O N L Y |༗| T I M E

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Re: O N L Y |༗| T I M E

Postby LadyLoki752 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 2:29 pm

Alistair isnt well known, like a majority of his friends are. The group home life had made him reclusive, and he sought the company of books and drawing over the presence of people. While the introvert prefers his solitude, he can be brought out of his shell with a bit of work and patience.
Hailing from Tampa, Florida, Alistair lived a life of poverty, his father struggling to make ends meet while his mother found that she enjoyed the company of other men, and spending her husbands money as quick as he could earn it.
After years of miserable living, Alistairs father finally lost himself in the bottom of a bottle, and his mother left to pursue other suitors. Alistair and his brother were left to fend for themselves. While his older brother Aric was more of the partier, Alistair began biding his time in the local libraries, soaking up knowledge from every bound book he could lay his hands on. Eventually, the school system grew concerned over the two boys, who never seemed to have clean, even somewhat decently new clothes. Holes, stains and a few sizes too small for 9 and 15 year old boys to be wearing.
After months of complaints from the school system and neighbors noticing the lack of parental guidance, and the ever growing list of DUI arrests from their father, Alistair and Aric were taken into state custody. Foster homes never lasted long, as Aric refused to be chained down by strangers, and Alistair followed suit, loyal to his brother. Finally, after two years of failures, the boys were placed in a group home at the ages of 10 and 16, and while planning their runaway again, the pair managed to find a few others that seemed to be going through the same turmoil. A pair of sisters, and another boy. Deciding to give it a chance afterall, the group became friends. More than that, they became family.
Alistair saw himself as the outcast, and preferred observing his family as they hung out. He was the shoulder, the rock for everyone. If anyone had an issue, and needed to talk about it, in faith that it wouldn't be spread to others, Alistair was that ear. His calming aura speaks volumes, and his compassion for his family is deep.
A shared trait with the Grey men, they're tall individuals, while Alistair is shorter than his older brother, he still stands at 6'3, and due to his three days a week at the gym, which he attends late at night when it's empty, Alistair weighs in at 210, toned, smooth muscles running down his build. And while the others in the Misfits are covered in tattoos, Alistair has taken to doing his own, his talent of drawing at a young age had extended into a tattooing interest, and in turn, a career.
Alistairs eyes are often hidden as he doesn't enjoy direct eye contact, but when one can catch a glimpse of them, they can notice his grey eyes, the pupils within being rimmed with a light brown color, a condition known as Heterochromia Central, he and his brother both had adopted the gene from somewhere in the family.


Aric, the older brother to Alistair, was an interesting teenager. While their father gave into drink, and their mother into greed, Aric took on the responsibility, the guardianship role between the siblings. He cared for his brother, fed him, got him to and from school, assisted with his homework. Although he stepped up to the plate as a father figure, Aric was a partier at heart. He rebelled from authority at every chance he got. Whether it was partying until the early hours of the morning, or experimenting with various substances, the boy couldn't be tamed.
From foster home to foster home, Aric led the escapes time and time again, with his younger brother in suit. Eventually, when they were shot into a group home, Aric found friends. Friends that could finally relate to the Hell he and his brother had been through. With Alistairs approval, the two remained in the home, building their own little family with the other broken teenagers.
After becoming of age, as the eldest in the group, Aric was at a loss as to what to even do with life. Knowing he would be dropped out of the group home as soon as he turned 18, he pondered his options. He needed to support his family, in anyway possible. He had a GED and no known skills that would get him into any sort of career path. With one choice left, Aric began planning. He said nothing to the others, but began working out, training, night after night.
Finally, his 18th birthday arrived, and while his kin bustled around excitedly trying to prepare something special for him, he knew their hearts hung heavy, grey clouds followed over the lighthearted mood, making it appear forced and tense. They knew what this day meant, and Aric did his best to feign ignorance. After a dinner with the others from the group home, even with the staff and other tenants that tended to avoid the group of Misfits, Aric finally told the others his plans. He was enlisting. While the shock and hurt strained the group, Alistair was quick to defend his brother, despite his anxiety causing his composed attitude to waver.
While it was emotional, eventually the others understood, and Aric joined the Marine Corps. He hadn't meant to be gone so long. He didn't understand what he had signed up for. Infantry. Rather than settle in with a well paying career, Aric made the riskiest decision he could have.
Now that he's back, Aric is a different person. Composed, stone-faced and quiet. He watches everything a lot closer than he used to, and can't let people out of his sight, or behind him, without his eyes shifting.
Since he had returned, Aric's a different man. He began investng in tattoos, which wasn't a shock, all of the others had been too, but Aric's morbid taste in his artwork left his canvas dreary, greywash with grief woven into each piece. The man has refused to open up about what happened during his deployment, but the others hear him in the night, shifting, hyperventilating, pacing for hours.
When he was younger, Aric was slim, tall and lanky. His height was always something intimidating, being 6'5. Now, after the military had spit this husk of a man out, Aric had bulked up, and weighs around 230, muscles lining his body from years of PT and gym. Since becoming a civilian again, Aric took the gyms hard, using them as a sort of escape from his own thoughts, something to focus on, other than the heavy application of tattoos, that cover various scars along his body. Other than working out, Aric has taken to enjoying cigars and scotch, those being his primary interests. Another intriguing physical detail about this tall man, is his eyes. A hereditary trait that he and his brother both have, leaving his eyes a pale grey, with brown rimming his pupil, also known as Heterochromia Central.


