*⋆ the valley

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*⋆ one

Postby lacke » Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:12 am

        location: moorclan campxx tags: moorclan catsxx words: 308
        With a newfound energy from receiving his lives, Ravenstar effortlessly bounded back towards Moorclan, eager to get back to the new clan, appoint a proper deputy, and ultimately, start off Moorclan the correct way. They had been residing here for a moon now, but that did not mean that everything was working in great order. The cats first priority was to pick an unofficial leader and get camp set up before anything else, and it took about a moon to craft the camp into what they wanted and needed. Since they had established camp, Ravenstar had made a few acquaintances with former clan cats, and welcomed those from outside of the clans with open arms, knowing well that the clan would not survive with a limited amount of cats. He'd had plenty of time to think through his deputy decision, and he hoped that the others in the clan would agree with him.

        Knowing better than to return to the camp empty-jawed, Ravenstar took time to hunt, managing to catch a pretty hefty fish from one of the nearby streams. He didn't waste any time in thanking Starclan before moving on, eyes set on the prize. He stepped into camp, just as the sun hung heavily in the sky. A few cats were out and about, mingling or being separate, using some alone time. When he slid into the camp, a couple of cats let out a yowl of joy, and Ravenstar wasted no time in dropping the fish into the prey pile, nodding to those around him, and leaping gracefully onto the fallen tree in the middle of the clearing.

        "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the fallen tree for a meeting!" Ravenstar yowled, before taking a seat on top of the stump. "It's time to announce Moorclans first deputy."

        location: moorclan campxx tags: applefallxx words: 284
        Tinyleaf had managed to convince Applefall to sit outside while the sun was high, that way both of them could soak up the nice sun before it disappeared behind the valley for the latter half of the day. Admittedly, the clan had been rather quiet since Ravenwing, no, Ravenstar had departed to recieve his nine lives the day prior. Not much had been done around the camp, but there was enough prey to go around while the cats eagerly awaited for his arrival. While waiting and lounging, Tinyleaf turned her head towards Applefall. "Applefall, have you heard of Starclan before coming to Moorclan?" She asked earnestly with a slight tilt of her head. "No judgement from me obviously, I was just going to ask what your thoughts on Ravenstar going to get his nine lives and what not!" she chirped, flicking her tail to signify the curious mood.

        She listened eagerly to Applefalls response, but unfortunately her attention was turned away rather quickly when a black form slid into camp, followed by a couple of warriors yowls. At first, she thought an intruder had waltzed right in, before she heard others calling Ravenstar by his name. "Speaking of Ravenstar," she mentioned, watching as he casually strolled across the camp, before leaping up onto the fallen tree. He called a clan meeting, with the announcement of a new deputy, and Tinyleaf tilted her head. "I truly wonder who he is going to pick. I'd like to see Myrtleleap personally, but I might be bias," she joked lightheartedly, before glancing to Applefall. "I know Ravenstar wants us to travel over there... but I'm going to say that us queens have a pass, since we're comfortable here."

        location: moorclan campxx tags: openxx words: 1,333
        he is open for interactions (:

        location: moorclan campxx tags: beartuftxx words: 1,333
        Frankly, Dovelight would have preferred to stay in the elders den for the rest of her life. She was not familiar with any of these cats, and was not fond of many of them, especially the Snowclan ones. She was frightened. However, Beartuft gently urged her to at least sit outside of the elders den, and she obliged, much to her distaste. So, there she was, crouched outside of the elders den, too tense to relax. She heard some chatting nearby about when Ravenstar would come back with his nine lives, and Dovelight flattened her ears. "I wish Sunstar was still our leader." She grumbled, her tail lashing behind her, throwing up some dirt. "As far as I'm concerned, Ravenstar is nothing compared to Sunstar." she meowed, probably a bit louder than she intended.

        Suddenly, a loud commotion traveled throughout the camp, and it was loud and startling enough to make Dovelight jump straight up, her back arched. Unsure of what everyone was looking at, since she, well, couldn't see, she backed up slightly. "What in Starclan is going on?" She growled, before Beartuft assured her it was Ravenstar. After a few moments, Ravenstars meow echoed across the clearing, and Dovelight relaxed a tad, but left out a hefty sigh. "Beartuft, I'll need your help getting me to the meeting," She meowed quietly, embarassed that she had to put him in this position. "Perhaps our son will be honored with being a deputy, could you imagine that Beartuft?" She huffed, hoping to change the subject.
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Nightsong [1] // Myrtleleap [1] // Mothpaw [1]

Postby avicularia » Thu Apr 06, 2023 12:38 pm

medicine cat || 20 moons old || tagged; camp - open
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      Nightsong was exhausted. His eyes were heavy with it as he attempted to relax, a remedy prescribed by himself. Miserably, it wasn't working. His mind was on a million different things, each worry paralyzing him to where he crouched. There weren't enough herbs; this was the leading thought. Most of his (Fogsight's) supply had burned with the fire. What he had collected afterward was gone, used on many burns, scratches, and hysterical cats, who he'd been determined to help. Though he'd done everything in his power, he'd watched many perish, their wounds too grievous to fix. And while he worked, he watched and waited for his dear mother, courageous father, or hobbling mentor. Only one had come.

      At least one had come.

      He reminded himself, for the hundredth time, that it could have been worse. Look at the cats around him that had lost everything and remained a part of this strange, new clan, willing to rebuild and re-love. Sucking a deep breath into his lungs, he checked its odor, hunting for the smallest trace of ash or smoke on the breeze. There was nothing but the stale marsh air, which he had somehow grown not to mind. It was better than cinders.

      Although it had only been a handful of heartbeats since he'd attempted to settle himself down, the cat sprang back up on graceful legs, unable to stand it any longer. Hurriedly, he dove back into his den, furiously straightening the herbs he did have left, trying to take stock of what he needed. It was then he heard a familiar voice bellowing into camp, gluing his attention to nothing but that. Nightsong dropped everything he was doing and pounced back out of his home, now with a string of horsetail dangling off one ear.

      There, he caught sight of his father, ready to announce his deputy. That was another thing. Despite traditions, Ravenwi-star had refused to bring Nightsong along. This was almost certainly because he knew his son would mess something up, ruining his chances to become leader of the new clan. These bleak speculations kept him from bounding over into the center of the meeting place. Instead, he resigned himself to listen, sitting just outside the mouth of the medicine cat den, one ear keeping tabs on the other cats moving into the area.

      Glancing toward Beartuft and Dovelight, he added celandine and daisy leaf to the ever-growing list of things he needed to find. And he still needed to check on Tinyleaf and Applefall, though that image terrified him. Maybe he could talk Larkfrost into checking in on them, and then he and Leopardpaw could hunt for the herbs. This climate was proving challenging for him, as it could not tolerate some of the medicines he relied on in RowanClan.
      'StarClan, help me,' he muttered to himself.

warrior || 42 moons old || tagged; eveningbriar
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      It was a good day. Myrtleleap was stretched out in the sun, dozing lightly as bugs danced around her ears. With Ravenwing gone, there was no direction and little to do. She supposed she could have roused herself and caught a meal to feed herself or the clan, but she was rather enjoying the listlessness. She knew that this would soon change and wanted to enjoy it while she could. Even when the black cat paraded back into camp, announcing a meeting, she didn't bother with standing or even opening her eyes. It was only when he mentioned the idea of declaring someone deputy that she made it to her feet.

