Reedclan ☼ romance rp

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Beetleheart and Foxbriar

Postby avicularia » Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:33 am


female || deputy || 52 moons old || tagged; rosetalon, echowing, pearsong, hazelpaw, olivepaw

      "I'll be sure to save you something good. Fresh moss would be nice." It was lucky Beetleheart was such a heavy sleeper. Star Clan had paired them well. Despite this, she had on occasion woken up to a kick and, even rarer, a bruise. She never brought this up to her beloved mate, deciding it would cause him more shame than provide any help. Really, it wasn't much concern to Beetleheart. The only thing that stirred in her mind was that he might not be getting great sleep.

      She laughed at his joke.
      "I think I can keep them from getting too out of hand," she grinned. Her gaze settled on his kind green eyes. The only thing Star Clan hadn't blessed the pair with was a nest full of kits. The thought settled glumly in her mind, mildly wondering if Rosetalon thought less of her for that. At least she could help the next generation by teaching the apprentices. With that in mind, she turned from him. "See you tonight!" she called over her shoulder, trying to hide the worry in her brow.

      A quick look around camp as she trotted away from Rosetalon told her exactly where most the cats she needed were; they had gathered at the diminishing kill pile.
      "Echowing and Pearsong, you'll be joining me on a hunting patrol in the streams. Hazelpaw, you and Figriver will also be accompanying us." She didn't see him in the near vicinity and wondered where he was. "Go and get him and have him bring you back to the stream." Beetleheart didn't much care for swimming. The water bogged her long fur down, immediately tangling the mass of black. It always ended with her having to pull the knots out with her teeth, taking her hours.

      "Olivepaw, hurry and finish breakfast. You can't swim for thirty minutes after eating, you know." Her own stomach was empty, though she considered this just another push to bring more food home. Plus, she wanted to get home from the water as quickly as they could. The day was warm, but the water would not be.


female || warrior || 41 moons old || tagged; darkstep, pantherstride, smokecloud, dewpaw

      Did he think she was stupid? Was he suggesting she didn't know how to groom herself after a day in the muck? Perhaps he was thinking of the meek kitten he witnessed being brought to camp, but she was not as young and inexperienced as little Foxkit. If the two had been alone, she wouldn't have been able to keep the biting words at bay. Instead, she pulled her eyes away from Darkstep and took a deep breath, letting the smell of the forest fill her nose. 'And it sure would be abysmal to look like you,' she answered in her head.

      Why had Star Clan paired the two, so shortly after both of their mates' passing? It made no sense. But she didn't dare contradict Star Clan. This moment would pass, and maybe the future would see them as friends. After all, they knew very little of one another. Foxbriar had attempted to ask some questions but was greeted with simple answers or silence, and had since given up on that front. Now she was left guessing what he was thinking, and she wasn't giving him very kind thoughts.

      Foxbriar kept her gaze pointed at the leaves as Darkstep spoke once again, suggesting she pair with Smokecloud on the hunt. Again, he was pushing her away, and she would let him. Foxbriar doubted the two could hunt well together, too caught up in not aggravating the other that they'd let a rabbit pass right under their noses.
      "That's fine by me," she said, perhaps a bit too aggressively. She was finding it hard to keep her emotions in check.

      She would have preferred working with Pantherstride. Foxbriar could relate to the black molly who had found the clan, having had a family outside of it. The orange tabby could still remember the black cat being brought to camp, wide-eyed and nervous. She had nothing against Smokecloud. Unfortunately, he was a bit on the quiet side, and she'd gotten the cold shoulder enough from the tom leading their hunting party. At least she could focus on the antics of Dewpaw.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby Queen of flames » Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:55 am

Senior warrior - male - arranged mate: - apprentice: - crush: none
Tags: Lighningleaf, Hiddenstone, Wanderpaw

He left the group to get those few cats that were going to come with him to the border patrol. He luckily saw all of them still at the camp so he flicked his tail over to Lightningleaf who was getting back to camp "Lightningleaf, sorry to bother you as you just come back to camp...Adderstar wants you to come with me to a border patrol" he said gently "Is that okay with you? I need to get Hiddenstone and Wonderpaw to join it as well" he said to the she-cat.

