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Nikolai, ii 💀

Postby phantom-chain » Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:38 pm

[Male] - [He/Him] - [24 Years Old] - [East Side Nurse] - [Pansexual] - [Single] - [Location: East Side Camp, Boat House -> Main House] - [Tagging: Eva, Alexia, Connor] - [Mentions: Eva, Alexia, Connor, Amelia, Zeke]

He grabs his simple backpack and loads his supplies into it. His textbook, his pencils and pens that he's managed to find, and his notebook filled with notes. He wiped his hands over his pants, getting any imaginary dirt off of them, and hoists the bag up onto his back. He enjoyed the little boathouse he stayed in, but it was time he went and saw everyone. Plus, he was hungry. His stomach grumbled loudly, and he turns a shade pink at the sound. Thank God no one was around.

Nikolai opens the door and shivers at the sudden cold air that rushed in. He pulls his cardigan around himself tighter and starts his trek to the kitchen. He could cook himself something simple, something decent. He never truly got the handle on cooking anything spectacular but he could grill some vegetables and some protein of some sort. Tomatoes, grilled pork, some onions. Moussaka is something he should try and make too. He tried it a few times when he had the ingredients for it, and it was always okay. But the people here had a lot more than the other groups he had stayed at before. But with the coming winter, he should wait until spring. That way, they wouldn't have to possibly waste anything or exert their supplies. Especially if it's just for Nikolai's nostalgia and homesickness.

Okay, all this thinking of food had made his stomach clench in pain. Right, he hadn't eaten much today. He needed to hurry. So he walked a little faster till he reached the side of the main house. He dragged his fingers over the sides of the paneling till he got to the edge and let his hand drop back down. He heard people talking by the gardens, and he felt like he needed to at least have people see him today. He felt a little awkward around people still, spending so much time traveling alone did that to a man. He looked around at everyone who was there.

There was Eva, and then two more, Alexia and Connor. Plus the children, Zeke and Amelia. He waved quietly and walked over to the back door, opening it and putting his foot down to keep it open. His brain is still thinking in Greek, so he has to take a moment to mentally translate. But when he's sure of what he has to say, he finally speaks,"How is everyone? Healthy and well, I hope."

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Alexander 02

Postby Crono » Sat May 01, 2021 4:35 am

Male ~ Thirty-One ~ Nurse ~ West Side ~ Profile
Location: In front of West Main House ~ (Tags: Grey) (Mentions:)

Alex's small smile faded, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected the conversation to go this route. Though he was a little disappointed as well as frustrated that Grey didn't want to take this behind closed doors. "You can't just keep me from going out there." His tone borderline accusing, while the man shifted his weight onto his other foot after they'd paused in their steps. By instinct he'd glanced around to see who was nearest to them and if they'd be overheard before honing back in on the compounds leader. Once he started speaking he was more hushed to try and prevent anyone form hearing, "I'm more useful beyond those walls than being stuck here within them, and you know it." Though Alex also was well aware of why he was being sidelined, his knee, and while he hadn't been keeping the old injury a secret it wasn't like he'd shouted it from the rooftops. Yet when Grey had found out about it due to a small incident outside the walls, he found himself all but grounded and taken off of any and all patrols and runs.

Since then he'd been arguing his case whenever possible knowing full well he was being a nuisance. "I was going out for nearly two years without my knee causing any problems until a few weeks ago. One incident and I'm blacklisted? My knee wasn't an issue until you became aware of it." Alexander crossed his arms over his chest, fully prepared to keep pushing his point and hold Grey back from whatever he was headed to do. As much as he didn't like being a hinderance the man wasn't interested in being caged in the place he was meant to call home. Though he was fully aware of how Grey went about business and that all of this would only backfire in the end. The reasons he was voicing weren't the only reasons he wanted to be out there, Alexander had those that were personal as well.
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۰ Mercer 002 ✘

