CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

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everyone's favourite dead man

Postby sammy, » Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:08 am

────────────── ── ── ── ── ──
𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖤xxxxx'xclive errol valentine
𝖦𝖤𝖭𝖣𝖤𝖱xxxxx'xxx'xxxxxcis male

boisterous, bold and up for anything,
clive's' lust for life comes as a surpris
e to many, xgiven how long he spent
devoid of it.. his translucent stint did
little to 'quell 'the warmth that he tee
ms with,' his traits so cardinal that th
ey refused to be overwritten by the d
ull monotony of death. despite being
bound to one spot for so long, he's c
apable of appreciating beauty whatev
er its form,l'l and has never felt bitter
over the circumstances''' surrounding
his undoubtedly untimely death. he u
nderstands, to his core, 'that things a
re the way they are,' and he can do lit
tle to change them, 'so he might as w

𝖦𝖮𝖣𝖫𝖸 𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖤𝖭𝖳 xxxxxxxxxhermes
𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖨𝖮𝖭𝖠𝖫𝖨𝖳𝖸 xxxx'xxxxxxenglish


𝖧𝖠𝖨𝖱 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbrown
𝖧𝖤𝖨𝖦𝖧𝖳 xxxxxxxxxxxsix foot one
ell try to enjoy himself wherever possi
ble. clive's an egotist, 'but not in the s
elf-inflatory manner; rather, he insists
on versions of the people he meets 'th
at are more interesting, ''eccentric and
profound than they perhaps are in 'rea
lity. he sees the potential in people wh
ere his own was lost,'' and refuses to b
end to the belief that anyone is too sm
all to make their own difference. dense
at times and certainly a product of'' his
era,' it can sometimes be difficult to ge
t through to him, especially on the day
s he is gripped by the spirit of hysteria
or the clouds of insidious melancholy -
having previously been treated .with lit
hium to subdue his 'risky' manic urges.

"𝐁𝐎𝐘, 'x𝐈x'' 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀'x' 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍''x 𝐘𝐎𝐔,"

clive was born in lancashire to joyce and gerald valentine in 1957, and suffered
through a terribly boring childhood. this may be why, when he turned eighteen
and moved to london on a whim, he went so mad seeking the rush of city life. i
dentity had been something to stifle in his little corner of england, but in the ci
ty, it was celebrated. he frequented parties and discos and raves, joined the pr
otests whenever they came, whatever their plight, and found himself thoroughl
y and unapologetically loving his life.xxxxxxxxx'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
he hadn't heeded the rumours, didn't grant them any weight. he was untouchab
le, and it was nothing to worry about. propaganda, they'd said,'' and he'd believ
ed them until 1982, when he finally checked out a cough that had been botheri
ng him for a few months, and was diagnosed with pcp. in those days, it was cal
led grid, and it was a death sentence, and it was impossible. 'he couldn't die; h
e simply refused ─ sought out homeopathic cures and remedies, ''visited witch
doctors and charlatans ─ and the final trip he made, weak and weary, was to n
ew york. an experimental cure, they'd said. the best doctor in the country, they
'd said. it hadn't worked. it was a lie, a money grab.' clive was kicked out of the
clinic and blamed for his body's unresponsiveness to the cures. xxxxxxxxxxx
when he met the satyr, he had nothing. wasting away, a second away from dea
th, but the goat-man seemed certain that he had something that could help. w
ith little else to hinge his hopes on, clive joined him on a journey to camp half-
blood. they stopped for rest at the hampton inn, halfway there, and in the nigh
t, clive finally succumbed to the myriad of afflictions. he died filled with hope.x
his ghost remained at the inn after that for forty years, anchored by the wish to
witness what was now named 'aids' cured. the underworld could wait.xxxxxxxx
────────────────── ── ── ── ── ──
𝖯𝖮𝖶𝖤𝖱𝖲 xxxx'xxxxxxxxxxxxx silver tongue
xxxxxxxxxxx'xxx'x''xxxnavigation intuition
𝖫𝖨𝖪𝖤𝖲 xxxxxxxxxx'xxxxxlaw and order: svu
xxxxxxxxx'xxx''xxx'x''xxxsunsets, sunrises
xxxxxx''xxx'xxx''xxx'x''xxxmadonna, bowie
xxxxxx''xxx'xxx'xxx'xxx'x'''xxxduran duran
𝖥𝖤𝖠𝖱𝖲xxxx'xxxxxxxx'xxxxxxxxxxx heights
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖬𝖤xxxxxxxx'xxxxxare 'friends' electric?
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:12 am

CLIVE!! Clive is alive (sort of)! accepted c:

