House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby ellyenchanted » Tue Apr 04, 2023 5:45 am

        ────── ❝ 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 𝐋 𝐈 𝐀 ❞ ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging apollo + open

        they were late, but in amelia's defense, a masquerade ball took time to prepare for. her glittering silver gown brushed the pathway on the way to the manor, no doubt gathering dirt on the hem. but she didn't care, her mind was buzzing with the endless possibilities. the invitation letter came as a complete shock. the mystery of seabridge's forest always intrigued her, but just as she began her investigations, a masquerade ball invite to grimwood manor found its way to her doorstep. what were the odds? and who sent the invites?

        the journalistic tendencies her in her were itching to find out the truth. she was practically drooling over the articles she could write. could this be her big break? or more likely, they were all going to be murdered in a remote location and their bodies were never going to be found. she decided to be an optimist and go with the former. she hoped not just for her sake, but for her brother's as well.

        ────── 𝐀 𝐏 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging amelia + open

        this was the most ridiculous idea amelia has ever had. exploring the forest is one thing, receiving a mysterious masquerade ball invitation and then proceeding to go in completely blind? ridiculous. his initial reaction to the invitation was a flatout refusal. they had no idea what they were getting into, and no idea the kind of people that lived at grimwood manor. but once amelia got a whiff of a story, she was like a shark drawn to blood. there was no changing her mind, so of course apollo wouldn't let her go alone.

        that is how he found himself wearing an itchy navy suit with an equally itchy gem studded mask that matched amelia's. he complained about his sore feet the entire way until they finally came across the massive iron gates that marked the entrance to grimwood manor. suddenly everything was becoming very real. apollo stopped short and grabbed his sister's arm. "are you sure about this?" he didn't know why he even bothered to ask. after amelia's curt nod, the twins made their way to the door and the butler waiting for them.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:35 am

The war god noticed a woman talking to him. Her name was Leela if he remembered correctly. As she said hello to him, he nodded and replied, "Hello Leela." before taking a swallow or two out of a flask and said, "Good Scotch is hard to come by these days, it was so much better back during Prohibition. Government was a bunch of morons though, trying to tell people not to drink, morons."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:34 am

Elias Fletcher
Location: Outside Manor
Tagged: Ari, Van, Apollo,
Elias raised an eyebrow at Ari's response, not quite expecting him to say something like that, but laughed lightly, not taking offence. "Just making sure there were no doubts!" he said, and then he turned towards Havana, sensing some sort of concern. "Ready?" he asked, brightly, as if everything was entirely normal. It wasn't, of course, Elias knew that very well. He did wish that he hadn't forgotten his notepad and a pen - he'd just have to hope that he remembered as many details as he could, and hopefully to remember to take notes on his phone. This sort of thing would be perfect for his next book.

While waiting for the mysterious butler to return, Elias noticed two other people approaching - having also been invited as well. Elias smiled brightly and waved as they approached. He knew Amelia fairly well, but did not quite remember having much of a substantial conversation with the man that Amelia was with - her brother, he presumed, dragged along. "Hello, hello!" he greeted. He did not get to say anything else, as the door opened again and the butler stepped to one side to allow the group to enter.
"The hosts welcome you in. Last one in, please close the door, and follow me to the ballroom. Make sure your masks are on." the butler said, and didn't wait for an answer before moving off towards a corridor.
Elias quickly followed the butler into the Manor, looking around in awe at the foyer as he entered, almost forgetting that he was meant to be following the butler to the ballroom. It seemed like it would be very easy to get lost here... the Manor felt like it was much bigger than the exterior suggested, and it already seemed very big from the outside!

Cedric Wicke
Appears 24|Cismale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Lilith/Open
Cedric waited in the side room with Lilith. It would not be long now before they would be starting, he was sure. He smoothed down the lapel of his suit jacket, and adjusted the mask that he had chosen to wear. He was almost unrecognisable... aside from his hair and eyes. He wondered what outfits the other residents of the Manor would be wearing - hopefully something interesting and fun. He felt that he'd know the residents enough to be able to recognise them, even with masks, but it would still be interesting to see.

