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Postby redy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:00 pm

-- nathan prescott, likes to be called nate but doesnt mind anything
-- xx years old im braindead babes
-- homosexual homoromantic, and very closeted
-- five foot seven babes kachow
-- a hunter!!
-- originates from a very rich family, has monye he likes to blow on the dumbest
things. like video games randomly
-- likes to be supportive? but often gets extremely jealous so will be so backhand
-- very nice guitarist ;) will sing and write and play for his crush ebecause hes a
-- eboy? LOL
-- velma practically, he drops his glasses and is just "HELP I CANNOT SEE COLORS"
-- has a very warped sense of taste? will eat literally caviar and raw fish but will
literally sob if u try and make him eat cauliflower
-- his rick roll? is shape of you - ed sheeran. will kiterally laugh sohard hes crying
if he just stares playing it out of no where, his humor is s h a t t e r e d
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Postby redy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:07 pm

-- harrison brown. call him harry if u want
-- xx yrs
-- five foot nine!!
-- hes the cancer! and hes so weird about it, im sorry about the jokes
he makes yo
-- literally a musician, better than nate duh LOL ill link the spotify later
-- - a f idiot his iq is probably 12
-- constantly seeks any type of,,, idk comfort???? he doesnt need to be phy
sically touched, he doesnt need to be kissed nad held but even being near
someone who brings him comfort makes him feel better. he could even ju
st be holding their pinky and hed be much calmer
--also horrifyingly terrified of spiders, will sprint as far as he can to
get awy
-- super obsessed with marvel and superheros. he adores them
-- hes like a lost puppy help
"harrison used the word amulet. thats totally out of his vocabulary."
"i have bad vocabulary? the word is pronounced 'ambulance'. "
-- shouts things twice when he’s excited
-- when he got on earth he got really addicted to nicotine :(
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Postby redy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:10 pm

-- avani lee probably
-- call her anything tbh
-- the type to pick up a spider and walk over to harrison with such a big smile so she can pretend she has a butterfly for him whn its a giant ass tarantula she found on the street
-- can be kinda loud tbh, but she knwos when to shut up
-- also super judgemental? when you ask for her help u gotta be prepared to hear her opinion. alot
-- will cook for you!! if youre nice
-- if youre not nice she will bring u a spider. harrison did nothing she just thinks its so funny teasing him
-- very muscially talented, and she can dance and sing very well!!
-- as much as she pretends to have no emotion, shes so caring. she will bend over backwards for someone she loves, and if she sees them crying she will do anything to make them feel better. even if she just threw a spider at harrison, she'd bring him ice cream and love on him
-- shes bicurious, she doesnt know her sexuality yet. but she knows she likes guys
-- "idk set it on fire"
-- you know i kinda like her
obsessed with traumacore and r/oddlyterrifying
"and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
and the universe said the light you seek is within you"
-- really flexible!!
-- hates physical contact unless its someone shes close with? when comforting someone she will take the fall and hug them or somethin (harrison) but most of the time she just ants to be there for them
-- her love language is quality time :)
-- the type to just go silent if you ask her opinion and she doesnt like something and doesnt wanna hurt ur feelings lmao
- pure ass smile
- wants to dye dveryones hairedueie
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Postby redy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:11 pm

-- connor elks probably
-- wittle rich bi
-- five foot five? six? whatever wears boosters cause hes a loser
- get 2 inches away from his face and he gets so flustered he nearly glitches through the wall
-- shamelessly flirts because he wants to be loved
-- wants cuddles 24/7
-- literally the most affectionate kid youre gonna meet
-- but also sucks at knowing others boundarries? so you have to scold him about it, like flick him on the nose or hit him like a dog with a newspaper because he is just used to not realyl caring what others say or do around him so he tends to do the same scrap sometimes
-- "i have a thing for you. its not like one of those, 'hey i just found t
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Postby redy » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:11 pm

just in case
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Postby klahoma » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:50 pm

    lilith reeves • exclusively lili or lil • demigirl • bisex/rom with a strong fem lean • twenty-three years • september 30th • dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes • five foot, athletic build • the libra • fc olivia holt

