a tale of glory

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a tale of glory

Postby lovage » Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:08 pm

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i. general overview
ii. a duty
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i. general overview

Postby lovage » Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:46 pm

name;; ryuk | gender;; male


    obtaining power, respect, and answers

    his work is demanding yet he spends most free time playing a popular rpg game. he has shown his skills a lot during his college years and even progressed to national tournaments with a college team. after school, he only could play occasionally due to his work but still enjoys it.

    basic personality;;
    an intimating and overly prideful are ryuk’s main traits. he always sees himself above everyone and enjoys power that he holds. this has lead to him to being intentionally rude and mean to those who don’t earn his respect. yet these horrid traits are made up by his quick and clever mind which holds vast knowledge.

    brief history;;
    he had a normal upbringing and showed great promise in his schoolwork. yet only dreamed of holding a high position in society yet hated to put in much work. so, he majored in forensic science with criminal justice as his minor, two subjects that would mean an easy job for him.

    and, he was right. five years out of college, he rose the ranks quickly to becoming one the lead detectives at a young age. he showed his worth quite quickly and proved it further by taking over the department after his predecessor retired. now, he’s working on a case that has left him stumped as the group he’s investigating hasn’t left much evidence behind like most criminals would.

tempeste sabeen - his second in command who does most of the paperwork. he took her under his wing to teach her the ropes of the job as tempeste reminds him of himself in a way. and, she is one of few who he actually holds any respect for.

kiera - another player of the rpg that he likes. he is a coach to her and her team yet hates her due to her hyper personality and general moods. he’s only helping her get to the finals of national tournaments with her team in order to get his percentage of the prize money.
Last edited by lovage on Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ii. duty - part one

Postby lovage » Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:04 pm

    his breathe echoed across the hollowed halls as his final opponent laid there in a battered mess, breathing shallow breaths. the opponent was easy for the swordsman to slay but still gave him a few tough blows. his long sword scrapped against the floor as he claimed his prize. the throne of a vast realm which he now controlled.

    a veil of light beamed upon the throne as it sat in all its glory under the glass window above it. it was crimson like the blood that was spilled for it and for the royalty like him that rested upon it. the gold features were freshly polished and he could see his reflection within it as he sat upon it. he would be crowned king within a few days and then needed to secure his throne further with the nobility. but, he just needed to rest his eyes for a few moments before consulting his guards for furthering his hold on the throne.

    he was still upon his throne as he awoke. but, it wasn’t the lavish one of luxury affordable to that of royalty but one of an office. he knew that needed to consult his guards... no, his officers. the once hallowed halls was replaced with his office walls lined with criminal justice books, rpg figures, and a silver crown which he won from a rpg event. he stretched his swore body even though he didn’t fight like in his dream and it was only from the awkward sleeping position.

    he was sure a “king of the realm” within his work place. he was a top ranking detective who ruled over his branch, only second to the chief. this was evident by the lower ranking officers who cowered under his grim smirk as he roamed among the halls. he was certainly powerful in both his work and personality. now, being a king wouldn’t be too bad for him, he might actually like it to rule like a dictator and be feared. only if that wasn’t in his dreams.

    a knock at the door pulled him out of his fantasy as his second in command walked in. tempeste sabeen appeared, and she’s a rookie who quickly rose the ranks of the place from the advice of ryuk . her skills are sharp and quick like a swordman’s yet only second to his. “they found another site for this group, sir,” tempeste said. “they need us to check it out as it is possibly our best bet to finding out who’s behind all of this.” he sighed, knowing what was already going to happen. this group was his main case yet it was fruitless with barely any evidence within multiple locations and witnesses. he was about to toss out the case to a different branch yet wanted to finish it for his honor.

    “sure,” ryuk said. “they said the same about the last one and the one before that. but, whatever the boss wants they’ll have.” he leaned forward in his chair to push an intercom button near the front of his desk. “i need all available top ranking detectives to report to my office now. that includes you, john. . . now, get back to your work!”

    the intercom beeped as it was shut off. “but, who are we taking?” tempeste asked as she attempted to fill out some paperwork. “we need names and not hope that they’ll show up.”

    “john and the others will if they know what’s best for them,” ryuk said. “we leave as soon as they come, and that paperwork just leave it for later.” a knock sounded from the door as he got up. “see, they came.”

    he smirked at tempeste as he opened the door behind her to reveal john and four other detectives. “good work on showing up quickly,” he sarcastically said. “tempeste will give you all the information needed. and, tempeste, you meet me in the car.” he walked out of his office as he gathered up the previous evidence within his mind. the group primarily cleaned up well before law enforcement arrived, but they found clues that linked to a mainly blue leader from fur samples and what witnesses or ex-group members reported.
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ii. a duty - part two

Postby lovage » Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:38 pm

    the duo pulled up to the site. ryuk got out and looked at the building before him. he paused to take in the place. it was your standard warehouse that you’ll expect any crimson group to be in. he slammed the door behind him as he entered the open garage door.

