goovolution 2023 | story (day 10)

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goovolution 2023 | story (day 10)

Postby castiiian » Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:53 pm

      event thread | main thread | discord

      welcome to the story booth...
        each day, a new piece of the story will be revealed,
        and you will react to it and choose your answer.
        your answer may alter the course of goob kind, so choose wisely...

        below your available usable answers, i've included some examples of how you can expand your choice!
        please note that this is just to help guide your prompt response, you don't have to use the idea at all.
        additionally, don't include it in the "choice" section of your form, keep it simple!

        if you do not have a goob yet, you can write about a goo instead!
        later on when you get a goob, you can even pretend that that little goo grew up to be them!!

        the current story can be found in the post below;
        new chapters of the story will always begin with a large letter.

        prompts may be answered with art or writing.
        find the rewards list below...

      • you do not have to submit art/writing; you can still vote but earn no coins in exchange.
      • you may edit your entries until the closure for that day is announced
      • a staff member will post when this booth opens/closes for a new day
      • you may not submit both art and writing, you must choose one or the other
      • booth rollover: 11:59 pm EST
      • due to the nature of this booth, it may open or close off schedule

          sketch — 2 coins
          colored headshot — 4 coins
          colored fullbody — 6 coins
          colored fullbody + background — 8 coins
          10 coins — above and beyond (judge’s discretion)
          multiply to calculate multiple character bonus
          1 coin per each 100 words
          maxes at 1000 words for 10 coins

      current prompt...
      DAY 10

      ask the gobbess a question.
      there is no longer a choice to make.

      you can ask her as many questions as you wish,
      but she likely won't answer them all...

      *please bold or otherwise mark your questions, so i can find them easier!

      Code: Select all
      DAY 10
      coins earned: (calculate word or art total)

      story part one
      story part two
Last edited by castiiian on Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:01 am, edited 31 times in total.
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goovolution 2023 | the story so far...

Postby castiiian » Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:05 pm

      goo-volution is set on the date when the great gob first separated, which is why it is also known as 'the revolution' or 'the great separation'. this is a goob holiday during which agels and diabs pay respects to their differences, basically, what makes them unique from one another! prior to the separation, the great gob was worshipped by all goobies, as there wasn't much difference between goobies back then. nowadays, agels give thanks to the gobbess and diabs give thanks to the gob during this holiday.

      long ago, the great gob would spend time with its creations during this holiday; and when it split into the gob and gobbess, even then the two would spend time and care for their goobies. however... it has been several hundred years since the gob or gobbess have been seen... until goovolution 2022. the return of the gobbess and the reveal that the gob has been amongst them the entire time shook the goob community. their gob has been here the entire time, raising the sun in the morning and setting the stars at night?! what else has he done for them? and as for the gobbess... why did she seem so hellbent on taking over the goobies, starting with her precious agels?

      unfortunately... not many questions were answered in the heat of the battle, nor the following events, when many goobies decided to leave the newly revealed gob be... but now, on the onset of goovolution, the time for questions to be answered and deities to be celebrated is fast approaching... perhaps it's time to interept the gob's peace and get to the bottom of this mystery.

      after all, how could two beings who were once one fall apart so tragically?

      j ystyr looks out of place. he sits there in the clearing of the goovolution party, occassionally being bombarded by young goos, who try to steal a piece of his shiny black goo. it only strikes you now how odd it is that your gob is just... sitting there, while the rest of the goobies prepare for the celebration occurring in the other areas of the map.

      however, as strange as his presence is, this is also a perfect opportunity... you could approach him, and perhaps get him to finally answer one of your burning questions. or, you could be a good goobie and tend to the nearby party- speaking of, do you plan on celebrating your creators or spending the time with your fellow goos...?

      w hile some goobies were entertained amongst each other... most goobies burned with questions- and took the chance to approach the lone gob. the first one to ask him a question was a young aquatic diab. "do you need a hug?" jystyr's eyebrows furrowed with confusion, and he answered with a rather simple, but loud- "HONK...?" and then... another goob came along, and started signing, almost furiously with speed and accuracy- and he, was rather unpracticed and confused. 'do you think she will try again? why does she hate us?' jystyr struggled for a second with his dripping goo before, poorly signing in response- 'sign hard. h - o - n - k.'

      finally, before anymore goobies could approach the poor, bewildered gob- two goobies quickly approached, rune and bram have come to save the day- and hopefully plan to translate the gob's honks! bram stands between the last two goobies that had approached jystyr, looking disappointed and, a bit unkept. he offers them hard candies from his pockets. "sorry folks! he was supposed to stay at-" "HONK. HONK-HONK." "really? okay. he says he doesn't need a hug. sorry jyst, you just have that sort of look..." another few goobies approach, of course, with more questions, though- these are much the same...

