NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guidelines!

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For pets with the same age and demand, what is most fair to trade for a Common?

3 Very Commons
2 Very Commons
1 Very Common + 1 Extremely Common
All commons can swap evenly
Total votes : 390

Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Solloby » Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:13 pm

Thanks Bilaz, that's really helpful.

I think it was SolarSonnet who suggested we only use Lion and Rat as examples of high and low demand. I think that's ok since they do seem to be quite universal. But we can also note that there are many rat collectors out there who do favour them. That might be a diplomatic way of addressing pet-based demand.

In terms of high value pets, some comments and a couple of big questions:

    There is no "most valuable" pet on CS

    Our survey has revealed what I expected to be the case - that if we asked a whole bunch of people what the most valuable pet on CS was, that we would get a whole bunch of different answers. I think that's a good thing, it suggests that we can put a lot of different pets of similar values together and people will be interested in swapping them about.

    Are all UR pets roughly the same rarity now?

    I know in the past they have bounced around a bit, but they are all solidly OMGSR, and I think the amount of rereleases since some of the anomalies have essentially equalised them. So if a new high value pet guide was made, would the starting point of rarity for all UR pets be the same?

    Are Zebras roughly the same rarity as UR pets?

    Zebras were intended to be the rarest pets on the site, but then the UR pets happened. I am personally thinking that Zebras belong with UR pets in terms of rarity.

If we made a high value pet guide, I think this is where we could start. Clump all the URs and the 3 Zebras together as one big tier. The question afterwards is, do we just highlight the high/low pets based on the pet popularity poll, or do we separate them by demand to convert them into trading tiers? Our survey suggests more people want to do the former, but I'm not sure if people will change their mind once they see how big the tiers actually are once you strip out the obsolete rarity data that was used to form the current trading lists that are available.

Another thing we could do is to explore the "set of guidelines, possibly flowcharts" option from our own google survey. It got a lot more votes than I thought it would given it was a last minute idea I was trying to come up with to give people more choice. I'm not entirely sure how such a guide would look, but am very open to suggestions!
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby SolarSonnet » Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:28 pm

Personally.. I don't know how set I am in making a trading guide with exact valuations anymore. I think Horror might have that one down (if you guys wanna do that, I'm all for it, but I have an adult life with adult things to do and I realized that actively maintaining a guide is probably.. going to be a lot of work, that I don't have the time/energy for.)

I think I'm most interested in making a guide that will give people the rarity history and confirmed or researched data by the community for each pet, and letting each person decide what values they want to put on them while only using objective information.

I recently spoke with somebody who was online and involved in old pet data research back in 09, and got some information from them. They contacted me directly and answered a ton of my questions, but asked to not be named in their private message, so I'm not going to name-drop them here. So if you're wondering where I got the below information from, it's from them. I am also hoping that Solloby can back up some of this information.

Pre-guide preface:

General Advice here- like how it used to be plausible to count pets on Dec 18th and chart their growth to see what pets turned into what, making the ratio easy to determine.
I.E. For every 5 Nonjewels there was 1 Sunjewel, or how for every 3 Nonjewels there was 1 Sunback.
How Tess would actually drop some information here and there. And to take all information put here with a grain of salt as, despite the research done, a lot of these pets have likely changed ratios since 2008-2009 due to both rereleases and the inactivity of accounts. And the obligatory "We encourage everyone to come up with their own valuation of these pets, based on their own personal preferences, this guide is only here to give people a deep-dive into the rarity history of high value pets, not their present."

Then separate into sections with general information about each litter, how they were placed on the original list, etc.

Section Example:

The Sorbets - July 2008


Back in (2008 and/or 2009, Idk the exact year) the valuation of the Sorbets was directly calculated by users and some information was released by Tess. Keep in mind that valuations change over the years, but these are the original data points that were used.

- Tess said that all Sorbets had an equal chance of being adopted. Any One Sorbet is not significantly rarer than the other.

-Tess said that there were about 4 Sorbets out there for every Non pet. This is where the initial 4 Sorbs for a Non valuation came from. (This is because, due to Nons being more common than all of their other littermates, they were often deleted in favor for their other littermates.)

-Sorbets released mid-month July 2008 and stayed until August 2008.

-Original Sorbet value was separated at one point because some people decided that flop-ear dogs were better than straight-ear dogs, and so the green and blue sorbets spiked in demand.

