Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby Vinson » Sun May 09, 2021 2:47 pm

Round 75 Results

    Great Work!

    HTCH is open for Round 76! Your collie must have at least one HTD III in any field.
    HTMCH is open for Round 76! Your collie must have at least two HTD III titles in any field.
    HTECH is temporarily closed! Based on lack of interest the past few rounds, this trial will be closed until further notice.
    PAD is open for Round 76! Your collie must have a MACH title.
    PADB is open for Round 76! Your collie must have a PAD title.
    PADS is open for Round 76! Your collie must have a PADB title.
    PADG is temporarily closed! Based on lack of interest the past few rounds, this trial will be closed until round 78.
    PADC is temporarily closed! Based on lack of interest the past few rounds, this trial will be closed until round 80.

    For anyone who failed a beginner test, you can re-enter for it in the next round with a guaranteed pass.
    There is a new rule where dogs can only be entered in conformation + one sport per round.
    There is also a new rule of eight collies max per person that can be entered in the program per round.
    There was a rule change regarding how MACH is run - please see the change log for more details.
    There was a rule change regarding how conformation is run - please see the change log for more details.

    Codes of ribbons/rosettes have been added to the first page. Please only use what you have won!

    Request Voucher Winner
    The voucher for 1 request collie is rng'd based on conformation placements and users with at least one dog who made a 95/100 or above on a trial. It will be limited to one voucher a month per user. Please read this post to know your options!

    Voucher goes to - aray17


    Group 1 Results

    Best of Breed - South owned by paopu Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Kitsune owned by JarsOfJupiter Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Levant owned by Luxio Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Moze owned by Tacitus Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Anfisa owned by Temper Receives AOM rosette

    Group 2 Results

    Best of Breed - Arlyn owned by iStarz & Everly Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Kieran owned by iStarz & Everly Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Vizsla owned by aray17 Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Euphoria owned by Vinson Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Arpeggio owned by WolfstormSC Receives AOM rosette

    Group 3 Results

    Best of Breed - Medusa owned by charlieputh Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Kartikeya owned by buckskin. Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Quell owned by taikunfoo Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Eris owned by buckskin. Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Valene owned by buckskin. Receives AOM rosette

    Group 4 Results

    Best of Breed - Matterhorn owned by taikunfoo Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Moon owned by JarsOfJupiter Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Johnny owned by Chanceuxcat Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Kenzi owned by NoodleDOOT Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Noble owned by Rescue2001 Receives AOM rosette

    Group 5 Results

    Best of Breed - Zaya owned by saorsa Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Typhoon owned by Julius525 Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - K2 owned by taikunfoo Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Aspen owned by taikunfoo Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Leena owned by Julius525 Receives AOM rosette

    Group 6 Results

    Best of Breed - Nuriel owned by Julius525 Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Europa owned by charlieputh Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Micah owned by Butter Dragon Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Emery owned by buckskin. Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Ghost owned by DarkestWerewolf Receives AOM rosette

    Group 7 Results

    Best of Breed - Kosmonaut owned by Temper Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Aayla owned by aray17 Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Ira owned by aexer Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Velvet owned by JarsOfJupiter Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Peace owned by DarkestWerewolf Receives AOM rosette

    Group 8 Results

    Best of Breed - Apache owned by Chellerd Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Kalinka owned by Temper Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Rabbit owned by WolfstormSC Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Tessa owned by NoodleDOOT Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Seraph owned by Chanceuxcat Receives AOM rosette

    Group 9 Results

    Best of Breed - Aloy owned by Honey~ Receives BOB rosette
    Best of Opposite - Sedge owned by taikunfoo Receives BOS rosette
    Select Male - Blade owned by Julius525 Receives Select Male rosette
    Select Female - Verona owned by Chanceuxcat Receives Select Female rosette
    Award of Merit - Celestiel owned by Honey~ Receives AOM rosette


    Herding Capability Tested Passed - Receives a HCT Passed Ribbon
    92 Wanda - charlieputh
    79 Alaster - Namida_☾
    77 Atlas - Namida_☾
    76 Cferi - Namida_☾
    97 Jaro - Namida_☾
    80 Uros - Namida_☾
    89 Zeraph - Namida_☾
    88 Atticus - Chellerd
    82 Elflock - paopu
    91 Eris - buckskin.
    85 Syrax - Honey~
    99 Imogen - aexer
    89 Gala - Julius525
    80 Yaksha - DarkestWerewolf
    76 Nessa - iStarz & Everly
    83 Lorcan - iStarz & Everly
    76 Yggdrasil - JarsOfJupiter
    96 Elijah - NoodleDOOT
    94 Voodoo - aray17
    78 Alexandrine - aray17