      a goob in the distance asks again if the gobbess will return- if jystyr feels sympathetic towards her... "do you think we'll be in trouble if she comes back?" jystyr's anxiety is almost tangible with how his goo drips heavier... as much as he would like to stuff these feelings down- if the goobies are thinking these very same things... then he should at least try to soothe their worries. "HONK. HONK HONK HONK." "she will come back. i know her, and i know she'll come back. but i know- if we stick together like last year... we can drive her away again." jystyr hoped that was enough to soothe the worry of his goos and goobies... he couldn't control the actions of his spurred and long lost other half, but at the very least, he could warn their people of her probable return...

      as for how he felt about her- if he was sympathetic towards her... of course he was. he loved her once. how could he forget that? how could he forget that they were once one? to lose her was to lose part of himself, forever... jystyr lost his train of thought when a few goobies in the crowd shouted their worries for him- "are you okay? you seem down..." "do you have any hobbies?" "...HONK?" "oh, wait, i know this one- he likes to design new stars. did you ever notice that they're all way different?" "...HONK." another question flew into the air- about why he was even here... and jystyr shrunk a little, the cloud of stars above his head thickening as he almost disappeared. if he wasn't here... then he wouldn't be ready to act if the gobbess suddenly appeared.

      and then- a goob asked why the him and the gobbess had a falling out... his boyfriends made quite an unhappy face at the stranger for him... his brain was still reeling on that when he suddenly- noticed someone sitting right next to him. someone who fit there perfectly under his blanket of stars... his eyes went round with surprise at first- he remembered creating this goob. he remembered being inspired by the moon, which reflected the light of the sun and other stars... he remembered how much he used to love the sun, and how it reminded him of the gobbess' eternally lit heart, how it used to shine so brightly and beam across the land... "do you remember me?" jystyr smiled warmly, loving them just as much as he did when he first made them. "is it my fault?" the stars in jystyr's blanket went all out.

      it was no goobies' fault that him and the gobbess were no more. it was no ones fault but their own...

      almost on cue, like she had been listening the entire time and was spurred awake by the cry of one of their first children- the sky suddenly filled with the colors of dawn. she is as large as ever at first, taking up the entire atmosphere, planets swimming in her goo- before she shrinks quickly, shifting into her familiar mortal goob form- only- she appears... injured? there are stars stuck in her coat, and she stands in a funny way, like it would be painful to try and remove them...

      "HONK?!" rune and bram immediately stand behind jystyr, alongside many goobies, but the gobbess just remains in place and looks on... what's... going on?

      t he majority of the goobies at the celebration with jystyr shrink nervously, scooting behind him for protection. they know who the gobbess is- and they can already imagine the dread that's to follow... those who are brave or perhaps foolish enough to try to approach the gobbess were suddenly blocked by a wall of stars. jystyr's blanket forming a fence to keep the goobies back, trying to keep them away from the possibly unstable gobbess.

      of course, the moment the stars appear, the gobbess takes this as a threat, and straightens up, seemingly sizing up the gob. "jystyr... come now, can't you see i'm wounded?" jystyr says nothing. not a single honk. "well, i've actually come-" she takes a slight step forward, the action seems to pain her, so she does not move again. "to... apologize." as if jystyr wasn't stunned silent before- he definitely was now... the gobbess certainly looked injured, and she certainly was apologizing... but how much of it could possibly be true...?

      jystyr didn't know what to do. he looked at the goobies around him, looking to his community for guidance... what did they think...? did they trust her? did they believe her? should he trust her? should he believe her?

      m ost every goob chooses to believe the gobbess... so jystyr does too. he lowers his wall of stars, his guard dropping as he looks to her, waiting for her to explain what... she means exactly by apologizing. there was a whole lot to apologize for... so where exactly was she going to begin?

      "but i've been thinking... why should i apologize? you should apologize for abandoning me!" the gobbess straightens up, the stars piercing her deeper but, she doesn't seem to mind it any. jystyr looks hurt more than he looks shocked. "we were beautiful together, jystyr." there is a brief moment before jystyr answers with a flat and loud- "HONK." somehow, the gobbess understands him perfectly. it's quite strange, actually. "tragic?... you've always had a knack for the dramatic." jystyr doesn't respond. he sort of looks... sad.

      "these creatures need a strong and great gob to rule them... either join me as one, or leave them to me." "HONK. HONK-HONK." "...what? you've found... another? someone new...? how... COULD YOU?" the gobbess slashes at jystyr with her horn in her rage- and... he trusts her. he doesn't expect the blow, and takes damage. there is an opportunity to throw goo.

      do you throw it because of your fear? or do you not even realize what you’ve done? perhaps you do it because you intend to strengthen your friend with your own goo. or maybe you do it because of the lingering deity in your head, controlling you like they always secretly have… after all, why did you join that team?

      a massive goo ball fight breaks out on the field, colors of all sorts being flung around as many goobies dodge and run in a panic. some goos even go flying, being mistaken for ammunition- they may not enjoy the flight at first, but later on, they will have quite the story to tell... in the fight, blow after blow lands on the gobbess... and she absorbs it all. she grows larger, her laugh billowing out in the field, creating a terrifying rumble as amasses more strength. meanwhile... every piece of goo that lands on jystyr only seems to slow him down. the goo sticks him to the ground, eating at him like glue, and he's frozen in place, helpless as the gobbess just seems to grow stronger... how is he going to win this...? what if he doesn't win this?

      and what do you do? what's in store for you?

      j yster is freed from his shackles, and he summons up a large ring of stars, flinging them at the gobbess. she only laughs as she's scrapped- she had used the time while he was trapped to grow stronger. she had gathered everything you had given her. your prayers, your mantras, your meditations, your jokes, your kindness, your hope, even your thoughts. she has eaten them. every bit of attention she gets she thrives off of- using it to become more. she leaps into the sky, turning into her true form, the sky turning the colors of dawn as she spreads her grip across the atmosphere. she's so big, she can almost escape the boundaries of the sky... and maybe she does. maybe she's the reason why the reflections trap her light.

