||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!}

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Popcorns » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:20 am

Kenia ;; Alpha ;; Celia

The alpha lounged by his den. His dark pelt soaking in the sun's rays. His eyes were closed as he rested right outside his den. Kenai was content with how things were going on with his pack. So far, nothing caused him to really panic in the past few moons. Panic yes, but nothing huge went down. The Celia pack was at the top of their game and nothing could really stop them in his eyes. The Servatis pack were young wolves in their ways. They weren't a major worry in Kenai's mind. They hadn't been around for as long as his own pack had. They were several generations ahead of the other pack.

Opening up his orange looking eyes, the Alpha rose up from his louding spot and studied his camp. It was one of those days were he wasn't barking at everyone to get things done. It was a day to relax and enjoy the autumn days before the winter hit. When winter did hit, the pack life would back to normal with Kenai pushing his wolves to survive.

Spotting his Betess Sookie sitting on a tree stump, the black furred wolf took his time to approach the female. He gave her a slight dip of his head to her as he sat down not far off. Hearing another voice as he sat down, Kenai turned his ehad slightly to see the Scout Isarya. He gave her a dip of his aswell before addressing Sookie, "Sookie. Has anything seemed out of the norm lately?" He was going to ask more before his hackles raised. a snarl ripped through his throat as he heared a challenging howl come from his territroy. The Alpha instantly jumped up flashed his eyes to Isarya. The scout would accompany him to to check out the loner. The loner -which he could tell was female- called out to the 'pack dogs' with a challenge. Kenai didn't stand for that. He merely brushed his tail on Isarya's sholder to incline for her to follow him before following the call. He dispised loners. They bugged him to his breaking point. He didn't plan to attack this one, just simply chase her into the Servatis land at least. He took it at a slow run, but then turned it into a full out sprint once he judged the direction this wolf howl had come from.

It didn't take long. When he reached a clearing that wasn't to far off from the river, he took in the sight of the loner. Her pelt was brown with white strands here and there. His hackles had cooled down a bit from the surprise, but his tail raised as his upper lip curled up. The Alpha let out a snarl, his eyes sticking to the loner. "Leave. Now." He barked sharply. Kenai's natural dominate side took over as he stood up straight and made hismelf as big as possible. He was in charge here, not this loner. This loner didn't belong here. It was his job to make sure that she got that message. He could feel Isarya beside him, but he didn't pay much mind to her.

Kakoa ;; Omega ;; Celia

Kakoa's young jaws were wrapped around a small bone from a rabbit. His teeth every once in awhile clicked together and ended up echoing throughout the woods. He wasn't in camp as he wanted to eat in peace. The Omega wasn't stupid enough to just hunt for himself. He was always the last one to eat when the hunters brought home a kill even if Kakoa did help. So what would make the young male think that he could hunt down a rabbit, eat it, then take nothing home? So that was why he had another rabbit lying beside the male. The two rabbits he had caught were very different from each other. One was small and tiny, the other one older is age and therefore larger. So Kakoa ate the small youngling and was now just polishing off the bones. His tail thumped happily as his sholders relaxed and his teeth just gnawed.

Kakoa's paws trapped the bone between them as his eyes closed and he focused on the meat flavor in the bones. With one finall crunch, the Omega snapped the bone in half when he grew tired of laying down and doing nothing. Picking the medium sized rabbit up in his jaws, he began on a easy going trot back to the Celia camp. When he arrived, he could see the Alpha run out of camp and towards the howl that the Omega had heard on his way back home. The wolf instantly loward his tail as he walked over to the small pile that was made up of small catches. He dropped the rabbit down on the pile before turning and moving off to the side. He layed down and waited. Waited for the day's task. As an Omega, his job was basicly to just lay down and wait untill needed. He wasn't a hunter, fighter, or a scout. He was the average wolf. He wouldn't have an offical rank untill he was older and it showed in his actions where he would go.
(Gah, so short)

