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Souji - Male - Dhampire

Postby Sadies » Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:44 am

S o u j i


It it's about freedom. Being up so high that you can see everything around you and you know that no-one is crazy enough to come up and get you. It makes feel safe and secure.

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Cololour: Purple-Dark Blue
Hair Length: One side short, one side neck length
Skin Colour: Pale
Blemishes: A few small scars
Noticeable Traits: Unknown
Scent: Wood and grass

Presented Gender: Male
Presented Age: 19 Years
Body Structure: Slender but athletic
Height: 5 ft 9 (175 cm)
Weight: 54 kg
Posture: Normal
Gait: Normal

Style: Practical
- None
Items Of Importance:
- Tent
- Penknife

    Name: Souji Kokuo
    Titles: None
    Age: 19 Years
    Date Of Birth: March
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Species: Dhampire

    Ethnicity: Japanese
    Accent: Japanese

    Blood Type: Rh-null
    Health Status: Healthy, often sunburns.
    Allergies: Sunlight
    Medications: Sun Cream
    Diet: Requires blood and human food.

    Special Abilities:
    - None
    Species Information: Born from a human and a vampire. Can age and can eat human food. Requires human blood to be healthy. Is allergic to the sun but is able to go out in it, just burns extremely easily.

- Heights
- Climbing
- Freedom
- Wild life
- Running
- Society
- Rules and laws
- Being on the ground
- Cities and busy towns
- Scavenged food
- Higher the better
- Freedom
- Laws and enforces of the laws
- Complying to human society
- City life
Favorite Colour: Purple
Favorite Animal: Birds
Favorite Food: Jam sandwich
    - Climbing ability
    - Athletic
    - Fearless in physical situations
    - Common practice to test fait
    - Lack of education
    - No money or employment
    - Living a "normal" life
    - Freeclimbing
    - Train-Surfing
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Loves being up high
    - Rule breaker

Profession: Unemployed.
Dream Profession: Undesired.
Previous Professions: None.
Place Of Residence: Tent.
Vehicle: None.
    Parents: Irrelevant.
    Siblings: Irrelevant.
    Other Family Relations: Unknown.
    Companion Animals: None.
    Allies: Unknown.
    Enemies: The law.
    Other Relations: Unknown.

Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Horoscope: Aries
Gemstone: Aquamarine

    Personality: Souji's love for heights and the dangerous sport of freeclimbing came about in his early teens, for some reason the deadly sport gave him a sense of freedom and safety. He found himself drawn to dangerous heights and a sense of adventure as an escape from everything around him. Souji has a love for adventure and he feels most at home when he is sleeping out in the wilderness and surviving in the wild. He is fairly independent and can at times come across as rude or abrupt at first glances, but he is not a bad person and would look out for his friends. It would take someone very special to get him to open up and share his feelings.

    Background: Souji's birth was a total surprise, he was not only the child of a human and a vampire, but he was also born into an awkward situation because his father was married to another woman. Neither his vampire father, nor his human mother was happy with Souji's existence and they regularly made that known to him. Souji grew up feeling as if he did not have a place in the world, rejected by everyone around him. When he discovered his deadly interest, it changed something in him. At the age of 16 he ran away from home, train-surfing across the country. He now travels, lives as wild a life as he can and freeclimbs.

    Appearance:Average height and slender with a slightly muscular build. He has dark blue/purple hair that falls to his neck on one side and is held up with a headband. His eyes are light blue and his skin is pale. He dresses in a fully black outfit made up of black trousers, black top which stops below his elbow and a dark grey wrap around his neck and shoulders which often flaps in the wind. He also wears black leather boots and a stylish black facial mask which additionally covers his neck.

I don't want to be a slave to a society that doesn't have a place for me.
I will make my own place in this world.
Last edited by Sadies on Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Keme - Male - Wolf

Postby Sadies » Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:10 am

K e m e


Eye Colour: One blue and one white.
Fur Colour: Black
Markings: Solid
Nose Colour: No nose
Pad Colour: Black
Nail Colour: Black
Blemishes: Exposed skull
Noticeable Traits:
- Exposed skull
- Dark blue feathers around neck

Presented Gender: Male
Presented Age: Adult
Body Structure: Large
Height: Large
Weight: Heavy
Posture: Normal
Gait: Skippy

Items Of Importance:
- Crow skull
- Feathers on neck

    Name: Keme
    Titles: Unknown
    Age: 6 Years
    Date Of Birth: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Unknown
    Species: Wolf

    Ethnicity: Native American
    Accent: American, Algonquin.