Lilith Wicke
Appears 24|Cisfemale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Cedric/Open
Lilith stood, waiting, a little impatiently. Normally, she very much enjoyed the little events and dances that she and Cedric would organise, but tonight was one that she hoped would go quickly. Even though she intended for the humans to never leave, she still did not particularly want them to be here in the first place. They should have been let to investigate on their own time... and let the other residents have their way of scaring them off. Provided they left at least one for her to feed from. No matter. She'd just have to get through tonight.

Xanthe Chicane
Appears 23|Nonbinary|Mothman
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Tanwen
Xanthe continues their float around the ballroom, until they spot one of the other Manor's residents, Tanwen, standing as far away as she possibly could in the ballroom. Xanthe approached quickly, looking giddy, their eyes already bright, round and red, even from behind the mask they wore. "Taaanwen. Are you ready for tonight?" Xanthe asked, drawing out her name as they approached. "If it weren't for the fact that Cedric had insisted on inviting humans, I'd already be clinging to that chandelier." Xanthe added, starting to ramble on rather excitedly. Humans were a very interesting subject to Xanthe, though had to limit their visits into Seabridge, as they had quite the tendency to interfere with the radio signals of the town... and they often had to stop themselves from chasing the cars around.
"Oh! I wonder if they like being spun around? I've not had the proper chance to do that before!" Xanthe continued, suddenly sounding rather more excited and positive about the idea of there beings humans in attendance.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:54 pm

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, (mentions: Caelan and Leela)/ open

The loyal and intelligent one hummed a small sound. The pretty, full lipped one with medium lashes blinked blue green eyes. They rubbed at one creamy peachy skinned arm. They then shook their head, finishing putting on their outfit. Their ears and tail showed a moment, then they quickly hid them. They hummed a second sound, and brushed their long straight golden hair. It went to mid back, and they pulled it back partly. They managed to braid it like that, and secure it. They were wearing a reddish pink outfit and had a wolf mask. Hers was white on the left and black on the right. She knew Mystic would have a similar one. She also had some fashion boots on, and they were pretty.

She looked at herself in the mirror, then smiled at herself. She then turned towards her door, to head out and find Mystic. They were going to head to the ballroom together, of course. She soon saw them and ran over, then walked with them, seeing Caelan and Leela ahead.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys- Tags: Ell, (mentions: Caelan and Leela)/open

The sweet and gentle one was getting ready, and soon had finished doing so. They looked in the mirror, seeing their self in full. The slender and bit shorter full lipped and longer lashed one hummed. Pretty blue-green eyes stared back at them. The creamy peachy skinned one brushed at shoulder length ash blonde hair. They'd parted it as usual, not having bangs. The outfit was cute and was blue with purple. It showed off their arms, which had freckles on them. The pendant from their mom was secure at around their neck. They wore the glasses as well, and stockings and fingerless gloves. This was as good a time as any to do so. Their ears and tail showed a moment, then they quickly had them.

They had a wolf mask like Ell, but theirs was black on the left and white on the right. They headed out to find her. It didn't take long, as the two were literally room neighbors. They headed towards the ballroom together, and saw Caelan and Leela ahead.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan (mentions: Cedric and Lilith), Ell and Mystic approaching

The blue eyed one smiled as she nodded to him. She wouldn't admit she had a bit of a crush on the man despite him looking young. She knew he was many years old, actually. She hadn't told him she had a bit of a crush on him, though. She adjusted the sparkly green eye mask. She then chuckled a bit, saying " makes one want to defy the rules if told not to do something. You want to do it more if it's banned, or such." She then shook her head a couple times. "Well...we should probably get into the ballroom now. I'm sure Cedric and Lilith are waiting for all of us," she said. She then looked back down the hallway a moment. She saw the two werewolf siblings heading their way as well.

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias and Van (soon to be others)

The cute heterochromatic boy tilted his head a bit as he saw the raised brow. However, Elias just laughed lightly at him. He smiled a bit, and couldn't help blushing a little. The other young man had a really nice laugh, as well as a nice voice. He shook that thought away quick to focus on the conversation. "I'm ready," he said, then looked to Van to see what he'd say. He glanced around after a moment. The grounds seemed well enough kept, and it was no wonder. They had a butler, after all, so they must have gardeners and such. He hummed a small sound, then looked to Elias and Van. He too noticed the others, and recognized Amelia. He never really talked to, he thought, they resembled each other a bit.

