Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:03 am

Ark|5yrs|Lead Shadow Elemental|Previous Pack-SilverLeaf|Veratrum, Winter, Arathorn
Ark shook his head, "Not really, mainly just hoping we can get to know each other a bit better. I feel that if we build up our bonds then it'll help ease the others. Though I'm not saying we need to be buddy-buddy right away, but if conflict arises...I think it would be best if we, as leaders, had a better understanding with each other." His tail swayed behind him in a relaxed manner. Hoping he didn't sound like a fool to the older wolf.

Bray|5yrs|Fighter|Previous Pack-AmberMoon|Aiyana
Bray yelped slightly when someone pounced on her, for a moment her fighting instincts kicked in until her sister's scent filled her nose soon followed by her sister's voice. She growled playfully before rolling to the side to make her sister lose her balance. "I was looking for you missy! Taking cheap shots at me, how rude!" Bray said acting as if she were offended only to have a smirk cross her maw, her tail wagging.

Yuki|4yrs|Hunter|Previous Pack-FrostDrop|Raine, Nayden
"Ayways we'll be going hunting here soon, so stretch and get ready. We'll need all paws ready since we are now feeding everyone." She turned to Raine, "Ready to go get the others? If we are lucky maybe a few others that aren't hunters will join. I don't know about you but it just feels like a whole new pressure hunting wise...Since everyone is gathered in one pack."

Silver|5yrs|Healer|Previous Pack-RavenRose|Tundra, Jeckyll
"Oh hey there Jeckyll. I was planning to go check for herbs while Tundra scouted out the area. Having a fighter join us as well would probably be a good idea. For safety reasons." A small part of him sort of hoped he and Tundra could go alone. Mainly because he liked how she didn't seem to care he was from another pack. But if he were to go about this smartly, having a fighter tag along was a good idea.

Jule|5yrs|Watcher|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Calfix, Pandora
Jule gasped, "Oh I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to say he had ran off to abandon you and your pups...that...wasn't really what I meant. I'm used to Calfix leaving and getting Charm food, but it just seems like Renier has been gone for a longer time... I'm sorry Pandora, I didn't mean to sound rude about that. But perhaps if he doesn't show up soon we should set up a group to search for him."

Calfix|5yrs|Lead Water Elemental|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Pandora
Calfix watched them as they talked about Renier, "That sounds like a good idea Jule, if he is gone for a while longer, I'll go looking for him myself. There is a chance he saw me go off on my own and thought it was a good idea. Perhaps I should talk to the other leaders and make sure we announce it to everyone to leave in pairs at least." He glanced to Pandora, "Don't fret over it too much, and focus on your pups. I've heard if you worry too much it's not good for the little ones." He said before closing the distance between Charm and him to nuzzle her. "Please don't mention that horrendous failure of mine...I'm still trying to get used to this power..."

Renier|4yrs|Scout|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Open
Renier had seen Calfix leave to go get Charm food like he always did. Even though he usually always came back with a rabbit, Charm never complained. He felt a tad disappointed in himself for making Pandora wait until the hunters returned. Hunting wasn't his strong suit, but he could do it. But that was what had led him into this mess. He coughed as up water as he panted, he should have watched where he was running. But he had almost drowned just now, mossy vine-like stuff had wrapped around his back leg and if he had been any slower at chewing through them he would be dead. He shivered, shaking more water from his fur and as if to mock him the squirrel he'd been chasing was in a tree shaking its tail at him. He groaned feeling like a fool, he'd left his mate to try and make her happy but at this point, he was probably only worrying her. "I guess...I'll just head back..." He stood only to feel s slight sting in his back leg, "Great..."
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Queen of flames » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:43 am

Arathorn | Lead fire element | male | 8 years | Grimshade | tags: Ark, Veratrum, WInter
He looked at Ark "I see, well maybe, we could know each other better now when we're needed to be together" he said to him. His ears perked to the wind elemental as he was speaking too "You want to go hunting too? You sure hear like you do" he said to him. He looked over to the camp entrance "Nature elemental just came back to the camp and Calfix is in on the nursery so I guess all of the elementals are on camp right now" he kept saying to Ark.

