Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

the unseen. 027.

Postby broken* » Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:54 am


population. 83 villagers. | required servings. 78.00 request. anytime │ yemens. 4
accepted species list

    as akakios body was brought back to the village, medea the gorgon was immediately informed, and the gorgon was noticeably agitated, as she began to prepare the oils and herbs to cleanse the body. the high priestess waved away the onlookers to give her a moment of privacy with her friend, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder as her voice softly whispered out, "medea, i know this is hard, but what is it?" the gorgon's sharp teeth bared in anger at the question, but just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, and she pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out a huff of frustration. "i just wish we had found him while he was still breathing. that way i could have turned him to stone, preserved his body. instead, he has to be buried to rot away in the ground." at this moment, the shaman's apprentice appeared with a bowl of oil in her hands, offering a sheepish look at interrupting her mentor and the high priestess. "i'm sorry for the intrusion, but mistress medea, it isn't your fault. if he had been alive when priestess phoebe's search party found him, he would have been in an unimaginable pain. his death was a blessing to his suffering." the teenager's words were spoken with an honesty and wisdom well beyond her years, and in an unusual moment of softness, the gorgon's eyes glistened as she put an arm around her apprentice's shoulders in a brief hug. "thank you, my dear. i needed that."

    akakios has a mourning ceremony that is officiated by the high priestess phoebe. akakios is buried next to adelis nelson, the last member of the village who had been killed, although her death had been an accident due to a nundu attack. phoebe let her eyes find medea, who she found already looking at the gravestone, and knew what the shaman was thinking; another person that she couldn't save, in her own gorgon-way. at the end of the ceremony, as several guards lowered the body into the ground and covered it up, the villagers began to disperse. the high priestess phoebe announced that the village would be in mourning for the next week, and no color was seen outside of black/gray for those next days, as the village waited with baited breath to see what may happen next.


    when a month or two had passed without anything unusual occurring, the tension within the village had slightly lessened. many villagers were still tense and on-edge, but the older counselors felt like there was nothing to fear, their old age causing a stubborn determinedness. yarek and saffron decided to take a trip one morning towards the south-eastern border, as the cold air of winter was fast approaching, and they knew of a wild patch of golden berries that sprouted only in the few days between autumn and winter. the two elderly fae had told stories of the berries to some of the young children, and they couldn't help but want to watch the kids eyes light up as they tried the magical berries for the first time, so they had decided to go and gather some. they didn't necessarily ask for permission or tell anyone where they were going, planning to return before they were noticed gone, but both left a note on their bed pillows in case someone did come looking for them.

    deciding to stretch their wings after months of barely doing anything besides walking, the fairy and the imp decided to see how much of the trip they could fly before tiring out. they made it about three-quarters of the way before they had to land and start walking, their wings aching from the sudden use of the muscles that had been resting for so long. yaren pulled the satchel open that was strapped across his chest, while saffrons unhooked the several little bags tied to her waist/belt-line. both of the fae spoke about various topics as they worked to fill their bags, with yaren attempting to get the grumpy saffrons to laugh on more than one occasion. "did you hear that?" the sharp voice of the woman rang out in the near silence of the berry bushes, causing the man to look up from the place he had bent over gathering. "hear what? what did you hear, saffrons?" the yellow-woman's red eyes narrowed as she scanned the edge-line of the bushes, landing on a shuffling occurring there, a low pitiful whinny reaching their ears.

    yaren stepped up to her side, and the pair of fae shared a glance before they approached slowly, cautiously. the two pairs of eyes, one red and one brown, landed on the downed form of a horse, whose leg was twisted at an odd angle and had blood seeping from an unseen wound. "oh the poor thing. looks like it's been attacked by something." the fairy took a few steps towards the buckskin pinto, crouching down near its head to allow its nostrils to flare, taking in his scent and showing he wasn't a threat, before he reached down to stroke its neck gently. saffrons was less trusting, her eyes scanning the open space around them, making them easy targets just out in a vulnerable position like this. but eventually, she stepped forward from the safety of the bushes, feeling a strange sensation as she passed through the invisible barrier of magical protection, crouching down a few paces away from her friend. her red eyes scanned the injured leg, hands reaching out in an attempt to see exactly where all of the blood was coming from. however, as her fingers brushed against the cool red, a frown took over her face as she looked back at yaren. "something is wrong here yaren. there's blood, but i can't seem to find a cut for it to be coming from."

    the fairy didn't get an attempt to respond to the imp's words however, as a streak of arrows shot rapid-fire out of the nearby tree line. the first pierced through saffrons wings, ripping them a part in the most painful way imaginable, as the second arrow pierced yaren's outstretched hand, pinning it to the ground beneath him. in a split second, the downed horse was on its feet, shaking its coat out as its leg popped, almost magically, back into place. a red-haired woman stepped from the shadows, still holding her bow in her hands with an arrow notched, ready to send another arrow flying if needed. stepping up at her side came a dark-skinned man, casually flipping a dagger-like switch-blade in one hand, as a bulky brunette man appeared on her other side clicking on-and-off a lighter in the hand, appearing almost uncaring. the fourth, fifth, and sixth people stepped forward at the same time, coming in the middle of the other trio. the first was the person clearly in charge, a tall and leanly-muscular blonde woman, with a falcon sitting on her shoulder, one of her arms wrapped around the shoulders of a younger boy, clearly still a child. the brunette boy had brilliant blue eyes that were distorted by the massive scar cut across his entire face, and one of his hands was surprisingly resting on the top of the head of a large black feline, clearly a wild big cat of some sort. a wild-looking woman with unruly black hair was at the child's other side, a pair of dual swords strapped to her back, while one calloused hand rest at the hilt of her third sword on her hip.

    "see, i told you all that our patience would be rewarded, and look here. two instead of just one. they must have started to feel safe again after a month; foolish beasts that they are." the blonde woman was the one who spoke, a cruel and knowing smile curved onto her face. she looked back at the dark man with dreadlocks, flicking her head in the direction of the pair. "ander, get rid of the wings. that'll send a message." flipping his lighter closed, he slipped it into his pocket, grabbing a second knife from a latch on his belt as he stepped forward. "i gotchu boss. just bind them for me first, would ya?" the words were hardly out of his mouth before the blonde woman pulled a tome from her waist, flipping through pages before muttering a double body-bind spell, placing an open cut on the page to light the magic, freezing both fairy and imp where they were, no way to get free..


    it wasn't until dinner that night, when the disappearance of the two counselors was noticed. the five counselors all shared a single home, near the center of town, and while bernice was finishing cooking their meal, dennis has gone seeking yaren in his room, while reyinn sought after saffrons in her room. both the devil and the gorgon re-entered the kitchen with notes in their hands from the pair of fae, confusion on their faces as they shared the information with bernice. the eldest of the counselors gave a puzzled expression as she read both notes, both of which clearly stated that the missing pair would return by three that afternoon, which has already been two hours past. the trio of counselors quickly abandoned their dinner to seek out the high priestess, who quickly called a meeting in the living room of her home with the same searchers as when akakios was missing; "yaren and saffrons are missing. they left notes this morning that they went to pick the golden berries near the southern edge of our land. they were due to return two hours ago and have not. we will all go to this location, hopefully they are not there and we can then spread out to find them. perhaps they've just grown lost or weary. everyone is to bring their animals, same as before, however this time romeo i would like you to bring caliban's three younglings as well; the wyverns would be helpful should danger arise. erin with crystal, talulla with finley, myself with draven, ash with cedar, nehiti with papaya, ianira with achlys, and astrid with danica, radinka, & andrik. cassia and lereil will fly with samuel, solomon, and seraphina, in case of a trap; it is better to have more guards than not enough. now, let us go."

    as the search part gathered, it was impossible not to look at the sight before them, however no one knew exactly what to say. this time the one who broke the silence with his retching was the nephilim solomon, who felt no comfort in the gentle rubbing on his back from the sweet elf astrid. the songbird samuel spoke up first, finally tired of the silence, but his usual at-ease voice was sharper, tense; "what is wrong with their skin? why are they... grey?" the high priestess took a step closer, still within the magical protection of the barrier spell her parents had put up decades ago, her golden eyes looking at the way the red of yaren's skin seemed to seep into the ground under him, and the yellow of siffrons' skin had seeped into the ground underneath her. "it looks like a curse was spelled into their blood, removing the color from their skin..." no one wanted to even mention the fact that there were two sets of wings set off to the side of the bodies, with a message written in red above them; "the abnormal will not be tolerated."
    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 5 deer, 3 tebo, 5 apple, 3 squash, 4 carrots.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; abelia is due NOW; the father is baragon ceaser. medea assists with abelia's birthing. ahmya is due in 1 posts.
    ›medical ; medea researches medicine. avenal rests for 1 of 2 posts. talulla rests for of 1 post. yukio rests for 1 of 2 posts.
    ›rank changes ; aouli ranks up to become a tester. dimitra ranks up to a tester.

    ›hunting ; (+1 stone spear, 2nd use) ] phoebe, lenore, lereil, balmyr, ianira. (+draven & maleficent & aurora - horses).
    ›hunting ; (+1 steel spear, 2nd use) erin, ash, niikura, arne, aalton. (+crystal & cedar - dragon & fox).
    ›hunting ; samuel, ansel, atlas, navesa, brangwen.
    ›gathering ; tama, kumiko, felagi, astrid.
    ›gathering ; maria, tola, tate, masami, alette.
    ›gathering ; baragon, gryphon, aravis. (+ guava - bird)
    ›border ; romeo, solomon, kailani, enya, athena. (+ caliban - dog).
    ›border ; felix, malva, gnome, seraphina, siffare.
    ›border ; kerissa, shae, erling, omisha.
    ›scouting ; nehiti, alinta, alfy, argus. (+ papaya - bird)
    ›scouting ; aiha, chaya, sivert, evanora, saga.

    ›marketplace ; n/a
    ›farming ; astrid tends to x1 potato seed with adio; it blooms in 1 post. leo tends x1 melon seed with karima; it blooms again this post. guirec tends x1 cucumber seed with abeke; it blooms in 1 posts.
    ›crafting ; n/a

    ›assessment ; ariella is ready to become a guard; she takes her assessment. theron is ready to become a hunter; he takes his assessment. kendric is ready to become a gatherer; he takes his assessment. dario is ready to become a scout; he takes his assessment.
    ›testing ; aouli tests with the shaman. dimitra tests with the gatherers.
    ›training ; talulla trains with ash in the xxx skill. iolana trains with cassia in the stamina skill. chantal trains with medea in the infectious disease skill. kasyn trains with sycamore in the diplomacy skill. karalyn trains with zephyr in the veggie identification skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the trapping skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ;
    ›notes ; anyone with '♤' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '♤' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.
    ›people to be found on patrol at anytime ;
    unnamed merman missing both lower arms from an accident. ST - / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk.
    ⇝ghost horse - skilled animal - click


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ⋆Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch

      ⋆Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 149 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Dennis Dion | ♂ | 107 years
      ↪ ST - M9 / HS - AC / HC - 60 / EC - E11 / X / devil
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 141 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      Yarek Rucryn | ♂ | 83 years
      ↪ ST - H4 / HS - AC / HC - 39 / EC - A4 / X / fairy
      Saffron Isolde | ♀ | 148 years
      ↪ ST - M4 / HS - S / HC - 43 / EC - G5 / X / imp
      ⋆Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 59 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 27

      ♤⋆Felix Akuma | ♂ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ⋆Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 59 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ⋆Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 85 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ♤⋆Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ⋆Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 45 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ⋆Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ⋆Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ⋆Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ⋆Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      ⋆Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 38 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ⋆Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Akakios Euanthe | ♂ | 85 years
      ↪ ST - G11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - B9 / Y / siren
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      Kersissa Tellalin | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - D2 / HS - HW / HC - 47 / EC - D11 / X / scorpifolk
      Cassia Faustine | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ST - G7 / HS - LC / HC - 47 / EC - F10 / Y / winged person
      ⋆Shae Margaery | ♀ | 24 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.
      Erling Diggle | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ST - C1 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - E4 / X / hobbit
      Omisha Morrigan | ♀ | 34 years
      ↪ST - A1 / HS - AC / HC - 16 / EC - D8 / X / harpy.

      ♤⋆Neheti Venus | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ⋆Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ⋆Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ⋆Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ⋆Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 45 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♤⋆Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 39 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      Sivert Larson | ♂ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - A10 | HS - LC | HC - 15 | EC - B3 | X | wood elf
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      Avenal Blagden | ♂ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - F8 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - G4 / X / tufte imp
      ⋆Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ⋆Saga Ström | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ⋆Maria Dracos | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ⋆Tola Amitina | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ⋆Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ⋆Tama Sato | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ⋆Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Tate Evander | ♂ | 40 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ⋆Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 69 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 41 years
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
      Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 61 years
      ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin
      ⋆Alette Ondine | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Astrid Holm | ♀ | 40 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ♤⋆Aravis Mars | ♀ | 30 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ⋆Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 34 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ⋆Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 29 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon.

      ⋆Erin Paxton | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      ⋆Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 48 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ⋆Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♤⋆Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 46 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ⋆Ansel Armani | ♂ | 102 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Ash Everest | ⚲ | 32 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 69 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
      ⋆Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 35 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ⋆Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 36 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ⋆Atlas Pan | ♂ | 24 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 21 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Brangwen Adham | ♀ | 41 years
      ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / tufte imp

      ♤⋆Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy
      ⋆Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 22 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy
      ⋆Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 19 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.
      ⋆Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 19 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 19 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.
      ♤⋆Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 19 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ⋆Dario Ondine | ♂ | 19 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      ⋆Alaric Dester | ♂ | 14 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire
      ⋆Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 16 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ⋆Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 16 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ⋆Oletha Ström | ♀ | 16 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf

      ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 33 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ↪due in 0 post.
      ⋆Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ↪due in 1 posts.

      ⋆Abere Chikte | ♀ | 06 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ⋆Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 06 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 06 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad
      ⋆Aouli Azraq | ♂ | 08 years
      ↪ST - B3 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - C4 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (sinai agama)
      ⋆Dimitra Bronte | ♀ | 08 years
      ↪ST - J3 / HS - LW / HC - 34 / EC - G4 / X / gorgon

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 3
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 1
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 9
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 16
      fish | 3 serv. | 5
      deer | 6 serv. | 5
      tebo | 6 serv. | 2
      carrots | 2 serv. | 4
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 5
      squash | 4 serv. | 3
      berries | 1 serv. | 1.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 2
      melons | 3 serv. | 4

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x3 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x5 potato seed
      x1 squash seed
      x1 iron sword
      x3 carrot seed
      x4 melon seed
      x7 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x2 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x1 copper ore
      x1 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x2 stone spear (1 used 1 time)
      x2 steel spear (1 used 1 time)
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 22 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 23 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      tatiana | ♀ | 20 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      papaya | ♀ | 06 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      guava | ♂ | 03 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: gryphon (gatherer)
      danica | ♀ | 10 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 09 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 05 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 05 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 05 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 03 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 03 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 03 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 03 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 02 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      sycorax | ♀ | 02 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: zuximi
      juno | ♀ | 02 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 02 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons
      maleficent | ♀ | 01 yrs | unicorn x thestral | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore

      ⋆tester ➾ aouli
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
      ⋆tester ➾ dimitra
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.
      ⋆athena ➾ ariella (guard)
      ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.
      ⋆lereil ➾ theron (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservations.
      ⋆masami ➾ kendric (gatherer)
      ⤿fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ash ➾ talulla (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal identification.
      ⋆cassia ➾ iolana
      ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.
      ⋆medea ➾ chantal
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.
      ⋆avenal ➾ dario
      ⤿diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.

