she ran her nose along his throat and side, gently rubbing her head along his fur. "you seem very excited this morning," she observed as she pulled back to greet her daughter, licking her lovingly along her forehead. "your fur is sticking up sweetheart," lavender mentioned while dragging an unsheathed paw over lilacpaw's forehead. eventually, the white fur infused with the lilac scent and hinting color laid flat. how lucky lavender was to have her kits still with her, through it all. her chest swelled with pride and emotion. settling on the ground, lavender leaned into lambpaw instead of her daughter, knowing she didn't enjoy physical touch as lambpaw did. "what are you up to this morning, lambpaw and lilacpaw?" she asked, bright eyes swimming with curiosity.

    โ™ข | ๐…๐ˆ๐’๐‡๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐ โž )
    xxxxxxxxx gender. ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ clan. ๐ฐ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐œ๐ฅ๐š๐ง rank. ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ซ age. 27 ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ location. ๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ž tags. creekpaw, lunarstorm, open

      the tom stirred away at a drop of water splashing along his nose. awake, fishmoon glanced around the warrior den for any signs of waking in his companions. with a twinge along his muzzle, the tom stretched before making his way to the center of the campsite. creekpaw, his apprentice, should still be asleep in the den of the apprentices, sleeping off the ache in their muscles for the workout fishmoon put the apprentice through. listening to the distant buzz of the nearby running water, fishmoon ventured out the entrance to explore the terrain as the morning promised a fresh start for the tom. perhaps creekpaw was ready for a trail along the water's gentle currents? fishmoon found the river easily, and judged it with a narrowed stare. fish flickered below the surface, their silver bodies streamlined as they lazily swam through the river.

      as a mentor, fishmoon took the role responsibly. he didn't like many cats, and he thought he would tolerate his apprentice creekpaw, but found himself actually looking forward to being with the little tom. creekpaw was witty and possessed a large heart, ready to take on the challenge despite his smaller size.

      as a reward for his efforts, and to encourage creekpaw further in his warrior studies, fishmoon pushed off the edge of the river and plunged into it's chilly depths to fasten his fangs around the sleek body of a river fish. in a flash, he paddled through the water till he grasped the space in the land wall where the earth was muddy, and struck his claws into it while crawling out with envious ease.

      fishmoon arrived back to the campsite, pelt drenched and drying. he waited outside the apprentice den with the fish at his paws. when creekpaw emerged, he would present the meal to him. he glanced around as cats emerged and sought to see if lunarstorm would emerge as well. that cat had a knack for sleeping in.

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    xxxxxxxxx gender. ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ clan. ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐œ๐ฅ๐š๐ง rank. ๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐œ๐ž age. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ— ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ location. ๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ž tags. ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง

      in the depths of the forest, sparrowpaw could be found weeding through the burned branches, charred material at the edge of the entrance that were discarded for safety reasons. sniffing along the kindle, she got some ash on her nose and sneezed loudly, enough to rattle a bird from it's nest. sparrowpaw's tail flicked with annoyance. often she felt, she was never far from making too deadly a mistake. she didn't want emberstrike to find her and send her to the medicine den for herbs, so she resumed her search for a stick that could imitate an attacker, allowing her to practice moves on the forest that her mentor taught her.
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