He turned to Hiddenstone and his apprentice Wanderpaw "Good morning to you too, I was going to ask you to join this patrol too, but I guess you knew it already" he meowed to them. He flicked his tail a little bit "Marsh, we could check that and the forest line...we better make sure there is nothing too dangerous getting closer to us..." he responded to the tom.

Warrior - male - arranged mate: Thundermask - apprentice: Featherpaw - crush: none
Tags: Thundermask

He looked at the kits which were apprentices now "yes it does, but they're not that old yet either" he responded to his mate flicking his ears as she spoke more "well you always could let her groom her own fur, she is not a kit anymore..." he meowed, but then closed his mouth to think what was he even talking about. His ears perked toward the Beetleheart as the deputy called his name alongside with many others "I could enjoy the morning too, but it seems Beetleheart wants me to join her hunting patrol...maybe I can bring you that rabbit if we found any" he meowed to her. His eyes looked over to the deputy there, but his ears were still listening to his mate "Silentberry is more evening mover than a morning riser, what I've noticed about her" he responded to Thundermask. He stood up and shook his short fur a little bit "well then I guess I need to get Featherpaw now and go for the hunting patrol then...we will talk later?" he meowed looking over to his mate.

Warrior - female - arranged mate: Hiddenstone - apprentice: Marigoldpaw - Crush: Rootshadow
Tags: Marigoldpaw

She looked over to her apprentice "what? it's fine don't be sorry..." she murmured thoughtfully "what do you want to do? hunt or swim or both" she responded to the young she-cat. She was not called for the patrols, so she didn't really need to go to do what they were doing, but if Marigoldpaw wanted to fish or learn to swim then she didn't mind about that. She looked at her little confused "what tigers? What are you talking about?" she asked her.

Warrior - male - arranged mate: - apprentice: - crush: Houndpaw
Tags: The hunting patrol

He flicked his ears over to the way his name was being called, swallowing his bite quickly then walked over to where the rest of the cats were waiting for the cats during this hunting patrol. He licked his lips and gave a few quick greetings to those cats walking past him, sighing a little bit 'so I am going back to the place I just left' he thought to himself, but he didn't really mind about that at all. He loved the water, swimming, and fishing, anything near the water was something he enjoyed the most. Sighing he waited there for the rest of the patrol to arrive, or could he go to the stream by himself, but then again he didn't want to be rude to the others, so he patiently waited.

Medicine cat apprentice - female - mentor: Honeybloom - crush:
Tags: apprentices, Honeybloom

the black furred medicine cat apprentice watched the large group of apprentices, not noticing the tom walking out of the apprentice's den in hurry "...sorry...I didn't look my way" she apologized to the young tom with an embarrassed smile, but then nodded "uh, not it's okay, accidents happens" she meowed to Wanderpaw, but the tom was already pretty much gone for his mentor.

She sighed, but the responsibility for the apprentices didn't really surprise her at all, they were always so busy doing their own things and going to do some training. She looked toward the medicine cats den where she just got ut a few moments ago, she had this feeling like she forgot something but didn't just get to her head what it was 'oooh yeah, we needed to collect some herbs' she thought to herself and turned away, looking over to the apprentices "oh I forgot I had something to do, have a nice day of training and doing whatever you're going to do" she meowed and run back to the medicine cats den "oh sorry Honeybloom, I kind of forgot that we needed to collect some herbs... and good morning too..." she meowed flattering her ears rather embarrassed.

Loner - female - mentor: none - crush: wb Wonderpaw
Tags: Open

She stalked the group of mice there for a moment, before attacking them, quickly she pinned the two mice down and killed the quickly "thank you for this" she meowed to the mice before looking around her. When she was sure she was all alone she took the two mice to her mouth and carried them into a large rock nearby. She was being on this rock before and she very enjoyed being on this rock as she could see far from there and now she could enjoy her breakfast in peace.
As she enjoyed her mice, she thought about her next plans, she was pretty sure she was near the lands of those clan cats, but so far she didn't trespass the borders as she was a little unsure about it.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby GoldleafOG » Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:25 pm

