♔. [dog pack] the silver guardians. [started+accepting]

For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

♔. [dog pack] the silver guardians. [started+accepting]

Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:23 pm












          xxxxxA long time ago, two wolf gods were born; Udon and Lanos. Udon, the older brother, is the god of Nightfall. He is a slender black wolf with long legs and blood amber eyes. He rules from the moon, he controls the cold months, and curses those who defy the gods. Lanos, the younger brother, is the god of Daylight. He's a bulky white wolf with bright blue eyes like the ocean. He watches from the sun, brings warmth in summer and spring, and provides great hunting to those in need. The two gods give balance to the world, making the negative match the positive. Not many respect these gods or know of them, however, the start of the Silver Guardians are there to honor Udon and Lanos for all they have given up for dogs everywhere. It is said that Lanos gave birth to a son long ago, being a reincarnation of himself, and that a few of his descendants are other reincarnations of Lanos or even Udon, and are able to speak with the gods. Most think this is a myth. However, the leader of the Silver Guardians is one of those very descendants.

          Will you side with the gods? Or will you die cursing their names?
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Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:29 pm


        Roleplay Rules:
      • Follow ALL site rules.
      • Try not have an overwhelming amount of one breed.
      • I don't need a perfectly balanced male to female ration in the pack, but try not to have it be 10 males to 1 female.
      • The reincarnation of Lanos and Udon are the only ones that can talk to the gods, which are also their descendants. There can only be a max of 2 reincarnations of them at once, one being of Lanos and the other being of Udon. They don't have to look exactly like Udon and Lanos. Lanos's reincarnation must be white with blue eyes. Then Udon must be black with amber eyes.
      • No perfect characters and try to steer from cliches or stereotypes (ex. big mean pit bulls)
      • I will not allow wolves into the pack, as they tend to be op. I may allow 1-2 wolfdogs, but they can't be way too over powered.
      • If there are any really small dogs in the pack, realistically their rank would either be advisor, healer, or omega as they wouldn't be able to match up with larger dogs.
      • Reserves last 48 hours.
      • All sexualities are allowed here, of course.
      • Realistic drama is encouraged! Be sure to ask about it in the discussion thread.
      • All forms must go into the discussion thread. Feel free to also give suggestions there as well!

        Pack Rules:
      • The royals' words are final. Do not disobey.
      • Even if you don't believe in the Gods, you must respect them. Disobeying can lead to banishment.
      • Breeding without the permission of any royal will lead to the banishment of the mother, father (if known), and her pups. You can still have a mate without gaining permission from the royals, however, as long as you don't have pups. All litters must be blessed by the gods and royalty!
      • Full moons are considered holy, the night of a full moon is meant to be a celebration.
      • Outsiders that attempt to cause trouble (fighting/stealing prey) with the pack are to be brought to the royals immediately.
      • Though not often, outsiders may be accepted into the pack if deemed worthy.

        !! All font images are sourced from fontmeme.com !!
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[the pack] [relations]

Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:40 pm


        The King and Queen are the Alpha mates of the pack that run the pack, give permission for breeding, and oversee any emergencies. One of them is the reincarnation of Lanos or Udon. They must have litters until they give birth to the other reincarnation. The Heir is the child of the King and Queen that is a reincarnation. They start their training for hunting and fighting at 6 months old, then become the second-in-command at 2 years old, then they take over as the King/Queen when they are 3 years old. [3/3]
          Zack | 55 months | Male | White Shepherd mix | lameloserlexi
          Ziva | 54 months | Female | Siberian husky mix | lokison
          Heir Maximillian | 10 months | Male | Shepherd x Husky mix | Furrydogs12
        The Advisors are the wisest dogs in the pack and their main job is to oversee the training of the heir, keep things running smoothly, and to be the Second in Command until the Heir is ready. The Senior Advisor has been an advisor the longest. [1/2]
          Senior Advisor Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Advisor Sierra | 48 months | Female | Border Collie | ivyy.
        The Healer is the one knowledgeable in herbs and illnesses, trainees are picked out by the Gods when they are born. [1/2]
        Guardians are elite warriors that protect the pack, deemed holy by the Gods. To become a Guardian, you are picked out by the Gods (usually as a trainee), and the must fight another Guardian (usually the senior) to show your skills. These fights discourage any bloodshed or injuries. Win or lose, it will then be decided by the Advisors and Royals if they have what it takes to be a Guardian. Their jobs are to patrol the borders during the day, and one to two of them have to watch over the pack camp during the night. The Senior Guardian has been a Guardian the longest. [5/5]
          Senior Guardian Aztec | 84 months | Male | Czech Wolfdog | lokison
          Guardian Aonani | 48 months | Female | Malamute Mix | Rae'tia
          Guardian Kjotve | 48 months | Male | Caucasian Shepherd x Kangal Mix | .:Friday_The_13th:.
          Guardian Viviana | 36 months | Female | Siberian Husky mix | Furrydogs12
          Guardian Kane | 24 months | Male | Great Pyrenees | ivyy.
        The majority of the pack are Hunters. Their main job is to bring back prey for the pack. If needed, one or two may join the Guardians on border patrols, which is a high honor. [9/unlimited]
          Hunter Fogarty | 78 months | Male | Australian Cattle Dog Mix | Rae'tia
          Hunter Bear | 60 months | Male | Great Dane | ivyy.
          Hunter Seamus | 48 months | Male | Irish Wolfhound | .:Friday_The_13:.
          Hunter Solo | 46 months | Male | Border Collie | din djarin.
          Hunter Thorn | 34 months | Female | German Shepherd mix | ivyy.
          Hunter Marek | 14 months | Male | Czech Wolfdog | Rae'tia
          Hunter T-Rex | 30 months | Male | German Shepherd | Queen of flames
          Hunter Phoenix | 24 months | Female | Siberian Husky | Queen of flames
          Hunter Juno | 30 months | Female | Dutch Shepherd | Shadow17
          Hunter Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Hunter Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Hunter Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Hunter Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
        Trainees are the youth of the pack learning hunting, about the Gods, and their duties to their pack and kin. Usually, they stay as a trainee until they are a year old. However, they only become a hunter once they are deemed right by their mentor, royals, and the advisors. [5/7]
          Trainee Xi'an | 10 months | Female | American Alsatian | din djarin. | Mentor: Fogarty
          Trainee Chloe | 6 months | Female | Australian Shepherd | ivyy.| Mentor: Seamus
          Trainee Maymay | 10 months | Female | Samoyed | Queen of flames | Mentor: Juno
          Trainee Dancer | 10 months | Male | Labrador Retriever | lokison | Mentor: T-Rex
          Trainee Zikala | 10 months | Female | Shepherd x Husky mix | Furrydogs12 | Mentor: Solo
          Trainee Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form | Mentor:
          Trainee Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form | Mentor:
        Pup-mothers have been given permission to breed and have Pups. They are either nursing or pregnant. Once their pups are 3 months old, they must return to their regular duties. Their pups will remain in the nursery until they are then 6 months, becoming a Trainee. [1/2]
          Pup-mother Alaire | 72 months | Female | Pomsky | Furrydogs12
            Pup Atlas | 5 months | Male | Pomsky | ivyy.
            Pup Adeline | 5 months | Female | Pomsky | Rae'tia
            Pup Rune | 5 months | Male | Pomksy | lokison
          Pup-mother Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
            Pup Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
            Pup Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
            Pup Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
            Pup Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
        Elders have given their lives to protecting the pack and are now retired as they are now unable to serve. They are respected and taken care of by the whole pack. [0/3]
          Elder Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Elder Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
          Elder Name | Age | Gender | Breed | Form
        Omegas are the dogs who are unskilled in hunting, advising, or are never chosen to be a healer. If there is room for them to stay instead of being banished, they will become an Omega. Their role in the pack is to watch over the pups once their mothers return to their duties. Other duties include gathering clean nests, assisting elders, and helping healers fetch herbs. [2/2]



        PM me if I'm missing any kin relations!
Last edited by lameloserlexi on Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:30 am, edited 11 times in total.
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[territory] [breeds] [prey]

Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:56 pm


        The Silver Guardians live in a huge valley, to the North and east being tall mountains, to the south being a very wide river, to the west being prairies. The pack resides in a large forest filled with many interesting areas. Near the middle of the valley, there's a waterfall going into a nice, rocky pond called Holy Rocks. By the pond, there's an abandoned cabin that the pack uses as their home. Inside the cabin, it's mainly one big room, aside from the loft that takes up about a quarter of the cabin and a room in the back. The loft is only for the King/Queen and their family, which is accessible with a narrow stairway. All other dogs find their own areas to sleep below. The room in the back of the cabin is for the healers and any sick dogs, they have plenty of room for storing herbs and extra nests. As for the rest of the territory, there's plenty of clearings within the forest and running through it from the pond there's a creek with plenty of small fish. Near the cabin, there's an old foot bridge going across the creek for easy traveling. Throughout the forest, there are old human trails. However, there is no longer any human contact with this forest. A bit to the north there is a large, narrow cave called Hollow Lookout near the base of the mountains. It must be checked and marked often for any new predators moving in, such as mountain lions or bears.
        The common breeds run under mountain dogs, herding breeds, sheepdogs, or shepherds. There are a few hunting dogs as well. Most have thicker coats or are larger dogs (20 inches in height or more). Breeds similar to these are also common. Small dogs are not often seen in the pack unless they are omega, healer, or advisor. These are the common breeds. Dogs outside of this list/not similar to these are still allowed and found in the pack and the area, but these are the majority due to being a better fit for the area.

