☀ breath (medieval dogs / open!)

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Postby iceland. » Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:13 pm

- knight- female - located in market - feeling relaxed- tags; Hudson
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

      xxxxx Dakota continued watching the morning market unfold. The smell of various meats, cheeses, and other food items almost seemed too much to resist. She caught herself eyeing more than a few servants, imagining running up to them and snatching some of their haul before running off to some quiet alleyway to enjoy her newfound bounty. No she continuously scolded herself, forcing her mind to refocus. She had to watch and ensure there were no thieves in their midst. With pockets full of coins there was rarely a better time for pickpockets and purse-snatchers to make their daily "earnings". Dakota sneered at the idea of lowlives like them. When she first began to sit in the morning markets she caught more than a few thieves wandering the markets like they owned the place. Their presence has since dwindled, and only a few of the bravest or most desperate, Dakota didn't know which, tried to steal from the honest folks.
      xxxxx Dakota was so lost in thought and observation she didn't notice her fellow knight step from the alley."Hudson, good morning to you." she replied slightly startled. With a tilt of her head, she added "Have you finished your morning patrol already?" Dakota had immense respect for the male before her. He was a strong and capable leader whose presence was always reassuring. The fact he was easy on the eyes only being an added bonus.

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Cassian // Hudson // Dove

Postby avicularia » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:29 pm


male || one year old || tagged; ember

      Cassian was intent on his work, dipping his oversized ears into the cool water and scrubbing them against the bottom, trying to rid every inch of his coat from the dirt and debris. A stick, brought with him, went floating by as he once again flopped on his side. Someone was talking, catching his attention and bringing his eyes up to finally find the dog perched on the side.

      "Hiya!" he barked before realizing he was being scolded. The smile on his face was chased away, replaced by a deepening frown. Cass's ears tipped back against his head, dipping his nose down in a display of defeat. "Oh, I'm sorry, er, ma'am." Suddenly he felt foolish, there in the fountain, dripping wet mud into what was once clean water. But where was he supposed to bathe, so that he didn't smell like farm dog?

      "See, I was just trying to-" he broke off, glancing up at the angry face of the dog opposite him. He didn't feel like he was going to win this argument and briefly debated giving up altogether and returning to his farm with his tail tucked between his legs. Unfortunately for both of them, something about the smugness in her voice kept him where he stood.

      "Well, I was trying not to smell like a farm. Can't really do that in a farm pond, can ya?"Deciding he was clean enough, he hopped back onto the slim ledge, staining it with muddy water. "On my way to meet the prince, see. Well, the prince's dog. And I can't go smelling like a-" he gave her a quick glance, "ah, a sheep's back end."Cass offered her a genuine smile, tilting his head at the precise angle that won him the most pats. "So where is the best place to get a decent bath around her?"


male || seven years old || tagged; dakota

      An easy smile overcame his face the moment her sweet voice reached his ears. Dakota was easier to talk to than some of the other dogs he'd met, as she was just as comfortable as he was to walk in silence. He'd spent a lot of time with her and enjoyed watching her grow into the job, performing it nearly flawlessly. He had no doubt she had a strong future.

      Taking a deep breath to ready himself, he spoke,
      "I can't say I made it very far into it, though the market seems remarkably quiet this morning." He sped through the words so his tongue wouldn't slip on them. "I have to say, there are some days I dream of a lit-little more adventure than this." He looked over his shoulder at the market, watching a man hand over three fish for eight silver coins.

      When he had first heard of knighthood from his mother, he had pictured men on horseback, charging at the enemy with dogs in front, ready to lay their lives down in defense of their owners. While Hudson had plenty of exciting stories to share, he'd never quite reached those first dreams. Now, he didn't mind so much. At seven, he was beginning to slow down, though he'd never admit that to himself. A broken leg in his youth caused him pain when the weather changed, and sometimes when it didn't. His teeth didn't hold quite the threat they used to, considerably dulled from use. He was still exceptional at his job, but maybe a life of excitement was worth calling it quits early.

      "Have you seen anything of note?" he questioned, finally looking back to her. Hudson trusted her instincts more than most of the other knights. And she was the one who least often heard the infuriating stutter, as he felt comfortable in her company. If anything bad happened around them, he was confident they could take care of it.


female || three years old || tagged; open - headed to market

      Dove grinned as she dozed by the familiar fire. Normally, she found it far too warm in the blacksmith's shop, already wrapped in a thick black and tan coat that kept her snug in the coldest of winters. Today was different. They had just returned home from a lengthy journey two towns over, traveling miles to deliver a set of broadswords to a wealthy family across the river. Her legs ached and felt better next to the embers.