Wysteria ;; Hunter ;; Servatis

The female had been up since dawn. Her mind was restless with boredem. She didn't even sleep for long. Perhaps only an hour or two. Wysteria's paws kneeded the ground as she swiviled around trees. If she had been human, she would have been rubbing her hands plus biting her nails. It wasn't that she was scared for something to happen. Just that she couldn't wait for anything to happen. Wysteria had always been a night wolf. Enjoying the moonshine and the rush of excitment whenever the moon lit the sky. Even as a pup, she used to drag her brother out to play in the middle of the night. Night fall was her friend. As a predator, she loved the darkness. The darkness helped her help the pack. The darkness hid Wysteria, hid her away from the bad and the weak. It kept the female in a sane state of mind. So, she often stayed up late and slept in the mornings. That's how it always was. Right now, the female was walking in circles in camp. Walking past the dens of her packmates, listening to them as they missed the change from dark to light. A slow whine escaped from her as she felt the last bit of the dark viel slip away. Her paws stopped her as she started to gather her thoughts for the day. even though with no sleep, mentally Wysteria felt as if she had slept her whole life. With he rlight grey eyes, she studied her surroundings, and found herself right by the Beta's den. Poking her muzzle into the male's den, her voice softly called his name, "Sterling. Sterling" She waited for any sound. Finding that there was no quick response, the female left the den alone and continued to wonder about camp. Her paws were itching for something to do. "The day's wasting away." She muttered quietly to herself.

It was half day. She didn't pay any attnetiion to the other wolves yet. That would take a moment before she would bother to recognize them. Her eyes lit as she finishe dher trail of thought and stopped pacing. The Servatis pack was moving now. "Thank the lords." she muttered as she started to move over towards the group of the pack's hunters. Hunting would give her something to do. A task to put her mind too. A large silver form appeared at the corner of Wysteria's eye, so the female naturally cast a glance to see what caused it. It was Sterling. She remembered she had called him eariler, he must have just woken up. Changing corses, the female strolled over to the male with a morning dip of her head to him, "About time you woke up." She chimed as she neared. She was going to say more, but when she could hear another voice address Sterling she knew that it was the Alpha. Leaving the beta to his duty of servicing the Alpha, the huntress moved over to where the hunters usally met. It was just a small sitting area with many scratchs and clawmarks made into the ground, evidence of previouse plans. Wysteria sat in her usal spot- with her back towards the southern border and her front facing the camp's heart. Her eyes danced across the pack as she waited for her fellow hunter Jasper and the Lead Huntress Sari. they were the only ones at the meetings, except for the Alpha or the Beta joining in. Even though the pack's Omegas did hunt with them, they didn't get to be a part of the discussion. After a plan was formed, one of the wolves would tell the Omegas the plan before they left.

Wysteria waited quietly and as she did she let out a huge yawn. It was the only sign that she hadn't slept much. Her pelt was still glossy with regular washing and care. With a change f the wind, Wysteria could smell Jasper. She stood up and found the male entering camp with a kill between his jaws. She called out a greeting to him, "Hey Jasper, nice job." Even though the kill was just a hare that was enough to put aside someone's hunger till the real catch was brought in.

Clayton ;; Loner ;; Servatis territroy
The male pulled hismelf out of the river and shook the droplets from his belly fur. Before him layed mostly moors and foresty areas. It was a change from the scenery behind him; thick forests and rocky cliffs. The Servatis territroy was more open then the celia territroy. Feeling wide open in his current spot, Clayton dashed off towards the nearest clump of forest. He was hungry. The loner hadn't ate for a day atleast. In the Celia area he had been to worried about wolves finding him to look for food. His stomach brumbled as he neared the comfert of trees. If he was lucky, maybe Clay could find a rabbit atleast.

It took a while of jsut wondering around and scenting for food. but Clayton eventualy found a trail. It lead out of the saftey fo the trees though. The wolf's stomach took control though and pushed the male forward though. He tried to keep hismelf quite, but he was a bit out of practice. For days he had just been eating scraps like a bird. His nose stuck to the ground as he inhaled the trail which was getting fresher. Picking his head up, Clayton could spot the molting grey lump. His mouth opened wide as he let out a soft bark. He felt like a pup on his first hunt. Changing speed, the loner was now right on the creature's trail. He was hearding it back into a new clump of trees and out of the open. He gave occasional nips at it's backside before pouncing and smacking his paws on the hare's back.