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Black Crystal [020]

Postby obnixious » Mon Jul 18, 2022 4:08 pm

Number of People: 028
Number of Animals: 032
Servings Needed: 033
Next Visit to Ancestors: 2 Posts


writing is wip <3

Black Crystal eats x4 bats, x4 moles, x2 cony, x2 potatoes, x1 mushroom, x2 zucchini, z1 blackberry, and x2 gooseberries (33 servings)

Breyze puts out x3 bats, x4 moles, and x1 cony to tempt Febreeze to come home
Eribaeg tends to Usaeth’s twisted ankle

Strykx has learned enough skills to graduate to being a full gatherer! He will be taking his assessment this year.
Jareth requests the ancestors for a warrior


Leopold plants x1 mushroom seed
Pagni plants x1 plum seed
Scribble and Liquaxis go gathering and take x1 compass with them

Kishri, Crefai, and Penelope go hunting with Snuffles
Updog and Gwinmera go hunting with Mhilran

Andromeda, Box, and Kryz go on a scouting patrol
Geo, Ekri, and Jar go on a scouting patrol with Molasses

Paradox and Breyze go on a border patrol with Terbis and Cobbles
Cendis and Solnar go on a border patrol with Flaik and Adryl

Eribaeg studies medicine

Pagni and Strykx train
Eribaeg and Nebula train


anyone with a ☤ requires attention from a Shaman
Efeesz requires medical attention (16+) in 4 posts or she dies]

    Village Residents wrote:
    Head Chief
    Jareth | | 54 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - I7 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D10 / X

    Eribaeg | | 58 | 13KP | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - C7 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - E6 / X

    War Chief
    Breyze | | 113 | Air Elemental
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - LW / HC - 1 / EC - C1 / Y

    Scout Chief
    Kryz | ☿️ | 59 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - F11 / X

    Hunting Chief
    Kishri | | 52 | Salamanderkin
    ↪ ST - A11 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X


    Cendis | | 67 | Fire Elemental
    ↪ ST - L7 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - H2 / X
    Paradox | | 43 | Shapeshifter (7)

    ↪ wasp, gila monster, groundhog, bearded dragon, newt, tarantula, cassowary
    ↪ ST - G1 / HS - LW / HC - 50 / EC - H7 / X
    Usaeth | | 36 | Dwarf
    ↪ST - H4 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - H10 / Y
    Solnar | | 27 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - D4 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Geo | | 75 | Earth Elemental
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - E7 / X
    Ekri | | 53 | Kobold
    ↪ ST - H2 / HS - LW / HC - 41 / EC - H11 / X
    Andromeda | | 41 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - C1 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D2 / X
    Box | | 38 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G2 / HS - LC / HC - 37 / EC - A8 / X
    Jar | | 36 | Gelfling
    ↪ ST - I2 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E8 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Gwinmera | | 61 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - J1 / HS - AC / HC - 23 / EC - H7 / X
    Penelope | | 45 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 23 / EC - A2 / X
    Crefai | ☿️ | 32 | Troll
    ↪ ST - G4 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - A9 / X
    Updog | | 28 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - AC / HC - 37 / EC - A5 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Leopold | | 145 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D11 / Y
    Liquaxis | ☿️ | 63 | Water Elemental
    ↪ ST - F4 / HS - S / HC - 45 / EC - H11 / X
    Pagni | | 43 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - K8 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - B2 / X
    Scribble | | 37 | Shapeshifter (1)

    ↪ pangolin
    ↪ ST - C2 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - B2 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A


    Strykx | | 20 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - L5 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - B10 / X
    Nebula | | 16 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D1 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Frimbaeg | | 33 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 16 / EC - G7 / X
    Mina | | 30 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 56 / EC - F8 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Amar | | 3 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - F8 / X
    Nihal | | 3 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - G7 / X
    Rina | | 3 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - F8 / Y
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Information wrote:
    Ally Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Enemy Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Border Villages
    North | Village Name | Username
    East | Village Name | Username
    South | Village Name | Username
    West | Village Name | Username


    Food Storage
    Bat | x11 | 1 serving
    Mole | x12 | 1 serving
    Badger | x3 | 3 servings
    Cony | x6 | 3 servings
    Mushroom | x5 | 2 servings
    Potato | x10 | 3 servings
    Zucchini | x11 | 4 servings
    Blackberry | x11 | 1 serving
    Gooseberry | x12 | 1 serving
    Plum | x1 | 2 servings
    Total;; 159 servings

    Item Storage
    x2 Blanket | x1 use
    x1 Compass | x2 uses
    x2 Iron Sword | x2 uses
    x3 Stone Dagger | x1 use
    x1 Stone Pickaxe | x2 uses
    x1 Stone Spear | x2 uses
    x1 Vial of Medicine | x1 use
    x1 Potato Plant | This Post
    x1 Blackberry Seed | plantable
    x2 Gooseberry Seed | plantable
    x2 Mushroom Seed | plantable
    x1 Plum Seed | plantable
    x2 Potato Seed | plantable
    x4 Zucchini Seed | plantable
    x3 Copper | craftable
    x4 Cotton | craftable
    x2 Gold | craftable
    x3 Herb | craftable
    x6 Iron | craftable
    x1 Leather | craftable
    x1 Sand | craftable
    x1 Silver | craftable
    x1 Steel | craftable
    x3 Stone | craftable
    x3 Twine | craftable
    x6 Wood | craftable


    Mhilran | | 5 | Blue Roan | 0 times bred | 🐴 | Gwinmera
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐴 | Handler

    Snuffles | | 4 | Fennec Fox | 0 times bred | 🦊
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🦊

    Sweetpea | | 3 | Merino Sheep | 0 times bred | 🐑
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐑

    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐶

    Zumit | | 9 | Ice Dragon | 0 times bred | Kishri
    ☤Efeesz | | 7 | Ghost Dragon | 0 times bred | Kryz
    Molasses | | 4 | Shadow Dragon | 0 times bred | Jar
    Oscuna | | 3 | Acid Dragon | 0 times bred | Crefai
    Mhinduk | | 3 | Fire Dragon | 0 times bred | Usaeth
    Name | Gender | Age | Type of Dragon | Times Bred | Handler

    Label | | 13 | Cat | 1 times bred | 🐱
    Lid | | 13 | Cat | 0 times bred | 🐱
    Fingers | | 13 | Cat | 1 times bred | 🐱
    Toes | | 10 | Cat | 1 times bred | solid chocolate tortie
    Logo | | 10 | Cat | 0 times bred | black broken tabby
    Nails | | 7 | Cat | 1 times bred | red tabby
    Tails | | 7 | Cat | 0 times bred | black tabby
    Wails | | 7 | Cat | 0 times bred | black broken tortie
    Neck | | 1 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Wrist | | 1 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Ankle | | 1 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Name | Gender | Age | Cat | Times Bred | 🐱

    Terbis | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Paradox
    Vreex | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 1 times bred | Green | Solnar
    Star | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Andromeda
    Cobbles | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Paradox
    Fardahr | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Eribaeg
    Firmis | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Paradox
    Adryl | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Solnar
    Klusx | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Strykx
    Progs | 15 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Jareth
    Febreeze | 12 | Fire-Lizard | 1 times bred | Brown | Breyze
    Lyeslyl | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Eribaeg
    Doodle | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Scribble
    Reerx | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Updog
    Flaik | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Cendis
    Claudia | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Gold | Penelope
    Jelly | 10 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Brown | Jar
    Name | Age | Fire-Lizard | Times Bred | Colour | Handler


    Pagni | Strykx | Gathering | 4
    Eribaeg | Nebula | Healing | 2
    Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | Sessions

    Tester | Things Tested

    Name | Cause of Death

    Andromeda and ? | Nebula
    Mina and ? | Amar, Nihal, Rina
    Frimbaeg and ? | Due in 1 year
Last edited by obnixious on Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby Arya22 » Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:30 pm

Number of People: 53
(26 Females 27 Males)
0-7 (0): 3 | 8-20 (1/2): 9 | 21+ (1): 40
Number of Animals: (1/4) 50
Amount of Servings: 57
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Next visit with Ancestors: In 1 post


Voices reached through Tamara's slumber, reaching her consciousness as she began waking up. "Join us on the northern side, down the slope- there's an old ruin there, good place to wait." "That would make sense. What time?" Tamara was just about awake enough to realise that this was Xzavier's voice. She had spent the night at his place, and it made sense for him to be there. But who was he speaking to? "About an hour before the sun sets. Everybody is busy with their own occupations at that time, we won't go missing." Oh, it seemed to be Virion. Tamara wasn't aware the two of them interacted much at all. "Good. Seen you then." After a quick pause, the door of the apartment was shut, and Xzavier's footsteps approached the bedroom. A light kiss was placed on Tamara's forehead, who shifted a little. She may have been half awake, but the bed was still too comfortable to leave it already, and she knew it was very early still, as the sun didn't reach the bed yet. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Xzavier murmured, placing another kiss on her forehead. Tamara half opened her eyes, seeing Xzavier sitting at the edge of the bed, watching her. "Hey." She mumbled, voice thick with sleep. Xzavier grinned. "Well there you are, I was beginning to think I'd have to drag you out of bed. I'll get to making breakfast." He said, getting up. Tamara closed her eyes again, knowing that for a few more minutes, she could enjoy the warm comfortableness of the bed before having to get up for the day. This felt great.


"Hey Lyra, how are you doing?" Zaos and Laedrya looked up from their morning coffee to see a tousled Lyra emerge through the door. The young girl managed a weak grin. "Uh, good, I suppose. Except for the fact it feels that my stomach is determined to tie itself into knots. Today's the day." Zaos got up to cut some bread for her. "Today's the day, yeah." He repeated- he could hardly believe it himself. "How are the scratches from yesterday?" He asked, referring to the previous day, when Lyra had managed to scratch her knees up pretty badly while being inattentive during training. Lyra shrugged. "Oh they're good, the marks are gonna stay for a while still, but it doesn't bleed or hurt anymore. Joan is a real magician with those." "Good, good." Zaos nodded. He passed her the slice of bread and silence settled over the three while Lyra spread blueberry jam over it and ate. She didn't eat much though- after only a few bites, the young girl set the piece of bread down and looked at it hesitantly. "Not hungry?" Laedrya asked. Lyra shook her head slowly. "Not.. Really? I don't think so anyway. I don't think I can eat anything more." Laedrya shrugged. "Don't worry, we get it. Now come here." She drew Lyra into her arms and hugged her tightly. "You'll do amazing over there. Don't forget to eat your vegetables, get a good amount of sleep, and be polite with the other kids and the adults. And in no time you'll be back with us as a badass dragonrider." Buried in her mother's arms, Lyra nodded and grinned, the knot in her stomach easing a little. Yeah, badass dragonrider didn't sound half bad.


It was a few hours later into the morning now, and the people who were interested in what was about to happen- which was, in all honesty, 90% of the village- were all gathered around the village's central plaza, which had been cleared of the usual tables and chairs. A dragon was going to come, after all, and dragons needed space, because they were big. Lyra, with a good-sized bag of clothes, books and other trinkets (including, of course, her old bunny plushie), was waiting with her family and Myriam. The mix of fear and excitement coursing through her made her face appear pale white, with two red spots on her cheeks.


A dull sound had everybody's heads up.


"Whoah!" A few dozen meters above the village, a huge creature had appeared- a creature with two wings, a long neck, and a human on top of it.


The creature in question was coming closer with every beat of its sky blue wings. And as it approached, Lyra could make out more details: the dragon was mainly light blue, with the wings being the lightest and the body slightly darker, but there were also dark stripes down the dragon's neck and legs. It had a split tail, and triangular spikes ran along its spine. The human nestled between the dragon's shoulders seemed rather tall, with weathered skin and close-shaven hair, and wore loose brown clothing.


The dragon was getting closer to the ground, and was beating faster with its wings to stabilise before landing.



Lyra swallowed- the pressure of the wings beating down was unexpectedly strong.


And then the beating stopped, and the dragon had landed. The human slid down smoothly, and walked straight to Myriam, who greeted him, smiling- the two had met each other before. "You made good timing, Wingleader Ze'ku." The man shrugged. "It's never really too far when you go between." "Oh, right, I'd forgotten about that. Yes, faster indeed." Ze'ku looked behind Myriam. "So, I assume this is the girl that I'll be bringing to the Weyrhold?" He asked, eyes landing on Lyra. The girl in question wasn't quite sure whether to hide behind her parents or stand up to him- but after a seconds hesitation, she took one step forward and stood straight, looking Ze'ku directly in the eyes. The man smiled. He looked back at his dragon for just a second, then back at Lyra. "Hosurth agrees with your choice, Myriam. He seems to think you have the potential to do great over there." The red spots on Lyra's cheeks became noticeably brighter.

Ze'ku turned back to Myriam. "Would you mind if I looked over a few other kids around the same age? We don't really have more than one spot free this time round, but with the growing dragon population, there's always a chance we'll have a large clutch in the future and will be looking for other Candidates amongst our allies. It'll make the choice faster if you already know who around here has potential." Myriam nodded. "Yes, feel free." She got ready to mark the children's names down in her head to remember them. "What ages?" Ze'ku shrugged. "We can take a look of kids ages 10 to 25, approximately. Kids can't Stand until they're 13, but I don't think we'll have a clutch for a while still." Myriam organised the people of the right age into a line: Jorveid, Gwinaelle, Yameldein, Fate, Arun, Rhys, Hessin, Selina, Myreon and Talyn.

"Do your thing, Hosurth." Ze'ku said, hand resting on the dragon's shoulder. He could just as well have said it privately to Hosurth, but it couldn't hurt to warn the kids. The dragon's green eyes swept over the line as he probed each kid's mind. There's a surprising amount of them that have potential, even if it's not extremely strong. He informed his rider. Ze'ku raised an eyebrow. Interesting. As far as I know, none here have dragonriding heritage. I wonder if the different races don't have higher chances than humans. Care to tell us who has interesting potential? Hosurth turned back to the line of young people. The first girl here. Strong potential there. "Gwinaelle." Tall kid. "Fate." Blond kid. "Rhys." At that, Rhys shook his head quickly. "Oh no no no, dragons are really cool but also I would not... Really want to have one. Flying is scary." Ze'ku grinned. "Not a problem. Nobody has to Stand, however much potential they have."

As he finished his sentence, Ze'ku felt Hosurth shift in surprise behind him. When the rider looked over, he found Hosurth staring at a young child, whose piercing green eyes were glaring fiercely back at Hosurth. You all good? Ze'ku asked. Hosurth didn't reply, and spoke directly to the child instead. You're good at this, whelp. But you don't need to be angry, I'm not going to hurt you. The child huffed and crossed her arms, eyes still glaring daggers at him. Hosurth looked back at Ze'ku. She should come along. I've hardly ever seen potential like that. Ze'ku's eyebrows both went up. Really? She's very young.. He felt Hosurth's resolve harden as the dragon answered. Either way. She has something special.

Ze'ku became aware that everybody else (particularly Myriam) was staring at them, uncomprehending. "Right, well, Hosurth was telling me that, in addition to Gwinaelle, Fate and Rhys having interesting potential, Selina was really.. Special. He insists that she should come along today, if she wanted to." Hosurth hadn't really said she could come if she wanted to, but it couldn't hurt to be a little more diplomatic. Myriam thought for a moment. "Well I can't say I expected this. You would really take both Selina and Lyra?" Ze'ku nodded. "Not a problem. They're both small and light." Myriam nodded slowly. "Well, you can get Lyra's bag, just give me a moment to talk it out with Selina and her parents." Ze'ku nodded, and Myriam waved Selina, Aaron and Hilda over.