      She lifted her head when the door slammed shut, eyeing the customer wearily as he entered. Vaguely listening to their conversation to ensure her owner was safe, she decided it was finally time to get up and greet the day. It really was too hot by the fire, and she began to pant before she stood up.

      Stretching out her limbs as she sidled to the door, she looked back at the man behind the counter with his kind blue eyes and thick auburn beard, and scratched once at the door. He was deep in conversation with his new client, but she was feeling very impatient. Dove let out a long, low whine, immediately getting his attention. Still talking, he moved to the door and opened it just enough to let the large dog outside. Success.

      A whole day lay ahead of her, and she had not a thing to do. What a time to be alive! Tail already wagging at the thought of adventure, she started forward, letting her tired paws lead the way. Down a small hill, right at the bookstore, and then her nose was in the air. One of Dove's favorite past-times was attempting to get a roast chicken somehow. She'd never quite managed, but had snuck a few fish, a loaf of bread, and, her favorite story, a whole wheel of cheese. Already drooling, she set her sights on the market.

      Just as long as there weren't any guards there...
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Re: ☀ breath (medieval dogs / open!)

Postby LunaClaw » Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:29 am

cismale|corgi|jester’s dog|six months|crush: open n/a|tags: open
A loud thud sounded, a little corgi had rolled off the bed… again. Toast shook the dust of and rolled back onto his paws, nub tail wagging. Little toes tippy tapped on the wooden floor. It was morning! And this little pup was ready for the day! His owner sat up and gave his head an aggressive scratch before getting out of bed. Toast followed his master out of the room, running circles around his feet. Toast barked speeding down the hallway. With a sharp yelp of surprise, the stubby legged boy tripped and tumbled headfirst into a corner. He shook his head and righted himself before continuing to bound down the hallway. He ran out into the Main Street, barking and spinning circles till he got dizzy. With a stumble, the world was spinning. He didn’t understand why it was spinning. It wasn’t normal for the world to spin. After a few minutes, the world stopped spinning. Little toast then continued to follow his owner. He was looking for his friend, Finn. He looked up to the older dog, and enjoyed the chaos that he brought with him. The two often got into trouble a lot. They were partners in crime so to speak.

cisfemale|australian cattle dog|four years|crush: open n/a|tags: open
Waking with a whimper, Fiona felt tears on her face. She had woken from a nightmare. It was a reoccurring nightmare, one that replayed her past grief. The nightmare was of being rejected by her mate, pups taken from her, and being taken away from her remaining pup. She let a small howl of sorrow. She was reassured by a gentle pat on the head and embraced by warm arms. Gentle shushing could be heard. She looked up to see her owner, gently stroking her head. She leaned into her, appreciating the warmth and saftey she provided. The cattle dog sighed, and rose to her paws. The day was here, whether Fiona was ready or not.
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Re: Dakota

Postby iceland. » Fri Feb 17, 2023 4:29 pm

- knight- female - located in market - feeling relaxed- tags; Hudson
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

      xxxxx Dakota couldn't help but return the smile Hudson threw her way. While he may not have thought it of himself, Dakota found him quite charming and charismatic. He was a leader who cared for those under him, she knew too many horror stories where that wasn't always the case in other units. "No thanks to our constant presence it would seem." she laughed as she notice more than a few heads turning to look at the pair as they made their way through the market. It was a fact Dakota felt some pride in. It was proof that she was able to make a difference even if it was only a small victory. Her parents came from larger kingdoms and it was there she heard stories from her parents about the rampant crime that oozed from the streets. Her parents were ever the pessimists, and while the trait was passed to her, Dakota always tried to keep it from clouding her judgment.

      xxxxx Growing up in their smaller kingdom life seemed dull, almost quaint. Dakota was an adventurous pup, always dreaming of a bigger and more exciting life. She yearned to see vast mountains that cut the horizon, to see endless seas and new cities but she never got the chance. As she grew older, she came to terms with her comparatively quiet life and learned to find enjoyment in it. Part of her knew she would always love the kingdom and the peaceful life it offered but it didn't stop her from wanting to at least see more of the world. "I'd have to agree with you there Hudson. The world is so vast, I'd love to see more than... this" she gestured to the market offering a light chuckle and shake of her head when she followed Hudson's gaze to the man buying fish.

