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Postby Katrione » Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:52 am

──────────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─ 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐭? 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩!


introduction your clans have managed to pull through the hard times together and have created a budding family. however, the clans will never be able to survive on their own. other clans are important to nourish bloodlines and continue creating diverse groups. here, you can bring your clans and mingle with other clans that they wouldn't normally interact much with.

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4. don't mark the thread at all, the only posts that should be made here are complete roleplay posts.

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duckclan gathering 001

Postby recognize » Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:36 pm

attending: duckstar, marchsnow, mintleaf, finn, puddlegaze,
squirreltrot, ratbolt, whitewolf + can bring 3 more

DUCKSTAR ♀ - 64m - she/her - the yellow guide (leader) - mate: littleink - kit: puddlegaze - tags: open

    as duckstar was making her way to where the other leaders gathered, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten to say goodbye to puddlegaze before the gathering started. she craned her neck to scan for her kit before she noticed him walking around confidently side by side with another clanmate. she couldn't help but smile, glad that he had been able to open up to others.

MARCHSNOW ♂ - 66m - he/him - the blue guard (deputy) - mate: asterblizzard - tags: open

MINTLEAF ♀ - 22m - she/her - the green magician (med cat) - open for relationships (lesbian) - tags: open

FINN ♂ - 18m - he/him - the duck whisperer - open for relationships (bi) - tags: open

MARSFANG ♂ - 28m - he/him - warrior - open for relationships (gay, sterile) - tags: open, with puddlegaze
PUDDLEGAZE ♂ - 25m - he/him - warrior - parent: duckstar - open for relationships (pan, afab) - tags: with marsfang

    marsfang had been excited to join the gathering up until he realized puddlegaze was coming as well. he had noticed the other warrior following him along the journey, trying to make small talk with him, but ignored it at first. now that they were at the gathering, marsfang just wanted puddlegaze to go away so that he could have some meaningful conversation with cats from other clans, but wherever he went, puddlegaze did too.

SQUIRRELTROT ♂ - 40m - he/him - warrior - open for relationships (straight) - tags: open

RATBOLT ♀ - 53m - she/her - warrior - tags: open

    ratbolt walked around in circles, changing her mind every few seconds about who she wanted to approach. eventually she laid down and licked her fur nervously, deciding to join in later when it wasn't so chaotic as cats moved around.

WHITEWOLF ♀ - 25m - she/her - warrior - tags: open

    whitewolf cautiously trotted into the gathering area, a little overwhelmed by all the cats. when she joined she didn't realize that she might be asked to socialize with other clans, but the other clanmates seemed eager for her to come along. she found a place to sit down and watched the other cats talk, curious and wanting to join in, but not sure how to.
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CalderaClan gathering 1

Postby SkywardtheDragon » Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:26 pm

Obsidianstar, Basilfoot, Ironclaw, Wildpaw

Obsidianstar felt guilty for bringing an elder to the Gathering, but it was Ironclaw who told her about the meeting in the first place, and he was the only one who knew where it was. The old tom’s limbs were stiff, but Basilfoot helped him up ledges and let him lean on her.

“I believe this is the spot,” he rasped, and Obsidianstar could see foreign cats already gathered there. There weren’t many; she suspected they were early (which was surprising for a newborn Clan led to the gathering place by an aging cat). What would they do now?

Obsidianstar | F | Leader | Tags: Open
Obsidianstar chooses to listen in on some of the conversations happening between cats, getting a feel for what happens during a gathering. She paces around the area, walking close to groups of cats but not so close she would clearly be perceived as eavesdropping.

Basilfoot | F | Deputy | Tags: Mintleaf
Basilfoot approaches the young cat carefully, unsure of what to do with herself as always. “Excuse me… I heard rumors that you use magical herbs to heal sicknesses. Is that true?”

Ironclaw | M | Elder | Tags: Open
Ironclaw does not move far from the entrance to the gathering place, wrapping his tail around his legs to sit. The long walk was almost too much for him, and even now he cringes in pain every so often.