"I suppose you heard what Wingleader Ze'ku just said." The three nodded, and Hilda turned to Selina. "How do you feel about it, kiddo? It wasn't expected at all, but it could be an amazing chance..." Selina, arms crossed, was looking over at Hosurth and Ze'ku. "I like dragons. And there would be Lyra too. But how long will it be until I come home?" She held her parent's hands. Myriam answered. "A few years. But there's absolutely nothing that would stop your family from visiting while you're there." Selina nodded. She looked up at her mother. "Would you take good care of Pitaya? I couldn't take her with me." "Of course! She'll be happy and fit whenever you come home." There was a silence, then Myriam stepped away. "I'll let you figure it out amongst yourselves. If you do want to go Selina, you're welcome to. Just grab a bag with important things and come join us."

A few minutes later, everything was ready. Lyra and Selina's bags had been secured to Hosurth's saddle. Both girls were with their families, loath to leave them. It was scary to go just like that, to leave their families behind for who knew how long. Ze'ku took the initiative to get everybody moving- they were already later than he had anticipated. "We should get going kiddos. Need help getting up?"

Lyra hugged her parents very, very tightly. "Visit soon." She mumbled, then stepped away. Having climbed on Hosurth's back with Ze'ku's help, she looked down at the villagers. She couldn't cry, no. She was a big girl now.

Selina hugged her parents tightly as well- she hadn't expected to leave them so quickly. As she stepped away, her mother gently moved a strand of hair out of Selina's face. "May Giyn's eye watch over ye, Selina. And we'll come visit, don't worry." And Selina climbed onto Hosurth, ignoring Ze'ku's outstretched hand. She took Lyra's hand once she was at the top though- Lyra was her friend, they would get through this together.

And then the dragon took off.

Ze'ku turned back to look at the village just once before they went between. As he had looked through the crowd earlier, he had noticed someone, a tall elf with a crown of thorns on his head. The man's dark look had given him chills, and Ze'ku was too experienced to ignore that sort of bad feeling. He decided he would send out a patrol here every now and then to make sure everything was going well. He didn't trust that man for one second.


"Maple, I can't keep watching you like this. We need to do something." Calder's hand tried to take Maple's, who shook it off. "But what?" she retorted, continuing her endless pacing. "Wherever I've gone, they've followed. Ian is just a kid, we can't just leave and go into the wilderness like that, he could never follow along, and either way.. They would find us again." Calder threw his hands up in desperation. The two of them were watching Ian play in one of the fields close to the village, while the early afternoon sun shone above them. "Then let's stay and fight. There are many people here, they mean us well. We can take them." A small whimper escaped Maple's lips. "Warriors, yes, but there are no wizards save for us.. And the Bringers of Dawn don't fear warriors. We would just get people killed- they've asked for nothing, we must not bring them trouble."

"I'd fight for you."

The voice from behind made both Calder and Maple jump. They turned around to see a young, discreet warrior, somebody they had hardly ever noticed before. Before either of them had time to talk, Alizz spoke up. "I'm a wizard too. I know the Bringers of Dawn, they killed my mother and brother, and forced me to abandon my sister with somebody else to keep her safe. I'll do what it takes to help you keep the child safe." the young warrior realised their interruption had been a little sudden, and looked down. "Oh sorry, I shouldn't have, but I overheard you talking about them and I just... Couldn't let it pass. I don't ever want somebody to feel unsafe because of them."

Maple smiled sadly. "Thank you, Alizz. But I don't know how three of us can do much against them, if they decide to send a lot of people." Despite her best efforts, Maple's body was shaking. Calder spoke up, while his hand rested on Maple's shoulder to bring her as much comfort as he could. "But we're still slowly gathering a small force. Who knows how many hidden wizards still hide in Cyrrane?" The joke fell flat, with solely Alizz giving a faint smile. Maple was lost in her thoughts. Alizz spoke up. "How old exactly is Ian now?" "Nine." Maple whispered. "We have less than a year before they come to get him." "And are you absolutely certain they'll come for him?" Maple nodded. "I escaped the college when I was training there. They didn't like it. They've always been around since then, I'm persuaded they're behind the disbanding of our previous village. They want to hurt me, and they know that taking Ian is the best way to do that."

Once more, silence fell over the group as dark thoughts turned around in their heads. "We have to tell Myriam." Alizz finally said. "I know we don't want to bring them trouble, but this is her job, you know. We're part of the village, and we deserve protection as well." Just as they finished speaking, Alizz spotted a familiar figure walking by, a few meters away. Before Maple or Calder could react, the warrior hurried up to the person. "Myriam! Do you have a minute?" The leader turned to them, curious. "What is it?" "We had something important to talk to you about." At that point, Maple caught on. "Alizz, why did you- no, Myriam it's alright, if you're busy we don't want to disturb you!" Myriam looked between the two. "I don't have anything too urgent to do right now, I don't mind listening if there's anything you need to tell me." Maple hesitated, then sighed and looked down. "Can you come then, Myriam?.. Yeah, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Myriam, Maple and Alizz walked back to Calder, and Myriam turned expectantly to Maple. The woman took a while to think over how to explain things, then began. "Myriam, are you aware of a group named the Bringers of Dawn?" The leader shook her head. "The Bringers of Dawn are a group of witches and wizards, the largest and strongest there is around here. They are, however, completely corrupt. They train young witches and wizards, more or less brainwash them, and use their wide-reaching influence to build up wealth, which in turn gives them more power.. They more or less control ninety percent of the wizarding population in this part of the world. As you know, I am a witch, and Calder is a wizard.. While Calder was not found by them, I was taken by the Bringers of Dawn when I was younger, and trained by them. But what they did was near torture, and made even worse to me by the fact I was actually pretty good at it- they always expected more, and more, of me. I ended up escaping, I've been on the run ever since. I know they're angry at me for having run away and escaped their influence, and they're seeking to punish me, to hurt me. I'm almost certain they are behind the disbanding of our previous village. But now..." There was a pause. "We've discovered that Ian is a wizard. I am absolutely certain that the Bringers of Dawn will come to get him when he turns 10, which is the age at which they go and get the children. And this is what we have been worried about, Myriam: a group of ruthless, vengeful and powerful wizards will come to get Ian in a few month's time, and I know that I won't be able to take them on. We couldn’t ask you to put anybody else in the village in danger, but..."

Myriam was silent for a few, long seconds, deep in her thoughts. "Thank you for trusting me with this, Maple. I am terribly sorry that this has been hanging over you all this time. We absolutely must get something done before Ian's tenth birthday- I cannot allow for this." Before the others had time to reply, Ian ran up with a daisy in his hand. "Flower!" He exclaimed, and crash-hugged into his mother, who wrapped her arms around him. Myriam sighed quietly, and stood up. "I'll see you later, Maple, Calder, Alizz. I will think about this." And she walked away slowly, wringing her hands as the whole matter whirled in her mind. This really wasn't good. And this was another worry to add on her mind.


Sometime later, at the front of Myriam and Pantaleon's house. "Mama, Mama, look!" Myreon ran up to Myriam, fist closed around something. "What is it?" Myreon opened his hand to show a small rock. It had been broken in half, and the inside glittered. "Shiny!" Myriam smiled. "Shiny indeed! It's really pretty. Where did you find it?" As Myreon recounted his adventure to find the shiny rock, Myriam couldn't help but zone out a little. How lucky she was that Myreon wasn't a wizard!... She was thinking about her earlier conversation. Clearly, Maple and Calder did not feel at ease in the village because of this danger, and it didn't seem like there was much Myriam could do to alleviate that fear. Surely, the entire village fighting against those wizards would be enough should they come to get Ian?.. However, Myriam was aware that she didn't know exactly how much power these wizards could really have- she'd never met any apart from Maple, Calder and Alizz (and for Alizz she'd only learned that today), and none of them had ever used their powers to fight- the most she'd seen Maple do was boil the water with magic, or dry her clothes.

"Myriam?" The leader looked up in surprise. Two figures had approached her. "Oh, Jorund, Xzavier. What can I do for you?" Xzavier smiled. "We found something interesting somewhat down the slope, we thought we could show you." Myriam smiled back. "Sounds great. Myreon, wait for me here, I'll be back soon." Before Myreon could acquiesce, Xzavier intervened. "Oh, he can come along too! In fact, I think he'll be quite interested by what we found." Myreon grinned, and Myriam shrugged. "If you say so." She held out her hand for Myreon to take, and the four of them began walking down the slope of the village, Xzavier in front, Myriam and Myreon following, and Jorund at the tail of the group.


It wasn't long before the group arrived at their destination. Old ruins, with barely a few standing walls, that laid near the north of the bottom of the slope. The group passed the corner of one of the last few standing walls, then in front of them stood 6 people- people Myriam really hadn't expected to see together: Laedrya, Zaos, Virion, Aakash, Yiohan and Xander. Before she had a chance to understand what was going on, Xzavier had grabbed her arms and twisted them behind her back, tying them with rope. Myreon was wrenched away from her, and Jorund held him at knife-point, a few meters away. Xzavier kicked Myriam behind the legs, and the leader fell to her knees.

"What's happening?!?" Myriam cried, looking over at Zaos. The elf looked almost just as surprised as her; Virion had taken out his sword and pointed it at Zaos, while Yiohan stood behind Laedrya, dagger in hand. "Yiohan and Xander led Laedrya and I here, telling us they'd found something odd. We were talking with Virion for a while, then you turned up.." The warrior chief turned to Virion, voice deadly serious. "So it was a trap. You've got us all without weapons, held at sword-point, congrats. What do you want?" Virion tilted his head.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. But what could I have expected- you're a Solis elf, after all. I want what was meant to be mine if you hadn't turned up. I want what was meant to be the true ending: you dead, and Laedrya mine." Zaos rolled his eyes, but it was Laedrya who answered. "So you got yourself a little clique to take me by force? How long is it going to take for you to realise I never loved you?" "You never loved me because you never had the chance, because that man over there barged in. That will soon not be a problem anymore." Virion smiled, a cold, calculating smile, and raised his sword to point at Zaos' throat.

"The choice is simple, Zaos. Either you let yourself get killed and Laedrya comes with me, or the half-breed child and your beloved human leader both die."


The day had passed uneventfully for Tamara, who, after taking care of the sheep (it somehow had become her responsibility too), had spent most of the afternoon counting and measuring fruits and vegetables. It was late afternoon now, and her work day was over- she had just finished writing the last of the counts, and was closing the storeroom behind her when she noticed two lanky figures coming towards her- Tamara was slightly shocked when she realised it was Rhys and Arun. The two were so big now, who had allowed them to become taller than her?!? She noticed the two were wearing light clothing and were carrying swords- it seemed that they had been training. "Tamara?" Rhys asked as they got closer. "Hm? Can I help you?" Rhys shrugged. "Maybe? We were just wondering if you'd seen our parents anywhere. Arun and I just finished a cool training routine and we wanted to show them." Tamara shook her head. "Sorry, not recently. Have you asked Myriam? I wouldn't be surprised if they were discussing things together, with your sister having just gone to Black Rock Weyrhold." The boys shook their heads. "No, we just happened to bump into you now. But we've been searching for a good half hour already." Arun explained. "Fair enough. How about we go search for her together? I have something to give her anyway." Tamara proposed. The boys nodded, and the trio began making their way to Myriam's house, near the top of the hill the village was placed on.


When they reached Myriam's house, there was only Pantaleon out on the porch, elbows deep in a pot of earth. He looked up from his planting as the group approached. "Hello all! Can I help you?" Tamara took the lead. "Possibly. Do you know where Myriam is? Or Zaos and Laedrya, too. We're looking for them, we thought they might be here discussing things." Pantaleon shook his head. "No sorry, I haven't seen Myriam recently- which is odd actually, she should've been back by now. Maybe she went on a walk with Myreon? He isn't here either. Sorry I can't help more." Tamara half shrugged. "Maybe. Thanks for the info anyway, we'll keep looking."

Tamara turned to Arun and Rhys. "Where do we search?" Arun shrugged, while Rhys spoke up. "Well, we might as well go look a bit outside the village. Arun and I basically combed through the whole village already, I doubt any of them are here." Tamara nodded, then a memory tugged at the back of her mind, and before they set off in any particular direction, she spoke up. "Oh! I vaguely remember hearing Xzavier this morning, talking about some ruins somewhat down the hill, he was meant to meet with people there in late afternoon.. Maybe Myriam, Zaos and Laedrya are there." The twins nodded. "It's our only lead anyway, let's go."


Though none of them had seen the ruins in question before, it wasn't particularly hard to find them- the area was mostly covered in sparse bushes and small trees, and after a dozen minute's walk, they came in sight of a few old walls. They formed a corner, the inside of which was hidden from them. As they got closer, the group could hear voices, but the tone of them worried Tamara immediately. They seemed angry. Feeling the urge to be cautious, Tamara directed the boys to arrive from behind the walls, being hidden from view that way. What the three of them saw and heard as they peered from behind the old stones froze the blood in their veins.

"The choice is simple, Zaos. Either you let yourself get killed and Laedrya comes with me, or the half-breed child and your beloved human leader both die."


Zaos' hands were shaking. If only he had a sword, maybe there would have been a way out of this. If only he hadn't believed those traitors and followed them here. If only, if only.. There was no time for if onlys. This could be the end. Silence dragged itself out as Zaos' mind whirled with questions and half-formed plans- none was feasible without seriously putting in danger somebody's life. As much as he tried to hold on to it, hope was disappearing fast.

A look at Myriam, his leader, the first human he had ever held respect for, and to whom he owed so, so much. She had no answers for him, and Zaos knew why. She could not ask him to sacrifice himself, but she would not allow any harm to come to Myreon either. Her duties as leader and mother had brought her to this unsolvable conflict.

A look at Laedrya, the love of his life, the woman for whom he had given up everything he ever had and was ready to do it all over again. Her eyes were full of tears. "He's just a child." She mouthed, and a tear left a glistening trail on her cheek. Zaos understood. He looked down.

"Promise me that Myreon, Myriam and Laedrya will be unharmed if I let you kill me." He said, voice steady despite his shaking hands. Virion shrugged. "It was never my goal to harm Laedrya, and I do not care for Myriam or Myreon. I will not harm them." "Then do it. I will not allow for innocent people and children to be harmed. Kill me, since you are so heartless." And his hands no longer shook. What would happen would happen. This was the right choice. As Virion lifted his sword, readying his strike, Zaos looked at Laedrya. He smiled.

The sword came swishing down.


There was a thump, but the hit didn't come. An uncomprehending Zaos looked up, and his son's lifeless body hit the ground at his feet. A sword clattered from Rhys' pale fingers. Another sword was lodged in his side.

Before he even had time to register what had happened, Zaos had plunged forward to take his son's sword on the ground, and, with a roar, was launching himself at Virion. The taller elf stumbled backwards under the brute force of the attacks, raising his sword up just in time to block a strike that would have split him in half. "NOBODY." Another strike, "TOUCHES." and another. "MY SON." The last strike left Zaos slightly off-balance, and he had to retreat to defend himself from Virion's returning strike. It was his turn to attack now. Swift strike after swift strike, Virion forced Zaos to retreat. "The kid was an accident. Why would I have made you purposely angry?" Zaos gritted his teeth and did not respond, and Virion continued. "However, it seems you have not kept your end of the bargain. I told you to let yourself be killed, otherwise there would be consequences." He raised his voice. "Jorund, kill the kid!"