Raine | Hunter | female | 3 years | Ambermoon | tags: Yuki, Nayden
She nodded to Yuki "Well we could try to ask scouts or fighters, maybe even the leaders could want to try some hunting" she said to her. She looked around "Well we could try to get a large prey, now we only have smaller rabbits to eat...and the pack is not too small..." she said.

Aspen | Healer | female | 4 years | Silverleaf | tags: Ark
She sorted some herbs at their somehow large yet small six healers' den. She noticed some herds were being low down and some of them she knowed to find easily on her old lands. She took some of the dry, dead leaves out of the den, then looked around for the SIlverleaf's leader "Excuse me, Ark..." she called out for her leader as she walked over to the lead elements. She gave a nod to the other three wolves as well, before turning back to Ark "Can I have your permission to go to the Silverleaf's territory to gather some herbs we're pretty low off?" she asked the male.

Jeckyll | Fighter | male | 6 years | Ravenrose | tags: Silver, Tundra
He gave the scout a little annoyed look as she talked, he hated how she tried to be like best friends with them. They were enemies in all of the packs here right now and were enemies to each other, but now for some weird reason, they needed to work together. For this reason, even the leaders with some crazy powers don't know why. He looked to Silver "Of course It's a good idea, You're my precious healer and a packmate, I could keep you safe...for anyone..." he said his eyes looking to Tundra for a moment when he said it.

Charm | Watcher | female | 5 years | Dawnstone | tags: Jule, Breeze, Pandora, Calfix
She shook her head a little bit as she overheard the conversation between Jule and Pandora about Renier "You seem to forget the fact that this new land we are living in now is still new to us...he has not maybe found the best hunting spot yet, or just catch too large prey to get back to camp alone...and he is not being gone that long actually it's still a noon" she spoke up. She touched her nose to her mate's fur and then gave his nose a gently playful lick "I know, It was an embarrassing moment, was very fun to look too" she said with a laugh "And are the mistakes the best way to learn things" she said flicking her tail. She turned to Breeze "Hmm his father seemed to be a very two-faced one when even you his former packmates don't seem to know much of anything about him...but yeah Nanook is still young, maybe it's the best for him to get separated to his least..." she said turning to Pandora "I do like fish actually and any herbivores are pretty good preys too, don't worry as long it's not anything slimy I am not that picky" she said to the other mother. She started to eat the rabbit her mate brought to her "Nanook there is food if you want any?" she called out for the Frostdrop pup.

Nanook Jr | Pup | male | 5 months | Frostdrop | tags: Stormy
He sighed even more "I don't think he has to tell me anything if he doesn't want to tell, my parents were not that bad, or mother was not, she was just too afraid to say anything for my father, who seemed to think he was always right..." he said to him. He sighed "why would I get mad? If he doesn't tell me anything then I just go to the Frostdrop by myself and find the answers out there" he said to him. He took a small snarl mostly out of annoyance "They could not, my father hated your family, he hated anyone, even my mother and me...he just wanted...I don't even know what he wanted" he kept saying.

Aiyana | Lead nature element | female | 5 years | Ambermoon | tags: Bray
She looked rather surprised when Bray acted rather aggressively when she pounced on her, but then she remembered their new pack with other packs together. She looked at her sister "Hm, I was? Oh sorry about missed me already? That's so sweet...but anyway I was taking a walk around, it's not Ambermoon lands anymore, but the forest and the views are still beautiful" she said to her. She stepped a little bit away from her sister "Anyway I caught some prey to eat, and saw some wolves getting prey from the mothers and pups so do you want to share something with me?" she asked her sister.

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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:10 am

[Queen: are there specifics for Nanook Jr's parents, or could I just say Nanook abandoned them and the mom passed away/went missing? Winter will in fact talk to the pup,I just need to know what Winter should say to him. ]

Winter- m- 5 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Lead Wind Elemental- homoromantic demisexual (so really only open for boys)- crush: Ark and Arathorn, Zen- mate: open for boys- no pups- missing parents, sisters Tundra and Breeze- Tags: Ark and Veratrum, Arathorn

The smaller and slender white wolf tilted his head as he looked at Arathorn. "Why wouldn't I want to go hunting?" he asked the other. "I was actually a hunter before I became alpha of Frostdrop, you know. Hmm...what about all of you, did you have other ranks before alpha? I know you'd probably have obviously been trainees when you were much younger. Did any of you do a different job once you were like two, though, or go straight to alpha?"