      "did you really think you would win? my followers are more devoted than yours! my people have always been greater than yours!"

      but jystyr knows... that their true forms just make a larger target. he makes a star field- hundreds of them littering the sky around him, so many appearing now that they bump into each other, losing their gravity and dropping to the ground. he sent the stars flying towards the gobbess, and she used the atmosphere to try to redirect them, boomeranging them back towards him.

      d espite how the odds seemed, both the gob and gobbess sustained equal damage from the stars thrown by each other, and the goobies... the only difference was the uneven damage they had sustained earlier- and the unbalanced amount of health they restored. and it showed now in jystyr's uneven step backwards. "getting tired, jystyr? after starting this fight ages ago, infecting me with your stars- FOR MEGAANNUMS?!" "HONK!" "i'm through hearing your pathetic blasphemy! the darkness was never improved by your stars! you were always the worst part of me- to think i never admitted it before now! now, take your defeat like a 'gob' and leave this planet to my control!" the gobbess sends a sunbeam through her goo, directing it towards jystyr, who manages to block the blow by conjuring a literal moon.

      the moon explodes when it absorbs the sunbeam, creating a large crackle-boom and a dust cloud. pieces of the moon are sent flying. when the dust clears, jystyr is still standing, but just barely. the gobbess collects herself, returning to her mortal goob form, descending from the sky like the true gobbess she is... remarkably graceful as ever, she lands before jystyr and looks down at him. "why did you fight so hard for them? you even abandoned your name as gob." "h-...hONK." "i see. well, if you will not leave willingly, then i will make us one again..."

      for a moment, this seems very bad, but then, in the cleared sky... you notice a familiar egg shaped space ship. the... goobles?! what are they doing here...? they land quickly and cover the battle field just as fast, hundreds of goobles littering the area and pecking at the floor eagerly, this time eating loose goo and debris instead of worms. gootenant marshmallow runs across the entire field to approach the gobbess, moving to stand proudly besides her and stare fearlessly at the gob. " at ordered time." the gobbess beams as she looks down at the gooble besides her. "my perfect creations! here to support me, as always..."

      jystyr looks at the goobles on the battle field, and then gootenant marshmallow, standing so boldly besides the gobbess... and he knows... there is no way to win anymore. the sky goes black- entirely empty as he gives up reign for it, and the gobbess notices this with how pitch black it turns, she looks around briefly, waiting for an ambush, before she adjusts the atmosphere herself, making it day once more. she finds it hard to believe the battle is over with how hard fought it was... but looking down at jystyr, she could see how his stars were just barely twinkling. he shifted a little, his dripping goo dripping too much, like it was hard to hold his mortal form together. "ho-NK..." "what? no. i won't ungoo them. they might not be flawless like the goobles... but they are still... my creations."

      looking at him like this... the gobbess knew she had to get him out of here already. their divine bodies couldn't heal in these- false, facade forms. she stepped closer to jystyr, her voice almost kind, almost hushed. "i know you'll miss them. i even think they'll miss you too... but in time. they'll love me more. they've always loved me more." the goo of her wings moved, breaking slightly from their facade to grab him. he honked and squeaked like a rubber chicken in her grip, but he was too weak to fight her any longer. "for i am the great of the great gob!" she lifted him up and aimed for the atmosphere... and then, she threw him out. he honked the entire way he was flung out.

Last edited by castiiian on Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:54 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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goovolution 2023 | the story so far...

Postby castiiian » Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:05 pm

      w ith the threat of jystyr gone... the goobles were now directionless. and they quickly got bored of cleaning the battlefield. or rather, they finished that. it looked spotless now, starless, moonless, and gooless. probably wormless as well. and now, the goobles started to run after young goos, who were frantically hopping away. the gobbess was... stunned, to say the least. "what? what is this? call them off, gootenant! they'll eat the goos!" the very stern looking gooble turned to look at the gobbess, only briefly looking at the cleared field in front of them. "...goobles hungry, great voice. travel difficult. why we must consume."

      the gobbess looks- confused for a moment, before a sort of look of remembrance comes across her face, and she channels her goo for a moment... forming a bright sunbeam... this one does not sear the ground instead- she creates a massive mound of worms. all the goobles notice this, and quickly come racing over, to share and eat the feast hungrily. well... that's them satisfied for now. she had no clue it would be... difficult to care for such simple minded creatures. did all mortal things need to... eat? she looked to her goobies next and... immediately sensed their... disdain for her. perhaps if she... asked them for... advice... they would feel important.

