The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:23 am

A seemingly abandoned fairground sits on the outskirts of a small town, hidden off in a forest that has overgrown and reclaimed the land. No human dares go near, for fear of getting lost, or falling victim to one of many dark rumours about the place. Not to mention phone signals go fizzy and technology is said to stop working - as evidenced with the one or two brave souls that tried filming themselves attempting to enter the fairground.
But this seemingly abandoned fairground is not quite not deserted. Rather, it is actually teeming with life - just not quite with humans.

Instead, it has been taken over by supernatural beings, running stalls, performing shows, selling food and much more. The amount of magic and supernatural energy frazzles phone signals and technology, and humans that do manage to stumble into the fairground do not remember their encounter.

But things are about to be shaken up. A group of humans become determined to explore the supposedly abandoned fairground, disregarding the rumours. They want to see it for themselves, find out what it is all about and hope to see a piece of the past, no matter how little of it has been preserved. They're about to be in for a bit of a shock.
As for the supernaturals, it is difficult for them to just let the humans go with no memory of the fairgrounds... but they also don't want to risk other humans arriving here. But there's no harm in letting them stay a while to experience everything, right?
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Character Roles

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:39 am

You may have up to 4 characters at a time. There's no limit to how many of those 4 are supernatural or humans. Post all character forms in the discussion thread.

There's no need to reserve, unless there's a particular stall or act that you want your supernatural character to run. These could be a show like fire breathing/eating, or an underwater show in an auditorium, or a stall, whether it's some sort of food or fairground game. Other ideas and suggestions are welcome, but if you're not sure, just PM me!

Humans are all part of a group that's looking to explore the 'deserted' fairground, and should all at least somewhat know one another. They don't have particular roles, but could be there for their own personal reason - whether that's being dragged along, wanting to document it, prove the rumours aren't true, just out of curiosity, or any other various reason.

- Olivier Sparks | Half-Elf | Juice Bar | Consulting_Angel
- Robin Dakota | Siren | Violin Performance | Consulting_Angel
- Amiko Kurona | Werewolf | Dog Tricks | SpiritStar
- Alex Darkman | Demon | Singer/Performer | TheRegularTerrarian
- Caelan Blake | Centaur | Rodeo | Demon God Caelan
- Taurus | Shapeshifter | Security | Thundersfriends
- Thunder | Shapeshifter | Flower Shop | Thundersfriends
- Greyson Soot | Vampire | Cafe | QueerChaos
- Anni Oakley | Siren | Aquatic Show | Spiritstar3
- Lance Hoffman | Werebear | Merch Store | LittleAron
- Freya Hart | Talfirian | Fortune Teller | Persephone66.jpg
- Malum | Demon | Tightrope Walker | themushroomgoesyeet
- Cayden | Shapeshifter | Carny | General Chaos
- Zuri | Snow Leopard/Half Breed | Concessions | General Chaos
- M'Aoti | Anthro-Cat | Contortionist | LittleAron
- Name | Species | Stall/Act | User
- Name | Species | Stall/Act | User

- Ezra Callahan | Consulting_Angel
- Anwin Briar | SpiritStar3
- Caspar Jones | javitaxy
- Gerald Kroll | TheRegularTerrarian
- Ember | ThundersFriends
- Liem White | Spiritstar3
- Varroa | Soup5
- Donatello Rolland | DarksideQueen18
- Name | User
- Name | User
- Name | User
- Name | User

The Original Founders
Only four of them - these are the Supernaturals that created the Fairground and the powerful magic to protect it and keep it running. (Must PM for more info and to reserve)
-Valiant Astor | Dragon | Ferris Wheel | Consulting_Angel
- Reserved | Species | Stall/Act | javitaxy
- Signe Dolph | Vampire | Blacksmith | HauntedMansion
- Reserved | Species | Stall/Act | Keesa


Notable Stall/Location Descriptions

General Layout - Starting at the gate, in front of you is a vast, bustling Fairground. It can seem almost overwhelming, but rest assured things aren't quite as complicated as it might seem. There is, however, quite a bit of walking you'll have to do in order to see everything.

To the left of the gate is a Security building - the Fairground 'jail' for unruly visitors, and the security guards, reside here. There's also several offices on the upper floors for the more management-based Fairground residents. To the right, is the large collection of food-and-drink based stalls, which extends almost down to the edge of the Fairground.

Directly in front, is the 'pathway' towards the main performance tent, which is directly in the centre of the Fairground lining the pathway - and extending off in all other directions - are various street performers and non-food-or-drink-related stalls/establishments.
In the rest of the space to the left of the performance tent, you'll find the Auditorium, and to the right, a surprisingly large statue garden with lots of benches and space to sit down and relax.
The back of the Fairground has, from left to right, the game stall alley, the Ferris Wheel, and the rollercoaster sector. The hidden away, sealed-off Vision Cave is said to be situated somewhere in the space between the game stall alley and the Ferris Wheel.