    Herding Capability Tested Failed - Does not receive a ribbon
    72 Salem - Namida_☾

    Junior Herding Dog Passed - Receives a JHD Passed Ribbon
    98 Elegy - paopu
    78 Lackadaisy - paopu
    91 Art - Luxio
    90 Zephyr - southern sweetie
    95 Larkspur - southern sweetie
    76 Greer - iStarz & Everly
    84 Vera - NoodleDOOT
    96 Malachor - aray17

    Cattle Trials - If qualified, receives a ribbon according to the trial entered for, if non-qualifier does not advance
    99 Robin - saorsa / HTD I-C QUALIFIED
    97 Kosmonaut - Temper / HTD I-C QUALIFIED
    91 Aisling - iStarz & Everly / HTD I-C QUALIFIED
    98 Amalthea - charlieputh / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    70 Meeko - Chellerd / HTD II-C NON-QUALIFIED
    92 Winchester - Honey~ / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    94 Ira - aexer / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    90 Blade - Julius525 / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    96 Yokai - DarkestWerewolf / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    89 Quell - taikunfoo / HTD II-C QUALIFIED
    90 Arum - Rescue2001 / HTD III-C QUALIFIED
    79 Quilo - Rescue2001 / HTD III-C NON-QUALIFIED
    64 Goldeneye - aexer / HTD III-C NON-QUALIFIED
    92 Matterhorn - taikunfoo / HTD III-C QUALIFIED
    91 Dega - southern sweetie / HTD III-C QUALIFIED
    92 S'more - Temper / HTD III-C QUALIFIED
    79 Tarot - Chanceuxcat / HTD III-C NON-QUALIFIED

    Sheep Trials - If qualified, receives a ribbon according to the trial entered for, if non-qualifier does not advance
    78 Nycteus - Rescue2001 / HTD I-S NON-QUALIFIED
    87 Mamba - WolfstormSC / HTD I-S QUALIFIED
    100 Bandit - DarkestWerewolf / HTD I-S QUALIFIED
    94 Verona - Chanceuxcat / HTD I-S QUALIFIED
    88 68 Ember - shadow9119 / HTD II-S QUALIFIED
    99 Rook - Temper / HTD II-S QUALIFIED
    90 Arlyn - iStarz & Everly / HTD II-S QUALIFIED
    91 Loki - charlieputh / HTD III-S QUALIFIED
    96 Europa - charlieputh / HTD III-S QUALIFIED
    87 Kieran - iStarz & Everly / HTD III-S QUALIFIED
    99 Machara - iStarz & Everly / HTD III-S QUALIFIED
    97 Caber - iStarz & Everly / HTD III-S QUALIFIED

    Goat Trials - If qualified, receives a ribbon according to the trial entered for, if non-qualifier does not advance
    80 Leena - Julius525 / HTD I-G NON-QUALIFIED
    87 Levant - Luxio / HTD I-G QUALIFIED
    98 Sedge - taikunfoo / HTD I-G QUALIFIED
    97 Valene - buckskin. / HTD II-G QUALIFIED
    87 Delphi - Vinson / HTD III-G QUALIFIED
    79 Kleio - Vinson / HTD III-G NON-QUALIFIED
    95 Azura - NoodleDOOT / HTD III-G QUALIFIED

    Duck Trials - If qualified, receives a ribbon according to the trial entered for, if non-qualifier does not advance
    92 Cyrus - Rescue2001 / HTD I-D QUALIFIED
    93 Cersei - saorsa / HTD I-D QUALIFIED
    99 Calanthe - Honey~ / HTD I-D QUALIFIED
    87 Sadie - Vinson / HTD II-D QUALIFIED
    85 Ashley - charlieputh / HTD II-D QUALIFIED
    92 Benedict - Julius525 / HTD II-D QUALIFIED
    90 Sage - Luxio / HTD II-D QUALIFIED
    86 Khaliset - Tacitus / HTD II-D QUALIFIED
    89 Neverland - paopu / HTD III-D QUALIFIED
    87 Ghost - DarkestWerewolf / HTD III-D QUALIFIED

    High In Trial for HTD I-S awarded to Bandit owned by DarkestWerewolf!