      yes, that's a good idea. she looked in the general direction of them all, projecting her voice loudly, glowing brightly with her horn and her sunbeams. "GOOBIES... what shall we do with the goobles? shall we let them stay? or remove them from the planet?" gootenant marshmallow looked at the gobbess with disbelief. truly, he was asked to break away from his mission just to assist her, and now she wanted him to leave again...? what an entity she was. difficult as ever...

      w ell. that was quickly decided. most every goobie agreed to let the goobles stay... gootenant marshmallow was quite pleased with the news, nodding firmly with agreement that the goobles were pleasant and friendly companions. the only goobie who said any different asked for the goobles to decide- and of course, that made them go on a brief hunt for more worms, which gootenant marshmallow sternly put an end to. the gobbess quickly used her large wings to take to the sky afterwards, getting the attention of every goobie with the rays of her sunshine. "very well! the goobles shall stay. they are the most loyal creatures, after all."

      looking down at her goobies from here... she could still- could still feel... a certain amount of mistrust and discomfort... "with my new rule, i believe i am in need of a new high council to serve me." the gobbess floated down again, graceful and poised, landing in the midst of a large group of goobies, holding her head up high, dwarfing many of the goobies with her size and height. "present yourself if you wish to be part of the council. how may you prove yourself worthy?"

      m any goobies filled out applications- just the same way the goobles handed them out, they collected them for their gobbess, and now, she leafed through them with all three of her eyes. she gave away no answers once she'd looked through them all, just holding them a little closer to her black hole chest as she looked down at her goobies. "...i have selected four. four of you will become part of my high council- you will eat a piece of my goo, fuse with my power, and in turn become a minor gob." of course, she couldn't help but notice the few that were still... not satisfied with her position as their new ruler. she would soothe them soon with... answers. yes. that was perfect. the foolish mute gob had never answered their questions before, had he...?

      looking to her goobies, she spoke again, her ears turning just slightly, looking more like a crown on her head than actual ears. "i hope you'll handle your new powers responsibly. it has been a long time since a goob has become a gob... were my creatures even aware that goobies could become gobs?" this was the perfect opportunity to bridge the gap of distrust and disdain... "it seems a lot of knowledge has been lost in the thousands of years i have been gone, and you have all been left alone with an- unworthy king... please, tell me your questions, and i will answer what i can." the gobbess smiled, and it almost made you uneasy.

      "let me put your worries to rest."

      a lmost immediately, they peppered her with questions... but it was exactly as she expected. she made notes of these goobies and their questions- taking... particular attention towards a few that... she remembered more than others, for some reason. perhaps she hadn't cleared her mind enough in her time away. she wasn't supposed to have a connection to them. she couldn't afford to be like jystyr. if she wanted to make real change- she couldn't let her ties make her foolish like they had made him.

      "first, i will announce my new council..."
      the following goobies stand before fallen in a straight line, beaming with excitement, having been slipped private notes earlier in the moment when all others were asking questions... and now, fallen briefly spread her wings over them, allowing her goo to drip down over each of them, letting her dawn color fuse with their different colors and... they were changed! they became minor gobs, right before the audience. growing in size and height, still smaller than the gobbess, but larger now than they were previously.

      lielac ✨ minor gob of inky skies
      t4 | extraordinary genesplice (squid form)

      the following is the private note the goobie had received... but how to read it?
      fallen wrote:lielac, i have chosen you to paint my night skies.
      while jystyr is... unfortunately absent, you will use your new power to ink them for us.
      please do an adequate job.

      infinity ✨ minor gob of eternity
      g4 | extraordinary elemental effect (light and shadow)

      the following is the private note the goobie had received... but how to read it?
      fallen wrote:infinity, i have chosen you to safeguard my position as queen eternal.
      within all things, there must be balance... i know this means that light must be countered by darkness.
      please inform me the moment you sense the darkness coming.

      carmella ✨ minor gob of transformation
      t4 | extraordinary form change (werebat)

      the following is the private note the goobie had received... but how to read it?
      fallen wrote:carmilla, i have chosen you to lead the goos into a new age of growth.
      raise them to be agels, or if not that, raise them to follow me.
      that is all i ask of you.

      dk ✨ minor gob of moths
      t4 | extraordinary genesplice (made of many moths)

      the following is the private note the goobie had received... but how to read it?
      fallen wrote:dk, i have chosen you to watch the world for me.
      scour every corner, constantly. while infinity watches the star, you shall watch the people.
      if you see them dissent, inform me immediately.

      with a brief bow of her head, fallen requests for the minor gobs to stand aside, and once they do, the gobbess takes her place among the people again. she straightened her head, her horn held high as she prepared herself to answer the questions she held in her head... there were many she planned to answer.

      q: waktos + acryl (bakuraas.)
      "are you staying? really staying? despite how... imperfect we are?" "bet she did all of this just to get jystyr out of here, disgusting..."