Wildpaw | M | Apprentice | Tags: Open
Wildpaw runs around, but none of the cats were his age. No apprentices at all! Who was he supposed to play with?
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Re: ChaosClan September 01

Postby Kazin » Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:49 am


cat name -- age -- gender -- rank -- tagged: open

Raptorstar -- 101 moons -- tom (he/him) -- leader -- tagged: open
      He was trying hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Maybe he was too old for this... or maybe he was still trying to come up with excuses why gatherings absolutely sucked. He had manage to wriggle his way free of them for some time, but Cicadastar requested time with her family instead. Who would he be not to honor her request?

      The tired leader sat back on his haunches, a scowl on his face, somewhere near the middle of the gathering. He would let someone come to him.

Pantherdusk -- 48 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- medicine cat -- tagged: open
      Pantherdusk had only heard about gatherings in passing, talked about in brief in the medicine den as she treated cats. She was overly intrigued, and wanted to see the sheer amount of cats for herself - and she was not disappointed. She was a quiet cat, and she felt that quietness here, observing those around her and listening to snippets of conversation. Perhaps she would be content watching, or perhaps soon she would hope that someone would approach her, or approach them herself...

Marshminnow -- 86 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head hunter -- tagged: open
      Despite being a senior warrior, Marshminnow couldn't escape the bounce in his step as he entered the gathering. He loves being around other cats! The only thing he hoped was that he wasn't seeming too overbearing. The last thing he wanted was to scare any potentially new friends away. He paced impatiently around, too excited to truly pinpoint the first cat he wanted to talk to, at least so far.

Charclaw -- 28 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head scout -- tagged: open
      Charclaw made sure to keep himself composed, his mind wandering back to Ivyshine at ChaosClan's camp. He hoped she was doing well, expecting their kits. He stayed silently on the outskirts, ready to watch and listen for other cats.

Cinnamonflight -- 87 moons -- nonbinary (they/them) -- hunter -- tagged: open
      They were only here because Marshminnow asked them to be. Truthfully, Cinnamonflight was filled with a bundle of anxiety. They hated being around this many cats, and it definitely showed on their face. A nervous habit of pacing returned to their paws, something they hadn't done in a while, watching in slight despair as Marshminnow practically bounced away from them.

Thundercloud -- 31 moons -- tom (he/him) -- hunter -- tagged: open
      Thundercloud remembered the last gathering he was at fondly, even if it was with another clan. He had been talking about what his warrior name would be, if his old clan had warrior names... the gentle tom smiled as he remember the name Leafgale of VagaryClan had said he would have; Thundercloud. The other tom was right, it did suit him, and Thundercloud carried his name proudly. Silently, he wondered if he would see Leafgale again, though he new it had been a while and the other cat might not be around...

      Thundercloud sat near the edge of the gathering, too shy to approach any other cat, but hoping someone else would approach him.

Morningdew -- 24 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- scout -- tagged: open
      There was no lack of confidence in Morningdew's posture. She wasn't overly arrogant, but she was proud of her abilities; and proud that even at a younger age, she was trusted to attend the gathering. She knew that Raptorstar was very careful about who he let come with him, and so she was going to make the best of it. She wandered around, not wanting to sit and wait for someone to come to her.

Foxpaw -- 11 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- apprentice -- tagged: open
      She was surprised when her new leader had approached her about attending the gathering. As they group had left camp, she had seen her mentor, Mockingbirdcry, give one last nod before he turned to his mate and his kits. Foxpaw almost got the feeling he was sending her in his stead, to report back her findings to him once they came back. Whatever the case may be, Foxpaw found herself excited at the opportunity to be here, nervous that she might get to reconnect with some of her other clanmates from her old clan, LostClan. She walked around cat after cat, seeing if she recognized anyone... or seeing if anyone would approach her.
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yangclan. 001

Postby broken* » Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:29 pm


stratusstar - leader - 58 moons - tom - open to tag!
the nervous tom-cat wasn't necessarily opposed to going to gatherings but it was always a long journey for his clan and he always felt intense social anxiety before and during the event, as well as feeling emotionally drained afterwards. normally he would allow his deputy and best friend suncrest to attend in his stead, but the ragdoll cat had recently become a father and was spending every minute that he wasn't working with his young kit; understandable, of course. and so, the snowshoe siamese tom led his clan into the gathering clearing this moon with a nervous smile on his face, nodding his head to the group and reminding them to meet back up at the end right in this same spot, before he turned and headed towards the leaders area.