    Health Status: Unknown, possibly insane
    Allergies: None
    Medications: None
    Diet: Omnivorous

    Special Abilities:
    - Communicate with spirits/dead with the use of skulls.

- Skulls and death
- Spirituality
- Thunder and lighting
- Heavy rain
- Feathers
- Excessive heat
- Humans
- Dogs
- Spirits
- Spirituality
- Skulls
- Humans
- Dogs
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Animal: Dead
Favorite Food: Herbs
    - Confident and bold
    - Adaptable
    - Communicating with spirits
    - Appearance is enough to scare threats away.
    - Terrible social skills
    - No filter, doesn't care what he says and to whom
    - Poor hunter and fighter
    - Humans
    - Dogs and dogs barking
    - Collects skulls
    - Collects random items and feathers
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Invading personal space
    - Rambling nonsense
    - Talking to himself

Rank: Shaman
Dream Rank: Shaman
Previous Rank: Loner
Place Of Residence: Has his own cave
    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: Unknown
    Other Family Relations: Unknown
    Companion Animals: A crow skull he talks to, it has no name.
    Allies: Saved Sadies's life, often travels with her.
    Enemies: Unknown
    Other Relations: Unknown

Zodiac Sign: Unknown.
Horoscope: Unknown
Gemstone: Unknown
    Colour Scheme: Dark colours.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Name means 'Secret' in Native American Algonquin.

    Personality: Keme is the embodiment of insanity, speaking in riddles and mystery. He speaks obsessively to the skull around his neck, along with other skulls, bringing most others to question his sanity. It is unknown whether or not Keme is insane or whether he is truly gifted with the ability to speak with the spirits. At times his ability stresses him, but the majority of the time he embraces it.
    His social skills are not brilliant, he is confident but has little awareness of personal space and boundaries; often getting too close or pushing the buttons of others. Sometimes they say he does it on purpose however it is hard to say. He is caring although having an odd way of showing it, and will try to aid where he can but it's always in an unconventional way. Often his caring nature goes unnoticed because of how off he is.
    Despite all of this, he is intelligent and it's possible he knows and understands far more than he is letting on. Keme is a complete mess of a mystery, presents more questions than answers.

    Background: Keme has little to no knowledge of his pup hood and younger life, he vaguely remembers the violence however it is patchy and he doesn't know what happened. Waking up in a unfamiliar place, alone, it was nearby that he discovered the skull of a crow. That moment changed everything for him because that one crow skull made him realize he could speak with the spirits. The skull became his most important possession and his best friend.

    Keme started to develop a life as a loner. Collecting skulls and communicating with them became his way of "sanity", they kept him company. He felt like they taught him a lot and otherwise he would not had survived. His life as a loner seemed to be something he didn't hate, but there was still a part of him that was lonely, despite never wanting to admit that.

    Appearance:He is an average sized and well built male wolf. His head is probably the first noticeable characteristic on him as he has no fur or skin on his head, his head is simply a wolf skull. As for his eyes, they are different colors, his left eye is pure white where as his right eye is an icy blue color. His ears are average sized pointy ears with longish black fur sticking out from them, his coat his black and his ear hair tends to look slightly darker. His neck is not hairy, instead his neck is coated in a thick layer of feathers, they are actually growing from his neck. The feathers are thick and a dark blue, resembling the darkest night. His shoulders are muscular and his legs long and lean. His claws are not very sharp compared to most wolves, they have been warn down by the rocky ground he likes to walk upon so much. His tail is thick and bushy, from his tail hangs a piece of string which had three feathers on, two black and one red, the color of blood.

Last edited by Sadies on Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Sadies - Female - Wolf

Postby Sadies » Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:27 am

S a d i e s



( Image Made By toiletpaper For Me! )

Eye Colour: Yellow
Fur Colour: White
Markings: Light grey face and tail tip.
Nose Colour: Black
Pad Colour: Black
Nail Colour: Black
Blemishes: None
Noticeable Traits: Extremely thin.
Scent: Petrichor. (The scent of fresh rain.)

Presented Gender: Female.
Presented Age: Adult.
Body Structure: Underweight.
Height: 50 cm
Weight: 12 kg
Posture: Low to the ground, cowering.
Gait: Low to the ground, sneaking.