      xxxxx "After the thief that was caught last week, nothing of note." she replied seriously turning towards him. A soldier responding to her commanding officer. "There do seem to be more vagabonds around recently though. Wouldn't harm to make sure we're keeping an eye on the town's borders." she added with a slight frown before turning back to the crowd.
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Hudson // Dove

Postby avicularia » Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:42 am


male || seven years old || tagged; dakota

      Hudson made a careless mistake and looked up at Dakota's face. Instantly, he was lost in the dark eyes of the dog opposite him. Stories welled up in his mind, imagination sparked by the world that swirled within her own mind, reflected by her gaze. To Hudson, looking at another's eyes was like reading a book. While he couldn't read minds, he could go on his own adventures based on their expression. And that is precisely where he ended up.

      I'd love to see more than this. Suddenly, he was there with her, running through the dark and echoing woods, chasing villains and deer alike, free to roam as they pleased and see the world that stretched endlessly in front of them. Then they were running along the beach, avoiding huge crashing waves that Hudson had experienced only once before. The salt stuck to their pelts as they ran, nothing but time ahead of them. It took him a minute while she talked to pull himself from his daydreams, refocusing on the stone wall behind her instead of her hypnotic eyes.

      In another life, Hudson may have voiced his imaginings. 'Let's run away together!' was ready at the edge of his tongue. He held it back, knowing full well the responsibility sitting squarely on his shoulders of keeping this town safe. Finally, his senses caught up. She gave mention of the thief that was caught, a task he would have loved to be responsible for. At the time, however, he and his owner were attending the ceremony that put his owner in charge of the other knights. He had heard later of the arrest.

      "Maybe we could patrol the borders together." Wild thoughts filled his mind to the brim. The outside edge of town was the most dangerous, often dotted with vagabonds and the unknown, faces Hudson was unfamiliar with and so couldn't immediately sense the peril of them. Perhaps the two could find some problem and remedy it, the one thing he lived for. Then he would have another story to take home. Normally, he would have done this alone. But the recent slaying of a knight's dog and the knight himself had left him wary of his usual solitude.

      "Unless you have something else you need to do," he added quickly, wanting to give her a way out in the case she would rather be alone. Either way, it needed to be done, and he turned to start in that direction.


female || three years old || tagged; cali

      He'd forgotten to feed her; that was the problem. Honestly, she'd forgotten he'd forgotten to feed her, but that didn't replace the gnawing feeling at her empty stomach. Images of roast chicken chased everything else from her thoughts. Now a trail of drool marked where she had been. Engrossed in her own thoughts, Dove didn't hear the squeal of child or the rush of paws exiting a house to her left. In fact, she was only started out of her daydream when a soft body collided with her own, causing her to stumble slightly to her right.

      Fully expecting to see the stern face of Aldrick or Hudson, two dogs who had previously tackled her when her stomach got the better of her, she turned to face whatever it was that had struck her. It turned out to not be a dog at all, but a small child accompanied by a young black and white female. Clearly, the two had just stepped from this rundown house to greet the day.

      The child seemed startled by her presence and darted back into the house. It made sense. Dove's head towered over the two year old's, her bulky body towering over most other pets in this town. Looking at the dog left behind, Dove brought up a charming smile, forming a plan in her mind. Maybe that roast chicken could be hers after all. How hard was it to talk a peasant dog into stealing food, or at least causing a distraction with the promise of food?

      "Just the dog I wanted to see!" Dove exclaimed excitedly, tail fanning the air as it wagged elegantly behind her. It didn't matter that she'd never met this youngster before. All that mattered was she needed help with her not too well thought out plan. "How do you feel about chicken? Because I have one." The lie came easily. Anything for food. It didn't matter that she didn't have it yet; she would get it. And soon. "All you have to do is find Aldrick or Hudson and give them something to do!" she said it emphatically, pretending that this wasn't doing something bad.
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ember & finn

Postby ossa di cervo » Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:58 am

    🟄 ember
      location; fountain in town 🟄 tags ; cassian
      Ember felt her eyelid twitch as she dropped her snarl. The farm dog hopped up onto the ledge next to her, dripping muddy water onto her once pristine resting spot. She skittered backwards, baffled that the brute had advanced so quickly. She had to admit - he couldn't exactly bathe well in a farm pond. Ember glared at the male in front of her.

      "Prince's dog or not, you should care more about your hygiene." Ember snorted, turning her nose up high.