      "yes. all my creatures- but one- have flaws... but i still come to them." her eyes linger on the two gobs for much too long. "i did not do this for... spite or revenge. i did it for you. my... creations." she refuses to look at the two for any longer, like it's... difficult for her. perhaps the major gobs remind her too much of her absent other half.

      q: infinity (caeleesi)
      "what's your favorite sweet treat?"

      "...what is a 'sweet treat'? i prefer to collect nutrition by vaporizing space particles within my sun's rays."

      q: soliel (annaebell)
      "what's happened with jystyr? are things going to change now that you're here and in charge? can we really trust you?"

      "nothing's happened with jystyr... we had a brief spar, that ended in my victory- and i sent him out, much like he did with me last year... i suppose not, or perhaps it will. i guess it really depends where you're looking. i made you. you already trust me, whether you realize or not."

      q: several (sadcat)
      "is jystyr okay?" "where is jystyr anyway?" "and when are you leaving?"
      "jystyr's fine... creatures such as us are near impervious to death- and gobs especially? gobs don't die."
      "he's in space still, i assume."
      "i'm not leaving."

      "why were you so mad about jystyr leaving you? and changing names and stuff..."
      "are you ever going to get over that, by the way? seems unhealthy to stay mad over something that happened so long ago."

      "you get used to things when they're a certain way for several millions of years. you cannot be angry with me for... needing a while to adjust to his new form..."
      "i do not expect a creature with such a short lifespan and such limited time existing, to understand. now i suggest you leave, you've made me angry enough."

      q: solandis + pathos + neptune (imabandito)
      “why are you doing this? why can’t you and jystyr rule in harmony?”
      "to rule the creatures i partially made. there is no space for two gobs in my ruling and justice."

      “out of pure curiosity, what happened to jystyr? like.. where did he go when you threw him? do you know where he is now?”
      "another one, wondering for jystyr? look at the sky, and wonder no more. i'm not tracking him, if that's what you're asking me."

      “do you like stuffed animals..?"
      "i've only been on your planet for a short while. you'll have to catch me up on... stuffed animals."

      q: urchin + npc (rem sleep)
      "what will happen to jystyr?"
      "perhaps the same thing that happened to me. i ate, grew, and visited the other creatures of our domain."

      "how do goobies become gobs, anyway? why didn't we know this was possible before?"
      "by being closer to becoming... one. oh, that? the longer you spend away from your creators, the more you forget."

      q: elowen (keeshond)
      "what's your favorite bird?"

      "...this was the planet with those? you haven't eaten them all already? why not?"

      q: arianna + cerberus + amor (sushibeans)
      "why can't jystyr be with us too?" "what about the moon and stars?"
      "why are you suddenly wanting to stay with us? i thought you hated us?"

      "because he would never let me do as i wish without compliant... or honk, i should say." "what about them? you don't need them." "because i made you. i care for all my creations."

      q: ugin (griff)
      the question is signed.

      the gobbess follows you as you sign, but she does not make an effort to understand in the slightest. "...not you too. what's with you creatures, and refusing to use the voices we made for you?.. what a shame, it seems you have so much to say, as well." the gobbess looks away, rolling her eyes a little as she's looked up at. "with the stomping and signing, you almost remind me of juliette- but that was a long time ago now. perhaps you should go manifest a voice before you attempt to bother me with questions again."

      q: carmella (nio)
      "what's your favorite constellation?"

      "you're asking me about... the stars? well, aren't you lucky that you're pretty... ah... to go and ask me something so... foolish."

      q: lily + hope (eevee55)
      "what do you plan to do now?" "what are your hopes for this world?"

      " make my creatures stronger. to make this world more perfect."

      now, with all the questions answered, the gobbess looks around her goobies, satisfied that they had been... sufficiently good. yes... she looked to the bright sky, spotting the single, shining star... she was looking forward to their rematch... this time though... she'd make a stronghold.

      glowing brightly, she commanded her sunrays to fill the goo of those around her, stealing the bioluminescence jystyr had previously locked to only diabs...!

      the diab trait, [t2] bioluminescence, is now available for all users, having moved to the category g2!

Last edited by castiiian on Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby castiiian » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:00 pm

      ☀ day 1 ☀
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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby Riley ♥ » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:41 pm

    DAY 1
    username: Riley ♥
    choice: 1
    coins earned: 5 coins, 515 words
      goobies involved: Wrasse

      Wrasse had spent much of his life under the sea, and there wasn't much that he knew about life on land. While he made lots of friends during Goomas, only a couple short months had passed since then, and he was still remarkably lost when it came to everyday affairs. Goovolution was something completely foreign to him, as the goobies who resided in the murky depths had neither need nor knowledge for the rising or setting of the sun, nor any gob to guide them. Even still, they were diabs, and as the gob was the one who resided over the diabs, Wrasse felt a sort of obligation to at least familiarise himself with Jystyr in some way. He had done what he could to read up on Goovolution, about what had been discovered the year prior, but he couldn't process much inside that little head of his. And so, he thought it best to approach the gob directly, especially since he seemed to be sitting there, not seeming to mind the excitable goos all around him. Wrasse approached, cautiously at first, giving the gob the reverence he deserved, before gaining a little bit of confidence. "You're Jystyr, right? I mean, of course you are. There's no way you could be mistaken for anyone else. Sorry if I'm, uh - supposed to be more formal, I've never been around a gob before, and I'm not really sure what to do. I wanted to ask you a few things, if you have time to answer. You must be pretty busy, so I'll make it quick." Wrasse cleared his throat, looking up at Jystyr for any sort of response, any sort of approval. While other goos and goobies had given him ample space, Wrasse seemed to invade that as he gathered up the courage to ask the question; "Do you need a hug?"

