Carolina Shepherd Traits - Do Not Post

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Carolina Shepherd Traits - Do Not Post

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:39 am

Carolina Shepherd Traits

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Carolina Shepherds can have any number of traits that impact their performance across sports, SAR, and breeding activities. Traits can be inherited from a dog's parents as well as randomly given. When breeding two dogs together you have a choice to have them inherit the traits of their parents and random traits, or no traits at all.
Traits are either positive or negative and can be common, uncommon, or rare.
Random traits are 70% positive and 30% negative.
You may purchase traits at the shop to add to your dog(s), however each dog can have a maximum of 5 added traits.
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Common Traits

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:46 am

Positive Traits:
Attentive (+2 to Obedience Trials) - This dog pays good attention to their handler.
Collector (+5 to find trash items) - This dog enjoys picking up trash items on the trail more than the other dogs.
Competitive (+2 to sports) - This dog wants to be the best!
Driven (+2 to SAR) - This dog is determined to search for the source of a scent.
Fit (+2 to sports and SAR) - This dog is in good shape to handle hard work.
Good conformation (+2 to Conformation Trials) - This dog is of sound conformation.
Good nose (+2 to Tracking Trials)- This dog has a good nose for tracking.
Nimble (+2 to Agility Trials) - This dog moves smoothly through agility courses.
Polite (+2 to conformation and obedience) - This dog is pretty well-behaved.
Sparkling Coat (+2 to conformation) - This dog's coat seems to sparkle when the light catches it just right.
Tolerant (+2 to weather if penalized) - This dog can tolerate uncomfortable temperatures better than most.
Waterproof (Decreases precipitation penalty by half) - This dog enjoys water

Negative Traits:
Clumsy (-5 to Agility Trials) - This dog occasionally stumbles or bumps into things.
Distracted (-5 to Obedience Trials) - This dog can be distracted by the going-ons around them.
Frightful (-2 to conformation, sports, and SAR) - It is common for this dog to become frightened by loud noises, new places, and situations.
Intolerant (-2 to SAR if temperature is not moderate) - This dog doesn’t tolerate uncomfortable temperatures well.
Minor fault (-5 to Conformation Trials) - This dog has a minor conformational fault.
Polished (-5 to finding trash items) - This dog is quite dainty and doesn't enjoy sniffing out trash items.
Poor nose (-5 to Tracking Trials) - This dog doesn’t seem to have a good nose for tracking.
Unhurried (-5 to SAR) - This dog moves at their own pace and doesn’t seem to be in a rush.
Water-intolerant (-2 to SAR if precipitation is present) - This dog hates the water.
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Uncommon Traits

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:07 pm

Positive Traits:
Athletic (+5 to sports and SAR) - This dog is in great shape to handle challenging work.
Blue blood (+25 to pass on a ‘d’ gene from the dog with the trait in breedings) - This dog comes from a notable lineage of blue-furred dogs.
Eventful (+5 to getting a inspiration or injury in trail clean-up) - For some reason this dog seems to have inspirations/injuries more frequently than the other dogs.
Excitable (+5 to Agility and SAR, -5 to Conformation and Obedience) - This dog is very excitable to the point where it's hard for them to exercise restraint.
Fertile (+5 to litter size) - This dog tends to have larger litters.
Flashy (+5 to Conformation and Obedience) - This dog has eye-catching movements.
Food Motivated (Treats are twice as effective) - This dog loves food.
Great Conformation (+5 to conformation) - This dog has notable conformation.
Great Nose (+5 to tracking) - This dog has a great nose for tracking.
Hardy (+5 to weather penalty if penalized) - This dog preserves in uncomfortable temperatures.
Outdoor Enthusiast (+5 to tracking and SAR) - This dog loves being outside.
Recycler (+10 to find trash items) - This dog goes out of their way to pick up trash you find on the trail.
Sturdy (-5 to being injured in trail clean-up) - This dog is particularly sturdy and doesn't seem to get injured very often.
Shiny coat (+5 to conformation) - This dog has a very shiny coat that draws the attention of everyone in the show ring.
Toy Motivated (Toys gain a +5 bonus in addition to rerolling a failing score) - This dog loves toys.
Very Competitive (+5 to sports) - This dog NEEDS to be the best.
Very Driven (+5 to SAR) - This dog is very determined to find the source of a scent.
Very Focused (+5 to obedience) - This dog is very focused on their handler and routine.
Very Nimble (+5 to agility) - This dog moves gracefully through agility courses.
Water-loving (Removes precipitation penalties) - This dog LOVES the water.
Well-mannered (+5 to conformation and obedience) - This dog is patient, gentle, and well-behaved.