GoldleafOG wrote:Thrushheart / Male / 20 Moons / Warrior / Crush: Crestflight / Tags: Crestflight

Thrushheart realized he has not been clear. He normally was so thoughtful in his choice of words. What is going on with me? He thought with a internal huff. He flicked his ears to subtlety shake off his misstep the best he could. The tom nodded his head towards the kill pile, "I ugh, I just meant for new leaf... Yah know... Looking a little low..." Thrushheart's voice staggered and stumbled as he realized he was trying entirely too hard. The tom looked down at his silvery paws, shuffling them in the dirt slightly in embarrassment as he followed her to the entrance of the camp, "So... Hunting?" He asked, titling his head inquisitively towards the pretty young molly, his greenish eyes matching her gaze.
His heart felt like it thumped hard against his chest as he waited for her to answer. He was a bit anxious to talk to Crestflight a bit more - he really did like her and continued to be so grateful that they got along so well.

Hazelpaw & Featherpaw / Males / 9 Moons / Crushes: Dewpaw (Featherpaw) / Tags: Dewpaw
Hazelpaw and Featherpaw scrambled out of bed at the sound of their names. Hazelpaw had been shocked out of his bed by Dewpaw.
“Ah you made us late!” Featherpaw huffed to his brother, still sticking to him, shoulder-to-shoulder like every morning.
“I did not! Maybe if you weren’t tossing and turning on me all night, we would both wake up well-rested like everyone else!” Hazelpaw swished his tail impatiently, lightly hitting his brothers’ haunches, “Good morning Dewpaw.” The red tom purred at the sight of his friend Dewpaw, “Sorry for Featherpaw, he rolled all over me all night!” The two trotted out with their friend, blinking fast at the now bright sun.
“What are we doing today?” Featherlpaw asked Dewpaw. He softened his gaze as he turned to her, swishing his tail in confidence, “I think doing something new for a change would be nice!” He stretched his long, slim frame in the warm sun.
“Stop showing off!” Hazelpaw huffed at his brother and rolled his eyes.[/size]

Marigoldpaw / Female / 8 Moons / Apprentice / Crush: None / Tags: Silentberry
"Oh, just a game me and Flickerpaw were playing..." The silver cat shuffled her paws into the dirt, at the same time, she noticed her mentor's paws were pressed into the dirt as well. Marigoldpaw stood and shook her long coat out, "If we could try swimming, that would be fun! I really do want to see a patrol though..." The she cat signed heavily, gazing at the warriors heading out. She flickered her tail, thinking that she could definitely be of help on such things. She turned back to Silentberry, her olive eyes curious, "Could we go with them anyway?" She purred quietly, hoping to gently get her mentor to maybe cave a bit, "I wanna learn EVERYTHING!" She bounced on her paws, ready for any answer from Silentberry.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby Lights.Out » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:57 pm

• Rainheart •
warrior | she-cat | 23 moons | mate: Echowing | tags: open

She heard Beetleheart creating a hunting patrol and looked over, hoping to hear her own name. She wanted to do something, to get out of camp. When Beetleheart had finished she let out a small sigh, flicking her tail slightly. “That’s fine, I can go hunt by myself for a little bit, and then come back and see who needs help,” She told herself, nodding slightly and setting out to leave the camp. She mewed a quiet greeting to her clanmates as she passed them.

• Redpaw •
apprentice | she-cat | 8 moons | mentor: Stormflower | tags: Firepaw, Stormflower, Lightningleaf, open

She jumped around happily, circling Firepaw. “What will you be doing with Lightningleaf today?” She asked him, jumping on him playfully and knocking him over. “I don’t know what Stormflower has planned! I can’t wait!” She said, jumping up and scanning the camp for her mentor. Her entire body was buzzing with eagerness, from her paws all the way to her whiskers. “Oh there’s Lightningleaf, you better go see her, have fun!” She nudged her brother towards his mentor when she saw the cat enter the camp, not giving him a chance to speak. She sat back down, continuing her watch for her mentor.