      He didn't know why he blurted it out like that, why he even dared to ask if a gob needed a hug. It was just that... Jystyr seemed so lonely, he seemed like he wasn't interested in the activities around him. From what Wrasse knew, he was separated from the gobbess, but he didn't have any clue what sort of terms they were on. If Goovolution brought up bad memories for him, then Wrasse wanted to do his best to cheer the gob up. Besides, even if he wasn't particularly upset, sometimes a hug was needed just for good measure. While he was a little embarrassed for not knowing proper etiquette, he tried his best to be cordial, even if he wasn't particularly bright. "And, uh, another thing... do you want some dried seaweed? I have a little bit extra on me, and I find it always cheers me up, especially when I'm hungry." Wrasse pulled out a sheet of nori, offering it to the gob. He had no doubt received lavish and luxurious offerings in the past, of the finest jewellery, gold, and gifts, and perhaps he would even be offended at such an offering - but Wrasse figured that even gobs needed snacks, sometimes.

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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby Griff » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:51 pm

username: Griff
choice: 1
coins earned: 5

Despite the chaos and mayhem of the last Goo-volution, Ugin had found herself coming here with her family once more. There were so many questions that still needed answers, and as a scientist she needed to know! She was unsure of the rest of her family followed for the same reasons, or to watch out for one another. Apple hung close to her, curious but ever alert while Harley seemed to bounce from place to place on the outskirts as to ensure that nothing even so much as gave a single member of her strange family a bad look. Istovan himself could be seen behind them all, stern but also protective. But he would never admit to the latter, as that would be showing weakness. He was a scientist! He had no weaknesses!

The youngest of the family kept close to Istovan. Serana tred with silent steps, taking in everything but saying nothing. At the very least her powers were far more in control now, and not lashing out. But she seemed restrained entire, and one had to wonder if that was due to nerves or something else entirely. Beside her Arsu and Azizos spoke with each other, as they almost always seemed to do. Rarely it was that they took in the comfort or presence of others. But they were here as well, for their own reasons.

And so it was the mad scientist family came onto the scene. Ugin saw a few familiar faces that had helped her before, but she knew many of them had just as many questions as she did. No, there really was only one she could go to that could answer her pressing questions. Besides, when one got the chance to speak with a gob why would they not take it? So she found herself walking up towards Jystyr, and bowing her head respectfully. Being mute, she instead started to sign. If Jystyr did not understand that, she would instead write.

'Hello Sir! I... remember how you stood up for us last year. Thank you for that. Somehow with your magic you have been raising the sun and moon for us and protecting us and... that is amazing. It is clear you care deeply for all of us so... thank you. But, I did have some questions, if that would be alright?' She chuffed out a touch of air, since her sighs were not very audible.

'Do you think she will.. try again? Why does she hate us so? How can we help if she does? You should not have to stand alone. I've learned that... everything is easier with trusted allies.' She smiles as she explains this, before another question crosses her mind. '...I can't really speak well either. So I was wondering, does honking help when you can't find your voice? Well maybe not find... the ghosts have mine,' she explains before shaking her head. 'Sorry, that last question was selfish. I know all of this is a bit selfish. I just... want a few answers I guess and you're the best one to ask...'

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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby minknip » Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:53 pm

    DAY 1
    username: tejki
    choice: praise gobbess (3)
    coins earned: 10 coins (1037 words)

    lorelai is perched amongst a group of goobies as she stares down the diab’s gob, a guy that has been apparently mingling amongst them all along. the self-proclaimed feels herself begin to sneer as she turns her head upward with a huff. sure, she has lived amongst her friends in the atlantic, some of which *were* diabs (even though she wouldn’t admit it outloud) but that doesn’t make her feel any less right about this. she ought to make her reaction know, lorelai thinks, and i ought to do it now.

    with a huff she practically kicks herself to her paws and begins striding her way over to the gob, the one that rises the sun that causes warmth to ripple by the shore and the moon which causes lorelai and the rest of her subjects to rest easily amongst the deep-sea creatures in the kelp canopy and in the marble castle she had found for herself. she shakes off the feeling of shyness, now was not the time at all for this nonsense emotion (even if it had ended in her downfall last time, two years before).

    lorelai is no party-goer, she doesn't even have enough subjects in her own kingdom to throw such a useless and wasteful event. no, she has better things to do, like search for resources or other goobies to drag down and *hopefully* convert (even though it has not worked out in her favour, minus the event with lloyd. lielac does *not* count, she’s barely even present).