He waved at the two of them, knowing Amelia would likely greet them all. He then looked over as the butler appeared once more. He nodded as the butler spoke to them now. He said a simple thank you, though maybe should save it for the hosts. He began to follow after Elias and the butler. He glanced back at the others, then hurried his pace. He put on the rabbit mask he'd gotten. It was a snowy white thing with blue markings like a fox mask might have. There were different colored fox masks, after all. His was a rabbit, though, and matched his looks and personality fine. He shook his head, and looked around. He noticed Elias looking around too, and said "It's amazing in here."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:14 pm

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Xanthe

Her red dragon eyes quickly looks in the direction of Xanthe as she sees them head in her direction. A small, somewhat forced smile graces her lips as Tanwen shifts her wings a little at the first question as she replies, "Honestly i rather be almost anywhere else other than here. I would rather look more human especially with these humans coming but of course didn't know they were coming until this morning which is no time to get the dress altered to not have the wing holes" Her eyes drift over to the windows as a worried and nervous expression flashes across her face before schooling her features back to appearing calm. "I would have no clue, I never visited that village because it would be hard for me to blend in and appear human. Maybe you could ask one of them when they enter. Hopefully they don't call me a monster because of my wings and eyes." Tanwen gives Xanthe a genuine smile at last before asking in a softer and somewhat nervous voice, "Any idea if any other supernaturals were invited besides those of us residing here?" Her eyes dart towards the doors as she hears faint noises coming from the direction of the main door, fidgeting nervously with the sleeves of her dress
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☼ i

Postby bigwig. » Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:41 pm

    he/himchimeralocation: ballroomtags: -- (ment. trisiphone)
    It didn't take long for Leon to get ready for the ball; unlike many of the other residents of the manor, Leon's party getup wasn't exactly what one would call 'elegant' - a sleek black leather jacket and matching leather pants, which glinted in the many lights adorning the interior of the manor. His mask was also fashioned from leather, with a face resembling a lion's. His steely blue eyes gazed out from behind it, a keen glint betraying his anticipation. He wasn't exactly excited by the prospect of humans being invited to the manor, but he wasn't really angered by it either. It was perhaps most accurate to say that he was simply indifferent. He didn't really care much about humans - not anymore, at least. They weren't worth fighting; they typically just fled from creatures like himself, cowering like fools without anyone strong and valiant to protect them.

    Rather pathetic, he thought. Not to mention boring. Masquerade parties weren't exactly exciting either, though; he didn't understand the twins' fixation with things like that. Vampires always had a flair for the extravagant, it seemed. Leon slid down the staircase railing to get downstairs - something Lilith had snapped at him for doing before, but it hadn't had much of an effect. He jumped onto his feet, boots mostly silent on the sleek flooring as he prowled around the ballroom, unflapped by the decorations and bright lights that adorned the lavish space. He'd never been one for that kind of thing, though he could appreciate it on occasion. Several people were already here. Trisiphone was gazing out the window, and he thought about coming up behind her and giving her an elbow in the ribs to provoke her, but thought better of it - for the moment, at least.

    Leon wouldn't deny that he got a rise out of bothering the eldest of the Erinyes, although Trisiphone probably didn't think the same way. Not that that mattered much to him, of course. Right now Leon was restless and ready to get on with the party; if it didn't start soon he'd start it himself!
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:26 am

Caelan smiled lightly as he placed his flash back into his pocket. As he saw the werewolves, he wondered, "Isn't tonight a full moon?" before looking at his watch that showed the moon phases. "Well, it's not like the moon can touch them in the mansion." before continuing his way down to the ballroom. Leela was a very nice woman, and she's also the closest person to him in terms of age. Since he has the ability to shape-shift, he can take on any form he wished, but in reality, he's almost 14 billion years old, as old as the universe itself. Of course, in his human form, he pretended to be in his early thirties.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby General Chaos » Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:47 am

[Female] [Erinve] [Loc ; Ballroom] [About] [Tags ; Leon]

