House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:54 am

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Open

After a bit, Tanwen decides to move off from the small group since the human male doesn't seem interested in interacting and, unlike Xanthe, she wasn't that interested in the humans. She didn't even want to be at the ball anyway but she had told Cedric that she was going to attend it since all the other social events the hosts held, she tended to not show up to. As she walks over to the serving table to get a drink and some food, her eyes drift over to the windows. Longing enters them since she would rather be outside rather than in an enclosed room since unless the weather was super bad or it was winter time, Tanwen would rarely be at the manor, preferring to reside in the forest. Letting out a soft sigh, the hybrid made it to the table where she gets herself a glass of water and a fruit kabob since even though she is part dragon, Tanwen still follows a vegetarian diet that she was raised in. She briefly glaces at the others around the long serving table but pays them no attention as she sips the water and eats the fruit kabob.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Queen of flames » Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:42 am

Alesha Wang | unknown, looks 25 years | Female| Demon Cat | Ballroom
Tags: Rhydian
She ate something at the serving tables, her eyes watching the other people talking about whatever they were talking at. Once again she started to think about what was she even doing here and part of her was already thinking of leaving the party to those who wants to be there.
She looked as one of the male guests walked around the service table, if she was in her cat form she could be growling at the moment as the male smelled like a human, he acted like a human and it disgusted her. She wanted to leave the serving tables as fast as possible, but she was too slow when the male started to question her. She was silent for a moment thing if she could answer to him or act like she didn't even hear him and leave the tables. The latest option sounded better on her mind, but then again these whole inviting-human things made her think, why? Was there going to be some ritual where all those humans will be sacrificed? She didn't know.
She kept thinking before remembered that the human did ask her a question "It's including what you want to eat, are you a gourmet, a vegetarian or a carnivore?" she responded to him, not in the nicest way, but holding her tongue a lot when responding to him.

Miriam Fuentes | 100 years, looks 20 years | Female | Forest Fairy | Ballroom
Tags: Tanwen
She kept walking around the ballroom little fruit drink in her hand, she was given the drink waiter walking around the hall offering drinks to the quests. She was a little bit bored, even if she was not that talkative and was actually very shy around strangers and she was not sure if she wanted to talk with the humans at all. Humans kind of scared her and made her feel uncomfortable. Of course, she was not a half-animal, so she didn't have the extra senses to know if the person was a human or not, she needed to guess which was which.
She walked over to the green-haired girl which she saw speaking with a few others at the time she got to the ballroom. The girl little bit reminded people of her old home, for forest fairies having any kind of green-colored hair or mixed-colored green haired was very common, like in her true form she had part white and part green hair. She took a drink of her fruit juice as she walked to her "Hello...there..." she beginner with a rather shy voice "How do you like in here?" she asked her.

Eugene Lynn|unknown, looks 35 years | male | Griffin | Patio
Tags: Open
He entered the manor, walked past the ballroom scanned the others there, and silently got a drink out from the service table as he walked past it to the back door which brought him to the patio. He was not really happy about this event at all, and part of him didn't even understand what was the idea of all of that. Humans were weak, but they were dangerous too, those humans may destroy them if they wanted to. Of course, he didn't like to live hiding his true self, but what else he could do, for humans they were freaks, the monsters.
He took a cigar out of his pocket as he sat on the chair on the patio, there were good views and the air was fresh, it made him relax a little bit and forget his thought about everything.

Yasmine Faulkner | 23 years| Female| Human | Ballroom
Tags: Aiden
She stood there for a moment, a little confused and unsure of what was she supposed to do now. Could there be something happening at all, there were some drink and snack servants walking around and some of them even tried to offer her some, but she refused to take any. She wanted to be sure about this event before drinking or eating anything, she didn't want to be poisoned or drink something she didn't know about. Maybe she was being little too paranoid and way too alert about anything at the moment, but that was just her nature.
She sighed when her eyes landed on the next quest coming into the ballroom, she watched the boy for a long time before it hit her like a hammer "...Aiden? Is that you?" she called out with a loud voice, but shut it lower than "what are you doing here? Did you get the invitation too?" she asked him as she walked closer to the red-haired male.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:52 am

