CS Writing Competition - June Contest UPCOMING

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Omiyage » Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:26 pm

November 2022
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Entry: 409 words.
You read the most recent entry within a well-worn but well-made journal. The writing is neat and steady.
"Winter will soon be upon us once again. This old dog is always surprised by how quickly time flies. The seasons always seem to change so suddenly and I feel like just a week ago I was writing the same about the leaves changing from their summer greens to their crisp autumn colours. Those same trees are now half bare. Leaves swirl around in the brisk wind, to the annoyance of those sweeping outside.
There was an eclipse recently too. It was stunning to behold. There will be some time until the next eclipse so I am happy to have witnessed it. This autumn has been relatively mild and so I was able to enjoy Halloween quite comfortably. It was only last night, due to the recent rain, that it has finally dipped into freezing temperatures. I imagine snow has already fallen up north though. I look forward the first real snowfall. It looks so pure and aesthetically pleasing. Ah, how eager I am! As always, I am impatient for winter to arrive. I relish the cold as I do not endure heat well. The cozy comfort of being warm in the cold is an absolute luxury I enjoy greatly.
Tea always seems to taste better too.
The upcoming holiday festivities are already generating cheer and excitement. It has always been something palpable and moving to me. Since last month I've been enjoying the scents and aromas of delicious food wafting out from the homes of folks that have been preparing for celebrations too. And I always feel that this time of the year is the most fun when people watching on my daily walks. I often spot scarves with eye catching patterns and the fashionable always layer immaculately. Groups of carolers in matching outfits, party goers in Santa hats & holiday costumes, and loved children overly bundled up & waddling about all bring amusement to me.
Once winter arrives I will be looking forward to the end of the year and my favorite holiday: New Year's. But that is for another time. I'll stop here for today as there is much to be done before the onset of the cold. I'd rather not be caught unprepared in case of an unexpected snowstorm.
Until next time, my dear journal."
At the end of the page a crispy little leaf is attached.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Tatangi » Thu Nov 17, 2022 6:40 am

November 2022
Entry: 455 words
It's strange not being able to see the world around you. However, the other senses seem to be more alive when you can't use your eyes. I remember the warmth of the sun, and how it filled me with happiness. I soaked up the rays of that celestial object and allowed it to give my life a bit more form. I started to feel the limits of my container, but just as I started to wish for more I started to feel a chill in the air. The outer layer of my home started to become cooler, and the only warmth I was allowed came from the nest of volcanic rocks below me. I hurried to that place, the bottom of my egg to huddle and keep myself warm. As much as I wanted to use my wings, they were not yet big enough to wrap myself in. The warmth of the stones below me were my only comfort. At first I thought this couldn't last for long, but now the cold seems to get more intense. Luckily, my heart is full of fire and I can keep warm without trouble. I just don't feel like I'm ready to leave this nest just yet. Every now and then I feel my mother nudge my egg, whispering to me, urging me to leave my home. How can I mother? How can I leave this warm place and embrace the cold air out there? I can't imagine myself doing such a thing. She promises that I will be warm, that I need only to come out of my shell and learn it. She doesn't understand how much I fear the cold. I don't want it to wrap itself around me and put out my heart's fire. No, I'm perfectly content sitting within my lair and sleeping through the winter. I will wait for the warm days to return, and I will bask in them lazily as I did before. This cold weather allows me to sleep, and to stay closer to my mother much longer. I do enjoy that very much, and as the cold air starts to take hold of my chambers I feel my mother's warmth wrap around me. Oh how I love this! I love how much my mother cares for me. I start to dream of the adventures we could have, but only if I leave my egg. Do I want to? The cold may not be as bad as I thought. It means my mother must stay close by. It means we can go on many adventures, maybe even to a warmer place! Maybe I will wait to see how long this winter will last, but the lure of adventure is tempting!
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby xXxAetherxXx » Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:19 am

November 2022
Link to Pet: Image
Pet’s Name: Yuki (means snow in Japanese)
Entry: 433 words

Ever since the first snowfall, Yuki had craved more. Craved the feeling of snow on her shimmering, cold wings; longed for the whispers and laughter of the snowflakes as they whisked by her. She settled on her side in the icy cave that was her home. Light danced across the floor, casting rainbows across her icy flank. She sighed as she remembered that first cold breeze.