He then looked as one of Ark's former packmates, or rather a wolf he'd been in charge of, came over. He nodded his head to her a bit. She wasn't speaking to him, though, so he just stayed quiet, but he'd acknowledged her. He glanced to Veratrim a moment, then the other two.

Tundra- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Scout- pansexual panromantic- crush: Silver and Jeckyll- mate: open- no pups yet but would honestly like one or two- missing parents, Breeze and Winter- Tags: Silver, Jeckyll

The white wolf twitched her ears and flicked her tail back and forth. She smiled a sweet little canine smile as she looked at Silver. She thought she felt, sensed, something from him, like he'd wanted to just be the two of them. She couldn't really tell, however. Her ears went back when Jeckyll looked at her like that...She gave a low little growl, then snorted and rolled her eyes. Of course he was like a lot of the other wolves...thinking they couldn't or shouldn't be friends. A bit irritated, it leaked into her voice, she said "Lets go."

Breeze- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Watcher- bisexual biromantic- crush: Lenora and Jule- mate: open- pups: Stormy, wants more- missing parents, Tundra and Winter- Tags: Jule and Stormy, Charm and technically Nanook since he's in that hole nearby

The gray, white, and reddish brown she wolf said "That's a good idea, Calfix. If he doesn't come back soon, then you could go look for him." She looked to her friend, whom was much like a sister or cousin to her. She reached over to nose at her, saying "Charm is right. He hasn't actually been gone that long," she said, not saying the yet... she was thinking. She hoped he'd come back, but if not then Calfix would find him. Shaking her head, she looked to Jule as well. She reached out to nose her, saying "Hey...its fine, you didn't realize that's what it could sound like."

"You were probably just meaning to say that maybe he got hurt or stuck somewhere. Which...if he did...Calfix will find him, so everything will be okay."

Stormy- m- 5 months- previous pack: Frostdrop, or this one- pup- homoromantic (homosexual when older)- crush: Nanook- mate: way too young yet- pups: way too young yet- missing grandparents, Tundra and winter, mama Breeze- Tags: Breeze and Jule and Charm, Nanook Jr

The smaller and slender off white and grayish and darker pup stepped back when the other snarled. He then nodded and said "Well, if you say so...I meant, if he said bad things about your dad...that your dad was a bad guy. You sound like you might already know that though..." He looked up as Charm called over about food. "Do you...want to go eat?" he asked, then said "I could just bring some over here for you."

Pandora- f- 4 years- previous pack: Dawnstone- hunter (heavily pregnant though)- bi- mate: Renier- pups: will have two or four (Quinn is my boy)- Titan (black phase) x Heather (golden brown) : gray and black phase siblings- Tags: Breeze and company

The black phase she wolf with the white toes nodded as she looked at the others. She smiled a canine smile at them, saying "Thanks guys." However, when her belly growled she sighed, remembering she needed to eat... "Is there any other food anywhere?" she asked. She figured Calfix had only got enough for Charm, himself and Nanook Jr. Charm was calling the pup to come eat, after all.

-Quinn will go here-
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:57 am

Ark|5yrs|Lead Shadow Elemental|Previous Pack-SilverLeaf|Veratrum, Winter, Arathorn
Ark nodded, "All the leaders can't go hunting though a couple of us should stick around just to make sure no one tries to start problems while we are away. I'm sure Calfix will likely wish to stay here with his mate. As for Aiyana..." He glanced toward her to see her playing with her sister, which made him chuckle slightly. "My previous rank was a fighter...due to my size, it was what the alpha deemed me best at. Not that I enjoyed attacking others from other packs I should have used my size and strength to take down the alpha but I didn't think of such a thing at the time."

