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Postby Lucario » Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:11 am

Lemon Tea Rain wrote:Username: Lemon Tea Rain
Writing Wanted: A bio or development ideas including the themes of decay and the bringing of light.
Word-Count: 300-400
Characters Included: Chiara
Personal or Entry: Personal!
Deadline: N/A
Payment: I have sent you a trade, let me know if you require more ^^
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Postby Lucario » Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:13 am

YoungJusticeIsBest wrote:Username: YoungJusticeIsBest
Writing Wanted: short story
Word-Count: maybe around 2000 words? but I'm not sure
Characters Included: Vier, Sol, and Cain
Personal or Entry: Personal
Deadline: no deadline
Payment: C$150?

The characters are Vier, Sol, and Cain. They're all very close friends and have been for years. As well as this, they're all sorta in love with each other but none of them have ever brought it up but they're all somewhat aware of it. So the world is set after a very recent rebellion that the characters all aided in, the time period is kinda vague but it's all a sorta 19th century aesthetic, I don't really mind if there are inaccuracies due to the time period, it's really just for the vibe ha. I really wanted a short story focusing on the characters just enjoying a quiet reunion at Cain's house. It's a large mansion but completely empty save for Cain and his old border collie. Maybe they'd prepare gifts for one another. I thought a sorta melancholic but also domestic and tender theme could be really nice. Sol is technically the oldest since he's an elf but going by the average lifespan of elves, he's the equivalent age of slightly younger than the other two. Vier is older than Cain by a couple years.
Cain's dog is a girl but I haven't picked a name for her yet, something cute would be fitting I think!
Sol is very much the brain to Vier's brawn while Cain is a good mix of both.

Cain's also the quietest out of the three of them. Vier tends to be quiet and judgmental but with his friends he's the first to crack a joke to lighten the mood, he's much softer with them than with others. Sol is a worrier but more in a pessimistic deadpan way than a hysterical anxiousness.

Sol is the shortest and lankiest of the three and Vier is the tallest by a fair amount and is physically stronger than the other two. Also, I imagine that the rebellion ended roughly 5-10 years ago.


Time seemed to pass much quicker when a rebellion was over. There was a certain feeling as though each person was waiting for something to happen - that the end wasn't truly the end. There was nothing to prepare for in the way that they had prepared for battle - people were no longer afraid to walk the streets. Newspapers had to return to the usual stories - a missing cat, sales, people looking for work. There were no longer stories of sons not returning home, people struggling to feed themselves, each side vying for supporters. It was too quiet.
This was the reality for Cain. His home was vast, rooms for each and every occasion - in the past, balls and great meals had been held in the building. Now, it was empty, save for himself and his dog, Rags. She was the one to create the majority of the noise in the home, from her nails tapping against the floorboards as she walked, to her barking when she spotted a stray bird. It was quiet, but that was what Cain liked. His home creaked under the weight of the people it had harbored throughout its lifetime - aristocrats, some royal descendants, some who sought refuge during the rebellion. But now, it lay empty. It was this silence that encouraged Cain to suggest a reunion between himself and those he had fought alongside - Vier and Sol. Having been extremely close friends throughout the years, he found himself yearning for their presence once more. They had spent every waking moment attached at the hip during the rebellion, and the sudden change in atmosphere was jarring.
And thus, he sent out his messages, invitations to reignite a flame that had almost been extinguished.

Vier was the first to receive the invitation. He found himself unable to suppress the smile that made its way across his face. He had known that this day would come. While it was not something that would be admitted outwardly, he had missed the two. They had grown extremely close throughout the fight, and he had gained insights into life which he found himself unable to forget. He contemplated what he could use to mark the occasion - jewels, crystals, gold, silver, each and every one of these didn't seem grand enough. It was then that he had an idea - a golden pen. He quickly grabbed a sheet before the idea left him, scribbling down his idea - quickly enough to leave ink-splatters across the page. "The gift of a gold pen to a young gentleman intimated ‘mental power and moral improvement….refinement of thought, and progress in civilization" he wrote, before placing the paper to one side. This would be the perfect gift for Sol. Cain was another question - what do you get someone who has everything? A book would only be lost in the vast library. Jewels would only be added to the collection. He needed something different. This was a question that he would ponder while he set about crafting his gift for Sol.