    Herding Trial Champion Qualifiers - Receives HTCH rosette
    100 Hedone - buckskin.
    98 Bamse - NoodleDOOT

    HTCH Entries
    73 Shadow - saorsa
    58 Splinter - saorsa
    51 Medusa - charlieputh
    79 Micah - Butter Dragon
    56 Meir - shadow9119
    68 Fragile - Tacitus
    77 Moze - Tacitus
    87 Snow - ajohanna
    88 Johnny - Chanceuxcat

    Herding Trial Multi Class Champion Qualifiers - Receives HTMCH rosette
    100 Paria - aexer

    HTMCH Entries
    54 Dionysus - WolfstormSC
    90 Skip - aexer


    Agility Course Test 1 Passed - Receives an ACT1 Passed ribbon
    85 Castiel - Rescue2001
    90 Narayan - Vinson
    76 Nicole - Vinson
    78 Arpeggio - WolfstormSC
    97 Innuk - Julius525
    75 Willow - Luxio
    81 Ninsar - DarkestWerewolf
    90 Jõhvi - Temper
    83 Velvet - JarsOfJupiter
    98 Pagan Min - Tacitus
    77 Dot - NoodleDOOT
    86 Tessa - NoodleDOOT
    98 Winta - aray17

    Agility Course Test 2 Passed - Receives an ACT2 Passed ribbon
    94 Ciele - paopu
    97 East - paopu
    88 Fable - paopu
    78 Kenji - Honey~
    93 Future - aexer
    86 Duck - southern sweetie

    Novice Agility Qualifiers - Receives NA rosette and 1st-4th place agility ribbon
    1st) 93 Kieran - Tacitus (tie-breaker winner)
    2nd) 93 Narcisse - JarsOfJupiter
    3rd) 89 Nuru - Chellerd
    4th) 87 Ulysses - southern sweetie (tie-breaker winner)
    87 Jackie - Chellerd
    86 Calla - aray17
    85 Birch - taikunfoo

    Open Agility Qualifiers - Receives OA rosette and 1st-4th place agility ribbon
    1st) 98 Euphoria - Vinson
    2nd) 95 Vizsla - aray17
    3rd) 92 Josie - Chellerd
    4th) 90 Rabbit - WolfstormSC
    87 Seraph - Chanceuxcat

    Agility Excellent Qualifiers - Receives AX rosette and 1st-4th place agility ribbon
    1st) 90 Adonis - buckskin. (tie-breaker winner 1)
    2nd) 90 Superstition - taikunfoo (tie-breaker winner 2)
    3rd) 90 Fayina - Rescue2001 (tie-breaker winner 3)
    4th) 90 Aayla - aray17
    89 Sam - saorsa
    89 Mama - Tacitus

    Agility Excellent Non-Qualifiers - Does not receive a rosette or ribbon
    56 Aloy - Honey~
    79 Nuriel - Julius525
    72 Nevaeh - Luxio
    70 Kalinka - Temper
    78 Flora - NoodleDOOT

    Masters Agility Excellent Qualifiers - Receives MX rosette and 1st-4th place agility ribbon
    1st) 99 Kalypso - Vinson
    2nd) 98 Peli - aray17
    3rd) 97 Unger - Tacitus
    4th) 94 Aurelia - southern sweetie
    67 90 Edurne - Julius525
    88 Saoirse - Luxio
    86 K2 - taikunfoo

    Masters Agility Excellent Non-Qualifiers - Does not receive a rosette or ribbon
    62 Noble - Rescue2001
    60 Mercury - charlieputh
    63 Seaghda - Luxio
    72 Katyusha - Temper
    78 Avril - Chanceuxcat

    Masters Agility Champion Qualifiers (5+ Previous Attempts) - Receives MACH rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 95 Logic - Temper

    Masters Agility Champion Qualifiers (4- Previous Attempts) - Receives MACH rosette and 1st-3rd place agility ribbon
    1st) 87 Zaya - saorsa
    2nd) 86 Nuri - WolfstormSC
    3rd) 85 Moon - JarsOfJupiter