verbanabloom - med. cat - 19 moons - tom - open to tag!
the young medicine cat had never attended a gathering before, but with the clan having a cat that was preparing to give birth any day now, the clan's more experienced medicine cat dockshade was better off being in the camp to help pecanleaf. verbanabloom had never actually helped or even been present during a birth yet, so he didn't mind his mentor being chosen to stay behind. the burmese tortoiseshell wasn't necessarily more friendly than his grumpy mentor, but he wasn't quite as mean; he was more so socially awkward. maybe thats why stratusstar chose him to attend the gathering this moon too, to try and make him be more social. he approached the high rock area, trying to remember which ledge his leader had told him the medicine cats would sit on.

whitespark - hunter - 47 moons - tom - open to tag!
the cream colored cornish rex had taken this opportunity to get out of the clan's camp area as quickly as it was offered to him; he had a purpose for this trip of course, one that his closest 'friend' obelishshriek had given to him, but one that he had confided in no one else attending the gathering. he quickly separated from the rest of his group as soon as the higher ranking cats walked away themselves, his purple eyes scanning the crowd for the proper type of cat to approach. he saw the eyes of other cats land on him as he wandered and couldn't help but puff up a bit in pride; he was very unique looking and he loved it, having others looking at him.

lunarsong - fighter - 34 moons - tom - open to tag!
while the longhaired white and tabby tom-cat wasn't necessarily the most outgoing cat out there, he was still rather friendly. he could start and keep a conversation going with just about anyone about practically any topic; he wasn't overly talkative, but he was smart and well-spoken. he kept his pale eyes on the young apprentice that had attended the gathering with them, making sure that he had found some other apprentices to talk to comfortably, before the adult tom found himself comfortable enough to wander off himself. there were plenty of cats here, but who to talk to, and what about?

capybara - apprentice - 7 moons - tom - open to tag!
the longhaired chocolate tom was very excited to have been chosen to attend the gathering; it was his very first time going! of course, his fathers had been a bit nervous about letting him go without them, but his brother was more than happy to stay behind and let capybara have the taste of freedom. chipmunkpaw was always more of an introverted and quiet cat, at least when compared with his littermate capybara who is very curious but also emotionally unstable (he had a bad habit of yelling when frustrated). as the rest of his clan's group separated off in different directions, the tom's amber eyes looked around for anyone that was young like him to talk to.
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VagaryClan | September 5 | 1

Postby [kat] » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:40 pm


♪ Riverstar
tom ; leader ; tags: stratusstar
Riverstar did his best to keep his pelt from crackling with tension as he walked into the Gathering. He forced his pelt to lie flat- he was here to socialize and get away from the problems at home, not start new problems with other Clans. With a quiet sigh he separated from his Clanmates and trotted towards the leaders' area, where he happened to run into another tom also walking that way. "Hello." He greeted politely with a dip of his head. "Care to join me?"

✥ Copperdust and Dianthuspaw
molly and tom ; medicine cats ; tags: pantherdusk
Copperdust shot Dianthuspaw an encouraging smile as they entered the Gathering. She could see his pelt was fluffed up from nervousness and excitement, although he certainly wouldn't admit it. She was a bit sad that his father couldn't be here for his first Gathering, but Fadedsun was exceptionally busy back at camp. She was surprised that the two of them had even been able to come. Realizing that she had been lost in thought, she quickly looked around and targeted a random cat who smelled of herbs, and led Dianthuspaw over to her. "Hi! She chirped. "Are you a medicine cat too?"

