crash landing — chicoon #1650 entry

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crash landing — chicoon #1650 entry

Postby rabbit.tears » Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:11 pm

entry for chicoon #1650

^ click for a carrd ^


earth graphic credit
don't mind the writing, it's not my strong suit ;-;
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an encounter?

Postby rabbit.tears » Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:23 pm

finley wasn't sure what to think. one moment he was walking back to his place after a long day out, the next...


it's like he had snapped out of a spell. he hadn't even noticed the huge ufo, too busy reflecting on his day out. if it wasn't for the heat of fire, he probably would've just...

finley shook his head, forgetting about that thought. standing there awkwardly, his eyes widened when he realized... there was an actual ufo in front of him. "wait, it might be a toy or something" was his first thought, but it looked too big to be a toy. cautiously, finley stepped closer, taking in the entirety of the ufo. it was cracked up and busted, and the metal was slowly being burnt away. frankly, it wasn't a pretty sight, but finley couldn't tear his eyes away.

"okay, so... there's a ufo here. a ufo... with no pilot." finley noted. he glanced around, hoping to find someone, and soon enough he did—he noticed something out of the corner of his eyes. something bright green, laying on the ground a couple feet away. curiosity sparked, he walked away from the ufo. as he got closer and his eyes adjusted, his heart almost stopped when he realized... it was a chicoon. or at least he thought it was one. stepping closer, finley looked over at the creatures features, coming to the conclusion that, yep, this was a chicoon. an alien one at that.

finley felt ecstatic. he'd be the first chicoon to discover aliens! he reached for his bag before remembering that he left it at home. suddenly extremely disappointed in himself, finley sighed, deciding that he'd just bring the unconscious alien back to his place. luckily for him, the ufo had conveniently crashed a couple feet from his place, so he didn't have that far to go. grabbing the alien chicoons big tail with his paws, he dragged them back to his little home.


it'd been hours since he had brought the mysterious chicoon inside his place. finley had patched up his guest, taking care of any external injuries they received. anticipating their awakening, he cooked a big meal for his alien companion after that, setting it all out on his table. by the first hour, finley wasn't too surprised. after all, the crash site looked pretty bad. but by the third hour, he started getting worried. even though he knew that they'd probably be out for awhile, he still felt anxious. pacing around for a bit, finley finally decided to do something.

he approached the sleeping creature, getting eye level to their own eyes. after that, he just... stared at them. still reeling over the fact that a ufo had crashed in front of his place, plus the fact that he now had an alien in his home, finley couldn't do anything but stare. that's when it happened...


finley found himself staring straight into the eyes of the alien. a million thoughts ran through his head. what if they were hostile? what if they'd destroy his place?... then he immediately pushed those thoughts out of his head. even if they were hostile, they were clearly to weak to do anything. and besides... they looked way too adorable. wanting to test the waters, finley spoke quietly.

"can you speak? do you understand me?"

the alien chicoon slowly glanced at finley. after a couple seconds, they nodded. then they spoke, though it came out odd. their voice was soft, barely noticeable. if it had been any louder in the room, finley probably wouldn't have heard them.

"...yeah. i can understand you."

utterly in awe, finley couldn't help but stare again. he wasn't sure what to say. what do you even do in this situation?... standing up, finley decided to continue what he was doing: making tea. it was originally for himself, but he figured that his guest would hopefully appreciate it. he just hoped that they'd be able to drink it...

when it was made, he helped them sit up before handing them the tea. the chicoon sniffed it, staring into the cup curiously. "it's chamomile tea. i dont, um, know if you have tea where you come from. but it's good!" finley said in an attempt to encourage them. it worked, since they took a sip. their face immediately scrunched up because the tea was still hot, but they didn't complain at all. instead, they smiled.

"thank you. it's nice."

they paused, searching for their next words. finley was strangely glad that he wasn't the only one who wasn't sure what to say. the chicoon continued.

"i think i should introduce myself. my name is ⍜⏚⟒⍀⍜⋏."
"...come again? can you repeat yourself?"
"sure. my name is ⍜⏚⟒⍀⍜⋏... you probably can't understand that."
"nope. not at all."

the two sat quietly for a moment before the chicoon started again.

"⍜⏚⟒⍀⍜⋏" translates to "oberon" in my language. so you can call me oberon." finley nodded, a smile crossing his face. plopping himself down next to oberon, finley introduced himself too. "i'm finley. but you can just call me fin. can you tell me how you ended up here? well i mean i know you crashed and all, but i wanna know your story."

oberon frowned, though it was hard to tell since they didn't have eyebrows or anything. finley was worried that he screwed everything up, but oberon opened their mouth to tell him. he noticed that, interestingly enough, oberon didn't have a tongue... or teeth for that matter. not dwelling on how they manage to communicate though, finley listened on.

"it's not that interesting, but i'll tell you my story. it all started back when i decided that i wanted to leave my planet..."
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sorrowful spacer

Postby rabbit.tears » Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:23 pm


"is this thing on!? does this thing work!? i knew i shouldn't have taken this from-"

the video becomes too glitchy to decipher for the moment, though you can still somehow make out a silhouette. a couple minutes later though, the video becomes clear again, and you can see an odd looking chicoon gazing straight into the camera. they begin to speak, the sound coming through fuzzy at first before it gradually clears up.


"...okay. i think this thing's working now. i just hope it doesn't go off while i'm recording."
*clears throat*
"citizens of- no, wait. i can't show this to everyone, they'll freak out. okay, starting over."
*clears throat again.*
"i- wait, how should i start this? ah, screw it, it's not like anyone other than my friends and family are gonna see."

a sigh could be heard, before silence takes over. the chicoon in the video looks a little nervous at first, but soon they begin again.

