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[♔] store prompt [♔] used

Postby beebun » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:27 am

store prompt .. kulia, fechi + shiloh .. basic art prompt
used; yes, headshot of kulia; 3 white feathers, art of fechi; 3 white feathers, art of shiloh; 3 white feathers (I think? I’m not completely sure..)

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Re: [♔] partners in crime [♔] used

Postby beebun » Sat Mar 06, 2021 2:13 pm

lvl up prompt .. fechi + shiloh .. prompt #d15
used; used, 1 white feather
[301 words]

    “if we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything.” and yet again, fechi was planning a prank. shiloh was nervous about this one, as it was on kulia, who was basically their worst enemy. she hated their pranks, and just them in general. shiloh just stared at his best friend blank faced. “oh, c’mon! you know all the times kulia has told us off, and made us do all those weird chores! she’s getting what she deserves!”
    shiloh sighed, “fechi.. I’m not sure about this. it doesn’t sound right. and besides, it’s just gonna prove her point.” fechine frowned. then grabbed him and dragged him away. he wasn’t gonna get out of this.
    “ok, so I’ve got the slime. she’ll hate the slime!” fechi smiled, peering at shiloh happily. he grinned back. “and..”
    she stopped, picking up a string of stones, “..what’s this?”
    the stones reflected the low light off and shined in the two troublemaker’s eyes, “it’s so pretty..” they both said in unison, staring at it.
    shiloh blinked. “do you think it’s kulia’s? it was by her nest.. we should touch it. leave it, fechi.” fechi just stared at him in disbelief.
    “you know what this means, shiloh?” her eyes shone, “kulia is hiding something!!!” and that was when the little prince rolled his eyes.
    “really, fechi, really??” shiloh laughed. “just leave it, kulia doesn’t have anything to hide.” fechi listened to him, stashing it back where she had pulled it from. her eyes looked at it longingly. shiloh turned around, “anyways, we should go before she gets back. everything’s set up, right?”
    “yep!” fechi said just as shiloh nodded and started to walk out. she glanced quickly back at him, and then turned back to kulia’s nest, snatching the stone necklace from its dark hiding place.

first sentence generated here.
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[♔] merica’s dream [♔] used

Postby beebun » Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:05 am

prompt i05 - 1 white feather - 225 words
    merica turned in her little nest. since it was only merica and her mother in the clan, she slept in her mother’s den for warmth and protection. besides, the other dens weren’t completely built yet. merica’s mother was azure, the leader of rushingclan, or the clan of the rushing falls. merica looked up to her, she wanted to be like her mother when she was older. merica wanted to be a leader, or someone important who did good things, she didn’t know what yet. but she knew that she could do it. merica knew she could rise to the occasion and help others. she just wasn’t ready yet.
    that was when merica decided she couldn’t sleep, and flickered her round ears around to the entrance and exit of the den. merica got up, fluffing out her fur. the striped she-cat then padded outside into camp to look at the moon. merica loved the moon. she loved how it brightened up the sky. how it outshone the stars who all competed for space in the dark tapestry of the gods somnus and luna. she wanted to be like the moon, as well as her mother. she wanted to be a mix of both, to shine bright and be important in the world. to do good when the dark is at its peak. that was merica’s dream.
Last edited by beebun on Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[♔] merica’s personality [♔] used

Postby beebun » Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:16 am

prompt i01 + i02 - 2 white feathers - 199 words
    merica - kind, hopeful, enthusiastic.
    nervous, self-doubting, naive

    merica has never really seen the outside world; she’s lived in the valley all her life. she’s naive about what life is really like, she doesn’t understand the true reason why her mother founded the clan of rushing falls. that life in a group is much better than alone, that not all cats are nice. she’s hopeful that soon the clan will grow, and she’ll have more cats to talk to and know. merica is what keeps her mother hopeful and optimistic, she helps azure keep along and not give up the clan. merica is a kind soul, the first time she had to eat real prey she almost barfed it up when azure told her that she was eating an actual animal. merica prefers to live off berries(she’s been getting good at finding the edible ones) instead of prey. but she’s a growing kit, so her mother makes her eat prey. merica often doubts herself, thinking that maybe she isn’t good enough, or she isn’t what her mother wants her to be. she gets nervous easily when she’s doing something new. some would call this cowardice, but merica usually ends up going through with things despite her nerves.
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[♔] azure’s personality [♔] used

Postby beebun » Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:32 am

prompt i01 + i02 - 2 white feathers - 153 words
    azure - empathetic, giving, honest
    pessimistic, very trusting, offensive

    azure is a empathetic cat. she hates to see others suffer, and will do things about. she will quickly come to the defense of her friends and clan mates, or anyone she loves. she’s an honest cat, and will probably tell the truth no matter what. sadly, azure is a pessimist. she always wonders what might go wrong, worrying about her daughter, merica, and what might happened to her clan. merica is always there to cheer her up with some convincing. but all merica has to do is smile for azure to cheer up, nothing more needed. azure is very trusting, and will accep all different kinds of cats into her clan. she believes in second chances, and even if someone isn’t accepted in another place, they will be in the clan of rushing falls. overall, azure is a good leader if not for her accepting everyone, even if they are kinda shady.
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[♔] azure’s fear [♔] used