❋ Doespots
molly ; warrior ; tags: whitewolf
Doespots looked around nervously. This was her first Gathering, and she wanted to make a good impression, but she couldn't pretend that seeing all these cats together didn't make her a bit anxious. A bit desperately, she sought out a quiet corner and found herself next to a molly who appeared to be observing the crowd. She cleared her throat. "Er... hello. May I sit here?"
Last edited by [kat] on Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: ChaosClan September 02

Postby Kazin » Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:37 am


cat name -- age -- gender -- rank -- tagged: open

Raptorstar -- 101 moons -- tom (he/him) -- leader -- tagged: open
      He was trying hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Maybe he was too old for this... or maybe he was still trying to come up with excuses why gatherings absolutely sucked. He had manage to wriggle his way free of them for some time, but Cicadastar requested time with her family instead. Who would he be not to honor her request?

      The tired leader sat back on his haunches, a scowl on his face, somewhere near the middle of the gathering. He would let someone come to him.

Pantherdusk -- 48 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- medicine cat -- tagged: Copperdust and Dianthuspaw (VagaryClan)
      Pantherdusk appraised the approaching pair of cats with interest, noting their familiar smell of herbs, paired with their question about being a medicine cat. “Yes,” the she-cat smiled subtly, giving both cats a nod. “I’m one of the newer medicine cats of my Clan. I’m also still adjusting to clan life, to be honest,” she added, brushing the dirt a bit with her paws in slight embarrassment. “Are you an apprentice?” She asked the smaller of the two, thinking of the apprentice she was just about to be assigned soon. “I’m pantherdusk, by the way,” she added hastily, “sorry for not introducing myself sooner. I don’t mean to chat your ears off,” she joked.

Marshminnow -- 86 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head hunter -- tagged: open
      Despite being a senior warrior, Marshminnow couldn't escape the bounce in his step as he entered the gathering. He loves being around other cats! The only thing he hoped was that he wasn't seeming too overbearing. The last thing he wanted was to scare any potentially new friends away. He paced impatiently around, too excited to truly pinpoint the first cat he wanted to talk to, at least so far.

Charclaw -- 28 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head scout -- tagged: open
      Charclaw made sure to keep himself composed, his mind wandering back to Ivyshine at ChaosClan's camp. He hoped she was doing well, expecting their kits. He stayed silently on the outskirts, ready to watch and listen for other cats.

Cinnamonflight -- 87 moons -- nonbinary (they/them) -- hunter -- tagged: open
      They were only here because Marshminnow asked them to be. Truthfully, Cinnamonflight was filled with a bundle of anxiety. They hated being around this many cats, and it definitely showed on their face. A nervous habit of pacing returned to their paws, something they hadn't done in a while, watching in slight despair as Marshminnow practically bounced away from them.

Thundercloud -- 31 moons -- tom (he/him) -- hunter -- tagged: open
      Thundercloud remembered the last gathering he was at fondly, even if it was with another clan. He had been talking about what his warrior name would be, if his old clan had warrior names... the gentle tom smiled as he remember the name Leafgale of VagaryClan had said he would have; Thundercloud. The other tom was right, it did suit him, and Thundercloud carried his name proudly. Silently, he wondered if he would see Leafgale again, though he new it had been a while and the other cat might not be around...

      Thundercloud sat near the edge of the gathering, too shy to approach any other cat, but hoping someone else would approach him.

Morningdew -- 24 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- scout -- tagged: open
      There was no lack of confidence in Morningdew's posture. She wasn't overly arrogant, but she was proud of her abilities; and proud that even at a younger age, she was trusted to attend the gathering. She knew that Raptorstar was very careful about who he let come with him, and so she was going to make the best of it. She wandered around, not wanting to sit and wait for someone to come to her.

Foxpaw -- 11 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- apprentice -- tagged: open
      She was surprised when her new leader had approached her about attending the gathering. As they group had left camp, she had seen her mentor, Mockingbirdcry, give one last nod before he turned to his mate and his kits. Foxpaw almost got the feeling he was sending her in his stead, to report back her findings to him once they came back. Whatever the case may be, Foxpaw found herself excited at the opportunity to be here, nervous that she might get to reconnect with some of her other clanmates from her old clan, LostClan. She walked around cat after cat, seeing if she recognized anyone... or seeing if anyone would approach her
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yangclan. 002.