-The next time a Sorbet's value was spiked unnecessarily, was when the Pink Sorbet hit OMGSR first. People started valuing it higher than its other littermates.

+Information that I don't have right now about rarity updates. Mentioning the Pink Sorb's brief jump to OMGSR first, etc.

Helpful Resources for how to trade these pets:
[Link to successful trades "Sorbet" search term]
[Link to successful C$ trades "Sorbet" search term]

Information Gained From:
-Word of mouth from 08-09 Players
-[Link to any other thread/guide of evidence]

Personally I'd be looking for any information i could put on the above kind of thread, especially the exact tess quotes from old discussion.

I'm paraphrasing here, but here are a few things I learned from my questioning!

I learned that the old Rares List didn't really poll for demand or anything upon its first inception, polls didn't exist on CS when it was made. Quote "50 or so" users were active in participation on the forum thread, and those 50 or so users are who decided original placement.

If there were 30 people discussing pet worth, and a few people didn't agree, they went with majority rules. But basically, in order for your opinion to count, there was no polling. You had to be active in the conversation on the forum post.

Rarities were introduced while the rares list was already developed. Because of the way rarities were back then, and comments directly from Tess, they were able to place pets on the rares list accordingly. It was actually very accurate back then.

They knew about the toxics back then as well, the division of Green/Yellow, Red/Blue, and Purple was not just out of thin air. Tess herself gave hints as to which pets were rarer, and they literally counted each litter's growth on Dec 18th and deduced what ones had a more likely growth rate. It's also how they knew that the Non is always the least valuable out of the litter, and how they came out with worth from that.

Ex: Noncoon and coontail, there were typically twice as many noncoons as coontails, hence the coontail is worth 2 nons.


That's just some of it, I don't wanna dump everything into one post because it was rather lengthy, but I do think that when we value pets in a new guide, shouldn't they also be based on the ratios of each pet in each litter? I think it'd be silly to value a Sunback over a Sunjewel again. If we include demand at all it should be like Horror's List does it.

I think in the new guide, all sorbs should swap evenly. I think we should do Dec 18th research again and see if anything has changed. How many Sun Dogs grow into Nons vs Sunbacks vs Sunjewels? Etc.

I think we should value them accordingly, and then if any one pet has extraordinary demand, make a note.

I think the place we "start" is the same place the old Rares List started, then we take into account the OMGSR Popularity poll and make notes on pets accordingly.


I agree that there's no "Most Valuable Pet" on CS. If I had to take a shot in the dark I'd make it the Sunjewel outside of Store pets and URs, I'd say it's one of the URs if we're including those but we have no real way of knowing what one outside of the idea that the more years a UR is out, unlike other URs, the less rare it is. But can that even be calculated?

If "X" copies of the UR Cat was released in 2008, and the same numerical "X" value of the UR Cat was released in 2009, along with the same "X" number of the UR Dog, then technically there would be twice as many UR Cats out there as UR Dogs.

But I don't think that's true. And it would also scale exponentially.

So are all URs worth the same? What if it's that "X" UR Cats were released, then less of them were released the next year while the UR Dog still had the same amount as the first year? It'd still be exponential but not as much.

I'd love to do a UR Count this Dec 18th to see how many people get new URs versus people who got old URs. Is the Tiger Dog actually any more rare than other URs? Or is it just more popular?

Idk where Zebras go to be honest. I'm biased against them because I don't like them, but from an as objective as I'm going to get POV..

I think if we have tiers, that Zebras should.. maybe go under the URs a little bit? Or if URs have their own "List" then to put Zebras towards the bottom. Maybe not at the very bottom, but in that direction.

Just from my personal take on how Zebras work. There aren't many adopted throughout the year, but they are adopted on dates outside of Dec 18th, so that's where I would theorize they go. But I could totally be wrong, and I'm more than willing to be wrong. Before we decide anything I actually wanna do more research into it outside of "They can be adopted at any time so they're probably less rare".

It also just doesn't sit right with me that 3 Pets that have boring designs and look the exact same were intended to be the Rarest Pets on the site. I know that is the case, but they couldn't have chosen something.. cooler? lol

Was it the intent to make the zebras boring so that the only demand boost they'd get is being known as the 'rarest pets on the site'? Or does Tess just really like Zebras? I don't like the Zebras, but I'd totally accept the "Tess is a Zebra Lover" headcanon.