Items Of Importance:
- None.
    Name: Sadies
    Titles: Silent, Silence
    Age: 4 years
    Date Of Birth: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Straight
    Species: Wolf (Canis Lupus Labradorius)

    Ethnicity: Canadian
    Accent: Newfoundland

    Health Status: Underweight and malnourished.
    Allergies: Unknown.
    Medications: None.
    Diet: Small rodents and fish.

    Special Abilities:
    - None

- Playing.
- Going unnoticed.
- Helping or caring for others.
- Hunting.
- Swimming.
- Loud noises.
- Attention being on her.
- Always alone.
- Her fear.
- Helping others.
- Succeeding or the high chance of succeeding.
- Improving her pack/social status.
- Her own fear.
- Being threatened or attacked.
- Knowing she will fail.
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Food: Rabbit
    - Fast.
    - Agile.
    - Caring and gentle.
    - Physically weak.
    - Extremely fearful. Including of her own pack.
    - Too afraid to speak.
    - Fellow wolves.
    - All social interactions.
    - Food aggressive/protective.
    - Loud voices.
    - Fights.
    - Being attacked by another wolf.
    - Playing alone.
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Submitting to everyone.
    - Never speaks. (Except to Keme.)

Rank: Omega
Dream Rank: Hunter
Previous Rank: Omega, Loner.
Place Of Residence: None.
    Parents: Irrelevant.
    Siblings: Irrelevant.
    Other Family Relations: Irrelevant.
    Companion Animals: None.
    Allies: Keme.
    Enemies: Her ex-pack.
    Other Relations: None.

Zodiac Sign: Unknown
Horoscope: Unknown
Gemstone: Unknown
    Colour Scheme: Depends on situation.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Unknown.

    Personality: Sadies is often given the nickname of Silent due to the fact that she never ever speaks. She has a deep rooted fear down to her bones which makes her voice almost impossible to surface. It's very rare she will grow in confidence enough for public speaking and is also very difficult to get to know her. She doesn't make friends due to her nervous behavior getting in the way and she spends all of her time cowering in fear or alone trying to fend for herself. She will often to try to help where she can, but is unable to face up to any form of confrontation, meaning she is the last wolf you would want around when there is any form of fighting involved. She is physically and mentally unable to defend herself in all situations. Her high stress levels has also meant that she rarely feeds herself, allowing her body to go to waste, this has also caused some undesirable traits such as being very possessive over her food; meaning she prefers to hunt and eat alone.

    Background: The start of her life was horrific, she was an unwanted pup in her birth pack and for being so she had an awful up-bringing. Finding herself in the position of an omega from a young age would be bad enough, but her entire pack was against her just for being born and she was regularly bullied by everyone. This intense bullying left lasting scars, every movement and breath now comes with the fear of someone close to her turning on her.
    When she reached adulthood, her pack chased her out and forced her into a life of solitude. This was probably more of a blessing in many ways as it meant she was safer on her own. However being a lone wolf possessed challenges of their own and Sadies was not exactly the most heathiest or fittest of wolves. Catching food was difficult and she spent most of her time searching for scraps and braving the harshest of weathers. She lived everyday with the risk of starving to death.

    Appearance:Sadies is an extremely small wolf and underweight wolf, her structure is almost skeletal in appearance from her poor diet. Her fur is short in comparison to most wovles, white in colour with only some very light grey around her eyes and on the tip of her tail. Her eyes are a pretty yellow colour.







Image Image

Image Image

____________________ (Lines made on DA by Mara-Elle.) _______________________________________________________________________________ ( Lines made by Cakeindafridge on DA. Account no-longer exists. )


( Made by xofrats. )

( Made by C-ren. )

Last edited by Sadies on Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Skeleton - Male - Wolf

Postby Sadies » Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:29 am

S k e l e t o n


Sticks and stones.

( Ref License says free to share with credi! )

Eye Colour: Topaz
Fur Colour: Black
Nose Colour: Black
Pad Colour: Black
Nail Colour: Black
- Redish brown forehead and saddle pattern.
- White eyes and side stripe.
Blemishes: Multiple scars.
Noticeable Traits: Colorations.
Scent: Chalky

Presented Gender: Male
Presented Age: Adult
Body Structure: Muscular
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Posture: Normal
Gait: Slight limp on his front right paw.