    Masters Agility Champion Non-Qualifiers - Does not receive a rosette or ribbon
    72 Hershel - charlieputh
    54 Booker - Butter Dragon
    69 Chariot - Butter Dragon
    86 Peace - DarkestWerewolf
    60 Kitsune - JarsOfJupiter
    63 Kenzi - NoodleDOOT

    73 Rhy - Rescue2001
    79 Harvey - Chellerd
    52 South - paopu
    61 Cozette - Honey~
    73 Trex - Honey~
    72 Harrow - aexer
    53 Zorn - aexer
    73 Boa - southern sweetie
    82 Anfisa - Temper
    66 Corvo - JarsOfJupiter
    80 Koi - JarsOfJupiter
    63 John - Tacitus

    Premier Agility Dog Qualifiers - Receives PAD rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 88 Aspen - taikunfoo

    PAD Entries
    82 Sylvain - Vinson
    83 Winston - saorsa
    55 Hellbore - WolfstormSC
    59 Juliet - Chanceuxcat

    Premier Agility Dog Bronze Qualifiers - Receives PADB rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 98 Padme - Chellerd

    PADB Entries
    65 Hexathel - WolfstormSC
    70 Osiris - buckskin.
    79 Kartikeya - buckskin.
    74 Lucian - JarsOfJupiter
    74 Chess - ajohanna
    80 Ghoul - ajohanna

    Premier Agility Dog Silver Qualifiers - Receives PADS rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 91 Emery - buckskin.

    PADS Entries
    73 Apache - Chellerd
    56 Max - Butter Dragon
    73 Celestiel - Honey~
    73 Vida - DarkestWerewolf

    Premier Agility Dog Gold Qualifiers - Receives PADG rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 91 Spion - Chanceuxcat

    PADG Entries
    86 Umber - taikunfoo

    Premier Agility Dog Century Qualifiers - Receives PADC rosette and 1st place agility ribbon
    1st) 87 Rellik - Chanceuxcat

    PADC Entries
    60 Bolt - WolfstormSC
    54 Typhoon - Julius525

Round 76 Open!

This round's prompt is: Happy Mother's Day! What's your kennel doing for all of your mothers, human and/or collie?

Last edited by Vinson on Mon May 10, 2021 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby saorsa » Sun May 09, 2021 3:23 pm


Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Zaya
Gender: Female
Link: #674
Prior Titles: SFx1, BOBx1
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Winston
Gender: Male
Link: #001
Prior Titles: BoSx2
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Shadow
Gender: Female
Link: #657
Prior Titles: Select Female
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Robin
Gender: Female
Link: #056
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Splinter
Gender: male
Link: #105
Prior Titles: BOBx1
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Sam
Gender: Male
Link: #113
Prior Titles: None
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Cersei
Gender: Female
Link: #121
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Sparrow
Gender: Female
Link: #105
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a



Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Shadow
Link: #657
Trialing For?: HTCh
Previous Results: HTCh fail x4
Perks: n/a

Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Splinter
Link: #105
Trialing For?: HTCH
Previous Results: HTCH fail x1
Perks: n/a

Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Robin
Link: #056
Trialing For?: HTD II-C
Previous Results: HTD I-C pass
Perks: n/a

Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Cersei
Link: #121
Trialing For?: HTD II-D
Previous Results: HTD I-D pass
Perks: n/a



Agility Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Winston
Link: #001
Trialing For?: PAD
Previous Results: PAD fail x2
Perks: n/a

Agility Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Zaya
Link: #674
Trialing For?: PAD
Previous Results: MACH pass
Perks: n/a

Agility Entry - Round 76

Username: saorsa
Kennel Thread: Valhalla Heights
Name: Sparrow
Link: #105
Trialing For?: ACT 1
Previous Results: None
Perks: n/a

Last edited by saorsa on Fri May 14, 2021 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby iStarz & Everly » Sun May 09, 2021 3:28 pm

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Aisling
Name: Aisling
Gender: female
Link: Aisling
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Merida
Name: Merida
Gender: female
Link: Merida
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Greer
Name: Greer
Gender: female
Link: Greer
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Nessa
Name: Nessa
Gender: female
Link: Nessa
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Roark
Name: Roark
Gender: male
Link: Roark
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Arlyn
Name: Arlyn
Gender: female
Link: Arlyn
Prior Titles: AOM (round 70); BOS (round 71)
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Breck
Name: Breck
Gender: male
Link: Breck
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Lorcan
Name: Lorcan
Gender: male
Link: Lorcan
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: none
Herding Entry - Round 76