      Of course, she had no inclination that she would become deputy. Though she enjoyed Ravenstar's company, the two didn't have the same point of view on most things. Worse, she doubted he would ever choose a cat originating out of one of the clans as anything more than a warrior. Myrtleleap didn't want it anyway. Leadership came with too many responsibilities, and she'd have to give up her own desires for the needs of others. However, she did have a cat in mind for the role.

      Even at the thought of the pretty black cat with her green eyes, a smile broke through the normally straight-faced molly. If Ravenstar didn't choose Eveningbriar for his deputy, he'd be foolish. She was everything a deputy needed to be: selfless, hard-working, and level-headed. Myrtleleap definitely wanted to be there when her friend was chosen, and then they could celebrate together. There had been little of that lately. These cats were lost in their memories, too burdened with love and regret to live their own tragic lives.

      Not bothering to shake the grass stuck to her coarse calico pelt, she started her search. Even if Eveningbriar wasn't picked, they could still celebrate the new leader and deputy. Surely even these sad cats could lose themselves in festivities. She'd heard tales of the traditions from other clans, and she was certain they would have some special ceremony for this. Hopefully it included food. Her stomach grumbled at the thought. Ignoring it, she moved off to the black cat's den.

      "Eveningbriar!" she called when she reached the entrance. "Ravenwing is back!" Myrtleleap hoped she didn't look foolish, calling to a cat that wasn't there. Hopefully the familiar face was inside.

apprentice to morningpetal || nine moons old || tagged; camp, stormpaw
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      The small white cat sat in the shadows, deep in thought in the silence the trees offered her. This clan was quieter than the last, and she found she was expected to use her voice more, as there was no one around to know what she desired with a simple look and flick of her tail. Mothpaw was finding this incredibly difficult. Brought up in a litter of six, her siblings were always talking over one another, leaving little conversation for her to be forced into. Instead, she was comfortable with silence, often overlooked and underappreciated by all except her father.

      A loud voice and series of yowls broke through her daydreams. At the mention of a meeting, she stood on unsteady feet and tiptoed into the meeting place, golden eyes looking desperately around for a familiar face. Beartuft sat a ways away, and she nearly galloped over to him, stopping herself when she realized his mate was there by his side. While Mothpaw herself had nothing against Dovelight, the aging cat was against anyone from SnowClan, a thing impossible to hide, as the scent of ice and snow clung to her white fur. When the two were together, she tended to stay away, not wanting to upset the blind molly.

      She spotted Tinyleaf immediately after, though she already seemed to be in conversation with her fellow queen, and Mothpaw didn't feel like interrupting. Grief seized her suddenly, brought on by the image of her family. All she wanted was to bury her face in her father's familiar white pelt and breathe in the pine and sage that always clung to him, yet this was an impossibility. She'd even settle for her mother's faded pelt with its aroma of bracken and freshly turned earth, but she wasn't here either.

      Instead, she moved off to her left, settling herself away from the cats amassing in the center. She supposed she could have found Morningpetal, but discarded this idea for two important reasons. One, she had a feeling the cat would be named deputy, and Mothpaw didn't want any attention drawn to herself. Second, Morningpetal was her mentor and would probably have advice on how to grieve and let go. Mothpaw didn't feel like listening at the moment, allowing memories of her lost loved ones to play through her mind.

      "Oh, Stormpaw!" she said anxiously. She'd just caught sight of the silvery male. While not precisely her friend, they did share the apprentice den and often trained together. And, she told herself, anyone's company was better than being alone. At least, that's what her mother would have said. "Would you like to sit with me for the meeting?" she questioned hopefully, praying she didn't seem desperate. She really didn't want to be left with only her thoughts for company, as they were becoming more frantic and less sensible.
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bat (1), lark (1), rush (1)

Postby selasphorys » Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:57 pm

    (warrior) (14 mns) (x) (357 words)
    (location: moorclan camp) (tags: ravenstar) (mentions: none)

    "Ravenstar! Ravenstar!"

    Batblaze erupted into cheers as her newly-named leader emerged from the treeline. She had waited for him with restless paws, green eyes searching for any flicker in the shadows. The past two days had inched by like a crawl through sludge, but finally-- finally!--- Ravenstar had returned. No sight could be more magnificent than the star-honored warrior arising under the setting sun. Her old deputy had become leader after the fall of Dawnstar, of RowanClan, of everything. And though nothing else could ever be the same, this... this was right. This was real. Jumping to her paws, she briefly forgot her warrior status and bounced around like an overgrown apprentice. Her raucous yowls resounded through the clearing. Not only had her leader returned with his nine lives, Ravenstar had also brought a feast for his waiting clan! He was the hero that Batblaze aspired to become.

    The young warrior followed her leader to the fallen tree. She took a spot right beneath it, front and center, her ginger ruff fluffed up with pride. It was almost like the clan meetings at her old camp. Almost. Sitting as tall as her small build could allow, Batblaze tried to project the fierce dignity of a RowanClan warrior, just like her mother had always taught her. She managed to calm her earlier excitement, but she couldn't stop her bushy tail from wagging like a puppy's. No doubt her brother would have pounced on it by now. Then Owlpaw would settle in by her side, giving her an apologetic nudge before she batted at his annoying ears. But instead, she sat alone.

    Batblaze's expression hardened. She shoved the memory out of her mind, refusing to let anything cloud the triumph of today. Her smug gaze raked across the camp, daring the cats of other clans to challenge her leader's position. With ears pricked, she waited for Ravenstar's deputy announcement. As the only remaining RowanClan warrior, Batblaze thought she had a decent shot at deputy. Never mind that she'd been a warrior for less than a moon, and she never mentored an apprentice.

    (warrior) (38 mns) (x) (464 words)
    (location: outside medicine den) (tags: nightsong, rushpaw) (mentions: ravenstar)

    The murmurs and whispers of other cats droned on like a cloud of flies. Larkfrost had not known silence since she came here. Everywhere she turned, there were new cats and conversations, new orders and obligations. Thorny trees hemmed her in on all sides, crowding out the wind and sky. These past two days had been nothing short of stagnant. The others couldn't bother to get anything done while they awaited Ravenwing's return. Despite this, she had hunted and guarded and helped, until eventually even she had to come to a standstill. Larkfrost stalked out to the very edge of camp to get away from it all. She idly watched her son chase butterflies as the shadows grew longer and longer.

    What little peace she found splintered as yowls split the air. The leader had arrived, presumably with nine lives and the favor of his ancestors. For an instant, her lip curled into a scowl at the thought of any cat cheating death. It was absurd. But the reaction faded as soon as it came, her face reverting to its usual blank expression. Best not to criticize the clan that had so magnanimously welcomed her son. While Larkfrost lived here, she would follow their traditions and customs, no matter how outlandish they seemed.

    Rushpaw's antics propelled her to the present, quite literally. Her son had started pushing her toward the fallen tree, hopping all around like a rabbit while he chirped about his new leader. Larkfrost's cold blue glare softened with his warmth. Here was her son, unbelievably happy and alive. "I'm right behind you," she called out with a sigh, padding after the apprentice as he raced on ahead. Those words left a bittersweet feeling in her chest.

    But Rushpaw suddenly veered away from the fallen tree, dashing toward the medicine den instead. By the time Larkfrost got there, he had already started chattering up a storm with the medicine cat. Nightsong looked harried enough as it was, with the scrap of horsetail hanging off of his ear. She knew better than most the burden that he carried for the good of others. She had witnessed firsthand what went on in that chaotic medicine den. But despite his endless whirlwind of worries, he still healed her dying son with compassion and grace.