"look... mom. dad. sisters, brothers, friends, and i guess anyone else who manages to find this. i've... i've come to a conclusion. this planet... it kinda sucks. like, i'm not just saying that because i desperately wanna leave. i'm not going to get into it because i know you all know what i mean, but basically... i feel like i can't truly be myself or anything. there are some things that some of you don't know about me, and probably never will. not only that, but it seems so dim and dull here. unfriendly. it used to be so nice and bright, but... i don't know. all i know is that i need to leave."

the chicoon suddenly frowns before that frown turns into what looks like a somber expression.

"this next part is for you specifically dad. everyone else can skip forward. i know you want me to take over your role and rule the planet and all, but that's not what i want to do. i don't think i could handle that, having to deal with all of the planet's affairs, or having to constantly stress over how this place is doing. seriously, the thought of taking over has kept me up at night. you know, this all seems like a big burden to place on your youngest son. ⎎⍀⏃⋏☍⟟⟒ is more than happy to take over, but you want it to be me. well i don't want that. i'm sorry, but i refuse to accept this role."

the chicoon shakes their head before continuing.

"i've been recording for too long, the batteries almost dead. before this thing dies, i have one last thing to say. i'm sorry, i know i'm letting everyone down, but i want to find my own way. after i finish recording this, i'll be leaving the planet. i'll miss you all though, and i'll especially miss ⋔⌇ ⌇⏃⍀⏃⊑'⌇ homemade cookies. maybe they'll have cookies where i'm going. oh, i should mention that in case someone wants to visit me. once i leave, i'll be going to—"

the recording ends there.
Last edited by rabbit.tears on Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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crash landing

Postby rabbit.tears » Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:23 pm


hours upon hours passed by, or at least that's how it felt to oberon. he sleepily gazed at the big blue planet, marvelling at the swirling clouds.

"this is it. at least i hope it is. i can't afford to land on the wrong planet on accident, this thing's almost out of gas and i can't go back and steal- er, 'borrow' another ship. this does look like earth though."

he glanced down at the poster he had stuck onto the ship's interior. 'earth - a planet filled with deep blue oceans and gorgeous grasslands, not to mention friendly natives. come on over some time!' he'd bought it from a small gift shop when he visited that museum on a class trip as a whelp. enamored with earth's culture, oberon dreamed of visiting someday. his thoughts wandered back to those old times...

as oberon thought to himself, he looked around the ship, taking his surroundings in. he never really looked around since he was in a rush to leave before anyone found out, so he stood up and took the chance to explore. after walking around for a moment though, he realized that this was just a standard old boring ship. it didn't even have a good coat of paint or anything—though he did steal one that was being worked on, so it made sense.

his eyes eventually wandered to a big red button under the dashboard, with the words 'do not press' next to it, along with three exclamation marks. oberon, thankful for his english lessons (and wondering why the words weren't written in his language), read the words and figured that he probably shouldn't press it... but, as he gazed at the button, he felt the strange desire to press it. his brain told him that logically, something bad would happen once he did. at the same time though he really, really, wanted to see what would happen. oberon got closer, and closer, and before he knew it...



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full circle

Postby rabbit.tears » Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:03 pm

"woah woah woah! hold on! you're telling me that you're actually an alien prince?"

"mmhm." came oberon's nonchalant reply as they casually devoured the fruits finley had laid out on the table.

"and you left your planet to escape your inevitable fate?" finley's mind raced as he tried to process all of this.

"that's part of the reason why i left, yeah."

finley was speechless. now he really had no idea what to say! passing another fruit to oberon, he sat back on his couch and sighed, staring out his window. scratching his head, he glanced over at oberon.

"um, wow. this is a lot to take in... so you're like royalty and all. was your home planet that bad to the point you felt you had to leave?"

oberon stopped eating for a moment, responding with a mouthful of several kinds of apple slices. "yeah. it's a pretty place, but... it's not the same anymore. i couldn't stay there. my siblings feel the same way, but unlike me they didn't really want to leave. i understood their reasons, but it felt kinda lonely traveling here by myself."

after that they got quiet again, and finley could tell that this was probably hard to talk about. scooting closer to oberon, finley asked "what're you going to do now? do you know where you're gonna go?"... no response. only a blank stare. it seemed like they didn't know. finley took the opportunity to ask, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. "why don't you stay with me? it seems sudden, but i wouldn't mind having a roommate! i could teach you about earth, and we could go out camping, oh! and i could teach you how to cook, and-" he stopped himself when he noticed oberon's wide-eyed gaze, realizing that he kinda went off there. chuckling nervously, finley added "if you'd like, that is."

once again, he was met with silence. all this silence was making finley feel more and more nervous, but he didn't have time to get anxious because he was met with "sure. i'd like to stay with you. i don't have anywhere else to go, and to be honest i didn't actually have a plan when i came down here. i was just gonna live in a cave or something haha..."

"live in a cave?! no no, you can stay here. i actually have a spare room you can use. you can stay here for as long as you want!" oberon seemed happy, so finley was happy. maybe this would be the start of a great friendship.


"dear diary,

it's been months since oberon crashed into my life. they've been doing pretty good! they've taught me a lot about their planet- well, space in general. turns out there's a whole space council and everything! the council hasn't invited earth though because apparently we're 'not ready', and to be honest i kinda agree. that's not the point though. i've learned a lot, and in turn i've been teaching oberon a lot. in fact, we're actually going out camping today. i haven't camped in years, but i wanted to show them around the forest i live... and maybe get a little nostalgic. i better get going, don't wanna keep them waiting. catch you later diary."

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