Bray|5yrs|Fighter|Previous Pack-AmberMoon|Aiyana
Bray nodded,"I suppose, I mean at least our home territory isn't super far away. I feel sort of bad for those who were in FrostDrop and GrimShade, they have absolutely no close contact with their homeland." Bray shook her head slightly, "But there was actually a reason I was looking for you since you are now one of the Alpha's of this newly merged pack. I wanted to run an idea by you. It would need to be supervised by the other leaders as well. But my thought was gathering the fighters and having talks. As a fighter myself and having been pitted against the other fighters in here..." She sighed, "The thought behind these talks would to be and try to ease any grievances. We can't bring the dead back, but we can certainly do our best to make sure no others are killed due to anger." She rambled out her idea, so focused on it rather than the food Aiyana had caught. Though the smell of it did make her stomach rumble.

Yuki|4yrs|Hunter|Previous Pack-FrostDrop|Raine
Yuki nodded, "I know some might complain about being asked to hunt when it's not their job, but right now trying to work together is important especially for those of us not used to these parts of the land just yet." She glanced around camp looking at the others. "Locating a herd of deer would be good, perhaps even finding a buck. And while you and I alone could probably take one would be rather risky."

Silver|5yrs|Healer|Previous Pack-RavenRose|Tundra, Jeckyll
Silver tsked his tongue slightly, "Jeckyll, Tundra isn't a threat...I'd be more concerned about the fighters from the other packs rather than a scout." Trying to at least ease Jeckyll's distaste for the she-wolf who had been nothing but nice to him.

Jule|5yrs|Watcher|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Calfix, Pandora
Jule sighed, "That's true, only a portion of the land we are on is familiar to some of us. Well, none of this is really familiar to me because I never ventured out too far from our original camp in DawnStone. I just hope Renier is okay."

Calfix|5yrs|Lead Water Elemental|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Pandora
Calfix nodded, "Renier should know his way around, as a scout, but that doesn't mean he didn't get himself into some trouble. If it would put your mind more at ease Pandora I could go look for him. It shouldn't take me too long to find his scent and track him down. As for other food I think there were a couple of rabbit stored away but you might want to wait for something that's fresh."

Renier|4yrs|Scout|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Open
Renier the stinging in his back leg had gotten worse the more he walked, "How can a freaking vine hurt me!!!" He growled, trying to block out the thought that it had almost drowned him. He sighed glancing around, he had ventured too far from their new camp like a dummy. His scouting side wanted to mark down areas to explore later. "Pandora is going to kick my butt for showing up hurt and empty-pawed." Continuing his somewhat slow trek back to the main camp, at least he wouldn't get lost thanks to his scout markings.
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Queen of flames » Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:15 pm

Arathorn | Lead fire element | male | 8 years | Grimshade | tags: Ark, Veratrum, WInter
He blinked his eyes at Winter, like voiceless words - are you serious - he sighed shaking his head a little bit "Nobody becomes an alpha without being something else first, trainees are too inexperienced to become an alpha immediately, and in my pack, there was not such a thing like heirs, I am not heard that any of you had either" he said. He was not sure if he could say the truth about his rank before, he was not a fighter, no hunter, he was an omega. He still doesn't know why was he made the leader, he was never supposed to be one, maybe it was only lucky that the older alphas died, beta died and his brother who was more alpha than he could ever be went missing. He kind of ignored the Winters's question, eventually, the secret about his rank would come out somehow, as his pack knowed it. He shook his head to Ark "I am very aware of that, I never even thought to us all to get out for a hunt together, but all staying in there is not good either and it may annoy others, at least we could do the swift work" he said flicking his tail. He looked at Aspen "Your healer is speaking to you Ark, as you didn't notice" he said to him.

Raine | Hunter | female | 3 years | Ambermoon | tags: Yuki, Nayden
She sighed "Well they could help us if they want something to eat themselves, and I think we hunters can choose if those lazybones eat anything at all if they don't help us, figters are needed, but they don't need to fight all the time so times like this they could want to do something else than just sit around and whine how bored it is," she said. She shook her head "You know that all our old territories could be full of herbivores now when we are gone? So is it forbidden to hunt on those lands, which don't truly belong to anyone anymore?" she asked her.