That's not what I signed up, that really really isn't what I signed up for.. Xander, the fire elemental, was telling himself over and over again, watching the scene unfold. From his contract with the demon, to the plots with Sable, until his arrival here... Xander had always hated killing people, and solely did it out of necessity to fulfill his foul contract. That was also why he had joined the group- to kill the last person he needed in order to finally be free. He would help this group take control of the village, much as he had done before, he would kill a dangerous warrior in the process, and then he would be free. But a child had just been killed in front of his own eyes. And another one was about to be as well. Jorund was turning towards Myreon. Myriam, tied up a few feet away, was struggling, yelling, trying to do something, anything to save her son. Jorund's arm went up, the tip of the knife directed at the wide-eyed, terrified child.

"That's not what I signed up for!" There was no more time to think. Xander threw himself forward and knocked Jorund off his feet. In the swift movements of a trained killer, Xander pressed his hand against Jorund's chest, let his powers loose. A brief cry, then Jorund stopped moving. His heart had been incinerated in a few seconds. Without wasting any time, Xander ran towards Myriam, who at first tried to move away. Xander ignored the movement and grabbed her tied wrists, burning the ropes off in barely a second. "Run with the kid!-" He barely had time to finish his sentence when Myriam grabbed his hand and brutally pulled him to the ground. Xander understood a split second later- a greatsword whistled through the air where he had been standing just a moment before.

Aakash was fulfilling a contract, too, but his loyalties still laid with Virion and his allies- and Xander had just shown himself to be an enemy of these people. He attacked Xander again, who rolled to the side, getting closer to Jorund's dead body. Before Aakash realised what his plan was, Xander had grabbed Jorund's knife and was now standing in front of Aakash. "Lady Sheherezad, I told you, run with the kid! I don't want you getting hurt." Xander repeated. Myriam scoffed. "I'm not running and abandoning somebody who just saved mine and my son's lives. Just hold on a second longer."

As Xander fought and evaded Aakash's attacks- he knew there was absolutely no way he could parry the huge greatsword with his tiny knife- he could see Myriam speaking with Myreon. She pointed him towards the side of the ruins. There, Xander saw, Laedrya was standing, with her son's body in her arms. Next to her was her second son, Arun, who looked back at Myriam at that moment. In a few strides, he had crossed the distance between them and had taken Myreon's hand. After a resigned nod at Myriam, he led Myreon back towards his mother, and the group ran as fast as they could in the direction of the village. Myriam was now coming towards Xander to help him in his fight against Aakash.


Before he had left, Arun had given his sword to another protagonist, who was crossing the battlefield with resigned steps, face impassive as stone. "Xzavier." Tamara spoke. As composed as her voice was, her swordstrike trying to separate his head from his shoulders showed the force of her feelings. Xzavier stumbled back to avoid being beheaded and took his own sword out by reflex. "Tamara? What are you doing here??" He exclaimed. Tamara attacked again. "I heard you this morning. Care to explain?" This time, Xzavier was better prepared, and deflected the strike more easily. "I'm helping the village, Tamara. Helping to grow it into more than it could ever have become under Myriam's leadership." "Helping it? By threatening to kill a child and wanting to kill the village's best warrior and capturing the leader? That's not helping, that's taking over by force." Xzavier continued parrying Tamara's attacks- she was angry, but wasn't an amazing fighter. "The child and Zaos wasn't my idea, it was Virion's-" "Oh and you just let him do whatever he wanted, huh?" "I genuinely don't care about what Virion does as long as he lets me have control of the village when he leaves. Because, yes, you're right, I do want control of this village. Neither Myriam nor anybody else here has such a wide view on things as I do. You could be richer than your wildest dreams, yet you choose to stay poor and live a sub-par life. I don't resign myself to this fate. I have big plans."

For the first time in the conversation, Xzavier attacked Tamara- she wasn't fast enough to parry, and Xzavier's sword left a thin cut on her cheek. Tamara drew back in shock, her free hand rising to her cheek. "How could you!? I thought-" "You thought I loved you? Oh please." Xzavier attacked again, cutting into her shoulder this time. "You're pretty, Tamara. You have more spirit and ambition than most girls I know. But you were never more than a pawn. A man with a young child is always harder to hate than a lone wolf. I just needed somebody willing to carry that child for me. You worked fine." His sword flicked forward and pushed her sword aside. Tamara was frozen in shock. "Or at least, you worked fine until you learned about the entirety of the plan and became soft. A shame, really. But I'm sure I'll do fine without you." His sword drew back to gain momentum, then he let it rush towards her chest.

Xzaviers teeth clattered as his strike was parried with an iron defense. Tamara pushed her face in close to his. "No." She whispered. "I think I'll do fine without you." And she pushed him away. Without the speaking, Tamara's attacks were faster, now more steady with new resolve. This man was worth nothing. He was willing to hurt innocent people for his own gains. He was a manipulator. A liar. He had used her. Used everybody in this village, betrayed everybody despite everyone having taken him in. He had been given shelter, food, love. With his actions, Xzavier had forfeited it all. Strike after strike, Tamara cramped Xzavier, got up close. He had no time to recover between her attacks, no time to pay attention to his environment. Then it happened. Xzavier's ankle rolled over an unstable stone, he lost balance, dropped his sword.

Tamara's sword was rushing towards Xzavier's head. She was going to kill him, and it would be fair. But something tugged at her heart. A remnant of love? Guilt? Pity? At the last moment, Tamara twisted her wrist. The flat of her blade hit Xzavier right on the side of the skull. His eyes glazed and he crumbled to the ground.


A dozen meters to their right, battle still raged. From the moment he had seen that Myreon wasn't in immediate danger anymore, Zaos had given his all to fight Virion. While Zaos had more or less forgotten about the existence of this man, Virion had expected and longed for this fight for years now. The younger elf was terribly swift, and every movement was done with deadly precision. Despite all his experience as fighter, once the initial rage explosion was past, Zaos felt dread rising inside him, as he realised that Virion was leading this entire fight, and was simply toying with him.

Virion's sword darted forward, Zaos deflected it and counter-attacked- Virion stepped aside and dodged. There was a quick pause, then Virion began walking slowly around, trying to turn around Zaos. The warrior chief matched him step for step, sword at the ready, heart pounding in his chest. There it came- Virion launched himself at Zaos, who raised his sword to parry. The swords clanged together, and the two warriors stayed, pushing against each other for a few seconds, face to face. Virion grinned. "So, how does it feel having lost a son?" Zaos' eyes blanked as the realisation hit brutally. Rhys. Rhys!... It was then that Virion pushed back Zaos forcefully, his sword swishing around before Zaos even had a chance to react. The sword hit its target.

Zaos stumbled back, the cold steel of Virion's sword sliding out of his side. The elf gasped for air, and his right hand gripped the wound, feeling the stain of blood widen, while his left struggled to keep his sword up. The wound burned, burned, but so did the resolve inside Zaos, and despite everything, he stayed standing. Virion attacked, Zaos parried. He had to continue. He couldn't let that man win. That man was willing to kill innocents, had killed Rhys. The reminder, the rage inside gave him new strength, and he attacked. The hit seemed to surprise Virion, whose defense was slightly slower than it had been previously. And Zaos didn't give him time to recover: he attacked, one stroke after the other, coming in from all sides, the attacks coming in faster, stronger with anger, not pausing, ever. Virion parried, continued doing so, but he was always a split second later each stroke, losing time and ground. His first injury was a scratch on his arm when his defense wasn't quite solid enough. Then there was one on his leg, which meant he couldn't put his full weight on it anymore. Virion managed to injure Zaos on the thigh slightly, but two strokes later, Zaos had sliced at his forearm. Virion dropped his sword. He tried to move away, but Zaos was too fast- his sword rushed for his neck- then it was over.

Zaos watched the crown of thorn fall to the ground. Virion was dead. And suddenly, everything came rushing back- he saw that Tamara was standing over an unconscious- or dead?- Xzavier. Myriam and Xander had killed Aakash. Jorund was dead too, Yiohan was unaccounted for, and- Oh- Zaos' injury made itself known again. The warrior chief looked down. His sword slid from his fingers and clattered to the ground. There was way, way too much blood on the ground. Something was wrong, something was really wrong. His ears rang, black creeped around the edges of his vision. Voices rose up around him, people were running to him, then... There was nothing.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby Arya22 » Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:31 pm

There was the scent of herbs- there was pain, too. Murmured voices and soft movements. "Will they really, really be alright? It's been over a full day already, and neither has woken up-" He knew that voice- he loved the person it belonged to. "Look, one of us is highly trained with herbs and other remedies, the other does magicky things- we are doing the absolute best we can, Laedrya. Please, trust us." Silence for a few seconds, then the first voice continued, even quieter. "I know, and I don't doubt you for one second, Joan. I'm just so, so scared." A rustle, and Joan's voice was muffled. "It'll be fine. I promise." And with those comforting words echoing in his ears, Zaos slipped back into a healing sleep.


This time there was no sound, but Zaos felt more awake than he had before. Mostly, he felt thirsty, parched, even. Zaos opened his eyes and did half a movement to sit up, but only half- searing pain in his side stopped him right in the attempt. With a dull groan, he gave up and laid back down. It was at that moment that something caught his eye in the dim room, and he realised somebody had been sitting there, someone who had suddenly looked up when he had moved. "You're awake!" Jasper stood up from his chair and moved towards his bed. "Stay still, the wound hasn't quite scarred over yet. You don't want to start bleeding again. You've done more than enough of that already." "But I'd like some- some water." Zaos just about managed to explain. The healer picked up a glass from Zaos' bedside table. "Of course. Let me help you with that." And very gently, he helped Zaos drink.

Once he was done, Zaos let out a sigh- which was also quickly cut off, since the movement put strain on his side. After the wince, Zaos spoke. "What happened? How long?.." It was Jasper's turn to sigh; he stayed silent for a while, then began to speak. "A lot happened. It's been two full days since you were injured, in a battle that left two people severely injured, three others mildly so, and a couple deaths, though none from people we would miss. Joan and I have been working our butts off to make sure you and your son don't kick the bucket." "Rhys??" Zaos suddenly made a movement to sit up again, which was quickly interrupted, though his eyes stayed wide with surprise. "Rhys, you say he's alive? He's alright?" Jasper smiled gently, though his hand to keep Zaos from sitting up was firm. "All right is perhaps not a term that applies perfectly to his situation, but yes, both Joan and I are positive that he will survive. His injury is worse than yours and he is smaller, so the amount of blood he'd lost did worry us, but we managed to stop the internal and external bleeding, and his situation is stable now. He will be all right."

For a few long seconds, Zaos was unable to speak, throat suddenly gripped by emotions. Rhys would be fine. Rhys had survived. He let out a shaky breath, and his voice was croaky when he next spoke. "That's good to know, thank you." Zaos remembered how he had felt when Rhys' body had crumpled to the ground at his feet. Desperation? Anger? Sadness? All that and so much more. Zaos nodded slowly. "Yes, thank you." Jasper smiled and bent his head, accepting the thanks. "Would you like to know what else happened?" "Yes, but just before- where is Rhys?" "We only have one bed here, so we put Rhys in the closest house for him to have a calmer environment- people come in and out of here rather often, and we wanted to make sure he got the most rest possible." Zaos nodded. He was so tired... But he needed to know what had happened. "Please explain what happened two days ago." "Of course." Jasper took a little pause to collect his thoughts- the events had been harsh, and confusing. He knew that Myriam wanted to speak with Zaos as soon as he was awake, but he wanted to give the poor man a slightly longer break before he entered long, difficult discussions with Myriam and the other chiefs.

"From what we've gathered by talking with Laedrya, Xander and a few other people, here's what happened: From the original group of traitors, we only really know Virion and Xzavier's goals: Xzavier wanted to take over the village, and Virion, you know his goal better than I do. I don't personally really know what the others wanted, but they were smaller goals as far as I could tell, I suppose Myriam would know better than I do. Virion is the one who orchestrated most of it. They wanted to kill you, using Myriam and Myreon as hostages, then Virion would leave with Laedrya, leaving Xzavier in a position of power to take over. Clearly that didn't work out, thanks to your son's completely irrational but- I have to admit- exceptional action. This led to several simultaneous fights: you and Virion, Tamara and Xzavier, and Myriam, with Xander's help, against Aakash. I don't know if you remember, but Xander had decided to backstab his group to kill Jorund as the dwarf was about to kill Myreon. Xander and Myriam killed Aakash, while Tamara knocked Xzavier out, and you killed Virion. Yiohan seems to have completely disappeared, he probably escaped during the fights, nobody was really paying attention to him. This brings us to today... Xzavier is still in our custody, and I know Myriam needs to talk things out with you on how to deal with him."

Zaos stayed silent, digesting the information. There was a lot to take in. Firstly, to him, it seemed completely miraculous that all of the people he cared about had gone unscathed from all those different fights- no. Zaos had to backtrack on that thought. Not unscathed, definitely not, but had survived at least. Secondly, there were a lot of people involved that Zaos hadn't quite realised at first- Tamara and Xzavier being first on that list. The thought that Xzavier had betrayed them saddened him, as he had thought to have a fellow friendly villager in him.. Not a traitor. As for Tamara, her fight against Xzavier seemed astonishing to Zaos, as the two had become very close over the last few months. He could only imagine how hurt the woman could be. Then there was Jorund, who had always seemed withdrawn into himself, but never particularly of the traitor kind. And lastly, Xander... Zaos had, in all honesty, not paid enormous attention to the fire elemental when he had first arrived at the village. He was a quiet man, never refused a task, and was efficient in his work. Zaos decided he'd need to have a talk with him, to understand him better.

Zaos was brought back to reality by Jasper standing up and moving away from the bed. "You've got a lot to mull over, but you need sleep. I'll tell Myriam you woke up briefly, but I'm gonna take my time before alerting her- I don't want you getting stuck in an endless political and moral debate in your current state. Best if that discussion doesn't happen until in a few days, honestly." The healer took something from a shelf and passed it to Zaos. "Fruits and cereal. Try to eat a little if you can, it's not easy feeding you when you're passed out for two full days. The water is right here by the side of the bed, do drink as much as needed. Wouldn't want you to die of dehydration, hm?" The ghost of a smile passed on Zaos' features, and he accepted the bowl of food gratefully, though his movements were slow and delicate. The wound was extremely sensitive to any sort of stretching. "Yeah, I'll try not to die of dehydration. Would be a shame, no?" After a grin, Jasper left the room, and Zaos was left alone with his thoughts. Well, not too many thoughts either. Food, drink, then sleep. The rest could be sorted out later. He was too tired for that right now.


"Tamara, you in there? I just wanted to check up on you." Ellie knocked on the door to Tamara's apartment. There was silence, and Ellie worried the longer the silence continued. Ever since the events, Tamara had barely appeared in public view, and stayed in her apartment the large majority of the time. Whenever she did appear, she was incredibly withdrawn into herself and gloomy, avoiding conversation at any cost. And so Ellie worried about her. Before the events, the two women had worked more and more often together, designing a new village organisation, making plans. Now, Ellie never saw Tamara anymore. Since there had been no answer, she tried again. "Tamara? It's Ellie, I just wanted to talk a little. I want to make sure you're alright.."

After a few more seconds of silence, there was finally a click as the lock was undone. When it seemed clear that Tamara wouldn't open the door herself, Ellie pushed the door and entered the apartment. Tamara was standing in front of her, hair a complete mess, arms wrapped around herself and head bent. "I was trying to make myself look presentable." The red-haired woman explained, and Ellie's heart was torn apart at how broken Tamara's voice was. She had clearly been crying. Immediately, Ellie closed the door behind herself, crossed the last few steps that separated them and hugged Tamara tightly. Tamara let herself be hugged, unmoving at first, then shaking, the shaking of sobs trying to get out but forcefully kept inside. And then Tamara couldn't keep them inside anymore. Her entire body dissolved into tears, so much that she was barely able to stand. Ellie led her to the couch.