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan; Alesha and Yasmine- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, Silas

The blue green eyed and golden brown haired one hummed a small sound. They seemed to be trying to make Mystic relax. She was probably trying to calm herself a bit as well. Shaking her head, she looked to the older male once more. They noticed he seemed to be...noticing things too, anticipating, whatever. They shook their head a couple times. They glanced around a couple times, then shook their head. She focused on Silas once more, as she was supposed to be. She'd chosen to interact with him, after all, so it would be rude. It would be rude to take her attention off him too long. They shook their head a couple times. She then offered a smile to Silas, as well as Mystic. She could tell her sibling was still nervous and worried. She shook her head again, and let out a small sigh. They looked to see Lilith was over by Caelan and Leela. They almost smiled at this, but then stopped herself and looked to the others again.

She tilted her head as she looked at Silas once more, noting how he seemed composed. She'd just...sensed unease or such from him. They were werewolves, after all, they could sense these things. She dipped her head a moment, then raised it once more. She nodded as she looked at him. "Yeah, we don't...well, Mystic doesn't do parties well either. They always want me around, too." She shook her head at this. However, she looked to her younger sibling with a fond look.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys; Eugene, Vetiver (one sided likely), maybe Atlas- Tags: Ell, Silas (might send to Eugene at some point)

The blue green eyed ash blonde glanced between the two of them. They were both older than Mystic, which of course made sense. Ell was the older sibling, after all. Silas was older than both of them, so of course he was older than Mystic. Mystic shook that thought away before they could start to spiral. They glanced around a moment...then quickly back to the others. Being around another werewolf made them feel safer. Somehow, it made them feel better. Even if they too could sense the unease or such from him. They looked to him when he finally spoke. He finally brought up the humans, and they tensed a bit. They noted how he kept his voice very low, too. They nodded, muttering "Humans shouldn't be here...Someone could hurt them by accident, or on purpose." They then glanced to their older sibling, as the other looked to them. They dipped their head to her a moment, then raised it back up.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan, Lilith (also mentions)

The blue eyed one looked to Caelan again, listening as he explained what it was. She nodded her head along as he spoke of it. "Wasn't a religion at first...well, that makes sense." She said this then fell silent, as he continued to speak to her. She dipped her head a moment, then raised her head back up. She nodded along some more, as he said people had been upset. "That...also makes sense," she said to him. "I'd have been annoyed by that too," she said, meaning the government and such.

She then nodded to Lilith, saying "I hope so too. They might get too excited and accidentally hurt someone, though...That, or...they could get scared and show something that's not human about their self." She knew those were definite possibilities. Mystic was shy and nervous, and could be scared. Ell could also be scared, though was more outgoing. Some of the others may get excited, or even annoyed. Shaking her head, she then tilted it and asked "Can you...get me jewels like that?" to Lilith.

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias, Tris and Leon, Alex

The cute heterochromatic boy noticed the arrogant smirk Leon shot the woman, Trisiphone if he'd heard right. He didn't comment on it, simply shaking his head. He shook his head as Leon mostly ignored him...He then jumped a bit, as another party appeared. He stuck close to Elias, and stared at the newcomer. He then shook his head, looking to Leon as he heard him suppress a sound. He wasn't sure how to feel about this newcomer. The guy seemed to be loud and boisterous. That would be fine, if it weren't constant. He didn't know how constant it would be with this guy, though. He shook his head, and glanced to Elias a moment. He then looked to the new person, and said "Um...hello, who...who are you?"

He nodded to Elias, when the other asked if that was the guy's name. "Didn't...his sister at least tell us his name?" he asked. He was pretty sure she had, or maybe Apollo himself had mentioned it at one point. They'd obviously need to know his name. His sister was their friend, after all. Apollo was also often around her, so of course they'd learn his name at some point. Shaking his head, he then nodded along as Elias spoke. There wasn't really anything else to say...yet.