Postby broken* » Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:45 am


stratusstar - leader - 58 moons - tom - riverstar
the nervous tom-cat nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice coming from directly at his side. turning to look, his blue eyes landed on the oriental tom that moved a bit slower than he did and had a bit more graying around his face. trying to shake off his immediate feelings of worry that he is actually being talked to by a strange tom, he offered a small shy smile as he nodded. "of course. i'm stratusstar, of yangclan. and you are?" even as he leapt up onto the ledge, he kept his eyes on the other tom in respect, wrapping his tail around his paws as he sat.

verbanabloom - med. cat - 19 moons - tom - open to tag!
the young medicine cat had never attended a gathering before, but with the clan having a cat that was preparing to give birth any day now, the clan's more experienced medicine cat dockshade was better off being in the camp to help pecanleaf. verbanabloom had never actually helped or even been present during a birth yet, so he didn't mind his mentor being chosen to stay behind. the burmese tortoiseshell wasn't necessarily more friendly than his grumpy mentor, but he wasn't quite as mean; he was more so socially awkward. maybe thats why stratusstar chose him to attend the gathering this moon too, to try and make him be more social. he approached the high rock area, trying to remember which ledge his leader had told him the medicine cats would sit on.

whitespark - hunter - 47 moons - tom - open to tag!
the cream colored cornish rex had taken this opportunity to get out of the clan's camp area as quickly as it was offered to him; he had a purpose for this trip of course, one that his closest 'friend' obelishshriek had given to him, but one that he had confided in no one else attending the gathering. he quickly separated from the rest of his group as soon as the higher ranking cats walked away themselves, his purple eyes scanning the crowd for the proper type of cat to approach. he saw the eyes of other cats land on him as he wandered and couldn't help but puff up a bit in pride; he was very unique looking and he loved it, having others looking at him.

lunarsong - fighter - 34 moons - tom - thundercloud
the longhaired white and tabby tom-cat finally spotted another cat who was sitting at the edge of the gathering space, their eyes looking longingly out at the crowd before them; perhaps they wanted to interact, but were shy, much line lunarsong's own leader stratusstar was? with a kind smile on his face, he lowered his head in a submissive form as he approached the hairless cat, gesturing to the spot before him with his fluffy tail. "is this seat taken?"

capybara - apprentice - 7 moons - tom - open to tag!
the longhaired chocolate tom was very excited to have been chosen to attend the gathering; it was his very first time going! of course, his fathers had been a bit nervous about letting him go without them, but his brother was more than happy to stay behind and let capybara have the taste of freedom. chipmunkpaw was always more of an introverted and quiet cat, at least when compared with his littermate capybara who is very curious but also emotionally unstable (he had a bad habit of yelling when frustrated). as the rest of his clan's group separated off in different directions, the tom's amber eyes looked around for anyone that was young like him to talk to.
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Re: ChaosClan September 03

Postby Kazin » Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:24 am


cat name -- age -- gender -- rank -- tagged: open

Raptorstar -- 101 moons -- tom (he/him) -- leader -- tagged: open
      He was trying hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Maybe he was too old for this... or maybe he was still trying to come up with excuses why gatherings absolutely sucked. He had manage to wriggle his way free of them for some time, but Cicadastar requested time with her family instead. Who would he be not to honor her request?

      The tired leader sat back on his haunches, a scowl on his face, somewhere near the middle of the gathering. He would let someone come to him.

Pantherdusk -- 48 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- medicine cat -- tagged: Copperdust and Dianthuspaw (VagaryClan)
      Pantherdusk appraised the approaching pair of cats with interest, noting their familiar smell of herbs, paired with their question about being a medicine cat. “Yes,” the she-cat smiled subtly, giving both cats a nod. “I’m one of the newer medicine cats of my Clan. I’m also still adjusting to clan life, to be honest,” she added, brushing the dirt a bit with her paws in slight embarrassment. “Are you an apprentice?” She asked the smaller of the two, thinking of the apprentice she was just about to be assigned soon. “I’m pantherdusk, by the way,” she added hastily, “sorry for not introducing myself sooner. I don’t mean to chat your ears off,” she joked.