Username:iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Aisling
Name: Aisling
Link: Aisling
Trialing For?: HTD II-C
Previous Results: HTD I-C pass
Perks: none

Username:iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Merida
Name: Merida
Link: Merida
Trialing For?: HCT
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Greer
Name: Greer
Link: Greer
Trialing For?: JHD
Previous Results: HCT pass
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Nessa
Name: Nessa
Link: Nessa
Trialing For?: HCT
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Roark
Name: Roark
Link: Roark
Trialing For?: HCT
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: none

Username: iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Arlyn
Name: Arlyn
Link: Arlyn
Trialing For?: HTD III-S
Previous Results: HTD II-S pass
Perks: none

Username:iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Breck
Name: Breck
Link: Breck
Trialing For?: HCT
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: none

Username:iStarz & Everly
Kennel Thread: Lorcan
Name: Lorcan
Link: Lorcan
Trialing For?: HCT
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: none
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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby paopu » Sun May 09, 2021 3:40 pm

    Conformation Entry - Round 76

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Ciele || Notes of Aether
    Gender: male
    Link: C#89
    Prior Titles: BOB BOS SM
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: East || Notes of Nutmeg
    Gender: male
    Link: C#036
    Prior Titles: SM x2 BOB
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Elegy || Notes of Mourning
    Gender: female
    Link: C#120
    Prior Titles: n/a
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Elflock || Notes of Mumur
    Gender: female
    Link: C#111
    Prior Titles: n/a
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Fable || NNK Notes of Lily
    Gender: female
    Link: C#119
    Prior Titles: n/a
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Lackadaisy || Notes of Mallow
    Gender: male
    Link: C#067
    Prior Titles: n/a
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Neverland || NNK Notes of Starlight
    Gender: male
    Link: #482
    Prior Titles: SM x3 BOB
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: South || Notes of Bourbon
    Gender: female
    Link: C]#35
    Prior Titles: BOS x 2, BOB x3
    Perks: n/a

    Herding Entry - Round 76

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Elegy || Notes of Mourning
    Gender: female
    Link: C#120
    Trialing For?: HTD I-C
    Previous Results: JHD Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Elflock || Notes of Mumur
    Gender: female
    Link: C#111
    Trialing For?: JHD
    Previous Results: HCT Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Lackadaisy || Notes of Mallow
    Gender: male
    Link: C#067
    Trialing For?: HTD I-S
    Previous Results: JHD Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Neverland || NNK Notes of Starlight
    Gender: male
    Link: #482
    Trialing For?: HTD I-G
    Previous Results: HTD III-D Qualified
    Perks: n/a

    Agility Entry - Round 76

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Ciele || Notes of Cloud
    Gender: male
    Link: C#89
    Trialing For?: NA
    Previous Results: ACT 2 Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: East || Notes of Nutmeg
    Gender: male
    Link: C#036
    Trialing For?: NA
    Previous Results: ACT 2 Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: Fable || NNK Notes of Lily
    Gender: female
    Link: C#119
    Trialing For?: NA
    Previous Results: ACT 2 Pass
    Perks: n/a

    Username: paopu
    Kennel Thread: No Name Kennels
    Name: South || Notes of Bourbon
    Gender: female
    Link: C#35
    Trialing For?: MACH
    Previous Results: MACH Non-Qualified
    Perks: n/a

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    their destines become
    intertwined they'll remain
    a part of each other's lives
    no matter what

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Round 76

Postby strangetales » Sun May 09, 2021 4:21 pm

    Conformation Entries - Round 76...........................