Aiden Lukas- m- 22 y- human w/ ten to fifteen percent Kelpie blood- storyteller and artist- homosexual; Vetiver a bit and Atlas, Rhydian possibly- open for SO/whatnot- has two rats, Cheddar and Mozzarella, as well as a Flemish Giant Bunni, and a ferret Fina- Tags: Yasmine, Rhydian and Alesha

The sweet and gentle redhead let ambery brown eyes wander. He noticed a man and woman at the drinks table. He felt like he should go over there and interact with them. However, he didn't really know what pulled him to go talk to those two. Shaking his head, he began to head over that way. He put a smile on his face as he went towards the table. He saw two other women as well. They weren't really of interest to him, however, so he continued on. However, then Yasmine approached him, and he sighed a bit. He turned to look at her, but he was still going to go to that table. He tilted his head as he looked at her. He then nodded as he said "Of course I got an invitation...otherwise, I probably wouldn't have even been allowed in."

He then looked to Rhydian and Alesha once more, not knowing their names of course. "I'm going over there, to talk to those two. You can...come with me, if you want." With that, he headed over towards the table once more, saying "Hello."

(This was already cleared with Angel. I was just trying to let a couple more people post before posting again..)
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Fri Apr 28, 2023 1:16 pm

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Miriam

Moving a bit from the table, her eyes continue to scan the ballroom. She could tell the humans apart from the other supernatural even though she doesn't know all of the residents due to being more of a loner. She takes another sip of the water as she tosses the stick into a trashcan near the table as she sees a shorter girl approach her. Tanwen's eyes narrow slightly as she tries to remember her name, only having met her a few times. Shifting her wings slightly, Tanwen smiles slightly as she finally remembers her name before replying, "Do you not recognize me because of the outfit, Miriam? Granted we never really talked before but its me, Tanwen." Darting a look of longing at the windows before looking back at Miriam, whom is shorter than her due to Tanwen being 5'11" as she states, "I rather be out there than cooped up in here. I hate being indoors when its nice out."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Queen of flames » Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:22 am

Alesha Wang | unknown, looks 25 years | Female| Demon Cat | Ballroom
Tags: Rhydian
She ate something at the serving tables, her eyes watching the other people talking about whatever they were talking at. Once again she started to think about what was she even doing here and part of her was already thinking of leaving the party to those who wants to be there.
She looked as one of the male guests walked around the service table, if she was in her cat form she could be growling at the moment as the male smelled like a human, he acted like a human and it disgusted her. She wanted to leave the serving tables as fast as possible, but she was too slow when the male started to question her. She was silent for a moment thing if she could answer to him or act like she didn't even hear him and leave the tables. The latest option sounded better on her mind, but then again these whole inviting-human things made her think, why? Was there going to be some ritual where all those humans will be sacrificed? She didn't know.
She kept thinking before remembered that the human did ask her a question "It's including what you want to eat, are you a gourmet, a vegetarian or a carnivore?" she responded to him, not in the nicest way, but holding her tongue a lot when responding to him.

Miriam Fuentes | 100 years, looks 20 years | Female | Forest Fairy | Ballroom
Tags: Tanwen
She looked at the green-haired girl for a moment "So it was you, I thought it could be you but was not a hundred percent sure..." she responded with a giggle "It could be embarrassing for me to call your name and then it was not you at all" she continued laughing. She then sighed "Yes we didn't really talk before, I am not really talked to anyone in here, I mostly live in the forest anyway," she said to her "You know we don't need to be inside there all the time? I think...there is that pretty backyard, everyone is able to go there If they wanted, as it's kind of wasted for a beautiful day being inside" she kept saying. She looked at her a little bit "So are we allowed to be in our true form, around those humans? I thought we need to be seen and act like humans so I even hid my fairy wings and changed my hair color" she said with a sigh.