    "Come along now, Rushpaw. Let's not pester our medicine cat," Larkfrost murmured, chastising her son with a gentle lick on the forehead. She dipped her head toward Nightsong, an apologetic grimace twisting her face. "Nightsong, will you join us in welcoming Ravenstar?" She paused before she spoke the leader's new name, ensuring that she used the correct title so her son could learn it as well.

    (apprentice) (7 mns) (mentor: lynxshadow) (x) (387 words)
    (location: outside medicine den) (tags: nightsong, larkfrost) (mentions: ravenstar, leopardpaw)

    Rushpaw leaped, paws shooting out to snatch a butterfly from the sky. But the bug flitted just out of reach as it danced between spots of sunlight. Landing lightly, the nimble tom wiggled his tail as he prepared to try again. Happy shouts interrupted his hunting game. The leader had returned from his big trip out to meet StarClan! He had to tell mom and Nightsong and Leopardpaw and everyone else! Scampering over to Larkfrost, he playfully nudged her toward Ravenstar and the clan meeting. "Mom, you've gotta go faster. Look there, he's already at the fallen tree! Follow me, okay?" He'd run half-way there before realizing that he still had to get the medicine cats. Pivoting on his feet, he shot over to the medicine den.

    "Nightsong! Leopardpaw! You've gotta come quick. Ravenwing-star is back!" Rushpaw cheered, the words tumbling out of his mouth like a babbling stream. He didn't seem to realize that he had gotten the leader's name wrong. It all came out too fast. "Did Ravenstar-wing really get nine whole lives?" Eyes round like twin suns, Rushpaw looked up at Nightsong with an expression of pure wonder. As a former loner, he knew little about how StarClan worked. But the medicine cat was an expert on cool things like that! Nightsong had to know. "I bet if I had all those lives, you wouldn't have to worry about me so much," Rushpaw mused out loud. He couldn't begin to imagine what nine entire lifetimes would be like. He barely got this one lifetime back after that bad cough last moon. Nightsong and Larkfrost kept hovering over him because of it, fussing about this and that. If he had nine lives, he could finally climb Eagle Ridge without any worries! Who knows what he could see and do and explore? His gold eyes glittered just thinking about it.

    Larkfrost's stern voice awakened him from his daydream. He scrambled back over to her, offering Nightsong a sorry look as he left. Hopping from paw to paw, the impatient apprentice chirped, "Let's go! Before Ravenstar starts without us!" Rushpaw had finally gotten the leader's name right this one time.
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Beartuft (1) / Quietfoot (1)

Postby sunfool » Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:23 am

    Elder, 79 Moons, Tags: Dovelight, Mentions: Ravenstar, Lynxshadow

    "Dovelight!" Beartuft playfully spat as his tail swatted at her own. He let out a soft laugh as he gazed at her. She had always been straightforward and honest, never dancing around her own emotions as he had. As he continued to look at her, he wondered if she remembered his smile— even his gaze. A sudden, ill pang lunged at his stomach. He opened his mouth to say a few comforting words regarding Sunstar, but was rudely interrupted by a sudden disturbance. The tom briskly stood up with Dovelight, not letting his eyes leave her. "Looks like it's just Ravenstar," he sighed. "Must be exciting news," he then added with much more eagerness.

    Beartuft didn't hesitate to rest his tail onto his mate's back when she requested his help. "You know I'll never mind," he whispered back to her. In a way, it warmed his heart when he was needed by his mate, but the history of why dissipated any warmth that came to him. Mixed emotions once again rumbled in his stomach. Since it had been many moons since Dovelight's injury, their wrongdoings weren't forgotten by the tom, rather saved for later unconsciously. Now that there were Snowclan cats accompanying them in this new journey, he couldn't help but struggle with the whole ordeal. He wasn't in the position to forgive— that was Dovelight's decision. He couldn't help but feel a senseless guilt when it came to her injury. He swallowed the guilt back down and continued leading her.

    "I imagined it the day he was born, Sweet Dove," he jested towards her. "There is no way a kit of ours wouldn't fit the position of a leader."

    Warrior, 16 Moons, Tags: Open, Mentions: None

    Quietfoot is quietly observing everyone, trying not to be noticed even though she is literally out in the open. Open for a soul who can try and combat her silence :^P
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i. lynxshadow

Postby Mezzo » Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:22 pm

──────── ♠ 𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐗𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
warrior founder tags: dovelight, beartuft mentions: ravenstar, rushpaw, larkfrost, eveningbriar, stormpaw word count: 796

    Normally, Lynxshadow didn’t make it a habit of wiling away the early hours, when prey were beginning to come alive to the ever-familiar cadence of the songbirds’ trills — ever since the fires, sweet and restful sleep seemed to elude the tall, lean-muscled tom, so he’d taken to being out and about as much as he possibly could, always on the lookout for something to do whether that meant hunting, patrolling, or even tending to the elders’ needs (a task he actually took to with great verve, for he always enjoyed being with his parents!). After all, that way, he had neither the time nor the energy to wallow in his sorrow and, well, wasn’t the knowledge that he was doing his proper part for the precious, budding new Clan whilst simultaneously doing diligent Snowberry justice legions better than trying to process whatever feelings of grief clung to him, like stubborn, unruly burrs?

    Though even he had to make an exception for today; after all, of all days, this was a special one that would forever go down in MoorClan history, when Ravenstar would return successfully with his nine lives to name his deputy, and the motley Clan would finally gain some semblance of proper organization after a moon’s time. Not that Ravenwing-star now- hadn’t already been their undisputed leader heretofore (and wasn’t that something? A BrookClan warrior taking orders from a RowanClan cat! Not that Lynxshadow was complaining, mind you), but it was reassuring to know that he would now officially have their warrior ancestors’ blessing, and that they, all of them, were still under StarClan’s aegis even now. It was a comforting enough thought that even Lynxshadow had managed to sleep in, for once free from lingering, cloying feelings of guilt and thoughts of what-ifs, and he did not rouse until several heartbeats before their obsidian-furred leader returned to camp.

    Now, with the sun at its zenith and their leader returned, Lynxshadow made himself comfortable in the camp clearing. By rote, he swiveled his head this way and that, scanning the camp for signs of a familiar, particularly excitable cameo tabby apprentice — a habit he’d developed since being named mentor to Rushpaw (and it was a bittersweet memory even now, him and Snowberry promising to each other when they were young, idealistic warriors that they would train and raise their future apprentices together). Still, StarClan knew that even he had trouble keeping up with the younger tom sometimes! The only one who seemed capable of doing so was the equally zealous medicine cat apprentice — and Larkfrost, of course. Frankly speaking, when it came to Rushpaw’s mother, Lynxshadow… well, he didn’t outright dislike Larkfrost per se, and he treated her with the same grace and courtesy as he would any of his clanmates, but there was something about the taciturn she-cat that made him… wary, so to speak. Not that he let that show! In these times, paramount to the future clan’s success, he knew better than to voice his doubts out loud. For the time being, he would simply employ prudency when interacting with Larkfrost, until he figured out what it was exactly about her that unsettled him.