    it had a musky smell in the air that would stink up anything within a matter of minutes. it was mainly an open place with some boxes and closed off areas. and, the back had multiple rooms. “ryuk, sir,” an officer greeted him. “we made some progress, but with your team, we’ll-“

    “be done quickly,” ryuk interjected. he’s heard this talk more than once and it drives him insane. just because him and his team are the best, any detective team would gather evidence quicker than a bunch of unskilled officers. “tempeste, you’ll be with me in the back. john, take charge here. and, the rest of ya listen to john’s orders unless it’s dumb. now, get to work.”

    he picked up a fast trot as they moved on. “a blue leader, right?” ryuk ask. though he was certain about it, he needed to double check to clear his self doubt.

    “yes, and their hair is reddish-pink,” tempeste said. “of course, the hair may be a darker red as the only time that out witnesses saw them with a flood light behind them, sir.”

    “honestly, if we weren’t on the force, then we’ll be suspects,” he remarked. “two blue kalons with pink, or red for you, hair. we fit the bill just fine.”

    “yes, but don’t joke about that matter,” tempeste warned. “i don’t want the wrong ideas getting out there, you know? like corruption on the force.”

    “whatever you say. . . have you updated your dna records yet? the chief warned me about it earlier last week as i haven’t in like six years.”

    tempeste was confused by his sudden questioning. this wasn’t normal but it happens every now and then, especially if it was old. “why?”

    “you might want to,” ryuk said. they got into the hallway as they parted ways. this was usually what happened. ryuk takes left as tempeste takes right, and they only ever call each other over if absolutely necessary. his room was what looked to be the group’s filing room for their paper records. not much was left besides some lose papers and a table, at least paw prints could be left.

    he grabbed two gloves as he went about his search. the table turned up empty, wiped down clean of any identifiable evidence, and the pieces of paper just had random drawings on them with some written taunts on it. at least the handwriting may be something useful, he sighed as he picked the papers up and put them away into some evidence bags. and, he made his way to the next room to rinse and repeat.

    while sorting through everything, tempeste called out for him. “hey, i found something huge!”

    “sure,” he groaned. he didn’t quite believe her as the group was through with their cleanings, but he’ll amuse her for anything if to get out of the situation. as he entered her room, it was quite obviously the boss’s office. well kept and the nicest room in the building, or at least it was before the group destroyed it. walls were lined like how his office was lined up with bookcases covering most of everything, odd but similar style choices to him. and, in the center of the room, tempeste sat over a desk that had a laminated map of the city on it. “what did you find?”

    “a paw print, and not just any old one. . . it’s about fully complete,” tempeste explained excitedly. this was quite possibly the biggest breakthrough that they had so far, he knew that he trained her well. it was already dusted “it’s a near identical match to the one that the officers found here on a safe, you know those types of safes behind paintings level of importance. well, it’s probably a high ranking member or even the boss! isn’t this exciting?”

    “yeah, sure,” he said as he noticed her ungloved paws. “put some gloves on so you don’t ruin the sample. i’ll handle it from here, tempeste.”

    he was handed the map as tempeste went to glove her paws. “yeah, they already know it’s my paw print. but, why don’t you sound so happy about it?”

    “just worried you know,” he confessed. his mind was racing with so many questions about everything, and it was visibly stressing him out.

    “worried about what?”

    “it might not be what we’re looking for or a high ranking official,” he confessed further. it’s just that he didn’t want to disappoint her with his lack of excitement. he has been in the work for over two decades at that point, and he knew that you just don’t put all of your eggs into a basket like this.

    “sure, but tell me that when we actually have the kalon in our cell,” tempeste retorted. “then, we’ll see who’ll lose that bet.” she was giving him his signature smirk as he rubbed his head. she was just to hopeful for this, and she’ll be greatly be disappointed when it doesn’t live up to her expectations.

    “i’m heading back to the building, tempeste. i need to go home early as my head is killing me,” he lied. to be honest, he couldn’t see her like this as from what his job has shown him. “i’ll send what i found and this map to the forensic department to see what becomes of it, and i’ll also send john back to help you out.”

    “see you around then, ryuk!” she called out to him as he exited their search area. as he found the exit, he told john to finish up his search zone as he reported to the officer in charge to wrap things up on time. and, he was given some of the other evidence like the safe that tempeste mentioned and other papers to take back.
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ii. a duty - part three

Postby lovage » Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:51 pm

    it has been a few days since the investigation at the warehouse. ryuk has been in his office most days sorting out the paperwork and evidence for this case. and, most of the time he’s been avoiding tempeste which wouldn’t be too unusual if he didn’t actively do it. they don’t see each other often as ryuk likes to stay isolated within his office yet he greets her when they cross paths.

    this chain of avoidance was shattered as tempeste stormed into his office, unlike her usual self who respected is privacy. “what did you do?”