Aspen | Healer | female | 4 years | Silverleaf | tags: Ark
She sorted some herbs at their somehow large yet small six healers' den. She noticed some herds were being low down and some of them she knowed to find easily on her old lands. She took some of the dry, dead leaves out of the den, then looked around for the SIlverleaf's leader "Excuse me, Ark..." she called out for her leader as she walked over to the lead elements. She gave a nod to the other three wolves as well, before turning back to Ark "Can I have your permission to go to the Silverleaf's territory to gather some herbs we're pretty low off?" she asked the male.

Jeckyll | Fighter | male | 6 years | Ravenrose | tags: Silver, Tundra
He gave a little silent snarl, mostly due to annoyance "You're a healer Silver, you have to be naive and see the goods for anyone...we're different, we're born to hate other packs, taught not to be friends with any of them, to protect our packs and now we had to work together as a you know how it feels like when you can't trust almost anyone in here you will even start to questioning your old packmates" he said flicking his tail. He blinked his eyes "you know the wolf you was talking with you for the first, was a scout?" he said shaking his head.

Charm | Watcher | female | 5 years | Dawnstone | tags: Jule, Breeze, Pandora, Calfix
She looked at her mate and Pandora "Hmm, maybe you could go to see if he needs something, it may calm Pandora's mind too" she said to her mate. She looked rather playfully to Breeze "Oh by the way Breeze dear, did you forget already that you were going to bring Pandora some prey to eat?" she said to the watcher. Her ears perked to the pups "Nanook Jr, come eat, you're hungry and I am not going to let you starve there, because you're being stubborn now" she said to him keeping her gentle tune. Her ears perked as she looked at the quick movements of the pup trying to get out of the nursery "Nanook..." she called out a little bit annoyed.

Nanook Jr | Pup | male | 5 months | Frostdrop | tags: Stormy
He snarled a little bit "If he said that my father was a good guy, he could be lying, he was not a good guy, never was...I couldn't even care what happened to my father, I just wanted to know why my mother abandoned me...or what happened to her" he said sighing. He felt even more annoyed when his adoptive mother called for him "Why can't she just leave me alone..." he murmured out of his breath "Go to eat yourself, I am hungry..." he said. He hid his head over his paws for a moment, thinking in silence, a snarl escaped him, when he suddenly jumped to his paws and ran past the other pup, toward the nursery entrance trying to get out of it, even if there were lots of adult wolves there in a way.

Aiyana | Lead nature element | female | 5 years | Ambermoon | tags: Bray
She flicked her ears as she listened "Uh, hm, Okay I think I understood what you're trying to say, yes, I also noticed the gloominess around the fighters mostly...well it's not easy on them to be face to face with fighters who are maybe hurt or killed some of their former packmates..." she said flicking her tail "I can bring that up to the others, but I am not sure how ready those fighters are to speak up about the past?" she said as she looked to her sister "It may end up ugly, you know?" she said to her.

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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:59 am

Winter- m- 5 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Lead Wind Elemental- homoromantic demisexual (so really only open for boys)- crush: Ark and Arathorn, Zen- mate: open for boys- no pups- missing parents, sisters Tundra and Breeze- Tags: Ark and Veratrum, Arathorn

The smaller and slender white wolf looked as one of Ark's former packmates, or rather a wolf he'd been in charge of, came over. He nodded his head to her a bit. She wasn't speaking to him, though, so he just stayed quiet, but he'd acknowledged her. He glanced to Veratrim a moment, then the other two.

He shook his head at Arathorn, saying "Well, some alphas could have had pups. Which would have grown up and taken over," he said. When the other said their pack had had no heirs, Winter said "No heirs...okay." He listened, but was soon distracted seeing motion at the nursery. "Nanook he okay?" he asked aloud. He thought of the father then shoved the thought away...but thought of the mother. Shed been one of the kindest, sweetest she wolves. He didn't know how Nanook ever got her...and couldn't believe what he'd done to her.