@Deoledath - Juliet is certainly adept at causing havoc, that's for sure lol
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby No one » Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:52 am

General Information
Full name: Ava Fisher
Nicknames: N/A
Gender/Pronouns: she,her, they, them
Age: 17 years old
Birthday: July 13th
Sexuality: Pansexual

Camp Information
A silver sword she likes to call Redact
A spear
Smoke grenades (for disguise)
A dagger she made herself when she was 12 after losing her step mother and siblings in a car crash (First thing she made at camp half-blood)
Godly Parent: Athena
Claimed?: Yes
Cabin: 6
Skills of fighting- she is very crafty when it comes to fighting hand to hand combat
Craftsmanship- she is very good with crafting things such as weapons and many more things
Persuasion- contrary to her personality, she can persuade people quite easily
Number of Beads on Necklace: 6 beads

Physical Description
Ava is a lean 5’3” girl with quite a muscular build. She has blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She has a ton of scars going down her left shoulder and left leg. She was attacked and in a car crash before and that is where those scars came from. She has a tattoo of an owl head on her right shoulder to honor her godly parents' wisdom. She generally wears t-shirts and sweatshirts. Something comfy and generally wears athletic pants, sweats, or athletic shorts.

Personality & Background
Personality: Like her godly parent, Ava is wise and very manipulative. She can find herself to be quite the talker. She can make friends easily and finds crafting things easy and natural to her. Ava is someone who can be cunning, sly, and definitely not a pacifist. She trains herself harder to get better than everyone else and succeed. She is someone who won’t admit defeat and will not admit to someone being right. Naturally, she has a competitive nature and hopes to be the best at everything. She isn’t over confident despite her wanting to be the best. Ava generally will be blunt and to the point about things and will not hesitate to lash out if someone teases her. With her friends, she can get a flirtatious attitude and likes to tease them light heartingly. She will not get angered all that easily despite her fighting spirit.

Backstory: When she was a younger kid, she lost her father to a divorce from her step mom. She was taken by her mother and never saw her father again. Unfortunately for her, she had no idea her father passed from cancer a few months later. At 12 years of age, she was hit in a car accident with her mother, her mortal siblings: Grace, Avery, and Saul by another car and her entire family was killed minus her. From there she was taken to Camp Half Blood, but not before being attacked by a monster. She now has stayed at Camp Half Blood full time since she has no family left.

-The color Black and gray
-Battle Training
-Collecting coins
-Anything that has to do with being a Vegetarian (she’s vegetarian)
-Centaurs (Something about them makes her want to stay with them)

-Cars (Because of the memories)
-Anything that his red meat, chicken stuff like that
-Having to be a pacifist
-Talking to other people about her memories and feelings

Her fatal flaw is her unwillingness to talk to others about her feelings and memories. She hates having to talk about those things and wouldn’t talk to someone about them ever.

Personal Relationships
Open to discussion

Rex (negative)- She can’t stand him. With his overconfidence and his overwhelming personality, she would rather fight him than befriend him. She finds him very easy to persuade despite his personality and she honestly picks on him more than anyone else. She will not help him at all if he needs it and will just stare and laugh if he is struggling.

Anything Else
Nope nothing else :)
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:11 am

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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby No one » Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:23 am

Last one for a while I promise! I wanted to do one who wasn’t claimed to see how that went so hope that was ok!!

General Information
Full name: Presley Weston
Nicknames: Press
Gender/Pronouns: Born cismale they/them/he/him
Age: 14 years old
Birthday: October 12th
Sexuality: Pansexual

Camp Information
Currently has no weapons other than a small bow and arrow that his foster Dad, Gerald had given him
Godly Parent: Apollo
Claimed?: Not yet claimed
Cabin: 11 (for now)
To be brought out when he is claimed by his godly parent
Number of Beads on Necklace: 0 beads

Physical Description
A short and small 5’3” teenager that has a semi muscular form and a lean form. He has short curly brown hair and has very striking green gold flecked eyes. He has no current scars as he just arrived, but he hopes to get some sort of tattoo, just a small one on his arm when he is claimed.

Personality & Background
Personality: Press is a shy, anxious and non sociable person. He doesn’t like talking to others besides Rex and Ava for now. He hopes to be a big shot in camp, but with his lack of control over his high anxiety and his overall shyness, that will most likely never happen. He is quite new to camp and so things like that scare him to death! Press will not harm others and is a pacifist, but will fight to protect the camp. He isn’t all that strong and is very self conscious about the way he looks. He wants to be big and strong, but he is a short boy who is not all that muscular. He doesn’t know when is the right time to use sarcasm and has a hard time making friends and speaking up for himself. He can be a bit gullible and Ava can always talk him into doing things that he normally wouldn’t do back home. He can’t be sued as a scapegoat though because he is a snitch 100%. IF he sees something he will report it to the proper authorities of the camp. He generally wouldn’t care unless you're like him and worry everyone is talking behind your back. He hates having to have so many people in the Hermes cabin and hopes to move into the cabin he is supposed to be in soon so he has more room and his dog does too! Press cares a ton about animals and generally will do anything to help them.