And Tamara cried. Cried for the stress. Cried for the fear. Cried for the hurt. Cried for the betrayal. "I loved him." She sobbed. "I carry his child. I trusted him." And there was nothing Ellie could do except stay by her side, make sure Tamara knew that she was never going to abandon her. "It's going to take time." Ellie whispered. "It's going to take time, but you will get past this. You are one of the strongest people I know. And don't forget, I will be with you for as long as you need me. You won't be alone going through this, Tamara. It's not a shame to ask for support, because everybody needs that sometimes. Just let me know if there's anything at all I can do for you." "Stay with me. Please. I don't want to be alone." Ellie had not expected Tamara's immediate response, but she took Tamara's hand and held it tightly. "Then I will. I'll stay as long as you need me to."

When Tamara let her head rest on the spot between Ellie's shoulder and neck, the dwarf's heart somersaulted in her chest. It beat even faster when she finally got the courage to wrap her right arm around Tamara's shoulders and hold her gently. "You'll be fine." Ellie whispered.


The next time Zaos woke up, there was noise in the room, of somebody coming in. He opened his eyes, and immediately, a large grin split his face. "Laedrya! You're here!" The woman hurried to his bed. "And you're awake." The thing Laedrya would have wanted to do most in the entire world was to hug Zaos very, very tightly to show him just how much she'd worried about him for the last three days... But she knew he was injured, and it would hurt, and so the only thing she allowed herself was gently placing her hand on his cheek. Zaos leaned into her hand and put his own on top of it. "It's been too long." He murmured. Laedrya nodded. She bent down and placed a soft kiss on his brow, then took a chair to sit next to him. "How are you feeling?" She asked. Their hands were intertwined. Zaos grimaced. "I've been better. The wound is very tender and hurts at every movement. But at least I'm feeling awake now. Could you help me sit up at least? I've had enough of lying down."

When Zaos was finally sitting up- after a slow and delicate operation to get the cushions comfortably behind his back- he asked, "How is Rhys doing? Has he woken up?" Laedrya shook her head. "Not really. He's had a few moments of semi-consciousness, so we managed to get him eating and drinking a little, but he hasn't talked with us like you are now." Zaos nodded. "I see. Any other news?" "A dragonrider from Black Rock Weyrhold came by. We got him to come down and talk... Apparently, Ze'ku had gotten a little suspicious when he came to pick up Lyra and Selina, and decided to send a patrol. Arun and I wrote a letter for Lyra. I explained the events somewhat, told her you and Rhys had gotten injured, but didn't quite give all the details. She needed to be informed, but I didn't want to worry her endlessly. I think a letter from you would reassure her greatly. The dragonrider told us he'd come back again this week." Zaos nodded. "I will do that as soon as possible." There was silence between them for a few seconds, until Laedrya spoke up, in a voice barely above a whisper. "We knew something was going to happen." Zaos nodded. "We did. But we still weren't careful enough." "At least Lyra wasn't here. He could just as well have decided to use her for his plans..."

The silence that followed was broken by somebody entering the healer's hut: Myriam, followed by an annoyed Joan. "Myriam, he was on the verge of death barely 48 hours ago. I don't want you dragging him into an endless political discussion, particularly a rather upsetting one at that! He needs rest." "I'm genuinely sorry about having to bother him so quickly Joan, but we need to have this conversation. And no, we can't wait months until he's recovered." "Not months, but maybe a few days?..." Myriam sighed. "We can let Zaos be the judge of that, then. If he says he doesn't feel up to it now, I will wait." Joan huffed, but inclined herself to the compromise. "Alright then. But your idea is rigged, of course Zaos is gonna push himself to do what needs to be done."

"You do know I'm right here, no?" Zaos pointed out from his bed, slightly amused. Myriam's head snapped towards him. "Zaos! I hadn't expected you to be awake already, I'm so sorry." "No worries. But I've heard a lot about a certain conversation already, and would appreciate knowing what is going on." "Of course. But if you don't mind, I would like to gather a few people before we have this conversation." Zaos nodded. "Do what needs to be done, it's not like I'm gonna go anywhere." After a nod, Myriam left the healer's hut, leaving Zaos with Laedrya and Joan. The healer huffed. "And now there's gonna be a whole horde of people in here. Zaos, do not push yourself more than necessary, you need rest in order to heal properly." Zaos nodded, though he was smiling internally. He hadn't seen Joan in such a grumpy mood in a long time- though, he reflected, it probably had something to do with the fact she'd been busy trying to keep both himself and his son alive for the past three days. "I'll be careful. But try to get some rest yourself, too. You look exhausted." Joan smiled tiredly. "Yeah, I am. But don't worry about me, Jasper helps out a lot as well, I wasn't alone all that time. Anyway-" She moved to some shelves and grabbed a few things. "I'm going back to see Rhys. Laedrya, want to come with me?" Laedrya nodded and stood up, letting go of Zaos' hand regretfully. "Let's go then. We'll talk some more later, Zaos?" "Of course. I have a letter to write anyway." And after a quick kiss, Laedrya followed Joan out the door.


It wasn't long before Myriam was back with Aaron, Almtrude and, more surprisingly, Xander. Zaos saw the fire elemental was limping, and had a bandage around his thigh- he must've gotten injured during the fights. "Glad te see ya, Zaos." Almtrude nodded at the warrior chief, who felt increasingly awkward about being stuck in bed as the people filed in. Myriam somehow managed to pull up enough chairs from around the room, and the four people sat more or less in a half circle around Zaos. "All of you are here because you are the chiefs of your respective trades, and this is not a decision I could take on my own: I need your assistance. The first part of this meeting will be done with Xander, since he has information that could be important to us. Then we'll discuss things amongst ourselves. Does that sound alright to you? Does anybody have questions?" Everybody shook their heads. "Good, then let's begin. Xander, please start."

Xander began telling the story of how he had arrived to the village: how he'd been approached by Virion, who'd had an inkling of the man's goals early on, about the group reunions, the plans. He then went on about his growing discomfort about what was happening, the decision to take a child as hostage. Then the final day. The sudden order to kill the child... And his decision to stop that from happening. "I was never.. Really against you guys." Xander mumbled. "I just.. Had to go along." "Why so?" Zaos asked, eyes boring into Xander's. The man shifted uncomfortably on his chair. "An old contract." "Does that contract compel you to betray everyone, should we be worried?" Interrupted Myriam. Xander shook his head quickly. "No, no! It's all good now. I promise I won't ever cause any more trouble." "Hm." Myriam leaned back in her seat, arms crossed, pensive. "Something to sort out later." Xander looked at her uncomfortably, but before anybody else spoke, Zaos waved a hand to turn the attention back to him. "I think we've got the information we need now, don't we?" Xander nodded. "I've said everything I know. Virion really wanted nothing to do with the village, he simply wanted you dead, then to leave with Laedrya. Xzavier wanted to take over the village, and had his brother's support. Aakash was really just a paid mercenary, and Jorund was after gold- he wanted to pillage whatever he could then run off, from what I understood." Zaos nodded. "Thank you. I think we can continue without you now?.." He looked over at the others. Almtrude nodded- Zaos was surprised she still hadn't said a word- and Aaron seemed to agree. Myriam seemed to wake up from her thoughts. "Yes, of course. Thank you for your time, Xander. We'll get back to you shortly, but you can go for now." After a quick nod, Xander stood up, limped to the door, awkwardly looking behind him before leaving.

As soon as the door had closed behind Xander, Myriam spoke up. "I'm so sorry for my inattention. In addition to the personal dimension of this situation, it's also the first time I had to deal with... Something like this. I somehow.." Myriam's voice dropped. "I somehow hoped things would stay sunshine and daisies, like it seemed at first. I was naive." Almtrude reached out and put a hand on Myriam shoulder. "And nobody could blame ya. How d'ye think we would've reacted if you'd started writin' laws about treason and murder when there were just a dozen people, and we could barely call ourselves a village? Nah, obviously I wish things hadn't deteriorated like that, and it's important we deal with those questions now, but I don't think anybody predicted we'd have te deal with things like that anytime soon. Ye're takin' up responsibility now, that's what's important." Almtrude gave Myriam a hearty clap on the shoulder, and Myriam smiled at the scout chief. "Thank you Almtrude. I will do my best to deal with this responsibly." Almtrude gave her an approving nod, and the leader began speaking again, this time to the entire group.

"As you've probably guessed, we need to decide what to do about several things. First of all, of course, Xzavier, who is currently imprisoned in one of the new houses. He was willing to kill both me and Myreon, was willing to let you, Zaos, be killed, and was planning on taking over the village by force. Secondly, Xander, who I have mixed feelings about. He was part of that group- he was, at first at least, alright with what was going to happen. But at the same time, if it wasn't for him.. Myreon-" Myriam's voice blocked off. She took a shaking breath, then continued. "Myreon would be dead. It's his change of heart that allowed me to get out and fight Aakash as well.. If not for him, everything would have turned out very, very different. And lastly, more broadly, I am going to need your help, as well as most likely a few more people in the village, to draft some rules- some laws. It hadn't been necessary until now, but starting from the moment there are issues like this in the village, we need to justify our decisions on the matter. Whatever we do with Xzavier, we need to make it official. If there was a similar situation, we'd have to treat it the same, whoever the person is or what our feelings are. We need to make sure we are fair."

When Myriam had finished speaking, Almtrude spoke up. "Well said. The large majority of communities I've visited, whether simple villages or large organised groups like the dwarven clans, have some sort of written laws. Ye can't always guarantee power will fall into the right hands, but a well-written set of laws can limit the damage a tyrant can do." Aaron added, "And you are right in talking about it in a group. Laws written by a single person never turn out good." Myriam gave them both a grateful nod. "Then let's get to the first issue on the table. What do we do about Xzavier?"

The discussion lasted a long time, longer than Zaos had hoped for. While all agreed that Xzavier's actions had been inexcusable, they did not all agree on the appropriate course of action to follow. Almtrude was categorical: however harsh it seemed, in order to protect the village, capital punishment had to be applied. Myriam and Aaron argued that it would make them just as bad as the people they wanted to kill. Of course, Almtrude disagreed, their reasons being much more honorable than those of the evil-doers. This led into a debate of how to judge whether actions were right or wrong, and how to be sure the same punishment could be carried out to different people, with the same fairness. The general consensus on this was that it was necessary to write the laws out as detailed as possible to avoid misinterpretation- which raised the question that, depending on circumstances, the rules could end up being too strict, and judge unfairly...

It wasn't until late into the night that a decision was finally reached.

Note: Zaos art by ellebee ; Laedrya art by elyurias

Note from Advent Calendar: Dragon left to add in (last year), will be kept in storage for a while. Also still have to add 3 groups (9 villagers total) from readopts, will be added after specific plot things

Special Actions
Lyra and Selina go away to Black Rock Weyrhold (owned by Simonpet) for their training. They will come back once they have finished their apprenticeship.
Ulgrik shaves Beeh and Baah
Yiohan has left Cyrrane
Virion, Aakash and Jorund are dead - good riddance >:(

Medicine and families
Jasper takes a look at Zaos
Jasper takes a look at Xander
Joan takes a look at Lyra
Joan takes a look at Rhys ; Hessin shadows her to try and gain experience
Joan takes a look at Tamara
Rhys and Zaos are seriously injured ; Xander, Tamara and Xzavier are medium/lightly injured (all rest ; now you need to read my post to see what level exactly of injury they have >:) )
Tamara rests (birth in 2 posts)

Ulgrik, Almtrude, Pantaleon, Jorveid and Jaymes scout with Iméra, Solian and Orchid (3 dogs)
Arun, Emma, Alizz and Marya do a border patrol with Gozri, Prissy, Taun, Hyparis, Dyssailu, Tidaynan, Omilía, Hizralis and Ashe (6 firelizards 3 dogs)
Aaron, Nayah, Estrid, Xander, Hilda and Peony hunt
Myriam, Bargas, Alkhas, Gwinaelle and Azelle hunt with Apple, Chestnut and Cinnamon (3 horses)
Laedrya, Maple, Ana gather using a compass with Redneck, Fluff and Tal (3 birds)
Yameldein, Fate and Zacchaeus gather
Silas, Calder and Rovi mine using a steel pickaxe with Eivoim, Shirsi, Davus, Azalth, Kyndim and Qyllinton (6 firelizards)

15 cats and 6 dogs hunt

Apprentices and Testing
Hessin, Rhys, and Arun have joined their respective ranks!
Selina and Lyra are away at BRW and training there
Talyn is testing Healing with Jasper
Myreon is testing Fighting with Zaos
Ian is testing Hunting with Aaron
Nora is testing Fighting with Rovi
Axel is testing Gathering with Laedrya

Mod notes: Please no more new people for now!!
Any injuries to anyone are fine, but please don't kill anybody at all this post! Won't last long but I need time for them to sort themselves out before any more huge drama happens

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 43 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-D7 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A6 / X

      Joan Helend | 35 | Female | Human | 22 KP
      ↪ ST-D11 / HC-11 / HS-HC / EC-E6 / Y
      Jasper Apollosson | 31 | Male | Demigod | 12 KP
      ↪ ST-B7 / HS-AC / HC-10 / EC-H4 / Y
      Hessin | 20 | Male | Human | 0 KP
      ↪ ST - A8 / HS - HC / HC - 19 / EC - G7 / X

      War Chief:
      Zaos Faelen | 48 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST-E3 / HC-1 / HS-LC / EC-A6 / X

      Rovi Wild | 43 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - C11 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - H6 / X
      Marya Ward | 38 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - F7 / X
      Calder Thornton (and Jagged) | 41 | Male | Witch
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - B3 / X
      Azelle Wild | 29 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C9 / HS - AC / HC - 5 / EC - F2 / X
      Alizz Highcliff (and Hestia) | 25 | Female | Witch
      ↪ ST - C8 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - D8 / X
      Emma Agápi | 30 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - D11 / HS - HC / HC - 8 / EC - B2 / Y
      Arun Faelen | 21 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - E2 / Y
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Scout Chief:
      Almtrude Lightfoot | 67 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - C7 / HS - HC / HC - 53 / EC - A11 / Y

      Pantaleon Brown (and Zacharius) | 43 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ ST-C5 / HC-23 / HS-S / EC-H7 / X
      Jaymes Weitzman | 33 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C7 / X
      Ulgrik Beasthand | 44 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - F11 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - A6 / X
      Ellie Silverhand | 32 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - H5 / X
      Atka Mangokpok| 35 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - B9 / X
      Jorveid Tallmind | 22 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - F10 / HS - HW / HC - 24 / EC - D10 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Hunting Chief:
      Aaron Crawford | 51 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-C3 / HC-53 / HS-S / EC-D7 / X

      Hilda Bronzemane | 47 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2 / X
      Bargas Fireaxe | 36 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - B5 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - A7 / X
      Alkhas Ennaer | 32 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - A5 / HS - LC / HC - 18 / EC - C10 / X
      Nayah Aidjii | 31 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F8 / HS - S / HC - 40 / EC - E3 / X
      Peony Song | 28 | Female | Hobbit
      ↪ ST - F1 / HS - LW / HC - 65 / EC - C8 / X
      Archibald Hooper | 56 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - D10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H5 / X
      Idris Irisson | 27 | Male | Demigod
      ↪ ST - E10 / HS - LW / HC - 25 / EC - H4 / X
      Xander Sykes | 33 | Male | Fire Elemental
      ↪ ST - D4 / HS - S / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X
      Gwinaelle Sharpgaze | 23 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - G7 / X
      Estrid Agápi | 29 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - E10 / HS - HW / HC - 18 / EC - F7 / X
      Rhys Faelen | 21 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - E9 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Silas Denver | 30 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B3 / HS - HW / HC - 24 / EC - E3 / Y
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Laedrya Faelen | 46 | Female | Elf
      ↪ ST-A11 / HC-24 / HS-LC / EC-D7 / X
      Tamara Milner | 37 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F4 / HS - AC / HC - 22 / EC - G9 / X
      Xzavier Findlow | 45 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - G6 / HS - LC / HC - / EC - B11 / Y
      Laila Greenfeld | 47 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - B5 / X