Off to one side, out of the way and closed off to visitors, is a series of buildings and apartments - this is where the workers and performers of the Fairground stay. When a new tenant moves in, they will find that their living space has transformed to fit their requirements. For example, the Sirens have a room with a pool. Some - depending on resident requirements - are even bigger on the inside than the outside.
Empty apartments are locked, with seemingly no key - until there's a new resident to go into them, of course. Should someone manage to break into one, however, they'll find just a very generic apartment layout.

The Auditorium - a small, vintage-themed theatre, that can seat just 150 audience members and a proscenium arch-style stage with an orchestra pit underneath. Other areas inside are the lobby, where tickets for performances can be bought, along with three large dressing rooms, and a large backstage area. Lighting and sound here don't require an operator - it seems to work just as it needs to during rehearsals and the performances.

Performance Tent - A large tent in the centre of the Fairground, where many performances that wouldn't suit the Auditorium go. It is definitely bigger on the inside. It can seat many more audience members - up to 500 - and is fitted with the technologies to change the performance arena as needed. Where and how these various 'terrains' are stored seems to be underground... or, y'know, magic.

The Ferris Wheel - situated towards the back of the Fairground, but able to be seen almost anywhere around the Fairground - and not just because it's so brightly lit! This Ferris Wheel seems to be constantly moving. Each 'car' can fit up to four riders (subject to the size of said riders), and a full rotation takes about ten minutes. The main frame of the wheel is white, and lined with multicoloured lights that look particularly stunning at night, and each 'car' an open basket-style, with tall, clear sides to prevent riders from falling out.

The Rollercoasters - there's a total of three rollercoasters in the Fairground, all in the same sort of area that is a short walk from the Ferris Wheel. The first is a typical 'Runaway Mine Train' type ride. The second is a Wild Mouse design coaster, with lots of quick twists and hairpin turns that make it unpredictable. The third is the biggest, with a few inversions and a notable corkscrew section of track that has made it highly popular.

Vision Cave - a hidden-away cave in the depths of the Fairground, where it's said that one of the original founders used to perform his vision spells, and causing bad luck to fall upon anyone who asks for a vision from the founder. The floor is sandy, and is lit inside with a low, green light. It is currently blocked off, and almost impossible to access the inside.

Statue Garden - a surprisingly large, spacious area for visitors to unwind and relax. With an extravagant water fountain in the centre, winding paths that take you all around the different statues (including statues of each of the Original Founders that are assumed long-gone), as well as open lawns and benches to sit down.

Juice Bar - a cosy, open-air bar with a large counter that can seat several people (though the seats are mostly only taken by those that work at the Fairground, to give them a break. There's space for a line, for customers that are visitors or who just want a drink to take with them. Behind the counter is a large sink with a detachable hose-like faucet, and, of course, shelves filled with various juices, along with equipment, various types of drinking cups/glasses, etc.
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Character Form and Rules

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:39 am

Here's the character form, if you'd like one to use. Otherwise, you may use your own, provided it has all the required information.

Code: Select all
[left][img]Image/FC[/img][/left][size=85][b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Nickname[/b] (if any):
[b]Stall/Act:[/b] (if supernatural)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (written description, optional)

[b]Personality:[/b] (at least 5-6 sentences)

[b]Short Bio:[/b]


- As per usual, all of Tess' rules apply (it should go without saying, but there's always someone...)
- Roleplay post lengths must be 5-6 sentences, at the least, for each character. No one- or two-liners.
- Please use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, so that other roleplayers can understand your posts.
- No romantic relations between your own characters.
- No overpowered characters. This includes any sort of mind reading or powers that involve controlling another character.
- All characters must be 20 or older.
- Please disable signatures in the roleplay thread.
- If you have a question, then let me know!
- Keep OOC chat and character forms to the discussion thread.
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Updates & Events

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:08 pm

Any updates and events regarding the roleplay will go here!
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Re: The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:24 pm

Olivier Sparks
Location: Juice Bar
Tagged: Open
Olivier opened up the juice bar for the day, the Fairground activity hardly changing throughout the day. Even though the night, there was a flurry of activity. He always kept his hours reasonable - opening midday and closing early in the evening, to give himself time to rest - and still remained quite popular.
He hummed to himself as he created and poured drinks, the line of customers having already started forming before he'd even opened. He didn't mind - Olivier always had a bright, warm smile for every customer and chatted briefly with each one.
A regular that he got to know well soon approached in a rare moment of quiet, sitting up at the juice bar. Olivier got right to work on a drink, mixing together a couple of juices, plus some ice, and pouring it into a glass. "Here's your usual! Preparing before your performance?" he asked, warmly.