    the agel stops and leans back on her haunches, only to stare at the gob once more. her bushy tail curls behind her and the plants amongst her hinds slowly bob up and down as if she were back in the water. but she isn’t. she does not have a place to hide, to retire, and this was her idea in the first place! why would she back down?! she wouldn’t, obviously.

    she admired that gobbess. what is a queen if there was not something more extraordinary above her. lorelai lets herself think for a bit longer. the gobbess- she was like dusk and dawn itself, tied together with a string of moons and a string of power. where had she gone, why had she left them? jyster may have done everything for the goobies before her return, but lorelai cannot help but mourn the fact that she had been underneath the influence of a *diab gob* the whole time. of course she knew, she isn’t a fool, but she had no knowledge at all of the gobbess- the actual ruler of her kind.

    this pushes her confidence, and lorelai finally strides up to jyster, shoving her maw in his face and desperate to just shake him about. “she will return, right?!” her voice is more desperate than intended (she didn’t wish to sound desperate or helpless at *all*, thank you very much) and she gazes at him with a fire in all of those eyes she has. “the gobbess- she must! she is much more talented than one might think! she is the other half of us! a gob who is purely a diab surely cannot wish to control both the diabs and the agels forever!”

    lorelai believes herself that this is useless, but stretches out her neck more anyway to keep hissing words at him as other younger goobies scutter around and attempt to pickpocket him for his goo. “imagine how life would’ve been without her, and imagine what it can be with! you could rest, give her the sun and take the moon.” lorelai was definitely pushing something here, her bias clear as day as she continues to stare at the gob. she has never felt this close to such a powerful entity, but right now instead of looking cheeky he appears downright miserable, and lorelai feels like she may win if she keeps pushing her questions forward. “she deserves a second chance!” lorelai raises her voice, “she may have insulted those who chose your side, but for a good reason, surely! what if that were you, and all your diabs had turned and chosen her side?”

    then, lorelai stops. that is what this is, isn’t it? the agel looks away, anywhere but the gob as she frowns now. was it the feeling of betrayal, or was it the feeling of jealousy? lorelai had always wished to be a favourite amongst her peers when she was younger, and remembering this, the agel backs away, but does not separate entirely from the gob. she thinks as to how they both have a child, and her nose wrinkles atop of her muzzle.

    lorelai is not sympathetic to him, no. if anything she is incredibly biassed to the counterpart. and so, she picks herself up and turns away. suddenly the walls around her are way more interesting as she feels herself dry up like a sponge. she has not been away from home for so long so she sits and she thinks, looking around her to see the goobies, some of which she had never seen before.

    most are departing to the right, to go to that party that was being talked about, while others pushed others away to attempt to get a word in with jyster, a goob that everyone had thought was one of them, but was in fact an entity of a whole other plane. lorelai blinks, almost in a silly matter, before she shakes out her pelt and sighs. she thinks and slowly glances over to where the party-goers were walking, talking to each other in excited voices and whispering secrets (that weren’t so much whispered, lorelai will have to go home and write these down somewhere) and she thinks. was lloyd in there somewhere? was it a good idea to go and join them?

    lorelai thinks otherwise, feeling slightly miserable now at the fact that the gobbess was absent from the room, and instead it was only jyster who sat amongst gossiping goos.

    and then, as if something had controlled her, she had decided that she was going home, and that she in fact did not like parties at all and the thought of going was just a thought.

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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby bakuraas. » Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:15 pm

[ DAY 1 ]
username: bakuraas.
choice: celebrate with friends/family (4)
coins earned: 10 coins (1010 words)
Emersyn and Dash had almost forgotten about the goovolution of last year, or more accurately, the memory of it was very quickly repressed as soon as the event ended and the gobbess left the world alone for another month. And yet in a way, some bits of that horrible memory had been the start of Emersyn and Dash's love story. So many things had changed since then, Their local major gob had an adoptive child, they had adopted a child not too long ago either, heck- Emersyn even had a non-adoptive nephew now. It was kind of crazy to think about, and now that the year had come around again, and the couple had very much decided on ignoring Gob and Gobbess entirely, for the sake of their own mental health as well as the mental health of their adoptive daughter Nyatalie. She was clueless about all this, and they would have very much hoped to keep it that way. However- she did show interest in asking gob some questions, simply because well, you can't exactly avoid a creation story, and gob was the most recognizable individual around at the moment. Dash made sure to keep his cool, politely pointing out the long line of goobies wanting to ask Jystyr questions, and suggesting that maybe they would avoid adding any more stress onto him. After all, no doubt that today would weigh heavily on anyone, gob even more so.