Maybe we could run an off-site adoption calc where we have a few of us adopt Ponies while logged out until we get a few Zebras, then we run those numbers. Kind of like shiny hunting. Feels very silly, but potentially more reliable than trying to find out how many Ponies are adopted every month and then trying to poll people on the forums of "Did anyone get a Zebra???"
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Solloby » Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:09 pm

We could make a CS pet compendium, for sure. It would be a lot of work, but doable. Maybe a good side project to run before looking at making an actual trading guide. It would be helpful for newer players who get an OMGSR on Dec 18 and want to learn more about their pet too.

I don't think the original Rares List had the toxics in the correct order. I don't recall the details around that though, it was too long ago.

I think Zebras are Tess's favourite pet, yeah.

There is an OMGSR pet count project here, but some of the numbers are way off because they only start counting new pets when they go OMGSR, so lower rarity pets have very few numbers since most of their IDs haven't been collected yet.

In all my time on CS I have never adopted a Zebra, that are extremely rare. So I would not recommend trying to adopt horses off account to get one, you'd be at it for years lol.


EDIT: I just did some forum searching and dug up a bunch of old threads. Please ignore my childish tone in posting some of the old stuff, I was a literal child back then xD

2008 rareness guide (note I used *tiny* sample sizes so it's not too accurate)
2008 memory book
July 08 thread
August 08 thread
Advent 08 thread
Advent 08 thread
Rarity labels were introduced in Oct 2009
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby SolarSonnet » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:45 pm

Maybe we shouldnt do the Zebra thing then lol.

I was actually going through your old posts and found a bunch of those. (Even downloaded the pngs of the book because I was surprised Photobucket still had them, and I wanted them before they were gone.)

Might post an “In Search of 08-09 Info” thread, link what I have and see if any other old players worm their way out of the woodwork, or if anybody else would help me search.

I also found where tess said that all sorbets were equally adoptable/none were weighted to be more likely than the other.

Hoping I can find exactly where she said that there were about 4 sorbets for every non.
Having that info for the a compendium would be nice, even if its not used in a trading guide.

I think it’s interesting that Tess didn’t like the toxics, as well.

I don’t have anything rarity-conversation wise to add atm, I’m currently flipping my sleeping schedule because of my partner’s 2-week A-Shift training period, when he usually works B-shift. Woke up in the middle of the night and decided to post from my phone.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Solloby » Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:43 pm

Photobucket keeps sending me emails threatening to delete all my stuff unless I pay.
Not paying and don't even know the password lol.

I suppose I should note it somewhere, but the links for the variations are:
> I thought Nontag was more common than Nonswirl, and Moonswirl more than Dogtag. Not sure why I thought that.
> I had Sunback as more common than Nonjewel. Pretty sure that's backwards?
> I had Spotted Tribal as the rarest of its litter.
The rest all have text indicators.

The 4:1 Sorbet ratio would have been very useful as a trading mechanism back in the day. I would suggest the majority of nons & sorbets out now are rereleases though, so the ratio is unlikely to be true anymore, which is probably part of the reason they don't trade for such anymore. An interesting thing to note though. It really shows how much bigger CS got in the matter of a half month or so during its initial release.

For rarity I think we may have to wait until Dec 18 to see what information the next rerelease gives us. We can still work on other things though. We've made great progress with a lower rarity trading guide and C$ charts. I think we need to do some more polling to work out age gaps. Maybe something to think about tomorrow.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby SolarSonnet » Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:10 am

I'm.. actually really interested in a concept. It feels insane, but..

What if we assembled a team, found all of the ID ranges, divided the work through multiple people, and then added up all of the pets from Dec 18th? Like, since the first one. In a count.

For example- the December 18th 2008 pets range from
ID 807522 to 821657

If we had even 5 people, that's only like 14,000-something pets, which is 2,827 per person to find out all of the Dec 18th pets adopted in 2008. From there, we could calculate ratios. If we do it for all of the years, then we have an accurate pet count of all of the rereleased pets on the site (whether or not their owners are active) and then, if we add all that together, we'll have the ratio of Sorbets to Nons released, and can average it with the 4:1 Ratio that was right back in the day.