    The sound of the manors front door opening snapped Trisiphone out of the trance her thoughts often put her in. She spun on her heels to see the room a little more full than when she had arrived, her house mates chatter bouncing off the walls.
    A familiar face popped out of the crowd, causing an audible groan to escape her. Leon. Great, like this night needed more chaos than just humans. She let her eyes linger on him before she moved, gliding over to where he stood.
    "Do they just let everyone in?" She let her eyes wander around the room as she stood next to him, a hint of joking in her voice. "Who's idea was this anyway? Bringing humans and ... Us together. We've seen how this ends." A flash of seriousness covered her face as she turned her head to look at the Chimera next to her. Her green eyes shone past her black mask, looking for a sense of agreement she knew she wasn't going to find. Trisiphone and Leon had known eachother for decades, and have seen what happens when humans and their kind walked the same ground. It was one of the reasons Trisiphone left and found the manor, but now the humans were coming here. For the first time in a long time, she was scared. That was an emotion she hoped Leon wouldn't see on her.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby ellyenchanted » Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:18 am

        ────── ❝ 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 𝐋 𝐈 𝐀 ❞ ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located inside manor; tagging apollo, elias, ari, + van

        there were three people already at the doorstep of grimwood manor when amelia and her brother managed to arrive. all of whom she knew decently well, so she let an easy smile grace her lips. but before she could properly greet the trio, the odd looking butler swung open the door, revealing the inside of the manor in a grand gesture. her breath caught in her throat and she reached up to tentatively adjust her mask, a gaudy accessory with silver gemstones and plumes of white feathers sprouting from the sides (apollo ripped his feathers off, of course.)

        this is it, she thought, as she gathered her gown in her grasp and stepped through the entranceway, throwing a gleeful glance over her shoulder towards apollo. it was difficult to contain her excitement as her eyes scoured the foyer. the interior was just as magnificent as the exterior, if not more so. in fact, it impossibly seemed grander behind the manor's walls. "this is going to be good, isn't it?"

        ────── 𝐀 𝐏 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging amelia, elias, ari, + van

        apollo laid his eyes sharply on the butler as soon as he approached. he barely offered a cursory glance at amelia's friends, who all were certainly idiots for accepting the invitation and showing up in the woods in the middle of nowhere. nevermind the fact that apollo was there too, it just wasn't the same. he was there to make sure that amelia wasn't going to get herself killed and dumped in a ditch. the others could take care of themselves.

        he trailed cautiously behind the group, returning amelia's delighted expression with his own deadpan one. grimwood manor's foyer alone was impressive, he had no doubt the rest would be just as gaudy and pretentious. his dark eyes shifted back around forth, attempting to note every detail he could and filing it into his memory for later. exit plans were already forming in his head, he was certain they'd need it for later.
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✤ ii

Postby bigwig. » Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:27 pm

    they/themhumanlocation: outside the manortags: ari, elias, amelia, apollo
    Van nodded when Elias turned to them to ask if they were ready. The young man could probably tell that Havana wasn't entirely on board with all this, but hey, they were in it for the long haul now. There had to be someone here to at least try to keep the group out of trouble. Van turned to give at least an attempt at a smile to the newcomers as they came running up. Amelia they recognized - someone else Elias knew. Van wasn't surprised to see her here. Whoever was with her, though, they weren't so sure about. Her brother? Something like that, probably. They didn't get too much time to dwell on it, though, as the butler soon opened the door once again, holding it ajar so the group could enter. Van adjusted their mask (it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world) before stepping inside after the others.

    Even just the entryway was rather luxurious; it was a huge building, and stepping inside only served to make it seem more grandiose and mysterious. Who's house was this, anyway? Ah, that was the mystery, wasn't it? A huge building like this in the middle of the woods must've belonged to someone quite wealthy, and it certainly didn't look abandoned. Van's first assumption was that they would probably never find the place, but now that they had, Van was surprised to find it as anything more than a dilapidated, empty structure. Presumably, someone actually lived here. They'd even sent a butler ahead to show them in. But nobody knew who it was that owned the place. More than a little bit suspicious. It was a beautiful looking place, though. Easy to get lost in the romanticism of its lavish looks and forget how daunting this whole situation was. "I can't believe this." Van chuckled incredulously, to nobody in particular.

    This had to be a dream, right? It was just too weird not to be.
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