• Firepaw •
apprentice | tom | 8 moons | mentor: Lightningleaf | tags: Redpaw, Lightningleaf

He let his sister knock him over and got back to his paws once she moved away. He stayed quiet as she spoke, there was no use trying to get a word in. When she pushed him away he open his mouth to protest, but she had already turned away to look for her own mentor. He sighed gently and slowly padded over to Lightningleaf. He looked at the large cat sunbathing and hesitated for a second before going up to her. “Hello Lightningleaf… do you… uh… have any plans for today?” He mewed quietly, looking at the ground. He could see she had been out and wasn’t sure if she would want to train at the moment.

• Whitepelt •
warrior | tom | 36 moons | mate: Stormflower | tags: Redpaw, Firepaw, open

He sat by himself, observing his clan. His eyes settled upon his 2 kits and he watched them. A feeling a pride rose in his chest. “They’ll make fine warriors, I’m sure of it,” He told himself as he watched Firepaw approach his mentor. His eyes drifted back to Redpaw and he sighed. She seemed so eager to learn he couldn’t help but wonder if that same eagerness might get her in trouble.
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☼ 002

Postby razzberry » Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:24 am

      a large, leanly built maine coon with an ash-grey pelt and amber eyes.
      she-cat 33 moons warrior mate: rootshadow crush: hiddenstone mentions: - tags: waspfur, firepaw, hiddenstone, wanderpaw

    The morning sun was doing a fantastic job of warming up her pelt, drying the dampness that had begun to seep into her bones, yet no complaints would be heard from Lightningleaf. Runs through the swamp were something she enjoyed every now and then and allowed her to let loose for a bit without worry. A shadow fell over her where she lay, drawing her tongue over a long leg, and had her lifting her eyes to see Waspfur, and older clan warrior. "Oh good morning Waspfur. Border patrol sounds perfect, might give my pelt some extra time to dry" she meowed in good humor at her own expense. As she rose to her paws her apprentice sidled up beside her much to her relief. "Firepaw! Perfect timing, we're going to be heading out on a border patrol with Waspfur, Hiddenstone and Wanderpaw. We'd best get a move on" she purred giving the young tom a gentle tap of her tail to his flank before leading the way to where the other's waited.

    "Sorry for the wait, we're ready now" came Lightningleaf's meow when the pair reached Waspfur and the others. Her gaze briefly slid from the senior tom to the younger one beside him, one who had garnered her attention since long ago yet to this day probably knew nothing of her feelings. After all, they both had assigned mates and Lightningleaf didn't have it in her to break the clan law, especially not for feelings that weren't reciprocated or even known of. Clearing her throat to shake herself out of her thoughts, she nodded along with the idea to begin with the marsh, the place she'd just returned from. "Good idea, starting at the marsh. I just came from there but regretfully I admit I wasn't doing much...surveillance of the borders" the ash-grey warrior added,the corners of her mouth tipping up in a grin.

    ✧ — — 𝐃𝐄𝐖𝐏𝐀𝐖
      a small silver shorthaired molly with dark green eyes.
      she-cat 10 moons apprentice mentor: smokecloud crush: open mentions: - tags: hazelpaw, featherpaw, smokecloud, patrol

    Her ears twitched as she listened to the brother's brief bickering, as was routine for them and would have been odd had the morning proceeded without any quips between the two toms. A light chuckle bubbled up from Dewpaw's chest in amusement as the trio exited the den and were welcomed by the bright morning sun. "It's alright Featherpaw, I'm a restless sleeper too. Next time just kick him outta' the nest" she joked with Featherpaw, flicking her head towards Hazelpaw with a teasing glint in her eye. Before Dewpaw had a chance to decided whether to eat before seeking out her mentor he appeared before her. "Morning Smokecloud!" she meowed as she jogged the couple feet towards him. At the mention of filling her belly it grumbled it's agreement and she gave a sheepish grin to her mentor. "Thank you, I'll be quick!" Dewpaw promised with a vigorous head nod as Smokecloud headed back towards the rest of the patrol.

