☬-Thorn of The Rose-☬ 2x2 W/ Wolfrunner & Spiritstar3

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Postby owl0430 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:51 am

" Oh, is that all?" her tone held a hint of relief to it. " While I can't necessarily say that I'm surprised, or that it's a good that, I'm glad it's not something worse. Why, with that glare of hers one would think I'd done something absolutely wretched." a light chuckle- the first in what seemed like ages- escaped her lips. " Nonetheless, I doubt she has anything to worry about, if you can't tell..." her face once again fell into its neutral expression. " Though childish as it may be, I don't think there's anything wrong with her desires. Is it not commonplace, to desire what one does not and can not have, no matter one's standing in life? For instance, sometimes I wish I was the daughter of a merchant, or a mere farmer. Things would be simpler, then. But alas, that is impossible. But it's the dreams of such, the wondering of the 'what if', that helps one to temporarily escape whatever perils they face in their reality." she was silent for a few minutes then, thinking. " But you know...I think sending them a bouquet is a grand idea."
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Postby owl0430 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:38 am

He had tried everything to avoid her gaze, but in the end, Aralynn had forced him to meet hers, and he did so with apprehension. A stiffness in his limbs, as if bracing himself for any possibility. Yet he was surprised to find no words of hatred were uttered from her lips, no wrathful movement of her limbs in attempt to harm him. Instead, he was presented with a soft smile followed by the concerned touch of her hand on his bloody wrist. " No need for concern- it looks worse than it is. Besides, it's already healing- in a few minutes, it'll be as if it was never there at all. "

He then looked away again, his tone hushed. " I...I couldn't just let you die, Aralynn...not in such a horrid manner...not at all. Besides, I'm not the only one who needs you alive. Your siblings...I'm sure they miss you, wherever they are at the present. Having sent them off in such a hurry, I'm sure they are worried about you. " not that I'm sure when you'll be able to see them again...it would be unwise to let them know of your fate. You would first have to learn how to control the changing of your eyes, the exposure of your fangs...but most of all, the bloodlust that arises around humans. It's easy enough to lose oneself to the thralls of the madness.
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Re: ☬-Thorn of The Rose-☬ 1x1 W/ Wolfrunner & Spiritstar3

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:30 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:Konan Semantis- 20- Genderfluid (m)- Ember Infiltrator- Bisexual- his house- Tags: open for now

The dark haired vampire was fluttering about as usual, or rather in a flutter. The beautiful dog, his dog, was only a week or two away from having the pups. She'd slowed down exponentially therefore. She slept and ate a lot more, drank more maybe. He seemed more nervous the closer it got to time. Of course he was nervous, as his dog had never had puppies before.

Haruna- 18- male- Embere Heir- homosexual- manor stables- Tags: open for now (James)

The dark haired boy "Well, it's probably pointless to bathe Demon until they come back in. I want to groom him a bit, though, so....Would you care to help me with that?" he asked. He hummed a moment, then smiled at the male. He said "You may let Angel out, but he'll probably stay by the door. He'll still be outside though," he laughed gently a bit. "After we groom and release Demon, we could see about snacks and tea? I'll definitely be hungry by the time that's all done."
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Re: ☬-Thorn of The Rose-☬ 2x2 W/ Wolfrunner & Spiritstar3

Postby wolfrunner » Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:14 am

"He is well named then? He has not appeared too much so.", the young man said as he set about doing just as Haruna said. After securing the one steed, James eased him out of the stall directing him to the near by fenced in pasture and returned with an loose lead rope. "I feared he almost refused to be let out sir. I shall prepare the water for the other.", he said offering the rope to the prince so he could lead out the remaining horse as he gathered the bathing supplies.
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Postby wolfrunner » Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:57 am

Estella listened to Akira speak of how she sometimes dreamed of a far simpler life then the one she was given. Her head nodding as she silently agreed to the blonde's point. "I believe it is My Lady.", she said though silently the lady in waiting sighed. Poor girl. It seemed to Estella that the Emberelic Heir yearned for the simple life so much that she was utterly oblivious to the life she had and the good things it offered, were she not doing exactly what Rena was as of late. The lady in waiting was young but far wiser then she appeared and more grounded then her friend was. It was why she was the one female staff who had taken the most direct care of the young princess in addition to the fact she could get a bit of a conversation out of the blonde. 'My Lord please remind me why this one.', she thought as the duo soon enough reached the exit to the gardens.


"General sir? General Renier?"

Stirred from his own thoughts drawing away from the window, Lucas turned around to come face to face with another vampire. It was a soldier from Emberelic who was acting as a informant and a carrier between himself and the king at present. Though this time around had been to update his most direct superior.

"That is all I have to report sir."

"Very well. You are dismissed. One of the staff will meet you by the front to escort you to the town limits and will remain there for a time to be sure of the townspeople safety. Should my man not return to the house there will be consequences to pay and severe ones. Is that understood?", the dark haired vampire warned cooly. Eyes flashing red for a moment to emphasize the pureblood's meaning.