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Thu May 06, 2021 4:32 am

𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑬𝑹 𝑷𝑨𝑮𝑬 ─── & Alby ────────────────────────────── 002.
──────────────────── location; west-side encampment ─ tagging; Gabe, Owen ─ mentioned; Shannon, Grey ───

    Mercer nodded his head thoughtfully at Gabe's words. He had had an inkling of a suspicion about something of the
    sort when he had seen the concern on his face. Before Mercer had a chance to answer, the hinges of the doors
    complained again, and the gravel trapped between the concrete floor and the wood scraped along its path. Mercer
    narrowed his eyes against the fading light of the evening, making out Owen stepping into the dimness of the room.
    His apology did not seem like the most sincere one, but Mercer chose to take it that way, and when Gabe took it
    as his cue to leave, Mercer watched him go, a little regretful. But he shouldn't have to worry about some soldier's
    impulsive behaviour on top of their disappearing supplies.
    indentindent"That's alright," he replied, clearing his throat. When Owen brought up the reason why he had come,
    Mercer drew his fingers through his dark hair, then rubbed his stubbled jaw, considering.
    indent"I heard, and I suppose we should to address that." Mercer let his dark eyes take a final sweep over the
    shelves lining the walls. "Mind if we step out?"
    indentindentMercer held the door open and motioned for Owen to exit before he pressed it closed as quietly as
    the hinges allowed. It was getting late, and he was certain someone would have already crawled in their cot for
    the night. He shrugged the collar of his jacket closer to his skin and glanced toward the pastures at the end of
    the road in hopes of seeing Alby as he turned back toward the general. The warmth of the sun was fading quickly.
    indentindent"Listen, I'm not here to stamp on your orders, Owen, and I know we have been over this
    before, but are you sure there is no way we can transfer Vukovic to some other duties? There's plenty
    of work to be done, especially this time of year. I could even find her some construction project, there's
    a lot that needs to be fixed up before the snows come,"
    Mercer offered, in a tone that was apologetic than
    indentindentTruth be told, Mercer may have been the second, but Owen was the general, and he saw them as
    equals more than anything else. Even if he weren't the general, it wasn't like Mercer to lord status over anyone.
    Behaviour like that merely reminded him of some old bosses, and he would only ever veto someone else's ideas as
    a final option, and only if he thought they might have caused more harm than good to the group. Even then, Grey
    had chosen his people well, and there was hardly ever need for debate. Mercer preferred it that way.
    indentindentThis was a matter in which he would yield to Owen rather than contest his decisions, and if the first
    word out of his mouth was to be 'no', he wouldn't question him further than that. The man had been in the army,
    and for a good while as far as Mercer knew, and so he would gladly hand over control of the soldiers' roster and
    schedule to someone who knew far better than he did. No matter how many times Mercer would have to pick up a
    gun himself, wrangling a group of others sporting rifles would never be at the top of his priorities. No, he much
    preferred concerning himself with the day-to-day needs of the group.
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── wc; 0,572
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Postby ethereal . » Thu May 06, 2021 5:00 am

    east-side leader thirty tagged; ivy, kylian mentioned; eva, ivy
    mornings and late nights were starting to become the only relaxing, and rather domestic part of daniel's life in this new area. mostly because it didn't take long for him and amelia to fall into their same routine. for and hour or two every morning and night when they were alone things felt normal, almost like the war had never happened. almost like he wasn't raising a child in a rotten world full of rotten people, both dead and alive. amelia was getting older now, but she still hasn't quite grasped the concept of sleeping in her own bed. you won't ever catch daniel complaining though. she'll move on in her own time, and until that time comes he's glad to wake up next to her every morning like clockwork. plus it doesn't hurt having his own personal alarm clock.