Backstory: Born to a mother who was quite kind, Press was grown up loved and appreciated by his mother, Nora, and his older sister, Kassidy. Then when he was two and his younger sister, Gia, was born, things started to go down hill for him. He was forgotten since he was the middle child and was neglected by his mother and siblings. Eventually he had to be taken away from his mother at the age of two years and three months and moved into the foster care system. He first had a foster couple named Reggie and Nia, but when that didn’t work out, he was moved at the age of seven into another foster home. Everything seemed to be working really well, until one day his foster dad, Gerald, was very sick and died from his unknown sickness. He was twelve and then was moved into an adoption center where he stayed for two years until he was then brought to Camp Half Blood as he was strolling among the streets of New York (His birthplace and where he belonged most of his life). He has recently been brought to Camp Half Blood.

-Shooting a bow and arrow

-Battle Training
-Being sick
-Crowded spaces
-Losing things (gives him anxiety)

-Talking in front of a group
-Being the center of attention (For now)

Fatal Flaw: His anxiety always gets the better of him and he wishes he never had anxiety to begin with.

Personal Relationships
Up for discussion

Rex (Positive)- He’s like a big brother to Press. With his brotherly skills that Rex has learned, Press looks up to him. Of course that can get him into trouble sometimes, but Press has taken the heat of things too many times to count so he’s used to it. He finds him to be quite the show and quite the fighter. He hopes to fight like him and be something of interest at the camp someday. Press finds Rex to be fine because he doesn’t make a dull moment when Press is with him. He shows him the ropes and checks in to make sure he is ok. Press finds him to be the brother that he never had.

Ava (positive)- It’s the same sort of deal with Rex. She’s like a big sister to him! Overall, she teaches him to be sly and cunning, but make sure not to be too overconfident. She doesn’t exactly show him the ropes of the camp, but he is overall very friendly with her. He’s gotten over his weird thing about calling her sister, but that was just a phase of him feeling lonely and her looking similar to his older sister back home. Ava is sorta a friend to him, but not as good as Rex.

Chase and MoonWatcher (positive)- Ah the two pets that belong to Press. His trusty mare Pegasus, MoonWatcher, is always there when he needs her and is ready when he is ready to go into battle. Chase is his loyal German Shepherd friend and is always a loyal companion to snuggle with and help control his anxiety. When he feels alone, he is always there to help comfort him.

Anything Else
Chase Appearance- ... et-826814/
MoonWatcher Appearance- ... g-2063672/
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:15 am

While I'm thinking of it I can already tell you now Juliet (daughter of Hermes) is going to HATE this kid she's very fond of the saying "snitches end up in ditches" lol
Chuck (satyr) will likely get along with him, similar interests & all
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby No one » Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:23 am

WitchHazel wrote:
While I'm thinking of it I can already tell you now Juliet (daughter of Hermes) is going to HATE this kid she's very fond of the saying "snitches end up in ditches" lol
Chuck (satyr) will likely get along with him, similar interests & all

Pff lol. Cool thanks for letting me know about those!
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:08 am

Ambrose's starter is up! I've thrown him at Drew for now c:
Kathryn is open as well, sitting at the Hecate table, and Chuck (satyr) is also open (probably eating at Mr. D's table, but I can shod him anywhere c:). Liv I can also put anywhere if anyone wants to interact with a grumpy 15-year-old sjdjds
Juliet is currently with Aoife and Oliver on Half-Blood Hill so she'll likely see the shenanigans occurring with Sam over there, gonna wait on an Oliver post before I write for her though <3

Also for new folks - feel free to shoot me a pm concerning any preexisting relationships our characters might have! Anyone who has been at camp for 5 years+ might've known Vivienne/Audra as well, so keep that in mind c:
Liv literally arrived the previous day so is inconsequential for previously existing relations jshdjs
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby tawneypelt0504 » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:32 am

If anyone else is interested I have a couple of characters I can pull out as well I'm planning on working on posts later today so feel free to hit me up.

Hello there I'm Tawneypelt0504 feel free to call me Tawney!
I love Reading, History, Music,Writing and a bunch of other stuff.
feel free to pm me =)


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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby The Scribe » Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:00 pm

Hey @witchhazel, wanna shoot Chuck at Sam?
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