    It turns out that Lynxshadow needn’t have looked so hard, as he abruptly bore witness to Rushpaw blazing through the hollow to the medicine cat den, his mother on his heels. Well, that answered that. The young tom really needed to burn some energy, but his training would have to wait until after Ravenstar’s announcement; perhaps they could round up Eveningbriar - Lynxshadow would gladly take the excuse to spend some more time with an old friend! - and Stormpaw afterwards, and the four of them could have an impromptu training session in the sandy hollow. Mentally reminding himself to check in with them later, the bengal perked up when he spied the familiar pelts of his mother and father just outside the elders’ den, and he wasted no time going over to join them. They, after all, were the only ones aside from Eveningbriar who seemed to effortlessly understand him and always knew just the right words to say, and he always appreciated their company… which was why one of the first lessons he’d tried to instill in Rushpaw was to respect his elders and see to it that they were made comfortable and fed first!

    “Hello Dovelight, Beartuft! Today’s the day, isn’t it?” he mewed cheerily, dipping his head in greeting to his parents as he approached. Ever the attentive son, he added quickly, “How are you? Did either of you need anything?” Any cats giving you trouble? were the words that went unspoken — he was well aware how his mother felt about SnowClan. Rightly so, considering they had inflicted the grievous injuries that caused her to retire early.
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i. leopardpaw

Postby Mezzo » Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:27 pm

──────── ❀ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐏𝐀𝐖 ────────────────────────────────────────────────
medicine cat apprentice non-founder tags: nightsong, rushpaw, larkfrost mentions: ravenstar, sedgewhisker, tinyleaf, applefall (briefly) word count: 905

    As far as Leopardpaw was concerned, there had been nothing but upsides to being part of MoorClan: each cat was taken care of and had something to do — meaning that she was almost never bored, plus they’d taken care of her and Bumble (er, Sedgewhisker. She was still working on getting used to calling him that!) when they needed it most. Not to mention that she now had a bunch of new friends! So yes, the little tuxedo was certainly enjoying being part of a Clan now… she just wasn’t fully used to all the customs and idiosyncrasies that came with it yet, was all. Case in point: she’d been too excited to sleep in - after all, it was a super-important, extra-special, one-of-a-kind day today! … At least, that’s what she’d heard from the others, and she was taking everyone else’s word for it. - so she’d awoken as the sun broke against the horizon, jumpy as ever and ready for a day’s work… except that, without Nightsong’s precision and guidance, she didn’t quite know what it was exactly that she was supposed to be doing first thing in the morning. Oops!

    She and Sedgewhisker hadn’t been with MoorClan for long, and Leopardpaw was still getting used to the variety of herbs that medicine cats historically used, including where each of them went and how to store them properly. While she had a vague notion of what to do based on Nightsong’s teachings - she for sure knew he was paying extra attention to Tinyleaf and Applefall (for good reason! Leopardpaw was looking forward to greeting new kits to her new Clan!), and that they often checked in on Rushpaw and Bumble Sedgewhisker - she really didn’t want to mess anything up this early, so she’d thought it prudent to wait for her mentor to awaken… except, bless Nightsong’s soul, her restless antics probably, most definitely woke him up earlier than was necessary, which was really becoming an unnervingly common happenstance these days in the medicine cat den. Double oops.

    Well, it was probably fine! Throughout the morning, the young molly had been Nightsong’s - overexcitable, energetic - shadow, keenly watching him go through his quotidian motions and asking the appropriate questions so she could take his routine in and, in time, learn to replicate it herself. While eager to learn, she had no way of knowing Nightsong’s inner turmoil as the lean black tom combed through their herb stores, and even if she had, she wouldn’t have completely empathized or understood anyhow — she didn’t quite grasp what it was about today’s ceremony that had everyone bristling with anticipation. All she knew was that Ravenwing was changing his name to Ravenstar and he’d convened with and spoken to dead cats somehow! Of course, she had a semblance of an idea of what StarClan was, Nightsong had seen to that, but all she currently cared about was learning how to best serve her Clan through healing and medicine, not necessarily through speaking with their ancestors, whatever that even meant. While she understood this was somehow important to her duty as a medicine cat, all of it really went over her head, in one ear and out the other.

    With commotion in the camp giving away the triumphant return of Ravenwing-star (she was still wrapping her head around the name change), Leopardpaw faithfully followed her mentor just outside the medicine cat den. Did she notice the horsetail clinging to his black coat? Certainly. Did she question it or tell him about it? Um… no. Nightsong most likely, definitely, did that on purpose. He knew what he was doing best, after all. Instead, completely brushing that observation aside, she enthusiastically asked, “Nightsong, is Ravenstar about to announce the new deputy? Who’s it going to be?! What happens next?!” Whoever it was going to be, and however important this ceremony was, Leopardpaw was simply excited she was bearing witness to it for the first time! What a strange, wondrous thing Clan cats did!

    Looking around the hollow briefly, Leopardpaw was disappointed not to catch the familiar brown tabby coat that belonged to her old companion and friend. Even as the younger of the two, she worried about Bumble Sedgewhisker and how he was getting on with Clan life, especially with that injury of his, and she only hoped that he was getting along with everyone! She knew from personal experience that he was not the easiest cat to get along with, but she’d managed to push past his prickly barriers just fine and she was sure her clanmates would do the same in due time. They really had to share tongues and catch up soon, if they both had a chance to get away from their separate duties.

    With the lively arrival of Rushpaw, Leopardpaw brightened even more, if that was even possible, and she returned his loquacious announcement with an ebullient, almost awe-struck “I know! Isn’t it exciting?! We’re about to have our first Clan meeting with a real, official leader!” Seeing Larkfrost come in just after her son, she meowed a quick greeting, “Hi Larkfrost! Hope you’re doing well today!” Seeing their undivided attention rest on her mentor, she, too, turned to Nightsong, eyes wide as if to silently ask if they were going to follow mother and son to greet Ravenstar, as Larkfrost had suggested, or if they had some pressing matters that required tending to by the medicine cats’ den.
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Re: *⋆ the valley

Postby squarshed » Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:06 pm

✦EVENINGBRIAR ✦ FEMALE ✦ WARRIOR ✦ TAGS ; Myrtleleap ✦ MENTIONS ; Barkbuck (her brother), Batblaze, ✦

Rays of sunlight had been shining into the den for quite some time now, awakening most that lay in the den. However, when Eveningbriar’s eyes fluttered open, she felt oddly heavy. It was as if she wore a pelt of stones, and for the first time in many moons, she succumbed to this feeling and remained in her nest. It was certainly uncharacteristic of her. She had always been a morning-lark, even as a kit. The birds would call out, announcing the coming of dawn, and the small kit would wake everyone she could get her little paws on in the nursery, earning a good scold from her mother and a swat from her far larger brother. What had happened to them? They used to be so close, when they were young. Inseparable, even; she was his shadow, and he was hers. The amount of times she had gotten in trouble just for associating with him was uncountable. And then they got older. They went on separate patrols, to separate gatherings, even ate at different times. It happened so slowly, and yet looking back it felt so fast. One minute they were best of friends, and the next they had become strangers. She knew nothing of Buckbark anymore. He couldn’t even trust her with his favorite meal (which she hated to admit, but she still knew his favorite meal from when they were apprentices. It was minnow), and certainly not his family. Did he ever see his daughter? Even meet her? Did he even dare to spot her from across the gathering, daring to see her strong disposition and fiery glare? Who was her mother? Certainly an equally passionate cat; it couldn’t be entirely Buckbark’s blood that made Batblaze such an assertive and lively molly.