Robin Dakota
Location: Fairground Auditorium
Tagged: Open
Robin wasn't due to perform until later on in the day - they often scheduled themself to perform in the evenings - but they were already preparing themself. The auditorium was perhaps unusual for any Fairground to have - but this was no ordinary Fairground, after all. Such performances like Robin's weren't so common... but they still got a good audience.
They were working on a new show, a new series of songs to play, so that their shows weren't stale and the same thing over and over again - it's what brought audiences back and drew in new audience members - but one of their planned songs had a section that they just couldn't quite get the hang of. It frustrated them a little - they were used to getting the hang of playing pieces fairly easily - but at the same time, the challenge was exciting to face.

Right now, Robin was rehearsing a piece of music that they knew well, the sound of the violin resonating through the small auditorium. They smiled, relaxing into the music, yet still very focused on what they were doing.

Ezra Callahan
Location: Outside Fairground Gates
Tagged: Other humans
Well. Here they all were - outside the gates of the abandoned Fairground. The gates seemed unusually well-kept, considering the amount of time that had passed since it had been abandoned, and an odd energy seemed to emanate from the area. Ezra folded his arms and huffed. "Well this was a waste of time, wasn't it?" he grumbled. Still, at least he'd proved his point - there was nothing to those ridiculous rumours. None of them had been grabbed or spirited away. None of them had been attacked by wild animals or 'spirits'. There was the faint sound of activity happening nearby, but Ezra was quite convinced it was a trick of the mind, being so close to the Fairground. Besides, looking at the gates as they were, there didn't seem to be anything there. It'd taken perhaps an hour and a half - maybe closer to two - to make it to and through the forest to reach this place. Fortunately, a clear path had been cleared, what with the group of humans walking through it together, so it wasn't even as if they'd been lost.
"Now we can go back to town." Ezra added, rather hoping everyone else would agree with him, and they wouldn't have to stand here for a moment longer.
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Re: The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:11 pm

Amiko Kurona- Ami, Iko- genderfluid- 22- Pan; crush on Robin and Ezra- werewolf- horse carting- Oki x Mira: Nira (Nora), Rian (Rien), Brynn; Coro, Dira- Tags: Robin technically

The beautiful than skinned one, with almond shaped blue gray eyes, hummed. They had pretty fingers and lips. The shorter and slender one had just finished up, and returned the horses. S/he had been practicing with the horses and cart. They did their act closer to evening, if not in the actual evening. They shook out straight black hair that reached just past the shoulders. They hummed again, then stopped. They hurried inside to change clothes.

They had been wearing their tan pants, brown boots with dark blue, white shirt and black vest. They'd change back into those before their performance. For now, they wanted to change. They put on gray pants and a blue shirt. They knew they'd turn into their white toed black wolf on the full moon...They could do so outside the full moon too, though. The sweet purebred hummed again. The friendly and loyal but shy and nervous one walked.

S/he soon heard music, and wandered over to peer inside. They saw Robin was practicing for their performance later that evening. The anxious but playful one stood by. S/he didn't say anything, just stood there and listened.

Anwin Briar- An- agender- 24- Pan; open- human- Louis x Penny ('witch')- 3 family cats (Cheshire, Sylvana, Morry)- chocolate lab Henry for their partial blindness- Tags: human group

The shorter and slender tanned one, with lighter vitiligo, hummed. Green and brown sectoral eyes looked about. True, it seemed nothing was here, but they heard sounds...The one wearing a green shirt and brown pants looked to Ezra. They said "What if the sounds are coming from in there?" The dark brown straight haired one tilted their head.

The kind and fair, just and brave one then straightened back up. They had some spirituality like their mother. Even if they hadn't, they'd still want to investigate. The fire and thunder disliking one shook their head. The sometimes loud and hot headed one sighed. They weren't sure Ezra would believe that, and thought he'd still make them all go back. They'd grab him and drag him in if needed...For now, they waited to see what the others said.
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Cass [1]

Postby javitaxy » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:46 pm

Caspar Jones - 35 - Male - Human - Location: Fairground gates (Outside) - Tags: Human group

Caspar heard what the other two said and turned away, sighing. He responded simply by saying "look; if you want to, you can go back from where you came from, kid." -He emphasized that last word, almost as if he was daring Ezra, then continued- "but I'm not leaving until I finish investigating this place."

In truth, he didn't think he'd find anything around. He was running out of places to look for his brother, and he didn't really have enough time to return here later on. And deep down, he was glad that he wasn't alone right now. The place WAS a bit scary afterall, and the more people, the more eyes that could aid him.
Of course, he could always hire someone to look around the place for him, but this was a personal issue that he felt he had to resolve on his own. Plus, it was a good excuse to take a break from work.