      The male asked about the best place to take a bath and she knew in her heart the right answer. It was back at her kennel. The walls lined with spigots that spouted fresh water, the perfectly placed drain holes so no mud tracked on a paw pad. She sighed loudly, irritated that she felt the need to do what she was about to do.

      "The best place," she began, once again eyeing the brute up and down, "Is back in my kennel." She paused, narrowing her eyes. How did this male not know her? "The idea that you have no idea where the royal hunters bath concerns me. Do you have no idea who it is that you're speaking to right now?" The English Setter hopped off the ledge, gesturing for the cattle dog to follow her, "Regardless, come along, I'll show you how respectable canines bath."

    🟄 finn
      location; near town/main road 🟄 tags ; toast
      Finn whined outside of the fence that led to the farmland his brother lived on. Oh an average day his brother would've met him at the fence, reluctant to go on Finn's troublesome adventures. He pressed his nose to the metal fencing, upper lip pulled back to goofily show his front teeth. He whined again, this time louder. No luck. Cassian must have gotten distracted by something and forgotten to come back for him. Finn sighed, spinning in a quick circle, ending facing the main town again. He scratched his ear with his back paw, considering if it was worth leaving his post or not. Surely if Cassian got distracted and left he wouldn't be upset if Finn did too, right?

      With a snort and a small shrug, the cattle dog was off sprinting again, heading back to town. The brute felt like his legs were going to give out from under him by the time he made it to the village again but now came the issue of finding something to do... He glanced around, tongue lolling out of his jaw, breath coming out in exhausted puffs. His ears perked as a certain dog passed his sight. The young Corgi followed at his master's feet loyally and Finn inwardly groaned. Leave your person already, darn it. Finn thought inwardly. He sprinted ahead, hiding behind a box in the path of the jester and his pup and laid down. He poked his nose out just enough so that Toast would be able to see him when he passed by, "Pssst!" Finn whispered urgently, "Toast!" he half-barked from behind his hidey hole.
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Aldrick(1), Rosaline(1), and Cali(2)

Postby Furrydogs12 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:36 am

𝘼𝙡𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠 !

male-royal knight's dog-two years old-belgian malinois-tags:open
last post

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 !

female-queen's dog-four years old-poodle-tags:open
last post

𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖎 !

female-peasant's dog-one year old-mutt-tags:dove
Once Cali ran out of the of the door with the little boy, she watched the young boy carefully. She nudged him away from a sharp corner, and sticking close to the child’s side. She another dog approached the two, Cali took a defensive stance, standing in front of the child. Hearing footsteps, she turned around, noticing that the kid had ran back inside. “Hello” she greets the other warily. She raised an eyebrow in question. When the other mentioned chicken, he eyes lit up. “Chicken? You have chicken?! Where?” She asks looking around skeptically. “I don’t know if I should…. I do love chicken….” She thought carefully. “I’ll help you…But first, who are Aldrick and Hudson?” She asks tilting her head in confusion. “I’ll help, just tell me who these two are. And perhaps why you want me to distract them” she adds, suspicion lacing her tone. Why would this dog want her to distract someone? What’s the motive behind this strange canine? “You’re up to something, I know it” she says, confident in her assumption.
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Postby iceland. » Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:44 pm

- knight- female - headed towards edge of town - feeling excited- tags; Hudson
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

      xxxxx While she spoke Dakota couldn't help but notice the way Hudson looked at her. He seemed so... focused, awed even. It felt fitting for him like it was part of some true self the male never allowed into the light for some reason or another. She couldn't help the small smile that pulled instinctively at the sides of her mouth. She noticed how lost in thought the knight was for a moment and she wanted nothing more than to know what he was thinking about. About what place he just went to in his mind. It had to have been some faraway place, one quite foreign to their own town. Her chest tightened at the reminder of the dream she left behind. The sense of longing wrapped a hand around her heart but she shook it off. Scolded herself. She was a knight, one bound to protect those in the city. She couldn't just leave that behind to chase after some crazy pup dream. Right?