Tundra- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Scout- pansexual panromantic- crush: Silver and Jeckyll- mate: open- no pups yet but would honestly like one or two- missing parents, Breeze and Winter- Tags: Silver, Jeckyll

The white wolf twitched her ears and flicked her tail back and forth. She was happy when Silver stood up for her, but then Jeckyll was snarling...He sounded like he was saying she and Silver had just met...never spoken before. "You know Silver and I have spoken before, right? Its not like the pack was just created today..." she snorted. "Why wouldn't he know I'm a scout?" she asked. She didn't expect Jeckyll to actually answer, but Silver could say something on it. She focused on Silver now, mainly to keep her calm and sanity.

Breeze- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Watcher- bisexual biromantic- crush: Lenora and Jule- mate: open- pups: Stormy, wants more- missing parents, Tundra and Winter- Tags: Jule and Stormy, Charm and technically Nanook since he's in that hole nearby

The gray, white, and reddish brown she wolf looked at Jule and nodded. "I'm...sure he is," she said, still trying to sound optimistic but wasn't so sure. He could have gotten hurt by an animal, or even some of the plants. There were thorns and vines and stuff. She then looked to Charm, saying "I...don't know why I said that, I'm not a hunter. I could check the food stock, but some wolf said there's not a lot left."

(eh heh, her rank is now Watcher. I don't think they're allowed to go and hunt or anything since they're all supposed to watch the pups and help the parents)

Stormy- m- 5 months- previous pack: Frostdrop, or this one- pup- homoromantic (homosexual when older)- crush: Nanook- mate: way too young yet- pups: way too young yet- missing grandparents, Tundra and winter, mama Breeze- Tags: Breeze and Jule and Charm, Nanook Jr

The smaller and slender off white and grayish and darker pup shook his head. Nanook Jr seemed to have misheard him, he hadn't said Winter would say the wolf was nice. He'd said he might say he was bad. Which now Nanook Jr was confirming he had already known it. The topic quickly changed to food, then Nanook Jr was leaping out of the hole. Stormy yelped and fell back, then quickly clamped his jaws shut.

Pandora- f- 4 years- previous pack: Dawnstone- hunter (heavily pregnant though)- bi- mate: Renier- pups: will have two or four (Quinn is my boy)- Titan (black phase) x Heather (golden brown) : gray and black phase siblings- Tags: Breeze and company

The black phase she wolf with the white toes said "Breeze could check the food stock. I don't think there's a lot left...and that's probably why Renier went out. He's not even a hunter..." she sighed. "I wish I could just go out and hunt, but...I'm so heavily pregnant I can't. I see Yuki and Raine over there, they must be talking about going on a hunt." She wished they'd move faster, but...she couldn't make them.

-Quinn will go here-
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Firelight_AA » Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:54 pm

Reapernight/Male/11 months old/PP: Duskpack/Bi/Mentions: None/Tags: Open

In the fighters den slept a fluffy black wolf, he was trapped in a nightmare. Dark figures, the scents of fear and hatred, snarling and growling, yelps of pain ,the scared voice of his sister, fighting to protect her, pain, blackness.
I have Autism more specifically Asperger's so please go easy on me if I'm not posting.
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:37 am

Ark|5yrs|Lead Shadow Elemental|Previous Pack-SilverLeaf|Veratrum, Winter, Arathorn, Aspen
Ark frowned as Arathirn mentioned Aspen, had he not already addressed her? But as she repeated her question he sighed,"Sorry Aspen, you know how my brain is sometimes,,, too bad telepathy wasn't the power I gained. Then whenever I were to answer someone in my mind they'd hear me." He said with a chuckle, "So to actually answer with my voice rather than my mind. That's fine, but I don't want you going alone. Have someone from SilverLeaf go with you. Not that I don't trust someone from one of the other packs. Mainly because if you somehow get separated, I don't want them getting lost in a territory they don't know well. If one of our own isn't available then ask another wolf."(You can either another another wolf or NPC one XD)

Bray|5yrs|Fighter|Previous Pack-AmberMoon|Aiyana
"I a fighter myself it's hard to accept. But if something isn't done...about the tensions within the fighter we might end up with a bloodbath..." Bray's ears flattened, "I don't know about you...but...I've seen enough bloodshed...I really am hoping we can work things out...I'm simply exhausted from fighting sister. Tired of killing..." She eyes held a deep sadness in them.