He swollowed the last bit of the meat from his catch. even though it wasn't much, the small meal made Clayton have higher spirites. Lifting his muzzle to the air, he tried to locate where the river was. It was faint, but not eaxactly out of his reach. He was about to go back to the water sorce when another smell caught his nose. Panick filtered through Clay's brown eyes as he smelled Servatis, but stronger and more feminin. It was a Servatis wolf, a female at that. Investagating the scent once again, he relaxed just a bit to find that it was only one wolf. The problem was though, she was in his way to the river. Well maybe he could sneak past. His steps were now more catious as he moved towards the she-wolf and the river.

The trees were thinning out and he could now make out the black body of the she-wolf(Phyre). Clay now started to move to his right as he kept his eyes on the back of the she-wolf. He would be fine as long as he stayed downwind of her. The loner was taking small steps and slowly moving to the right. He was going to make it. The wolf froze though when he felt the wind now flow against his left side. The wind has shifted. Now it wouldn't have been a problem if Clay was closer to the river, but he was still behidn the she-wolf, "Screw it." He muttered as he stood up and started to run. even if she didn't catch his scent, the longer he stayed in that area, the easier his scent would be identified.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby cynicalAdvocate » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:52 am

Image Isarya;Scout;Celia.
Isarya basked in the sunlight, not exactly wanting Winter to come over. Her ears flicked around as Kenai made his way over to her, arching a brow. She dipped her head as well to him, a slight smile rearranging her facial features. Her head flicked to the side and she glanced at him once she heard the howl as well, and her finely tuned ears picked up on where the noise came from. As Kenai's tail brushed her shoulder, she slid quickly to her paws, trotting after the alpha.
When the alpha stopped, she halted beside him, gazing at the loner wolf. She can tell it was female also. Her lips slightly rose in a threatening position, narrowing her pupils as she did so. A slight warning snarl arose from her chest, which was not very audible because she knew this was Kenai's job; to scare away loners. She stood beside him, tail curling over her body lightly. She scanned the loner's features, a slight huff winding from her chest cavity. She listened to everything Kenai said, claws unsheathing into the soils.

After a few moments, the fur on her neck spiked up into chisels, muscles coiling as she waited to see what the loner would do. Her eyes scanned behind the loner, looking at the trees and such to make sure no others were with her. She turned her head to check around as well, shoulders rolling back in a slight shrug. "Stupid loners," She mumbled to herself, not caring if Kenai had heard her. She's always hated loners; even if she didn't know them, she disliked them from the moment she saw them.

This is the first time she'd seen Kenai act like this. In a threatening pose, making himself bigger. She was astonished; she really has never seen him even close to that. Oh well, he was doing his job as alpha. And she was doing her job as scout; assisting him in any way possible. She wondered what would happen if the loner didn't left, but she pushed that out of her mind and flicked her glance back to the loner, the popping of ligaments rang in her ears as her shoulders rolled back into position.

[ I can't RP Meretrix at the moment; I'm waiting for a reply from Rizzaun, alpha of Servatis. So.. o-o ]
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby ossa di cervo » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:59 am


Rizzaun / Alpha / Servatis

Rizzaun's ears flicked back as he heard Meretrix's voice and he turned with a slight glitter of amusement in his eyes. He dipped his head lightly to his lead scout before stretching his fore legs out and letting loose a rather large yawn, "I was asking for you. Good ears." His gaze turned to Sterling who he'd barely began to speak to and he dipped his head yet again, "I'll leave the pack to your paws for a few." He turned and took a few steps away, hoping Meretrix was following close behind, "I was just up for a patrol, Meretrix. I'd like to take one of the Omega's as well, I need to start figuring out which ranks they'd be best suited to. I'll let you decide which we take." His eyes turned and landed on the brown and red wolf and he smiled lightly, the poor wolf looked as if he had gotten as little sleep as he had gotten himself, "Perhaps once we return, we'll both get another deserved rest." Riz sighed as he turned his head to the sky, "I'll meet you right outside camp. I expect you won't have any trouble picking who to bring with us as well as which border needs a patrol."