      The moment Husdon seemed to come back to reality Dakota reeled her thoughts back as well. Refocusing on the world around them. She stole a glance back to the market scanning faces and scents for a moment before returning her focus to the male next to her. When Husdon asked if she wanted to patrol with him her body became light once again. "But of course, I'd love nothing more than having the honor of patrolling with the great Husdon." she said with a joking bow and wink. The smile returned to her face. While she agreed jokingly, she took the idea of patroling seriously. While things seemed peaceful now, anything could happen. The idea had only been reinforced in her mind with the murder of the knight and his dog. The minder of them seemed to throw a cold bucket of water on the lightness she felt just a moment ago. She and her owner had attended the vigil that was held for the pair, their loss was like that of a family member dying. Knights were typically close with one another and if they weren't they still viewed each other as a sort of family. They had to as all their fellow knights were the people who would fight next to them, who would bleed for the same cause and lay their life down for that cause. The loss of one knight was abhorrent but having lost 2 in a single night almost felt devastating.

      As Hudson began to walk away before even allowing Dakota the chance to respond she lept up quickly tailing him determined not to be left behind. She had nothing else to do and the thought of spending the rest of the morning and even the afternoon with Hudson seemed nice. "Don't leave me behind!" She flashed a smile at him before picking up speed moving into a light run as the pair headed toward the edge of town.
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Cassian // Hudson // Dove

Postby avicularia » Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:08 pm


male || one year old || tagged; ember

      Ember's words hit a nerve, and the young cattle dog grimaced in response. His lip may have twitched, but he didn't dare snarl, knowing that would lead to a dramatic finale. Instead, he took a moment to shake the water from his pelt. It sent a cascade of muddy drops in a wide circumference around him, causing the pavement to look as though it had just rained.

      "Well, ma'am," he began, a juvenile smile still spread across his short muzzle. "I was trying to care about it, but I got interrupted. Hard to avoid all the sheep dung back at the farm, innit? Came right here to wash off..." He trailed away, listening again as she spoke in a voice he was beginning to detest. Still, he remained steadfast on the fountain, holding the smile. She was right about one thing; he had no clue who she was.

      For a moment, he considered turning his back to her and moving on with his day. Finn was probably wondering where he went. He assumed he'd be back at the farm by now, ready to be pulled along on whatever plans hisbrother had in mind. Instead, he was stuck talking to this irritating female. Cass was starting to understand why she was acting the way she was, with her slim muzzle held up in the air, as if she was better than him. Of course she thought that. She was one of those fancy hunting dogs, who thought that killing wild game was somehow more honorable than chasing sheep all day. Finn told him about those dogs sometimes.

      The thought passed, however, knowing that she would not be pleased if he attempted to leave. And what if she insisted? Best to simply give in to her strange demands, despite the fact that he was already (mostly) clean. Ignoring her question, he followed along behind her at a generous distance.
      "Fine, fine, fine," he breathed, forcing himself not to roll his eyes. "But we better be quick, yeah? Can't keep the prince waiting." Cass silently hoped that his brother hadn't found Toast. Those two created havoc wherever they went, and Cass didn't want any part of that.


male || seven years old || tagged; dakota, aldrick

      He couldn't help it. Another grin spread out on his lips. She was coming with him, and it was a huge relief, as you really couldn't be too careful nowadays. More importantly, she added a jest as she came, calling him 'the great Hudson,' a title that made him chuckle slightly. He allowed her to catch up to him, not in a huge hurry to get to the outer edge of town. There would be plenty of time to walk its border and check on the strangers entering or exiting the town. And if anything important were to happen, they would certainly hear it with both of them listening.

      The alley opened up on their left, revealing a wide courtyard where he glimpsed Aldrick with his owner, focused on some other man. Briefly, he considered advancing and asking Aldrick to join them. But they say three's a crowd, and something about the younger shepherd put Hudson on edge. He was a hard worker, but Hudson couldn't shake the feeling that his fellow knight would stop at nothing to take the lead, even if it meant throwing him or Dakota under the bus. Despite this, he always treated the male with quiet respect, keeping himself at a distance. And so, quickly averting his gaze, he moved a little faster passed the courtyard, hoping Dakota didn't notice the slight change in his gait.

      Not wanting to seem rude for leaving their fellow knight behind, he spoke up.
      "Aldrick looked b-busy." Though it wasn't a lie, the statement caused him to trip up. There was so much behind that singular statement, but he didn't add anything else to it. Silence hung in the air briefly as they trotted along the smooth path. A furrow in his brow chased the easygoing smile away. While he often relied on his imperfect instincts to do his job well, he didn't trust his opinion of his fellow knight. The guilt of it ate at him. What if the feeling clouded his judgement, or made him act a second slower when beside the shepherd?