She remembered how it felt to be welcomed by the wind, snow, and trees as if she was one of their own. The new world filled with peace- the only disturbance being the breeze and Yuki as she tread through the snowbanks. She longed for that same feeling once more. She hadn’t been counting the days, but it had been so long. It felt like eternity. It was difficult for her, not being able to go outside during the days when heat beat down on the earth. It was pretty… but she couldn’t experience it. She wouldn’t last more that 20 minutes. But the snow… the clouds that covered that same sun… she fit. Yuki was part of that. She belonged with that. Yet she couldn’t follow when the wind and the snow left, so she waited. After each snowfall, she waited for the next. But now, after so painfully long, she was growing impatient.

But wait… what was that?

A singular snowflake seemed to float as it settled in front of Yuki’s paws. She felt her icy heart stir. An unseen breeze brought that very same snowflake to motion, and more soon joined it in their ride on the breeze, swirling around her in a beautiful, shimmering dance. She smiled as faint laughs that sparkled echoed in her ears. Yuki rose, and the snow followed and dispersed outward, back towards the mouth of her cave. She shook months worth of dust of her wings, and started forwards, smile growing.

As Yuki exited her cave, she nearly let out a gasp, eyes widening. Thousands of snowflakes were in the grey-white sky, the ground already beginning to amass a dusting of pure, shining white. The wind was cold, yet not biting; brisk yet welcoming. Yuki’s heart stirred once more, then again, and she laughed with pure joy. She glowed with icy, cold light from within, her heart now beating steadily, almost happily. The wind rustled her short fur, and she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. The scent of pine filled her nose, and the snowflakes swirled around her, singing and laughing. Yuki danced with the snowflakes, swayed with the trees, and leapt with the wind.

The snowfall had finally come to visit her once more, and she felt truly at home.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby ✿alien✿ » Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:43 pm

November 2022
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Pet's name: Aedus

Snow has come and Aedus can't wait because he knows what the snow brings every year. Every time the snow falls his human takes him to play at the park almost every single day! It rarely fails, no matter if his human has work, errands to run or gets sick. Then there's the treats, the toys, the clothes and the surprise visits from other humans who pet and play with him too-sometimes they even bring their dogs too. It's really the best time of year! Since the first snow a week ago Aedus has already met with twice as many dogs as usual at the park and has had three special playdates! Today his human was home and they were going to have lunch as the park since there wasn't much snow out yet and Aedus would get a special lunch made just for him. At the time, Aedus was laying a few feet away from his human as she cooks their lunches. He can smell the chicken in the oven as it cooks and it makes him wag his tail every time she tosses him a few bites of the veggies she's chopping up or she gives him a taste of the warm bone broth she's heating on the stove. Aedus always loved when his human would cook, it always meant she'd share a little of this or that with him as she prepared her food and almost always resulted in fresh meat in his bowl as well. He loved to listen to his human hum and sing while she cooked too! Sometimes, when she sang and had a break between tasks she'd hold Aedus's paws and they'd have a dance break-it was one of his favorite games to play with her. He almost loved it as much as he loved to play fetch or keep away or tag. The more he thought about it the more excited he'd get. As his excitement built, Aedus's tail wagged harder and harder until eventually he couldn't take it and he hopped up and began to chase his tail in little circles while barking at it to obey here and there. He could hear his human giggle and turn to watch him, "Oh Aedus! My love you are too cute! Are you excited? Are you excited to go to the park? To play? What will we play, huh? Fetch? Tag? Or maybe... Will we play keep away with the other pups?" Yes! Yes! Aedus barked and stopped chasing to do a little dance in place, switching from paw to paw. Oh man was he excited! "Yes?" his human spoke and gave him a scratch behind the ears, "I think that's a yes, isn't it baby? I'm excited to! Our food will be done soon. Will you go and get your leash? Get your leash and toys, my love. Go get 'em!" Aedus gave a happy bark and dashed off to his room. His room was full of all his favorite things, his human made sure he had plenty of toys, leashes, clothes, harnesses and even some furniture she had him help to pick up. There were even two dog beds and a small mattress with sheets, blankets and plush toys even though he usually slept with his human in her bed. Aedus was sure he was the luckiest and most loved dog in the world. He was so happy. Looking around the room, he grabbed the closest leash and took it to sit by the door for when it was time to go. He made the back and forth trip a few times, picking his favorite toys, harness and bandana to take with them to the park. By the time he finished his task, his human was finishing packing a bag of their food and preparing a backpack to hold his toys and anything else they may need at the park. "Are you ready, Aedus? Do you want to go to the park and play in the snow baby?" Aedus gave a confirming bark and sat by the front door wagging his tail and waiting for her to put on his harness and leash after she packed up his toys. Once his harness and leash were attached, his human opened the door and off the went to play in the snow. It really was the best time of year!
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby doctorsung » Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:00 pm