So as an example, if the re-release ratio ended up being 6 sorbets to 1 non, then we can do 6 + 4 = 10 /2 = 5 and the new ratio would be 1 non : 5 sorbets. And it would be accurate. Maybe not for all of the sorbets and nons in circulation, but definitely for all of them ever released. We could take it a step further and try to classify when a user is seen as "active" and make a little checkmark next to every pet ID we find where the user is active or not.

but pet 822522 is 12-19 and is a Nonjewel- when did rereleases range from in 08? Either way, we find that out and find the ID range of each rerelease window, then we assemble a group of people, going year by year to find out the amount of each 08 pet released on Dec 18th. I know that that 14k pets is the lowest number we're going to be dealing with, since more people joined over the years, but I'm more than willing to at least do a few years of this with a little bit of help.

Maybe instead of 08 we should start with 2022? And see if we want to do any more after that massive number. Also will more reliably have still-active people as the pet owners.

392539665 is the first 2022 12-18 pet.
392730837 is the last.

392730840 is a Dec 18th pet adopted on the 19th, but its offsite. o:

191,172 12-18 pets adopted in 2022. That's only like 40,000 pets a person if we had 5 people ("only" /sarcastically)

It'd definitely be a massive job. And we probably shouldn't count offsite pets either. While we're at it, we could totally count all of the July to whatever 08s that exist too.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Wookieinmashoo » Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:16 am

SolarSonnet wrote:
Personally I'd be looking for any information i could put on the above kind of thread, especially the exact tess quotes from old discussion.


Would this be what you are looking for?

Solloby wrote:I feel like someone has run something similar to what you are suggesting before as well, but couldn't tell you where the thread is offhand. I don't know if it actually happened though.

This is...not the one I remember happening since this one is older

The one I remembered happened some years after and the count stopped because CS detected the script counting the pets as a bot. I do remember one person by name who was a part of it though. I'm currently at work and I might (this is a huge might) have the google doc with the pet counts stored somewhere.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Solloby » Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:20 am

^ That's fantastic Wookieinmashoo, thanks for digging that old post up!

The pet count project already has a lot of data.
I feel like someone has run something similar to what you are suggesting before as well, but couldn't tell you where the thread is offhand. I don't know if it actually happened though.

Maybe it's worth running such a project on the upcoming Dec 18. What I would expect though is for the new URs to be overrepresented this year, to make up for the fact it's their first release. So next year I would expect them to have less adoptions compared to other URs. But this year I am guessing they will have more, if that makes sense.

Alternatively we could pick 3 years that are far apart and run the project through those 3 years only to see the general trends. I wouldn't bother with recording if an owner is inactive or the pet off-account, because we are looking at ratio of pets adopted, not their individual circumstances. But running the project over 3 years should provide enough data to make some conclusions, as well as show us the trend of how UR pets are managed in their release year vs subsequent years.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby SolarSonnet » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:53 pm

I actually already had that Tess Quote screenshotted! What I meant was the 4 sorbs to 1 non quote!

Thank you though!

I also didn't know there was already a project like that, I'll have to give it a look!


Yeah, I would imagine that would be the case.

I guess I was hoping to find a ratio of sorbs released to nons released, and if there is even a calculatable ratio that makes sense.
Also finding each UR/OMGSR will give us a ratio for each OMGSR to each other. So not only will we find nons to sorbs, but nons to the others of their litter, etc.

It might be possible to find a trend, chart stuff like how many sorbs and how many nons each year were released, and if there is a similar ratio per year.


If we pick 2023, 2020, and 2017, and there's a 4:1 Ratio in 2017, a 2:1 Ratio in 2020, then an 8:1 Ratio in 2023, or if there are more nons than sorbs in some years, then we can probably assume that there isn't much of a "set" amount of sorbs that are released in comparison to Nons. But if it ends up being like, 3:1 in 2017, 4:1 in 2020, and 5:1 in 2023, then we can probably deduce that they're trying to keep the ratio the same and try to do more research on some of the years in between to see if that keeps up.
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Re: NEW POLL CS Community Wants YOUR help on Trading Guideli

Postby Solloby » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:57 pm

Found it! Nickjr ran the project: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3452288
It looks like we were trying to use automation to do it, and there were some challenges that weren't resolved. So it wasn't a manual count. I am guessing CS's ddos protection may have been trying to stop the script running. I wonder if a partially manual version could be made. Something like, click to automatically view the next pet and record its value if known. If unknown, we manually record. Then click to move to the next pet.

Although if we're doing a massive count we may as well just ask the admins to release the numbers for us lol.

I also found a really weird post I made back in 2018. I am not sure where I got the data for it. If it's based on 2008 adoptions, which I am guessing it is, it's not as useful because of all the rereleases now.
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