    -- her energy levels are completely dependent on who she’s around, either the loudest person in the room or just casually having small talk with others -- very compassionate and empathetic, lili feels responsible for the emotions of everyone around her and guilt trips herself immensely if she cannot help everyone -- indecisive and easily manipulated, she can get so concerned about other people’s feelings that she will let everyone else call the shots -- feeds of external validation and loves any shape or form of attention or approval from others -- pretty popular and well-liked, lili is a very charming and lovable person -- sort of a know-it-all,, she likes to pretend that she knows what she is talking about, when in reality she is clueless -- terrified of the unknown, which is why she likes to have an answer for everything -- she resents being alone and is at her best when surrounded by other people -- a dreamer, often fantasizes about what life could be or what she wants it to be but has a hard time following through with most of what she plans out -- values harmony and peace,, lili hates conflict and would do anything to avoid fighting -- bases her self-worth on other people’s opinions, which can lead to unconscious resentment and strong feelings of restriction -- finds it hard to verbalize her feelings, which often leaves her sour or annoyed -- absolutely despises a routine and will go out of her way to make something more amusing or adventurous -- loves to help out others and will always listen to someone else’s problems, but she can get overwhelmed with how many people she dedicates her time to -- has the imagination of a child and is very creative and innovative -- falls in love easily and falls hard,, creates an ideal version of someone in her head and can be quite disappointed when they don’t live up to that standard -- very sensitive, so any kind of criticism cuts deep -- a bit of a jokester and loves to tease others -- lili is a very family-oriented person as most people on planet libra are, though she comes from a destitute bloodline -- growing up, her mother was jobless and her father worked as a meager employee in customer service -- from a young age, lili was forced to care for her three younger brothers since her parents were always off either arguing or trying to make ends meet -- she greatly feels the need to pursue a higher education and get a high-paying job because of her parent’s situation and the baggage that came with it -- wants to pursue a career where she can work with other people
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Postby klahoma » Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:58 pm

    luka seo • goes by luka but close friends call him lulu • cismale • homosex/rom but closeted • twenty-one years • january 8th • beach blond hair, umber eyes • five foot six, slender build • the capricorn • fc kang yeosang

    -- doesn’t care much for attention or admiration, instead he just wants to be respected and praised -- very hard on himself and strives to be the best that he can possibly be,, works blindly through adversity until he reaches success -- has an exact plan for everything and moves through life following very rigid routines and highly structured schedules -- a workaholic and perfectionist, luka is constantly raising the bar and pushing himself to be flawless out of his fear of failure -- a rule-follower with strict morals and doesn’t dare step out of line -- luka is vvv independent and likes to be his own leader, being in a position where he has to cater to someone else’s agenda makes him uncomfortable -- hates depending on others which makes him very self-sufficient -- a big control freak who gets obsessed with minor details, if something is not superb luka will combust -- very intelligent and quick-witted,, a smartass for sure -- known for being the responsible friend or the “mom of the group” -- gets annoyed pretty easily but holds himself together well -- it takes him a while to open up to people and trust others -- finds it hard to express his feelings and is typically very private -- doesn’t show his emotions overtly, but he’s actual quite sentimental and takes his relationships super seriously -- really dependable and will always be there for his friends when they need him, however, they’re more likely to receive practical advice than any sort of emotional support -- super loyal to those he’s close to and expects the same of them,, he likes security and reliability -- has a dry sense of humor and you have to get to know him to understand it -- organized and cleanly, he’s kind of a germaphobe but it’s nothing too extreme -- really good with money and financial planning -- not that big of a romantic but can be really soft around those he truly cares for -- grew up in a strict household with parents who constantly pushed him to be better -- an only child with a pretty wealthy background, his father emphasized the importance of making good connections with others in the business world to excel in his own career -- both of his parents were both successful foreign affairs specialists who loved living a lavish and materialistic lifestyle -- isn’t very close to his parents and strives to forge a path of his own, specifically in something having to do with architecture
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Postby klahoma » Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:00 pm

    rory milan • ry to close friends • cisfemale • biromantic asexual with no lean • twenty-two years • june 16th • jet black hair, dark brown eyes • five foot eight, thin build but muscular • zodiac hunter • fc kim hyungseo