november 2022
link to pet: Image
Pet's name: gabriel
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!


Winter begins with a whisper of cold. Where Gabriel dwells, winter is not an onslaught of an unseen cold; instead, the cold, like small-footed creatures on padded paws, slips craftily into a breeze previously warm. He finds himself within a throng of dark-wooded trees. Their branches hang low with ethereal whispers of the summer, the ground beneath them cerulean with the blood of rotted fruit, still somehow untouched by the unseen beings that scavenge it. The wings that blanket his breast remain folded to protect against the ever-advancing chill. Though the gesture is purely for spectacle, as his supernal status spares him from the physical oppression of temperature, the mere affectation of cold comforts those bleating souls that he oversees. It comforts himself, though he's far past the point of admitting this to another soul, alive or otherwise. With the changing of seasons comes the departure of the creatures that resent the winter's cold. In another life, Gabriel can recall that winter bore a much greater connotation. Though the memories are hazy, more ideas, or dreams, as foreign as fingerprints on a fogged window, he can recall the warmth of a hearth and the praise of a distant, gravelly voice. The calloused palm against his head must have, at one point, served as both comfort and reward. Now, he has forgone such domestic demonstrations. He has no need for warmth, not now, and certainly no firm but gentle strokes upon the head. Gabriel must preside over these creatures, oversee the passage of those who do not survive nor escape the onset of frost. He, like the flakes that fall, gently onto the woolen bodies of the still-warm, will instead descend into the province in which all living creatures find themselves. He will traverse the uneasy hooves of the crowded hundreds in their dimly lit barns and slaughterhouses like a suggestion, as transient as the first chill of the season, as quiet and comforting as the shutting of eyes against night. Young lambs, weak in their standing and not yet rooted in earthly existence, will pass as silently in the night as he. Gently will he nip at their heels, usher them in the direction of distant, unseen fields, unhindered by the going-ons of farmers and machinery. He will kindly, but assuringly, direct the ghostly assemblage out from the merciless cold of their world, and briefly through the merciless cold of his own. For now, though, he waits. He will sit, quiet and resolute in his duties, and be still. And with a snout pointed skyward, many eyes shut against the insistent breeze, he feels the first flakes of snow begin to fall.