Marshminnow -- 86 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head hunter -- tagged: open
      Despite being a senior warrior, Marshminnow couldn't escape the bounce in his step as he entered the gathering. He loves being around other cats! The only thing he hoped was that he wasn't seeming too overbearing. The last thing he wanted was to scare any potentially new friends away. He paced impatiently around, too excited to truly pinpoint the first cat he wanted to talk to, at least so far.

Charclaw -- 28 moons -- tom (he/him) -- head scout -- tagged: open
      Charclaw made sure to keep himself composed, his mind wandering back to Ivyshine at ChaosClan's camp. He hoped she was doing well, expecting their kits. He stayed silently on the outskirts, ready to watch and listen for other cats.

Cinnamonflight -- 87 moons -- nonbinary (they/them) -- hunter -- tagged: open
      They were only here because Marshminnow asked them to be. Truthfully, Cinnamonflight was filled with a bundle of anxiety. They hated being around this many cats, and it definitely showed on their face. A nervous habit of pacing returned to their paws, something they hadn't done in a while, watching in slight despair as Marshminnow practically bounced away from them.

Thundercloud -- 31 moons -- tom (he/him) -- hunter -- tagged: Lunarsong (YangClan)
      Thundercloud blinked in surprise at the voice of another cat, his eyes widening slightly. “All yours,” the tom said, his voice hardly more than a whisper. Tentatively, he threw in a nervous smile, willing himself to relax. “I’m Thundercloud, of Nox- I mean ChaosClan,” he introduced himself softly, inwardly cursing as he almost gave his old clan instead of his new one. “Have you come to many gatherings?”

Morningdew -- 24 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- scout -- tagged: open
      There was no lack of confidence in Morningdew's posture. She wasn't overly arrogant, but she was proud of her abilities; and proud that even at a younger age, she was trusted to attend the gathering. She knew that Raptorstar was very careful about who he let come with him, and so she was going to make the best of it. She wandered around, not wanting to sit and wait for someone to come to her.

Foxpaw -- 11 moons -- she-cat (she/her) -- apprentice -- tagged: open
      She was surprised when her new leader had approached her about attending the gathering. As they group had left camp, she had seen her mentor, Mockingbirdcry, give one last nod before he turned to his mate and his kits. Foxpaw almost got the feeling he was sending her in his stead, to report back her findings to him once they came back. Whatever the case may be, Foxpaw found herself excited at the opportunity to be here, nervous that she might get to reconnect with some of her other clanmates from her old clan, LostClan. She walked around cat after cat, seeing if she recognized anyone... or seeing if anyone would approach her
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VagaryClan | September 6 | 2

Postby [kat] » Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:26 am


♪ Riverstar
tom ; leader ; tags: stratusstar
Riverstar blinked in surprise as a flash of anxiety rippled from the other tom's pelt. Had he spoken too loudly? He wondered why this cat seemed so nervous. Doing his best to push the thought aside, he offered Stratusstar a warm smile. "What an interesting name! That's a type of cloud, right?" He hoped that his compliment would help settle the other leader down. "I'm Riverstar of VagaryClan." He sat next to his new companion, taken with the tom's odd demeanor.

✥ Copperdust and Dianthuspaw
molly and tom ; medicine cats ; tags: pantherdusk
Copperdust prodded Dianthuspaw gently in the side, encouraging him to answer for himself. "O-oh, um- yes! I just became an apprentice." Dianthuspaw stammered, but after a moment, his chest puffed out. "And- my dad is the best medicine cat! He trained Copperdust and he's training me too!" He mewed proudly. Copperdust couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Fadedsun is pretty great." She looked back to Pantherdusk somewhat apologetically. "Since he neglected to mention, this is Dianthuspaw. And I'm Copperdust. Nice to meet you!"

❋ Doespots
molly ; warrior ; tags: whitewolf
Doespots looked around nervously. This was her first Gathering, and she wanted to make a good impression, but she couldn't pretend that seeing all these cats together didn't make her a bit anxious. A bit desperately, she sought out a quiet corner and found herself next to a molly who appeared to be observing the crowd. She cleared her throat. "Er... hello. May I sit here?"


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