Rizzaun nodded to the wolf and jogged out of camp, his eyes looking back and forth and his ears swiveling at every small sound. His nightmare was still plaguing his mind and he hoped this patrol would ease his mind. The creatures in his nightmare just didn't exists, so why was his mind so convinced that they would swoop down and grab him at any moment now?


Velyse / Loner / Currently in Celia territory

When the black wolf burst through the trees, Vel's face lit up with amusement and laughter. Moments after this one arrived, the white one followed, both looking aggravated at being bothered by a trashy looking, thrown down loner. She heard the black one's words to leave and this made Vel's mouth split open into loud laughter, "What d'you think of that Romeo?!" The she-wolf did an odd dance with her two forelegs, occasionally throwing her head back in laughter.

Look at that one! He thinks he can boss you around! Must be an alpha, that one. Or just an arrogant Beta.
We should leave now. They both look so angry..

Vel nodded, the voices in her head making her shake with anticipation, "You think we should win? The rabbits ought to know." The mumbling that came out of Vel's mouth made no sense to even Romeo but nonetheless they both laughed. Vel moved closer to Kenai and Isarya, "Who're you two? Do you think you can run? I want to run." Vel rose her hackles, trying her best to show as little submission as possible. If this black one really was an alpha then he should take the action like a slap to the face. If that happened, then perhaps Vel really could get her race in. The smoky gray she-wolf moved into snapping range and threw her face forward, then jumped back with her fur standing on end, "We mustn't wait. Else Romeo and Vincent get bored. Come, come." Vel hopped forward then back again, her face going in and out of biting range.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby KiwiKoala » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:56 am

Linnai * Omega * Servatis

Linnai couldn't help but shrink a bit at the arrival of the pack's most important wolves. She watched them with her head slightly cocked, careful not to appear too interested. The tones of their voices drifting toward her sounded casual and intent. She tried to imagine what they could be talking about. Plans for a hunt? New training methods? Fresh battle tactics? It all sounded so exciting to the young she-wolf, and she found her tail wagging and ears perked. Hurriedly she made herself still once more and checked to see if anyone had noticed her 'outburst'. She sighed with relief when none seemed to.

'They won't be able to do very much without some help,' she thought to herself, 'Unless it's special business, then I guess they won't invite anyone else to come. Unless they need someone to guard the area while they're there. But then they'll ask someone trained to do that. Unless they want to... No, they wouldn't-' Linnai shook her head to clear the flurry of contradictions swirling in her mind. "Gah, I have to stop doing that," she huffed. The silvery female returned her attention the group of lead wolves again, only to see the Alpha gone. She supposed he had gone off on important business.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Harpy• » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:18 pm

The Shaman bolted upright with a low growl, her hackles raised and her posture tense. She had a lingering sense of something being wrong; like she had been watched not long before. And she could've sworn she'd heard muttering, a barely discernible sound somewhere off to her left. She growled again, louder this time, letting whoever was nearby know that she was awake and angry at their intrusion. She lifted her muzzle and scented the air; and her lips curled back into a snarl.

No loners had been scented or spotted near Servatis territory in a very long time...the fact that a loner was here now meant several things. Since the scent was masculine, it could mean trouble for the entire pack if he stayed; males tended to be more aggressive, stealing prey and challenging the warriors and hunters of the pack, at times even the alpha. It could also mean a new member, another potential warrior, hunter, or scout, to list just a few. Her snarl never faded, her hackles never fell, and her muscles never loosened; she was highly on guard and ready for a fight; especially judging by the fact that she was going after this wolf...he was still on Servatis land.