Fortune favors the brave, dude! ☆ (HAL @DOCTORSUNG)
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Vividant » Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:51 pm

November 2022

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Pet's Name: Max

Entry (536 words):

I eagerly sat by the window, as the first snow of the year had just proceeded to fall. Shimmering, white coats of it were glazed all across the ground, snow crystals still falling. I couldn't bear gazing at it any longer. I turned my body and glided over quietly towards the sofa, which Vivi, my owner, was currently sleeping upon. As soon as I reached the sofa, I pounced on top of Vivi, rudely awakening them. As they rubbed their eyes, I brushed my soft, brown-and-white fur against the underside of their neck, purring loudly while doing so. Vivi stroked my head a bit, putting me at ease. They got off the sofa and peered out the window. Their eyes widened when they saw how much snow had fallen already. I meowed to get their attention, and it worked. Vivi spun their body around to look in my direction. I pranced over to the door, which was locked, and continued meowing.
They came over to the door and just before unlocking it said, "Have fun out there, Max." A smile crossed their face and with one slight movement from their hand, I was bursting through the door, racing into the snow-covered lawn. As I reached the grass, now completely covered, I could feel the cold snow against my paws, yet the chilling sensation did not deter me from my dream of playing in it. With my warm, fuzzy fur protecting me, I began to roll around in the snow. I purred louder than I did when I begged to be let out. In fact, I purred louder than I had ever in my entire life. As I sat up, my vision was shaky and my body was all wobbly. Though after a few moments, I felt all better. I perked my ears and listened to the pleasant sounds of nature. Birds were chirping away in their trees, making nests and preparing for future snow that was to come. Squirrels were digging holes in the ground, storing acorns for the long winter ahead. I noticed several other cats rolling around in their lawns, too. What a lovely sight to see! We were all having a wonderful time in this white sheet of snow! Just as I was beginning to saunter over and visit with some fellow felines, I felt a sharp pain in my paws. The temperature was dropping, and my fur was not enough to keep me warm for much longer. I hurried inside, hoping my paws hadn't suffered too much of a frostbite. Vivi was standing at the door waiting for me, a concerned look sweeping over their face.
"Oh my! We need to get you a warm blanket quickly, it's practically below zero out there!" they panicked. I hopped onto the sofa and awaited my blanket. Shortly after, Vivi arrived with a big blanket, wrapping me up in it like a Christmas present. As they sat down beside me, they cuddled me with their big, long arms. Though I did enjoy the first snow of this year, I think I've had my fair share of snow for today. As I rested my body against Vivi's chest, I drifted off into a much-needed, deep sleep.
Last edited by Vividant on Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby SolaireOfAstora » Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:03 am

November 2022

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Pet's name: Kismet

Today is a special day! Not because it's a holiday or a weekend, but because it's a lovely and soon-to-be eventful November day. The cold weather was always Kismet's favorite. He liked the warmth of the sun, but nothing could beat that nice cool breeze. Especially when it made his slightly face and muzzle slightly numb. It beats overheating anytime, at least that's what he usually thinks. Sitting on one of the many park benches, Kismet is enjoying the day as he waits for his brother, Oswald to arrive. His brother had gone on vacation and was finally back. To celebrate his return the brothers were going to spend the day buying decorations and then put them up at their cousin’s house.

Watching the leaves sporadically fall was so calming and refreshing. Occasionally a butterfly or two waltzed past his vision, while some bees buzzed toward the last few flowers in bloom. A small flock of sparrows flies overhead, they chirp a sweet song as they head to their destination. Many other birds remain, but it looks like they’ll also be heading out soon too. Kismet wishes they could stay and enjoy the last bit of fall and see the beginning of winter. Of course, he knows it’s instinctively what birds do and why they do it, but he can still wish. The same way Kismet always wishes for snow. In his 4 years of living, he’s only ever seen the snow a pawful of times. Though, it had hailed once, but for about 5 minutes. Kismet wanted to see more of that magical weather! He wanted to build snowdogs and maybe lick an icicle or two. Then Kismet remembers what his brother Oswald has to say. ‘It’s fun until you have to shovel snow or have to keep changing your wet clothes!’ Oswald had lived in snowy mountains for a time if Kismet remembers correctly… or he maybe just read too many negative things about the snow and winter. Kismet sighs. There’s no use in disappointing himself. Besides, he’s lucky enough to live where he is now. Snow or no snow, he can still enjoy the beautiful oranges and browns of fall. The fun pumpkin and turkey decorations accompanied by the wonderful smells of all the baked goods could not be compared to anything else! Kismet can feel himself get hungry. He can imagine the warmth of a delicious slice of apple pie paired with the cool bubbles of cider. The thought of fall’s finest dishes made him forget about the snow and being bitter about it.