The elf was ecstatic upon hearing the new of the reunion. He had often spent nights awake, worrying about what his friends had been up to. He knew well that they were nowhere near as intricate in planning as he was, and thus, he found them to be laid-back. He quickly began to pack what he would need for the trip - extra clothes, food, a few trinkets that he had accumulated and would find great pleasure in gifting to his friends. He, too, had missed the others dearly - although many would suggest that it was secretly Rags that he went to see.

Sol was the first to arrive at the magnificent home, spanning over countless rooms. Many a memory had been created within these four walls, both good and bad. Regardless of how many times the elf had seen the home in all of its glory, he was still amazed. The home was exactly as he remembered it, pillars and stone walls stood where they always had - guarding Cain from the outside world. It was its own little paradise.
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Postby Lucario » Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:12 pm

I remember being told once about the tree that stood on the outskirts of Freygrove. It was said that once a century, the tree would drop a single leaf, which would fall to the floor. The ground welcomed this leaf as if it were an old friend, and would encase it. Stories were told about the tree being composed of pure, unadulterated electricity, and it was this electricity that would power the entire town until the next leaf was supposed to drop. In all honesty, it was difficult to believe. A tree that could not only generate electricity, but its leaves could power the entire town, and nobody had decided to chop it down and maybe move it a little closer. It just didn't seem right.
The stories about this tree always seemed extremely far-fetched, like they were just bedtime stories designed to lull a kit to sleep. My favourite, by far, was the story of Asriel.
It was said that thousands of years ago, the tree dropped two leaves. It was found when a kit had been exploring and brought its parents out to see what had happened. While the first leaf, as always, became engulfed by the ground which surrounded it, the second simply sat. A soft glow was emitted from it, illuminating the faces of the Keldines who leaned close enough to inspect it. They were unsure of what to do, in those days it was believed that the tree was the giver of life, that if they upset it in any way then they would suffer immensely. Thus, they had somebody guard it. They were to watch over the leaf every hour of every day. I must clarify that this was a volunteer position - you see, we worshipped the tree, and each year a festival was held to pray for its continued generosity, we loved this tree like we loved our life.
It is said that the guard found himself sleeping on one of his shifts, and upon awakening, the leaf was nowhere to be found. With panic filling his being, he followed the soft glow that had been left behind - eventually leading him to a cave. A sigh of relief pushed its way through his lips, the wind had seemingly just moved it. However, upon entering the cave, the leaf was once again nowhere to be found. In its place, stood a beast.
What stood out most was the horns. Just the sight of them would strike fear into the bravest Keldine's heart. His knees became weak and he fell to the floor, awe spreading throughout each and every one of his nerves. "What are you?" he demanded, his voice shaking as if it were just a whisper.
"I am Asriel. Keeper of the tree." the voice boomed. Taken aback, the Keldine pulled himself to his feet. The beast went on to explain himself further - "Your people have been extremely kind to me. I have watched each and every festival that has been held, and every prayer that has been whispered in my name. Every hope, wish and dream that your kits hold onto. I am the one who allows your plants to grow. I am the one who lights your towns and keeps you warm. I am the one who watches over you, and protects you from the dangers that you unknowingly call upon yourself."
The Keeper was brought into the town and stood upon the pillar which had been built in honour of the tree. Once more, he explained himself to the townspeople - all of whom couldn't help but gawp at him, unsure of what to say. What could they say? Here stood the being that they prayed to, the being that heard their deepest thoughts and greatest fear. They weren't sure if the beast could be trusted, and thus, they cast him out.
Late in the night, torches were lit, and pitchforks were gathered. This being was not to be trusted, they were a liar, a beast that had come to reap havoc on their peaceful town. Asriel did not put up a fight. Calmly, he left, padding his way out of town. While he had not expected such a welcome, he certainly wasn't surprised - it was easy to understand why the townspeople would be distrusting of him. He returned to his cave, laying his head on his tail, and allowing himself to fall into a deep slumber.
Harsh winters and warming springs passed, each with a remembrance of the beast that had disrupted them. Kits were told to stay away from the tree - for it was the one that had produced this being. A fence was built, guarding the townspeople against having to see the tree. They were fearful that they had done something wrong - why else would the tree choose to punish them this way?
It wasn't until seventeen winters later that they realised their mistake.
By now, the majority of the Keldines had forgotten the beast's existence - it had not shown its face in the time that had passed, and no longer appeared to be a threat. They felt no need to explain the story behind the tree, the sudden appearance of the beast, and the just as sudden disappearance. It was this year that the rumours about the White Eyes began to spread.