        English Mastiff
        Anatolian Shepherd
        Great Pyrenees
        Pyrenean Mastiff
        Great Dane
        Bernese Mountain Dog
        Saint Bernard
        Berger Blanc Suisse
        Central Asian Shepherd
        Croatian sheepdog
        Estrela Mountain Dog
        Slovak Cuvac
        Carpathian Shepherd
        Golden Retriever
        Tibetan Mastiff
        Belgian Shepherd
        Icelandic Sheepdog
        Australian Shepherd
        Lapponian Herder
        Curly Coated Retriever
        Border Collie
        English Shepherd
        Maremma Sheepdog
        German Shepherd
        American Foxhound
        Large Münsterländer
        Karelian Bear Dog
        Gordon Setter
        Chesapeake Bay Retriever
        Scottish Deerhound
        English Setter
        Brittany dog
        Old English Sheepdog
        Current Season: Fall
      • Elk show up in the winter, coming down the from mountains. Here and there, you may find a few in the late fall. A hunting team of at least five are expected for taking down some of the smaller elk to take to the pack.
      • Fat turkeys can be seen in the spring and late summer.
      • Here and there, you can find wild boar all year long. However, there is a high risk from the dangerous prey, so at least three dogs are recommended for a safer hunt.
      • A few common smaller prey that are seen throughout the year are racoons, trout in the river, wild chickens, hares, and squirrels.
      • Fishing is mainly encouraged only in the creek or in the river if the water is running slower.
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Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:57 pm

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Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:57 pm

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[discussion thread]

Postby lameloserlexi » Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:05 pm

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♔.1 [king zack] ☆.1 [omega doe]

Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:22 am

Season: Early Fall
Weather: Sunny skies and a cool breeze
Time of Day: Early morning


    King Zack | 55 months | White shepherd male with blue eyes
    Tags: Open

      Zack sat up and stretched. He hardly slept at all last night, having a recurring nightmare about Lanos's spirit leaving him and the pack. He always feared that the gifts that he has been given would be taken away, just like his mother. He shook his pelt, trying to free himself from the thoughts and move on. He glanced at his mate and pup's nests around the loft. Zack chose not to bother them, and instead hopped down from the loft to find any waking dogs for a hunting patrol.

    Omega Doe | 32 months | Brown and white border collie with brown eyes
    Tags: Open

      Doe had woken up very early that morning around sunset to search for any moss for bedding, she always had trouble sitting still anyways. She trotted along the side of the creek with a big ball of moss in her mouth and another ball tucked under her chin. She was very happy with her find, hoping to stuff Alaire's nest with it for her pups. Despite it just being morning, she could feel her lungs getting a bit tighter as she started to near the cabin a bit. However, she ignored the small pains as best she could. If she couldn't hunt for the pack, least she could do is support everyone in the background.
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Maximilian(1) Alaire(1)

Postby Furrydogs12 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:44 am

Male/Heir/ten months/ tags:open

A black shepherd-husky blank amber eyes, looking up as the light shone in his eyes. Maximilian stretched, his pitch black body shone in the light. He got up onto his paws and walked out of his nest. He nodded in greeting at his father before walking past him, and off the loft. He trotted around camp, scanning his pack mates with his head high.

Female/ Den-mother/ 6 years/ tags:open

Alaire opened chocolate eyes, blinking as the sun shone. She lay there, feeling her pups next to her. Their little chests moving as they breathed. She smiled and looked down at the little fluffballs who were her joy and her whole world. She nuzzled each of the little bundles of fur and then looked up, not wanting to wake the little pups.
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Re: ♔. [dog pack] the silver guardians. [started+accepting]

Postby 15minutes » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:49 am

S o l o

Border Collie - Male - 46 Moons - Tags: Open

Solo opened his maw in a yawn. Getting up off the cabin floor, he stretched and strode outside.
Cautiously, he surveyed the area surrounding the pack's home. When he was sure it was safe,
he padded over to a patch of dry oak leaves and sat down, awaiting orders from their king.
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