Postby beebun » Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:02 am

prompt i06 - 2 white feathers - 375 words
    azure was padding through the forest when she spotted a plump hare, enough for almost a week. thank artemis, azure thought, thanking her patron goddess. the cream she-cat dropped into a hunting crouch, praying to the goddess of the hunt that this would succeed. azure could feel eyes on her, and azure knew that it was merica, watching her hunt. her little red tiger, azure smiled and then narrowed her eyes at the hare. her tail hung low, almost touching the dirt of the clearing. for a second, azure realized that hares were from her homeland, and she hadn’t seen them inside the valley. weird, the she-cat thought, but dismissed it immediately. food was food.
    that was when she jumped. azure landed on the hare, but looked down to find that it was merica. azure’s eyes widened and she stumbled backwards.. what had she done? merica was bleeding... azure rushed forwards again, calling out “merica.. no, no! merica stay with me.. please...!” that was when azure broke into sobs. merica was dead. azure had killed her own kit.
    “mom?” a faint voice said, was it merica’s ghost? azure started to wipe her tears, and then blinked around. “mom wake up! wake up!” that was when the world started to shake, and then azure woke up to merica’s fuzzy face staring worriedly at her. merica smiled happily. “you started crying. was it a bad dream? do you want to talk about it?” merica stopped for a second, “oh, and I was wondering if you could take me to the spirit stones today? or maybe the pond? I’m five moons now!” azure just stared at her with love, and then wrapped her tail around merica. “uh.. ok.” merica mewed while leaning into her mother in a gesture of affection.
    azure then meowed, her voice strained. but merica didn’t really notice. she was too young too. “we can go to the pond today, if you want. you’re five moons old now, so you should start swimming.” azure smiled at merica, relieved that she was there in front of her. merica was alive. azure hadn’t killed her, hadn’t hunted her like a hare.
    it had all been a bad dream. a really, really bad nightmare. that azure didn’t want to have ever again.
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[♔] as a kit [♔]

Postby beebun » Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:59 am

prompt i08 - 5 white feathers - art by me
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[♔] berry queen [♔]

Postby beebun » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:32 am

prompt i08 - 5 white feathers - art by me
    fun fact: merica is the daughter of the god of medicine. (Idk why there’s a dot in the corner ignore it please lol)
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Re: [♔] and you are..? [♔]

Postby beebun » Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:30 pm

prompt r02 - 2 white feathers - 437 words
    merica + sync

    the striped she-cat padded through the lush valley, stopping every once and a while to sniff the air. there was a fox’s scent here, and she was going to drive it out. a fox was a danger to the clan, even if the clan was small. merica knew that she should take a small patrol with her, but didn’t want to. she wanted to prove that she could handle a predator, and help the clan. that she wasn’t a kit anymore, like her mother kept treating her. everyone kept babying her! as if she was kit. and merica felt that they were right.. that she would never be a full member of the clan. but the hunter trod on, following the scent of the fox.
    that was when she came across paw prints, and merica smiled. she had been hopeful that she’d be able to track the fox! and here she was, with her doubts and all. soon later, merica found bits of bright orange fur in the bushes nearby. that was when she heard paw steps. and hoping optimistically that the fox wouldn’t scent her, she jumped into the nearest berry bush. somehow the thorns didn’t poke and prod her.
    a few seconds later an orange paw stepped into view, and after that the whole fox. he was different than she expected. mostly she had thought foxes were ruthless killers, who would always attack no matter what. maybe he just didn’t see her yet. merica held her breath before the fox started to talk.
    “I can, uh, smell you, you know?” the fox turn around and blinked at her. he was sorta cute. “you’re downwind.” merica was surprised. a fox that knew cat? that was definitely weird. she frowned as she stepped out of the berry bush. that was when she noticed that the fox was holding a small mouse in his jaws before he dropped it. he was hunting on rushingclan land, then. he seemed unfazed by her mad faze and snarl, obviously thinking that he could charm his way out of it. “you’re a horrible hunter. most cats would go upwind and be silent as they can. you didn’t even disguise your scent.” merica didn’t like him, she decided then.
    “well, you’re hunting on rushingclan land.” merica retorted back, obviously mad.
    the fox laughed, “and you are horrible at come backs.” a smirk crept up onto the fox’s face. merica let out a growl. after that neither talked, and minutes later the fox said, “so.. what’s your name?”
    merica’s blue eyes blinked at him. “merica.” she paused, “..and you..?”
    “sync, pleasure to meet you.”
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[♔] meet the clan [♔]

Postby beebun » Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:23 am

basic writing - 1 white feather - 236 words
    the clan
    "you should meet the clan, sync." merica mewed after some thought.
    "they wouldn't like me." the fox replied, looking away from the she-cat.
    merica laughed. "there are only two others besides me- and besides. you speak cat."
    "c'mon. I don't like you but my mo- clan's leader would love to meet you."
    "were you about to say mother?"
    "maybe." a few second of silence passed before merica added. "ugh, just come alright?"

    a few minutes later..
    "FOX!" yelled roseau as they scrambled to move. "merica why is there a FOX IN CAMP!"
    sync gave the hunter a I told you so look.
    "it's fine guys! he speaks cat!" rose and azure looked at her, surprised. merica glanced at sync and nudged him.
    "h-hi." sync looked scared, though he could easily take the clan on. "um, I'm sync. nice to meet you?" azure blinked, and roseau just growled.
    "pleasure to meet you as well. I'm azure, leader of the clan of rushing falls." azure looked at merica with a stern gaze. how could she have brought a fox to camp. merica shrunk and backed away to roseau. the other hunter looked at her in disbelief. Apparently rose had something against foxes. oh well.
    merica watched as azure talked with sync, and for some reason hoped that he would join the clan. that was when the striped she-cat sighed and turned around to the hunter's den.
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