    every morning right after the sun starts shining through the window he feels gentle taps all over his face, and he knows it's time to start another day. their routine isn't what you would call strict, but more comfortable and familiar than anything. first, they wake up, and then for about five minutes amelia giggles and tries to copy the silly faces her father makes while splashing very cold water on his face. breakfast always comes before getting dressed, but they still always find themselves snacking on what's left of their food as they march outside. reality only hits daniel when he leaves his daughter in the care of eva for most of the day. daniel trusts very few people with his daughter, but eva and ivy are the exceptions for now.

    from that time forward daniel goes through a lot of emotions, but today was one of those days that just make you sigh a million times and wonder if you're doing anything right. moving the group to a new area has been rough. the crops aren't taking as well as the usually do and their livestock seems to be thinning by the day for whatever reason. not to mention, he's been hearing whispers of some of his people drifting over to the group on the other side of the creek to take what doesn't belong to them. daniel has never been a fan of sticky fingers, but this is a situation he doesn't know how to go about just yet. he refuses to point fingers at anyone until he has some concrete evidence.

    it feels like his body and mind have been anywhere and everywhere today. checking in on the fields and livestock, trying to determine what else can be done with winter quickly approaching. making sure everyone is settling in their new homes, and double and triple checking with inventory. no matter how many times he does it he's still paranoid about how they're all going to survive and it's slowly killing him. the only thing getting him through the day right was his constant check ins on amelia which he was going to do right now, but a feminine voice calling his name stopped him dead in his tracks.

    head jerking up and in one direction then the other, finally stopping when his eyes landed on ivy and kylian. an almost smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he wandered over to the window ivy was leaning out of. "ivy, kylian." he offered both of them a nod, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck while he glanced around for a moment. "she is, and i'm actually headed over there now if you guys want to join. i was thinking of getting everyone together for a bit. seems like we could all use a little 'family time'. optional, of course." he snickered softly as he lifted his fingers in air quotes. daniel might be more closed off than others, but one of his favorite things to do was the get everyone in one room and just talk. it was a different way of letting off steam, but effective nonetheless. at least in his opinion.
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۰ Shannon, 002. ✘

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Fri May 07, 2021 12:48 am

𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑵𝑶𝑵 𝑽𝑼𝑲𝑶𝑽𝑰𝑪 ─────────────────────────────── 002.
─────────────────────────────── location; main, kitchen ─ tagging; Sera, Gabe ─ mentioned; Owen, Mercer

    Owen crossed the porch, a little too hasty for any illusion that everything would have been fine between them, but it
    was unlikely that anyone would have expected anything less. His hazel eyes, shaded with something like distaste, turned
    to her, and an irreverent, taunting twist showed up on the corner of her lips. He was soon gone, however, and Shannon
    returned her focus back to the redhead, whose contempt was far less concealed. A little bit of honesty was refreshing,
    it was uneventful when others scuttled around as if on eggshells, offering no protest to being posed a challenge for a bit
    of entertainment.
    indentindentIt rubs her the wrong way, being led back inside the house like a dog on a lead, but when her barb about
    the doctor's qualifications bears fruit ─ albeit exasperated and far too earnest for her liking ─ she takes the dangling
    bait and seats herself at the table. The doctor's examining fingers send jolts of hot pain up her arm, but it hardly shows
    from the thrilled gleam in her eyes as she watches Red's solemn face for those little twitches of irritation. Shannon perks
    up a little further when she speaks up again, but her teeth clench together harshly from the sudden yank of her knuckle
    popping back into its rightful place.
    indentindentOnce the sharp pain is gone and there is only a dull ache, Shannon's grin grows until the whites of her teeth
    show, self-satisfied and somehow astonished.
    ind"I always knew you were twisted, Red," she rasps, as if it's a secret the doctor wouldn't want spreading around
    indentindentShannon cocked her brow with a hint of dismissiveness of her own when Sera walked away, but seeing one
    of the newbies step into the kitchen, right into her range, tempered the disappointment of not being given the chance
    to see how far she could push the doctor. For a moment, Shannon watched Gabe slice up pieces of chicken and rifle
    through the cupboards for pots and pans. She leaned back in her seat, propped her elbows against the tabletop, and
    dug her knife out from the sheath at her thigh. She let her gaze bore into the back of the man's head, all the while
    turning the blade around in her hands and ignoring the advice she had just been given, except for the part about
    bothering someone else.
    indentindent"Don't tell me they've demoted you from doormat to scullery maid," she started, falsified touches of
    innocence dancing in the words that were clearly poised to wound. "Now, which handsome hunk's dinner is it that
    you're making there? Aiming to score points from Mercer?"
    She raised her voice tauntingly. The warped grin
    returned, and she spun the knife between the fingers of her uninjured hand once, then twice, cavalierly leaning
    further in her seat.
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── wc; 0,472
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Re: -𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐚 𝐧𝐚𝐩- 𝟎𝟎3