    Glancing over her shoulder towards where she'd left Hazelpaw and Featherpaw she picked up the rest of the mouse her mentor had given her and padded over to them. She finished it in a few bites, licking her lips before addressing her friends. "Well looks like I'm headed off on patrol with Smokecloud. Maybe we can hang out later?" the silver apprentice suggested, her gaze bouncing from Hazelpaw to rest on his brother, eyes softening as she gazed at Featherpaw. Turning on her heel she flicked her tail in goodbye to her friends before hurrying back to where Smokecloud waited with Darkstep and the others, arriving just in time to hear the older dark feline go over the plan for the patrol.

    ☁ — — 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑
      broad medium-furred brown colourpoint, with vivid blue-grey eyes.
      tomcat 47 moons warrior mate: swanfeather mentions: - tags: swanfeather, featherpaw, hazelpaw

    Crossing the den the rest of the way to be near his mate and the mother of his kits, Figriver tilted his broad head down to rub his cheek against hers with affection while a deep purr vibrated through his chest and could surely be heard by all who occupied the nursery. Once upon a time it would have made him heat with embarrassment to have his feelings so out in the open for all to see but now he didn't even give it a second thought. "Oh I'll be sure to come back with something for all of you" he promised Swanfeather, gently licking the fur atop her head before taking a step back. He'd be needed for the patrol any minute now along with Hazelpaw but he always hated having to leave his family. Peering over his mate's flank at the kits laying curled close to her body, warmth and a tidal wave of affection and pride washed over him as he simply watched them for a few seconds. "Okay, I'd better get going now or I'll be in here all day" he chuckled, touching his nose to her cheek again. "I'll see you when we return" he called over his shoulder as he slipped out of the den.

    Once Figriver was back in the camp clearing once again his eyes immediately sought out his apprentice and that of his brother since he didn't doubt Pearsong would also be looking for his apprentice. When he finally spotted the two brothers he made haste over to them, halting just before them. "Glad I found you two. We're joining Beetleheart's hunting patrol this morning, I'm sure Pearsong has been wondering about your whereabouts as well Featherpaw. We'd best hurry so we don't fall behind" his gravelly voice filled the space between himself and the two apprentices.

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✿ ──001───── 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 !! ── ✿

Postby coffee.berry » Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:57 pm

✿ ─────── 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 !! ── ✿
W A R R I O Rxxx// xxxS H E - C A Txxx// xxxC A M P xxx// xxxT A G S : xxxRedpaw
Stormflower stepped out of the warrior den, looking around for her apprentice, Redpaw.
She groaned as she realized Redpaw had woken up earlier then herself, but quickly got
over it. She took a deep breath and padded over to Redpaw, grinning.

Stormflower was a bit nervous, because Redpaw was her arranged mate, Whitepelt's
son. She didn't want to anger him, so she had to be careful about what she and Redpaw
did together; Stormflower wanted to show Whitepelt how great a mentor she was.

"Mornin', Redpaw!" she said, smiling widely at her apprentice. "Do ya know what we're
going to do today? You'll love it - we're going to the beach to train! We will also try to
catch some fish there as well."
Stormflower couldn't hold in her excitement.

She hoped Redpaw liked what she had planned; she had spent all evening the previous
day trying to figure out what to do. But she didn't know Redpaw all that well - she
might hate the beach, unlike Stormflower.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby Lights.Out » Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:27 pm

• Rainheart •
warrior |
bio | location: camp | tags: open

As the camp came back into view, she picked up her pace. She hadn’t caught much, as she hadn’t been out for long, but she was still satisfied with her hunt. Dropping it in the fresh kill pile, she took a small fish for herself and settled down. She enjoyed fish more than some of the other prey options. She looked around lazily, a little bored. Her ears flicked slightly as she looked over at Redpaw with her mentor. “She looks so much like her mother…” She thought, remembering the kind cat who had been her sister. With a quick shake of her head, the thoughts dispersed. She didn’t like to dwell on the past, it only brought sadness.

• Redpaw •
apprentice |
bio | mentor: Stormflower | location: camp | tags: Stormflower

Her eyes focused on Stormflower. “Okay that sounds good!” She replied cheerfully, getting to her paws. Her discomfort around the warrior was beginning to fade, but wasn’t completely gone yet. She couldn’t help but feel as if Stormflower had replaced her mother when she was assigned to be Whitepelts mate, and she didn’t like the thought. It made her feel a little guilty to think that, it wasn’t Stormflowers fault that her mother had died, or that she had been assigned as Whitepelts mate. Thinking about her mother made her sad, and she quickly decided to focus on her training for the day. She didn’t mind the beach, especially during newleaf.