Kismet refocuses himself and stops daydreaming so intensely. It’s a bit silly, but he shakes his head to clear his mind. As he opens his eyes and looks up just as one of the last remaining flock of birds race across the sky. Adjacent to the little finches is a small group of the much larger Butterfly Wolves. Their colors contrast the partially cloudy grey sky. The leaves flutter off their branches as if the wings of the passing Butterfly Wolves caused them to. It’s another stunning sight to behold. The flurry of leaves and the gentle breeze continue to dance around the park. Kismet continues to watch nature’s show, following the swirling leaves as it passes all the other parkgoers. He is so entranced by the display, he almost doesn’t even notice or hear a voice trying to get his attention. But, a loud “Hey!” does the trick. Kismet lets out a yelp and jumps in his seat, nearly falling off the bench. He looks to his left and his adrenaline-induced frown turns to a wide smile. “Oswald!” He joyfully exclaims as he now finally jumps off the bench. Kismet excitedly hurries over to his brother. “Are you ready to go put up the lights and garland?” Oswald nods, showing off the supplies he already bought beforehand. “Sure am!”

As they walk back towards the entrance of the park, Kismet takes another look around. Once again taking in the beauty of life and the season. The towering trees and their falling leaves, the nice cold breeze, and the sound of pets and the songs of the birds seem to be bidding Kismet and Oswald a lovely goodbye. The brothers move into a new chapter of the day, spending time with family and enjoying the last few hours of the day.

(736/750 words)

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby ChillyKitty » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:03 am

November 2022
Link to Pet: Image
Entry: 750 words

His metal joints felt tight and movement stiff, he could see the hot air that could've been mistaken for breath fog up in front of him like dragon’s smoke. It was cold, something in him supplied, he knew it was cold, not because he could feel it, but simply because he knew it was so.

He had never experienced the cold before, not true cold, not like this. Not in a way that made him acutely aware that his system ran hotter than the world around him. It was only going to get colder, he didn’t know if he liked that fact.

His paw slipped against the ground, he didn't fall, but the feeling of moving without intent to do so was deeply unsettling. He wasn't prepared for the slippery slush below him. There wasn't much yet, the ground not cold enough for the snow to really stick, but he had landed on a small patch of mostly melted slush from failing to pay attention to where he put his paws.

He didn't exist last winter, having not been built yet, but now he did, and he'd just have to deal with that.

The street was quite active despite the weather, festive creatures had taken the time to wrap the trees in glowing lights, it was quite the contrast from the recent spookier decorations, and many had opted to drink their hot chocolates and eat their baked goods outside while admiring the lights, rather than in the local bakery, which was probably nearby considering the amount of creatures with baked treats around.

No one paid him a second glance as he walked down the stone path.

He felt as though he stuck out like a sore paw - not that his paws got sore - even though he knew, logically, that he was hardly the most unusual thing there. Groups of cats and dogs and lions and rats, of all different colors and materials, all spoke with each other as if they were the same. Because they are, and he was different, because… because.

He wasn't different, not really, but he felt it. He felt alone despite being surrounded by the lively street. He wondered why he was programmed to feel anything when he didn't even feel the cold.

"Free sample?" a cat said, to him, apparently. They were offering a tray with small cookies of various types held in one of their forepaws.

It took him a moment longer than it should've to process the offer.

"I can't eat." he said, maybe he was supposed to say 'no thank you', maybe he was supposed to just walk past wordlessly.