Postby Stargazer3000 » Sun May 09, 2021 9:55 am

───────────────────────────── 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬 ─────────────────────────────
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 main cabin, west-side perimeter 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 alex 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 sera

Grey listened silently as Alex spoke, taking in the nurse’s argument even as his gaze swept slowly over the compound. Dusk had fallen in earnest now, and the dying embers of daylight sputtered in the sky when Grey shifted his gaze back to the nurse, the heavy pause in Alex’s argument letting the leader know that he had, for the time being, voiced his concerns. Grey mirrored his low tone as he responded in his firm, steady manner, “What I know is that it’s in everyone’s best interest to leave as few things to chance as possible. So while, yes,” he conceded, “your knee hadn’t caused any problems, that’s no longer the case. And knowing what I know, I can’t in good conscious send you back into the field.” Grey paused for a beat, making sure that they weren’t are risk of being overheard before continuing, “Even that that incident was minor, it could have easily been much worse and affected people other than yourself - and we need you alive more than we need you in the field.”

Grey let his last statement settle into the space between the two men, before exhaling heavily and turning his attention back towards the main house. His breath hung suspended in the air, and he grew increasingly conscious of the oncoming night as he at last continued is a slightly less clipped tone, “I think we should inside - if you want we can keep talking about this in my room, but if the past few weeks are anything to go by,” here his voice became slightly tinted with the faintest traces of humor, “we’ll be having this conversation again, so if you’d rather not I understand as well.” With that, Grey began to make his way towards the main house, making the mental note to check in with Sera once he got there - he hadn’t found a permanent replacement for Alex’s position just yet, and if anyone would know who the right person for the job was, it was the lead medic.
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Alexander 03

Postby Crono » Wed May 26, 2021 12:56 pm

Male ~ Thirty-One ~ Nurse ~ West Side ~ Profile
Location: In front of West Main House - > By the River ~ (Tags: Grey/Open) (Mentions:)

Alex's frustration only rose higher when Grey went as far as throwing the fact that his arguing wasn't changing anything back in the mans' face, with humor no less. He was becoming aware of the fact that he was getting ever closer to saying something he might regret, so rather than follow the camps leader inside he opted to turn around and walk away. "This isn't over." He called over his shoulder as he went. Being cooped up inside the camp wasn't going well for Alex, he was far more short tempered and even a little snappy of late. The man found himself apologizing more than he expected in recent weeks. The sound of running water caught his attention as he neared the river and paused at it's bank, the tension slowly but surely drained from his body and his posture softened. The evening was cooling and it felt nice, and something about the sound of the river was comforting.

Alexander peeled off his socks and shoes, then rolled up the sleeves of his jeans slightly and placed his bare feet in the cool water before sitting down on the dry part of the bank. With his hands behind him to prop the man up he stared out at the water, lost in thought, occasionally glancing up at the sky as the stars started shining into existence with the dimming of the landscape. Alex knew Grey wasn't entirely wrong but he wasn't capable of just staying within these walls until he died, he had his reasons for being out there and they were beyond this group of people he'd come to care and lookout for.

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