Items Of Importance:
- Note

    Name: Skeleton
    Titles: Bones
    Age: 4 Years
    Date Of Birth: November
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Species: Wolf
    Breed: Mackenzie Valley Wolf (Northwestern Wolf)

    Ethnicity: Canadian
    Accent: Canadian

    Health Status: Healthy
    Allergies: Unknown
    Medications: None
    Diet: Carnivorous

    Special Abilities:
    - None

- Wind in his fur
- Dedication
- Feeling lonely
- Betrayal
- Hunting bull Elks
- Protection
- Pack
- His past
- Liers
- His injury
Favorite Colour: Brown
Favorite Animal: Bear
Favorite Food: Boar
    - Physically brave
    - Physically strong
    - Reckless
    - Has a limp form his old injury
    - Trusting in others
    - Stargazing
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Sleeking away unnoticed

Rank: Guard/Warrior
Dream Rank: Lead Guard/Warrior
Previous Professions: Guard/Warrior, Loner
Place Of Residence: Has a cozy den between some rocks.
    Parents: Irrelevant.
    Siblings: Irrelevant.
    Other Family Relations: Irrelevant.
    Companion Animals: None
    Allies: Pack.
    Enemies: Unknown.
    Other Relations: Unknown.

Zodiac Sign: Boar
Horoscope: Scorpio
Gemstone: Topaz
    Colour Scheme: Red, white and black.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Unknown

    Personality: Aggressive and easily irritated. Skeleton doesn't have the time or patience for anyone. He will go out of his way to make sure that no-one gets friendly with him. He doesn't like the attention and he would much rather be left to his own devices to do his job. Skeleton will be a tough nut to crack. He tries his best to push everyone away and refrain from making friends with him out of the fear that he will once more find himself betrayed. But in truth, Skeleton is desperately lonely and hurting badly inside.

    Background: Skeleton spent most of his life living in his birth pack and that was where he felt his heart was at. He lived with his mother, farther and siblings but also a number of other wolves that had joined the pack. It was a real family. Skeleton had a lovely mate and they were expecting pups, he was so excited. But his world was turned upside down when his mate was injured and lost the pups before they were born. She confessed that the pups were not his and that his brother was actually the farther. He learned that the entire pack was aware that he was not the farther and they all had decided to hide it from him.
    Feeling betrayed by his family, Skeleton left his pack and became a loner. He had little experience of survival on his own but Skeleton was a proud wolf at this time, he would never give into a fight. He learned the hard way after attempting to take down an bull Elk all by himself. He was injured badly by the bulls antlers which left deep scars. Skeleton only survived by luck, stumbling upon a few carcasses of sheep that had been swept down stream during a flood.
    After recovering from his injuries, he decided to seek out another pack to join. Although this time Skeleton decided to keep his distance from them, he didn't want to make friends, he just wanted to do his job and stay alive.

    Appearance:Skeleton is a large black coated wolf with a muscular, yet slender build. He has a reddish brown saddle marking on his back and streak on his forehead. He has a white eyeliner and a white slash down his sides. He has a limp in his front right paw.

Betray me and I will break your bones!

Last edited by Sadies on Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Kai - Male - Human

Postby Sadies » Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:37 pm

K a i


Everything Happens For A Reason. Those Reasons Can be Explained By Science!

Eye Colour: Greyish Green
Hair Cololour: White (Naturally Blond)
Hair Length: Chest length
Skin Colour: Pale
Blemishes: None
Noticeable Traits: Long white hair.
Scent: Oakmoss

Presented Gender: Male
Presented Age: 18 Years
Body Structure: Slender, Healthy
Height: 6ft ( 182 cm)
Weight: 64 kg
Posture: Straight
Gait: Normal

- Black jacket
- White boots
- White gloves
- None
Items Of Importance:
- White gloves

    Name: Kai Finnur
    Titles: None
    Age: 18 Years
    Date Of Birth: February
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Straight
    Species: Human

    Ethnicity: Icelandic ( Reykjavik )
    Accent: Icelandic, Southern

    Blood Type: AB+
    Health Status: Sensitive stomach, Obsessive Hygiene.
    Allergies: Shellfish
    Medications: None
    Diet: Vegan

    Special Abilities:
    - None
    Species Information: Human.

- Animals.
- Healthy eating.
- Cleanliness.
- Science and forensics.
- Unhealthy eating and lifestyle.
- Dirt and mess.
- Spiritual and religious beliefs.
- Physical health and wellbeing.
- Dirt and mess, also those who make it.
Favorite Colour: White
Favorite Animal: Seals (Especially pups.)
Favorite Food: Apples
    - Martial arts (Tae-Kwon-Doe)
    - Healthy eating.
    - Deductive skills.
    - Occasional misses emotional reasoning.
    - Explosive mood.
    - Dirt, germs and parasites.
    - Tae-Kwon-Do.
    - Reading.
    - Cooking.
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Has to clean mess, even if not his own.

