Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:12 am

Hello, this is one my my RP’s Packs of the beyond and I’m remaking it. My first one sort of died off and now I’m here to remake it. If you would like to join, please do so, but if not, tell your friends. I think so far the plot line of this will be the best I’ve come up with.

Quilltooth: Huh young ones, let me tell you the story.

River: Yes Mommy tell us!

Sapling: It’s so cool!!

Avery: We’ve already heard this mum.

Quilltooth: Huh my Loves.

River, Sapling, Avery: Yes mommy...mum

Quilltooth: A long time ago, there was the two packs, Bluestone and Blackstone. They lived together in harmony, but Bluestone’s Alpha, Striker, wanted more. He wanted the Blackstone Beta, Timber. Beta Timber was a strong wolf who had the mind of an Alpha, but the nimbleness of a pup. Alpha Striker decided to bring his pack together and fight Blackstone’s Alpha, Corridor, for the right to Beta Timber. Unfortunately, his fellow pack mate and most trusted Warrior, Bone, decided to warn Blackstone Pack. By the time Bluestone Pack reached the border, Blackstone Pack was ready. Alpha Corridor and Alpha Striker led there pack into the land neither Pack claimed, the Meet area. I was there along side your father, Minnow, serving next to Alpha Corridor. Though, I do regret leaving, it was the right decision after what they did to my father. Anyway, the Meet place was sacred and was not meant to be used for such purposes. Alpha Corridor and Alpha Striker filed there packs behind them. The Elders, Pups, Den-Mothers, and anyone who couldn’t fight, was to young, or was to weak with injuries to fight were told to go in the bushes outlining the Meet area. The Warrior’s and Hunters lined up in rows behind there Alpha and both Alphas walked until they were nose to nose with each other. Both male Alphas beckoned for there Betas to come forward. Of course being this, Beta Timber stepped forward and Bluestone’s Beta, Poppy, stepped forward.

Sapling: Mommy get to the good part where the Alpha’s fight and the whole battle and everything. (Pretends to be Beta Timber and tackles a fake wolf)

Quilltooth: Hush my son, I’m getting there. Now where was I.... ah... ok there we go. Alpha Corridor made the first move and both the Alpha’s began to fight and both Beta’s began to fight. All us warrior’s and hunter’s were watching and silently rooting out
Alpha and Beta on and I’m sure the other Pack was doing the same. The Alpha fight went on for quite some time, but when it was finally finished, our Alpha was the victorious one. Frustrated and angry, Alpha Striker reared up and....

River: Mommy can we skip this part. It’s too scary

Quilltooth: Alright dear. (Licks her daughter on her head). Alpha Striker had killed our leader and our Pack wanted to get revenge. Timber took aim at the other Alpha, leaving the other Pack’s Beta on the ground. The Pack’s fought and I was found facing the Alpha of the opposite pack. I felt anger since he killed my father and your grandfather. I was frozen in fear and the Alpha lunged at me. Your father, Minnow, leapt into the leaping Alpha and told me to run. I couldn’t leave him there. I helped him chase the Alpha off, but Alpha Striker was stopped by Timber. (Grapple yawns in boredom) Beta Timber said....

Sapling: OO!! (Says in a very crackly and low voice) He said, ‘You killed my Alpha and now you will pay.’

Quilltooth: Excellent my son. (Licks her son of the head). Anyway, Beta Timber said this and then I turned away since I was a bit of a softie when someone dies. Luckily your father saw this action and at the time, we weren’t mates, but we certainly were good friends and he let me lean into him. Anyway, not the point of this story. Beta Timber had killed the Alpha of Bluestone. Both Alpha’s were dead and the Beta’s were weak. Beta Poppy staggered over to Beta Timber and she spat in his face. She took Blackstone Pack away from the Meet area and there was no truce. Beta Timber turned to us and exiled Bone for being disloyal to the pack. Blackstone was in shambles and my mother, Alpha Sharptongue, was crying since her mate was gone, but most importantly my father and my 4 month old siblings father. Both of my sisters, Fawn and Fern were crying, while my two brothers, Kai and Abel, were standing in shock. Both had looked up to father very much and now he was gone. Of course, Alpha Striker’s Mate, Alpha Gorse, was left to care for her two sons with Alpha Striker, Blackheart and Kain. Beta Timber called the pack together and everything was fine until your father and I left since we didn’t feel safe raising young in a pack when I was expecting you three. Anyway, I remember that I did go.... (Minnow comes back dragging a deer behind him)

River, Sapling: DADDY!!!