Yuki|4yrs|Hunter|Previous Pack-FrostDrop|Raine
Yuki laughed slightly, "That's true. As for what used to be our pack lands...I'm sure we could hunt in them. Besides if we only stick around the territory we are occupying right now...Weeelll I'm pretty sure we'd kill off the prey quickly."

Silver|5yrs|Healer|Previous Pack-RavenRose|Tundra, Jeckyll
Silver sighed, "Jeckyll I am making do with the situation before us. I know it's even harder for those of you who are fighters, but I'm pretty sure all of us have lost someone dear due to the battles. I'm not saying drop your guard instantly...just asking that you be at least a bit more open. Tundra and I have had an encounter even before the merge. It was on accident, but do you remember when I had vanished for a bit...I once again got lost in my herb searching and then got lost in DawnStone territory. Some DawnStone fighters had chased me straight into FrostDrop and Tundra covered for me...I honestly owe her one..."

Jule|5yrs|Watcher|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Calfix, Pandora
Jule nodded, "I wonder what they could be talking about, then again those two are the only one's that seem to be up and about to go hunting. They won't be able to bring back enough to feed everyone. Calfix, what if you were to go hunting with them and I go look for Renier?

Calfix|5yrs|Lead Water Elemental|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Breeze, Charm, Pandora
Calfix paused for a moment, "Are you sure about that Jule?" She nodded, "I'm sure Breeze and Charm can handle the pups for a bit. If I'm lucky Renier will already be close." Though as she spoke those words a certain pup was dashing outside. Jule moved quickly, blocking Nanook's path, "Hey young one what have you been told about trying to run around without one of us to watch over you!"

Renier|4yrs|Scout|Previous Pack-DawnStone|Open
Renier took a small break before continuing on his way and he finally made it to the camp edge. "Really dumb..." he muttered, the sting of his leg somehow getting worse. Then again he was pushing it to make it back to camp, he didn't want to worry his mate more than he probably already had.
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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Queen of flames » Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:20 am

Arathorn | Lead fire element | male | 8 years | Grimshade | tags: Ark, Veratrum, WInter
He didn't say much to the Winter's comment "Not all of them have or even wanted, or had but they...died..." he said as he looked to the nursery "How could I know, is that pup from your pack?" he asked the Winter.

Raine | Hunter | female | 3 years | Ambermoon | tags: Yuki, Nayden
She flicked her tail as she looked around and listened to the other hunter "I guess so, we could get some wolves to accompany us, and go hunting, we're wasting a good time by standing there now...but I have no clue who to ask, could scouts or fighters get angry if they are asked to do something else than their own jobs" she said with a sigh.

Aspen | Healer | female | 4 years | Silverleaf | tags: Ark
She nodded "Of course I thought you to say that...I will figure something out then, to see if there is anyone out of duty, but I think the hunters may need some help, this pack is not the smallest one now," she said. Her ears perked to the sides as she listened to the conversations between the alphas and the some others nearby.

Jeckyll | Fighter | male | 6 years | Ravenrose | tags: Silver, Tundra
He shook his head " what was you doing then again? Going to the Ambermoon lands gathering something?" he asked his eyes looking at the healer. He didn't say much about Silver's past story, he heard about him being vanished and he heard something about what happened then, but he didn't know the whole story.

Charm | Watcher | female | 5 years | Dawnstone | tags: Jule, Breeze, Pandora, Calfix
She sighed "You know hunting could be the first priority in the pack, as all of us need to eat and all of us together means there are lots of wolves to feed...I am saying that those who are on other ranks like you, fighters, scouts, could help with the hunts always when they have free time or are done with their jobs...there is me and Pandora, and only two pups, if you want to go hunting you seriously could..." she said to Breeze. She looked at Nanook "Nanook Jr, stop being sucks hasty, whatever you're planning to do can wait for a little bit, now come to eat and then I can help you with whatever you need?" she said to the pup. She took a look at Stormy too "Oh yeah Stormy if you want you can take a bite of this rabbit too, if that's fine with your mom" she said to the other pup.