Profession: Part-time shop assistant.
Dream Profession: Detective.
Previous Professions: None.
Place Of Residence: Shares an house.
Vehicle: Renault Clio.
Previously owned a Citroen Saxo.
    Parents: Irrelevant. Surname comprised of their names.
    Siblings: Irrelevant. Has two brothers and a sister.
    Other Family Relations: Irrelevant.
    Companion Animals: A white oriental cat named Askja.
    Allies: Unknown
    Enemies: Unknown
    Other Relations: Unknown

Zodiac Sign: Rooster
Horoscope: Pisces
Gemstone: Amethyst
    Colour Scheme: Light colours.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Kai was created back in Feb 2014.

    Personality: Kai is a bright individual with a unique outlook on life. He is in no way spiritual but he feels as though everyone and everything is equal, it was this belief that drove him to turn to a vegan lifestyle at the age of twelve years old. His beliefs are very scientific and he prefers to take a scientific approach to almost everything. Kai enjoys his hobbies, he doesn't have many friend but he likes to share them with the people who are in his friend group. He isn't overly outspoken but he is friendly towards those he knows and cares for. His health is of huge importance to him, believing that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind; this encourages him to eat well and learn to create beautiful and tasty dishes n which he likes to share with his friends.
    He is known to have explosive tendencies when people anger him. He is still and friendly and nice person, but when someone upsets him he doesn't accept it in a calm way and will shout pretty loud. He can often be offended easily and he makes sure people are aware of that. Kai also has a worrying obsession with cleanliness, it's like an itch he can not scratch, this means he very much struggles in an unclean environment and will often start to clean up...even if the place does not belong to him. This commonly can cause conflicts with people because most people do not have the same high hygiene standards as he does.

    Background: Kai's life is relatively normal. He was born and raised in his home town of Reykjavik in Iceland. The city itself is beautiful, and surrounded completely by vast open lands of nature. Growing up with his siblings, Kai was your average child with average grades. There was little spectacular about him and his life. When he reached fifteen, he asked his parents to allow him to travel to attend a school in another country. His parents felt the experience would do him some good and so they allowed him to leave Iceland. He still has a special place in his heart for his home country and feels that he has never been anywhere that feels as much like home, nor is as beautiful.

    Appearance: A tall and slender male, standing at five foot eleven. Kai doesn't really look too muscular through his clothes but shirtless it's apparent of his muscular build. His skin is pale, almost white but not quite. His hair is long, flowing down to his chest and is silky in texture, he dyes it white because it reminds him of purity. His eyes are greyish green. Kai lives in his white silk gloves which protect his hands from any germs he believe are present. He often wears black, meaning he will wear black skinny jeans and a black long coat. He also wears black leather boots.


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Hana - Female - Neko

Postby Sadies » Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:56 pm

H a n a



( Image from an anime called: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon. )

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Cololour: Brown
Hair Length: xxx
Skin Colour: Pinkish
Blemishes: None
Noticeable Traits:
- Brown cat ears
- Brown cat tail with white tip
Scent: Lavender laundry detergent.

Presented Gender: xxx
Presented Age: 15 Years
Body Structure: Small
Height: 5 ft 1 ( 154 cm)
Weight: 44 kg
Posture: Normal
Gait: Normal

Style: xxx
- None.
Items Of Importance:
- A white bunny plushy.

    Name: Hana Toshio
    Titles: Bunny
    Age: 15 Years
    Date Of Birth: July
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Unknown
    Species: Neko

    Ethnicity: British
    Accent: British, Wiltshire

    Blood Type: 0 Negative
    Health Status: Healthy
    Allergies: Dust
    Medications: None
    Diet: Normal

    Special Abilities:
    - None
    Species Information: Human-cat hybrid. Appears human with cat ears and tail.

- Rabbits and anything bunny related.
- Food and trying new foods.
- School.
- Cold and wet.
- Bullies
- Homelessness.
- Forming new friendships.
- Determined to succeed in her studies.
- Bullies.
Favorite Colour: Pink
Favorite Animal: Rabbits
Favorite Food: Anything
    - Charismatic.
    - Resolving conflicts.
    - Cheering people up.
    - Emotional.
    - Childlike.
    - The dark.
    - Drawing, especially rabbits.
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Carries her bunny plushy everywhere.