"Yes. Yes of course General.", the other said before bowing low and taking his leave.
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Re: ☬-Thorn of The Rose-☬ 1x1 W/ Wolfrunner & Spiritstar3

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:03 pm

Konan Semantis- 20- Genderfluid (m)- Ember Infiltrator- Bisexual- his house- Tags: open for now

The dark haired vampire was fluttering about as usual, or rather in a flutter. The beautiful dog, his dog, was only a week or two away from having the pups. She'd slowed down exponentially therefore. She slept and ate a lot more, drank more maybe. He seemed more nervous the closer it got to time. Of course he was nervous, as his dog had never had puppies before.

Haruna- 18- male- Embere Heir- homosexual- manor stables- Tags: open for now (James)

The dark haired boy nodded a bit as he looked at James. He smiled as he said "I guess he is well named, though he can be feisty and mischievous at times. Then again, I named Demon so because he's black. He can be quite sweet and gentle, though." He watched him then lead the (reluctant) red gelding. He hummed and nodded, saying "He went, though." He then took the lead rope of the white dotted black horse. He smiled as he led him to where they'd bathe him, or brush him. He then wondered if he could ask about Rigel. The servants had seen them together the day Lucas brought Akira home.
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Postby owl0430 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:20 pm

Once the two had reached the garden- the female wasted no time in removing her shoes and plopping down onto the grass- not paying heed to the nearby benches. She had to admit, it was nice to be outside again- so long as the sun stayed up and the sky stayed bright. The one storm they'd had since that day, she had spent it curled up inside her room, refusing to move from the bed and its blankets. Instead, she had stayed wide awake until it subsided, hiding beneath the covers of the bed much like a small child.

Soon enough the other lady from earlier had found her way to them, a tray of delicacies in one hand and another staff member carrying their tea. The lads had also arrived, art supplies in hand, setting up what needed to be set up before leaving. The lady who had brought them their sandwiches and what not remained, however, in case anything else was needed- allowing Estella to just focus on keeping the heir company. Of course, Akira wasted no time in retrieving one of the sandwiches- she had been rather munchy the whole time, so she was quite excited to see the array of options. And so she stayed for a bit, munching on food and sipping on the tea. "Now, please pardon if these questions are a bit personal- and in no way are you required to answer...but there are some things I'd like to know, if possible...to help me, understand, I guess..." For whatever reason, unbeknownst even to her, the female was going to make an attempt to open up a bit to her lady-in-waiting during her search for answers, and try to understand everything around her a bit better- but was interrupted. Well, not directly or intentionally interrupted. Perhaps 'distracted' was a better word for it. There, in a nearby portion of the garden- visible from where they were, but not close enough to hear their conversation- was a trio. Two light-brown -haired individuals, clearly siblings, who were seemingly escorting a male who appeared to be near Lucas's age, despite his long, silver hair. She didn't recall ever seeing them around before. If it hadn't been for their attire, she would have assumed they were just staff she hadn't seen much of. But no, their attire spoke of high-standing nobility- and that put her on edge. Especially when the trio spotted and began walking towards them...

" Oh, hello there!" The brown-haired male had spoken in a cheerful, friendly voice once he was close enough. No fangs or crimson eyes that she could see- not that it meant anything anymore. Pardon us, we didn't mean to intrude on your grounds. See, we are a bit lost- we're not from around here- but we saw this lovely garden and couldn't help but wonder about it for a time. I assure you we meant no harm"


Adrian hadn't planned on interacting with the human girl and her lady-in-waiting. All he had wanted was to look around the garden- it was much more expansive and elaborate than he remembered. Besides, why not work his way down through the city, starting with the estate's garden? But Orion had disobeyed his requests, instead choosing to interact. He would be having a talk about that later. It was a miracle he had remembered to hide his hand behinds his back as it was- the male remembered that girl. Yes, indeed- it was the sister of the fallen queen- and he was unsure if she was aware of the estate, and its town's, vampire residents. Though, oddly enough, he hadn't noticed any other vampires so far, which was rather odd. Nevertheless, that wasn't important right now- the male had his nails trimmed, yes, but only to sn extent- they still had a bit of s sharp appearance. Not overly long, but still a bit claw-like: and if the princess were to see them, she might put two-and-two together.
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Postby wolfrunner » Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:28 pm

The blonde ran her thumbs gently over the bite marks in Al's wrist examine the puncture wounds. Then she tenderly flipped his hand over for a moment before flipping it back to examine the wrist again. It wasn't pretty but it could have been worse. At least Aralynn hadn't ripped his wrist wide open or tore off his hand in a feeding frenzy. But she was having a hard time believing what she had actually done despite knowing that she did indeed bite into the changling's arm and drink his blood. And, whats more, had actually enjoyed it as it eased her throat which was now not as raw as it had been just moments ago. She'd been hungry....starving actually and, though it crossed her mind to do so, didn't have the ambition to ask how much she'd taken. Aralynn had felt as though she had not eaten anything in a good long while and had to or she was going to go crazy. "I don't think I could have stopped myself even if I knew it was you beforehand. Your voice is what ended up snapping me out of it.", the blonde admitted relieved to hear that it would heal quickly.