”It’s a lot to take in, that’s for sure” she thought glumly to herself, allowing her eyes to peek open and gaze blankly at the ceiling of the den. The sun had begun to dapple it in such a beautiful way, and Eveningbriar felt the sudden urge to make a noise. Perhaps a cry, or even a croak. Anything to break the silence and the festering grief. Because, despite it all, despite his awful betrayal and downfall, she still loved her brother. At one point he had been her world, and she had always felt a place in her heart for him. A new place had been made for her supposed niece. She had lost her mother in such a devastating way, and she knew exactly how it felt. It changes cats, a loss like that. Everyone has changed. Everyone has lost. It hurt and wounded everyone. The wound was still sore, and it itches as it healed. Tensions were still there, even if most of the clan did their best to keep them below the surface. ”I don’t think I’ve felt this angsty since mom died. Dear Starclan, I should get up” was all she could really think. Oh, what she’d give to just have another day of normalcy. And she would give up almost anything to have just another 15 minutes of rest…

Of course, this did not happen. That’s not really how things work in life. Instead, a familiar voice called for her from the entrance of the den ”Eveningbriar! Ravenwing is back!” She would be lying if she said it didn’t help a little to hear that voice. Myrtleleap was always a wonderfully fresh face to Eveningbriar, and knowing the calico was waiting for her allowed her to push the weight off herself. With a customary shake and large stretch, the molly blinked the sleep out of her eyes and huffed her frown off her face. While she did feel like she was close to Myrtleleap, all of this was simply a little too private to share with her friend. So, with a small smile, Eveningbriar strolled to the den entrance, brushing past Myrtleleap as she exited. ”Goodness, how late is it? Did I really sleep this long?” A deep breath and refreshed sigh later, she turned to Myrtleleap and smiled again ”This is a very important day indeed. It seems like we will be having things go much smoother from here on out!” For just a moment their eyes seemed to pass over each other, and the black molly felt a sudden need for air. It was an odd symptom as of late, one she had decided to chalk up to admiration more than anything. Myrtleleap was a talented cat, and despite her perceived “laziness”, Eveningbriar felt like she was turning out to be a fine warrior. It was impossible to not respect the independence and strength behind it, and so of course it was normal to feel a little awe-struck every once in a while; even a little breathless. Maybe even a little warm at the ears and under the pelt. Anycat would if they knew Myrtleleap like Eveningbriar did. Taking a quick breath, she cleared her throat and looked towards the clearing ”Would you like to join me for the gathering? It will be intriguing, I promise; not boring in the slightest an amused purr followed suit, hinting at the prospect of a lengthy and uneventful speech. Perhaps a bit touching for the founders, but she had a feeling that some may find it boring, or possibly even uncomfortable.

✦APPLEFALL ✦ FEMALE ✦ QUEEN ✦ TAGS ; Tinyleaf ✦ MENTIONS ; Batblaze, Ravenstar, her momma :)✦

Applefall was feeling beyond grateful for Tinyleaf’s insistence on a good sunbath this afternoon. While she had stubbornly dragged her paws at first, wanting nothing more than to mope around in the nursery, she was starting to see her fellow queen’s logic. The gentle light made her feel fresh and far more chipper than before. Warmth had seeped into her muscles and bones, and many aches now felt like a distant memory. She could practically smell the hay and marigold of her beloved farm, and for a moment she almost questioned how on earth she managed to get back home so quickly. A shiver ran through her at the thought, and she couldn’t help but scold herself a little. Sure, the memory wasn’t unpleasant, but she needed to start moving on. The old barn was no longer her home, and the old barn cats that accompanied it were no longer her sort of company. The valley was her home, and the cats that surrounded her were now a part of her life. With a small sigh she leaned her head back down again, turning to expose her belly to the sun a bit more ”Who knows, maybe they can feel the sun in there. Can you guys?” the passing thought certainly was an odd one. But Applefall couldn’t help but try to talk to her kits telepathically, no matter how silly. A part of her just found it humorous, another part found it comforting. Maybe if she thought it hard enough, they could feel the love all the way from here. A gentle smile had crossed her face at the thought, and a relaxed sigh escaped her.

Her amber eyes snapped open at the sound of Tinyleaf’s question, and Applefall lazily rolled over to face her as a purr rumbled from her. What a fun question! She gazed towards the trees for a moment as she racked her brain for a good answer. ”Why, I suppose I haven’t! We didn’t really believe in much, back on the farm. Well, hmm. Maybe that’s a lie, or a mis-speak? What would you call that? Oh, nevermind that. We didn’t really believe in the whole “stars are ancestors” and all that, but my momma told me of a plentiful and warm barn that the old-timers would go to when they passed. She’d say ‘The mice are plump and o'erflowing, and you can nap the summer days away!’ I s’pose that’s like what you lot got going on.” She paused for a moment longer at the thought of Ravenwing’s position and name change, and the circumstances behind it. ”The idea of it all does feel very… foreign to me. I am open to it! But I can’t help but have my doubts, ya’ know? I’ve never heard of a cat with nine-lives before! Certainly an interesting thought!” The queen appreciated her friend's respect for her beliefs, and in a way felt like that meant she deserved an honest answer. Because, to be quite frank, she didn’t really believe in the whole “Starclan” and “nine-lives” deal. While she tried her hardest to not be closed-off to the idea, it was a lot to wrap her head around. The idea of seeing cats that have passed when you die didn’t make much sense to her, and the idea of getting extra lives felt even stranger. Maybe even a little unfair, if she was going to go the childish way about it. Despite her doubt she made sure to still put a friendly smile on her face, wishing she could also simply project the feeling of appreciation onto Tinyleaf like she (thought) she could do with her kits.

Her head swiveled over to Ravenstar as he strolled into camp, and honestly the first thing she noticed was the juicy fish he held. Her stomach growled loudly at the thought, and an embarrassed giggle erupted from her as she shot the fellow queen beside her a sheepish look. Who would’ve thought that pregnancy would make you so hungry! Honestly, it felt like she was starving every quarter, and it was starting to drive Applefall a little crazy. A more amused laugh built up at seeing Batblaze’s kit-like excitement at her leader returning, but the queen took extra care to not let it slip. The last thing she needed was to get in a fight with someone who was still basically a kitten in her eyes, for the sake of her pride. ”I truly wonder who he is going to pick. I'd like to see Myrtleleap personally, but I might be bias.” Applefall turned back to Tnyleaf and chuckled ”Yeah, maybe just a little biased! Honestly though, who knows who he’ll choose. There’s plenty of hard-working and strong cats here. Applefall hadn’t really thought much about the deputy, as it felt like something kind of out of her realm. She did however think very deeply about having to move over to the ledge in those very moments, and it had started to sour her mood. Of course, Tinyleaf came to the rescue with her recommendation, and a loud groan of relief followed it from the bi-color molly. ”Thank you so much, I couldn’t agree more! Besides, I don’t think I could get up if I even tried, I’m pretty darn sure I’m stuck here forever now. The sun’s holding me down.” she joked, rolling back over to now a t least face her leader.


I will post Sedgewhisker eventually I promise, but he is currently available for interaction, he would’ve come into camp a minute or two after Ravenstar :)
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*⋆ two

Postby lacke » Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:40 am

        location: moorclan campxx tags: moorclan catsxx words: 351
        Ravenstar waited quietly for his clan to settle around him, before clearing his throat. "Thank you all for joining me today. Firstly, I would like to thank you, my clanmates, for allowing me to visit with StarClan and recieve my nine lives. Since you all were the ones who wanted me to be your leader, I promise I will not let you down. So, thank you." He dipped his head, before continuing. "I shared tongues with many of your loved ones, and cats from Rowanclan, Brookclan and Snowclan all blessed me with lives and stressed the importance that they are all very proud of each and every one of you. Losing those we love has been a challenge, but rest assured, they are with us, even if we cannot physically see them." He paused, casting a quick glance up at the sky above them.