Profession: None
Dream Profession: Unknown
Previous Professions: None
Place Of Residence: Homeless
Vehicle: None
    Parents: Mother deceased. Father location unknown.
    Siblings: Yori is her brother.
    Other Family Relations: None.
    Companion Animals: None.
    Allies: Unknown.
    Enemies: Unknown.
    Other Relations: None.

Zodiac Sign: Rabbit.
Horoscope: Cancer
Gemstone: Ruby
    Colour Scheme: Bright, cute colours.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: xxx

    Personality: Hana is a curious and interested in everything and everyone. At times she may be shy, however usually she opens up very quickly. She loves to learn new things and this means she really enjoys school and helping out others where she can. Hana often finds making friends comes very naturally to her and she holds those people close to her, always wanting to be there for them when they are feeling down or needing a shoulder to cry on.
    She is creative and Hana absolutely adores rabbits. Everything she owns is rabbit related and she really dreams of having a pet rabbit one day. It was her obsession that got her the nickname of Bunny.

    Hana was very young when her mother took her and her brother away from him, she remembers very little about him however he was a very horrible man. Her brother has never told her the whole story about him to keep her safe and she understands that is likely for the best. When Hana was only six years old, their house caught fire. Hana was rescued by her brother however her mother sadly did not make it out alive. After the fire, Hana and her brother became homeless and she relied fully on her sibling to keep her alive. She has a huge respect for him because he did everything he could for her when times were hard, putting her needs before his own. This means she and her brother are extremely close.

    Appearance: Hana is short for her age due to lack of food while growing, but this doesn't get her down. She has pinking, healthy, skin and pretty brown eyes. Her hair is short, wavy and unevenly cut but this still looks cute. She has brown hair and a pair of brown cat ears that stick out of her head, she often keeps them hidden in public with a hood. Hana has a long brown cat tail with a white tip, which she also keeps hidden under her clothes.


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Racon - Male - Domestic Shorthair

Postby Sadies » Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:56 pm

R a c o n



( Artwork created by Apple22, lines by SkyGold. Owned by myself. )

Eye Colour: Copper
Fur Colour: Grey and black
- Black face.
- Black tail stripe.
- White eybrow spot.
Nose Colour: Black
Pad Colour: Black
Nail Colour: Black
- Cross shaped scar under right eye.
- Small gash in right ear.
- Long scar on front right shoulder.
Noticeable Traits: Pointed ears.
Scent: Tree bark.

Presented Gender: Male (Tom)
Presented Age: Adult
Body Structure: Slender and large
Height: 30 cm (12 in)
Weight: 46 kg
Posture: Normal
Gait: Long

Items Of Importance:
- None

    Name: Racon
    Titles: Ringtail
    Age: 3 Years (36 Moons)
    Date Of Birth: November (Winter, Leaf-Bare)
    Gender: Male (Tom)
    Sexuality: Straight
    Species: Cat ( Domestic Shorthair. )

    Ethnicity: Minnesota, USA.
    Accent: American.

    Health Status: Healthy.
    Allergies: None.
    Medications: None.
    Diet: Normal.

    Special Abilities: None.

- Fishing.
- Showing off.
- Rogue life.
- Queens/She-cats.
- Spiritual belief.
- Being given direction or commands.
- Lonely.
- Bored easily.
- Protecting Queens/She-cats.
- Defending and helping kits.
- Clan life.
Favorite Colour:
Amber, brown and oranges.
Favorite Animal: Magpies.
Favorite Food: Fish.
    - Moving through the trees.
    - Climbing.
    - Fishing.
    - Physical strength.
    - Overconfident.
    - Easily becomes bored.
    - Hunting on ground.
    - Fighting on ground.
    - The road and cars.
    - Fishing.
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Charming towards Queens/she-cats.

Rank: Rogue / Loner.
Dream Rank: Unknown.
Previous Rank: Deputy.
Place Of Residence:
No permanent residence.
    Parents: Irrelevant.
    Siblings: Irrelevant.
    Other Family Relations: Irrelevant.
    Companion Animals: None.
    Allies: Unknown.
    Enemies: Unknown.
    Other Relations: Irrelevant.

Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Horoscope: Sagittarius.
Gemstone: Cintrine.
    Colour Scheme: Blues, greys, light colours.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Unknown.