      Ana Tale | 31 | Female | Fairy
      ↪ ST - F9 / HS - AC / HC - 9 / EC - H1 / X
      Zacchaeus Greenfeld | 25 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - LW / HC - 25 / EC - B5 / Y
      Yameldein Lifejoy | 23 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - C10 / X
      Fate Helensson | 21 | Male | Demigod
      ↪ ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - H7 / X
      Maple Thornton (and Poppy) | 40 | Female | Witch
      ↪ ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 13 / EC - A3 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Lyra Faelen | 14 | Female | Elf | in BRW
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - A6 / X
      Selina Wolf | 12 | Female | Hobbit | in BRW
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - D9 / Y
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url] |
      Apprenticeship (Mentor)
      ↪ here

      Myreon Sheherezad-Brown | 12 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ ST - B7 / HS - LC / HC - 5 / EC - F7 / X
      Talyn | 12 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - D6 / HS - HW / HC - 53 / EC - A2 / X
      Ian Thornton | 9 | Male | Witch
      ↪ ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - B3 / X
      Nora Greenfeld | 8 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - F1 / X
      Axel Greenfeld | 8 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - D4 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Laila Greenfeld | 47 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - B5 / X
      Lathlaeril Wynieth | 41 | Female | Elf
      ↪ ST - E7 / HS - HW / HC - 13 / EC - B6 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Neia Wynieth | 1 | Female| Elf
      ↪ ST - E6 / HS - HC / HC - 13 / EC - B6 / X
      Eve Agápi | 5 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - D8 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - H1 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Sabra Tale | 91 | Male | Shapeshifter (Bat)
      ↪ ST - C7 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - B3 / X
      Sir Alistair Hawtrey | 76 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-A3 / HC-17 / HS-S / EC-E5 / Y
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here
Ally Villages:
Black Rock Weyrhold | Simonpet
Mekhanikos | Hazilnut
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages:
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

North | Forest and a river | Black Rock Weyrhold | Simonpet
East | Forest | Village Name | Username
South | Forest | Village Name | Username
West | Lake | Village Name | Username

Food Storage:
Deer | x24 | 144 servings (6)
Boar | x4 | 12 servings (3) (used up)
Hare | x7 | 7 servings (1)
Bovine | x4 | 24 servings (6)

Carrots | x3 | 6 servings (2)
Potatoes | x2 | 6 servings (3)
Mushrooms | x7 | 14 servings (2)

Apples | x2 | 4 servings (2)
Blueberries | x2 | 2 servings (1)
Cantaloupe | x15 | 45 servings (3) (used up)

(+Carnivore Scraps | x89 | 12 1/4 servings)

Total: 213 1/4 servings left | 3 years

Craftable Items:
Copper x22 | not used
Gold x12 | not used
Silver x22 | not used
Steel x4 | not used
Iron x21 | not used
Stone x17 | not used
Sand x1 | not used
Herbs x5 | not used
Leather x3 | not used
Twine x14 | not used
Wood x11 | not used
Cotton x10 | not used
Glass x4 | not used
Rope x4 | not used
Item Name | in use/ not used

Crafted Items:
Iron Sword x4 | not used | 8 uses
Stone Dagger x1 | not used | 1 use
Steel Pickaxe x2 | in use | 7 uses
Stone Spear | not in use | 2 uses
Wagonbag x1 | not used | 10 uses
Saddle x1 | not used | 20 uses
Compass x2 | in use | 3 uses
Vial of Medicine x3 | not in use | 3 uses
Glass Jewelry x1 | not in use | 1 use
Blanket x1 | not in use | 1 use

Carrot Seed x7 | not used | stored
Cantaloupe Seed x6 | not used | stored
Potato seed x1 | not used | stored
Blueberry seed x3 | not used | stored
Apple seed x2 | not used | stored
Mushroom seed x3 |not used | stored
Item Name | in use/ not used | uses

Field 1 | Empty | state
Field 2 | Empty | State
Field 3 | Empty | State
Field 4 | Empty | State
Field 5 | Empty | State

Murdoch | Half wild/housecat | 13 | Male | 2/2
Gertrude | Half wild/housecat | 13 | Female | 2/2
Pumpkin | Half wild/housecat | 11 | Male | 1/2
Marble | Half wild/housecat | 11 | Female | 1/2
Orange | Half wild/housecat | 9 | Male | 0/2
Mrs Mew | Half wild/housecat | 9 | Female | 0/2
Bear | Half wild/housecat | 8 | Male | 0/2
Silvy | Half wild/housecat | 8 | Female | 0/2
Findelia | Half wild/housecat | 8 | Female | 0/2
Milly | Half wild/housecat | 6 | Female | 0/2
Bonobo | Half wild/housecat | 6 | Male | 0/2
Fiona | Half wild/housecat | 6 | Female | 0/2
Donovan | Half wild/housecat | 6 | Male | 0/2
Cordelia | Otter cat | 4 | Female | 0/2
Clifford | Otter cat | 4 | Male | 0/2

Iméra | Dog (Australian Collie) | 13 | Female | 2/2
Solian | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 8 | Male | 1/2
Orchid | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 9 | Female | 0/2
Hizralis | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 5 | Male | Breeding 0/2
Ashe | Dog (Keeshond) | 6 year | Female | 1/2
Omilía | Dog (Keeshond/Shepherd) | 1 | Female | Looks 0/2

Apple (Azelle) | Horse | 9 | Female | 1/2
Cinnamon (Azelle) | Horse | 8 | Male | 1/2
Chestnut (Azelle) | Horse | 4 | Male | 0/2
Pitaya (Selina) | Horse | 4 | Female | 0/2

Gozri (Marya) | Firelizard (brown) | 6 | Male | 2/2
Prissy (Marya) | Firelizard (gold) | 5 | Female | 0/2
Taun (Marya) | Firelizard (brown) | 5 | Male | 0/2
Ephyr (Rhys) | Firelizard (gold) | 6 | Female | 1/2
Itho (Rhys) | Firelizard (brown) | 5 | Male | 0/2
Stell (Rhys) | Firelizard (green) | 5 | Female | 0/2
Aipi (Arun) | Firelizard (green) | 6 | Female | 1/2
Ember (Arun) | Firelizard (gold) | 5 | Female | 0/2
Siya (Arun) | Firelizard (green) | 5 | Female | 0/2
Azure (Peony) | Firelizard (blue) | 5 | Male | 0/2
[url=link]Eivoim[/url] (Silas) | Firelizard (green) | 4 | Female | 0/2
[url=link]Shirsi[/url] (Silas) | Firelizard (purple) | 4 | Female | 0/2
[url=link]Davus[/url] (Silas) | Firelizard (brown) | 4 | Male | 0/2
[url=link]Hyparis[/url] (Alizz) | Firelizard (silver) | 4 | Female | 0/2
[url=link]Dyssailu[/url] (Alizz) | Firelizard (bronze) | 4 | Male | 0/2
[url=link]Tidaynan[/url] (Alizz) | Firelizard (purple) | 4 | Female | 0/2
[url=link]Azalth[/url] (Rovi) | Firelizard (green) | 4 | Female | 0/2
[url=link]Kyndim[/url] (Rovi) | Firelizard (bronze) | 4 | Male | 0/2
[url=link]Qyllinton[/url] (Rovi) | Firelizard (red) | 4 | Male | 0/2

Redneck (Ana) | Bird (sparrow) | 6 | Female | 1/2
Tal (Ana) | Bird (sparrow/falcon) | 4 | Female | 0/2
Fluff (Ana) | Bird (sparrow/falcon) | 4 | Male | 0/2
Finn (Laila) | Bird (finch) | 3 | Male | 0/2

[url=link]Beeh[/url] | Sheep | 2 | Male | 1/2
[url=link]Baah[/url] | Sheep | 1 | Male | 0/2

[url=link]Pet Name[/url] | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | 0/2

All (minimum age requirement): Healing (8) Gathering (8), Scouting (9),
Fighting (10), Hunting (10), Mining (10), Leading (12)
Don't have to test all of them

Selina | 4/7 | gathering, scouting, fighting, hunting
Myreon | 2/7 | healing, scouting
Ian | 1/7 | gathering
Nora | 0/7 | none
Axel | 0/7 | none
Child | 0/7 | what they did

Apprentice | Mentor | Profession | No. of training sessions |
↪ learned

Barthelemy (Housecat) | Old Age (15)
Virion Keihana | Killed by Zaos
Jorund Thunderpike | Killed by Xander
Aakash Bhate | Killed by Myriam
Name | Cause of Death

Yiohan Findlow | Ran away (treason)

Ellie -> Tamara
Jaymes <-> Ana
Zacchaeus -> Yameldein
Gwinaelle <-> Jorveid
Name ->/<-> Name

Zaos and Laedrya | Arun+Rhys (adopted)+ Lyra
Aaron and Hilda | Talyn+Selina (adopted)
Calder and Maple | Ian
Pantaleon and Myriam | Myreon (adopted)
Laila and Simeon | Zacchaeus+Nora+Axel
Bargas and Alkhas | Kids
Ulgrik and ??? | Hessin (adopted)+ Jorveid
??? and ??? | Gwinaelle+Yameldein
Sabra, grandfather of Ana
??? and ??? | Xzavier+Yiohan
Emma and Estrid| Eve (adopted)
Name and Name | Kids
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Manifold Hive - 004

Postby Vaporeon03 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:00 am

Number of People: 05
Number of Animals: 01
Servings Needed: 04.75 (Fasting)
Number of Seeds Allowed: 05
Next New Arrival: Next post
Yemons: 10
Mod: Skarrred
Archive: Here

The recent arrival of a pair of siblings made the Hive a lot more lively. Vick's excited "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!" that rang through both the mind link and out loud never failed to jolt everyone awake in the morning, filling the tree hole with life and energy. They were also responsible for the creation of some simple board games, including a few sets of multi-sided dice. According to Marcus, Vick was a seasoned Dungeons-and-Dragons Dungeon Master, and would not be opposed to the group playing a few games. Sadly, none of the original trio had heard of it, which meant that Vick had no one to join them in their game. For now, at least-Rosa seems quite determined to figure out the rules of the game so that she could play with Vick in the future.

Marcus, meanwhile, fell in line with the rest of the quieter members. He seemed to be incredibly observant about anything and everything, hanging upside-down on a tree trunk and quietly observing his surroundings. He definitely shared his sibling's efforts in bringing laughter to the Hive, though, with his sarcastic and snarky remarks to everything around him.

Rosa was beyond relieved to finally have members who have fighting capabilities. Vick was more than capable in a fight, preferring close-ranged combat, and appreciates using spears the most. Marcus, meanwhile, worked together with Vick wonderfully as the commander and strategist, sending Vick instructions on what to do when fighting. Rosa and Selene were both quite sure that the duo had fought alongside each other before, which wasn't that strange considering they were travelling together.

Oh, and there was also an Insprite-sized pegasus. Marcus brought him along, calling him Dash and explaining that he was his and Vick's ride to get out of danger sometimes. The pegasus quickly won over the rest of the group, and Cyrus was determined to learn horseback riding.

In the distance, a storm is brewing. Rosa can feel it on the breeze, even though she can rest assured that it won't start for a good while...

Rank changes/New members:
Marcus becomes a Stickbug.
Vick becomes a Dragonfly.
Dash the horse also joins the village.
None (Fasting 4/5)
Hunting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene hunt for food.
Marcus and Vick hunt for food, along with Dash.
Border Patrols:
Rosa and Selene patrol the borders.
Marcus and Vick patrol the borders.
Scouting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene scout around.
Marcus and Vick scout around, along with Dash.
Gathering patrols:
Rosa and Selene gather items.
Marcus and Vick gather items.
Cyrus tests for Dragonfly with Vick.
Selene researches the herbs in the area.
Family Actions:
Animal Actions:
Other Mod notes:
I restyled the horse I got last post into a pegasus, since it's...not very practical for these Insprites to ride a horse when all of them can fly anyways XD
I’ve accomplished something!
Achievement(s) you’ve accomplished: We Call Him "George", An Isolated Dwelling (Forgot to claim previously)
Total prizes: 30+50=80 Yemons
> Any appearance traits are okay.
> Insprites only for hive members!
> If/When anyone become partners, do not make them try for children automatically unless I specify it in the Family Actions part!
> @ me on Discord if you need anything small fixed!


    Rosa | F | 33
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 18 / EC - E11 / X / Insprite (Alderfly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Selene | F | 34 | 2 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - AC / HC - 1 / EC - E9 / X / Insprite (Comb-Clawed Beetle)

    Head Bombardier
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Stickbug
    Marcus | M | 32
    ↪ ST - G2 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - F3 / X / Insprite (Snipe Fly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Dragonfly
    Vick | X | 30
    ↪ ST - K10 / HS - LC / HC - 22 / EC - C4 / X / Insprite (Warble Fly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Leafcutter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Cyrus | M | 9
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - G5 / X / Insprite (Mayfly)
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lace Bug/s
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Dash | M | 5 | Horse Pegasus | 0 times bred | [url=link]Looks (TBA)[/url]
    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

    Food Storage/Item Storage/Family/Deceased/Ally Villages/Enemy Villages/Border Villages
    See Archive
Last edited by Vaporeon03 on Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
She/Her | Cis Female | Straight Ally | Feel free to call me anything derived from "Vaporeon"!
Flight Rising | | DeviantArt | ArtFight | Talis#3402 on Discord
CS time+8 hours
CAC RisingClan Archives & cats | LyricClan cats
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wooded gardens | 001

Postby selkirks » Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:37 am

Wooded Gardens
Number of People: 1
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 1
Number of Seeds Allowed: ?
Next Visit to Ancestors: now
Yemons: n/a
Last Post: x
Mod: Spookypuff


Orion requests a Shaman
Orion goes on a border patrol
Orion goes on a hunting patro;
Wooded Gardens fasts (1/5 posts)

Wooded Gardens only has cats and big cats
Natural and fantasy colors are permitted
Hybrids are permitted
Mutations are permitted
References are done by me on a base by gooagoo on DA

    Head Chief
    Orion | Male | 32 years | Ref
    ↪ ST - G11 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E8 / X / cat

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Gathering Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | 0 | 1s
Large fish | 0 | 6s
Mackerels | 0 | 3s
Bats | 0 | 1s
Cucumbers | 0 | 4s
Wheat | 0 | 2s
Lettuce | 0 | 4s
Apples | 0 | 2s
Honeydews | 0 | 3s
Cherries | 0 | 1s

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:41 pm


Spring is here! During the spring, births will be smooth and the chances of mothers and children dying will drop dramatically. As animals return to their summer ranges and plants begin to bloom, your villagers will find more food and nomads who wander through their territory. The odds of sickness begin to drop.

As it turns out, maybe I shouldn't be doing a job plus two internships at the same time?