        He turned his gaze back to the cats around him, seeing how some were antsy, as they were expecting a deputy announcement. "We have spent only a moon with one another, and in that moon, I took each cat in this new clan into consideration for deputy. I think there are many, many strong candidates for this position, and it took me a long time to come to my decision, as I did not make it lightly." His gaze traveled around the cats until it landed on a black molly, Eveningbriar. "Eveningbriar, please step forward." He motioned, letting out a purr. He himself leapt down from the log so that he was level with Eveningbriar as she approached. "I say these words before StarClan so that our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Moorclan is Eveningbriar."

        He reached forward and pressed his nose between the mollys ears, and stepped back. "We will work great together and figure this out. I believe in you." He meowed quietly, hoping to dissolve any doubt that she may have had. He glanced up as cats around them began to chant their new deputies name, and Ravenstar couldn't help but purr and eventually join in.

        location: moorclan campxx tags: applefallxx words: 285
        Tinyleaf listened contently to Applefalls response, mentioning that she wasn't sure of the idea of ancestors in the stars, and Tinyleaf nodded along, genuinely interested in her ideals. The mention of a barn filled with old timers was admittedly heart warming, and Tinyleaf nodded when Applefall mentioned that it was probably similar to the StarClan idea. She would definitely make sure to ask more about this later, but for now, Ravenstar became the center of attention. Like Applefall, Tinyleaf rolled over, and just happened to spot her sister and Eveningbriar attending the meeting together, and Tinyleaf couldn't help but purr. She was glad that Myrtleleap was making friends, and that her and Eveningbriar seemed so close.

        She listened to their leader intently, tail tip flicking as he talked about meeting with StarClan. While she was obviously a firm believer in their ancestors, the thought of the divine blessing a single cat always made her anxious. How could a cat like Ravenstar be capable of holding so much power, being blessed by StarClan? Nevertheless, Ravenstar thanked Moorclan for the opportunity to lead them, before delving into the topic of deputy. He finally asked Eveninbriar to step forward, and Tinyleaf broke out into a purr. While she of course wanted her sister to be the deputy, she was pleased with her sisters close friend being chosen. Eveningbriar was known to be very level-headed, thoughtful - everything a deputy should be.

        With that, she raised her head. "Eveningbriar! Eveningbriar!" She yowled, hoping that Eveningbriar would hear her and her support. Once the choir settled down, she turned her head back to Applefall. "While they get things sorted out... are you hungry?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

        location: moorclan campxx tags: mothpawxx words: 300
        Stormpaw had arisen from the apprentices den once some commotion started to arise. He emerged, blinking tightly against the sun shining high in the sky. After his eyes adjusted, Stormpaw spotted Ravenwing - no, Ravenstar - making his way to the middle of the camp, dropping a fish in the fresh-kill hole, and admittedly, the thought of hunting made Stormpaws stomach grumble. Ravenstar then leapt upon the tree, and called their first official clan meeting, and it made his chest swell with pride. He began to trot over towards the center, before suddenly a voice caught his attention, and he swiveled his head to catch sight of Mothpaw, who was asking if he'd like to sit with her during the meeting.

        Once they closed the gap between them, Stormpaw nodded. "Sure! That is... as long as you don't mind annoying old me," he teased, bumping into her gently as they walked. "I'm wondering who will be the deputy!" He chirped as they approached the fallen log, and Stormpaw decided to just sit wherever he felt. "The idea of hierarchy is strange to me, but nevertheless, I'm very interested in it." He meowed, glancing up to Ravenstar. The rest of the clan shortly gathered around, and silence crept over the crowd, and Ravenstar wasted no time as he dove into some monologue. Something about how he shared tongues with "StarClan", and saw many of the clan cats deceased family and friends, and recieved his nine lives. He vowed to protect their new clan with his gifts from StarClan, before finally moving on to the topic of deputy.

        The name that slid out of Ravenstars mouth, Eveningbriar, instantly made Stormpaw puff up with pride. That was his mentor! Before he knew it, he was cheering for his mentor with a loud, "Eveningbriar! Eveningbriar!"

        location: moorclan campxx tags: beartuft, lynxshadowxx words: 297
        Admittedly, her mates calming words drew a purr out of Dovelight. "I agree my love." She murmured, before lifting her nose slightly into the air. "Speaking of our son... Little Lynx, its great to see you this afternoon." She purred loudly, before twitching her tail. "I think we are okay... would you all like to share a meal after this... gathering?" She offered. "I know you might be busy Lynxshadow, but if you aren't!" She added, acknowledging that with a new deputy, new patrols might be sent out right away. As the little family settled in the group of clan cats, Dovelight heard Ravenstar clear his throat. To be quite honest, Dovelight was not especially interested in much that he had to say - or so she thought. However, at the mention of Ravenstar meeting their kin in StarClan, Dovelight wondered if he had met Swanpaw, her dear twin brother who left them too soon.

        The thought comforted her, but nevertheless, Dovelight pressed closer to Beartuft. They were both elders now, and StarClan knows how much longer either of them had. Ravenstar thanked the clan, before doting on about his decision with the deputy. For Dovelight, if it were anyone but Lynxshadow or Eveningbriar, a fellow Brookclan cats, Dovelight would forever be unhappy. If it wasn't for the need to survive, Dovelight never would have voluntarily joined a clan of misfits, cats from other clans. She was a Brookclan cat through and through, and disliked the idea of being led by any other clan cat. Much to her surprise, Ravenstar asked Eveningbriar to step forward, and Dovelight couldn't help but perk up. A Brookclan cat! Perhaps it would all end up okay. Once the leader had finished speaking, Dovelight raised her head and began to chant Eveningbriars name.
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Nightsong [2] // Myrtleleap [2] // Mothpaw [2]

Postby avicularia » Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:47 pm

medicine cat || 20 moons old || tagged; larkfrost, rushpaw, leopardpaw
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      Briefly, he kept his eyes on his distinguished father, pulling away when Leopardpaw started yowling at him. He'd never been to a leader's ceremony, but had heard tales and knew what was to come. "Yes, now he'll choose the deputy and then we'll celebrate!" Nightsong didn't feel much like celebrating.

      He jumped at the sound of his name a second time, barely noticing as the string of horsetail slipped from his ear when he turned his head. Glancing around expecting a burning forest and dying cats, he instead found two familiar faces. All at once, his full attention turned away from his father and his heartbeat slowed slightly, anxiety eased by the presence of Larkfrost. She was a source of comfort for Nightsong, especially in these trying times. Having lost his mother only a moon before, his heart ached for her wise words and ability to know just what he was thinking and to say the right thing. In her absence, he found solace in the strong gray molly and her rambunctious son.

      In fact, Rushpaw was the first cat Nightsong truly believed he had saved. The burn victims from the fire that stood and sat around him were simply there by StarClan's doing. He had realized that when he'd put his heart and soul into saving one barely injured tom, only to have him succumb to a sudden heart attack from the stress of losing his mate. Rushpaw had been different. His mother showed up in a frenzy with him barely clinging to life, and through his efforts, his spirit returned and now bounded before him. It was the first good thing he had done. Before that, his paws demolished everything in their path.