The three of them eventually met up with Xiv and Narciso, which sparked more questions from Nyatalie. She had run over to give her uncle a hug, and give her cousin a high-five (she had learned early on that Narciso wasn't much of the hugging type.) "Happy goovolution, Uncle Xiv!" She exclaimed, only to look around and appear even more curious and confused. "Where's Uncle Girasole and Sweets?" Xiv looked away slightly at the question, a hiss leaving his mouth nervously. "They decided to stay home for the month, Nyatalie. They told me to tell you they love you and that you'll see them next event." He forced a smile, but Nyatalie seemed to accept it anyways. Emersyn couldn't help but feel her heart hurt a little, looking over to Dash with a frown. Both of them knew why they decided to skip out on this week. Sweets still hadn't properly processed the trauma of the previous year, and coming back would most likely cause them to either dissociate so heavily they would barely talk, or would have some sort of panic attack that would make everyone else have to leave. They had tried to convince them that it was okay, but Sweets still refused to go, not wanting to ruin the fun for Nyatalie if something happened. Girasole had decided to stay with them at home, not wanting to leave Sweets alone at home despite the fact that they could take care of themself.

"Well now who am I going to fight in the art fight?! Sweets is the only Agel in the family besides my dad, and I don't want to fight my dad, I can't draw his shoes." Nyatalie whined, which sparked a laugh that was shared between Xiv and Emersyn. "Hey, my shoes aren't that complex, are they!?" Dash asked, his shocked words being enough to allow Nyatalie to join her family in their laughter. "Well, if you want to play art fight with someone, maybe you can ask Mister Author. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out." Xiv offered, and Nyatalie seemed to take to that idea quickly. "Oh, absolutely! I'm going to go find him right now, come on dad let's go!" Before Dash could even argue against it, he was being dragged away from his partner and brother-in-law, his daughter's small paws being surprisingly strong.

With the momentary silence, Emersyn felt herself start to frown again, looking over to Xiv, who was always frowning, but this frown looked particularly concerned. "Worried about her, huh?" He asked, eyes soft as he noticed something that was rare on his sister's face. Fear. "Worried about her?" Xiv asked, and Emersyn nodded in response. "Xiv, what if it happens again? I can't have her go through that experience or anything like it. I don't want her to think that she's going to be ungooed by something she can't control. I want her to have fun, and that's what this is supposed to be, fun. At least... that's what it was supposed to be last year." Xiv sighed, putting a paw across the other's shoulder. Though Emersyn wouldn't admit it, this place brought a lot of bad memories with it, and he wouldn't be surprised if the trauma of almost dying, almost losing everyone, was still affecting her. She never admitted when things were affecting her, especially not to Xiv. She was supposed to be strong, the elder sister, the wall between the family and the harsh world around them. She started to breathe a bit more shakily, until she felt a smaller paw on her own.

"Aunt Emersyn, do you need a moment? I can go get you some water if you need." Narciso looked up at her with concern. They had matured quickly despite how young they were, and Emersyn couldn't help but frown, knowing why. They had gone through so much already, never a break for any of them with the chaos of the world around them. "Yeah, water would be good." She finally said, sitting down and allowing the young goo to run off and grab her some water. She just hoped this year would be a little better, and that if anything happened, she would still be able to protect her family. Especially now that she had a child of her own to protect. If something happened to Nyatalie because of the gobbess... no, she couldn't think about that now. She just needed to think positively, everything would be alright.

Even if something went wrong, it wouldn't be the end of the world like last time.
At least, that's what Emersyn hoped.
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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby nio » Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:33 pm

    DAY 1
    username: nio
    choice: 4. celebrate with friends/family!
    coins earned: 8 i think? x2 coloured headshots
    prompt: the sibs are celebrating together! :D
sun !! he/she/they/any — adult awst cs th
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Re: goovolution 2023 | story (day 1)

Postby Caeleesi » Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:43 pm

username: Caeleesi
choice: 1
coins earned: 3? (349 words)
With the rising of the sun on a new day, the long-awaited Goovolution event had finally returned to the world, booths and love and fear spreading across its surface as all the goobies began to awaken that day - would the gobbess return this year? Many goobies were excited about what Goovolution could bring, and though Naenia herself was an agel who was created by the Gobbess, she wasn't entirely sure where she stood on the matter. In her point of view the Gobbess had been quite... well, not the best personality- but Naenia would often find herself feeling sympathetic for the Gobbess, she had once been two, after all... and Naenia had her fair share of feeling lonely - if that's what this could potentially be.
She yawned as her usual lack of sleep caught up with her and sat up to watch as the sun finished rising and the bustle of the city began anew. Wondering out from her own secluded hut by the edge of the city, she padded down towards the markets that were being set up - spotting a face she could only barely call familiar. That was Jystyr, from what she could tell based on what she had witnessed the previous year. She was curious about him, and the gobbess... and decided to approach, a small sad but genuine smile on her face as she raised a paw in greeting, calling out his name softly.
"Hey - Jystyr, right? I heard you fought off the Gobbess last time she appeared... I was just wondering if you think she'll be back again this year... and do you... know why she is the way she is? I mean, I feel sort of sympathetic for her situation, but I don't really understand it." She took a deep breath, then exhaled sharply.
"Sorry, I'm kind of rambling. What I want to know is.. do YOU feel sympathetic for the gobbess at all? why or why not?"
She kicked her paw against the street, sitting down beside him.
"and... I guess, do you think we'll be in trouble if she comes back?"
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