Eugene Lynn|unknown, looks 35 years | male | Griffin | Patio
Tags: Open
He entered the manor, walked past the ballroom scanned the others there, and silently got a drink out from the service table as he walked past it to the back door which brought him to the patio. He was not really happy about this event at all, and part of him didn't even understand what was the idea of all of that. Humans were weak, but they were dangerous too, those humans may destroy them if they wanted to. Of course, he didn't like to live hiding his true self, but what else he could do, for humans they were freaks, the monsters.
He took a cigar out of his pocket as he sat on the chair on the patio, there were good views and the air was fresh, it made him relax a little bit and forget his thought about everything.

Yasmine Faulkner | 23 years| Female| Human | Ballroom
Tags: Aiden, open
She looked over the serving table there, where Aiden was looking, and walked over as well. Her eyes ignored the female but narrowed to the handsome-looking human male there talking with the black-haired woman and sighed '...of course, he has to go there for all quests, handsome boy hmm' she thought to herself as she looked at Aiden. She looked around once again then turned around "Good luck with him," she said to him and left to the other side of the ballroom. She walked over to some chairs and sat down, once again wondering if she could just go back home.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:07 am

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Miriam

Raising an eyebrow inquisitively as she glances at her dragon wings before chuckling softly, "Honestly if any of these humans showed up with dragon wings as a part of their outfit, I would be surprised." A small smile graces her lips before replying, "I am rarely in here as well, only really during bad weather or winter time, since i prefer being outdoors," she glances around to make sure no humans were close by before saying in a lower voice, "being what i am." Tanya doesn't know if Miriam knew what she was but the pointed elf ears, dragon wings, and red dragon eyes should be enough for her to understand why she prefers being outdoors. "And I didn't even know we would be having humans here until last night so there was no way i could alter my dress in time to not have the holes in the back for my wings. Even if I did have time, I can't change my eyes or ears to look human and my hair refuses to take that stuff those humans call hair dye," Tanwen continued in a soft voice. Her eyes lighten up at the mention of the backyard and nods her head in agreement at the last part of the sentence about the day being too nice
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby ellyenchanted » Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:52 am

        ────── 𝐀 𝐏 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging xanthe, tanwen

        apollo didn't like the way they kept glancing at each other, conveying unspoken messages, but he tried to tamp down his discomfort the best he could. he couldn't, however, stop his dark eyes from shifting around, seeking an out to this conversation. something told him the two women wouldn't let him go so easily. what could possibly be their motive or interest? what was this ball, truly?

        apollo was sharp, and didn't miss they way the one who called herself xanthe step back. he supposed that to them, he must seem like a mouse about to be caught in a trap. but he could not will away the bad feeling he had the moment they stepped foot into the manor. "rumors are more my sisters thing." he paused when she asked for his name, which he had not been willing to give. begrudgingly, he answered her. "my name is apollo." since neither of them gave their last names, he did not either.

        he felt a small sense of relief when tanwen moved on, dealing with one other stranger was better than dealing with two.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby TheRegularTerrarian » Sun Apr 30, 2023 6:33 pm

Alex Darkman | 35 | Male | Demon | Ballroom | Tags: Ari, Elias
He grins as he sees the reaction from the people he interrupted. "Oh me? I'm..." he ponders on what to say, as he couldn't exactly tell them his name. Not that he didn't want to, he literally couldn't. "Ah who cares what my name is? So.. Elias and Ari eh? Those are certainly some names. Don't think we get those kinds of names around these parts, and I've been living here for years!" Upon hearing that they were from Seabridge, he wonders if they were specially chosen to be invited since they were so close. "Seabridge eh? That's not far from here is it? You two are lucky getting invited here out of everyone that lives there, not everyone gets to participate in an exclusive party such as this!"
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:10 pm

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan; Alesha and Yasmine- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, Silas

The blue green eyed and golden brown haired one hummed a small sound. They seemed to be trying to make Mystic relax. She was probably trying to calm herself a bit as well. Shaking her head, she looked to the older male once more. They noticed he seemed to be...noticing things too, anticipating, whatever. They shook their head a couple times. They glanced around a couple times, then shook their head. She focused on Silas once more, as she was supposed to be. She'd chosen to interact with him, after all, so it would be rude. It would be rude to take her attention off him too long. They shook their head a couple times. She then offered a smile to Silas, as well as Mystic. She could tell her sibling was still nervous and worried. She shook her head again, and let out a small sigh. They looked to see Lilith was over by Caelan and Leela. They almost smiled at this, but then stopped herself and looked to the others again.