Aralynn had gone back to relaxing just enjoying the fact she was once again back where she knew she belonged. Only difference now was that she didn't have to leave. She could be with him as long as he wanted her company....the girl could keep her promise. Little by little Aralynn started moving the rest of her body a bit trying to shake off whatever may have remained from however long she was resting. At the same time her brain was attempting to wrap itself around, and sort out, that she was now immortal and would be relying on human blood as her source of nutrition. All of which would likely take a bit of getting used to for sure. "Even if you're right and they're still alive I doubt they'd want to see me. I sent them away right into the hands of who I was trying to protect them from. I was supposed to protect them and then the rest of Emberelic but failed on both accounts. You were all I had left Al, or I guess have left. You're the most important to me. Without you-", Aralynn let her voice trail off not willing to even entertain such an idea, "I think I need you more then you need me."
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Postby owl0430 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:44 pm

" Oh? Well, in that case, my apologies for having interrupted. You're welcome to continue if you'd like" he began. " You slept for the larger part of a month- anyone would be starving if they'd got that long without any kind of nutrition." he gave her an awkward smile, unused to this kind of conversation. " I can only hope I have the right capabilities to be your mentor. I struggle for my most rational moments my dear, and while I've turned people before...I've mostly done nothing more than just make sure they are being trained properly and don't follow an even darker path." the male then turned his gaze to the window, who's view and light were still blocked by curtains. " However, you needn't blame yourself for their fate, my dear. I'm not sure what all his original intentions were in showing up to Emberelic. Nor am I sure if his first meeting with your sister was by fate or by chance. But Lucas is the rather clever and conniving sort- one would be foolish to go against him with that big brain of his, though his physical strength is quite impressive as well. Wherever you sent your siblings, he was bound to find them.. Lucas has never failed, for what I am aware of, escept for in only two cases I know of. Two slip-ups in how many years of existence? He even had made a comment to me once, how he had planned to remove the heirs from the kingdom before your fall- that part at least was likely better that way. They needn't have seen that. But...I highly doubt Lucas would have let anything happen to them, my love. I doubt he would admit it, but I do believe he may have a slight soft spot for your sister- unless I misread my centuries-old friend, and it was nothing but strategy. So the chances are they are still alive and well... relatively speaking. Though with everything that I saw at highguard, I feel they would love nothing more than to see you."

He then smiled at her, attempting to lighten the tone. " But I'm glad to hear you have faith in me. That I could be of help to you."
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Re: ☬-Thorn of The Rose-☬ 2x2 W/ Wolfrunner & Spiritstar3

Postby wolfrunner » Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:40 pm

The young women grinned a triumphant smile when Akira took off her shoes and left her once they arrived at the garden. This was much better then the sad girl who kept herself locked in her chambers all day everyday, or vanished back into them like a frightened field mouse if she dared venture onto her balcony. This made Estella hopefull. Hopefull that, with tentive baby steps, the princess would regain a little of that spark she had had up until a month ago. Or at least start stepping out into the sunshine to bathe in it's healing rays once a day in good weather.

After seeing Akira head over towards the wrought iron table and chairs no containing soft cushions and a tray of delicacies and tea, Estella followed the teen's example. Before she knew it her shoes were likewise off while she made her way to join the young lady. "These are traditional light sandwiches which we serve with tea or as appetizers during parties. They may not be very filling, but that only means everyone will look the other way should you decide to indulge yourself a little....lady or not. The herbs for the tea are grown in town naturally. Many times we at the manor offer freshly cut blooms in exchange for these blends and many times, depending on the flower, the blooms are made into teas themselves.", the lady in waiting informed the blonde with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. The young women set the books she had brought, and some light embroidery for herself she had grabbed, on the table top. Estella was about to have a seat in one of the chairs when Akira stopped speaking. Curious the young women looked up, "My Lady?" It wasn't until she followed the princess's gaze that the lady in waiting took notice they were not alone in the gardens anymore and it wasn't other staff members or the prince who had joined them.

A young man with long silver hair had joined them. He was flanked by another young man and a young women, both of whom had heads of light brunette hair and looked to be related.

When the male twin spoke up apologizing for trespassing on estate grounds, Estella crossed to stand in front of the table. She stood firm slightly blocking Akira from the view of the trio, "Sirs. Miss. Good day to you, this a lovely day for a walk among the flowers and I am pleased you find them appealing." She was polite but curt with the three strangers. They were clearly nobility after all, yet not one of them wore a familiar face and they'd certainly trespassed on the family's grounds. "My Lady and I were just enjoying the day ourselves. Aside from a mild start there is no need to concern yourselves, for no harm has been done. You have stumbled upon the grounds of the Renier Estate, caretakers of the town just at the bottom of the hill."
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