Avery: Thank god dad got home

Minnow: Hey guys. Come eat. I heard your mother telling you about the two Packs story again.

River: YA!! I love Poppy!!

Sapling: I liked Timber!! I liked when the Alpha’s were bringing the suspense into the story!!

Avery: It was boring for me!!

Minnow: Well, I’m glad to hear most of you had fun listening to it. (Gives a playful glare to Avery, Avery smirks at there father) Anyway, your mother is done telling it.

River: But she said she went and that’s when you came daddy.

Minnow: That part of the story is not important. Go eat, your mother and I have to talk alone for a sec.

River, Sapling: OK!! (Avery shrugs and follows after there siblings)

Minnow: Well, I wonder...

Quilltooth: About what?

Minnow: What the packs are like now with Alpha Timber and Alpha Poppy in control.

Quilltooth: Ya, I wonder how my brother, my only surviving family is doing. (Brother- Kai)

Minnow: Ya me to

Quilltooth: Ya, I wonder....

End of History!!

You are the Packs of the Beyond. Some of you have been through a lot. Others have been through none of it. You are the wolves to a Pack, Blackstone or Bluestone. Everyone in the pack knows the history of what is called the Stone Battle. The reign of Alpha Striker from Bluestone and Alpha Corridor of Blackstone is over and in there places, Alpha Poppy stands with Bluestone and Alpha Timber stands with Blackstone. A prophecy has sparked and only one wolf from each pack is in it. A lone wolf will be part of it as well.

The Prophecy:
*On the darkest night, the wolves of the Beyond will howl there call. Three wolves to come together. One from Bluestone, one from Blackstone, and a loner will come together to fight the night.*

If interested in having your wolf from Bluestone or Blackstone be in the prophecy, you may say it on the sign-up form or PM me.

Prophecy Wolves:
Kai- Galaxy
Jupiter- Galaxy

The Packs:
Bluestone Pack: Led by Alpha Poppy, the successor of Alpha Striker, Bluestone Pack is generally family based and are taught to respect everyone, except for the Omegas. They are taught to fight and they are generally cruel. They believe that fighting is the only way to win and they think that they can win with brute force and power. Of course, they don’t think they can take over Blackstone Pack yet, but there hope is to take what is rightfully there’s. They believe that the prophecy is a fake and they want to destroy it and find those wolves involved in it and take them down, leaving the prophecy to die. They can be a bit heartless and they are far from selfless, but they can be generous at times and quite kind. Of course, they think there is no weakness in there pack and they think they are unstoppable. They are undeniably loyal to there pack and would lay down there life to do anything it takes for there pack. The rank that Blackstone doesn’t have is the Guards. They are wolves who work tirelessly as the Guards of the Pack. Day and night they watch. They think a truce will make them weaker and then it will leave the other Pack to figure out a weakness they have, even though they think they don't have any. They think after the truce is broken, they will be left vulnerable. There are next to none tree climbing wolves in this Pack.

Blackstone Pack: Lead By Alpha Timber, the successor of Alpha Corridor, Blackstone Pack is somewhat family based, but they are more of the in between wolves of selfish and selfless. They think that fighting isn’t the solution to everything, but they will certainly fight to the death. They are extremely loyal to there pack, but try to make compromises instead of one way getting what they want and the other not getting what they want to make it fair for everyone. That being said, they focus so much on training The young ones, that the family base thing kinda matters to them, but it’s not as important as it is to Bluestone Pack. There is a rank that Bluestone doesn’t have and it’s the Sky Warrior’s. They are the wolves that can climb trees and wish to fight. Tree Climbing wolves are more common in Blackstone Pack than in Bluestone Pack. They are somewhat optimistic about the prophecy and they believe that in a way the prophecy is there to hurt them and In a way the prophecy is there to help them. They are also extremely optimistic about a truce. Blackstone Pack knows they have weaknesses and if a truce gets put up, that it will expose those weaknesses and make them very vulnerable to another attack after the truce ends. They also think the truce would be beneficial because it will end the feud between the two packs that has been going on for decades.