Negative Traits:
Accident-Prone (+5 to being injured in trail clean-up) - This dog seems fairly accident-prone and gets injured easily.
Bad Nose (-10 to tracking, -2 other sports, conformation & SAR) - This dog is challenged to track scents.
Easily Distracted (-10 to obedience, -2 other sports, conformation & SAR) - This dog is easily distracted by their surroundings.
Easily Frightened (-5 to conformation, sports, and SAR) - This dog is frequently frightened by new places and situations.
Infertile (-5 to litter size) - This dog tends to have smaller litter sizes.
Major Fault (-10 to conformation, -2 to sports & SAR) - This dog has a major conformational fault.
Sensitive (-5 to SAR when temperature is not moderate) - This dog doesn’t handle temperature changes well
Very Clumsy (-10 to agility, -2 other sports, conformation & SAR) - This dog tends to stumble and bump into things with some frequency.
Very Polished (-10 to finding trash items) - This dog dislikes getting their nose or paws dirty with someone else's trash and would avoid it if possible.
Very Slow (-10 to SAR, -2 other sports and conformation) - This dog moves at a frustratingly slow pace.
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Rare Traits

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:13 pm

Positive Traits:
Environmentalist (+15 to find trash items) - This dog is obsessed with picking up every piece of trash on the trail it can find.
Expressive (Allows a dog to partially express a carried coat) - There's something strange about this dog's fur... If the second coat is showing for their ears or tail they cannot participate in conformation.
Fast (+10 to Agility and SAR) - This dog moves quickly through any obstacle.
Jack Of All Trades (+10 to conformation, sports, and SAR) - This dog excels in whatever task is given to it.
Kindhearted (+2 to finding abandoned dogs in SAR) - This dog radiates peace, kindness, and serenity.
Lighthearted (+25% chance to pass lighter colors (b, d, ce, cs, lu) in breedings) - This dog’s fur tends to be lighter in color and their friendly, carefree personality shines through.
Luxurious Coat (+10 to conformation and passing longer fur (fe,fl) in breedings, -5 to tracking and SAR) - This dog has a soft, luxurious coat that everyone simply must touch. While it is a magnet for the judge's eyes (and everyone else in the ring), unfortunately it's prone to tangling when outside.
Salvager (+10 to find trash items and +10 to find rarer trash items) - This dog not only has a nose for finding trash, but it seems to zero in on some of the larger trash items more than other dogs.
Snow White (+25% chance to pass more extensive white markings (sp, sw, sl) AND risk of impairments is -15) - This dog loves the color white, and it shows!
Thin Fur (-10 to conformation, +10 to passing on short fur (fh) in breedings) - This dog has unusually thin fur.
Very Eventful (+15 to getting a inspiration or injury in trail clean-up) - This dog experiences inspirations and injuries much more than the other dogs.
Very Fertile (+15 to litter size) - This dog has larger litters.
Very Sturdy (-15 to being injured in trail clean-up) - This dog is extremely sturdy and seems to never get injured.
Very Well-Mannered (+10 to conformation and obedience) - This dog is who others reference when they talk about the perfectly behaved dog - they are always on their best behavior.

Negative Traits
Fearful (-10 to conformation, sports, and SAR) - This dog is very fearful of new places and situations.
Immaculate (-15 to finding trash items) - This dog refuses to get their nose or paws dirty with someone else's trash, gross!
Lazy (-10 to conformation, sports, and SAR) - This dog is a challenge to get moving - they’d rather be on the couch than out and doing activities.
Very Accident-Prone (+15 to being injured in trail clean-up) - This dog is very accident-prone and seems to almost always have some kind of injury.
Very Infertile (-15 to litter size) - This dog has smaller litters.
Last edited by taikunfoo on Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:50 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Special Traits

Postby taikunfoo » Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:32 pm

Bumbling (+7 to tracking, -2 to agility) - This dog seems to know exactly where to go, although the path it takes is a bit...erratic. They tend to zig and zag all over the place, often bumping into things, but somehow end up exactly where their nose is pointing them to. Passes at a 25% rate.

Cat-Like Reflexes (+7 to agility, -2 to obedience) - This dog has extremely fast reflexes that remind you of a cat, although there are a couple of things about this dog that also remind you of a cat, including not listening to you... Passes at a 25% rate.

Devilish (70% chance of +5 to sports and conformation, 30% chance of -5 to sports and conformation) - This dog knows what it's doing is wrong, but that doesn't stop it until it gets caught! Passes at a 25% rate.

Fanged (Toys gain a +15 bonus in addition to rolling a failing score) - For some reason, this dog's canines are abnormally large, and they love putting them to work shredding their toys (or your shoes). Unable to participate in conformation and passes at a 15% rate.

Fearsome (Large size, +5 to SAR, -3 to finding lost dogs in SAR) - Something about this dog makes you cautious. You're not sure if it's due to their abnormally large size or if it's the way their eyes are closely watching your every move. It's not just you either, other dogs seem to avoid them. Unable to participate in confirmation due to large size and passes at a 5% rate.

Fiery (+5 to Agility and Tracking, -2 to Obedience) - This dog has a fiery spirit and is incredibly focused on the task at hand, sometimes to the detriment of listening to their handler. Passes at a 25% rate.

Good Bones (+7 to Conformation) - This dog has an exceptional skeletal structure. Passes at a 25% rate.

Night Terror (+25 to passing darker coat colors (B, D, Kb, KbS, ml) This dog's favorite activity is waiting until you're asleep in bed to cause a ruckus. Passes at a 25% rate.

Sugar Rush (+5 to Agility, Tracking, and SAR) While you aren't certain dogs don't eat sweets, you are certain that this dog's energetic behavior would be what happened if they did! Passes at a 25% rate.
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