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

broken* wrote:

[ With the help of the animals and spear, Phoebe's patrol catches x3 fish, x2 squirrels, and x2 rabbits. Lereil gets a bite from a strangely-aggressive squirrel that ends up running into the brush. He visits Medea but she finds nothing wrong and sends him on his way with nothing more than basic first-aid. Within days, it's clear that something is very wrong. It starts with anxiety and headaches but soon turns into a fever, hallucinations, and a fear of water. Lereil contracted rabies and no one has the know-how to help. Before his condition devolves further, Medea turns him to stone. ]
[ With the help of the animals and spear, Erin's patrol catches x2 fish, x3 squirrels, and x2 deer. ]
[ Samuel's patrol catches x2 rabbits, x1 deer, x1 fish, and x1 squirrel. ]
[ Tama's patrol gathers x1 berry seed, x1 carrot, x1 melon, x1 apple, and x1 berry. ]
[ Maria's patrol gathers x3 carrots and x1 apple. ]
[ Baragon's patrol gathers x1 potato seed and x2 squashes. ]
[ Romeo's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Felix's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Kersissa's patrol comes across a group of people. They look normal. Too normal. It isn't until Kersissa is dead, killed by arrows, that the patrol realizes what's happening. The ensuing battle and chase also kills Omisha but the remainder can't stop, can't go back. They have to get home and warn the others. ]
[ Nehiti's patrol comes across a nundu chasing a gatherer further into the water. The gatherer is missing both of his lower arms, possibly from this incident. Whatever happened to him, he's desperate for help so Nehiti leads the charge in luring the nundu away from the water. The patrol is successful, although Nehiti and Alfy are both mildly poisoned from the incident. They will either need Medea to heal them or rest for one post. ]
[ Aiha's patrol is ambushed by a group of people who bind and kill Sivert before the others can react. Knowing there's nothing they can do but run, the patrol runs. They run and hope they can make it home without losing anyone else. ]

[ The melon seed produces x8 melons and x1 melon seed! Karima also produces x4 herbivore scraps. The seed will bloom for a final time in the next post. ]

[ Medea fails to gain KP through studying. ]
[ Avenal takes a sudden turn for the worse one night, and Medea turns him to stone before he dies. ]
[ Dennis dies in his sleep peacefully. Not a terrible end for one so old. ]
[ Abelia gives birth to one healthy child! Medea gains 1 KP from the experience. ]

[ Aouli succeeds in his testing but Dimitra's testing leads to tragedy. Young enough to get hungry at inconvenient times and to forget the warnings of the gatherers, she picks some nightshade, mistaking them for off-color blueberries, and eats them. Two berries is enough to kill so poor Dimitra never had a chance with a handful. She is taken to Medea, who is unable to make an antidote in time. To spare the poor girl from further suffering, Medea turns her to stone. ]
[ All of the apprentices except for Oletha, who is mourning Dimitra's death, succeed in learning a skill. Unfortunately, during one training session, Cassia suddenly drops dead, leaving her apprentice stunned and grieving. Medea's best guess is an unknown heart condition. ]
[ Ariella and Theron pass their assessments but Kendric and Dario fail, shaken by the recent spate of deaths. Dario is so distracted that he ends up falling and piercing his hand with a branch that Medea will need to remove. He will need Medea's care or two posts of rest in order to heal. ]

[ The animals catch x5 carnivore scraps. ]

[ Abelia's child's traits are: ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - A1 / X / kobold. ]
[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - L2 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk. You can choose if he is hampered in the rolls due to his injury, in which case he has an extra 30% chance of getting injured on patrols. ]

Arya22 wrote:

[ Laedrya's patrol gathers x1 potato seed, x1 cantaloupe seed, x1 apple seed, x1 potato, x1 cantaloupe, x1 carrot, and x1 mushroom. ]
[ Yameldein's patrol gathers x1 potato, x1 mushroom, and x1 apple. ]
[ Aaron's patrol catches x2 deer and x2 bovines. ]
[ Myriam's patrol catches x2 hares and x3 boars. ]
[ Arun's patrol finds x2 herbs, x3 twine, x1 silver ore, x3 sand, x3 iron ores, x3 gold ores, and x1 vial of medicine. ]
[ Silas's patrol mines x1 gold ore, x1 iron ore, x4 stones, x3 copper ores, x1 cotton, x1 wood, x1 blanket, and x1 stone spear. ]
[ Ulgrik's patrol finds a dog! What will you name it? ]

[ Lyra and Tamara's scratches are healed. ]
[ Xander and Xzavier will need 1 additional post of rest each, and one of the healers will need to check on Xzavier to make sure he heals properly from his concussion or else he risks getting worse. Jasper gains 1 KP from healing Xander. ]
[ Rhys and Zaos will need 2 additional posts of rest each. Hessin successfully learns from the experience with Rhys, and Jasper gains 1 KP from healing Zaos. ]

[ All of the testers except for Nora pass. ]

[ The sheep are sheared to give x2 wool. The wool will grow back in the post after your next. ]
[ The cats and dogs catch x10 carnivore scraps. ]

[ Black Rock Weyrhold promises that Lyra and Selina will be kept safe for the duration of their training. ]
[ The deities wish Yiohan well and hope the spirits of Virion, Aakash, and Jorund are judged fairly. ]
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the unseen. 028.

Postby broken* » Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:27 am


population. 72 villagers. | required servings. 71.00 request. anytime │ yemens. 4
accepted species list

    kiiru and astrid had been meeting up weekly for several years now, and considered themselves in a committed relationship with one another; someday they hoped to come out of hiding and be able to marry. however, with the recent attacks at the borders of the unseen's territory, the leadership of the village had begun cracking down on people going out for any reason. kiiru and astrid had been discussing for a few weeks about some of their friends that they potentially had been considering setting up together; astrid had been friends with alette ever since she had joined the village while pregnant, and alette had offered her a space in her home with her and her triplet toddlers while astrid settled into the village. their children were about three years apart in age, but kasyn and karalyn viewed talulla, chantal, and dario like cousins, calling astrid their aunt since they could first speak. astrid had seen alette raise her triplets as a single mother for the last 19 years, and while she did her best as their 'auntie' to help raise the children (in the same way that alette had helped her raise her twins) but she always felt a pang in her chest when she thought of astrid never finding love and being alone.

    and so, in the past few weeks, she and kiiru had come up with a plan to solve both of their problems at once. astrid would be allowed to leave the camp if she took alette with her, because that was the new rules in place; villagers must only leave the village in pairs or groups, as it wasn't safe to be on one's own anymore. and so that evening was the day that they decided to put their plan into motion. alette got permission to leave camp with astrid after dinner time, under the premise that they wanted to walk and talk about their children's upcoming apprenticeship assessments. however, when astrid told alette that they were going to the liones border because there was someone she wanted her to meet, she balked for a moment before relenting; she trusted the elf like a sister. astrid explained to alette how she met kiiru when her children were young, and karayn had wandered over the border on accident chasing a butterfly. she explained how easily he fell into her twins lives, and how quickly he had stolen her heart, despite her initial concerns of him. astrid begged alette as they got closer to the meeting place to keep an open mind and look past her prejudices, and the fairy didn't have much time to consider what her friend meant before kiiru's brunette head peaked out from the foliage and she raced into his arms.

    as he picked her up and spun her around laughing, alette balked once again; she could see nothing abnormal or unnatural about him, and so quickly she sent out a wave of magic with her fairy abilities to determine his race. she started with a gasp, drawing three sets of eyes onto her; a third set of blue that had been in the forest behind the man. "astrid, he's human!" she cried out, rushing to her friends side. kiiru set astrid down, allowing the elf to place a calm hand on alette's shoulder, her eyes kind. "give him a chance, letty. not everything we know about them is true. please, for me." the fairy's green eyes narrowed for a second before she nodded slowly, her lips pressed together in a tight line as her eyes raised to meet the man's blue ones, staring at the hand he stretched out to her. "letty, meet kiiru; my partner. kiiru, this is alette, the woman i've told you about who took me in while i was still pregnant with the twins and helped me raise them."

    the first thing that she noticed about this human was how soft and kind his eyes were as he gently shook her hand, giving her a genuine smile. "i'm glad to meet you alette. astrid has sung your praises to me for a long time." the clearing of a throat behind them brought the trio back to the present moment, and alette remembered the winged man standing off to the side, hands folded in front of him patiently as though waiting his turn to speak. "oh, right. astrid, alette, this is nathaniel from my village. nathaniel, this is my partner astrid, and her adopted sister alette." the first thing that alette noticed about this man nathaniel was the brilliant white wings folded elegantly at his back, and so she was a bit less cautious when she shook his hand than with kiiru. "its nice to meet you alette. kiiru was telling me on our way over about your children, since apparently they are quite close to his step-children kasyn and karalyn. i would love to hear about them, if you'd like." the angelic man gestured to some flat boulders near by, and alette couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face at the thought of her children. she took his hand, allowing him to lead her over, where they both sat facing each other to talk.
    "well, i have a pair of triplets; they're turning 20 this month actually, and should be finishing up their training soon. my daughter talulla is a bit clumsy, and she managed to get hurt while training a few months back, so her mentor and the shaman have been forcing her to rest, which she is not at all happy about. there were complications with her birth, as there often are when carrying multiple children, and she was born without her left arm. she's a firecracker though, training to be a hunter, and she refuses to allow herself to be pitied for her disability. then there's my son dario, he was the first born, and he's taking his assessment to become a scout soon as he's finished his training. he's a sweetheart who loves to help others, but its funny because he's fallen head over heels with this other fairy who joined the village not long ago, who is pretty much the opposite of him; she's a complete loner and she's very snarky. and finally, there's my daughter chantal who has the power of toxikinesis. she's in training to be a shaman..." her voice trailed off as kiiru and astrid stepped away to another part of the clearing, allowing the pair a bit of space and privacy as they shared their own knowing smile.


    velcar and tama had been meeting up for years now, and wished nothing more than to get married to each other in a sweet private nature ceremony. however, with tensions as high as they were right now in the unseen, it was not the time to admit to the high priestess of a relationship from a neighboring village that was not necessarily considered an ally due to their human-harboring ways. things were particularly getting difficult due to velcar's high rank within his kingdom as the grand master taking up much of his time, and their weekly meetings often went several weeks without happening. of course, they always made up for their lost time, but now that this rogue group of magic-hunters was skimming the unseens borders, the unease was higher than ever before, and it was becoming hard for tama to even sneak way to meet up with her love without being spotted. so when velcar mentioned a friend of his going through a rough time, she thought of the perfect person to set him up with, and figured it would be killing two birds with one stone.

    tama and erin had become friends after erin joined when her last village broke a part; tama being a wood elf has an affinity for anything related to nature, which includes animals, and since erin's dragon crystal was the first dragon to join the unseen's village, she wanted to know everything about the beautiful creature. at first the two woman would spend hours a day discussing what made crystal special as an ender dragon, what she ate, how erin cared for her, even describing the bond that she had with her stead; their friendship had blossomed from there. so a few months ago, when tama approached erin and asked if they could take a ride on crystal together somewhere to talk privately, the light elf hadn't thought to hesitate. they landed somewhere far enough from the village to avoid watchful eyes, and tama told her friend all about her secret love affair. she described her chance meeting with velcar at the border and how she had been very wary of him at first, but that he had slowly gained her trust. what was initially friendship and curiosity had sparked and flourished into something more. tama told erin about the dream wedding they had come up with and her hopes to someday be able to have it. when erin asked about meeting velcar, no hesitation in her voice, tama had breathed a sigh of relief.

    tama informed erin that velcar had a friend named nickolas who was going through a rough time right now and really needed someone with an unbiased ear to lean on. tama made sure to explain to erin that both velcar and nickolas were human and very much looked it, but that they both had magical abilities, comparing them to the girl's fellow villager alinta. her partner velcar had strong earth powers, and nickolas had certain water related powers. erin tentatively agreed to meet both men, but explained that the only way their excuse of going out to talk would really be believable was if they said that they were going for a ride on crystal; meaning the dragon had to be present. tama met with velcar once to ensure that this was okay and to make sure both men wouldn't freak out when they arrived on crystal; he reminded her partner not to forget to tell his friend, so that poor nickolas didn't have a heart attack seeing crystal swooping in on them.

    the evening they were planned to meet, erin used an excuse that crystal was acting antsy and she wanted to take her on a ride to cool her down and calm her before bed, and tama asked if she could come as well since it had been awhile since she'd ridden crystal with erin. the plan went flawlessly, and soon enough the two elves were flying high about the trees on the back of the ender dragon, with tama holding tightly around erin's waist as erin held on to crystal's spikes with her hands; she had gotten so used to riding without a saddle or any equipment that her legs held her firmly in place with their strength. as they fluttered down into the clearing space that tama directed them towards, she saw the flash of mint green that was her velcar's hair, and slipped easily from the dragon's back as she raced into her partner's arms, kissing him deeply. "velcar my love!" as she spotted a wad of bright blue hair standing behind him, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the next, tama left her partner's embrace and was quick to hug the other man, even though she had never met him before. "and you must be nickolas. i've heard so much about you! its lovely to meet you. come on you two, come meet erin and crystal." velcar slipped an arm around his elf's waist as she tugged nickolas along by the hand, coming to stop just a foot or so in front of the dragon's face.

    the deep green dragon's keen lime green eyes quickly looked over the two men as they approached, and as though she found whatever it was she was looking for, she bowed her head low to them in greeting. erin's reddish-pink eyes widened in surprise as she stroked her stead's forehead gently, looking at the two men. "i'm erin, and this is my bonded dragon crystal. tama, you can show velcar her favorite scratching spot if you'd like; i'll introduce her to nickolas." reaching out for the man's hand, it was clearly some sort of test, but one that no one but the two elves seemed aware of, as tama dragged her partner towards crystal's hind end giggling, pointing to a few scaley areas that she claimed were extra sensitive to scratches. erin reached out her hand for nickolas to take, and he did, stepping closer to both the girl and her beast. erin slowly placed nickolas' hand on the tip of crystal's snout, holding it there briefly before she let go, allowing the dragon to get a reading on the man before her. for a second, her eyes flashed with an unforeseen emotion, and as she opened her mouth, the last thing nickolas thought he'd ever see were those rows of sharp teeth...

    that is of course, until crystal reached forward and huffed a breath of hot air right into his face, messing up hit hair by sending it flying in every direction. erin had to cover her mouth in an attempt to hide her laugh, and even crystal let out a chuffing sound that could almost be a chuckle as she watched the man's wide eyes. "that means that she likes you. i've never seen her accept someone so quickly." a small smile came out on nickolas' face as he reached up to stroke the dragon's forehead, causing a deep purring sound to rumble out of her chest. his piercing blue gaze turned to meet the pinkish-red eyes of the elf as she watched him interact with her dragon, and his smile grew a bit in confidence at the soft expression on her face. "would you mind telling me the story of how you and her came together?" erin's face broke out in a large grin, unable to help herself at the memories of her bond with crystal, and she nodded her head eagerly as she sat down at crystal's side, leaning back against her stomach, and gesturing for the man to join her on the ground. "i would love to."

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 8 deer, 4 carrots, 5 potatoes.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; ahmya is due NOW; the father is felix akuma. medea assists with ahmya's birthing.
    ›medical ; medea researches medicine. yukio rests for 2 of 2 posts. medea looks at dario. nehiti & alfy both rest for 1 of 1 post.
    ›rank changes ; n.a.