With a feral growl, Phyre darted off in the direction of the freshest scent, her topaz yellow eyes narrowed to slits above her slightly bared teeth, her pawsteps silent and yet swift. The loner's vague scent was following the river, and so that is what Phyre did; and in truth she had no idea why. She hadn't a single notion as to why she was following this wolf, except for the fact that she had an odd feeling of suddenly becoming territorial. She never normally would have bothered with the scent of a loner; but this one had snuck up on her, watched her while she was sleeping, and had spoken before retreating back the way he had came...something about that bothered her to no end, no end at all. This was most likely because of her extreme distrust of wolves that belonged to anything else but Servatis; and partially because of her distaste for the male gender at this point in time. She trusted males even less than females, simply because of her brothers, and how brutal they had been.

But if that was the case, wouldn't avoiding the male be better than chasing after him? Again, why was she so pressed to follow him, to discover why he was in Servatis territory? She could think of many excuses, but none fit what she was doing. With a soft snort and a quick shake of her head while continuing to follow his trail, she decided that her reason for this was unexplicable, but had good excuses to give to the lead scout when she reported this loner in.
𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 :)
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{6 spots left!

Postby Smamm » Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:47 pm

Sterling ;; Beta ;; Servatis

Sterling noticed from the corner of his dark chestnut eyes a wolf cowering submissively to the brute. Turning his head he looked the silvery wolf from a more precise angle, and was able to identify her as Linnai. He wasn't very familiar with the Omega, but he had no quarrel with her. He nodded curtly and lightly stepped past her, his attention now situated on duties for the day. The Beta's ears pricked as he heard a feminine voice. His eyes darted around in search of the source, and noticed the grey and brown peppered fur of Wysteria approach. "About time you woke up," the hunter commented lightheartedly, or so Sterling assumed. The male was on the verge of agreeing humorously, but was distracted as the sound of his Alpha, Rizzuan called. The brute nodded as the female noticed Sterling was being called by the Alpha and diverted her attention to the other hunters of Servatis, and padded off without a word.

"Have you seen Meretrix lately? My bones seem to be begging to go on a jog..." Riz queried, avoiding eye contact surely for intimidation purposes. As the Beta pondered the location of the wolf, his dark chocolaty eyes were met by his Alpha's hardened melting golden gaze. He felt his mind began to swim for answers, his eyes darting for the wolf that Riz had requested. He racked his brain for an answer, but Sterling knew he did not in fact have an answer. He had been slacking this morning, and wasn't even sure where he was putting his own paws, let alone where Meretrix must have wandered off to! With his dark grey ears dropping apologetically, the brute was about to reply when he caught sight of the Lead Scout's golden and grey patched fur from the corner of his eye. Turning his head, his assumption was was correct as the wolf was in fact Meretrix and the wolf was able to let out an inaudible sigh of relief under his breath. The scout approached submissively, making sure not to upset the Alpha as he answered his call. Before sterling could really sink his teeth into what was going on, his Alpha and Lead Scout were heading out into the forest on a patrol with group of Omegas. Riz called out before exiting camp for Sterling to keep the pack up and running, and to get things organized for the time being. This was his job most the time anyhow, so it was not a real pressure the Alpha was leaving on his Beta's broad shoulders.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, the Beta tried to gather himself and start organizing patrols and such. Sterling briskly padded toward the center of camp, picking a spot to the left of the kill pile to situate himself. He took in a deep breath, slowly exhaling as he attempted once more to clear his thoughts and gather his scattered memory. His gaze traveled around camp, scanning over the wolves that had woken already. He noticed Phyre exit camp, but shrugged it off with a twitch of his tail. The Shaman had no duties other than to heal the wounded and cure the sick, and with Servatis healthy the female was free to do as she please. Returning to his wolf watching, he also was able to pick out Linnai, Wysteria, Jasper, Ambu, and Sari. The silvery Beta let out a loud yip, trying to gain the attention of his fellow pack mates. With another and signaled for the wolves to gather, so he could assign them their duties for the next few hours. As the wolves approached, the Beta flicked his ears toward Sari and ordered, "You take Wysteria and Jasper hunting. We need some food for the pack, as the rest will soon stir with empty bellies. As for you, the Beta paused, looking from Linnai to Ambu, "One of you will be going with Riz and Meretrix on a border patrol, and the other will join Sari's hunting party..."