• Firepaw •
apprentice |
bio | mentor: Lightningleaf | location: camp | tags: Lightningleaf, Waspfur, Hiddenstone, Wanderpaw

He nodded as Lightningleaf spoke and followed her to the others. “I don’t get to go on patrols very often!” He thought excitedly, although he didn’t show how happy he was. Quietly, he stayed a few steps behind them, as he wasn’t the most outgoing cat. He really just enjoyed being around others, without the talking part.

• Whitepelt •
warrior |
bio | location: camp | tags: open

He sat by himself, observing his clan. His eyes settled upon his two kits and he watched them. A feeling a pride rose in his chest. “They’ll make fine warriors, I’m sure of it,” He told himself as he watched Firepaw approach his mentor. His eyes drifted back to Redpaw and he sighed. She seemed so eager to learn he couldn’t help but wonder if that same eagerness might get her in trouble.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby Queen of flames » Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:48 am

Senior warrior - male - arranged mate: - apprentice: - crush: none
Tags: Lighningleaf, Hiddenstone, Wanderpaw, Firepaw

He looked at the cats gathering around him which were coming to the patrol with him "So is everybody here now?" he called out his ears flicking as he looked at the cats one after another "If we are, then we could start the patrol" he meowed as he stood up to his paws and shook his long fur a little bit. He looked at LIghtnng leaf "Yes, but if any of you want to do some hunting after the border patrol all free to" he meowed.

Warrior - male - arranged mate: Thundermask - apprentice: Featherpaw - crush: none
Tags: Thundermask

He looked at the kits which were apprentices now "Yes it does, but they're not that old yet either" he responded to his mate flicking his ears as she spoke more "Well you always could let her groom her own fur, she is not a kit anymore..." he meowed, but then closed his mouth to think what was he even talking about. His ears perked toward the Beetleheart as the deputy called his name alongside with many others "I could enjoy the morning too, but it seems Beetleheart wants me to join her hunting patrol...maybe I can bring you that rabbit if we found any" he meowed to her. His eyes looked over to the deputy there, but his ears were still listening to his mate "Silentberry is more evening mover than a morning riser, what I've noticed about her" he responded to Thundermask. He stood up and shook his short fur a little bit "Well then I guess I need to get Featherpaw now and go for the hunting patrol then...we will talk later?" he meowed looking over to his mate.

Warrior - female - arranged mate: Hiddenstone - apprentice: Marigoldpaw - Crush: Rootshadow
Tags: Marigoldpaw

She looked down at her "I see a game huh?" she repeated the younger cat's words, listening to what else she was telling her "Sure...if you want to swim then I am not going to be against of that" she responded to her. She looked the way the younger cat was looking 'She wants to see a patrol? what seeing is there?' she thought to herself. she looked at the patrol "Maybe we could then go there as they're leaving soon I guess" she meowed to her.

Warrior - male - arranged mate: - apprentice: - crush: Houndpaw
Tags: The hunting patrol, Rainheart

He was waiting for the patrol to approve to the camp entrance where he was being sat at. His eyes looked over to Rainheart, his mate, but not for love. He didn't love her and he was pretty sure she didn't feel anything toward him either, which was kind of sad, but as least he wanted to have a good relationship with her, being close friends could be enough for him. He lifted his tail up to the she-cat near the fresh-kill pile "Hey Rainheart? Do you want to join our hunting patrol?" he called out for her "I think this could be a good opportune for us to get to know each other better? what do you think?" he meowed to her, lowering his voice a little bit as he said so.

Medicine cat apprentice - female - mentor: Honeybloom - crush:
Tags: apprentices, Honeybloom

the black furred medicine cat apprentice watched the large group of apprentices, not noticing the tom walking out of the apprentice's den in hurry "...sorry...I didn't look my way" she apologized to the young tom with an embarrassed smile, but then nodded "uh, not it's okay, accidents happen" she meowed to Wanderpaw, but the tom was already pretty much gone for his mentor.