She tilted her head as she looked at Silas once more, noting how he seemed composed. She'd just...sensed unease or such from him. They were werewolves, after all, they could sense these things. She dipped her head a moment, then raised it once more. She nodded as she looked at him. "Yeah, we don't...well, Mystic doesn't do parties well either. They always want me around, too." She shook her head at this. However, she looked to her younger sibling with a fond look.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys; Eugene, Vetiver (one sided likely), maybe Atlas- Tags: Ell, Silas (might send to Eugene at some point)

The blue green eyed ash blonde glanced between the two of them. They were both older than Mystic, which of course made sense. Ell was the older sibling, after all. Silas was older than both of them, so of course he was older than Mystic. Mystic shook that thought away before they could start to spiral. They glanced around a moment...then quickly back to the others. Being around another werewolf made them feel safer. Somehow, it made them feel better. Even if they too could sense the unease or such from him. They looked to him when he finally spoke. He finally brought up the humans, and they tensed a bit. They noted how he kept his voice very low, too. They nodded, muttering "Humans shouldn't be here...Someone could hurt them by accident, or on purpose." They then glanced to their older sibling, as the other looked to them. They dipped their head to her a moment, then raised it back up.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan, Lilith (also mentions)

The blue eyed one looked to Caelan again, listening as he explained what it was. She nodded her head along as he spoke of it. "Wasn't a religion at first...well, that makes sense." She said this then fell silent, as he continued to speak to her. She dipped her head a moment, then raised her head back up. She nodded along some more, as he said people had been upset. "That...also makes sense," she said to him. "I'd have been annoyed by that too," she said, meaning the government and such.

She then nodded to Lilith, saying "I hope so too. They might get too excited and accidentally hurt someone, though...That, or...they could get scared and show something that's not human about their self." She knew those were definite possibilities. Mystic was shy and nervous, and could be scared. Ell could also be scared, though was more outgoing. Some of the others may get excited, or even annoyed. Shaking her head, she then tilted it and asked "Can you...get me jewels like that?" to Lilith.

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias, Tris and Leon, Alex

The cute heterochromatic boy nodded to Elias, when the other asked if that was the guy's name. "Didn't...his sister at least tell us his name?" he asked. He was pretty sure she had, or maybe Apollo himself had mentioned it at one point. They'd obviously need to know his name. His sister was their friend, after all. Apollo was also often around her, so of course they'd learn his name at some point. Shaking his head, he then nodded along as Elias spoke. There wasn't really anything else to say...yet.

He then glanced to Alex, though still didn't know his name. He wanted to be annoyed, when the other didn't say his name...Instead, he only sighed and shook his head a couple times. He could tell the man was older than them. He nodded to the older male, saying "I believe it's close to here." It hadn't taken them long to get to the manor, as it were. He then nodded as the other said they were lucky to be here. "Lucky, huh...I suppose we are," he said, and looked to Elias again.

Aiden Lukas- m- 22 y- human w/ ten to fifteen percent Kelpie blood- storyteller and artist- homosexual; Vetiver a bit and Atlas, Rhydian possibly- open for SO/whatnot- has two rats, Cheddar and Mozzarella, as well as a Flemish Giant Bunni, and a ferret Fina- Tags: Yasmine, Rhydian and Alesha

The sweet and gentle redhead let ambery brown eyes wander. He headed over towards the table once more, saying "Hello," to Rhydian and Alesha. He then sighed as Yasmine walked away...At least she said good luck to him. He nodded, more to himself really seeing as she'd walked away now. He sighed a couple times more, then looked to the strangers. He waited to see if they'd say anything to him. He wanted to say his name, but really should give them time to say something.

Last bumped by Spiritstar3 on Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:10 pm.
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