    -- can be quite cold and reserved as she isn’t very trusting of others -- definitely not gregarious or sociable,, rory enjoys her alone time -- judgmental of others and picky with who she spends her time around -- intelligent and sharp, she’s a great problem solver thanks to her clever nature -- outspoken feminist and is very devoted to the cause -- doesn’t mind getting into arguments with others and has the combat skills to back her words up -- very satirical and dry,, loves getting on other people’s nerves -- rory is brutally honest and most of what she says can come off as rude, though she rarely thinks before she speaks anyways -- doesn’t care whatsoever of what others think of her and is pretty confident in who she is -- often stands up for what she believes in and will assert herself into situations she thinks are morally wrong -- can be a bit arrogant at times but masks that side of her pretty well -- won’t hesitate to end relationships if her trust is broken -- doesn’t forgive or forget,, she’s definitely the type to seek revenge if you’ve wronged her -- truly a loyal and dependable friend as long as you’re on her good side -- very rational and pragmatic, she always calculates every outcome possible -- decisive and unfaltering on what she wants,, there’s never a chance you’ll change her mind -- kind of an instigator,, just gets a laugh out of bothering others or causing trouble -- always likes to have the last word -- prefers to be in control since she’s very independent -- it’s rare for her to fall for someone but when she does she falls hard and loves even harder -- gravitates towards shy people since she doesn’t feel challenged or threatened by them -- gets things done quickly and easily,, she doesn’t like to wait around and watch paint dry -- born and raised in chicago, illinois -- grew up with a very absent single-mother who criticized her heavily whenever she was around -- rory did everything as a kid with the motive to prove her mother wrong -- the youngest child with two older brothers but rarely saw them growing up since they were already adults when she was born -- worked her ass off in school and decided to major in computer science as it was one of the most rigorous courses available -- cut contact off with her mother and hasn’t talked to her in years
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Postby klahoma » Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:01 pm

leo / aries / pos neu
up to having fun w/ him
but struggles to keep up

huck / taurus / neu
a bit intimidated by him
respects him nonetheless

eurus / gemini / pos
lili loves his energy,,
sociable and lively bffs

harrison / cancer / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

rhae / cancer / neg neu
too bubbly for his liking
would shy away from him
zach / leo / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

odette / virgo / pos
tries to get her to open
up more and be herself

kaz / scorpio / pos
chaotic duo & adventure
loving partners in crime

avani / sagittarius / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

percy / aquarius / pos
a couple of angels trying
to put an end to conflicts
connor / pisces / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

meg / hunter / pos
potential love interest
follows her like a puppy

mateo / hunter / pos
cute and innocent friends
animal loving buddies

nate / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

thomas / hunter / neu
would try to stay on his
good side,,, small talk
max / hunter / pos neu
would be timid at first
but try to befriend him

bellamy / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

austin / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

bambi / hunter / neg neu
doesn’t feel comfortable
around her,, kinda scared

name / role / relation
words words words words
words words words words

leo / aries / neu
kind of struggle to relate
since they aren’t similar

huck / taurus / neu
friendly, both stubborn
and can butt heads

eurus / gemini / neg neu
thrown off by his erratic
side, keeps a distance

harrison / cancer / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

rhae / cancer / pos neu
would vibe with him and
respect him
zach / leo / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

odette / virgo / neu
wouldn’t go out of his
way to converse with her

kaz / scorpio / neg neu
gets annoyed by him
hesitant to befriend him

avani / sagittarius / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

percy / aquarius / pos neu
a couple of perfectionists
similar in many ways
connor / pisces / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

meg / hunter / neu
respects her and would
be willing to get closer

mateo / hunter / pos
whipped for his cuteness
has a soft spot for him

nate / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

thomas / hunter / pos neu
likes the way he carries
himself, willing to talk
max / hunter / pos
parents of the group,, he
can help him adjust

bellamy / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

austin / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

bambi / hunter / neu
stays out of her way but
still respects her

name / role / relation
words words words words
words words words words

leo / aries / neg
both very headstrong &
assertive, easily argue

huck / taurus / neg
tries to get on his nerves
calls him by his full name

eurus / gemini / pos neu
like brother and sister,
enjoys his chaotic energy

harrison / cancer / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

rhae / cancer / pos
vibes with him,, can dish
sarcasm right back
zach / leo / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

odette / virgo / neu
wouldn’t really mind her,
have some sarcastic talks

kaz / scorpio / pos neu
likes to tease him all in
good fun,, tom and jerry

avani / sagittarius / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

percy / aquarius / neu
wouldn’t really talk to
him, gives him a side-eye
connor / pisces / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

meg / hunter / pos neu
tries to push her around
amused by her shyness

mateo / hunter / neu
rarely interacts nor
associates with him

nate / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

thomas / hunter / neg neu
both are headstrong,,
likes to push his buttons
max / hunter / pos
potential love interest
“wow, good job dumby”

bellamy / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

austin / hunter / xxx
words words words words
words words words words

bambi / hunter / neg
feels threatened by her
authority,, rolls her eyes

name / role / relation
words words words words
words words words words
Last edited by klahoma on Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:08 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Postby kalo. » Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:27 pm


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