She sighed, but the responsibility for the apprentices didn't really surprise her at all, they were always so busy doing their own things and going to do some training. She looked toward the medicine cats den where she just got ut a few moments ago, she had this feeling like she forgot something but didn't just get to her head what it was 'oooh yeah, we needed to collect some herbs' she thought to herself and turned away, looking over to the apprentices "oh I forgot I had something to do, have a nice day of training and doing whatever you're going to do" she meowed and run back to the medicine cats den "oh sorry Honeybloom, I kind of forgot that we needed to collect some herbs... and good morning too..." she meowed flattering her ears rather embarrassed.

Loner - female - mentor: none - crush: wb Wonderpaw
Tags: Open

She stalked the group of mice there for a moment, before attacking them, quickly she pinned the two mice down and killed the quickly "Thank you for this" she meowed to the mice before looking around her. When she was sure she was all alone she took the two mice to her mouth and carried them into a large rock nearby. She was being on this rock before and she very enjoyed being on this rock as she could see far from there and now she could enjoy her breakfast in peace.
As she enjoyed her mice, she thought about her next plans, she was pretty sure she was near the lands of those clan cats, but so far she didn't trespass the borders as she was a little unsure about it.
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✿ ──002───── 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 !! ── ✿

Postby coffee.berry » Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:15 am

✿ ─────── 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 !! ── ✿
W A R R I O Rxxx// xxxS H E - C A Txxx// xxxT R A I Lxxx// xxxT A G S : xxxRedpaw
"Alrighty, Redpaw, lettuce get going!" Stormflower joked, trying to break the ice around them.
Humour had always been Stormflower's way of getting out of awkward (or bad) situations. She
had a large collection of jokes that she could use, so this was no problem.

Stormflower walked with Redpaw towards the beach. "So, Redpaw, what's your favourite prey?
Mine are fish. I actually like water and swimming, so it makes catching fish easier!"
she beamed,
trying to make conversation. She hoped Redpaw didn't find her annoying - Stormflower wasn't
trying to be Redpaw's mother. She hoped Redpaw knew that.

Stormflower fiddled with her paws, almost tripping, as she waited for her apprentice's answer.
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Re: Reedclan ☼ romance rp

Postby Lights.Out » Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:19 am

• Rainheart •
warrior |
bio | tags: Echowing

She looked at Echowing as he spoke to her. “Oh! Uh, sure!” She replied, going over to join the patrol. It was a little awkward being around her mate, as they didn’t know eachother very well. She was never quite sure what to say to the tom. He was right though, it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other better.

• Redpaw •
apprentice |
bio | mentor: Stormflower | tags: Stormflower

She though for a moment as she walked beside Stormflower. “I really like rabbits, swimming isn’t one of my strengths,” She admitted, shrugging a little. She wasn’t ashamed, this would be the time to work on it. Every cat had weaknesses, one of hers just happened to be swimming. She didn’t mind getting wet, she just found it hard for some reason. She continued to be polite with Stormflower, trying to ignore the awkwardness between them. “We aren’t even half way through my training to become a warrior, we’ll need to get used to each other soon,” She thought. Training would be really hard if they were always so awkward.

• Firepaw •
apprentice |
bio | mentor: Lightningleaf | tags: Lightningleaf, Waspfur, Hiddenstone, Wanderpaw

He nodded as Lightningleaf spoke and followed her to the others. “I don’t get to go on patrols very often!” He thought excitedly, although he didn’t show how happy he was. Quietly, he stayed a few steps behind them, as he wasn’t the most outgoing cat. He really just enjoyed being around others, without the talking part.

• Whitepelt •
warrior |
bio | tags: open

He sat by himself, observing his clan. His eyes settled upon his two kits and he watched them. A feeling a pride rose in his chest. “They’ll make fine warriors, I’m sure of it,” He told himself as he watched Firepaw approach his mentor. His eyes drifted back to Redpaw and he sighed. She seemed so eager to learn he couldn’t help but wonder if that same eagerness might get her in trouble.
Last edited by Lights.Out on Wed May 03, 2023 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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