    ›hunting ; phoebe, lenore, theron, lereil, balmyr, ianira. (+draven & maleficent & aurora - horses).
    ›hunting ; erin, ash, atlas, niikura, arne, aalton. (+crystal & cedar - dragon & fox).
    ›hunting ; samuel, ansel, atlas, navesa, brangwen.
    ›gathering ; tama, kumiko, felagi, tate.
    ›gathering ; maria, tola, masami, alette.
    ›gathering ; baragon, gryphon, aravis, astrid. (+ guava - bird)
    ›border ; romeo, solomon, kailani, enya, athena. (+ caliban - dog).
    ›border ; felix, malva, seraphina, siffare.
    ›border ; shae, erling, gnome, ariella.
    ›scouting ; aiha, alinta, argus.
    ›scouting ; chaya, evanora, saga.

    ›marketplace ; n.a.
    ›farming ; abijam tends to x1 potato seed with adio; it blooms NOW. leo tends x1 melon seed with karima; it blooms again this post. guirec tends x1 cucumber seed with abeke; it blooms NOW.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›assessment ; kendric is ready to become a gatherer; he takes his assessment. dario is ready to become a scout; he takes his assessment. iolana is ready to become a guard; she takes her assessment.
    ›testing ; aouli tests with the gatherers.
    ›training ; talulla trains with ash in the stealth skill. chantal trains with medea in the surgery skill. kasyn trains with sycamore in the knowledge of nature skill. karalyn trains with zephyr in the poison identification skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the trapping skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; n.a.
    ›notes ; anyone with '♤' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '♤' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.
    ›people/animals to be found on patrol at anytime ;
    ⇝ghost horse - skilled animal - click


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ⋆Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch

      ⋆Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 150 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 142 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      ⋆Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 28

      ♤⋆Felix Akuma | ♂ | 59 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ⋆Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ⋆Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 86 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ♤⋆Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ⋆Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 46 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ⋆Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ⋆Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ⋆Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ⋆Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      ⋆Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 39 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ⋆Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      ⋆Shae Margaery | ♀ | 25 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.
      Erling Diggle | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ST - C1 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - E4 / X / hobbit
      ♤⋆Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 24 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy

      ♤⋆Neheti Venus | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ♤⋆Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ⋆Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ⋆Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ⋆Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 46 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♤⋆Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 40 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      ⋆Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ⋆Saga Ström | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ⋆Maria Dracos | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ⋆Tola Amitina | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ⋆Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ♤⋆Tama Sato | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ⋆Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Tate Evander | ♂ | 41 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ⋆Abijam Cohen | ♂ | 24 years
      ↪ ST - L2 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk
      ↪extra 30% chance of injury on any patrol.
      ⋆Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 70 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
      Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 62 years
      ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin
      ♤⋆Alette Ondine | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Astrid Holm | ♀ | 41 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ⋆Aravis Mars | ♀ | 31 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ⋆Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 35 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ⋆Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 30 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon.

      ♤⋆Erin Paxton | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      ⋆Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ⋆Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 50 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♤⋆Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 47 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ⋆Ansel Armani | ♂ | 103 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Ash Everest | ⚲ | 33 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 70 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
      ⋆Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 36 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ⋆Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 37 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ⋆Atlas Pan | ♂ | 25 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 22 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Brangwen Adham | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / tufte imp
      ⋆Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 23 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy

      ⋆Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.
      ⋆Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 20 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.
      ♤⋆Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ⋆Dario Ondine | ♂ | 20 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      ⋆Alaric Dester | ♂ | 15 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire
      ⋆Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 17 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ⋆Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 17 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ⋆Oletha Ström | ♀ | 17 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf

      ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 34 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ⋆Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ↪due in 0 posts.

      ⋆Abere Chikte | ♀ | 07 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ⋆Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 07 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 07 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad
      ⋆xxx Ceaser | ♂♀ | 01 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - A1 / X / kobold
      ⋆Aouli Azraq | ♂ | 09 years
      ↪ST - B3 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - C4 / X / shapeshifter

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 8
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 5
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 13
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 22
      fish | 3 serv. | 11
      deer | 6 serv. | 0
      tebo | 6 serv. | 2
      carrots | 2 serv. | 4
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 0
      squash | 4 serv. | 5
      berries | 1 serv. | 2.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 4
      melons | 3 serv. | 13

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x3 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x6 potato seed
      x1 squash seed
      x1 iron sword
      x3 carrot seed
      x5 melon seed
      x8 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x2 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x1 copper ore
      x1 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x2 stone spear (1 used 1 time)
      x2 steel spear (1 used 1 time)
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 23 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 24 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      tatiana | ♀ | 21 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      papaya | ♀ | 07 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      guava | ♂ | 04 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: gryphon (gatherer)
      danica | ♀ | 11 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 10 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 06 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 06 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 06 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 06 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 04 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 04 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 04 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 04 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 03 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      sycorax | ♀ | 03 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: zuximi
      juno | ♀ | 03 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 03 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons
      maleficent | ♀ | 02 yrs | unicorn x thestral | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore

      ⋆tester ➾ aouli
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.
      ⋆masami ➾ kendric (gatherer)
      ⤿fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ash ➾ talulla (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal identification.
      ⋆shae ➾ iolana (guard)
      ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.
      ⋆medea ➾ chantal (shaman)
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.
      avenal ➾ dario
      ⤿diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.

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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 2:53 am
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FENGUARD . [ post fifteen ]

Postby w0ah » Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:42 am

          xxxxxxx.xxxxLOYALTY TO THE HERD!
          population. 032 villagers. | required servings. 24¼ servings. | ancestral request. 00/00/00.x



            post 15 actions log.

            consumption. x2 watermelon, x2 corn, x1 shark (26 servings).
            ancestral request. none.

            border patrols. helanthe, thrud, sofrair, hagen, fenrir, & hadda patrol the borders; runa accompanies them.
            hunting patrols. baldr, arkyn, olsen, eirik, & menja hunt; frode accompanies them.
            scouting patrols. frigga, wren, frey, & kildreal scout; bjor & ake accompany them.
            gathering. callele, thkalta, hallbera, drifa, roskva, & ineke gather; jori accompanies them.
            farming. hallbera harvests the corn.

            testing. none.
            apprenticeship. aphrien begins apprenticeship as a hunter. he trains with olsen.

            healing. thryi rests and thorsten assesses her injuries.
            studies. thorsten studies medicine.
            relations. none.
            birthing. none.

            other. frode (irish wolfhound) & runa (mutt) attempt to mate.
            notes. only centaurs (equine) and cervitaurs (cervidae) may be found, with realistic skin & hair colors, any eye color.

            credits. 1 2 3 (edits & designs by me)

              | helanthe , ♀ , 40 years
              ↪ e8 / hc / 17 / g9 / x / centaur.
              | thorsten , ♂ , 45 years
              ↪ b5 / hw / 18 / f6 / x / centaur.
              ↪ knowledge points: 11

        | thrud , ♀ , 40 years
        ↪ b8 / lc / 22 / g10 / x / cervitaur.

        | sofrair , ♂ , 28 years
        ↪ d6 / s / 1 / d4 / x / centaur.
        | hagen , ♂ , 36 years
        ↪ b6 / s / 26 / a10 / x / cervitaur.
        | fenrir , ♂ , 29 years
        ↪ c7 / hc / 3 / g3 / x / centaur.
        | hadda , ♀ , 40 years
        ↪ f4 / s / 1 / b5 / y / centaur.
        scout chief.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        | frigga , ♀ , 32 years
        ↪ d9 / hw / 26 / a1 / x / cervitaur.

        | wren , ♀ , 28 years
        ↪ f10 / s / 9 / c5 / x / cervitaur.
        | frey , ♂ , 38 years
        ↪ e7 / lc / 7 / d3 / y / cervitaur.
        | kildreal , ♂ , 24 years
        ↪ a11 / s / 18 / h7 / x / centaur.
        hunting chief.
        | baldr , ♂ , 39 years
        ↪ c5 / hw / 9 / d5 / x / cervitaur.

        | arkyn , ♂ , 37 years
        ↪ e4 / s / 26 / b1 / x / centaur.
        | olsen , ♂ , 44 years
        ↪ e5 / hw / 62 / d3 / y / centaur.
        | eirik , ♂ , 25 years
        ↪ c8 / lc / 9 / e10 / x / cervitaur.
        | menja , ♀ , 24 years
        ↪ f5 / lc / 11 / h7 / x / cervitaur.

        | callelle , ♀ , 35 years
        ↪ a11 / lc / 61 / c10 / y / cervitaur.
        | hallbera , ♀ , 27 years
        ↪ b3 / hc / 23 / c5 / x / centaur.
        | drifa , ♀ , 28 years
        ↪ b5 / lw / 26 / a7 / x / centaur.
        | roskva , ♀ , 33 years
        ↪ f3 / lw / 7 / f1 / x / centaur.
        | ineke , ♀ , 27 years
        ↪ a2 / s / 22 / g3 / x / centaur.
        ✶| aphrien , ♂ , 12 years
        ↪ b6 / lw / 19 / c11 / y / cervitaur.
        ✶| name , ♀♂ , 00 years
        ↪ genetics.

        | morgana , ♀ , 27 years
        ↪ f2 / lc / 19 / a1 / x / centaur.
        | thkalta , ♀ , 32 years
        ↪ d2 / lc / 10 / f6 / x / centaur.
        ✶| olvir , ♂ , 06 years
        ↪ b3 / lc / 13 / a7 / y / centaur.
        ✶| una , ♀ , 03 years
        ↪ d6 / lc / 19 / d4 / x / centaur.
        ✶| thorvid , ♂ , 03 years
        ↪ f2 / ac / 19 / a1 / x / centaur.
        ✶| ylva , ♀ , 03 years
        ↪ b6 / s / 19 / a1 / x / centaur.
        ✶| sorinna , ♀ , 03 years
        ↪ d2 / lc / 3 / f6 / y / centaur.
        ✶| tamara , ♀ , 03 years
        ↪ c7 / hc / 3 / f6 / x / centaur.
        ✶| arnora , ♀ , 03 years
        ↪ d2 / lc / 3 / g3 / y / centaur.
        ✶| hymir , ♂ , 03 years
        ↪ a7 / s / 13 / c2 / y / centaur.
        ✶| name , ♀♂ , 00 years
        ↪ genetics.

        village name, username
        village name, username

        village name, username
        village name, username

        north - delvunder, julian.
        northeast - the unseen, broken*
        east - village name, user
        southeast - village name, user
        south - village name, user
        southwest - village name, user
        west - village name, user
        northwest - village name, user

        located here

        located here & here
        food storage.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        rabbits. 1 servings - 18
        catfish. 3 servings - 18
        trout. 6 servings - 17
        shark. 10 servings - 15
        wheat. 2 servings - 23
        corn. 4 servings - 34
        squash. 5 servings - 15
        strawberries. 1 servings - 23
        apples. 2 servings - 26
        watermelon. 4 servings - 17

        watermelon seed. - 1
        corn seed. - 1 unplanted - 2 planted (2/2) - (1/2)
        squash seed. - 1 unplanted

        item storage.
        stone. uses left 1 - 1
        iron. uses left 1 - 1
        leather. uses left 1 - 1
        backpack. - 1
        wood. - 1
        copper ore. - 1
        silver ore. - 1
        bjor , ♂ , 13 years , irish wolfhound , bred: 1
        ake (mid) , ♂ , 09 years , mutt , bred: 0
        runa (right) , ♀ , 09 years , mutt , bred: 0
        thyri (left) , ♀ , 09 years , mutt , bred: 0
        frode , ♂ , 08 years, irish wolfhound , bred: 0
        saga , ♀ , 11 years , blue fire-lizard , bred: 0
        ↪ handler: thorsten.
        refr , ♂ , 05 years , fox , bred: 0
        stock1 , ♀ , 05 years , cow , bred: 0
        jori , ♂ , 02 years , barn owl , bred: 0
        ↪ handler: roskva.

        olsen ⟶ aphrien (#)
        ↪ skills here

        sofrair + morgana =
        ↪ una, thorvid, ylva
        fenrir + thkalta =
        ↪ sorinna, tamara, arnora

        name, age at death, cause

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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Mon Aug 22, 2022 4:20 pm


Summer is here! During the summer, villagers will find the most food as animals have returned in full force while wild plants have reached their peak. The beautiful weather invites smoother births and fewer illnesses.

*incoherent screaming*

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

broken* wrote:

[ Medea gains 1 KP from her studies. ]
[ Ahmya gives birth to a healthy set of triplets! For a while, Medea isn't sure if the second child will make it, but it pulls through in the end, revealing itself to be perfectly fine. ]
[ Dario, Yukio, Nehiti, Alfy have healed and can return to their duties. Medea gains 1 KP from healing Dario. ]

[ Phoebe's patrol catches x1 deer, x2 squirrels, x2 fish, and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Erin's patrol catches x1 fish, x2 deer, and x2 rabbits. ]
[ Samuel's patrol catches x2 deer, x2 fish, and x1 squirrel. On the hunt, Ansel and Navesa run afoul of the deer and end up hurt; Ansel with a broken toe and Navesa with a nasty scratch on her arm that gets infected. They will need 1 and 2 posts of rest respectively, although if they are each seen by Medea can return to work in the same post. ]
[ Tama's patrol gathers x2 carrots, x1 apple, and x1 potato. Felagi isn't looking where he's going and ends up tripping over a branch, breaking his nose and fracturing his lower leg. He will need 2 posts of rest or can return to work immediately if seen by Medea. ]
[ Maria's patrol gathers x1 melon seed, x1 apple, x1 squash, and x1 berry. ]
[ Baragon's patrol gathers x2 melons, x1 potato, x1 carrot, and x1 berry. Unfortunately, Guava is startled and takes off, refusing to respond to Gryphon's command. To lure the fwooper back, the Unseen will need to offer it 10 servings of any food. ]
[ Romeo's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Felix's patrol finds a warrior carrying 18 yemons. ]
[ Shae's patrol finds x1 stone spear and 10 yemons. Erling knows he should know better but can't resist trying to twirl the spear. He ends up stabbing himself in the thigh and it's a race against time to get him to Medea on time. He will need to be seen by Medea and rest for 3 posts in order to heal. ]
[ Aiha's patrol finds nothing but bad luck. First, Argus gets injured by an aggressive fwooper that bites his hand and then Alinta realizes she's coming down with the flu. Argus will need medical attention from Medea and 3 posts of rest to ensure that his injury doesn't get infected and his hand sets properly, while Alinta simply needs 1 post of rest or medical attention from Medea to return to her duties immediately. ]
[ Chaya's patrol finds a ghost horse! What will its name be? ]

[ Abijam's potato seed gives x6 potatoes and x1 seed. It will bloom again in the next post. Adio produces x1 herbivore scraps. ]
[ Leo's melon seed gives x9 melons and x1 seed. It wilts afterward. ]
[ Guirec's cucumber seed gives x5 cucumbers and x1 seed. It will bloom again in the next post. ]

[ Dario and Iolana pass their assessments, but Kendric fails. Dario's hand hadn't quite healed and he reinjured it, although it will only require 1 post of rest or Medea's care, the latter of which would let him join a patrol in the same post. Kendric does a dumb stunt trying to hold too many things at once and falls into a thorn bush, wounding his shoulder and his pride. He will only need 1 post of rest or Medea's care, the latter of which would let him retake his assessment in the same post. ]
[ Aouli succeeds in his assessment. ]
[ Talulla, Chantall, and Oletha learn their respective skills. Kasyn surges ahead in training, learning both about nature and self-defense. Karalyn unfortunately gets sick with strep throat and is unable to complete the training. She will need 1 post of rest or Medea's care, the latter of which would let her train in the same post. ]

[ The animals are unable to catch much, only finding x1 carnivore scrap this time. ]

[ Ahmya's first child's traits are: ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / Y / kitsuneborn. ]
[ Ahmya's second child's traits are: ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn. ]
[ Ahmya's third child's traits are: ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - E3 / HS - HW / HC - 65 / EC - G4 / X / siren. ]
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