    Personality: Racon is a cat that appears to seek the company of others, mostly the she-cats, despite his loner lifestyle. He can be a charmer and come across as a cat just wanting to cause trouble, but Racon has a good heart deep down. He will always come to the aid of she-cats and kits, and will aid a fellow tom if he feels it's necessary. He is a cat however that looks out for himself first, he has to in order to survive as a loner.
    He claims to enjoy the free life that being a loner gives him, however it's obvious that he often gets very lonely and bored. He can be a trickster and is good at hiding at places to make a sudden appearance, that being said he only really avoids the presence of other toms and she-cats that are likely to disagree with him being around.
    He survives by his brains rather than his muscles, that being said he is a strong cat, it's just that his combat skills are out of practice. His skills are better suited to being in the trees, however his preferred place is often on the ground. He relaxes himself by fishing and is not afraid to get wet.

    Background: Racon was a loyal cat to his first clan, he rose up the ranks to Deputy cat and he held that rank proudly as he had worked hard to prove himself. At the time he and his clan had strong beliefs in the spirits guiding them through their path. But one day that all changed when a random cat in the clan accused Racon of betraying the clan. The accusation came from no-where with no context, but with the news having come from the spirits; a trial began. Racon's words were a pointless effort because the spirits were never wrong in the eyes of the cats. Racon faced punishment, loosing his rank and being exiled from his clan for betrayal.
    This news was devastating to Racon and shortly after being exiled, Racon was hit by a car, the impact was on his right side, which caused multiple scars but he was fortunate no permanent damage was done, at least not physically. The events made Racon take a new look at life and a hatred towards the spirits grew inside of him. Loosing all his morals and trust, he became the untamed rogue he is today.

    Appearance: Racon is a larger male, tom cat. His breed is unknown due to him being a complete mix. His body is a solid grey colour with a black face and tail tip, with eight distinctive stripe markings on his tail. His tail is what gives him the nickname of Ringtail, as it resembles that of a Raccoon or a Ringtail Lemur. He has multiple scars on the right side of his body, one cross shaped on his cheek, a long gash on his shoulder and a small piece taken out of his ear; these were caused by being hit by a car. His eyes are xxxxxxxx in colour.


( Lines created by 1lach. )
Last edited by Sadies on Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:55 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Kira - Female - Domestic Longhair

Postby Sadies » Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:57 pm

K i r a



( Artwork created by Apple22, lines by SkyGold. Owned by myself. )

Eye Colour: Red
Fur Colour: Black
Markings: Solid black
Nose Colour: Black
Pad Colour: Black
Nail Colour: Black
Blemishes: None
Noticeable Traits:
- Scruffy black fur.
- Red eyes.
Scent: Damp Autumn leaves.

Presented Gender: Female
Presented Age: Adult
Body Structure: Normal, haelthy.
Height: 22 cm (9 In )
Weight: 4.5 Kg
Posture: Normal
Gait: Normal

Items Of Importance:
- None

    Name: Kira
    Titles: Nightshadow
    Age: 3 Years ( 36 moons )
    Date Of Birth: January (Sprint, Newleaf. )
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Straight
    Species: Cat ( Domestic Longhair. )

    Ethnicity: xxx
    Accent: xxx

    Health Status: Healthy.
    Allergies: Flea allergies.
    Medications: None.
    Diet: Normal.

    Special Abilities:
    - None.

- Clan security.
- Good clan leadership.
- Forgiveness.
- Taking things for granted.
- Seeing others suffering.
- Those who own up to their mistakes.
- Protecting the weak.
- Aiding her clan.
- Poor leadership and decision making.
- Her ex clan.
Favorite Colour: Greens and yellows.
Favorite Animal: Badgers.
Favorite Food: Mice.
    - Strong willed.
    - Feisty, won't back down when needed.
    - Hard working.
    - Can be too demanding.
    - Judgement can be clouded by own opinions.
    - Driven by emotions.
    - Quick to conflict with outsiders.
    - Humans.
    - Loosing her kits again.
    - Stargazing.
    Quirks and Habits:
    - Collecting den materials for clan.
    - Always asking if anyone needs anything.

Rank: Warrior.
Dream Rank: Deputy or leader.
Previous Rank: Queen, Loner.
Place Of Residence: Hollowed out tree stump.
    Parents: Irrelevant.
    Siblings: Irrelevant.
    Other Family Relations: Previously had three kits who died.
    Companion Animals: None.
    Allies: Unknown.
    Enemies: Her ex-clan leaders.
    Other Relations: Unknown.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Horoscope: Ox
Gemstone: Garnet
    Colour Scheme: Fiery colours.
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: Unknown.