Sterling's grey and white patterned head turned in the direction of Meretrix, knowing he had pick of which Omega to take with himself and Riz. The Beta was not picky, and fairly mutual to having either Omega with the hunting patrol. He waited patiently for the Scout to take his pick, eager to get things moving. Sterling himself was up for a hunting trip, but as Riz had ordered, he was to stay and take care of camp as the rest of the pack woke and to guard in case of any sort of intrusion. His tail thumped lightly on the ground in an eager manner, while the rest of him sat still as stone. His eyes portrayed no emotion, but not in an unfriendly way. A light breeze ruffled the male's fur, but he did not stir as it died down.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby KiwiKoala » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:08 pm

Linnai ~ Omega ~ Servatis

Linnai's attention had left the camp hub, distracted by the waving branches of the trees in a light breeze. Her eyes traveled down the trunk of a large oak, taking in the twisted and ancient bark covered in dapples of flickering sunlight. Ripping claw marks violated its base, territorial signs she wasn't sure belonged to her pack- perhaps not even to wolves still living. She took a deeper breath, the smell of forest fresh with quickly evaporating dew. She closed her brown eyes for a moment, enjoying her moment of relief from worrying.

Unfortunately, Sterling's harsh yip jarred the calmness in the young wolf's ears. Wide-eyed and considerably more alert, she stood up quickly and trotted briskly from the edge of camp towards the Beta. She saw the other stray pack members coming as well, and slowed her pace to aim for a place slightly behind them. The she-wolf peered secretively at Ambu, her only equal in the pack. It would have been a bit nicer to have actually known him better, but Linnai was a bit too shy for attempting to socialize with males. She would much prefer an easier relationship- like befriending a pup. The female mentally shook herself, wanting to pay attention.

Pointing his muzzle at Sari, Sterling began his morning orders, "You take Wysteria and Jasper hunting. We need some food for the pack, as the rest will soon stir with empty bellies. As for you," At this pause, Linnai felt her fur flash hot as he looked between the Omegas, but was careful to remain as confident an appearance as she could muster. The Beta continued, "One of you will be going with Riz and Meretrix on a border patrol, and the other will join Sari's hunting party..."

This news elicited a slight tail-wag from Linnai, who was ecstatic to hear of an opportunity for learning and duty. She looked from the Lead Scout to the Lead Hunter with curiosity unbridled (for once) in her eyes. 'I hope I'm not picked last. I mean, I know there's only two of us, but that still means the other party might not have wanted me at all. In fact-' Linnai stopped her thought processes sharply. If she thought nervously, she would look nervous. And nervousness was not high on an Alpha's priorities. Instead she pricked her ears a bit above a completely submissive droop, allowed her tail to straighten slightly and stood with paws planted firmly. An improvement, to say the least.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby Cazio » Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:24 am

Sari • Lead Hunter • Servatis


Sari's ears perked as she saw Wysteria and Jasper in their usual spot, and her tail flicked up, and instinctive reaction when a wolf ranked higher in a pack greets another wolf of equal or lower rank. Sari was not one to flaunt her position in the pack, for the first few months she probably seemed more bewildered than anything. These two wolves were her friends, not simply "her hunters". She trotted over to greet them when a commanding yip stopped her in her tracks. For a split second she thought she was going to be scolded for some reason, but as she turned she quickly realized Sterling was just calling a meeting and her fur settled. If anyone asked, she'd blame it on surprise.

Its was Sterling, their only Beta. Sari liked him, he seemed to have a good grasp of his role and she'd never seen him try and challenge Riz. She couldn't really imagine anyone challenging their lighthearted Alpha, and figured Riz would make a joke about it should the situation arise. She'd never really seen him angry or hostile to any wolf. Sterling looked to her and they locked eyes for a moment, Sari instantly dropping her tail and swinging her ears to the side in polite submission.

"You take Wysteria and Jasper hunting. We need some food for the pack, as the rest will soon stir with empty bellies. As for you, one of you will be going with Riz and Meretrix on a border patrol, and the other will join Sari's hunting party..."