The last five Alpha’s of each Pack (OG Alpha as well):
Bluestone Pack:
Alpha Blue (First ever Alpha of Bluestone Pack, Reign: 10 years, Age of Death: 12 years and 6 months, female)
Alpha Spitz (Reign: 5 years, Age of death: 10 years and 4 months, male)
Alpha Eeyore (Reign: 4 years and 8 months, age of death: 8 years and 4 months, male)
Alpha Nile (Reign: 9 years and 2 months, age of death: 11 years and 6 months old, male)
Alpha Striker (Reign: 6 years and 6 months, age of death: 9 years and 5 months, male)
Alpha Poppy (Current Alpha, Reign so far: 5 months, Currently still alive, female)

Blackstone Pack:
Alpha Virgo (First Alpha of Blackstone Pack, Reign: 10 years, Age of Death: 12 years and 3 months, male)
Alpha Graze (Reign: 2 years and 6 months: Age of Death: 6 years and 1 month, male)
Alpha Dexter (Reign: 4 years, Age of Death: 8 years old, male)
Alpha Squirrel (Reign, 7 years old, Age of Death: 10 years old, female)
Alpha Corridor (Reign, 8 years, Age of Death: 11 years old, male)
Alpha Timber (Current Alpha, Reign so far: 5 months, CurrentLy still alive, male)

1. All of CS Rules apply
2. All of Tess’s Rules apply
4. Be respectful to everyone around you
5. Respect the mods
6. We are staying clear of topics like force mating, breaking limbs and tearing limbs off completely, etc. [removed]
7. No playing your own mate/crush
8. No more than four pups to a litter
9. No begging for a high rank wolf in the pack
10. Please don’t sign-up as a high ranked wolf and Alpha’s Mate. Those will all be decided in the RP, not in sign-ups.
11. Only make characters that you can play actively. You may have as many as you want.
12. I do reservations only at the beginning of this restart. After that and after I say no more reservations, I don’t take reservations.
13. I have to accept your wolf before you start to RP
14. Please don’t make any sadistic wolves. If sadistic wolves are developed or signed up, 1. You will receive a PM about it, 2. Your character will get killed off, 3. You will receive a punishment
15. Please ask before hurting someone else’s character if you can
16. There is an offense policy that will be used if needed to
17. Please follow the rules
18. No bullying
19. Have fun
20. Drama is encouraged, but big plot ideas must be PMed to me about for approval
21. Please no loners. I will be the only one with a loner because of the prophecy.

(1 per pack) Alpha: They are the leader of a Pack and first in command. They are the highest rank and should be treated with high respect. They make the executive decisions for there Pack and are the only ones that can preform the ceremonies of graduation into adulthood and graduation into a trainee. They normally also get advice from there Beta. They are the ones that appoint the high ranks such as Beta, Lead Warrior and Lead Hunter.

(However many the Alpha wants I guess) Alpha’s Mate: Pretty self explanatory, but they are the Mate of the Alpha. They are like an “Alpha” but they aren’t as substantial as the actual Alpha. Wolves still call them Alpha and there name as a sign of respect. They are a high ranked out of there Pack. If for some reason that the relationship between Alpha and Alpha’s Mate doesn’t work out, they will go back to being whatever rank they were previously.

(1 per pack) Beta: They are second in command and are appointed by the Alpha. They help advise the Alpha and they are a high ranking dog. If the Alpha dies or steps down from duties, they are the next in line to be Alpha. They should be treated with respect. If for whatever reason the Alpha needs to step down for a bit from there duties due to pups, sickness, stress, etc. the beta will take over and be able to perform those ceremonies.

(4 maximum, includes the two healers and the two healer trainees) Healer: Self explanatory. They talk to the Star Wolves and they help heal the pack.

(2 maximum) Healer Trainee: Self Explanatory. They are just young wolves training to be a full Healer for there Pack.

(2 per pack, includes the two Mediators and the two trainees) Mediators: They are the wolves that are basically therapists. That’s basically it for that. They can hunt if they want, but normally help out at camp than go hunting with the hunters. They are in close association with the Healers.

(2 maximum) Mediator Trainees: Mediator Trainees are the wolves between the ages of 8 months to 2 years old that are training to be a Mediator.

(1 per pack) Lead Warrior: When it comes to the Warriors, they are third in command. They should be treated with respect. They lead the Warriors into battle and assign patrols for the Warriors. Unless Beta has something for them to do or Alpha, they will assign the patrols for the Warriors.

(1 per pack) Lead Hunter: When it comes to the Hunters, they are third in command. They should be treated with respect. They assign the hunting parties for Beta and Alpha, unless Beta and Alpha want the hunters/ huntress to do something else. They lead the Hunters and they are one fo the best hunters in the pack.