    Personality: At first meetings, Kira is a defensive cat who will instantly put up a fight to defend herself and those she cares about. She takes a while to trust and this usually means she is very spiteful for rather a long time. When she does finally trust and settle, she will do what she can to help out. She is a vocal cat that always wants to input her opinion, however she is often led by her own emotions of wanting to help everyone, which sometimes can not be practical. She is dedicated to her clan and determined to prove herself to everyone that she is just as good as them and that house cats can be just as strong as wild born cats.

    Background: Kira was a human raised cat, but her start in life was not a great one. Kept as an indoor cat to humans that poorly treated her, Kira was left with mental scars. She was always trying to escape and one day she was successful. Life as a stray was difficult and eventually she was able to prove herself and join with a clan.
    Clan life was extremely tough and more so for this clan which was struggling poorly due to bad leadership. After falling pregnant and birthing kits, Kira was struck with tragedy as all three of her kits died. Their deaths were directly related to the lack of nutrition and care provided by the leaders of the clan. She argued with the leaders, demanding things to be changed, but the leaders laughed at her for being an 'house cat'. Kira was furious and devastated from her loss, their actions made her determined to make a change. She wanted to grow strong and wise enough to become a deputy or a leader in the future; prove to them and herself that she wasn't just some 'house kitty'.
    She left her clan and decided to seek home in a new clan, one where she could make a difference in their lives and they would work as a team. She would settle for a low rank and try her best to work her way to the top.

    Appearance: Kira is a solid black cat with long scruffy fur. She is of average size and build for a queen cat. Her eyes are an abnormal red, caused by previously burst blood vessels due to high stress in her life.

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Syndicate - Male - Human

Postby Sadies » Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:08 am

S y n d i c a t e



Eye Colour: xxx
Hair Cololour: xxx
Hair Length: xxx
Skin Colour: Pale, sickly.
Blemishes: Old scars hidden.
Noticeable Traits:
- Frail
- Sickly appearing
- Tired look
Scent: Aloe

Presented Gender: Male
Presented Age: 21 Years
Body Structure: Weak, frail
Height: xxx
Weight: xxx
Posture: Propper
Gait: Normal

Style: xxx
- Carries a hand gun for protection.
Items Of Importance:
- Extensive first aid kit.

    Name: Rion Sign
    Titles: Syndicate
    Age: 21 Years
    Date Of Birth: xxx
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Species: Human

    Ethnicity: xxx
    Accent: xxx

    Blood Type: xxx
    Health Status: Hemophiliac, Diabetes (Hypoglycemia), Weakened Immune System.
    Allergies: Multiple.
    Medications: Multiple.
    Diet: Strict diet for health reasons.

    Special Abilities:
    - xxx
    Species Information: xxx

- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
Favorite Colour: xxx
Favorite Animal: xxx
Favorite Food: xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    Quirks and Habits:
    - xxx

Profession: Shop assistant.
Dream Profession: Mechanic.
Previous Professions: Criminal activity.
Place Of Residence: Rents an apartment.
Vehicle: Motorbike.
    Parents: Unknown.
    Siblings: Unknown.
    Other Family Relations: Unknown.
    Companion Animals: Shion, a Border Collie mix, is his medical alert dog.
    Allies: Unknown.
    Enemies: Multiple gangs, his old previous gang.
    Other Relations: Irrelevant.

Zodiac Sign: xxx
Horoscope: xxx
Gemstone: xxx
    Colour Scheme: xxx
    Theme Song: xxx
    Extras: xxx

    Personality: xxx

    Background: Rion was orphaned as a baby as his family were going through a tough time at the time of his birth and they were not ready for him. They made the difficult choice to give him up, which resulted in him growing up in the orphanage. He was always up for adoption, but due to having multiple medical issues, Rion was never adopted.
    In his teenage years, Rion got involved with some bad people and found his way into gang life; earning him the name of Syndicate. He got involved in a lot of illegal activities which ended up getting him into a lot of trouble when his girlfriend was shot by another gang member. This made Syndicate rethink his life and he owned up to his himself about the crimes and bad things he had done. He started making changes to his life to live a much more honest man of himself.


( Anime image of Jin Matsuoka from Gakuen Heaven. )

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