These beings were said to be smaller than the average Keldines, but much, much more vicious. These beings existed only to spread chaos, and the people of Freygrove had assumed that the threat was far enough away that they didn't need to be worried about it.
They were wrong.
It was dark in the town when an alarm began to ring. Much like the way that they had treated the beast from the tree, they could see torches in the distance. The sky was lit up by the fire, almost scorching the clouds. Fear filled each and every Keldine as they watched the horde slowly grow closer to their homes. They had not made any arrangements, they had no army. They had no defence. Kits were hidden in basements, doors were locked, and valuables were gathered. It was as if time stood still, everybody stood at the edge of their properties, waiting for the devastation.
It was then that one brave Keldine, Silas, made a move. "Asriel.." he mumbled, the cogs within his mind spinning until they smoked. His wife turned to him, returning a quiet "Asriel?" She had not been told the stories. "I need you to follow me, and I need to you do it without asking any questions." "But the kits.." "Please."
Running as fast as they possibly could, they found the tree, the fence still obstructing their view. They pulled down the wood, uncaring of the splinters that they received, or the pain that the run had bestowed upon them. Asriel did not sit at the edge of the tree. Confusion flooded Silas' face before his eyes noticed the soft glow emitted from the cave. He didn't have a moment to think before his legs were forcing him towards the darkness. "Asriel!" he yelled, his voice desperate. Harper followed suit, unsure of who this being was.
Silas' voice echoed throughout the cavern before it was finally answered. "Please, please, we need your help." The beast simply nodded, before standing. He enjoyed a quick stretch, before making his way to the village. Unsurprisingly, he was much quicker than the two Keldines who had called upon him, racing after him. As he moved, it seemed as if the floor began to glow as if it were welcoming him back - His horns continued this trend, glowing with a light that would never leave the Keldine's memory. Asriel became a beacon of hope for all who saw his approach. He moved past them before all that could be seen was a harsh blue against the aggressive red.
They found themselves unable to see the fight, it was just off of the horizon. In the end, it was the blue that triumphed. As the beast once more made his way over the horizon, cheers were heard - people praised their saviour. Those who had been present in the beginning were overcome by guilt - this angel that had saved their lives, and the futures of the kits, was the same that they had forced out of their town so many years ago. They had treated him unfairly and couldn't help but begin to cry. The young ones were confused, how had this being known that they were in danger? It was clear in this moment that this was a protector - that the beast had no ill will towards the people of Freygrove.
Asriel was celebrated for seven days and seven nights. He was gifted jewels, diamonds, and armour. A feast was held in his honour - every adult and kit were invited to celebrate the victory. While the entire story was never fully explained, it was understood that Asriel had been dealt a great injustice, and this celebration was an attempt at an apology - in hope that the Keldines would be able to express even an ounce of the gratitude, and shame that they now felt. Of course, the beast was not upset. He refused to hold a grudge against those who had treated him wrongly, he understood that his arrival had been strange and that the townspeople had every right to be afraid of him. He knew that they regretted the way that they had treated him, and that was enough of an apology for him.
At the end of the seventh night, each and every Keldine gathered around to send him off. He was tired from the battle, and the celebration, and explained that he needed to return to his rest. They were upset to see him leave, they felt safer with him around - however, they understood his reasoning.
To this day, Asriel sleeps. Some say he returned to his cave, others say he found a new place. Everyone, however, believes that he will return. If Freygrove is ever put under the same conditions that were present that night, they say that he will know, and he will return once more. Kits sometimes make an attempt to find this cave, however, none have been successful thus far. Some still speculate about his existence - is this story really plausible? If this beast truly sleeps so close to the town, why has he never been seen? Why has he never woken up? Does he not eat?
Those who were there defend his existence until their last breaths. They carry on the story of the beast that they forced out of the town, only to be forever indebted to him not long after. They speak of their regret, and shame, and how these feelings will never truly leave them. They speak of their awe, and the majesty of the being that understood their deepest fears, and refused to use this knowledge against them. They continue to pray to the being, wishing him well, and telling him what they have been doing in their lives, and how each year they have a feast in his honour. They refuse to forget the beast that saved them on that faithful night, and how he placed his own life in danger in order to save theirs.

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