The story of Valentine Rhoades isn't a lighthearted tale, it's one of grief, instability, and development.
Born in Miami on Valentines Day, his parents found it fitting to name their son after the iconic day. Little did they know how fitting it was, as their son would grow up to be one of the kindest souls to walk the Earth. With a warm smile that would invite anyone in, to an attitude that made you look like the bad guy if you didn't like him. Valentine got along with everyone when he was young, and he was adored by his family.
When Valentine was 14, his parents were traveling to Georgia with their son for his birthday, which was only days away. They planned on taking him to see extended family, whom Valentine adored.
Tragedy struck when an unexpected motor vehicle accident took place. Valentine was the only survivor, and after months of surgeries, physical therapy and emotional support, Valentine was shipped immediately to the group home nearest to his hometown. The boy never propery learned how to cope with his intense feelings, and they took him over. The once beaming child was now a shadow, a ghost of himself, and the light had died from his very existence. He refused friends, he refused further therapy, and he began refusing food.
Meeting the Misfits was the single golden thing that could've happened to Valentine, but it was a rocky start. He refused to speak to them, and they quit trying, letting him come to them on his own. Eventually this method worked, he would sit closer and closer to listen to them talk and joke amongst themselves, and they soon caught on, and would weave together funny, fake stories to get him to laugh or even crack a smile.
Evenetually he broke down, and Valentine joined them, hesitant and nervous. No amount of professional therapy and medications could have done what his new friends did. The support, how they related, and the patience and time did volumes for the boy, and he slowly began reverting to his old ways. Now, years later, Valentine has returned to his childhood personality, and has become the beacon of happiness within the group, and a caring guide for those that need one.
Valentine, much like the other men in the group, is tall, standing around 6'3 and weighing roughly 185. Due to his previous issues with food consumption, he's more on the thin side, but as he improves with his habits, he's taken to the gym more, a likely excuse for him to spend more time with Aric. As for tattoos, Valentine doesn't have nearly as many as his kin, as his pickiness and indecisive nature makes it difficult for him to focus on a single piece for too long. But his most notable one is the artwork from the Tarot Card "The Tower" which is done across his entire back, the card meaning commonly interpreted as "unforseen, sudden change, danger, crisis, tragedy", which was rather fitting for the tragedy that struck his family at a young age.


A fae of a girl, petite and quiet, Fable one of the youngest of the group, only matched in age by her twin sister Fayte. The second introvert of the group, Fable was always a shy girl, never one to reach out and strike up a conversation with anyone, and can barely order a pizza by herself without interference.
While she remains quiet a majority of the time, Fable clings to her friends, and has since she was a child. Fable and Fayte, unlike the other Misfits, never had families. They had lived a majority of their lives in Group Homes, never able to find foster parents that would be willing to take one two young girls, and often wanted to seperate them, much to their social workers annoyance.
Eventually, they were able to find a decent group home that accepted both sisters, and at age 7, the girls stayed until their 18th birthdays. Faces came, and faces gone, either sent out to new foster homes, or outlasting the age limits, Fable never made many friends, and her social skills were quite limited to her twin, and the staff that practically raised them.
Now, Fable still has very unhoned social skills, and often lets her friends speak for her. Borderline on the Spectrum for Aspergers, Fable isn't keen on change, or being pressured into speaking to anyone, or making any sort of eye contact for that matter. Fable spends most of her days stuck at her sister or Aric's side, not keen on being by herself, for fear of abandonment.
Standing at a petite 5'0, and weighing only 100 pounds soaking wet, Fable is often referred to as a fae, only enhancing the nickname by how shy and wispy she is, how graceful her strides are, and her adoration for nature and solitude, as well as her obsession with small, peculiar items, such as rocks, dead bugs and bones she's found.


Fayte, the other twin, the lightning to her sisters' storm cloud, the venomous one.
While Fable may have a soft spoken attitude, and be a kindhearted individual, Fayte is her polar opposite. Fayte resorts to her built up resentment and bottled emotions to lash out, and keep people at bay. She's become very protective over her kin, and deems most strangers as a threat, not keen to meet others, as distrustful as she is.
Pessimistic and argumentative, Fayte is difficult to get along with, and most don't try, as persistence only seems to annoy her further. Fayte's negative attitude towards people and well, life itself has left a negative impact on her twins social skills, only repelling her further from attempting to make new friends.
While she uses her venomous attitude to deflect newcomers, her soft side surfaces when around her kin. She's soft spoken and kind to Alistair, to not upset his introverted personality. Mature and slow moving around Aric, as to not trigger an episode. Around Valentine, her more bubbly, humorous side surfaces, and with her sister, she becomes her shoulder parrot, speaking on her behalf, and keeping her anxiety levels down, by making her as comfortable as possible.
Standing only a bit taller than her twin, at 5'2, Fayte's slender frame is adorned with toned, smooth muscle mass, giving her a slim, athletic build, that she has covered in her art. A mix between grey-wash and colorful tattoos slither around both legs, covering her back and her neck as well.
Last edited by LadyLoki752 on Wed Dec 30, 2020 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: O N L Y |༗| T I M E

Postby jj735 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:26 pm

accepted :)
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Re: O N L Y |༗| T I M E

Postby poppyxoxo » Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:13 pm

Hi! Is this still accepting?
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Re: O N L Y |༗| T I M E

Postby rheia » Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:08 am

    Please do not gravedig old threads as this is considered spam.
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