The cat frowned, "Oh." They said, brows furrowed in thought, "Would you like to come inside the bakery?"

He was taken aback, calculating what to say, maybe they misunderstood?

"I can't eat." he repeated.

"Well, yes…" The cat swayed, glancing down at the ground, "But I stand out here to give everyone a chance to have a cookie, even if they aren't going to buy one, everyone who wants a cookie should get a cookie." They said determinedly, like they thought the cookies were something truly significant, "But it doesn't matter if you want a cookie or not, you can't even have one! It's not fair for you to be left out. So I can't give you a cookie but I can give you a cozy atmosphere and a warm seat by the fireplace in there." They tilted their head towards the open door of the bakery.

That made sense, he supposed, it was nice to even be offered.

It was cold, but it wouldn't be in there.

"Thank you." he said, and the cat smiled.

As promised, the bakery was warm inside. And just on the edge of being crowded but not insufferably so. There were a few empty cushioned seats near a quiet fireplace.

He sat at one, a slightly worn red floor pillow, close enough to the fire to feel the heat without burning. Well, he didn't feel it, not in a true way, but he became aware of his joints loosening back to their normal state and his system not being so significantly hotter than the world around him, so it felt close enough.

A rat who sat across from him, nursing a hot chocolate, turned from the fire and caught his eye. She smiled at him, it was nice.

He didn't like the cold itself, he decided, but this, this was nice. He looked forward to more.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby ileck » Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:10 pm

November 2022

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Syn was walking slowly down the weathered path of the town that his clan had meticulously planned out and spent years building, one foot landing quietly in front of the other as he raised his nose to the sky with a few leaves, dried from the heat of the sun, crunching below each land of claws. The sun partially blinded him, causing small spots in his vision as he blinked them away and continued on. The dragon’s nose twitched at the smell of fresh pike being roasted over a homemade fire in the distance as his wings stretched out, sighing softly as the leathery skin absorbed the heat of the comforting star. He seemed content, the aura of the soft orange and brown foliage bringing him comfort and fond memories of playing with the younger drakes in the leaf piles to pass the time. Syn couldn’t help but smile at the long-lost memory of him accidentally falling face-first into his friend’s pumpkin patch many years back, having not been paying attention due to the many sets of little paws that had been chasing after him.

As his hand knocked into something wooden, he soon startled out of his reminiscing times, realizing he had brought himself straight to the pike stand. With a happy grin, he snagged himself a skewer, sitting back to enjoy the freshly made food as he observed their quiet and peaceful town. Soft chittering was audible from time to time but Syn was simply enjoying the last of the warm days. The pike becoming more active had been a clear sign to them all that soon their days of soft orange and the smell of cinnamon were soon to change, eventually becoming white and chilly. There were already small changes, the days seemingly becoming colder and colder as they progressed, and even more leaves falling from the trees than originally perceived. Syn assumed this year would be another rough Winter, as usual, the snowy owls have started to arrive already. Too early… it was never a good sign. Thankfully, the village elders had assumed this to be the case and had recruited more hunters and gatherers for the cold months to come. Surely they wouldn’t have a repeat of last year and Syn was sure of it.

He hadn’t realized he had been crushing his skewer in his fist until he heard the soft snap of the wood, glancing down before slowly putting it away on the stall’s counter with a soft apology. The previous Winter had not been a treat… but Syn would do his best to make sure that this time, everything would be joyful. He was confident, having been training for the previous seasons to perfect his techniques and go unheard as he searched for food and usable wood to keep the elders and children warm after coming inside from hours of play. While not a professional, the young dragon was certainly getting there, his parents extremely proud of the attention he had been garnering from his successful hunting and gathering trips even when the odds seemed poor.