Sari nodded curtly, shifting her gaze to Wysteria and Jasper. They hadn't had a big kill in awhile, and certainly could not fail today. She flicked her tail in a way that said "Come on, let's go!" and looked back to the Beta as he spoke about Omegas. her muzzle formed a slight snarl. She didn't particularly want to take an inexperienced Omega along for the ride. Sterling seemed to be aware of this potential issue and sat still as stone, looking at Meretrix first. Sari sat abruptly, folding her tail across her paws. She shook herself, trying to have an open mind about another wolf to help her party.

    "(The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
    The things I've held sacred that I've dropped
    I won't lie no more you can bet
    I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget

    I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
    If it doesn't remind me of anything

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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby cynicalAdvocate » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:50 am

Image Isarya;Scout;Celia.
Isarya cocked an eyebrow, hackles rising. She bristled along the back of her neck, the fur now spiked high and vibrating slightly as she growled a bit. A confused look spread along her facial features, and she waited for Kenai to respond to the loner, shoulders popping as she positioned them in a more comfortable position. A huff escaped from her muzzle, and she unsheathed her claws into the ground. She didn't bother hesitating, and she stepped forward so she was almost side-by-side with the alpha.

She attempted to make herself look bigger, muscles coiling. Her muscles and such began to ache from keeping them still and clenched, so she unclenched and calmed a bit, stopping her growling and just glaring at the loner.
[Grr, short. >:c I hafta wait for Kenai to reply to the loner; I can't say anything because Isa isn't alpha, and doesn't know what to say. x.x ]

Image Meretrix;Lead Scout; Servatis.
[size=85]Meretrix nodded, dipping his head to the alpha once again before he spoke. "Thank you, but my ears aren't that good," He allowed a smile to rearrange his facial features, his jaws widening into a large yawn as well. He dipped his head to Sterling in a greeting also.
"I already have one in mind," he spoke before he turned and followed to where Sterling has went, and he sat down and switched his glance to the omegas. He pointing with his snout towards Linnai, nodding. "Linnai, you're coming on the patrol with us." He said, a smile rearranging his features as he turned and walked towards the outside of camp where Riz was located. He could feel the omega close behind him, but he didn't really notice her. He shrugged off his sleepiness, although his muscles ached. His bones burned whenever he put a step down.

He knew it was his duty to scout, so he ignored the pain. Sleep longed to overcome him, and he yawned numerous times until he came across Riz at the outside of camp. "Greetings," he dipped his head. "I chose Linnai. She will be tagging along on the patrol," He said before looking up at the sky. "I suggest we scout around the outside of the boundaries. Making sure there are no loners wandering about. And then we should scout near the trees and such." He glanced around, turning and making sure Linnai was still there.
Shrugging, he began to circle around, scouting the outside of the camp. He slowed down to wait for Riz and Linnai to follow, neck fur bristling as he heard rustles of the rabbits and mice. "Stupid creatures," he mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Come, come," He said, speaking to Linnai. "We will need to see how you do so Riz can pick your rank." He flashed a small smile, yawning.
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Re: ||The Wolves of Twilit||{Semi-Lit. to Lit}{5 spots left!

Postby KiwiKoala » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:12 pm

Linnai ~ Omega ~ Servatis

The Omega cocked her head just enough to be noticeable when Meretrix implied that he had already wanted her to join his patrol. She had to wonder why, since her faint efforts to improve her self-consciousness were dim even in her eyes. Before she could begin contemplating, the Lead Scout had moved out of camp. She hurried after him to catch up.

Linnai's expression paled slightly when she saw her Alpha, ready to patrol along with his pack-mates. She dipped her head towards him and curled her tail downwards submissively. She kept her head angled toward her paws while listening to Meretrix, eyes concentrating on a sandy patch underneath her toes while her ears strained to catch even the most minute detail of the Leader's plans.

Suddenly the senior wolf stopped speaking, and Linnai heard a shuffle of paws signifying that he had began walking. She looked upwards and waited for the Alpha to begin walking. "Come, come, we will need to see how you do so Riz can pick your rank." This was Linnai's cue to begin following behind at a perhaps overly-respectful distance. She looked ahead at the path fixedly, wanting to make sure she didn't mess up with Rizzuan watching.
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