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: ashley
    Gender: female
    Link: #521
    Prior Titles: BOS x5 | BOB x2 | AOM x2 | SF x5
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: hershel
    Gender: male
    Link: #563
    Prior Titles: SM x2 | BOS x1 | BOB x1 | AOM x1
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: amalthea
    Gender: female
    Link: #013
    Prior Titles: BOB x1 | BOS x1 | SFx2
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: medusa
    Gender: female
    Link: #060A
    Prior Titles: BOB x2 | SF x2 | AOM x1
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: loki
    Gender: male
    Link: #060D
    Prior Titles: BOB x2 | SM x2 | BOS x2
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: mercury
    Gender: male
    Link: #068
    Prior Titles: AOM x1
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: europa
    Gender: female
    Link: #086
    Prior Titles: BOS x1
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: wanda
    Gender: female
    Link: #092B
    Priour Titles: -
    Perks: -
    Agility Entries - Round 76

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: hershel
    Link: #563
    Trialing For?: MACH
    Previous Results: MACH fail x12
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: mercury
    Link: #068
    Trialing For?: MX
    Previous Results: MX fail
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: loki
    Link: #060D
    Trialing For?: ACT1
    Previous Results: HTD III-S pass
    Perks: double rolls until MX

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: europa
    Gender: female
    Link: #086
    Trialing For?: ACT1
    Previous Results: HTD III-S pass
    Perks: -
    Herding Entries - Round 76

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: amalthea
    Link: #013
    Trialing For?: HTD III-C
    Previous Results: HTD II-C pass
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: ashley
    Link: #521
    Trialing For?: HTCH
    Previous Results: HTD III-D pass
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: medusa
    Link: #060A
    Trialing For?: HTCH
    Previous Results: HTCH fail
    Perks: -

    Username: charlieputh
    Kennel Thread: kennel
    Name: wanda
    Gender: female
    Link: #092B
    Trialing For?: JHD
    Previous Results: HCT pass
    Perks: double rolls until level III


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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby Namida_☾ » Sun May 09, 2021 5:17 pm

——————— Conformation Entry - Round 76 ———————

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Alagona
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: B‘xhana
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Bxel‘la
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Cquella
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Darcy
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Diana
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: AOM 1x, SF 1x
Perks: n/a
side note:
Diana was previously owned by Temper under the name Tiffany

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Lenora
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Mera
Gender: Female
Link: xXx
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: n/a

——————— Agility Entry - Round # ———————

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Alagona
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: B‘xhana
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Bxel‘la
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Cquella
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Darcy
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Diana
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: PAD
Previous Results: MACH - pass
Perks: n/a
side note:
Diana was previously owned by Temper under the name Tiffany

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Lenora
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a

Username: Namida_☾
Kennel Thread: Blue Rose Kennels
Name: Mera
Link: xXx
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: n/a
Namida (she/xe/caw/he)
Image Image


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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby Butter Dragon » Sun May 09, 2021 6:32 pm

    Conformation Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: World's Oldest Riddle // Micah
    Gender: Male
    Link: Here
    Prior Titles: 1 BOB, 3 SM, 1 AOM, 1 BOS
    Perks: n/a

    Conformation Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: Can't Hold Me Down // Booker
    Gender: Male
    Link: Here
    Prior Titles: 1 SM, 1 BOB

    Perks: n/a

    Conformation Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: World's Oldest Riddle // Max
    Gender: Female
    Link: Here
    Prior Titles: 2 SF, 1 BOS, 1 AOM, 1 BOB
    Perks: n/a

    Conformation Entry - Round 76
    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: Take Me Home // Chariot
    Gender: Female
    Link: Here
    Prior Titles: 4 SF, 1 BOB
    Perks: n/a

    Herding Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: World's Oldest Riddle // Micah
    Gender: Male
    Link: Here
    Trialing For?: HTCh
    Previous Results: HTD III-D Qualified
    Perks: no


    Agility Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: Can't Hold Me Down // Booker
    Gender: Male
    Link: Here
    Trialing For?: MACH
    Previous Results: MX Qualified, MACH Non-Qualified (x9)
    Perks: no

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: World's Oldest Riddle // Max
    Gender: Female
    Link: Here
    Trialing For?: PADS
    Previous Results: PADB Qualified, PADS Non-Qualified (x5)
    Perks: no

    Agility Entry - Round 76

    Username: Butter Dragon
    Kennel Thread: Baby Salix Kennels
    Name: Take Me Home // Chariot
    Gender: Female
    Trialing For?: MACH
    Previous Results: MX Qualified, MACH Non-Qualified (x9)
    Perks: no
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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby Julius525 » Sun May 09, 2021 8:22 pm