“Come, Winter. I’ve got so much planned for this season.” He said confidently, his fangs peeking out from his lips as he spoke, raising his haunches from the path to continue his thoughts elsewhere. Syn knew that this year… Winter would be beautiful and hopefully enjoyed with the sounds of happy children frolicking in the soft snow.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby KyoKoyo » Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:14 am

November 2022
Link to Pet: Image
Pet's name: Sunir
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Sunir paused, a large grin on their face as they clanked their hooves against the cobblestone floor. Their horn bright with magic, telekinetically picking up three scarves in different colors. Each respectively being pink, blue and yellow. Which scarf would compliment them the best? They pondered. They were preparing a winter outfit for… Well, winter. Sunir HAD to look their best. They came to a conclusion shortly after, folding the pink and yellow scarves neatly, putting them right where they belonged.

Blue compliments the snow wonderfully; And their coat as well. Sunir could already imagine it, the endless whispers about how cute they looked, the stars given by jealous animals. They puffed their chest pridefully, their ego was a bit large for such a small unicorn. Thanks to their abnormally small size, Sunir was able to stay adorable while their friends and family! Well, not so much. Giggling mischiviously, Sunir galloped towards the counter giddily.

“How much for this?” Sunir asked, dropping the scarf onto the stall’s check-out table. The elderly dog had smiled, staring at the price tag attached to the scarf with a large ‘20C$’ written on it. His vision wasn’t the best, it helped him see the numbers. “20C$.” He said, voice shaking as his eyes had squinted. “Thank you, sir.” Sunir smiled, they loved visiting this one stall-owner every year before winter, he was always so kind to them; And his handicrafts were the best.

Sunir had dropped a few Chicken Dollars onto the counter, the elderly dog had reached a paw out and brought it near his face, counting the amount. “Oh, keep the change, sir.” Sunir said, their horn glowing dimly, (So they wouldn’t hurt the senior’s eyes by the sudden bright light.) picking up the scarf and wrapping it around their neck. It was comfy, Sunir loved the paw-made work and love that the stall-owner had put in all of his products.

“Thank you dear.” He said, placing the currency into a tin box. “If you want, I gathered the last few Fall leaves. You’re welcomed to jump into the pile.” He offered, a soft chuckle as they watch Sunir’s expression brighten, grinning widely as their hooves excitedly galloped on the cobblestone path. “Thank you sir! I’ll make sure to clean up after. Have a great rest of Fall!” Sunir said excitedly, practically running towards the pile of leaves as they danced out of joy. Jumping into the pile of leaves as a satisfying ‘crunch’ noise could be heard from the pile of leaves beneath their body.

Sunir soon rolled over their side, it was rather awkward laying on their back, their anatomy simply made it rather troublesome. Flailing their limbs as they created a… Sideways leaf angel? Sunir giggled, it honestly didn’t matter to them that it didn’t make sense, so long as they were having fun, really. They breathed out a large sigh of relief, they couldn’t believe that the end of the year was coming so soon.

This is going to be one of the last times that Sunir will be able to smell the warm scent of Fall, animals will be going into hibernation and some of their friends won’t be able to meet them after Winter goes. They were a bit bummed out by it, but they’re glad they could spen their time with their other friends too! Getting up from their laid down position, Sunir had looked around the area, spotting the rake that the elder dog had used to pile the leaves together.

Using their telekinetic power to pick up the rake, they begun to sweep the leaves into a pile again. Sunir didn’t want to cause the senior trouble, they knew that his eyesight had been getting worst; And his hearing. They were spaced out in their thoughts, idly raking the leaves into a pile. Honestly, what was in that tin box? Sunir didn’t want to pry, but they imagine some sort of gift from the wife, or husband! Maybe a heirloom? Expensive jewllery?

“Let’s not get too scarried away.” Sunir said, brows furrowed as they placed the rake back to it’s original position, leaning against the tree. They soon began to trot away, thinking of the multiple activities they were able to do during the winter, the events! Most importantly though, they NEEDED to make a schedule. You have to be both fabulous and smart, afterall.
(732 words.)

──♡──≻ Xin, at your service!
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