Nanook Jr | Pup | male | 5 months | Frostdrop | tags: Stormy, Jule
He bumped into the watcher's leg, shaking his head a little bit giving him a snarl, but then looked rather sorry about it "I am not running around...I am going to...ask some questions...about...things" he said to Jule. His ears perked toward his so-called adoptive mother "...fine, I will eat a bit then you will let me go...or I will bite you" he said trying to sound rude, but instead sounded more like a pup that had no idea what was he even doing.

Aiyana | Lead nature element | female | 5 years | Ambermoon | tags: Bray
She flicked her tail a little bit "Excuse me, but I have never liked wars and stuff like could've known that sister..." she said with a sight "Anyway, Ark if I remember right was a fighter before an alpha, so he could understand what you mean, so speaking to him could be easy, I am not o sure about the others, but I don't think any of them wanted bloodshed, another way they could not be here" she said.

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Re: Hunting For Freedom(Elemental Wolf) RP Thread

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:50 pm

Winter- m- 5 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Lead Wind Elemental- homoromantic demisexual (so really only open for boys)- crush: Ark and Arathorn, Zen- mate: open for boys- no pups- missing parents, sisters Tundra and Breeze- Tags: Ark and Veratrum, Arathorn

The smaller and slender white wolf "He is from my pack, or... former pack. His mother was such a sweetheart, but his father... was trash. I hope no one was talking to Nanook Jr about him and upsetting him." He saw the pup start to run, wondering where he was trying to go. He wondered aloud "Is he...trying to come over here?" He then blinked and shook his head a couple times, looking to Ark a moment.

Tundra- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Scout- pansexual panromantic- crush: Silver and Jeckyll- mate: open- no pups yet but would honestly like one or two- missing parents, Breeze and Winter- Tags: Silver, Jeckyll

The white wolf twitched her ears and flicked her tail back and forth. She remembered the day she'd found Silver there, and had wanted to protect him. Of course, she was just a scout, not a fighter. She'd managed to deflect the other wolves away, though. She felt like she and Silver had a bit of a bond now, but wondered if he felt the same. She said "It was my honor to help you," to him, then spared Jeckyll a glance.

Breeze- f- 6 years- previous pack: Frostdrop- Watcher- bisexual biromantic- crush: Lenora and Jule- mate: open- pups: Stormy, wants more- missing parents, Tundra and Winter- Tags: Jule and Stormy, Charm and technically Nanook since he's in that hole nearby

The gray, white, and reddish brown she wolf shook her head a couple times. She didn't want to go off and try and hunt, and get in troible. She wasn't one of the hunters, so she didn't actually know what she was doing. She also didn't want to make the elementals mad if she left her post. She nodded at Jule, saying "Okay, we'll stay here." She watched as Calfix then went to deal with Nanook Jr first. She looked to her pup, and said "I'm fine with him eating some if you're okay with it, Charm." She'd offered, so it already seemed like Charm was fine with it.

Stormy- m- 5 months- previous pack: Frostdrop, or this one- pup- homoromantic (homosexual when older)- crush: Nanook- mate: way too young yet- pups: way too young yet- missing grandparents, Tundra and winter, mama Breeze- Tags: Breeze and Jule and Charm, Nanook Jr

The smaller and slender off white and grayish and darker pup watched Calfix move to Nanook Jr. He made a small sound as the other pup threatened the adult. He sighed and shook his head a couple times. He then looked at her and his mom, nodding and saying "Yay, food."

Pandora- f- 4 years- previous pack: Dawnstone- hunter (heavily pregnant though)- bi- mate: Renier- pups: will have two or four (Quinn is my boy)- Titan (black phase) x Heather (golden brown) : gray and black phase siblings- Tags: Breeze and company

The black phase she wolf with the white toes said "It is important. We all have specific tasks though, like Breeze is a watcher so she has to stay with us." She was a bit annoyed she wouldn't be able to hunt. She had to wait to have the pups, then wait until they grew a bit. She looked to Jule and Calfix, saying "Oh...thank you," and dipped her head. She then watched Calfix go to deal with Nanook Jr.

-Quinn will go here-
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