(Unlimited) Warriors: Very self explanatory, but they are the protectors of the pack and are the fighters. They really don’t do much else.

(Unlimited) Hunters/ Huntress: They are the wolves that Hunt for the pack. Basically that was self explanatory.

(Unlimited) Every-paw: They are wolves who can do pretty much everything. Need an extra paw, Every-paw is there, or need another wolf to help with the pups, Every-paw can help.

(Unlimited) Trainees: They are younger wolves between the age of 8 months and 2 years that train to either be a Warrior, Huntress/Hunter, Guard, Sky Warriors, or Every-paw.

(I would say 3 to a pack) Den-Tenders: They are wolves that help out in the nursery. They don’t do much else. They are wolves that help the expecting or nursing Den-mothers.

(Only she-wolves who have pups, nursing, or expecting) Den-mothers: They are expecting she wolves or nursing she wolves.

(Unlimited, but for to a litter) Pups: They are young wolves that are under the age or 8 months.

(However many are in the pack) Elders: They are wolves who have served there pack for a while and have now retired. They are usually over the age of 10 years old after they retire.

(4 at the max, two actual Scouts and two Scout trainees) Scout: They scout the territory and report anything to Alpha. They can be good at any skill really.

(2 max) Scout Trainee: They are basically training to be a scout.

(However many get demoted to that rank) Omegas: They are wolves that have done a terrible act on there pack or have challenged the Alpha of there pack and lost. They are forbidden to have a mate and pups at that rank.

Specific for Bluestone Pack:
(1 per pack) Lead Guard: They are third in command to the Guards and they Lead the Guards an are supposed to be treated with respect.

(10 at the maximum) Guard: Guards are the wholes that work tirelessly day and night to Guard the pack. They normally take shifts, but can go out to hunt and fight. They are called to fight if they need more Warriors.

( 2 Is the maximum) Guard Trainees: These are the young ums between the ages of 1 year and 2 years and 4 months that want to train. They first train with an Every-paw to learn the ways of a Hunter and Warrior and then they train with the Guards once they are stronger and faster and have a background of the basics and the medium ways to do things as a Hunter and Warrior.

Specific for Blackstone Pack:
(1 per pack) Lead Sky Warrior: They are third in command to the Sky Warriors and they, unless spoken to by the Alpha or Beta, assign who goes out daily for the certain tasks.

(5 at a time, not including the flow of new Sky Warrior’s after trainee Stage) Sky Warriors: They are the wolves that can climb trees and help them with the fighting in the trees. They can be used as lookouts, to drop on enemies, and even hunt for things in the trees. They are kinda like the Every-days, but they normally get called to battle to cause a surprise attack from the trees.

(There can only be around 2 at a time) Sky Warrior Trainees: They are the wolves between the age of 10 months and 2 years that train to be a full Sky Warrior. Sky Warriors think that when the average pup becomes a trainee at the age of 8 months that is to young for the amount of danger and risk that there job takes and that a young trainee that is eight months could get seriously hurt so they think it would be best for Pups to hang on for two months until they are 10 months where they are a stronger and bigger and have more balance and are a bit more maturer. Sky Warrior Trainees don’t get to do the really dangerous things until they have learned everything that it is to know on how to climb and do all the things the Sky Warrior’s do successfully.

Bluestone Pack:
Alpha: Poppy- Galaxy
Alpha’s Mate: TBD (determined in RP)
Beta: TBD (Determined in RP)
Healer Trainees:
Luke- Galaxy
Mediator Trainees:
Lead Warrior: TBD (Determined in RP)
Lead Hunter: TBD (Determined in RP)
Lead Guard: TBD (Determined in RP)
Velvet- Galaxy
Cloud- Lunaclaw
Echo- Lunaclaw
Ash- Galaxy
Caliban- Dani
Blackheart- Galaxy (Warrior Trainee)
Bluesky- Spirit (Den-Tender Trainee)
Selis- Spirit (Den-Tender Trainee)
Sailor- Galaxy (Hunter Trainee)
Sara- Spirit
Scout Trainee:

Blackstone Wolves:
Alpha: Timber- Galaxy
Alpha’s Mate: Haley- Kestrel
Beta: TBD (Determined in RP)
Healer Trainees:
Juno- Dani
Mediator Trainees:
Lead Warrior: TBD (Determined in RP)
Lead Hunter: TBD (Determined in RP)
Lead Sky Warriors: TBD (Determined in RP)
Midnight- Galaxy
Faolan- LunaClaw
Sky Warriors:
Astrid- Galaxy
Payton- Kestrel
Kai- Galaxystar01 (Sky-Warrior Trainee)
Griffin- Spirit
Birch- LunaClaw
Maximus- Galaxy
Kelp- Kestrel
Scout Trainee:

Loners (Nobody can make one. I only have one for the prophecy):
Jupiter- Galaxy

Timber X Haley— Kelp, Maximus

Payton—Kai (Sky-Warriors)
Wolf (Determined soon)—Blackheart (Warriors)

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Last edited by No one on Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:06 am

Timber/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Blackstone Alpha/Heterosexual/Mate is Haley/Pups are Kelp and Maximum “Max or Maxi”/Trainee: Open
Timber awoke from his slumber with a warm body next to him. He looked over to his mate, Haley, and the pups, Kelp and Maximum. He silently got up and stretched and he winced as the bones and muscles in his body ached. He walked out of the Alpha’s den and into the camp as the sun was rising. He shook his pelt out of any of the moss stuck in his black fur. He licked his chest fur and back fur a few times to make himself presentable. Even though the Stone War had been seven months ago and Sharptounge had left him with the pack after her death, Timber couldn’t forget the War. His scars were a reminder and the scarce prey to come after the battle was still very prominent in the camp. He wished that everything was back to normal, but such was life. He had a pack to look over and protect and a family to protect.

Midnight/female/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Blackstone Warrior/Bisexual/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: Open
Midnight woke up and shook her head and ran out of the warrior’s den with a determined gaze on her face. She barked in joy and saw the Alpha. She didn’t want to walk over and disturb him and so she decided to find anyone who was up to go on a patrol with him. With both packs on edge about each other, Midnight had to make sure Bluestone wasn’t up to any good. She huffed and sat down with her ears perked up and her eyes attentive.

Astrid/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior/Bisexual/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: Open
Astrid shifted in his nest and awoke. He groggily shifted in his nest and he looked over to his fellow pack mate, Payton. He gave his chest fur a few licks and then stretched. He might as well get ready for the day and get the daily chores done. With winter coming, prey is scarce and both the Sky-Warriors and Hunters have had trouble in finding prey. Hopefully today would be a better day for prey.

Kai/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior Trainee/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainer: Payton
Kai raced out of the Trainees den and chirped, “Good morning everyone.” He saw the Alpha standing in his regal form over by the Alpha’s den and a huffy Midnight. He twitched his muzzle in amusement as Midnight was huffy. He looked around for Payton, but he couldn’t find him. No matter, Kai could talk to someone else or just wait for his trainer. He sat down and his fluffy tail was wagging on the ground.

Maximum “Max or Maxi”/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Blackstone Pup/Bisexual/No mate or crush and is to young/To young for pups currently/Parents: Haley and Timber/Sibling: Kelp
Maximum yawned as he moved his small little paws. He blinked his eyes a few times and groggily stood up. He wobbled As he stood up and he walked out to his father. The young pup was similar to his father. The same fur and eye color and the same strength and nimbleness his father had. The young pup was different than his sister, Kelp. While Kelp could speak, he had trouble with his words. IT seemed to him the words never formed, but no matter. It didn’t stop the young pup. He sat beside his father and wagged his floofy tail on the ground.

Poppy/female/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Bluestone Alpha/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: ????
Poppy hummed to herself as she walked out of the Alpha’s den. She growled slightly at the cold temperature. She was in quite a bad mood today and Poppy fluffed her up as a blast of cold air hit her. The strong and intelligent Alpha walked around camp with her cold eyes focused for her pack. Ever since the Stone War, Poppy was quite a strict Alpha. After all, her own friend, Minnow, left this pack because of it’s cruelty. He was the only wolf Poppy trusted. The Alpha shook her head and muttered, “Stop thinking about the past.” She held herself with authority as she stood in the middle of the camp.

Luke/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Bluestone Mediator/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: ???
Luke shivered as he was blasted with the harsh reality in his dream. He whined as his brother, Ash, was hurt and he Twisted in his bedding.

Ash/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Bluestone Guard/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: ???
Ash walked past the Alpha and dipped his head as he passed. He heard a whine and rolled his eyes. He muttered in a growly voice, “Luke again.” His injury had been a few years ago and his pipsqueak of a brother was still being a baby over it. He wasn’t fond of his brother to say the least and he certainly didn’t tolerate the lazy. He seemed to be the perfect Bluestone wolf. He growled again as he heard his brother whine. He sat down and waited for the Alpha’s command.