      Slowing to a stop, he swung his body to face Dakota, trying to chase the regret from his soft features.
      "Should we ask him to join us?"he asked her, valuing her opinion. Aldrick had indeed looked busy, but a third set of eyes and ears wouldn't hinder them, and he doubted Aldrick would turn them down.


female || three years old || tagged; cali

      This dog was asking too many question. Nosy or intelligent dogs never worked out when she involved them in her plans. Thinking quickly, she took another route. It might be the saving grace that this dog hadn't had any run-ins with her two least favorite knights. "The chicken is at my house. I've been saving it, but this is more important," she said quickly, the lie leaving her mouth with grace.

      "And yes, of course I'm up to something! It's a surprise. Aldrick and Hudson are knights, and friends." She had no idea if this was true or not, and it didn't matter. This dog had already proved she would be none the wiser. "I was planning a party in celebration of Hudson's recent promotion, but he's a dog of few words and wouldn't have appreciated that. So instead, I thought I'd surprise him with lunch fit for a king! I just have to get it all together for him."

      Dove was an excellent actress, feigning the right amount of excitement for this tall tale. Fueling that were thoughts of the chicken waiting at the end of this road. All this dog had to do was to agree. It was a simple task, befitting of a simple dog.
      "You'll be perfect, too," Dove grinned. "You're so pretty, you'll make an excellent distraction. Boys always fall for the pretty ladies." It was another lie. Dove had no idea what the 'boys' liked, never having care enough to chase after them. And what Dove found beautiful could not be found in this dog, with her soft fur and innocent eyes.

      "But we have to hurry!" she insisted, turning away from the pup to head toward market. "He might be back home any minute. We can't ruin the surprise!"
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Postby iceland. » Mon Feb 20, 2023 5:53 pm

- knight- female - headed towards edge of town - feeling conflicted - tags; Hudson, Aldrick
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      xxxxxDakota couldn't help the easy smile that came to her face when she noticed the male slow down for her. It was a simple gesture, one that she told herself was out of politeness and nothing else but it made her happy nonetheless. As the pair began to make their way through the streets, Dakota kept a mental note of the familiar faces she saw. While she didn't know any of the people personally, she felt obligated to take notice of them. If she ever stopped seeing them around she'd know to check in on the person to be sure they were okay. While she was thankful none of her regulars went missing, she knew of too many horror stories about those no one realized were missing only to end up found dead later. She was responsible for these people, protecting and caring for them even when no one else would. It was why the female got up in the mornings, why she loved her job. She strongly believed that those with power had a duty to protect those who could not protect themselves.

      Although she had never asked, she was sure Hudson valued the same things. He wasn't a knight for fame and glory, but rather to make a difference in what could be a dark and unforgiving world. It was why Dakota held such respect for him. As they made their way through the alley and found their way to a courtyard she felt nothing out of the ordinary but seeing Hudson tense for a moment she became alarmed. While Dakota was certainly experienced Hudson was a seasoned knight, she trusted his instincts through and through. Taking note of any entrance and exit points she looked to see any trouble and when she saw nothing she glanced back at Huson noticing him beginning to speed off. Odd she thought to herself before noticing Aldrick. A fellow knight and one who was certainly dedicated to the job. He rose through the ranks quickly moving from squire to knight in under 2 years, he had talent, she couldn't deny that but something about the male made her slightly uneasy. He has an edge to him, one that she respected as a knight but she found hard to befriend. She never really knew what drove the male, but she knew that he certainly seemed eager to rise through the ranks. She always told herself it was due to his age. At only 2 he was still a young buck with lots to prove, she couldn't fault him for wanting to demonstrate talent.

      Speeding up to match Hudson's gait once more she threw one more glance back to Alrick. He seemed busy with his owner and she wasn't sure if she wanted to disturb their training session. "Working hard it seems." she chuckled in agreement but her smile fell when she noticed Hudson. He seemed to feel guilty about leaving their fellow knight behind and when he suddenly spun to face her she tilted her head to the side. He tried to hide it but she saw the emotions flit across his features. "Probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Safety in numbers." she sighed. It was the practical thing to do even if she felt the creeping sense of disappointment settle in her mind. Part of her wanted to spend time with just Hudson but ultimately they were there for a job, and she couldn't allow the pair to risk missing something just to satisfy her desire to spend him with him. Shoving away and look of despondency she turned and began making her way back to the courtyard this time a little slower than when they made their way through it. She would give time to Husdon should he want to change his mind.
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