Either way, he walked closer to the gates... silently hoping the others would follow.
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Re: The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby Fortune's Fool » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:43 pm

Makoto Hotaru :: appears mid-20s :: Male :: Psychopomp :: ~Olivier
The haunted house was only open at night. It aided with the atmosphere and gave Hotaru time to himself. Figuratively, speaking. He was never actually alone, and the small cluster of pale pink butterflies fluttering their wings on his shoulder as he sat at the juice bar was a testament to that. He didn't really even acknowledge they were there even as one started climbing it's way into his hair -- silver eyes instead watching the owner make his drink. "Something like that," he agreed, taking a sip from his drink after he had. There was a new spirit replacing an actor that had moved on tonight, so everything was a bit hectic getting them prepared.

Leon Ammon :: 22 :: Male :: Human :: ~Other Humans
Hands in his pockets, he eyed the gates curiously. He could hear faint noises, which was probably a bit strange, but there was nothing so far that implied anything other than... well... that this was a deserted fairground. He was a little disappointed, but unlike that other guy he wasn't quite ready to give up on the idea that tonight could be interesting. Someone agreed with him at last, and when the oldest among them spoke up and started moving Leon almost bounced forward after him -- a rather ridiculous sudden movement for someone as tall as him. "Why would I leave if we just got here?" He noted, turning to walk backward as he motioned to the others, "seriously, we gotta at least check it out, y'know?"
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Re: The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby TheRegularTerrarian » Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:19 am

Alex Darkman | 34 | Male | Demon | Fairground Auditorium | Tags: Robin Dakota
Although he only ever performed during the evening in his stall, he used the morning hours to rehearse for his shows. Whether someone else was there or not didn't matter, he loved performing in front of others. Did he need to change things up a bit? Maybe. But he focuses more on drawing humans into watching his shows endlessly, casting a spell on them that would only break if he messed up or ended the show on purpose. He rarely messed up anyway, but a little rehearsing never hurt anyone... "Well Robin, I'm done with my rehearsing for now. Mind if I stay for a bit to watch you rehearse? I know you've been getting frustrated with that one bit, but I'd love to watch a fellow fairground performer improve!"

Gerald Kroll |23 | Male | Human | Fairground Gates (Outside) | Tags: Human Group
He stood outside with the group, listening in on Ezra's 'conversation'. "Look, Ezra, even if this whole 'haunting' business is real or not, we might as well go further in. I'm not believing for a second that just looking through these gates will confirm anything. If we don't find anything in there, then I guess you'll be right. I assume everyone else is fine to go in?"
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Re: The Not-So-Deserted Fairground (Open & Accepting!)

Postby AssassinPerson » Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:05 pm

Hikari Yamazaki | 34 | Male | Werewolf | Animal Care | Tags: Open
It was another usual day of work for the werewolf, as was to be expected. He counted the animals in his care, he had made sure they were fed, and after watching the horses go to the weird girl who owned them he was just milling about with the animals who remained. A few tigers, yes, he enjoyed taking care of them. It had been a while, the girl with horses hadn’t returned, but… Nah, Hikari wasn’t about to go out looking for them. He had way too many things to do, and she was probably still practicing. Plus, who would watch the other animals if he wasn’t there? He certainly didn’t trust anybody else to look after ‘em. So, he just sat there, rocking gently in his chair, humming quietly as he stared up at the sky.

Jones | 23 | Male | Fairy | Candyfloss Stall | Tags: Olivier, Hotaru
The little fairy was flying about the fairground, he had a while before opening his candyfloss stall so he had decided to get himself a drink. Jones flies over to the juice bar, landing very neatly on the counter and then bowing. He smiles, waving to Hotaru before turning to face Olivier. “Good afternoon! I’m here for a little drink!” On the counter he had placed a cup, only slightly bigger than himself, made of plastic because he was unable to properly lift a glass and had broken one the last time he tried. It was much easier for him to bring his own to use. He smiles brightly, a couple of glowing fireflies buzzing around him, a warm aura emanating from them.

Dale Shepard | 36 | Male | Human | Tags: Ezra, Anwin, Caspar, Leon, Gerald
The detective stayed back, a short distance away from the group of humans, watching them quietly. They had all stopped outside because one of them, a boy, appeared to not want to go in. Was he… Afraid? A coward? As the only one who didn’t appear to want to be there, Dale was wondering if it had even been a good idea to bring Ezra along. He let his gaze pass the other people in the group, the rest all seemed ready to go in. After a few moments, he would finally step forwards and speak up. “Well, Ezra, you seem to be the only one here who doesn’t want to go in. I’m quite fine with leaving you out here, the others seem to be as well, it wouldn’t really affect any of us,” and then, with a shrug, he sips some coffee from the disposable cup he was holding. He just wanted to go in, find out what he wanted to know, and then hopefully leave. Preferably with the rest of the group, leaving them to potentially die wasn’t really a good idea.
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