    “what do you mean? tempeste, calm down,” ryuk ask. this was concerning as she was never truly this mad at anything.

    “you tampered with the evidence! only my paw prints showed up on the map and the safe of all things even though i didn’t touch it,” tempeste accused him. it was true that he did have the evidence but something was off. “you tampered with the evidence!”

    “i did no such thing. you need to calm down and stop panicking over this,” ryuk said as he got up from his chair and in front of desk. he pressed down the intercom as he leaned back. “we’ll get you help, tempeste.”

    “help what help?!? it’s obvious what they have,” tempeste exclaimed. both of their voices were being projected over the intercom as they argued. “i’m going down and done for. ryuk, please do something.”

    tempeste was starting to tear up at this point as she attempted to plead with him. he kept a calm expression as he explained further. “i don’t think i can, tempeste.”

    “then, they’ll think, think that it’s true”

    “think what, tempeste?”

    “that i’m the boss of this criminal group,” tempeste confessed. “by all means, it is that way. that i’m the boss. help me, ryuk, you can cover up everything, you must!” tempeste had turned into a panicked state as she fell to the ground. she was in hysterics over everything.

    “please help me,” ryuk whispered into the intercom. he released the button as it beeped triggered a reaction in tempeste.

    “you did all of this... you did this to me,” tempeste said as she glanced up at him. her saddened look turned dark as he grabbed him by his collar. “you tampered with the evidence from the start and recorded me over the intercom, huh?”

    “tempeste, let me explain,” ryuk said, trying to help his friend and work partner. he wanted to prove her innocence yet didn’t know how.

    “they said that they found my paw print and my fur in their samples from the group after you said to update my dna references,” tempeste rebutted as she attempted to get any form of confession from him. but, he didn’t answer. “you tricked me, and i’ll expose you!”

    “tempeste, please stop,” he said, growing more concern for her. then, two officers and the chief barraged into his office to drag her off of him. “please don’t, tempeste didn’t mean it. she’s innocent,” ryuk begged them. he was desperate as he knew that everything was a big mix up, and he just needed to help his friend.

    “see he’ll tell you every to prove i’m innocent like in the warehouse remember.” and, that was the last he saw of tempeste as she was dragged into an interrogation room after her arrest warrant was approved and what the intercom told everyone. the chief looked at ryuk who was catching his breath and looked to be in shock from the whole event. “ryuk, you can take sometime off if needed especially after everything that happened with tempeste sabeen,” the chief said. “i’m sorry that this happened to you especially with someone close to you.” the chief rubbed his shoulder to comfort him as ryuk just nodded.

    the chief left the room and closed the office door behind him. that’s when ryuk’s mask dropped. he smirked his signature smirked as he gathered himself. he dusted himself off and grabbed some transfer papers that he’s been saving for this along with his belongings. he’ll be transferring to a branch in a far away town as the criminal group he led had no means for him anymore. they proved that by obviously leaving evidence behind that it was him.

    he chuckled to himself as they didn’t even do a good job with it. they knew he had a powerful rank in the force and his influence was immense. he just easily replaced the evidence with that of fellow officers who weren’t found out, but when tempeste came along, he knew he could get off scot free just by her appearance alone. so by working his plan for the past two years when he knew the loyalty of his group was wavering, he set up the dominoes to fall and pin her as the boss of the entire group. from wiping down his paw prints and replacing it with hers with the map to putting her fur in for evidence, he set his trap and got it done.

    as he went to the front of the building, he laid down the transfer papers and sharpened his sadden mask. the receptionist looked at it and sighed, “we’ll miss you a lot, ryuk. thank you for your service here, and if you ever want to come back here, i’m sure that the chief would love to have you.”

    “i know, it’s just that-“ he murmured. his lowered his gaze and shuffled a little, and the receptionist got it.

    “it must be harsh especially after all that you did for her. to be backstabbed someone so close to you, but i hope you get better and we’ll see you as a witness if needed,” they said and wished him a farewell. he walked out of his old kingdom as fallen king of his department and criminal group. but, that wouldn’t stop him from laying down a new kingdom within the small town. he smirked one last time to himself as he placed the rpg tournament crown upon his head, crowning himself a king once again.
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final notes

Postby lovage » Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:53 pm

    thank you for reading all of that! i honestly didn’t mean for it to be that long, but what can i do when i enjoy my descriptions. but, seriously, thank you for bearing through all of that (since it was so long) and hopefully enjoying it

    if it wasn’t too clear with the mild foreshadowing and the last bits, he did lead the criminal group and blamed tempeste for it all. he wiped everything off that had his fingerprints on it while transferring over her paw prints, and he replaced her fur for his when he turned in evidence. this was done to save face as he knew the group was throwing him to the curb any day then, so he abused his power to get away with his crimes.

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