      It was for that reason that when Larkfrost asked him to join them, he nodded politely, attempting to listen to all of Rushpaw's questions as they tumbled from overly excited lips. He chuckled softly before answering, ignoring the one about his father's extra lives.
      "I'd still worry you'd throw them all away!" Admittedly, he yearned to have a reason to stay behind. But his herbs were as disorganized as ever, and there was little time left to collect what he needed to replenish them before night would find them. And how could he say no to the two young pairs of eager eyes waiting for an answer? Instead, he grinned, and answered with a soft, "of course," and they set off together.

      By the time they arrived and settled into the crowd, Ravenstar was already commencing his speech. To further rub in the fact Nightsong was unworthy of attending Moonpool, his father announced he had seen their deceased loved ones, something Nightsong had been unable to do thus far. Swallowing his frustration, he forced himself to sit with the others, gluing a look of complacence on his tired face. For all of his twenty moons, he'd been fighting to get out from under the large shadow Ravenstar cast. Now it looked as if that would be impossible, as he led this clan to greatness and lives slipped through Nightsong's paws.

      Lost in thought and mourning beside his friends, he failed to take up the call for Eveningbriar. Instead, he felt a distinct loneliness settling on his shoulders, and so he moved closer to Larkfrost. Fighting the urge to sink deeper into his isolation, he searched for something to say.
      "You would have made a great deputy," he finally spoke.

warrior || 42 moons old || tagged; eveningbriar, ravenstar
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      The second Myrtleleap decided Eveningbriar wasn't in her den, she saw the molly blinking up at her. This surprised Myrtleleap. It wasn't often the black cat slept in, as she often had her hands full with various tasks for the clan, but the calico was glad for it. A smile was immediately drawn to her face. If it weren't for Eveningbriar, Myrtleleap might not have bothered staying in the clan. Clan life was still strange to the previous loner. She'd come from streets teeming with disgusting mice to feast upon and had found nothing with the alley cat lifestyle.

      But these cats were well-groomed and wily, learning to live off what the forests provided. Squirrels and robins were next to impossible to catch when compared to the sewer rats and trash mice she was used to. Fortunately, between her bouts of laziness, Myrtleleap had found she had grown quite good at capturing things with wings, earning the latter part of her name. Powerful legs fueled her leaps, leading her to take down several doves, wrens, and grackles, which now lined their meager kill pile.

      "Plenty of time to nap then," Myrtleleap grinned at the sarcastic words of her smiling friend. They walked to camp together, settling in front of the fallen tree which Ravenstar was perched on. Myrtleleap, however, felt herself wanting to do anything but nap as Eveningbriar's name was announced as their new deputy. In fact, in a rare display of camaraderie, she shouted her name along with the others, truly happy in the recitation. She'd expected this outcome. What other choice was there - mourning Lynxshadow, obnoxious Batblaze, or shy Quietfoot? No one else would make as good a deputy.

      "Congratulations, Eveningbriar!" she hooted. Maybe Ravenstar really does know what he's doing, she thought happily to herself, bumping her shoulder lightly with the top of her head, tail proudly raised behind her. Now she really would have to work hard to make the clan succeed and let Eveningbriar keep her pride and honor. "And Ravenstar!" she added, believing she really might be in the right place.

apprentice || nine moons old || tagged; stormpaw
▂ ▂ ▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

      Relief washed through her. He was actually talking to her. "Oh, I wish it could be Tinyleaf," she said sweetly, thinking of the lovely white cat with her soft blue eyes and melodic voice. Unfortunately, she was a bit preoccupied with kits on the way, but that was alright with Mothpaw, too. If Tinyleaf became deputy, she might shy away from her newfound power, intimidated by the rank alone.

      Unlike Stormpaw, Mothpaw understood hierarchy and had never thought of stepping one toe out of line. She always addressed leaders properly and always waited her turn. Rules were laws to her, and she hung onto every word told to her by those in charge. Mothpaw shrugged.
      "It just makes sense," she commented quaintly. "How would you know when to eat or what to do or where to go!" If she hadn't listened to her father's last request, she wouldn't be sitting there today.

      As Ravenstar started speaking, a hush fell on the crowd, and she followed suit. Mothpaw looked up at him in awe. He would be a great leader, just as SnowClan's leader had been before... Mothpaw swallowed a lump in her throat and pulled her tail closer to her. As everyone started shouting Eveningbriar's name, she pinned her ears against her narrow head, disliking the noise, but not wanting to feel left out.
      "Eveningbriar, Eveningbriar, Eveningbriar," she breathed out, her words barely more than a whisper. Despite the stress, a huge smile spread over her whole face.

      "What do you think happens now?" she asked the cat sitting beside her. Maybe he knew more of clan traditions. Not one to ask many questions, Mothpaw had learned little of her clan before its demise, only knowing the little things she'd experienced. Surely one of her siblings would have sat more confidently in her spot, carried themselves with more dignity, and contributed much more to this new clan than she? So why did StarClan save her from the fire and burn the rest?

      As the questions spiraled inside her rattled mind, she moved a little closer to Stormpaw, scared of the future.
      "I hope it's not scary," she admitted.
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bat (2), lark (2), rush (2)

Postby selasphorys » Sun Apr 30, 2023 3:58 am

    (warrior) (14 mns) (x) (544 words)
    (location: moorclan camp) (tags: quietfoot) (mentions: ravenstar, nightsong)

    Batblaze hung onto every word of Ravenstar's speech, ears pricked and eyes gleaming. While she took great pride in his address, she also reached a kind of peace. It was almost as if she saw the light of Dawnstar in him, or at least a glimpse of her grace. They had been lost for so long. Lost to the fire, lost in unfamiliar lands. Perhaps even lost to StarClan. But as Ravenstar ascended, he had regained the stars' power and protection. They had finally returned home, never to be abandoned again.

    In all these lonely moons, she had never doubted that Ravenwing and Nightsong could lead them to a star-touched sanctuary. They'd be happy again, safe again, loved again. This speech was proof. Right? The young molly couldn't ignore the cold that pressed in on all sides, in that space where her family once occupied. For a moment, Batblaze glanced away from her new leader. She saw the ramshackle camp, the dwindling fresh-kill pile, the crowd of outsiders. Was all this StarClan's plan?

    Was the fire part of their plan too?

    Batblaze tore her gaze back to Ravenstar, banishing even the thought of it from her mind. Her ear tips burned from the shame of it. No, she wouldn't doubt any of this. Never. She concentrated on the deputy appointment, hoping beyond hoping that she'd hear her own name. But instead, he chose Eveningbriar. Batblaze stared in shock at the BrookClan warrior, mouth half-open before pressing into a pout. He chose the weirdest cat. She'd caught the older molly watching her one too many times these past moons. Always trying to talk with her like some annoying aunt, as if Batblaze had one. What was her problem? Though she would never admit it, she had come to rely on the calm cat throughout the journey. And Eveningbriar probably had more qualifications too. With a huff, Batblaze realized that the others had started chanting already. Never one to be outdone, she still raised her voice to be the loudest cheerer of the clan: "... Eveningbriar! Eveningbriar!" But she yowled with markedly less zeal than she had for the leader.