Conformation Entry - Round 76

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Typhoon
Gender: Male
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: 3 BOB, 1 BOS, 5 SM, 3 AOM
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Leena
Gender: Female
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: 1 BOS, 1 AOM
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Edurne
Gender: Female
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Nuriel
Gender: Female
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: 3 BOB, 4 BOS, 5 SF
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Blade
Gender: Male
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: 1 BOS, 1 SM, 1 AOM
Perks: Yes

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Benedict
Gender: Male
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: 2 SM

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Gala
Gender: Female
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Innuk
Gender: Male
Link: Adoption page
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: No


Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Typhoon
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: HTD I-G
Previous Results: HTMCh - Pass
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Leena
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: HTD I-G
Previous Results: HTD I-G - Fail
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Blade
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: HTD III-C
Previous Results: HTD II-C - Pass
Perks: Yes

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Benedict
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: HTD III-D
Previous Results: HTD II-D - Pass
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Gala
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: JHD
Previous Results: HCT - Pass
Perks: No


Agility Entry - Round 76

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Nuriel
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: Agility Excellent
Previous Results: Agility Excellent - Fail
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Edurne
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: Master Agility Champion
Previous Results: Masters Agility Excellent - Pass
Perks: No

Username: Julius525
Kennel Thread: Here
Name: Innuk
Link: Adoption page
Trialing For?: Agility Course Test 2
Previous Results: Agility Course Test 1 - Pass
Perks: Yes
Last edited by Julius525 on Fri May 14, 2021 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby shortstop » Mon May 10, 2021 3:24 am

Herding Entry - Round 76

Username: shadow9119
Kennel Thread: Slate Mine + competition tracker
Name: SM's Cliffhanger//Meir
Link: cs link
Trialing For?: HTCh
Previous Results:
HCT - pass - proof || HTCh - fail - proof
JHD - pass - proof
HTD I-D - pass - proof
HTD II-D - pass - proof
HTD III-D - pass - proof
HTCh - fail - proof
HTCh - fail - proof
HTCh - fail - proof
Perks: no
Optional Prompt: n/a

Username: shadow9119
Kennel Thread: Slate Mine + competition tracker
Name: SM's Burning Words//Ember
Link: cs link
Trialing For?: HTD III-S
Previous Results:
HCT - pass - proof
JHD - pass - proof
HTD I-S - pass - result
HTD II-S - pass - proof
Perks: no
Optional Prompt: r76
we do the best we can with what we have
flight rising
arpg storage
discord: shortstop.

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Re: Beaumont Collie Title Program V.2 - Open!

Postby Vinson » Mon May 10, 2021 3:42 am

Conformation Entries - Round 76
Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo's Holding the Memories 'Kleio'
Gender: female
Link: here
Prior Titles: AOM x1
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo's Velvet Inks of Space 'Kalypso'
Gender: female
Link: here
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Velvet Elk 'Narayan'
Gender: male
Link: here
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s How to Cook a Wolf 'Nicole'
Gender: female
Link: here
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Temporary Utopia 'Euphoria'
Gender: female
Link: here
Prior Titles: BOB x1, SF x1, AOM x1
Perks: yes ; double rolls until championship

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Betray the Moon 'Frysta'
Gender: female
Link: here
Prior Titles: n/a
Perks: no

Herding Entries - Round 76
Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Soul Sister 'Sadie'
Link: here
Trialing For?: HTD III-D
Previous Results: HTD II-D pass
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo's Holding the Memories 'Kleio'
Link: here
Trialing For?: HTD III-G
Previous Results: HTD III-G fail
Perks: no

Agility Entries - Round 76
Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo's Velvet Inks of Space 'Kalypso'
Link: here
Trialing For?: MACH
Previous Results: MX pass
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Temporary Utopia 'Euphoria'
Link: here
Trialing For?: AX
Previous Results: OA pass
Perks: yes ; double rolls until MX

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Velvet Elk 'Narayan'
Link: here
Trialing For?: ACT2
Previous Results: ACT1 pass
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s How to Cook a Wolf 'Nicole'
Link: here
Trialing For?: ACT2
Previous Results: ACT1 pass
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Shadows of Your Silhouette 'Sylvain'
Link: here
Trialing For?: PAD
Previous Results: PAD fail
Perks: no

Username: Vinson
Kennel Thread: Suzzallo Kennels
Name: Suzzallo’s Betray the Moon 'Frysta'
Link: here
Trialing For?: ACT1
Previous Results: n/a
Perks: no
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