Blackheart/male/Tags: Open/Location: Camp/Bluestone Warrior Trainee/No mate or crush/No pups currently/Trainer: TBD
Blackheart awoke with a bored yawn and walked out of the Trainees den. Life was awful after his father, Striker, was killed and both his mother and brother were killed as well. He would avenge them all, that was a promise. He put his cunning smile on as he walked out of the trainees den and looked for his trainer.

I’m not doing Jupiter yet for multiple reasons
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby KestrelTheFirecat » Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:29 am

Haley|| female|| mate: timber||pups: kelp and maxi|| tags: max
Haley gets up and pads to her mate and says “morning timber” she licks his fur to flatten it

Kelp|| female|| brother: maxi, parents: timber and Haley|| tags: maxi
Kelp smiles and gets up a no paws at her brother, “max, max, max, get up it’s the morning”

Payton|| male|| open|| open|| Location: | tags: Kai
Payton pads to the traine den and says “Kai, come let’s go train”
i have left
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:40 am

Timber/male/Tags: Haley, pups/Location: Camp/Blackstone Alpha/Heterosexual/Mate is Haley/Pups are Kelp and Maximum “Max or Maxi”/Trainee: Open
Timber heard the soothing voice of his mate and said giving off a warm smile, “Good morning Haley. The pups seem to be very active and full of energy.” As she licked his fur flat, he gave a smile a licked her cheek.

Kai/male/Tags: Payton/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior Trainee/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainer: Payton
Kai chirped, “Good Morning Payton. What is on the agenda today?”

Maximum “Max or Maxi”/male/Tags: Timber, Haley, Kelp/Location: Camp/Blackstone Pup/Bisexual/No mate or crush and is to young/To young for pups currently/Parents: Haley and Timber/Sibling: Kelp
Maximum heard his sister telling him to wake. The bats on the nose helped the fall-asleep pup awake and he crouched low to the ground and wiggled his tail high in the air. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and he heard his mother and father talking.
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 am

Kai/male/Tags: Payton, Juno/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior Trainee/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainer: Payton
Kai chirped, “Good Morning Payton. What is on the agenda today?” He heard a soft voice and said wagging his tail, “Good Morning to you to Juno. How are you on this fine start to the day?”
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:51 am

Poppy/female/Tags: Caliban/Location: Camp/Bluestone Alpha/No mate or crush yet/No pups currently/Trainee: ????
Poppy gave a dip of her head to Caliban as he walked by and she again grumbled at the cold. She walked over to Caliban and said, “Some weather were having huh?”
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby Spiritstar3 » Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:02 pm

Griffin- Blackstone- 3- m- homo; maybe Astrid- mate open- has to adopt- den tender- parents: Cori and Gaia- older siblings: Phoenix (mate Niles) and Leila (mate April)- litter mates: Calla, Cali, Golem- camp- Tags: Astrid

The white marked tan male yawned and got up for the day. He has white dots above his eyes, and other white markings. His dark eyes looked about as he left the den. He saw Astrid and headed over, greeting him with "Hello, Astrid."
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:04 pm

Astrid/male/Tags: Griffin/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior/Bisexual (slight lean to males)/No mate or crush yet, future might be Griffin/No pups currently/Trainee: Open
Astrid jumped as he heard a voice and said with relief written on his face and in his voice, “Hi there Griffin. How are you?”
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:02 am

Griffin- Blackstone- 3- m- homo; maybe Astrid- mate open- has to adopt- den tender- parents: Cori and Gaia- older siblings: Phoenix (mate Niles) and Leila (mate April)- litter mates: Calla, Cali, Golem- camp- Tags: Astrid

The white marked tan male smiled and dipped his head. He flicked his tail back and forth a couple times then. He hummed a canine sound, and blinked dark eyes. He then focused on the other male, and said "I'm good, and how are you?"
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Re: Packs of the Beyond (WOLF RP) Accepting No Loners

Postby No one » Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:03 am

Astrid/male/Tags: Griffin/Location: Camp/Blackstone Sky-Warrior/Bisexual (slight lean to males)/No mate or crush yet, future might be Griffin/No pups currently/Trainee: Open
Astrid said, “I’m great. It’s a brand new day full of infinite possibilities.”
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