    If Ravenstar wanted unity in MoorClan, then Batblaze would be the very best at enforcing it. She scoured through the camp, searching for any dissenters who tried to defy the new leadership. A few cats mewed with less enthusiasm, but they were clan cats so they could be excused. Quietfoot had no excuse. Batblaze caught the young loner skulking in silence as everyone cheered. She couldn’t stand to see her moping all the time. As if it wasn't already enough of a privilege just letting her set foot in the camp, she got to go around acting like she didn't want to be here. At least the other outsiders actually did something for the clan. Quietfoot could barely fight. Some warrior she was.

    “Hey! You! Got a problem with our new leader and deputy? If you don’t like it here, why don’tcha just leave?” Batblaze snarled and advanced toward Quietfoot. She puffed her fur up to her most intimidating size, which admittedly was not very large, hackles raised and tail twitching.

    (warrior) (38 mns) (x) (844 words)
    (location: moorclan camp) (tags: nightsong, leopardpaw, rushpaw) (mentions: ravenstar, eveningbriar)

    Upon Leopardpaw's greeting, Larkfrost dipped her head toward the apprentice. It was a wordless show of respect for the young healer who had helped save her son. Despite her efforts to offer a pleasant grin, she could not return Leopardpaw's enthusiasm. The air was heavy with voices and scents, pressing in and weighing her down. Larkfrost supposed she was doing as well as she could. She was healthy, fed, alive. Yet her heart yearned for something more. Was it distance?

    The gray warrior left the medicine den with Nightsong, trying to emulate the joy flowing from nearly every cat around her. Her son skipped in circles as they headed to the stump. Larkfrost smiled too, or so she hoped. Maybe not a convincing one. Rushpaw's talk of extra lives had her worrying about his single, fragile life. The more her son spouted about what he'd do with more time, the more ridiculous it all sounded. So when she arrived at the fallen tree, Larkfrost had lost any optimism she had left. With a mother's withering glare, she cut Rushpaw off before he further disrupted the leader's speech. Thorns of scorn took root in her head and heart. To hear Ravenstar speak of receiving his new lives, sharing tongues with dead loved ones... Please, who could believe that? His words were as hollow as the wind. Perhaps this starry ruse was designed to soothe the grieving clan cats. Perhaps this was all an elaborate lie to unify the clan like he wanted. Larkfrost trained her ears on his words, her eyes on his posture. But despite her skepticism, she could detect nothing but warmth and sincerity within him.

    For a moment, she wished for it all to be true--- for her lost son to eternally scamper in the sky, for her dead mother to share her wisdom once more. Phantom visions of hope. Taking deep, shuddering breaths, Larkfrost closed her eyes. When they opened, their cold blue pierced like claws. These were futile fantasies. Maybe Ravenstar had a sweet dream last night, a lucid hallucination. Maybe all clan cats shared some kind of mass delusion. Even in the best possible case, if they truly had their grand ancestors and their magical powers and their nine lives, all these would be inaccessible for some loner family lost to the winds. This was their history. Larkfrost had no part of it, not in their past and not in her future.

    She only half-listened to Ravenstar's deputy decision. No matter who he chose, she would not be around to see them become leader. They would just be another cat to take orders from. As long as they were competent enough to keep her Rushpaw safe, she would have no complaints. Eveningbriar fit this perfectly. Even in the short time she had known her, Larkfrost had witnessed the molly's steady composure. “Eveningbriar, Eveningbriar, Eveningbriar,” she murmured in monotone. Her voice became just another of the clan’s chorus.

    "You would have made a great deputy." Nightsong’s quiet comment wrenched Larkfrost back into herself. The response was instant: “I would not.” The stiff molly did not turn to look at him as she spoke. Her listless gaze remained fixated on some empty spot in the far distance. In truth, his remark had caught her by surprise. The mere thought of becoming deputy almost made her laugh, or cry. She could no longer tell which. It took all her strength to push down any undue reactions and keep up this stony mask. Larkspur was the wretched mother who had failed her own precious kits, who had only joined these cats to abandon her son with them. She couldn't hold two frail lives in her jaws, but nearly two dozen...? She swallowed the bile that rushed to her throat. Realizing that her words may have been too quick and curt, Larkfrost followed with a simple explanation. “That is not the path I wish to walk. Eveningbriar should do well in her new role.”

    Only then did she raise her eyes to meet Nightsong’s amber gaze. But on his face, she found none of the exulted pride she expected to see. Larkfrost recognized the heaviness in the hunch of his shoulders, the emptiness in the dull of his eyes. These were all expressions she had seen too often in herself. Never had she seen them in her son’s savior. Nightsong had always been dynamic to her— at times flowing with incredible wisdom, at times frantic in the chaos of his den. This… hollow stillness was new, almost eerie. Her motherly instincts kicked in. Frosty facade melting into concern, she softly asked, “Nightsong... are you alright? Is something wrong?” With a feathery touch of her tail, she brushed away a few of the leaf scraps that still clung to his pelt. She had done the same to comfort her own sons after rough tumbles down tangled slopes.

    (apprentice) (7 mns) (mentor: lynxshadow) (x) (487 words)
    (location: moorclan camp) (tags: nightsong, leopardpaw, larkfrost) (mentions: ravenstar, eveningbriar)

    Rushpaw beamed when he saw Leopardpaw, his fuzzy tabby tail sticking straight up like a little lightningrod. With their particular energy, the two of them always seemed to bounce right off each other... and keep bouncing and bouncing and bouncing! The young tom couldn't begin to imagine what a clan meeting with an official leader would be like, but his friend had him hyped up for it!

    "Throw my lives away? Rushpaw snorted, his little chest puffed up indignantly. The apprentice's golden gaze traveled past Nightsong, following distant visions of his own. All these dreams flew out of his mouth like so many chirping birds. "I wouldn't waste a single one. I'd do tons and tons of things in each of them: dip my paws into every single puddle on the territory, climb every tree, hunt every kind of prey! I'd climb over the mountains above camp, then past Eagle Ridge, and then- and then---" A tail flew over Rushpaw's mouth, cutting off his rambling. Larkfrost shot him an icy look that instantly shut him up. Only then did he realize that Ravenstar had begun his speech a while ago. Oops. After a sheepish flick of his ears, the apprentice plopped down on his rump and finally settled down.

    Rushpaw's focus pivoted to this very new, very exciting thing. Tilting his head and scrunching his nose, he concentrated on the leader's super star-powered words. But Ravenstar's talk was dry and formal, all about stuff from the old clans that didn't make much sense to him. The one bit that stuck out was the part about their lost love ones--- that they were always there, even when they couldn't be seen. Just like Rushpaw's brother. As if on cue, a slight breeze ruffled the fur along his flank. Maybe Vetch was here beside him too, like how the StarClan cats were here for MoorClan. The notion cheered him, in that sweetly sad sort of way.

    When Ravenstar announced the new deputy, Rushpaw joined the others in singing out her name: "Eveningbriar! Eveningbriar!" The young tom still had no clue what a deputy did exactly, but it had to be something really awesome if the whole clan got to yell about it. And yowling was way more fun than sitting still! He shuffled closer to Leopardpaw, asking in kit-like awe, "Leopardpaw, do you think the clan leader and deputy get any cool powers? 'Cause if Ravenstar can live for 9 whole lives, who knows what else they could do?" The other apprentice used to be a loner like him, so she probably knew about as much as he did. But that didn't stop him from dreaming up (mouse-brained) theories about clan cats! Maybe Nightsong taught her a thing or two about what StarClan could do.
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